Understanding : Acts 2:38

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Was he the greatest Christian who ever lived? What did he write about making such comparisons?

There are many great Christians.
Some of them are referred to as "Catholic Saints".
Some of my favorites are those...

St. Francis
Hildegard of Bingen
Joan of Arc
Angela Of Foligno
Margeurite Porette

However, no person's walk of faith or ministry, can compare to Paul's.
No one else has written most of the Epistles in the NT, and all the Church Doctrine....
No one else (Apostle) said..."Be a follower of me".

Paul was even Martyr'd For Christ.

So regarding "Christians", Paul's Christianity is our model.

and a person says.>"but im taught that its all about Peter".

And so, in that case, you need to read where Paul corrected Peter, because "Peter didnt walk uprightly according to the TRUTH", in at least one case.

So, Paul is our example, and Paul's Epistles are our Doctrine.

Paul is our NT teacher.

2co 10:12For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Paul said.."be a follower of Me, as i follow Christ".

You dont have to do that.
Do what YOU want, instead.,as God gave you free will.

Heb 13:9Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.


That means stay away from the man-made stuff, like L.Ron Hubbard, and Mormonism, and JW, and Calvinism, and the "cult of the Virgin"""" and Mary Baker Eddy
Is this not why the Holy Ghost has been sent as a Helper?

Well, God gave "teachers" for the "Perfecting of the Saints".

The Teacher, (like me) i teach, and teach, and teach, but it the HOLY SPIRIT who reveals the revelation, regarding what I teach.

And i only teach "Pauline Theology".


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
Why would it not say they were water baptized.... when you read that Peter is telling all the Jews to get water baptized?

Did God forget to put that in?

They weren't water baptized.

Also, when Jesus Gave Peter the Holy Spirit, in John 20:22, ......again He was not water baptized.

Did God forget again to put that in the NT?

Paul's list of "spiritual gifts"... #9 "Tongues"..

= Acts 2...." 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different = TONGUES ,<<<<<<<<

Why did this happen in front of all the JEWS????

"tongues are for a sign", and "signs are for the JEWS".

1 Corinthians 1:22 and 14:22

Sin is in the heart.
Water only gets your body wet.

its the blood of Jesus that cleanses your sin ... forgives it.....and Redeems you.

"without the shedding of BLOOD, there is no forgiveness"

= That is not related to water.
The issue here is not what cleanses your sin, but rather when does God cleanse your sin and whose sin God cleanses. Baptism is the time in the life of the repentant believer when God forgives sin and gives the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

The blood of Jesus Christ, that is, the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ is the means whereby God is true to His own true character of both holiness and graciousness. But that graciousness is not offered universally. It is offered to the repentant believer who is baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The issue here is not what cleanses your sin, but rather when does God cleanse your sin and whose sin God cleanses.

The reason that you can be water baptized 3 or 4 times, and die and go to hell..

The reason that thousands of Water Baptized people, died and went to hell , today..

Is because of this..

Jesus said. "you must be born again", and they were not...they were only water baptized and RELIGIOUS.

Now the WATER CULTS, they teach a "doctrine of Devils" (Hebrews 13:9) that teaches that WATER is required or God does not save.

Never belong to one of the Water Cults that teach that CATHOLIC "baptismal regeneration" lie, as that Lie insults the Cross of Christ and The Blood of Jesus.


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Mar 9, 2023
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The reason that you can be water baptized 3 or 4 times, and die and go to hell..

The reason that thousands of Water Baptized people, died and went to hell , today..

Is because of this..

Jesus said. "you must be born again", and they were not...they were only water baptized and RELIGIOUS.

Now the WATER CULTS, they teach a "doctrine of Devils" (Hebrews 13:9) that teaches that WATER is required or God does not save.

Never belong to one of the Water Cults that teach that CATHOLIC "baptismal regeneration" lie, as that Lie insults the Cross of Christ and The Blood of Jesus.
I agree 100% on this.

To think that water can save anyone is beyond my comprehension.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
There are many great Christians.
Some of them are referred to as "Catholic Saints".
Some of my favorites are those...

St. Francis
Hildegard of Bingen
Joan of Arc
Angela Of Foligno
Margeurite Porette

However, no person's walk of faith or ministry, can compare to Paul's.
No one else has written most of the Epistles in the NT, and all the Church Doctrine....
No one else (Apostle) said..."Be a follower of me".

Paul was even Martyr'd For Christ.

So regarding "Christians", Paul's Christianity is our model.

and a person says.>"but im taught that its all about Peter".

And so, in that case, you need to read where Paul corrected Peter, because "Peter didnt walk uprightly according to the TRUTH", in at least one case.

So, Paul is our example, and Paul's Epistles are our Doctrine.

Paul is our NT teacher.

Paul said.."be a follower of Me, as i follow Christ".

You dont have to do that.
Do what YOU want, instead.,as God gave you free will.
Indeed, ultimately only two choices: God's Way or our own!

That means stay away from the man-made stuff, like L.Ron Hubbard, and Mormonism, and JW, and Calvinism, and the "cult of the Virgin"""" and Mary Baker Eddy
Well, God gave "teachers" for the "Perfecting of the Saints".

The Teacher, (like me) i teach, and teach, and teach, but it the HOLY SPIRIT who reveals the revelation, regarding what I teach.

And i only teach "Pauline Theology".
One of the best examples I see in Scripture of a fallible man who served God in spite of his stumbles and fumbles was David... but Jesus provides for us the perfect example. How much like Him are we able to be? What do we have that David did not have?

"much is given... much is required"
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I agree 100% on this.

To think that water can save anyone is beyond my comprehension.

Where on earth were they taught that?


"water Cult"

That's "baptismal regeneration"... is a Catholic doctrine.. that is based on THEIR Bible, the "Douay Rheims'.

In THEIR bible, if you read John 3.

It says..

"Born again....... BY...= water".

Not "by the Holy Spirit"""...but...>"born again....>BY.. Water".

That is "baptismal regeneration" and all who are a part of this false teaching, will say... "no water, no salvation", or something about the water as being = required.

Many of this "cult teaching".... will say.>"water washes away your sin".
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Mar 9, 2023
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Indeed, ultimately only two choices: God's Way or our own!
I choose Gods way, boy have I struggled with that one....it used to be my,way, my way...what good is there in my way...took me a long to understand that....he got that message through to my heart in the end.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Who here, including you, does not think their way is God's way?
When I am following the lead of the Holy Spirit, I am on God's Way; when I am not following His lead, I am on my own way.

Who among us having received the Holy Spirit never quenches the Holy Spirit? Is this not why Paul was inspired to write this?

1th 5:19Quench not the Spirit.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Acts 2: 38 is sadly a poor English translation of what Peter actually said.

Peter told everyone to repent (2nd person plural)
He told them if they did, they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Again send person)

He them told individuals to be baptized (3rd person singular) on account of the fact they received remission of sin (3rd person)


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
10 Yrs after Jesus is back in Heaven..... A Decade later..

You have Acts 10... and in Acts 10, Peter is shown by GOD a vision, so that Peter can finally understand that GENTILES can be saved and not just JEWS.

So, Peter had no understanding of GOD's GRACE, in Acts 2, when He had no understanding that Gentiles could be saved.

Do you understand @1stCenturyLady ??????????

In Acts 15, Peter met Paul, and Paul taught Him "the Gospel of the Grace of GOD".

In 2nd Peter, when Peter was OLD...>He said that Paul's Letters are equal to the TORAH.. Paul's letters are "SCRIPTURE".

And Peter was correct, as Paul wrote most of the NT Epistles, and the Doctrine for the Church".

(see any NT for the update on that reality).
You and I may have a different definition of GRACE. I see Peter receiving the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. One of the gifts of the Spirit that he received was prophecy which on that day was forthtelling that the prophecy of Joel was being fulfilled.

Now tell me why you think he was missing an understanding of grace for a decade. And how do you know it was 10 years? What is your definition of grace? The gospel was suppose to go to the chosen nation first, so what does the Gentiles have to do with the fulfillment of grace. What was fulfilled was the "mystery" that the prophets sought an understanding of.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2022
Michigan/Sterling Heights
United States

There are some who teach that the "Gospel" is : Acts 2:38.

Now, if you are familiar with Christianity, then you know that everyone is invited to become a Christian......Jews, Gentiles,.........
>"The World"... = John 3:16.

So, one of the things we find out about the NT, is... = if an Apostle does not know something then they can't teach it until they know it.

And Peter, who was the Act 2:38 preacher, did not understand the Gospel of the Grace of God, until Acts 15. = Not until He was taught it by Paul.

Now, How is all that relevant to Paul? and Acts 2:38

Its like this reader, ... Many people and denominations consider Acts 2:38 as the Gospel... and these people are very strong proponents for "Water baptism"..
In Fact they are so into the water aspect that they read that "Noah was saved by water" and can't understand that Had NOAH and Family gotten out of that ARK, then Noah and Family, would have DIED in that FLOOD WATER JUDGEMENT.

See, it was the ARK that kept them OUT of the WATER, is why they LIVED.., as that wooden ARK is not just their Salvation from that water, but its symbolic of the Cross of Christ that was WOOD, (A TREE) , and Christ on it, is our ARK .
Christ on that WOOD, takes the Judgement for our sin, just as Noah's Ark saved Noah and Family from the WATER that was God's Judgment.

Now let me show you a few things..

First, Peter was not water baptized in Acts 2:38. and you can read it for yourself.
So, we could stop right there, as that proves that WATER is not going to save anything, when the very person who is telling those JEWS to get in the water, was not himself water baptized that day.
But lets continue, as some of you, are waking up, and some of you are learning something you need to know.

= NONE in the "upper room" were water baptized in Acts 2:38, and you can read it for yourself.
And Peter and those same were speaking with tongues, yet none were water baptized., in Acts 2:38

Water Baptism, began before Jesus showed up, Reader.
Its a big part of the Jewish OT Situation, and you've read that John The Baptist.. (John the Water Baptizer) was baptizing Jews long before Jesus showed up, and this saved NONE of them.. It washed NONE of their sin away.
So, when The JEW = PETER........ was preaching in Acts 2:38, He preached all he knew, and that was for that day, but it is not for now, regarding water being necessary as a part of the process of God's Redemption.
it wasn't a part of it on that day... or Peter would have gotten water baptized and those in the upper room also..

See that?

So why did Peter Preach it? = Its because its ALL HE KNEW at that time., as at that time if you were a Jew, you repented and John the water Baptizer dunked you... it was a part of the law, and Jesus did it because as He said.>>"Let us fulfill all things".. all things related to the law, as Jesus was born under the Law.

ENTER... Paul the Apostle, who was sent to preach .. ""The preaching of the Cross is the power of God unto salvation, for everyone who Believes"".

And notice this verse.. ."Its pleased GOD by the foolishness of PREACHING.. to SAVE THOSE... who BELIEVE"... (not get in the water).

And "Save those who believe what"?

A.) Paul's gospel...>"The Gospel of the GRACE OF GOD" that is the "preaching of the Cross of Christ".

Now how do you know that Peter didnt know anything about the "Gospel of the Grace of God in Acts 2"?

Its because Peter didnt know that Gentiles could be saved, until 10 yrs after Jesus is back in Heaven.
So, if you dont KNOW that Jews and Gentiles can both be saved, then you dont understand God's Salvation, according to how PAUL was sent to teach it, by Revelation from JESUS Himself.

Read Acts of the Apostles... Chapter 10, written a decade after Jesus is back in Heaven., and discover that Peter didnt know that Gentiles could be saved... YET.. SO....= God had to give Peter a vision, to cause Him to UNDERSTAND this about Gentiles.
So, You can't preach the true Gospel, that includes GENTILES being saved.... if you dont yet know it.
And that is why Acts 2:38, is NOT The Gospel.

And here is one more.
Paul said...>"Christ sent me NOT to water baptize"........and that does not mean that we are not to be water baptized.
I was water baptized 11 yrs after i was born again. I was water baptized, about 5 yrs after i was called into the Ministry by the Holy Spirit.

See reader to understand the TRUE Gospel..... in "the time of the Gentiles".. and we are in it....
It means that the correct understanding of the process of Redemption, is not about water....its about the BLOOD OF JESUS and the CROSS of Christ and Faith that is counted by God as "righteousness", and water has no part in that, at all.

It was in Acts 15, that Peter learned what Paul knew, that Paul learned from Jesus, and from that point, all the Apostles understood "Paul's Gospel of the Grace of God" that is not related to water baptism.
You can twist things all you like including such that Peter mislead people, didn't understand the gospel, and further that God would allow his word to be inconsistent and flawed further misleading all who have read the words of Acts 2:38 throughout the centuries up to the present time; BUT, the words say clearly what they say, that baptism is an absolute and integral part of the salvation process. It cannot be denied except by foolish, unlearned people.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
Acts 2: 38 is sadly a poor English translation of what Peter actually said.

Peter told everyone to repent (2nd person plural)
He told them if they did, they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Again send person)

He them told individuals to be baptized (3rd person singular) on account of the fact they received remission of sin (3rd person)
Acts 2:38 is a perfectly good English translation of what Peter said and meant so long as the intended meaning of the English word "for" is properly understood.

The word translated as "for" in the phrase "for the forgiveness of sins" is from the Greek word εἰς [ice]. It never means "on account of" or "because". It is a primary preposition meaning "to" or "into" or "unto" indicating a point to be reached or entered. Therefore, what Peter said was, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

Peter did not tell them to be baptized on account of the fact they received remission (forgiveness) of sin. He told them to repent and be baptized in order to receive the forgiveness of sin to and receive the gift (indwelling) Holy Spirit.

In Acts 2:38 and elsewhere, baptism indicates the occasion, the time in the repentant believer's life, when God forgives his sin and gives him the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the procedural declaration of how one is born again of water and Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
When I am following the lead of the Holy Spirit, I am on God's Way; when I am not following His lead, I am on my own way.

Who among us having received the Holy Spirit never quenches the Holy Spirit? Is this not why Paul was inspired to write this?

1th 5:19Quench not the Spirit.
Do you or would you ever preach or teach another to follow your own way and not God's way? We know that we all, each and every one of us, sin. But I would hope that we would never knowingly teach another to follow us in our sinning.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
You can twist things all you like including such that Peter mislead people, didn't understand the gospel, and further that God would allow his word to be inconsistent and flawed further misleading all who have read the words of Acts 2:38 throughout the centuries up to the present time; BUT, the words say clearly what they say, that baptism is an absolute and integral part of the salvation process. It cannot be denied except by foolish, unlearned people.
You can say that all you want.

But if you think you doing the WORK of water baptism will cover 1 sin and that through that work God will grant you eternity./ You have another thing coming.

And you have also misread what peter said.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You and I may have a different definition of GRACE

Grace is the Mercy of God, extended as : "For God so loved the World that He gave JESUS"

Here is Grace.

John 3:16
2 Corinthians 5:19
John 3:17

Grace is God's Son's Blood and Death provided to deal with the sin of the world, one believer at a time.

Grace is not water baptism.
Grace is not keeping commandments, and law.
Grace is not trying to stay saved.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
You can say that all you want.

But if you think you doing the WORK of water baptism will cover 1 sin and that through that work God will grant you eternity./ You have another thing coming.

And you have also misread what peter said.
Gal 2:16 yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.

When Paul tells us that we are not saved by works, he did not mean that we didn't have to do anything. The "not by works" means "not by works of law". Being baptized is not a work of law. Clearly, throughout the NT, the requirement for salvation includes believing in God. Jesus tells us that believing in God is a work. It is a work, but not a work of law. Just as believing in God is not a work of law, so also, being baptized is not a work, nor is repenting and nor is confessing (see Rom 10: 8-11) even though all are actually doing something.