Virgin Mary Had Other Children After Jesus

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
It shows that God had a sense of humour when He designed sex!

Also, "sex" could very well be what a Dutch man carries his coal home in!

Concerning the Catholic view of it, I think there is a lot of guilt attached to it, because church history shows that fornication between priests and nuns, and adultery between priests and the wives of church-goers were common place, and most popes had illegitimate children. When Martin Luther visited Rome in the belief that going to the centre of the church would reassure him of the sanctity of the faith, and found homosexuality and prostitution rife, he became deeply disillusioned with the church and saw the corruption and rottenness at the hard core of it.

So, those who were involved in the homosexuality, fornication and adultery, would have felt dirty, because their consciences would have perceived the conflict between what was pure and clean in God's sight and what they were actually doing. There is the incident where the husband told his wife to be careful of a certain priest in town because he had a habit of making sexual advances to the married and single women and tricking vulnerable women into sexual encounters.
There are very few that can bash Catholic history better than I can. More grotesque than this forum needs to see. As far as modern sin and pedophiles. I have been all over that with them to respond very aggressively and publicly. Even at that it would take decades to recover from this stigma. They deny it and in the past have covered it up and protected the predators.

This hurts children and faith of children and adults. Of course this occurs in all churches and I came close to putting a preacher in jail here while back. They need to be aggressive...investigate reports....interview children and parents...and put these guys in jail. There are people in the Catholic churches that think it is sin to report a priest that has raped their child. If it was up to me, I would skin them alive. There are a lot of wonderful people....families in the Catholic Church and they do not deserve this.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
lol When you get into the details of sex on a Christian forum...things go south pretty quick.
In adult study groups, when the topic turns to sex, I go get a cup of coffee and wait for someone to get whacked.
There is a general view, whether they will admit it or not....that sex is anti-holy, anti-religion, dirty, nasty, and evil. Which is one of the reason that they cannot get their heads around God having a Son. And the Catholic beliefs of the perpetual virginity of Mary....and the celibacy of Priests and Nuns....
I thought that the point of Mary was that she was pure ! that's why God favoured her and she said let it be done to me as to God and she being pure took the task on, being a pure Israelite = Servant of God ! well it only stands to reason that she would, now would she not.

From the point of carnal people they can not get there head around or past the Virgin Sexual thing, because such only begins and ends with this subject that is at hand. ask any atheist the same question and you will get a typical Protestant answer, it's the same shallow dribble that's possessed with only one thing. they are all worthless morons barking up the wrong tree.

Just because one has sex does not bastardise one or corrupt one at all.
If one has sexual relations being a carnal person, is still carnal.

If one has sex being pure as Mary was in the eyes of God or by not being only such as carnal, then she is still Pure regardless as her state is still not corrupted at all regardless. the fact that she never had sex before giving berth to Jesus is only one point. and the Atheist and may Prots hammer on with this subject point only and will not listen to anything but that point of the subject. if I bring up anything other then they get real angry and rant, because they are trying for all that they are worth to try and bastardise Mary.

What of the Prophets of God are they carnal, No ! are they pure to God, Yes ! so was Marry, but I don't idolise her at all, but some RC do in fact and it's all about Mary worship, now I know that type and fair enough I understand that Prot perspective. but the Prot can go way to far and they are slandering the true RC perspective as to Mary, in just the same way that any Atheist does.

Mary had only Jesus in fact. and all the ranting's of other full blood brothers is total BS, they are his half brothers or relations or followers, all Christians are known as brothers or sisters in Christ as we are all of one Spiritual brotherhood. the Jews had such as well, one is in or you are out.

Mary was as pure as any Saint could be, not to mention She was the first Saint ! but the Satanist and some Prot's will make out that she is just as corrupted as any carnal person is, and that's a bold faced out right lie ! such try's to bastardise and undermine Christ Jesus in fact and such is typical of the Talmud Whore and it's insane slandering ranting's, such bastards have infiltrated the Churches with such madness and they sit back and let all such rubbish fester over the years, they may have an object to get to given in a 100 years that will fester in the right time, one can see all such works at hand, they bastardise the Bible with just word say and play with such down the track in the hope to bastardise the true meaning and then run with that full on when the time is ripe.

I am not saying that Marry did not Sin but she was not a Sinner ! she was saved ! and not under the power of being Carnal that's for sure because she was truly Blessed by God and if anyone rejects such they are of Satan in fact.
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Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
I thought that the point of Mary was that she was pure ! that's why God favoured her and she said let it be done to me as to God and she being pure took the task on, being a pure Israelite = Servant of God ! well it only stands to reason that she would, now would she not.

From the point of carnal people they can not get there head around or past the Virgin Sexual thing, because such only begins and ends with this subject that is hat hand. ask any atheist the same question and you will get a typical Protestant answer, it's the same shallow dribble that's possessed with only one thing. they are all worthless morons barking up the wrong tree.

Just because one has sex does not bastardise one or corrupt one at all.
If one has sexual relations being a carnal person, is still carnal.

If one has sex being pure as Mary was in the eyes of God or by not being only such as carnal, then she is still Pure regardless as her state is still not corrupted at all regardless. the fact that she never had sex before giving berth to Jesus is only one point. and the Atheist and may Prots hammer on with this subject point only and will not listen to anything but that point of the subject. if I bring up anything other then they get real angry and rant, because they are trying for all that they are worth to try and bastardise Mary.

What of the Prophets of God are they carnal, No ! are they pure to God, Yes ! so was Marry, but I don't idolise her at all, but some RC do in fact and it's all about Mary worship, now I know that type and fair enough I understand that Prot perspective. but the Prot can go way to far and they are slandering the true RC perspective as to Mary, in just the same what that any Atheist does.

Mary had only Jesus in fact. and all the ranting's of other brothers is total BS, they are his half brothers or relations or followers, all Christians are known as brothers or sisters in Christ as we are all of one Spiritual brotherhood. the Jews had such as well, one is in or you are out.

Mary was as pure as any Saint could be, not to mention She was the first Saint ! but the Satanist and some Prot's will make out that she is just as corrupted as any carnal person is, and that's a bold faced out right lie ! such try's to bastardise and undermine Christ Jesus in fact and such is typical of the Talmud Whore and it's insane slandering ranting's, such bastards have infiltrated the Churches with such madness and they sit back and let all such rubbish fester over the years, they may have an object to get to given in a 100 years that will fester in the right time, one can see all such works at hand, they bastardise the Bible with just word say and play with such down the track in the hope to bastardise the true meaning and then run with that full on when the time is ripe.

I am not saying that Marry did not Sin but she was not a Sinner ! she was saved ! and not under the power of being Carnal that's for sure.
Mary was just an ordinary young girl whom God chose to be the mother of Jesus, and after giving birth to Jesus, she went on to have more children as any Jewish parents would do. Jewish culture favoured parents who had multiple children and Mary and Joseph would have been no exception. All through Jesus' childhood, the family was just an ordinary one living in Nazareth. They were so familiar to their neighbors that when Jesus during His ministry came to Nazareth, they couldn't believe He was the Messiah. They knew Him too well as a child, growing up to be an adult. In fact, Jesus was so ordinary, that if He walked down a busy street in Jerusalem today, He would be just like anyone else. In fact, according to Isaiah, the Messiah was not going to be a particularly attractive man that anyone should desire Him.

So, Mary was not some special person either. She was just an ordinary wife and mother just like everyone else. She was in the upper room on the day of Pentecost and got filled with the Spirit just like the rest. The picture of Mary occupying the central position in the room with a brighter halo than the others around her head, and the others looking up at her with adoration, is just a silly picture drawn by some artist wanting to make a buck from his RCC patron.

Mary died just like every other ordinary person, and is in Paradise with all the other departed spirits of the faithful to Christ, awaiting the resurrection when the Angel's trumpet sounds. She is not at the throne of God in heaven taking prayers to Jesus for Him to consider. That notion is just a lot of paganised twaddle.

The fact that you have to pour your acidic comments on Protestants concerning the issue, shows the absolute weakness and bankruptcy of your words.


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
This particular prophecy...whose wife was she? That word for virgin means young maiden.

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Again young maiden.
This is an old debate of biblical definitions. You are not going to get into a discussion of hymens in the Bible.

Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
This one is Mary defines her own condition.
But God and Mary could have spent days together and she still would not have "Known a man."

I gave you the Scriptures.
Mary was a Virgin, before she was betrothed, during her betrothal, and while she was married and pregnant with Jesus, there was a restriction she Remain a Virgin, till after the birth of Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I gave you the Scriptures.
Mary was a Virgin, before she was betrothed, during her betrothal, and while she was married and pregnant with Jesus, there was a restriction she Remain a Virgin, till after the birth of Jesus.
And thank you for the scriptures. Christianity is about beliefs and if you want to believe this....I am ok with that. But this is not between you and me. This is one of the oldest debates out there....

The Greek definition of it in a Lexicon or in the strong's, or in the Oxford dictionary of the Greek language shows a variety of meanings. Parthenos can mean young maiden, maiden, unmarried daughter, or virgin. Mary's description of not knowing a man is correct, but before the event. The terms used for the event....conceived, begotten, and son are well defined in the whole Bible. How these events occur is part of the storyline. The Bible does not use any metaphysical or divine terms to describe this conception. In the culture, virgin can imply purity.

The same goes for the Hebrew almah....broad term, the prevalent meaning young maiden with broader terms that have to do with health...if you get into the culture of it. It can be used to imply virginity but again not clinical.

Likewise the storyline of the delivery appears to be normal.

You are trying to get very clinical with a word in a society and culture that inspected the breasts to determine if a woman was a virgin.

I understand how things could get mixed up....I am not blaming or condemning anyone that believes in Mary's virginity ... I see it more as purity myself, but even different Christians have different views on the period of time she was a virgin. Of course my over all point is that Yeshua was / is the true and real Son of God....not a zap. Until I see something in the scriptures like Christ materialized in her womb, I will be confident in this. The debate over virginity has long since been skewed. This is something you can look up for yourself as far as the debates on it.

P.S. Such is the life of people that try to study the Bible in good faith. I know that in your Bible and many others the word virgin appears in Matthew 1:25, but if you dig into it deep you will find that that word did not appear in the scriptures. This happens, when people with beliefs insert those beliefs into the translations. It is just like the phrase "wise men" they did not like the word Magi. The name Mary gets into the Bible in a round about way. But the reason it took a tour was because they did not like the meaning of the name Miriam, nor the OT story about Miriam.
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Feb 6, 2018
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And thank you for the scriptures. Christianity is about beliefs and if you want to believe this....I am ok with that. But this is not between you and me. This is one of the oldest debates out there....

This conversation was between you and me.
I wasn't debating you, I was stating my belief and using Scripture to answer you.

The Greek definition of it in a Lexicon or in the strong's, or in the Oxford dictionary of the Greek language shows a variety of meanings. Parthenos can mean young maiden, maiden, unmarried daughter, or virgin. Mary's description of not knowing a man is correct, but before the event. The terms used for the event....conceived, begotten, and son are well defined in the whole Bible. How these events occur is part of the storyline. The Bible does not use any metaphysical or divine terms to describe this conception. In the culture, virgin can imply purity.

I don't speak Greek. English is my perferred tongue.

I do not find any confusion...All earthlings have been born in Sin and have Committed Sin. (Adam and Eve) entailed a different discussion).

(speaking of Jesus specific...He was not an Earthling.)

So about Mary...she is an Earthling, born in Sin...thus Purity does not Apply to Mary.

The emphasis is on Mary's WOMB, her Virginity of not having been Defiled, BY an Earthly man entering her WOMB... which reveals the purity of her WOMB.

What specifically entered her Virgin WOMB, was a "HOLY PURE Thing".

BY the WILL and Desire of an Earthly mankind of thing? No.

John 1:
[13] Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

How? BY the Power of God.

Luke 1:
[35] And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
therefore also "that holy thing"
which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Where did that Pure Holy Thing come From?

Isa 55:
[11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Comprehending something ALIVE coming forth OUT of something ALIVE...
BORN, does NOT exclusively Apply to:
an Earthling woman delivering a baby forth out of her WOMB.

The eternally Living God sending Forth Out from His Mouth, His Living WORD is also a type of Birth.

John 1:
[13] Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but [/B] of God.

So why did God declare What came forth out of His Mouth...HIS Begotten Son (and NOT) His and Mary's Begotton Son?

Because John 1:13 reveals Gods act had Nothing to do with Mankind's Will or BLOOD (which IS the LIFE of mankind of things).

Sure... Jesus had the Appearence OF a Mankind of thing...looked LIKE an earthling, was called a Mankind of thing.
He HAD FLESH and Blood and Bones "LIKE" a Mankind of Thing.....
But Jesus DID NOT have the "SAME" kind of FLESH, BLOOD and an earthling Man Kind of Thing.

Earthling KINS of things ARE reproduced:
BY the WILL, and SEEDS and Blood of mankind of Things....and are All Corrupt.

That did not, does not Apply to Holy Things.

Mary's WOMB was undefined by an earthly man...yet her flesh and blood was just as Corrupt as any other natural born earthling.

Scripture revealed the Particular Virgin WOMB, God chose...(was IN Mary, betrothed to a man named Joseph, out of the House of David) to Reveal HIS Word, IN THE "LIKENESS" as a Holy, unblemished, Sinless, Mankind of thing.

The same goes for the Hebrew almah....broad term, the prevalent meaning young maiden with broader terms that have to do with health...if you get into the culture of it. It can be used to imply virginity but again not clinical.

The whole Theme of Scripture Reveals:
There Are Two Meanings to the Understanding of Scriptural Knowledge.
1) is: mankind's Limited Carnal Minded Logical, guessing Between this and that conclusion.
2) is: Gods View of HIS absolute Truth Understanding.

Mankind argues between their own Carnal conclusions.
Mankind with Gods Understanding, will not Consider to revert to a man's Carnal Minded proposition.

You are trying to get very clinical with a word in a society and culture that inspected the breasts to determine if a woman was a virgin.

What a load of hogwash.

The Spiritual Fact IS God does not Reproduce!

Of course my over all point is that Yeshua was / is the true and real Son of God....not a zap. Until I see something in the scriptures like Christ materialized in her womb, I will be confident in this.

So you believe God literally reproduced and had a Baby?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
This conversation was between you and me.
I wasn't debating you, I was stating my belief and using Scripture to answer you.

I don't speak Greek. English is my perferred tongue.

I do not find any confusion...All earthlings have been born in Sin and have Committed Sin. (Adam and Eve) entailed a different discussion).

(speaking of Jesus specific...He was not an Earthling.)

So about Mary...she is an Earthling, born in Sin...thus Purity does not Apply to Mary.

The emphasis is on Mary's WOMB, her Virginity of not having been Defiled, BY an Earthly man entering her WOMB... which reveals the purity of her WOMB.

What specifically entered her Virgin WOMB, was a "HOLY PURE Thing".

BY the WILL and Desire of an Earthly mankind of thing? No.

John 1:
[13] Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

How? BY the Power of God.

Luke 1:
[35] And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
therefore also "that holy thing"
which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Where did that Pure Holy Thing come From?

Isa 55:
[11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Comprehending something ALIVE coming forth OUT of something ALIVE...
BORN, does NOT exclusively Apply to:
an Earthling woman delivering a baby forth out of her WOMB.

The eternally Living God sending Forth Out from His Mouth, His Living WORD is also a type of Birth.

John 1:
[13] Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but [/B] of God.

So why did God declare What came forth out of His Mouth...HIS Begotten Son (and NOT) His and Mary's Begotton Son?

Because John 1:13 reveals Gods act had Nothing to do with Mankind's Will or BLOOD (which IS the LIFE of mankind of things).

Sure... Jesus had the Appearence OF a Mankind of thing...looked LIKE an earthling, was called a Mankind of thing.
He HAD FLESH and Blood and Bones "LIKE" a Mankind of Thing.....
But Jesus DID NOT have the "SAME" kind of FLESH, BLOOD and an earthling Man Kind of Thing.

Earthling KINS of things ARE reproduced:
BY the WILL, and SEEDS and Blood of mankind of Things....and are All Corrupt.

That did not, does not Apply to Holy Things.

Mary's WOMB was undefined by an earthly man...yet her flesh and blood was just as Corrupt as any other natural born earthling.

Scripture revealed the Particular Virgin WOMB, God chose...(was IN Mary, betrothed to a man named Joseph, out of the House of David) to Reveal HIS Word, IN THE "LIKENESS" as a Holy, unblemished, Sinless, Mankind of thing.

The whole Theme of Scripture Reveals:
There Are Two Meanings to the Understanding of Scriptural Knowledge.
1) is: mankind's Limited Carnal Minded Logical, guessing Between this and that conclusion.
2) is: Gods View of HIS absolute Truth Understanding.

Mankind argues between their own Carnal conclusions.
Mankind with Gods Understanding, will not Consider to revert to a man's Carnal Minded proposition.

What a load of hogwash.

The Spiritual Fact IS God does not Reproduce!

So you believe God literally reproduced and had a Baby?
So you believe God literally reproduced and had a Baby?

Yeap. Do you have another definition for son? for conceive? Begotten? But I do believe He had a "Holy Thing"


Well-Known Member
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
So you believe God literally reproduced and had a Baby?

Yeap. Do you have another definition for son? for conceive? Begotten? But I do believe He had a "Holy Thing"

Yep. Gods declaration; that when:
In the last days,
Gods Word comes forth out of His Mouth,
And is sent to earth,
It would be sent to a Virgin Womb,
Of a woman's promised to a man out of the House of David,
Revealed in a Body God Prepared for His Word,
That that Prepared Body,
would Look Like a human man,
would Act Like a Jewish man, but Without Sin, and Faithful to God,
would be raised up as a child according to Jewish tradition and customs, by a Jewish wedded couple,
And that child would be "A" Son to God in Heaven,
And God in Heaven would be "A" Father to that child.

Glory to God,

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Mary was just an ordinary young girl whom God chose to be the mother of Jesus, and after giving birth to Jesus, she went on to have more children as any Jewish parents would do. Jewish culture favoured parents who had multiple children and Mary and Joseph would have been no exception. All through Jesus' childhood, the family was just an ordinary one living in Nazareth. They were so familiar to their neighbors that when Jesus during His ministry came to Nazareth, they couldn't believe He was the Messiah. They knew Him too well as a child, growing up to be an adult. In fact, Jesus was so ordinary, that if He walked down a busy street in Jerusalem today, He would be just like anyone else. In fact, according to Isaiah, the Messiah was not going to be a particularly attractive man that anyone should desire Him.

So, Mary was not some special person either. She was just an ordinary wife and mother just like everyone else. She was in the upper room on the day of Pentecost and got filled with the Spirit just like the rest. The picture of Mary occupying the central position in the room with a brighter halo than the others around her head, and the others looking up at her with adoration, is just a silly picture drawn by some artist wanting to make a buck from his RCC patron.

Mary died just like every other ordinary person, and is in Paradise with all the other departed spirits of the faithful to Christ, awaiting the resurrection when the Angel's trumpet sounds. She is not at the throne of God in heaven taking prayers to Jesus for Him to consider. That notion is just a lot of paganised twaddle.

The fact that you have to pour your acidic comments on Protestants concerning the issue, shows the absolute weakness and bankruptcy of your words.
It was not an attack on Prots or RC but just the ignorance of such that is typical that I have come across.

Mary was no ordinary young girl at all whom God chose to be the mother at all, just like Saul was not just some ordinary man or that Moses was just some ordinary man or even all of the Prophets or the Saints. God only favours some people for a reason and that reason is that they are worthy in fact.
God was what is called, With some people and as you know not all people are with God because they are devoid of such a reality due to the stain of original Sin. the Jews in general were not worthy back in the OT bar for some people only and the crowd followed as to God in their history and then the community fell back from God as well in their history and this went on and on with God and devoid and we see when they were with God they did well and when devoid they would fail and became trash just like any normal person who is devoid of God. so you see when God sees favour with one it is for good reason, that's the reality dear Paul. So Marry is not just some no body that some Prots love to make out in their ignorance, I was a Protestant once to until I grew out of that childish dribble then I came to the RC and then I seen where such as they were lost in the main, due to the ignorance of the masses who are lead astray by cunning Satanist within the RCC not to mention it's the same within the Protestants Priesthood and such sticks out like dogs balls to me, that such are not worthy of Jesus Christ at all and we see the same story with the Jews.
Mary is in Heaven with Jesus, Just as Moses is in Heaven and all of the Saints are in Heaven. what you are implying here is Satanic as such as are claiming that Jesus has not come and that such are one of the new age who are looking towards Jesus coming in the 2ed coming and the reason why people are hell bent on that is because they themselves are not truly born again. they are looking forward to destruction and Hell on earth they are Hell bent ! they are led astray, for they do not understand the Kingdom of God is within your grasp, if one knew this you would not be lead down the destructive path that is of Satan.

For the perspective of Mary must be seen through Spiritual eyes, many Prots only see or peddle such with a worldly view, that is just the same that any atheist will see such, because they are devoid of the Holy Spirit.
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Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
It was not an attack on Prots or RC but just the ignorance of such that is typical that I have come across.

Mary was no ordinary young girl at all whom God chose to be the mother at all, just like Saul was not just some ordinary man or that Moses was just some ordinary man or even all of the Prophets or the Saints. God only favours some people for a reason and that reason is that they are worthy in fact.
God was what is called, With some people and as you know not all people are with God because they are devoid of such a reality due to the stain of original Sin. the Jews in general were not worthy back in the OT bar for some people only and the crowd followed as to God in their history and then the community fell back from God as well in their history and this went on and on with God and devoid and we see when they were with God they did well and when devoid they would fail and became trash just like any normal person who is devoid of God. so you see when God sees favour with one it is for good reason, that's the reality dear Paul. So Marry is not just some no body that some Prots love to make out in their ignorance, I was a Protestant once to until I grew out of that childish dribble then I came to the RC and then I seen where such as they were lost in the main, due to the ignorance of the masses who are lead astray by cunning Satanist within the RCC not to mention it's the same within the Protestants Priesthood and such sticks out like dogs balls to me, that such are not worthy of Jesus Christ at all and we see the same story with the Jews.
Mary is in Heaven with Jesus, Just as Moses is in Heaven and all of the Saints are in Heaven. what you are implying here is Satanic as such as are claiming that Jesus has not come and that such are one of the new age who are looking towards Jesus coming in the 2ed coming and the reason why people are hell bent on that is because they themselves are not truly born again. they are looking forward to destruction and Hell on earth they are Hell bent ! they are led astray, for they do not understand the Kingdom of God is within your grasp, if one knew this you would not be lead down the destructive path that is of Satan.

For the perspective of Mary must be seen through Spiritual eyes, many Prots only see or peddle such with a worldly view, that is just the same that any atheist will see such, because they are devoid of the Holy Spirit.
Oh well. I've said all I am going to say about it, and it would be a waste of time repeating ad nauseum and going around the mountain again. If I actually believed all that I'd be a Catholic, but I'm definitely not and never will be, so that settles that. Being a cat lover, the closest I will be coming is to be a Cataholic!


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Mary was no ordinary young girl at all whom God chose to be the mother at all, just like Saul was not just some ordinary man or that Moses was just some ordinary man or even all of the Prophets or the Saints.

The whole Point of ordinary people being called for a Great Service unto God...precisely puts the world on Notice:
That; Fame, Wealth, Status, Fine clothing, Gems, Jewels, Living in a Castle, Intelligence, Entitlements, etc...have no consideration to be of Service to God....the World "yes";
God; "no".

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
:rolleyes:........Guess all the saints in old testament times don't count then, or John the Baptist for that matter.
This is actually a good topic if someone would like to start a thread on it. The Apostle Paul does refer to people as saints.
1. What constitutes being a saint?
2. Were there saints in the Old Testament?
3. Were there saints after 65 AD?
4. Are there saints today?
5. Who determines if someone is a saint?
6. Is it correct or incorrect to consider yourself a saint?
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The whole Point of ordinary people being called for a Great Service unto God...precisely puts the world on Notice:
That; Fame, Wealth, Status, Fine clothing, Gems, Jewels, Living in a Castle, Intelligence, Entitlements, etc...have no consideration to be of Service to God....the World "yes";
God; "no".

Glory to God,
No ordinary person was ever abiding in God ever, because they are dead to the Holy Spirit in fact.
The Prophets of God were not run of the mill people.

As you have put forward as to fame and so forth you are correct.
The Glory to God is to his own.
God is not interested in ones words, it's their heart that he sees that is with God.

Many people would not know yes from no anyway. Are you a good person ? yes or No ? take a pick and see how you go Taken :rolleyes:.
The Yes and No gibberish that you use is a mans works case that is used even by Satan himself.


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
No ordinary person was ever abiding in God ever, because they are dead to the Holy Spirit in fact.
The Prophets of God were not run of the mill people.

Every human is naturally born in Sin.
Every human has committed Sin Against God.
(Including Mary)
Every human has opportunity to be MADE...
Forgiven, Saved, Quickened, Bodily Risen glorious and immortal.
^ those things apply to unsaved, mortal, ordinary people.

The Yes and No gibberish that you use is a mans works case that is used even by Satan himself.


Matt 5:
[37] But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay:

Glory to God,

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Every human is naturally born in Sin.
Every human has committed Sin Against God.
(Including Mary)
Every human has opportunity to be MADE...
Forgiven, Saved, Quickened, Bodily Risen glorious and immortal.
^ those things apply to unsaved, mortal, ordinary people.


Matt 5:
[37] But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay:

Glory to God,
But they of God are not of Sin ? that means that they are not under the power of Sin, for such know Sin because they are of God and saved.
Carnal Man is under Sin, Spiritual Man is under Grace.
Mary was chosen by God because of who she was pure and of the line and not just anyone in fact.
The Prophets were Chosen by God. now were they worldly Carnal Sinners who were lost as to God ? No ! they were with God !

People who work to drag Mary down are of Satan, they are typical of carnal people who do as such, not only do they drag Jesus down as well. just like the ones who peddle the 2ed coming do. because they are in fact rejecting Jesus is the King of Israel in fact.
All They do is work to undermine everything in Christ Jesus. oh hey Jesus is coming you all ? well I thought that he came and did all that he need do and that all that we need do is pick it up and abide in him.
But oh no Jesus must of forgot something:eek::rolleyes:, that must be what such a one must be claiming.
I believe that he will come again as well but that's is only because you all have failed in him and all your works will be burnt up and exposed.
If one gets with the program to be in the Lord Jesus, that's the rules regardless before the 2ed coming and after this is still the rules.
So one must be truly born again of the Holy Spirit is the message in fact regardless, then one need not bother with the 2ed coming because you are Saved, if one is looking to the 2ed coming you are not saved and are led astray by Satan, for it's not a good time for anyone to look forward to such a thing and you will not be raptured up, you will go through the Hellfire because reality is that all will reap what you have sown.
Look at all the Churches they have failed and why is it that they have failed one may ask, well they turned their backs on Christ Jesus and peddled there own works of Man. then comes the reaping of what you all sown and all such lies will be exposed. we see idiots who hold Mary up above her station as well because they have been mislead by Satanist who are idolising Her.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
But they of God are not of Sin ? that means that they are not under the power of Sin, for such know Sin because they are of God and saved.
Carnal Man is under Sin, Spiritual Man is under Grace.
Mary was chosen by God because of who she was pure and of the line and not just anyone in fact.
The Prophets were Chosen by God. now were they worldly Carnal Sinners who were lost as to God ? No ! they were with God !

People who work to drag Mary down are of Satan, they are typical of carnal people who do as such, not only do they drag Jesus down as well. just like the ones who peddle the 2ed coming do. because they are in fact rejecting Jesus is the King of Israel in fact.
All They do is work to undermine everything in Christ Jesus. oh hey Jesus is coming you all ? well I thought that he came and did all that he need do and that all that we need do is pick it up and abide in him.
But oh no Jesus must of forgot something:eek::rolleyes:, that must be what such a one must be claiming.
I believe that he will come again as well but that's is only because you all have failed in him and all your works will be burnt up and exposed.
If one gets with the program to be in the Lord Jesus, that's the rules regardless before the 2ed coming and after this is still the rules.
So one must be truly born again of the Holy Spirit is the message in fact regardless, then one need not bother with the 2ed coming because you are Saved, if one is looking to the 2ed coming you are not saved and are led astray by Satan, for it's not a good time for anyone to look forward to such a thing and you will not be raptured up, you will go through the Hellfire because reality is that all will reap what you have sown.
Look at all the Churches they have failed and why is it that they have failed one may ask, well they turned their backs on Christ Jesus and peddled there own works of Man. then comes the reaping of what you all sown and all such lies will be exposed. we see idiots who hold Mary up above her station as well because they have been mislead by Satanist who are idolising Her.

Been all through this.
The POINT was about "yes" or "no".

Glory to God,
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