What is wrong with all these Christian anti-vaxxers?

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Bottom line? I have read all these reports of terrible things happening after receiving one of the four shots available by big drug companies. If you add up all the adverse side effects and deaths (one death is tragic), versus the total number of shots given globally, you have an effective safe rate of over 99.4%

I am not promoting the shot nor am I condemning the shot, I am asking believers here to think and stop the hysterics.

Curiously - Fausi was complaining not enough people were volunteering yearly to get flu shots.

Curiously - the “flu” that has splashed the headlines for years has fell by the wayside.

Curiously - Biden is mandating from the Oval Office.

Curiously - Legislative Powers rest with Congress, not the Oval Office.

Curiously - economy is in the dumps, commerce a mess, prices skyrocketing, people losing income.

Curiously - borders wide open, Feds borrowing money exponentially, Bill will be on the back of your children and grand children.

Curiously - 90%+ natural immunity recovery rate for unvaxed.

Curiously - 50 deaths in a vax human experiment was the norm to halt the distribution.

Curiously - The Lab manufacturers appealing to the courts for NO liability, and getting it!

Curiously - The Lab manufacturers appealing to the courts for right to NOT DISCLOSE their concoction, for 50 years.

Curiously - the shrouded in secrecy debacle Presidential election.

Bottom Line - The US Governing Representatives, represent themselves as greedy, cunning, crafty, underhanded, and untrustworthy.
So no, pretty much if they promote it, I reject it.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Curiously - Fausi was complaining not enough people were volunteering yearly to get flu shots.

Curiously - the “flu” that has splashed the headlines for years has fell by the wayside.

Curiously - Biden is mandating from the Oval Office.

Curiously - Legislative Powers rest with Congress, not the Oval Office.

Curiously - economy is in the dumps, commerce a mess, prices skyrocketing, people losing income.

Curiously - borders wide open, Feds borrowing money exponentially, Bill will be on the back of your children and grand children.

Curiously - 90%+ natural immunity recovery rate for unvaxed.

Curiously - 50 deaths in a vax human experiment was the norm to halt the distribution.

Curiously - The Lab manufacturers appealing to the courts for NO liability, and getting it!

Curiously - The Lab manufacturers appealing to the courts for right to NOT DISCLOSE their concoction, for 50 years.

Curiously - the shrouded in secrecy debacle Presidential election.

Bottom Line - The US Governing Representatives, represent themselves as greedy, cunning, crafty, underhanded, and untrustworthy.
So no, pretty much if they promote it, I reject it.

Despite these myths, what is your rationale for going against God's instructions in Romans 13?

Romans 13:1-5, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God’s appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God. So the person who resists such authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will incur judgment (for rulers cause no fear for good conduct but for bad). Do you desire not to fear authority? Do good and you will receive its commendation because it is God’s servant for your well-being. But be afraid if you do wrong because government does not bear the sword for nothing. It is God’s servant to administer punishment on the person who does wrong. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of the wrath of the authorities but also because of your conscience." NET v2.1

Mugre Pinzon

Oct 4, 2019
United States
I'm retired from the military. We military members get a lot of vaccinations, more than the average person. The only time prior to the COVID vaccine I know of military members balking in numbers was when we all had to get the anthrax series. That series didn't bother me either but a lot of military members were concerned about it for some reason and there were enough military members pushing back that the DOD backed down and actually ended the universal requirement for the anthrax vaccine. So this COVID vaccination was no big deal for me personally, just another jab, or three :). I do respect the views of every individual on the matter and don't believe anyone should be forced to take something into their body that they don't want to.

Now that this COVID thing has been with us for over two years, I've come to some personal conclusions, whether right or wrong: 1) masks don't help prevent the spread of COVID, 2) the efficacy of the COVID vaccines are questionable, and 3) it was criminal for govmints to shut down their countries over COVID.

None-the-less, when it's time for shot number 4 I'll be one of the first in line.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Despite these myths, what is your rationale for going against God's instructions in Romans 13?

Romans 13:1-5, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God’s appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God. So the person who resists such authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will incur judgment (for rulers cause no fear for good conduct but for bad). Do you desire not to fear authority? Do good and you will receive its commendation because it is God’s servant for your well-being. But be afraid if you do wrong because government does not bear the sword for nothing. It is God’s servant to administer punishment on the person who does wrong. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of the wrath of the authorities but also because of your conscience." NET v2.1


Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Are you now saying getting the shot is a sin? I thought you were for getting the shot.

No I am not saying getting the shot is a sin, and no I am not necessarily a pro-vaxxer. I am one who believesd that one should after talking with their physician and/or pharmacist make the decision for themselves.

but you made a very sweeping statement you will walk as a man and trust god and not man made things.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Not that I would have listed all of those, or maybe listed some others...but Yes! Why are some of our would-be brothers and sisters in Christ helping to "sell" us something? It's crazy!

Have you never recommended something to others that you thought was a "good thing"? I have no problem with people encouraging people about something , but I am against , especially if a believer, bullying or intimidating people to do something they may have a problem with.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Either way it's a gamble. But not with God. My life is already His to do whatever He wishes.

I would rather go it alone with God, than experiment with those who trust in the would-be protections of men.

God is good!

And exactly how far does this go? I got the shingles, flu, pneumonia and covid shots and every five years get a tetanus booster! None of these give me 100% protection, but they do help me from getting a severe case of these diseases and with my health issues, I will take the help.

I see God behind these "would be protections", Just like I see God behind electricity, cars, modern convenience etc.etc. None of them are bad in themselves and many help us with our daily burdens.

He is still on the throne and nothing happens without His knowledge and approval.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Curiously - Fausi was complaining not enough people were volunteering yearly to get flu shots.

Curiously - the “flu” that has splashed the headlines for years has fell by the wayside.

Curiously - Biden is mandating from the Oval Office.

Curiously - Legislative Powers rest with Congress, not the Oval Office.

Curiously - economy is in the dumps, commerce a mess, prices skyrocketing, people losing income.

Curiously - borders wide open, Feds borrowing money exponentially, Bill will be on the back of your children and grand children.

Curiously - 90%+ natural immunity recovery rate for unvaxed.

Curiously - 50 deaths in a vax human experiment was the norm to halt the distribution.

Curiously - The Lab manufacturers appealing to the courts for NO liability, and getting it!

Curiously - The Lab manufacturers appealing to the courts for right to NOT DISCLOSE their concoction, for 50 years.

Curiously - the shrouded in secrecy debacle Presidential election.

Bottom Line - The US Governing Representatives, represent themselves as greedy, cunning, crafty, underhanded, and untrustworthy.
So no, pretty much if they promote it, I reject it.

Fauci was appointed covid czar not the flu czar! But I have heard him encourage people to get teh flu shot. this is not saying I trust teh man-I don't.

Covid is far more deadly than the flu sop it will be given higher urgency. You do th esame with choices in your life! We prioritize what is more important.

Yes Biden has far overstepped His constitutional authority.

Yes Congress legislates and the POTUS executes what is legislated. But not even congress can order a national shot mandate.

Yes we are heading for an even greater depression than THE 1920'S-30'S. A lot has to do with the ill advised lockdowns, but a lot has to do with weather,, debt and other issues.

Well as I have written, I believe people should choose. If one has a higher risk of getting covid and getting it basd, they should get the shot. But then again because this is far more transmissable than a normal corona virus, people out of love, should think seriously about getting the shot if they live with those who are at higher risk. That is Christian love. And the recovery rate for the "vaxxed" is even higher.

I agree the drug companies should not be held liable. They were not the ones who chose to forego the years long human trial phases, it was teh government who gave them the order to get it to market ASAP. Drug companies usually fix loads of things in a drug in the lengthy human trials, which they could not here! The government weighed the risks, and felt that getting the shots out ASAP was far more beneficial to society than wait 8-10 years. That is how all drugs are given. Doctors prescribe based on a risk/benefit ration. The governments did the same. While governments are gorwing more and more and more corrupt, they still do good for their people.

For the 50 year cloaking, I agree with you, though I just listed the full ingredients list for Enoch on this thread of the three vaccines used in this country.

Yes, this presidential election was a total mess! but it has nothing to do with the efficacy of the covid shots.

Your last sweeping statement is very naive' and foolish. You do an enormous amount of things that politicians promote every day of your life! We all do! Yes D.C. is more and more becoming an unfixable cesspool, but I know that no matter how bad they are, our God is still on the throne and still works every day pouring grace upon a fallen world and fallen people. If God did not want this shot out for people, it would not have gotten out!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Have you never recommended something to others that you thought was a "good thing"? I have no problem with people encouraging people about something , but I am against , especially if a believer, bullying or intimidating people to do something they may have a problem with.
Yeah, non-vaxers are being bullied by vaxers. Not just that though, even Christian vaxers are joining non-Christian vaxers in persecutions and trying to impose laws to harm and imprison those who do not comply with their tyranny.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
And exactly how far does this go? I got the shingles, flu, pneumonia and covid shots and every five years get a tetanus booster! None of these give me 100% protection, but they do help me from getting a severe case of these diseases and with my health issues, I will take the help.

I see God behind these "would be protections", Just like I see God behind electricity, cars, modern convenience etc.etc. None of them are bad in themselves and many help us with our daily burdens.

He is still on the throne and nothing happens without His knowledge and approval.
That's all good for you--that is unless you are one of those who react to the non-vaccine shot. But for everyone like you there is someone else who may be just the opposite. My wife is one of them. Most medications make her worse, so the shot would probably kill her.

A person needs to be able to choose.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Yeah, non-vaxers are being bullied by vaxers. Not just that though, even Christian vaxers are joining non-Christian vaxers in persecutions and trying to impose laws to harm and imprison those who do not comply with their tyranny.

This is so off-the-wall! Can you give any examples of "non-vaxers" being bullied by "vaxers"? Because I see just the opposite! Your post is a primary example. Persecutions?? Impose laws to harm and imprison those who do not comply? Tyranny? Seriously?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
This is so off-the-wall! Can you give any examples of "non-vaxers" being bullied by "vaxers"? Because I see just the opposite! Your post is a primary example. Persecutions?? Impose laws to harm and imprison those who do not comply? Tyranny? Seriously?
Just one?

Many have lost jobs, businesses, and careers...because of many pro-vaxers' tyrannical agenda...and some of them are Christian, or being supported by some Christians.
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Just one?

Many have lost jobs, businesses, and careers...because of many pro-vaxers' tyrannical agenda...and some of them are Christian, or being supported by some Christians.

Again, this is nothing more than a general statement of what you believe. Since you can't cite a reputable source it's just your personal opinion. Tyranny? Do you even understand what that term means?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Again, this is nothing more than a general statement of what you believe. Since you can't cite a reputable source it's just your personal opinion. Tyranny? Do you even understand what that term means?
I do, and I am that reputable source. So, speak for yourself. For many of us it has been unreasonable, tyrannical.

If you don't know that or don't care, you're part of the problem. Thanks for nothing.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
I do, and I am that reputable source. So, speak for yourself. For many of us it has been unreasonable, tyrannical.

If you don't know that or don't care, you're part of the problem. Thanks for nothing.

If I disagree with you I'm "part of the problem"? Seriously? Since you can't be logical and reasonable but must resort to personal attack, why should anyone discuss anything with you?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
If I disagree with you I'm "part of the problem"? Seriously? Since you can't be logical and reasonable but must resort to personal attack, why should anyone discuss anything with you?
"If they are not against us, they are for us", and vice versa.

I am not attacking you, I am treating you as someone who is defending or even helping those who would do and have done harm...against millions, including me and my family. Yes, that makes you a part of the problem. And the fact that you seem to be oblivious to it, is disgusting.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I am not attacking you, I am treating you as someone who is defending or even helping those who would do and have done harm...against millions, including me and my family. Yes, that makes you a part of the problem. And the fact that you seem to be oblivious to it, is disgusting.
Well said. Here is what one honest journalist has just published in an Open Letter:

"All the ungodly truth coming out now will prevail, as will justice, and all of you major players within the crime cabal’s public and private sectors, we know who you are – Big Pharma, virtually every major national government leader and both world and national public health agencies, hospitals following Fauci’s lethal Covid-19 protocols, along with the corporate mainstream media and Big Tech, including the bloodline owners of BlackRock and Vanguard that own all of you monstrous criminals, you will all be going down SOONER THAN LATER in your Nuremberg 2 trials."
Open Letter to All the Criminally Complicit Genocidal Killers | Principia Scientific Intl.

So anyone (including Christians) siding with the "criminally complicit genocidal killers" is a partaker of their evil deeds.



Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Covid is far more deadly than the flu...
This is THE BIG LIE that got the Scamdemic rolling. The COVID conspirators were hoping that coronavirus would be like Ebola. But it turned out that it was no better or worse than the flu virus. There would not have been a single coronavirus death had the governments and the conspirators not sabotaged ivermectin, HCQ, and the HCQ combo pack.

So Ronald, you have been promoting the lies of the evildoers. Which makes you complicit in their criminal conspiracy to STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY. Satan's agenda.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States


A local ABC News Station posted a request on Facebook for people to share their stories of unvaccinated loved ones that died. They wanted to make a news story on this. What happened was totally unexpected. In five days time over 250,000 people posted comments, but not about unvaccinated loved ones. All the comments talk about vaccinated loved ones that died shortly after being injected, or that are disabled for life. The 250,000 comments reveal a shocking death wave among the population, and the heart wrenching suffering these injections are causing. The post was already shared 200,000 times, and counting...

The above is found here, on page 6 of the vaccine deaths report, and has many of the Facebook posts: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/downloads/en/vaccines/vaccinereport.pdf

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