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Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
I was trying to give you advice for these "instant everything" people.
You don't actually want to challenge me on my level of understanding because you would be proven wrong.
You can't "Prove me wrong" and be right, I actually was called unto Prophecy and it took me 30 plus years before God (in these end times) started giving me His full understandings, all because I prayed this prayer.

"Lord, why is it you called me unto Prophecy, and I still seem stuck in the mud in these end times when you promised the church a deeper understanding, and why is the church so confused, we have 100's of interpretations of who the Harlot is, what the 144,000 means, what Babylon means, where the Beast is from, what the 10 horns means" etc. etc. and I got this from the Holy Spirit:

"Ron, you guys already know it all" So, I knew right then the Lord was telling me that OUR IDEAS or Men's Traditions was stopping us from seeing what God was trying to give unto us in the end times.

So, I started rereading all Prophetic understanding with this in mind, looking for all of these things MEN had passed down unto us as truths, and whenever I cam across any contradiction at all I refused to move on until God gave me the answers, thus like Jacob I wrestled with God, just like the Gospels as a young Christian, I simply went back to the basics and cried out, Lord show me what this means, IN FAITH, and every time He has shown me, because I refuse to move on until I get an answer.

I wrote a blog saying THAT CITY, in Rev. 17:18 was Rome, spend much time on it, an d the holy spirit was like "Ron, look again, what did John SEE ?" So, I looked, and I saw that what John SAWEST was a vision that only lasted 4 verses (Rev. 17:3-6). He saw a Woman dressed as a filthy prostitute, then in vs. 7 while explaining who the Harlot is and who the 7 Headed Beast is she is riding, the Angel says I will show you the Mystery, so I knew it was NEVER a Mystery (Musterion or Secret by God shutting the mouth) because the Angel was telling us these things, we just did not understand it in full it seems. Thus I knew it was never a Mystery, so it was never "MYSTERY BABYLON" the word Mystery was a Header, then we got Three Descriptors of who the Harlot was. As in:

Mystery (?) or Question Mark
1.) Babylon the Great (Babylon is world renowned for her False Religion)
2.) Mother of Harlots (False Religion is the Original Harlotry)
3.) Abomination's of the earth (God is a Jealous God who hates False Religion)

You see, it was never a Mystery, the Angel told us who the Harlot and Beast she was ridding was, we just missed the clues and called it Mystery Babylon for eons, when it was never a Secret. The Harlot Woman is ALL FALSE RELIGION of all time, that is why John has her covering both sides of the cross, the Jewish Saints & Prophets of old AND the Martyrs of Jesus. The Seven Headed Beast is Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome AND the Coming Anti-Christ who unlike the other 6 will not have a thriving Religious Community because he demands all men worship him as the ONLY God, thus he kills off the Harlot False Religions in Rev. 17:16 and vs. 18 says God placed this in his heart to do "God's Will" so God via this tyrant will judge Islam, he will judge Zeus/Jupiter worship, Hinduism, Buddhism et al false religions. Notice, the Scarlet Colored Beast comes up out of the pit, he has NO CROWNS on his 7 Headed 10 Horned portion, but why? He is Apollyon, he is always under Satan on this earth, he is nit a human being so he can't have an earthly kingdom, so he is shown to have NO CROWNS. Now go look at Rev. 12 Satan has 7 Crowns because all that is being spoken of is the Mediterranean Sea Region Kingdoms that Beasted over Israel, he has a crown over New York, over Brazil et all like he told Jesus in Luke 4, all these were given unto him. Now look at Rev. 13, the Anti-Christ has 10 CROWNS, because he is over the 10 (COMPLETNESS = 10) European Kings which represent the complete number thereof, as in 25-27 if England rejoins, its thus made fluid by God using 10. This Scarlet Colored Beast (Apollyon) is king over the Bottomless pit, God placed him there 2000 years ago, thus he is a king, he was over the 6 Beasts and will be released and placed over the 7th Beast, thus he is OF THE SEVEN.............and he is AN 8TH.

Rev. 16:19 confirms who God sees as Babylon the Great, he says those who Jesus defeat are Babylon the Great and they are given the Wine-press of God's Wrath. Well, who did Jesus defeat at the 7th Vial? Simple stuff, just look back at the 6th Vial, and we can see that Satan, the Beast and False Prophet lied unto and tricked the Kings of the WHOLE WORLD to come unto Armageddon, so God sees the WHOLE WORLD as Babylon the Great. Babel means confusion, thus when the people of this world are so blinded and confused by Satan that they try to defeat their own loving Creator, that is by definition, Babel or Confusion !!

So, whatever men you have been reading, throw the knowledge out and ask God to reveal His truths unto you. People come at me all the time with bogus stuff I discounted 30-40 years ago, men's traditions are mostly just that. There is no 144,000 and never was, its a CODE, just like the Woman in Rev. 12 is a CODE, Rev. 13 never says a man dies and is reborn, its speaking about the 7 Headed Beast, Rome brought the death knell to the "Beast System" Jesus said the gates of hell will not overcome my church, so he placed Apollyon in the pit. The Beast System on gets HEALED when the Anti-Christ conquers Israel and the whole Mediterranean Sea Region (The MANY).

What I see on here honestly and sadly, is lack of dedication and a lack of studies, but a 100 percent record of WE KNOW IT ALL, when that is just nowhere near the case.

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
The last generation started in may 1948. When judah became nation. Matthew chapter 24, Jesus taught parable of the fig tree. Its bible prophecy.
The Last Generation is the generation that sees ALL THESE SIGNS, Jesus spells that out i the parable of the Fig Tree which is not about Israel per se, but is juxtaposed against all of the SIGNS Jesus showed us in Matthew 24:4-31, the LAST SIGN of course is the Sun and Moon going dark (because of the Rev. 8 asteroid) thus only those living during the 70th week can be THAT GENERATION.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Hello to you, and welcome to the topic: When did the last days start?

It's a good question for any person whom is seeking. There have been many attempts to assume that for today, the last days are now today. However, why is that? It's mainly because of the teaching in the churches today. Now, is there anything wrong with believing that the last days are for today? In my opinion yes.

It's because it simply really seems to give off the apparent reasoning that this world is ending now, today. It gives hopelessness, as it's a large-scale belief that many people are for some reason hoping to see. The end of all of existence going up in the fires of flame.

(Please note that some people may believe differently but this my understanding on the subject: always be encouraged to study for yourself, and seek out God in faith.)

(2 Peter 3:10) - Peter writes to his audience presumably the same audience that was written to in his first letter, to his fellow Jewish brothers, and some Gentiles (depending on what may be said), whom were in the Kingdom areas of Pontus, Galatia, Capadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who were elect according to the foreknowledge of the Father.

Now, with this many people mark this as the sign and time for today that people are looking for which comes like a thief. What is this day? Peter is writing about the day of the LORD, have you ever heard that before?

What is taught normally is that - on the day of the LORD that comes like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.

First one thing needs to be addressed here - what is the heavens and the earth which would pass away proclaimed by Jesus? Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. (Matthew 24:35). What should be known about this is that the Jewish brothers of Jesus, looked at their land as their heaven and earth, why? Because God before the death of Christ and resurrection, had chosen a nation, and gave them a land. This land was there heaven and earth. They also had the temple, the temple was were they went to sacrifice and even God would show up in this temple which was on Mount Mariah. You can find this information in (1 Kings 8:11).

For the Jewish people their heavens and earth (land), was theirs, and Jesus claims it would pass away, and so does peter, and how would this come about? With intense heat, and the elements (everything around would) become destroyed? There heaven and earth would pass away it would be no more the age would be over.

How? By the invading armies of Rome which Jesus also proclaimed, (Luke 21:20-24), and this would be the Day of the Lord, which Peter had stated, would come upon the unbelievers at the time like a thief in the night! They would be literally bombarded with God's wrath which ( I suspect ) God used the Roman Armies to take the nation then out, and destroy everything bringing forth a new age which is of the Spirit.

What in the world is Peter talking about? Did he even know what he was talking about as an Apostle of Christ? Of course, for a fisherman, he remembered what he was taught in the old testament, let's go back and look at the very last book of the bible they would have had in their day.

Did Elijah come? According to Jesus he did, and John the baptist was he, (Matthew 17:12), whos head was chopped off because of the request of a wicked people, the Herods.

With these mentions we can see that even John the baptist warned of the wrath to the Pharisees, and even the multitude that had come around to be baptized in the Jordan river.

Okay, so now we need to figure out, when did these last days and when where they promised to come around?

Okay, we have an old testament scripture to rely on, which Peter would have known about having walked around with Jesus, but also having learned of the old testament. There are times where we do not know what Jesus could have told his apostles - while they were together so many books could be written but not even - the earth could hold them, something like that is written.

With this, when can one deduce that the last days had come upon the nation, and it would involve the surrounding nations or Kingdoms in that time?

For a person to make a prophecy it had to be true, and from the mouth of Joel, to the mouth of Peter - the last days had come upon them then.

And the warnings kept coming down the way, if you continue to seek, just look at the writer of Hebrews, which was written to the Jewish brothers as well, who would have more understanding of this, than the gentiles though they were taught these things as the gospel went forth - the judgment resided with Jewish people first as they were the ones under the covenant way before gentiles were brought in along at that time.

Hebrews 1:1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Therefore when did the last days start? Today because people are just unhappy with society at large, or unhappy in their own lives? Just because a man preaches it behind a pulpit?

No. It started then, in their day, and came about to completion at the destruction of all things were laid once again desolated, for the last time, doing away with all things and all enemies becoming underneath the feet of Jesus, and ushering in the new age which is by the Spirit now today, which God adopts those whom are his into his Kingdom now today which resides on the heart which he sees, and that is their hope to go and be with him at the end of life.

All the best, and may God help you, in love,

As with all things written of the kingdom of God but in worldly terms and settings, this is just another abstract topic. If one explains according to the worldly context in which it is given, he is correct. While it is also true that if another explains according to the context of only the kingdom, he too is correct...and yet they may disagree, because they each look from a different perspective. So, which is it, does the kingdom explanation trump the worldly? Yes, and No...and therein lies the problem.

Your explanation is a bit of both, which is fine, but does (as with all such topics involving both heaven and earth) invite disagreements. I suggest that we all learn to advance to kingdom thinking rather than worldly, that we all might agree. Yet, here we are.

Regarding the topic question, notice that Peter says "these last days." Now, one can assume that he meant those days that he was living in. However, the words are spirit, and there is more than meets the eye. The same use of words would also be the correct words to state "these" last days differentiating them from "those" last days. Such is the kingdom context, which is to say that all days are last days...as each come to an end. For which I submit, that the last days are from the beginning of days to the end of days, and quite literally made up of "these" and "those"--these which Peter was announcing, and those which had just come to an end, which is the dividing line between the times of the two folds that Christ "must bring." All of which is eluded to in "a time, times, and half a time."

Like I said, quite: "abstract", and yet this is what is meant by "rightly dividing the word of truth."


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States

Would agree and equate that every man, knows there is a very last day.

That would be the very last day of life.


There are a lot of spiritual values, but there is history and there is figurative language through out the narrative of the bible.

That is what is to be encouraged, to be read, and to fortify faith and diligently seek out God, and he will reward those who do - with more spirit as the body (flesh) dies or diminishes from what it once did in all of its worldly settings.

Fortify building on the chief cornerstone, to love God and love others while one has life to breathe, and not to become spiritually indifferent or dulled out. Which can be tough, according to Jesus, and his parable of the sowers.

Thank you, for your comment.

Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
In other words I proved you in error, I only been preaching on this stuff 40 years, its no wonder todays youth can't learn anything, they refuse to look to their elders for advice.
LOL. As if everyone who has "been preaching on this stuff 40 years" agrees with you. Hardly. All what you said means is that you have been wrong for 40 years. Both your hyper-futurism and the full preterist view of the person you are debating are as wrong as wrong can be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
You know one thing that is good to know is that there is no more "submission to elders, preachers, teachers, or anyone that may come forth with anything from the bible."

What there is students, avid seekers of truth, doubters, haters, lovers, all sorts of individuals who partake in looking at the bible or not looking at the bible.

I don't personally care what background, a person is from, black, white, asian, german, from israel, gay, not gay, trans, murderer, liars, deceivers, doubter, haters, insulter, or not, the point of the Lord Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, was to show mercy on anyone and everyone whom comes along, and to die to our own will, and to be buried with christ putting away the former lusts of it, and to be raised again with Christ in newness of life, sharing what is known when lead by the spirit.

So many people will cut people down, and also see people as a threat just because they have different ideas, or opinions, or abstracted beliefs, all while believing in the one whom came from heaven, died on the cross, was buried and raised again.

Peace should sought with all men, and to be honest and open about hey you know this is some information you can take leave, will decide to love you either way and hope all the best and that God will help you along your way because all of us are gonna judged one day at death.

It's all about looking to the Lord Jesus
, whom is the solution, whom is the fortifier of faith, who helps and renews the mind, and escathology always will shape a "world view" and it's okay to have differences and allow the freedom of others, but because of the differences people normally see that as a "threat" to their held beliefs, or traditions that are common to them and that is okay, however the over all factor is the importance of LOVE in the agape.

Love its self in that manner is not really indulged in: because the flesh loves its own way, where we see Jesus calling out "My God My God why have you forsaken ME!" (the Christ in Yeshua left him), God never forsake, his flesh believes he completely abandoned him, as he died on the cross for sin, three days later he came through, while Yeshua was in Sheol.

Amazing stuff, but yes, never believe me, or believe your mom, or dad, a pastor, or an elder, or friend.

Seek evidences for truth, and believe on the Lord Jesus, he is the ultimate solution, going to God, over man (even though you can consider what man may say).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
There was unrest from the beginning.

"He who eats at the table with Me, has raised his heel up against Me" (from memory, the gospels).

In a sense the 'table' is metaphoric of "time" and speaks of someone objecting to the need for time (the table) running out (the meal being over).