Why do you feel it is so hard to be good?

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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Works-less people are not born again. John and James said that, not me. You're rejecting God's opinion of the matter, not mine. If you reject the words of John and James that I posted you certainly aren't going to listen to mine.

One becomes “ Born Again” when they Believe Jesus was Who He said He was.....has nothing to do with Works.....I believe they SHOULD Follow Salvation.....I believe they WILL follow Salvation....they just do not HAVE to follow Salvation.....ask The Thief on the Cross....Jesu could have say, “ Hey, you Believed in me and turned to me—- you were 99% of the way there ! But the Father and I have this iron- clad Rule that you gotta put your Trust me in Me and then “ DO” something real quick to show you got Saved , and buddy.....you just didn’t have the time ......sorry about that....”

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
ask The Thief on the Cross....Jesu could have say, “ Hey, you Believed in me and turned to me—- you were 99% of the way there !
What a stupid, stupid argument.
The thief on the cross cries on Jesus' shoulder every time someone uses his experience on the cross as an excuse to not have any works.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
But the Father and I have this iron- clad Rule that you gotta put your Trust me in Me and then “ DO” something real quick to show you got Saved , and buddy.....you just didn’t have the time ......sorry about that....”
What an incredibly stupid argument. As if the argument is being made that works is a legalistic requirement to earn salvation.

People who get to the judgment without works to show they have faith in Jesus will wish they had the convenient excuse that they had been nailed on a cross after getting saved and died shortly afterward.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Verse!! LOL At this point how many verses....by how many people have you been given that proves you wrong? What are we up to now...15,000 posts discussing your desire to promote sin and sin some more? Verses!! You have to be kidding.

Christianity and the Bible are not about Christ rewarding evil. It is not about Christ tolerating evil. God's Word stands against you. I am not that patient with evil. And so many have been patient with a person that has attacked the very character of Christianity.

If you are not going to address the topic of the tread, get off of it. Start your own thread.

I don’t deviate from the original theme of this forum any more than anybody else....you are smart enough to know that .....so is the audience.....You can't out debate me using Chapter and Verse and it is obvious to any good Bible Student .....you never did address the Verse I brought up....you are stymied .....
you fear me because you know that I know the Bible better than you do....that explains your eagerness to get me out of here....I feel obligated to stay here to counter your Hogwash with the Truth Of The Gospel Of Grace....Newbies must have a way to receive good teaching that they don't get in their churches....or here, most of the time.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
What a stupid, stupid argument.
The thief on the cross cries on Jesus' shoulder every time someone uses his experience on the cross as an excuse to not have any works.

“ Stupid? “ what a way to talk to a Brother! I though it was “ EASY” to be “ GOOD” .....lol.....so much for THAT baloney.......You and Grail disprove your little “ theory “ every time you post and everybody sees through it...can you two say, “ Hypocrite, Hypocrite?” Lol.......Jesus just * LOVED* Hypocrites, didn’t he?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I don’t deviate from the original theme of this forum any more than anybody else....you are smart enough to know that .....so is the audience.....You can't out debate me using Chapter and Verse and it is obvious to any good Bible Student .....you never did address the Verse I brought up....you are stymied .....
you fear me because you know that I know the Bible better than you do....that explains your eagerness to get me out of here....I feel obligated to stay here to counter your Hogwash with the Truth Of The Gospel Of Grace....Newbies must have a way to receive good teaching that they don't get in their churches....or here, most of the time.....

You have been proven wrong so many times it is just silly to pay any attention to you.
Be Good and do good. My motto....my character.
What is yours?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
You have been proven wrong so many times it is just silly to pay any attention to you.
Be Good and do good. My motto....my character.
What is yours?

My motto? “ Anybody that thinks that they are “ Good Enough” to go to Heaven is Damned”

“ There is NONE “GOOD”—- No, not ONE!”...... that would include YOU , oh Proud one.....

Satan’s downfall was Pride—— just saying.....

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
I keep TELLING you! It’s SUPER HYPER GRACE! You need to humble yourself and thank your God for it....you need it.....just like I do.....
A good example of his unwillingness to see plain scripture...

"The law came in so that the trespass would increase; but where sin increased, grace increased all the more" Romans 5:20

"Shall we continue in sin so that grace may increase? Certainly not! How can we who died to sin live in it any longer?" Romans 6:1-2

It's like he doesn't even see it.

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
OSAS.....it is strictly a modern concept of we want to be rewarded for evil.
Backlit likes this

God's ETERNAL Salvation is no such UNsound doctrine. "Bad works" of the
"members" of The Body Of CHRIST
are NOT "rewarded for evil" God's PRESERVED Word prayerfully read/studied:

"For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye
are God's building...If any man's {UNfaithful labourers} work shall be burned,
he SHALL SUFFER LOSS: but he himself SHALL BE SAVED; yet so as by fire."
(1Co 3:9,15)

NO "reward for evil" Get it? Backlit DOESN't like this?

UNsound doctrine DENIES God's True Words In:
God's OPERATION On All HIS New-born babes In CHRIST!
God's Eternal Assurance

What Does God Say About
our "denial" Of HIS Word of TRUTH?

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
My motto? “ Anybody that thinks that they are “ Good Enough” to go to Heaven is Damned”

“ There is NONE “GOOD”—- No, not ONE!”...... that would include YOU , oh Proud one.....

Satan’s downfall was Pride—— just saying.....
"He gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds.

Speak these things as you encourage and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you." Titus 2:14-15

Your theology is hardly about being zealous for good deeds. It's all about the joy of not having to do good. It was created to fill the church pews of mega-churche$.
Just sayin'.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
My motto? “ Anybody that thinks that they are “ Good Enough” to go to Heaven is Damned”

“ There is NONE “GOOD”—- No, not ONE!”...... that would include YOU , oh Proud one.....

Satan’s downfall was Pride—— just saying.....

You twist everything and try to deceive. That is your motto. Lie and lie and lie and lie!
I have never seen anyone tell you that anyone is good enough to go to Heaven.

Just a reminder...you have been given this so many times.....and again leave the tread.
1..No one is saying that being good and doing good has anything do with being initially saved, everyone agrees that, that is through Christ.

2..No one here is saying that being good and doing good justifies us, it all about the biblical requirement to be obedience to Christ.

3..No one is saying that good deeds is what gets you to heaven.

4..I am saying that being good and doing good is what Christians are repeatedly told to do. Being good and doing good is obedience to Christ. I mean really, what is the alternative that is being proposed here by some.

5..I am saying that sinful lifestyles can lead to hell...whether they believe in Christ or not.

6..I am not saying that sinful lifestyles cannot be forgiven. Even towards the end someone that has committed the worst of horrible sins or a sinful lifestyle can repent and be forgiven. That is all depends on sincerity and Christ will know the intentions and truths of the heart and will judge according. But that is Christ's choice to send that Christian to heaven or hell. I do contend that a change of heart at the last minute and expecting forgiveness is very risky, because, could someone like Hitler or serial killers change their character in that last few moments of their life? Not saying I know, but I would debate it.

7..I am saying that repentance is required to be initially saved. That repentance is not only acknowledging that you have sinned but a commitment to obey and be good and do good....the best you can. Salvation was not designed for perfection. Then after one is saved and commits sins, that repentance is required to get those sins forgiven. Again a commitment not to keep doing the same sin over and over again. It is not wrong for Christ to expect us to learn from our mistakes...we maybe slow learners but...

8..No one here is saying that you have to be perfect to go to heaven.

9..Then again, heaven is not going to be full of evildoers.

10..No one is saying that being good and doing good is salvation. It is obedience to Christ.

11..And the Bible says over and over again that we should obey Christ and our deeds will be judged, come Judgment Day.

12..Alternatively sins can lead to hell, particularly lifestyle sins because you cannot repent for something you intend to do or even continue to do. You cannot play Christ for a fool. You cannot con Christ, he know the heart and the intent.

13..I do contend that your average Christian will show up on Judgment Day and pass with flying colors.

14..In regard to sins, what is being discussed here is mostly lifestyle sins.

15..No one is saying that there is a biblical requirement to ask forgiveness for every sin or to remember every sin. Just ask forgiveness in one of your daily prayers.

The disclaimer....if you are so messed up in the head that you cannot control your actions....that is still between you and Christ on Judgment Day and that is up to Him. On the other hand if this is you, and you cannot control your actions, you need to seek psychiatric help, because who knows what harm you could do to yourself or others.
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