Why its important to keep the Sabbath

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
How can you not know this...

Grailhunter said:

How can you not know this...
The Letter of Barnabas 70 AD
Since, therefore, the days are evil, and Satan possesses the power of this world, we ought to give heed to ourselves, and diligently inquire into the ordinances of the Lord. Fear and patience, then, are helpers of our faith; and long-suffering and continence are things which fight on our side. While these remain pure in what respects the Lord, Wisdom, Understanding, Science, and Knowledge rejoice along with them. For He hath revealed to us by all the prophets that He needs neither sacrifices, nor burnt-offerings, nor oblations, saying thus, “What is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me, saith the Lord? I am full of burnt-offerings, and desire not the fat of lambs, and the blood of bulls and goats, not when ye come to appear before Me: for who hath required these things at your hands? Tread no more My courts, not though ye bring with you fine flour. Incense is a vain abomination unto Me, and your new moons and sabbaths I cannot endure.” He has therefore abolished these things, that the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is without the yoke of necessity, might have a human oblation(The Epistle of Barnabas 1 Chapter II.—The Jewish sacrifices are now abolished.)
Further, He says to them, “Your new moons and your Sabbath I cannot endure.” Ye perceive how He speaks: Your present Sabbaths are not acceptable to Me, but that is which I have made, [namely this,] when, giving rest to all things, I shall make a beginning of the eighth day, that is, a beginning of another world. Wherefore, also, we keep the eighth day with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead. And when He had manifested Himself, He ascended into the heavens.(The Epistle of Barnabas Chapter XV.—The false and the true Sabbath. [A.D. 74].

How can you say that I do not know this?
And how can you say that I do not believe this?
And how can you say that this in any way annuls the Sabbath Day “the Seventh Day Sabbath OF THE LORD GOD” ? Only if the “Lord of the Sabbath” – “the Son of Man” WHO IS “the Son of Man Lord of the Sabbath”, IS NOT, YOUR, LORD!

Therefore JUSTLY are all “YOUR sabbaths” - like your Easter Sunday and every other Sunday sabbaths of yours, justly called “DAY OF THE LORD SUN” in inscriptions on catacomb tombs UNDER THE VATICAN.

And even do I believe Barnabas’ reference to the “eighth day” implied “Sabbath” – mark well, not an eighth day Sunday is implied, but the LORD'S DAY Sabbath! Because Barnabas was no Jew twister of Scripture, but believed Scripture, that it commands, “Ye shall have SABBATH the first day of the Seventh Month” Leviticus 23:23, so that the Seventh Month had SABBATH the first day of it, and SABBATH the eighth day, and SABBATH the fifteenth day, and SABBATH the twenty second day, and SABBATH the twenty ninth day of it ALL YEARS! So that the Lord said, FROM AND WITH the FIRST day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the Sabbath of the 15th until and including the LAST day of the Feast of Tabernacles the Sabbath of the 22nd and Last Day the "Eighth Day" Barnabas had in mind, “I shall make a beginning of the eighth day, that is, a beginning of another world, wherefore also, we keep with joyfulness the eighth day” WHICH WAS A TYPICAL SABBATH of the week on the twenty second day of the Seventh Month. Isaiah 58, PROPHESYING OF THE CHRIST, “11And the LORD shall guide Thee continually, and satisfy Thy soul in drought, and make fat Thy bones: and Thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. 12And they that shall be of Thee [“the People of God” Hebrews 4:9] shall build the old waste places [in time, the trampled down Sabbath of the LORD GOD and Saviour Jesus Christ]: Thou shalt raise up the foundations of. For many generations [“the Sabbath was made for man”] Thou shalt be called The Repairer of the breach, The Restorer of paths to dwell in. Thou hast turned away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing Thy pleasure on My (the Father of Jesus') holy day; and hast called My (the LORD GOD'S) Sabbath, Thy delight, holy of the LORD, honourable; and hast honoured HIM the LORD [GOD of the Sabbath], not doing Thine own ways, nor finding Thine own pleasure, nor speaking Thine own words: (Luke 22:42 not my will, but thine, be done) 14Then shalt Thou delight Thyself in the LORD; and I [the LORD GOD] will cause Thee [the SON] to ride upon the high places of the earth ["God raised Him from the dead by the exceeding greatness of his Power (Being)" Ephesian 1:19,20], and feed Thee ("satisfy Thy soul") with the heritage of Jacob thy father [“there remains for the People of God a (one) Sabbath Day-of-rest”]: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it ("for it is written")!”

How can you, Grailhunter, not know this and not believe this?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
the Mosaic Law was "added because of transgressions" against an already existing law that was transgressed - the Ten Commandments - until the Seed should come and nail the Mosaic Law to the Cross. Any other interpretation causes Biblical disharmony.
Looong before <the Mosaic Law>, "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden!"

Yea, and looong before <the Mosaic Law>, "the woman said, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." So she had known the Law of the Spoken Word of God, from the beginning in fact, the very Law Mrs. and Mr. Adam had been acquainted with even before they of own volition proceeded disregarding it, disobeying it, sinning against God Himself!

Yea, and looong before <the Mosaic Law>, ANOTHER Law added his own word-of-law to God's, "4and the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die": Satan's law was added, causing transgressions against God's already existing Law which they summarily went along and transgressed :- the Ten Commandments - yea!

<. . .until the Seed should come> and nail The Law of God to the cross, "making Sacrifice of HIMSELF", providing forgiveness and mercy for pardon and the free gift of His Righteousness through Jesus Christ, "causing transgression to cease" and "making atonement and reconciliation", creating harmony through Jesus Christ between God the Father and His inheritance in the saints.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
<. . .until the Seed should come> and nail The Law of God to the cross, "making Sacrifice of HIMSELF", providing forgiveness and mercy for pardon and the free gift of His Righteousness through Jesus Christ, "causing transgression to cease" and "making atonement and reconciliation", creating harmony through Jesus Christ between God the Father and His inheritance in the saints.
Since the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law, and only points to the Mosaic Law as having been nailed to the Cross, the Ten Commandments remain to be obeyed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
Since the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law, and only points to the Mosaic Law as having been nailed to the Cross, the Ten Commandments remain to be obeyed.
Well whether we agree or not or are willing to agree to disagree or not,,, go along and believe what you have made yourself wise to believe. I will stick with plain, straight forward, unadulterated SCRIPTURE.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Well whether we agree or not or are willing to agree to disagree or not,,, go along and believe what you have made yourself wise to believe. I will stick with plain, straight forward, unadulterated SCRIPTURE.
If you were sticking with Scripture, you'd know the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law of Ten Commandments.

You're no different that Rome's "counter-reformation" Jesuits who ran to the Bible with their mind already made up that the papacy wasn't the Antichrist, which resulted in their fabrication of the Jesuit "Left Behind" Futurism and Jesuit "Way Behind" Preterism eschatological lies.

They thought they were "sticking with Scripture" too, right?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
How can I not know this?
How can you say I don't know this? Simply because you are arrogant and yourself DO NOT KNOW these documents.
Are you saying that I do not believe 'THIS'
The Didache
1. But every Lord’s day do ye gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure.
(Didache Chapter XIV.11 —Christian Assembly on the Lord’s Day. 14 [A.D. 70]). . .

I believe it, even this: "But every Lord’s day do ye gather yourselves together". What is wrong with every Lord’s Sabbath Day gathering together, even in this era, the 21st century AD? BECAUSE "the Son of Man Lord of the Sabbath", STILL "IS", "The Same, yesterday, today, and, FOREVER."
10:40 AM · Apr 8, 2024

Grailhunter said:

How can you not know this...
The Letter of Barnabas 70 AD
Since, therefore, the days are evil, and Satan possesses the power of this world, we ought to give heed to ourselves, and diligently inquire into the ordinances of the Lord. Fear and patience, then, are helpers of our faith; and long-suffering and continence are things which fight on our side. While these remain pure in what respects the Lord, Wisdom, Understanding, Science, and Knowledge rejoice along with them. For He hath revealed to us by all the prophets that He needs neither sacrifices, nor burnt-offerings, nor oblations, saying thus, “What is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me, saith the Lord? I am full of burnt-offerings, and desire not the fat of lambs, and the blood of bulls and goats, not when ye come to appear before Me: for who hath required these things at your hands? Tread no more My courts, not though ye bring with you fine flour. Incense is a vain abomination unto Me, and your new moons and sabbaths I cannot endure.” He has therefore abolished these things, that the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is without the yoke of necessity, might have a human oblation(The Epistle of Barnabas 1 Chapter II.—The Jewish sacrifices are now abolished.)
Further, He says to them, “Your new moons and your Sabbath I cannot endure.” Ye perceive how He speaks: Your present Sabbaths are not acceptable to Me, but that is which I have made, [namely this,] when, giving rest to all things, I shall make a beginning of the eighth day, that is, a beginning of another world. Wherefore, also, we keep the eighth day with joyfulness, the day also on which Jesus rose again from the dead. And when He had manifested Himself, He ascended into the heavens.(The Epistle of Barnabas Chapter XV.—The false and the true Sabbath. [A.D. 74].

How can you say that I do not know this?
And how can you say that I do not believe this?
And how can you say that this in any way annuls the Sabbath Day “the Seventh Day Sabbath OF THE LORD GOD” ? Only if the “Lord of the Sabbath” – “the Son of Man” WHO IS “the Son of Man Lord of the Sabbath”, IS NOT, YOUR, LORD!

Therefore JUSTLY are all “YOUR sabbaths” - like your Easter Sunday and every other Sunday sabbaths of yours, justly called “DAY OF THE LORD SUN” in inscriptions on catacomb tombs UNDER THE VATICAN.

And even do I believe Barnabas’ reference to the “eighth day” implied “Sabbath” – mark well, not an eighth day Sunday is implied, but the LORD'S DAY Sabbath! Because Barnabas was no Jew twister of Scripture, but believed Scripture, that it commands, “Ye shall have SABBATH the first day of the Seventh Month” Leviticus 23:23, so that the Seventh Month had SABBATH the first day of it, and SABBATH the eighth day, and SABBATH the fifteenth day, and SABBATH the twenty second day, and SABBATH the twenty ninth day of it ALL YEARS! So that the Lord said, FROM AND WITH the FIRST day of the Feast of Tabernacles on the Sabbath of the 15th until and including the LAST day of the Feast of Tabernacles the Sabbath of the 22nd and Last Day the "Eighth Day" Barnabas had in mind, “I shall make a beginning of the eighth day, that is, a beginning of another world, wherefore also, we keep with joyfulness the eighth day” WHICH WAS A TYPICAL SABBATH of the week on the twenty second day of the Seventh Month. Isaiah 58, PROPHESYING OF THE CHRIST, “11And the LORD shall guide Thee continually, and satisfy Thy soul in drought, and make fat Thy bones: and Thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. 12And they that shall be of Thee [“the People of God” Hebrews 4:9] shall build the old waste places [in time, the trampled down Sabbath of the LORD GOD and Saviour Jesus Christ]: Thou shalt raise up the foundations of. For many generations [“the Sabbath was made for man”] Thou shalt be called The Repairer of the breach, The Restorer of paths to dwell in. Thou hast turned away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing Thy pleasure on My (the Father of Jesus') holy day; and hast called My (the LORD GOD'S) Sabbath, Thy delight, holy of the LORD, honourable; and hast honoured HIM the LORD [GOD of the Sabbath], not doing Thine own ways, nor finding Thine own pleasure, nor speaking Thine own words: (Luke 22:42 not my will, but thine, be done) 14Then shalt Thou delight Thyself in the LORD; and I [the LORD GOD] will cause Thee [the SON] to ride upon the high places of the earth ["God raised Him from the dead by the exceeding greatness of his Power (Being)" Ephesian 1:19,20], and feed Thee ("satisfy Thy soul") with the heritage of Jacob thy father [“there remains for the People of God a (one) Sabbath Day-of-rest”]: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it ("for it is written")!”

How can you, Grailhunter, not know this and not believe this?

That is what I said to you....are you just being stupid.......again?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
If you were sticking with Scripture, you'd know the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law of Ten Commandments.

You're no different that Rome's "counter-reformation" Jesuits who ran to the Bible with their mind already made up that the papacy wasn't the Antichrist, which resulted in their fabrication of the Jesuit "Left Behind" Futurism and Jesuit "Way Behind" Preterism eschatological lies.

They thought they were "sticking with Scripture" too, right?

I know the Scriptures well enough to, undaunted, challenge you and anyone in the world, to prove from Scripture with Scripture, 1. <the Mosaic Law> is not <God's Law>; 2. <God's Law of Ten Commandments> is not <God's Law> but instead is <the Mosaic Law>. . . in other words, to prove <the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law of Ten Commandments> IN THE WAY YOU ASSUME AND PRESUME!

Now what the hell has your tirade, <You're no different that Rome's "counter-reformation" Jesuits who ran to the Bible with their mind already made up that the papacy wasn't the Antichrist, which resulted in their fabrication of the Jesuit "Left Behind" Futurism and Jesuit "Way Behind" Preterism eschatological lies> got to do with the issue whether or how <the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law of Ten Commandments>? You can't stick to the subject, what stick to the Scriptures!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
That is what I said to you....are you just being stupid.......again?
Yes, that is what You have said to me, proving you have not bothered to read what I also wrote about what you have told me --- I am not the one stupid here. . . or the one with no decency or honesty or courage TO FACE THE CHALLENGE PUT BEFORE HIM, TO SHOW A PIECE OF PARER WITH JUSTIN MARTYR'S WRITING OF SUNDAY AND SATURDAY ON IT.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I know the Scriptures well enough to, undaunted, challenge you and anyone in the world, to prove from Scripture with Scripture, 1. <the Mosaic Law> is not <God's Law>; 2. <God's Law of Ten Commandments> is not <God's Law> but instead is <the Mosaic Law>. . . in other words, to prove <the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law of Ten Commandments> IN THE WAY YOU ASSUME AND PRESUME!

Now what the hell has your tirade, <You're no different that Rome's "counter-reformation" Jesuits who ran to the Bible with their mind already made up that the papacy wasn't the Antichrist, which resulted in their fabrication of the Jesuit "Left Behind" Futurism and Jesuit "Way Behind" Preterism eschatological lies> got to do with the issue whether or how <the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law of Ten Commandments>? You can't stick to the subject, what stick to the Scriptures!

I stick to the subject.....it is the title of the thread.
Look I try to have patience with the uneducated and straight up stupid, but you are just over the top eat up with ignorance.....So you can take the crap in your head and puke it in a trash can because that is where it belongs.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
I stick to the subject.....it is the title of the thread.
Look I try to have patience with the uneducated and straight up stupid, but you are just over the top eat up with ignorance.....So you can take the crap in your head and puke in a trash can because that is where it belongs.

You do not stick to YOUR subject..... okie. <it>, in my post #1,007, is not <the title of the thread>, it was my post addressed to Phoneman777some 30 minutes ago. Look try educate yourself on the actual subject – in my post A moment ago#1,008.
4:56 PM · Apr 8, 2024
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Yes, the Mosaic Law was "added because of transgressions" against an already existing law that was transgressed - the Ten Commandments - until the Seed should come and nail the Mosaic Law to the Cross. Any other interpretation causes Biblical disharmony.
The Mosaic Law was the Ten Commandments, so we agree. Interesting...
What is taken away is the guilt of confessed and forsaken sin (Proverbs 28:13 KJV), not our obligation for "reasonable service" (Romans 12:1 KJV) and "unprofitable" (Luke 17:10 KJV) obedience to the Ten Commandments.

If your argument were true, James was wrong to warn that if the blood washed, born again, grace saved Christian commits murder, he becomes a transgressor of the law.
James was not reiterating keeping the Ten Commandments, but a more powerful law, the law of Liberty (verse 12)
Eternal life ain't a stamped card or a punched ticket we put in our pocket - it's granted upon condition that we "abide in the Vine" and "continue in grace" and "endure to the end" and "continue in My word", etc. It's choice to either continually say "not my will, but Thine" or say "it's my will, and to hell with Thine will" - sin or obedience is simply outward evidence of our inward choice.

Women should understand this better than us men.

No sane wife would ever believe her habitually unfaithful husband no matter how much he says he loves her, but for some reason, Christian women are the most vocal advocates for demanding God accept both faithfulness and unfaithfulness as proof we love Him.
The born again Christian has been given a deeper law than the surface, bottom line law given as to kindergartners. We establish the laws of God. Romans 3:31 through the Spirit.
"Sins unto death" are deliberate, known, habitual, presumptuous sins from which the Presumptuous Man refuses to repent and will split hell wide open no matter how high he raises his praise hands.

"Sin not unto death" are those for which the Just Man wets his pillow at night with tears in deep sorrow, begging God for overcoming power - grace will ever accompany this man all the way to the kingdom.
P777, I like these answers. I'll just add we are told in 1 John 3 that Jesus takes away all desire to commit lawlessness by abiding in Jesus. So we won't be guilty of doing anything serious to grieve. We won't be doing anything to feel guilty about. All who are born again of the Spirit ALREADY have been given that overcoming power to obey God's Spirit through our conscience. 1 John 3:21-22. I also like that you associated God's grace with His power. Romans 1:16-17 His gospel is the power of God.

First Jesus cleanses us from breaking the commandments of God - lawlessness, sins unto death taking us the eternal life. John 15:3-4 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. After lawlessness, God works on the fruit of the Spirit. (These imperfections are what are immature fruit and takes time as we abide in Christ.) 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
Holiness and perfection in our respective spheres. The perfect test scores of the PhD student and the kindergarten student are indeed both perfect but not both equal.
As I just said, these take time. Till then children of God are righteous, not perfect. 2 Peter 1:5-11.
5 But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. 8 For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins. 10 Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; (perfect, holy) 11 for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
FIRST: If one keeps the "spirit of the law" he will by default be keeping "letter of the law" - unless your willing to argue it's OK for a man to sleep with another man's wife as long as he doesn't lust.

SECOND: The law is a "killer" only to those who attempt to obtain salvation by obeying it because attempting that leads only to spiritual ruin. To the saint, the law is "holy, just, and good" - not a killer.

THIRDLY, to answer your question: Hebrews 4:9-10 KJV plainly says the weekly Sabbath remains for Christians to keep according to how the commandment says it's to be kept - because if we're resting inwardly in Jesus, we'll demonstrate that rest by resting every Sabbath from our work "as God did from His".
Hebrews 4 has nothing to do with keeping the Sabbath DAY, otherwise the analogy wouldn't have been the promised land. I'll just tell you. The Spirit of the Law for the commandments and for keeping one day a week holy is abiding in Jesus every day, every minute, every second of everyday in our lives, called TODAY. Always present.

The early Christians were not given a mandate of a once a week holy day in which to come together. They came together everyday. That is why Hebrews 10:25 shows that some never came together because there was no law on a physical day, the letter of the old laws. And that Romans 14 shows the same thing. That the mature Christian recognized that all days now were alike. But now the second coming is almost upon us, so lets come together all the more to strengthen each other and graduate to perfection.

I love going to both the Adventist church here in town (they know I'm not an Adventist, but am a seer like Ellen) and they seem to love me and I in turn love them. And then I go to church the next day too at two different churches for different reasons. One is a go through the Bible verse by verse Calvary Chapel, and the other serves the Lord's Supper every week and the pastor there I can see as a seer is special. I attend not by law but by Love.

The one thing that is so different between those who worship on Saturday and those who worship on Sunday is Adventists seem to worship the day verses worshiping Jesus. The best thing about the New Covenant is the focus. You might want to think about that. All that is talked about is keeping the letter of the law. The true Sabbath rest is in Jesus, not a physical day of the flesh but loving God and each other.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
<the Mosaic Law> is not <God's Law>
Agreed, which is why the Bible makes several undeniable distinctions between the two.
; 2. <God's Law of Ten Commandments> is not <God's Law> but instead is <the Mosaic Law>.
Preposterous. Satan "sinned" aka "transgression of the law" in heaven, coveting worship - millenniums before Moses.

Can't get any further back from Moses than that.
. . in other words, to prove <the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law of Ten Commandments> IN THE WAY YOU ASSUME AND PRESUME!
Assure you that assumption nor presumption is necessary, but unanswerable arguments. For instance:

Mosaic Law = "carnal commandment" (Hebrews 7:16 KJV)
Tenth Commandment is "holy" (Romans 7:12 KJV)
The same law can't be simultaneously "holy" and "carnal".
Now what the hell has your tirade, <You're no different that Rome's "counter-reformation" Jesuits who ran to the Bible with their mind already made up that the papacy wasn't the Antichrist, which resulted in their fabrication of the Jesuit "Left Behind" Futurism and Jesuit "Way Behind" Preterism eschatological lies> got to do with the issue whether or how <the Bible differentiates between the Mosaic Law and God's Law of Ten Commandments>? You can't stick to the subject, what stick to the Scriptures!
I assure you, the Ten commandments existed long before Moses and will last for all eternity...unless you're willing to argue we can ignore "thou shalt have no other gods before Me" as freely as we can ignore circumcision and Passover attendance...right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
The Mosaic Law was the Ten Commandments
Sorry, but that appears to be a Logical Fallacy.

If the Ten Commandments are nailed to the Cross along with the Mosaic Law, then we can ignore "have no other gods before Me" as freely as the command to keep Passover.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Sorry, but that appears to be a Logical Fallacy.

If the Ten Commandments are nailed to the Cross along with the Mosaic Law, then we can ignore "have no other gods before Me" as freely as the command to keep Passover.
I know you don't understand. We are too close to the end to cause you to question what you are doing, as whatever is not from faith is sin. Just know that I don't need a written law telling me to not murder someone. It is just not in my cleansed nature to murder someone. Understand? Instead I will love them.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
What we call prophecy is so because of God's predetermination of those future events.
I disagree with that…..prophesy is God being omniscient, and “knowing the end from the beginning”….it’s not that he predetermines anything but the outworking of his original purpose….he simply foretells what will take place because he already knows how it will turn out.

He will adjust his decisions and his actions along the way if that is necessary to achieve his end goal, but his original purpose for mankind on this earth will go ahead….with us or without us…..because that is our choice...to serve the true God or to do the bidding of the false god who took his place as the ruler of this world. (2 Cor 4:4; Luke 4:5-6) Why else would Jesus tell us to be no part of it?
How many of the threads on these forums are about worldly politics….as if God was siding with one political party or the other? Both sides are creations of the devil….we have no say in anything they do. (John 17:16)

The only thing that was predetermined at creation was the end result…..a closing of the 7th day with its final declaration that “everything is very good”…..because the 7th day has no declaration like all the other creative “days” that will indicates that it is finished to God’s satisfaction, we can conclude that it will end successfully in the future, as it must…..God has no failures. (Isa 55:11)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
I disagree with that…..prophesy is God being omniscient, and “knowing the end from the beginning”….it’s not that he predetermines anything but the outworking of his original purpose….he simply foretells what will take place because he already knows how it will turn out.
That sounds like fate, instead of God knowing what He causes, and how far He allows Satan to go to further His plans. Instead of fate, God is in control.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
That sounds like fate, instead of God knowing what He causes, and how far He allows Satan to go to further His plans. Instead of fate, God is in control.
Not fate, because only the outcome is predetermined.....neither the circumstances nor the people are predestined in God's original purpose.

God showed us with his faithful servant, Job that the devil is allowed to go so far, and no further...God is in control, although sometimes it appears as if he is not. Job had no idea why he had suffered such significant losses in his life, but our behind the scenes look at what really took place, may have given him a different view of things.....but to his credit, God allowed the devil to go way beyond what any human should have had to endure.....God knew his limits and they were apparently way beyond what the average person is capable of enduring.

1 Cor 10:13...
"No temptation has come upon you except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out so that you may be able to endure it."

Any one of those trials may have destroyed the faith of some of us.....but God knew this man, whose acts of faithful endurance under extreme circumstances, was then recorded for all of our benefit.

Can we see what the devil wants to do to us? If God did not constrain him, the level of evil that he is capable of demonstrating would eliminate us all from life itself...or even from a life worth living as we are seeing now.....so many evil things are looming on the horizon.....and life is getting harder....but God has promised that if we remain faithful to him, he will see us through the worst trials and then restore us to health and happiness once the devil is defeated.

Job's story ends happily....

Job 42:10-16....
"After Job had prayed for his companions, Jehovah removed Job’s tribulation+ and restored his prosperity. Jehovah gave him double what he had before. 11 All his brothers and sisters and all his former friends came to him and ate a meal with him in his house. They sympathized with him and comforted him over all the calamity that Jehovah had allowed to come upon him. Each of them gave him a piece of money and a gold ring.

12 So Jehovah blessed the last part of Job’s life more than the beginning, . . . .13 He also came to have seven more sons and three more daughters. . . . .

16 After this Job lived for 140 years, and he saw his children and his grandchildren—four generations. 17 Finally Job died, after a long and satisfying life."

Can we imagine the family reunion in the resurrection? A time when all 20 of Job's children get to meet each other and enjoy eternity together with their parents? What a time of joy it will be for us too if we can endure faithfully to the end.....and like Job, value the truth and live by it now, so that when Christ comes as judge.....he will reward our faithfulness too.
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Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
The born again Christian has been given a deeper law than the surface, bottom line law given as to kindergartners. We establish the laws of God. Romans 3:31 through the Spirit.

The born again Christian has not been given a law given as of dark matter, deeper than but with no surface, higher than, but with no bottom line. The born again Christian does not establish the laws of God, the laws of God establish him, form the basis of his life, and the surface of his spirit.