Your Sins Don't Count Against You Anymore

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“If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”

If this is talking about our ongoing relationship with God, and to "walk in darkness" means to engage, as a child of God, temporarily in sin, then not only do we lose fellowship with God and with each other, but the blood of Jesus stops cleansing us from sin.

If this is talking about coming into a relationship with God, then we admit our sins, seeking forgiveness, and we are cleansed.

We can say we are Christians, in fellowship with God, but if we walk in darkness, that's a lie. But if we don't walk in darkness, instead, we walk in the light, that's not a lie, and we are cleansed of all sin.

But if we look at this as that we as Christians may walk in darkness, the we are no longer cleansed from our sin.

Except . . . Romans 8 tells us there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.

I don't see how we can go in and out of justification.


Much love!
I agree that sin does not take us in and out of our standing with God. Justified, fully, and completely. The Son of God came to this world to defeat Satan. He succeeded. That victory was won by meeting all the temptation the devil could devise and present to human flesh (tempted in all points such as we are) and conquering sin right there...where we lose the battle, Christ won. The result can be seen in those who by faith in Him, demonstrate in their lives the righteousness of the law, through the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the holy Spirit. Love in that context, is the fulfilling of the law. No -one who has such a faith need be overcome by sin, in fact, they cannot continue under its dominion...the hold that sin has over the man in Christ is broken. Forever. And as one continues in his walk with Christ, by beholding he becomes changed in HIs image...perfection of Christian character is the goal God has set for Himself in refining and sanctifying human beings in the flesh (not of the flesh). For what the law could not do, Christ did.
So, sin was defeated.
but, unbelief was not. It is unbelief that can be, and is, the Christian downfall. It is not you, me, or any of us who must do that which the Lord pleases, but "It shall accomplish that which I please". And what is "It"? It is His word. It is His word...His promises...His covenant...that has gone forth from His mouth and which shall accomplish that which He pleases. It is not for us to do this or to do that, but to open our hearts and lives to that word, that it may accomplish in us the will of God. It is the word of God itself that is to accomplish His will and purpose in our lives...overcome sin...obey His commandments...prosper in the thing for which He has sent it.
The only thing, and this is the blasphemy against the holy Spirit, that can forbid us from entering glory, is unbelief. Unbelief in God's word...unbelief in His promises, because that is all He asks us to do. Believe.
Our salvation does not depend on our maintaining our relationship with God but on believing that God is standing at the door and knocking, seeking to maintain that relationship unless we break it off through our unbelief. The result of our belief, the fruits of our faith in Christ's promises, lies in our obedience and character development. The fruits of unbelief are sin and the path of wickedness. Everything, our very destiny, lies not in the issue of sin, for that is dealt with already, it lies in our trust and faith in our Saviour to accomplish all He has promised.

But let us remember. We are not judged (yes, we are judged) by our faith, but by our fruits, whether those fruits come from belief, or unbelief.
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Oct 10, 2018
United States
The result can be seen in those who by faith in Him, demonstrate in their lives the righteousness of the law,

Hi brakelite,

So much that you write I agree with, but on this point above, I would rather say, demonstrate in their lives the righteousness of Christ, which far exeeds the law.

Philippians 3
5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;
6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

Of course he was not blamesless at heart, but by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he declared himself blamess under the law. But all for nothing.

I believe our standing with God is found in our relationship with God, now His children, holy and righteous. And when I say holy and righteous, I want to ascribe to those words the full meaning and impact:

We are holy. Not just in position or standing, but in fact. We are actually righteous. And that doesn't change, because it was brought through Jesus and what He did, not anything I do or don't do.

Being truly holy, righteous, there is an implication that needs attention. This also must mean sinless.

That which is born of God sins not. Therefore it is no longer I that sin, but the sin that lives in me.

If this is true, and it is, :) then what is there that could separate me from God? And what would introduce a break in fellowship? There is no sin between me and God.

Blasphemy of the Spirit, as I read it, was when the Pharisees trying to indict Jesus declared the spirit empowering Jesus was an unclean spirit, thereby calling the Holy Spirit unclean. I would not extend the meaning beyond that, myself.

Just the same, the day to day faith to enjoy our relationship with God, we forget. Or get confused, like thinking our bad behaviour has cut us off from God, and we forget we've been cleansed of our sins, and forget that we can know joy and peace right now just by taking God at His word.

It has nothing to do with keeping the law. I see the Law like secondary school, or high school, not sure who calls what what, just the same, law delivers one to faith, and holding on to law once we've received faith is like repeating high school instead of going on to college and and a career. We go on in Christ not keeping the letter of law, but living the newlife of the Spirit.

The unbelief you mention, those works not of faith that are lost, those times when we feel separated from God, I believe there is no break at all, that God is continuing in us all that is in His heart to do, but if I look away, look at the waves, I lose the enjoyment, and the fruitfulness, but all I need do is look back, and I walk in faith. All the while He is with me, loving me, caring for me. All because of what Jesus did, not what I've done, or will do.

Going through a trial now, I've got to keep these things in mind!

God is with us even as we are sinning; loving us, accepting us, protecting us, providing for us, nurturing us. And correcting us, reproving us, refining us, purging us. Because our relationship with God is based on Jesus' work, not our own, so it continues with the faithfulness of God, thanks be to Him!!!

Much love!

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Feb 6, 2018
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Of course salvation is conditional. And this has nothing to do with anyone's church teaching. It is what the Bible teaches. No where does scripture suggest that our salvation isn't granted to us without certain criteria.

informs you the Condition has been met.

Ie .... ONCE a man HAS Become Saved...!!!

That man...
Is OF God...

It is not...
Then a man has to TRY To Stay IN Christ.

It IS Then...
Christ FOREVER stays IN THE MAN!!

And WHOSE Power is Greater than Gods, that God cannot KEEP a man Saved?

1 John 4 [4] Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Glory to God,
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Feb 6, 2018
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Your Sins Don't Count Against You Anymore <--- OP

~ Marks ~ Agree.

Applicable to a man WHO, has believed, continued believing, submitted their life to the Lord, received, the Lords Forgiveness, the Saving of their soul, the Quickening of their spirit, the Lords Indwelling Light that overshadows the mans sin of darkness.
And ~ the indwelling Power of God, to KEEP the man Forever saved and with the Lord God.

~ CoreIssue ~
Conditional, TO RECEIVE the Lords Gift of Salvation.

~ braketlite ~
NOT Conditional, TO KEEP the Lords Gift of Salvation.

~ brakelite ~
There is an interim period, for man.
1) First the man Hears about God.
.....that is not receiving salvation.
2) The man Continues Hearing / Learning .
.....that is not receiving salvation.
3) The man is given MEASURES of Faith.
.....that is not receiving salvation.
4) The Faith Received, is Received to the mans spirit, in his heart.
.....that is not receiving salvation.
5) As the mans Continues Hearing, Learning; the man continues receiving FAITH from God.
....that is not receiving salvation.
6) As the mans FAITH increases, the man IS being PREPARED, to SURRENDER and GIVe HIS LIFE TO THE Lord.
....that preparation is not receiving salvation.

7) AT ANY TIME....
....that is not a man receiving salvation.

8)The man WHO... WALKS AWAY...
9) That man IS CALLED ~
....Having Fallen From Faith.

** IOW ~
....IS NOT A MAN Having RECEIVED salvation.
11) The man has received Measures of Faith,
And CAN walk away, withOUT having ReCeIVeD Salvation.
12) Because such a man HAS walked AWAY...
That man has LOST his salvation.
...He did receive salvation then LOST IT.
...The Salvation gift was his to TAKE;
...And he Didn't
...Thus he LOST the Salvation that WAS his to
13) What the man was RECEIVING, having, and Lost, was FAITH....

** IOW ~
Faith can be given a man, and the man lose it.
Salvation CAN NOT be given a man, and then the man lose it.

The GIFT of Salvation is FOR Everyone ~

The Condition ~
IS SALVAtION MUST Be RECEIVED by the man who CHOOSES to TAKE his Gift.

There is NO Condition ~
That the man MUST KEEP his Salvation.


And that is WHY....the KEY WORD in "OSAS"...

ONCE a man man IS WILLING to TAKE and RECEIVE his Gift of Salvation....It is NOT up to the man TO KEEP IT....
It is KePT by the Indwelling POWER OF God.

CoreIssue ~ acknowledge the Condition of RECEIVING Salvation.
(And that is true).

brakelite ~ was making a Condition for the mans to KEEP his Received Salvation.
(And that is NOT true).
The Power of the Lord does the KEEPING.

THAT ^^ is part of the GOOD NEWS of JESUS' GOSPEL....that the Gift of Salvation can be received BY A Man ONCE, and FOREVER the Lords "INDWELLING" Power WILL KEEP the man SAVED."

The INDWELLING Power of God Spirit/Power is His LIGHT.
His LIGHT "COVERS" all of a mans inner "Darkness" (ie SIN)...thus the Forgiven Sin is No Longer seen, Able to be seen, Able to be considered against the man, Able to be remembered BY God....
* (And should stop being remembered and dwelt on by men).

Glory to God,
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Like I said, possibly the most unpopular teaching in the church. If you lose your life, you will gain it. I quoted from all four gospels where Christ himself repeated those words several times... And only one of you has acknowledged it. Presumably the rest of you ignored it not wanting to recognise its importance. It is clearly a condition of salvation. Paul died daily. Even John the Baptist recognised the principle by saying less of me, more of Him.
I wrote of faith. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. Faith therefore is another condition. Unbelief kept Israel or of Canaan, it will keep you out of God kingdom... And many here do not have faith, they have presumption. They presume they are saved based on their own opinions of what scripture is saying while ignoring the criteria and the need for cooperation in allowing God to have His way in your lives . Good is a consuming fire. It is His presence in your life that makes you holy... But only by your own willingness to forsake sin and to be separated from it will God consume it and you will be enabled and empowered to come out of Babylon so you do not partake of her sins and be a part of her plagues.
Like I asked elsewhere, why did not the bush burn up? (Exodus 3) Because of Gods presence. God made that bush, and the ground Moses was standing on, holy. We are holy temples by the indwelling spirit of God.
But what can, and what will God do if you do not believe He is either willing or even able to accomplish? How many here do not believe God is able to make you a holy righteous people, without b blemish and without spot?
brakelite ~ was making a Condition for the mans to KEEP his Received Salvation.
(And that is NOT true).
The Power of the Lord does the KEEPING.
Yes, of you believe. But many fall into presumption by believing God will save them in sin.
And @marks , the fulfilling of the law... The keeping of the law... Through love... Is our destiny. Without holiness no man can see God. Now that does not mean I strive to be holy and obedient. It means I die that Christ, the hope of glory, may live. The sin issue and the holiness issue will be taken care of by Him... According to our faith.
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Feb 6, 2018
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Like I said, possibly the most unpopular teaching in the church. If you lose your life, you will gain it. I quoted from all four gospels where Christ himself repeated those words several times... And only one of you has acknowledged it. Presumably the rest of you ignored it not wanting to recognise its importance. It is clearly a condition of salvation. Paul died daily. Even John the Baptist recognised the principle by saying less of me, more of Him.
I wrote of faith. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. Faith therefore is another condition. Unbelief kept Israel or of Canaan, it will keep you out of God kingdom... And many here do not have faith, they have presumption. They presume they are saved based on their own opinions of what scripture is saying while ignoring the criteria and the need for cooperation in allowing God to have His way in your lives . Good is a consuming fire. It is His presence in your life that makes you holy... But only by your own willingness to forsake sin and to be separated from it will God consume it and you will be enabled and empowered to come out of Babylon so you do not partake of her sins and be a part of her plagues.
Like I asked elsewhere, why did not the bush burn up? (Exodus 3) Because of Gods presence. God made that bush, and the ground Moses was standing on, holy. We are holy temples by the indwelling spirit of God.
But what can, and what will God do if you do not believe He is either willing or even able to accomplish? How many here do not believe God is able to make you a holy righteous people, without b blemish and without spot?

Basic tenants. Not new knowledge nor was it the topic.

Yes, of you believe. But many fall into presumption by believing God will save them in sin.

When following the ORDER, God does not SAVE the SAVED. And all begin IN SIN, thus God DOES Save, men IN SIN, FROM their Sin.

And @marks , the fulfilling of the law... The keeping of the law... Through love... Is our destiny.

Our destiny is the KEEPING OF THE LAW?
Mosaic 600 + Laws?
That is NOT my destiny.
I am a Gentile.
I was NOT given Mosaic 600+ Laws.
So, what are YOU talking about?

Without holiness no man can see God.

Another basic tenant.

Now that does not mean I strive to be holy and obedient.

Okay, that is your testimony.

It means I die that Christ, the hope of glory, may live. The sin issue and the holiness issue will be taken care of by Him... According to our faith.

Okay, that is your testimony.

My testimony is:
The Lord has ALREADY accomplished IN ME, what He requires to Forever BE WITH Him.

Per the OP ~
I agree with the OP;
My Sin is Forgiven, and By the Lords POWER within me, I am KEPT (by HIS POWER) from Committing Sin AGAINST God.

Glory to God,
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Like I said, possibly the most unpopular teaching in the church. If you lose your life, you will gain it. I quoted from all four gospels where Christ himself repeated those words several times... And only one of you has acknowledged it. Presumably the rest of you ignored it not wanting to recognise its importance. It is clearly a condition of salvation. Paul died daily. Even John the Baptist recognised the principle by saying less of me, more of Him.
I wrote of faith. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. Faith therefore is another condition. Unbelief kept Israel or of Canaan, it will keep you out of God kingdom... And many here do not have faith, they have presumption. They presume they are saved based on their own opinions of what scripture is saying while ignoring the criteria and the need for cooperation in allowing God to have His way in your lives . Good is a consuming fire. It is His presence in your life that makes you holy... But only by your own willingness to forsake sin and to be separated from it will God consume it and you will be enabled and empowered to come out of Babylon so you do not partake of her sins and be a part of her plagues.
Like I asked elsewhere, why did not the bush burn up? (Exodus 3) Because of Gods presence. God made that bush, and the ground Moses was standing on, holy. We are holy temples by the indwelling spirit of God.
But what can, and what will God do if you do not believe He is either willing or even able to accomplish? How many here do not believe God is able to make you a holy righteous people, without b blemish and without spot?

Yes, of you believe. But many fall into presumption by believing God will save them in sin.
And @marks , the fulfilling of the law... The keeping of the law... Through love... Is our destiny. Without holiness no man can see God. Now that does not mean I strive to be holy and obedient. It means I die that Christ, the hope of glory, may live. The sin issue and the holiness issue will be taken care of by Him... According to our faith.
Amen :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Basic tenants. Not new knowledge nor was it the topic.

When following the ORDER, God does not SAVE the SAVED. And all begin IN SIN, thus God DOES Save, men IN SIN, FROM their Sin.

Our destiny is the KEEPING OF THE LAW?
Mosaic 600 + Laws?
That is NOT my destiny.
I am a Gentile.
I was NOT given Mosaic 600+ Laws.
So, what are YOU talking about?

Another basic tenant.

Okay, that is your testimony.

My testimony is:
The Lord has ALREADY accomplished IN ME, what He requires to Forever BE WITH Him.

Per the OP ~
I agree with the OP;
My Sin is Forgiven, and By the Lords POWER within me, I am KEPT (by HIS POWER) from Committing Sin AGAINST God.

Glory to God,

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Jan 26, 2008
United States
Our sins don't count anymore! Really? This means if after repenting and being filled with His Spirit and following carefully His Way for a while, I then choose to slip away a little and sin a little, it is OK. God gives then to me something He would not give to those in the OT who had to die because after serving God they returned to disobedience as per the example in I Kings 13. This makes God a liar, a respecter of persons. Something is wrong with this, is it not? Help us dear God!
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Feb 6, 2018
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Our sins don't count anymore! Really? This means if after repenting and being filled with His Spirit and following carefully His Way for a while, I then choose to slip away a little and sin a little, it is OK.

No. It means, you can NOT sin.
Which means, A SIN accounted to you, would BE; Returning to Being AGAINST GOD....And BY His Power within you...that is NOT Possible.

Not sure what...."little sin", you are supposing IS A SIN...

Like what?

God gives then to me something He would not give to those in the OT who had to die because after serving God they returned to disobedience as per the example in I Kings 13.

You reference is an OLD TESTAMENT Book, which pertains to MEN "Under the Law", and "ANY" violation of the Mosaic Law, was Accounted to them, AS A SIN.

This makes God a liar,

No. God revealed Jesus, WHO fuflilled the Law.
If you believe Jesus Fulfilled the Law, then WHY would you APPLY a LAW, to yourself...
1) That was never given you.
2) That you never agreed to abide by.
3) That was fulfilled by Jesus

Something is wrong with this, is it not? Help us dear God!

God DID help us. He sent Jesus to Fulfill the Law, and Forgive us for not having Believed in God, and for those who Trust to Believe in Jesus, and willing to be crucified with Jesus....a blessing of the Indwelling Spirit (light) of God to forever KEEP us IN Belief in thee Lord God Almighty.

Are you calling "little sins"....
Something.....AGAINST men? (As it WAS, under the Law)
Something.....AGAINST God?

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Like I asked elsewhere, why did not the bush burn up? (Exodus 3) Because of Gods presence. God made that bush, and the ground Moses was standing on, holy. We are holy temples by the indwelling spirit of God.
But what can, and what will God do if you do not believe He is either willing or even able to accomplish? How many here do not believe God is able to make you a holy righteous people, without b blemish and without spot?

But brakelite . . . why should we aim for Law Keeping and not aim for the Law Giver?

The bush did not burn because of God's presence, and God's presence consumes all that is unholy in us, but does not consume us.

But my disagreement over whether we are intended to keep a covenant God made with someone else, does that mean that I do not believe God is able to make me holy and righteous, without blemish and without spot?

Is that what you think is true?

Do you find liberty in Law, or in a New Life?

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
No. It means, you can NOT sin.
Which means, A SIN accounted to you, would BE; Returning to Being AGAINST GOD....And BY His Power within you...that is NOT Possible.

What do we have in us today that Adam and Eve did not?

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" Gen 2:7

The Breath [Spirit] that made man a Living Soul came from God!

But then they died when they partook of that which was forbidden by God and Jesus came for what purpose? Did Jesus give us more than Adam and Eve had prior to their disobedience?

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Why could Adam and Eve sin, but we cannot? What we can do once having received the Life which Jesus brought is die again to God...

Who but those who have overcome as Jesus overcame are protected against the second death?

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death." Rev 2:7

"And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit." I Cor 15:45

Yes, Jesus brought the possibility of Life again, but where does it say that those with this new Life cannot die even
as Adam died? Where does it say that we lost our ability to choose God or mammon after we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit and Life?
Not sure what...."little sin", you are supposing IS A SIN...
Like what?

Ultimately it does not really matter what sin it is so long as it is not blasphemy against the Holy Ghost:

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom 6:23

You reference is an OLD TESTAMENT Book, which pertains to MEN "Under the Law", and "ANY" violation of the Mosaic Law, was Accounted to them, AS A SIN.
So are you saying that there is nothing in the written OT that applies to us? Then why were we born dead? In spite of different covenants God made with men, has God ever changed? Has God ever been unfair?

No. God revealed Jesus, WHO fuflilled the Law.
If you believe Jesus Fulfilled the Law, then WHY would you APPLY a LAW, to yourself...
1) That was never given you.
2) That you never agreed to abide by.
3) That was fulfilled by Jesus

What is this law of which you speak that I have wrongly applied to myself?

God DID help us. He sent Jesus to Fulfill the Law, and Forgive us for not having Believed in God, and for those who Trust to Believe in Jesus, and willing to be crucified with Jesus....a blessing of the Indwelling Spirit (light) of God to forever KEEP us IN Belief in thee Lord God Almighty.

Are you calling "little sins"....
Something.....AGAINST men? (As it WAS, under the Law)
Something.....AGAINST God?

Glory to God,
God gave us back what Adam and Eve lost which was Life and the possibility of never dying. He never took our ability to choose wrongly away from us. Rather He sent Jesus and the Way to Life, a never ending Life was reopened.

Adam and Eve did not overcome the world of their flesh for they disobeyed God. When they were placed outside the garden with the flaming two edged sword [the Word of God] guarding the Way to the Tree of Life they could not enter back in... No one could until Jesus made it a possibility. To partake of that right Tree we must do what Adam and Eve did not do... overcome the world of the ways of man within them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Our sins don't count anymore! Really? This means if after repenting and being filled with His Spirit and following carefully His Way for a while, I then choose to slip away a little and sin a little, it is OK. God gives then to me something He would not give to those in the OT who had to die because after serving God they returned to disobedience as per the example in I Kings 13. This makes God a liar, a respecter of persons. Something is wrong with this, is it not? Help us dear God!

Hi Amadeus,

Jesus brought a better covenant.

How happy is the man whose sins are forgiven, and against whom the Lord will not impute sin!

And, is anyone here wanting to "slip away and sin a little"? Do I come across as promoting that?

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Hi Amadeus,

Jesus brought a better covenant.

How happy is the man whose sins are forgiven, and against whom the Lord will not impute sin!

And, is anyone here wanting to "slip away and sin a little"? Do I come across as promoting that?

Much love!
Better than what God gave through Moses, perhaps, but how is it better than what Adam and Eve had before they disobeyed?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Better than what God gave through Moses, perhaps, but how is it better than what Adam and Eve had before they disobeyed?

We have eternal life in Jesus Christ, righteous and holy forever. We will never fall from His grace. We will never die. I think that is better.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
We have eternal life in Jesus Christ, righteous and holy forever. We will never fall from His grace. We will never die. I think that is better.

Much love!
If they had eaten from the right tree they would have had that, but they chose and partook of the wrong tree. We still have the ability to choose wrong. We will have that choice while we still have time. If we really believe in Him and continue to do so, we will indeed never die. People do stop believing because they lose their first love.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
If they had eaten from the right tree they would have had that, but they chose and partook of the wrong tree. We still have the ability to choose wrong. We will have that choice while we still have time. If we really believe in Him and continue to do so, we will indeed never die. People do stop believing because they lose their first love.

None of His will be lost.

There is nothing that can take us away from Him. True faith continues to the end.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
None of His will be lost.
No, none who make it to the end with Him will be lost, but some will walk away from Him before that.
There is nothing that can take us away from Him.
Indeed not, no external thing!

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"

Rom 8:38-39

But which way is it that we choose to walk when things get rough or we simply get lazy or greedy? Consider this believer who stepped away...

"Then Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done" Acts 8:13

"And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,
Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.
But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.
Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.
For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity." Acts 8:18-23

Yet at the start he "believed".

True faith continues to the end.
As long as he thought he could, he kept on climbing, but then when he became "weary in well doing" he "lost heart". So then stopping on the talus slope beneath his feet he started to slide back down.

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Gal 6:9

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Gal 6:9

Give God the glory!

God provided us with power of the Holy Ghost for a purpose... and the purpose was not and is not to bury it until He comes:

"Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strowed:
And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strowed:" Matt 25:24-26

The result if we follow the example of that slothful servant will be the loss what He has given to us!

"For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matt 36:29-30