Jerusalem Is The Whore, Mystery Babylon The Great Of Revelation Chapter 17

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Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
Actually, you don't understand the evolving 10H Beast of Revelation 13:1-10, because if you did, you would immediately recognize that the 10H Beast, in its final stage of evolving, is NOT A MAN, that "church-ianity" loves to call "THE Anti Christ", of which is never written that way in the KJV or the Textus Receptus Greek Text.

After Antiochus Epiphanes of the Seleucid Empire*, in 175-164 BC, there shall never rise again in prophecy another "little horn".
Please see Daniel chapters 9-12 and the book of 1 Maccabees.

[1] And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
[2] And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard**, and his feet were as the feet of a bear**, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion**: and the dragon [satan, aka lucifer] gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

*Note: the Seleucid Empire was one of "the Four horns" that were divisions of the Grecian Empire (3rd Beast), after the death of Alexander the Great. They are also known as the "Grecian Hellenistic kingdoms", and had become an extension of the 3rd Beast, being the latter time of their kingdom of the 3rd Beast. Daniel 8:23

**Note: please see Daniel 7:3-7, and compare to Revelation 13:2

Yes Antiochus Epiphanes was the little horn


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
After Antiochus Epiphanes of the Seleucid Empire*, in 175-164 BC, there shall never rise again in prophecy another "little horn".
Please see Daniel chapters 9-12 and the book of 1 Maccabees.
Your (Preterist) view Antiochus Epiphanies in 164BC fulfillment is the standard teaching within "Reformed Theology"

No Antiochus Epiphanies didnt fulfill the Antichrist seen in Daniel 9:27 below, this figure will be future and present on earth until the "Consummation" the ultimate end, that will be seen at the second coming of Jesus Christ

Definition of consummation

1: the act of consummating the consummation of a contract by mutual signature specifically : the consummating of a marriage
2: the ultimate end : FINISH

Daniel 9:27KJV

27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Once Again, A Few Questions:

1. Do you believe in a future Abomination of Desolation, Matthew 24:15?

2. Do you believe in a future Great Tribulation, Matthew 24:21?

3. Do you believe in a future second coming of Jesus Christ in the heavens, Matthew 24:29-31?
1. No.
2. Yes. But not according to the false time line that "church-ianity" has forecasted.
Their view is a fabrication, due to their erroneous interpretation and understanding of the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel, being that the 70th week is attached at the end of time.
3. Absolutely! His, visual and audible appearance from Heaven, in flaming fire, in all His Glory shall be sudden.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
You (Preterist) view Antiochus Epiphanies in 164BC fulfillment is the standard teaching within "Reformed Theology"

No Antiochus Epiphanies didnt fulfill the Antichrist seen in Daniel 9:27 below, this figure will be future and present on earth until the "Consummation" the ultimate end, that will be seen at the second coming of Jesus Christ

Definition of consummation

1: the act of consummating the consummation of a contract by mutual signature specifically : the consummating of a marriage
2: the ultimate end : FINISH

Daniel 9:27KJV

27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
It is evident that you didn't do your homework about the proof of error, that I disclosed in my previous post about the KJV and 2 Thes. 2:8, concerning the words "that Wicked". Until then, you are just vomitting regurgitated pre-concieved ideas of "religious"slop.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
You (Preterist) view Antiochus Epiphanies in 164BC fulfillment is the standard teaching within "Reformed Theology"

No Antiochus Epiphanies didnt fulfill the Antichrist seen in Daniel 9:27 below, this figure will be future and present on earth until the "Consummation" the ultimate end, that will be seen at the second coming of Jesus Christ

Definition of consummation

1: the act of consummating the consummation of a contract by mutual signature specifically : the consummating of a marriage
2: the ultimate end : FINISH

Daniel 9:27KJV

27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Although the words "THE Antichrist" are printed together in many of the modern day bibles, you will never find those words together in the KJV.
All the modern day Bibles (JW included) are translated from the "Westcott and Hort Greek Text". The KJV is translated from the "Textus Receptus Greek Text".


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
(Jerusalem) Is The Whore, Mystery Babylon The Great Of Revelation Chapter 17

The Levitical High Priest & Dressing represents "The Woman", that is dressed in purple, scarlet, gold, and precious stones as seen below

(Revelation) 17:4KJV
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

Yes, The Levitical High Priest, Dressed In Purple, Scarlet, Gold, And Precious Stones

(Exodus) 28:15-20KJV
15 And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment with cunning work; after the work of the ephod thou shalt make it; of gold, of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine twined linen, shalt thou make it.
16 Foursquare it shall be being doubled; a span shall be the length thereof, and a span shall be the breadth thereof.
17 And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones: the first row shall be a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall be the first row.
18 And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.
19 And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst.
20 And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and a jasper: they shall be set in gold in their inclosings.

(Jerusalem) is the seven hilled city, where the woman sits, not Rome as many falsely claim.

(Revelation) 17:9KJV
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

List of cities claimed to be built on seven hills - Wikipedia
Jerusalem, Israel: Jerusalem's seven hills are Mount Scopus, Mount Olivet and the Mount of Corruption (all three are peaks in a mountain ridge that lies east of the Old City), Mount Ophel, the original Mount Zion, the New Mount Zion and the hill on which the Antonia Fortress was built.

The Roman Empire didnt exist to be guilty of the Prophets blood seen below, Jerusalem did.

(Revelation) 18:24KJV
24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

(Matthew) 23:29-37KJV
29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

Jesus returns in Zechariah 14, and He does NOT destroy Jerusalem, He instead SAVES the city which is being attacked by armies from multiple nations.

Romans 11, Paul says that God has NOT cast out His people, Israel.

And says when Jesus, the deliverer, comes out from Zion, all Israel alive to see Him, will be SAVED.

The city called mystery Babylon most likely is a Muslim city in the Middle East - but definitely won’t be Jerusalem, the city God said would have His name forever.

Ethnic Israel Of The Flesh, These Are Not The Children Of God

Romans 9:6-8KJV
6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.

Your quote mentions that only the seed of Isaac are the children of the promise, in discussing fake Isrselites.
Abraham had two sons, Ishmael with Hagar , and Isaac with Sarah, but only the son from Abraham and Sarah was the child of the covenant promise.
Thus the fact it says only in Isaac is thy seed called, in relation to the topic of fake Israelites, makes it an obvious reference to Ishmaelites who seek to usurp the covenant promise with Abraham.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Although the words "THE Antichrist" are printed together in many of the modern day bibles, you will never find those words together in the KJV.
All the modern day Bibles (JW included) are translated from the "Westcott and Hort Greek Text". The KJV is translated from the "Textus Receptus Greek Text".

It’s ironic that KJV only Christians that reject everything about the Catholic Church, love the King Jimmy Bible, which has a New Testament based on the translation by a catholic monk named Erasmus, using just one incomplete Greek manuscript - hence the Latin title, Textus Recepticus.

Catholic source, Latin title. Hmm...

Also the original 1611 King Jimmy version had the apocrypha in it, because it came from a catholic source - which the KJV only camp also rejects.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
It’s ironic that KJV only Christians that reject everything about the Catholic Church, love the King Jimmy Bible, which has a New Testament based on the translation by a catholic monk named Erasmus, using just one incomplete Greek manuscript - hence the Latin title, Textus Recepticus.

Catholic source, Latin title. Hmm...

Also the original 1611 King Jimmy version had the apocrypha in it, because it came from a catholic source - which the KJV only camp also rejects.

Blah, blah, blah, black sheep, have ye any truth? Obviously not.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
It’s ironic that KJV only Christians that reject everything about the Catholic Church, love the King Jimmy Bible, which has a New Testament based on the translation by a catholic monk named Erasmus, using just one incomplete Greek manuscript - hence the Latin title, Textus Recepticus.
These comments reveal your ignorance about (1) the King James Bible, (2) the Catholic Church, (3) Erasmus, and (4) the Textus Receptus (which you spelled incorrectly).

But I am not going to elaborate on that. What you should do is some serious research about this subject.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Blah, blah, blah, black sheep, have ye any truth? Obviously not.

And you had no reasoned response, whatsoever to the facts, which is very telling.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Daniel 9:27KJV
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
In all the world, who has ever come, there is only one truth and only one person that fulfilled Daniel 9:27 KJV:
John 5[39] Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
These comments reveal your ignorance about (1) the King James Bible, (2) the Catholic Church, (3) Erasmus, and (4) the Textus Receptus (which you spelled incorrectly).

But I am not going to elaborate on that. What you should do is some serious research about this subject.

KJVO is what is ignorant.

Claiming it’s an inspired translation - there’s no such thing - and the preface in the original King Jimmy Bible proves the translators didn’t consider it inerrant.

They wrote that their translation owed much to versions that came before theirs, such as the Geneva Bible - and the King jimmy version is 80% the same as the Geneva Bible BTW.

The 1611 AV was full of margin notes with alternate renderings for many scriptures, proving the translation isn’t inerrant.

The 1611 AV also contains universally recognized translation errors.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
It’s ironic that KJV only Christians that reject everything about the Catholic Church, love the King Jimmy Bible, which has a New Testament based on the translation by a catholic monk named Erasmus, using just one incomplete Greek manuscript - hence the Latin title, Textus Recepticus.

Catholic source, Latin title. Hmm...

Also the original 1611 King Jimmy version had the apocrypha in it, because it came from a catholic source - which the KJV only camp also rejects.
Btw, I use the Douay Rheims Catholic Bible, as a comparitive in my study of the KJV.
In fact, if you need the historical details about the "little horn" (Antiochus Epiphanes) prophesied of through Daniel, the Apocrypha contains the book of 1 Maccabees, which is crucial in understanding that history, as well as the prophetic fulfillment and "Blessing" on that cometh (waited) to the 1335 days.
So, what is that? Well to the religion of the Jews, they call it Hanukkah, but for those who know and are born again, it really was the days of Pentecost!!

of Pentecost in the 1335 days.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
This could also be the Vatican. It also has seven hills. The letter to Thyatira gives us a big hint. "Jezebel" has to do with the Babylonian mystery religion.

What matters is the Truth. GOD is Truth.

You should know that the book of Apocalypse-Revelation 13-reveals the existence of two Man Beasts:
(1) The Man Beast of sea, the FIRST Man Beast, in fact a Gentile Beast, and
(2) The Man Beast like a lamb who comes up out of the earth
(in fact a Jewish Beast; earth is Israel, the CLAY, the dry land); and he had two horns like a lamb, and he speaks as dragon.

The Beast of sea
You know that the appearance of the FIRST Man Beast of sea is described in Revelation 13:v.1-10. Verse by verse show and explain who is him and what are his satanic works.

My interpretation about the Man Beast of sea -Revelation 13:v.1-10- is of the following manner:

You know that it was/is JESUS who revealed the appearance of this MONSTER for us having 7 heads, and 10 horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

If we think well, we will understand that this MONSTER known as Man Beast of sea was not born with its gigantic structures as they are revealed in Revelation 13; no, in fact the MONSTROUS body of the Beast of sea was formed over time, for centuries and even millennia, by the way, believe, in this current time the Beast of sea has only its 7 heads, and upon his 7 heads the name of blasphemy. The 10 crowned horns will be linked to the body of the Beast of sea in near future yet.

I must suppose that in your understanding or vision, the biblical expression "sea" it means waters, and waters, according Scriptures in the book of Revelation, chapter 17 and verse 15, as was showed to John and to us, are peoples, and nations, and multitudes, and tongues(all tongues). So, within this conception or understanding, the Man Beast of sea is a Gentile Beast, based in the Scriptures that reveal this interesting detail.

I'm sure you know that Scriptures reveals that the 7 heads of the Beast of sea are two things, as follow:

(1) The seven heads are 7 mountains, on which the woman sitteth. Revelation 17:v.9;

(2) And there are 7 kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. Rev.17:v.10

(1) the 7 mountains

I'm sure that you have already heard to speak and even known by written that the 7 heads(7 mountains) are the 7 hills of Rome, exactly where the Vatican City was/is built. I do not share this interpretation because it is not true, but false. Why is this my conclusion?

It because one of the 7 heads will be wounded to death, will be wounded mortally. Literally speaking, can a mountain be mortally wounded? Of course not, to say this would be ridiculous, meaningless.
As is written in Rev.17:v.9, the woman is sitting on the 7 heads of the Beast of sea, and simultaneously she is sitting also on the waters that are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues-Rev.17:v.15.

You know that the peoples, and nations, and multitudes of all tongues, symbolized by waters, they are located in the 7 regions of the planet Earth: these regions are Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania(Australia), and three Americas, where the woman is sitting. Why am I saying this for you, and all? It because I am trying to explain why I don't share with the theory that the 7 mountains are the 7 hills where is built the Vatican City. These 7 hills have nothing to do with the inhabitants of the Earth (peoples, and nations, multitudes and tongues), they are not located in the 7 hills of Rome, but in the 7 regions of the Earth of course.

The 7 heads are also 7 kings, but this is another matter.

In addition to these 7 kings linked to the Beast of sea, there are another 10 symbolized by 10 crowned horns. Therefore, there are 17 kings (7+10) involved with this monstrous and satanic religious system -the Catholicism- the 10 kings are still not linked with the Beast at the current time; of the other 7, the Scriptures reveal that 5 have already fallen, one exists , and another is not yet come, and when he comes he will reign for an hour with the Beast, that is, 42 months or 1,260 days.

But there is a detail: Times are already advanced and currently 6 kings have fallen, it is no longer 5, therefore, the seventh and final "king" will be elected now, in this decade, and then comes the end of Satanic Catholicism, .

But there is a detail: The times are already advanced and currently 6 kings have fallen, it is no longer 5, so the seventh and final "king" will be elected now, in this decade, and the end of the satanic Catholicism comes,
they will be swallowed by Judaism after finishing the first half of the week, in the second half of the week will reign the false and ruthless messiah of the Jews, the Beast that will ascend from the earth -Revelation 13:v.11-18.

-John 5:v.43-47 and 2 Thes.2:v.4- these shall hate the whore that rides upon the Beast of sea-the Roman Catholic Church-, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire-Revelation 17:v.16.

Get ready, the ruthless and satanic false messiah of the Jews is at door-
Revelation 13:v.11-18-, he will be manifested before JESUS coming in near future, and multitudes of Christian people (some like 1/3) will be deceived by his great signs and wonders of lie enthroned as God in Jerusalem, the great city called SPIRITUALLY Sodom and Egypt, for the Man Beast of earth is the own Satan incarnated.

Yeah, get ready


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
1. No.
2. Yes. But not according to the false time line that "church-ianity" has forecasted.
Their view is a fabrication, due to their erroneous interpretation and understanding of the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel, being that the 70th week is attached at the end of time.
3. Absolutely! His, visual and audible appearance from Heaven, in flaming fire, in all His Glory shall be sudden.
You believe in the standard eschatology in teaching found in "Reformed Theology" Partial Preterism in "Historicism"

The bible clearly teaches that the antichrist, abomination of desolation, great tribulation, and second coming are future events unfulfilled


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
1. No.
2. Yes. But not according to the false time line that "church-ianity" has forecasted.
Their view is a fabrication, due to their erroneous interpretation and understanding of the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel, being that the 70th week is attached at the end of time.
3. Absolutely! His, visual and audible appearance from Heaven, in flaming fire, in all His Glory shall be sudden.
Daniel 9:24-27, Seventy Literal Weeks Explained?

Daniel's 70 weeks are literal 7 day periods, or 490 literal days.

If Daniel meant 490 years he would have written

(Four hundred and ninety years), simple

Daniel had no restrictions in "Writing" exact numerology as seen below.

Daniel 6:1KJV
It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom an hundred and twenty princes, which should be over the whole kingdom;

Daniel 8:14KJV
And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

Daniel 12:11KJV
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Below in Daniel 10:2-3 we see just another example of Daniel's literal weeks, as Daniel mourned and fasted for 3 literal weeks or 21 days.

Daniel 10:2-3KJV
2 In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.
3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.

Below in Daniel 9:24-27 we see 70 literal future weeks or 490 days.

When the call/commandment goes out in Jerusalem to build unto the Jewish Meshiach/Messiah that they wait for (They Denied Jesus Christ) this will start the 7 week period.

62 literal weeks will be in building, and Meshiach/Messiah will be cut off by the Antichrist who stops the building.

The 70th literal week will see the antichrist revealed in making a covenant, and in the middle of this literal week he proclaims to be Meshiach/Messiah God to the Jews, and Jesus returned to the apostate church, to start a Millennium on earth.

The 3.5 year tribulation has started.

Daniel 9:24-27KJV
24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
Jesus returns in Zechariah 14, and He does NOT destroy Jerusalem, He instead SAVES the city which is being attacked by armies from multiple nations.

Romans 11, Paul says that God has NOT cast out His people, Israel.

And says when Jesus, the deliverer, comes out from Zion, all Israel alive to see Him, will be SAVED.

The city called mystery Babylon most likely is a Muslim city in the Middle East - but definitely won’t be Jerusalem, the city God said would have His name forever.

Your quote mentions that only the seed of Isaac are the children of the promise, in discussing fake Isrselites.
Abraham had two sons, Ishmael with Hagar , and Isaac with Sarah, but only the son from Abraham and Sarah was the child of the covenant promise.
Thus the fact it says only in Isaac is thy seed called, in relation to the topic of fake Israelites, makes it an obvious reference to Ishmaelites who seek to usurp the covenant promise with Abraham.

What you miss is who is true Israel a nation or a church made up of both Jew and gentile.

Also the last few chapters of Zechariah talks about both literal Jerusalem and the new Jerusalem the church. That’s way at one point Jerusalem is decimated and at another point protected forever.

Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
You believe in the standard eschatology in teaching found in "Reformed Theology" Partial Preterism in "Historicism"

The bible clearly teaches that the antichrist, abomination of desolation, great tribulation, and second coming are future events unfulfilled

Actually the bible teaches that they were future events from the time they were written

Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
Your (Preterist) view Antiochus Epiphanies in 164BC fulfillment is the standard teaching within "Reformed Theology"

No Antiochus Epiphanies didnt fulfill the Antichrist seen in Daniel 9:27 below, this figure will be future and present on earth until the "Consummation" the ultimate end, that will be seen at the second coming of Jesus Christ

Definition of consummation

1: the act of consummating the consummation of a contract by mutual signature specifically : the consummating of a marriage
2: the ultimate end : FINISH

Daniel 9:27KJV

27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

170/1 B.C.-164/3 B.C. 70th week or 7 years

167 B.C. Antiochus Epiphanies 4th desecrates the temple ½ way through the 70th week. The abomination that caused desolation.

164/3 B.C. Antiochus Epiphanies 4th dies and the temple sacrifice is reestablished the end of the 70th week. (the end is poured out on him)