I'm appealing to all of you,

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    We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless!


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
yeh, even golf ball sized hail will ruin a late model
Several years ago our car got hit by a hailstorm. I was inside an play place with my grandchildren. We were fine. It was early summer as the parking lot outside was buried several inches deep with smaller [up to ½ inch] hailstones. From a distance it looked like snow. My car was driveable but had serious body damage. I've never been in one with really large hailstones, although they are not so uncommon in Oklahoma. [They sometimes come during tornado warnings. I would rather not experience the very large stones personally.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Things that weigh 75 lbs...

  • Average Alaskan Malamute Husky Dog

  • 100 cans of Beer

  • 25 average-size ferrets

  • 300 apples

  • 2 1/2 cinder blocks

  • 300 Sticks of Butter

  • 1,200 Parakeets

  • 240 Baseballs

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Take 240 Baseballs to knock over 100 cans of Beer
1200 Parakeets chasing 25 average size ferrets
Fry up 300 apples in 300 Sticks of Butter
Sitting on 2 1/2 cinder blocks watching the Average Alaskan Malamute Husky Dog sleep.

can you tell it's been a long day?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
got a link? i wasnt able to find one, even with “talent sized hail” moved to the fore
75lb isnt as huge as one might think, but…ya, cant search any
got a link? i wasnt able to find one, even with “talent sized hail” moved to the fore
75lb isnt as huge as one might think, but…ya, cant search any
No link. I can’t find it either. I am not sure where I read/heard that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Historically the local church became identified with a physical assembly in a designated building. Currently these might be reasons for non-attendance.
  • Lockdown restrictions
  • Irrelevant programs
  • Artificial fellowship style
  • False teachings
  • Pagan practices
  • Health issues
Many Bible-believing members of the body of Christ have moved away from unfulfilling clergy dominated and edifice oriented fellowship to more worthwhile devotional interaction online.

In addition to what you listed, we must remember JESUS' parable of the 10 virgins that already is LITERALLY being fulfilled. Matt.25:v.8-12:

8... the foolish virgins said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. ---> JESUS is at door, and He is shuting it slowly. Many will be at out the side of the environment of the marriage. Will be 50%? Will be? Terrible. It will be very terrible. By the way, the chastisements of the Devil's world already started, but it will be for everlasting time, it will never stop, no more will stop, there is no END of the punishments. <---

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Luke 13:v.25 - 27
25 When once the Master of the House is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: --->Terrible.

26 Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.

27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; --->It will be terribly sad. <---
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Take 240 Baseballs to knock over 100 cans of Beer
1200 Parakeets chasing 25 average size ferrets
Fry up 300 apples in 300 Sticks of Butter
Sitting on 2 1/2 cinder blocks watching the Average Alaskan Malamute Husky Dog sleep.

can you tell it's been a long day?
I wonder what that would look like in algebra..

I took one year of community college in New Hampshire.
One of the mandatory classes was algebra.
I remember learning math in the 5th grade.
When I got to middle school, things were kind of crazy with the bussing and all.
I remember the English Teacher giving us crossword puzzles and the Social Studies teacher giving us find a words.
Both classes were side by side. So while we was doing puzzles they were out smoking in the hall.
Not much learning that year.
7th grade I played hookey alot. I used to ride the subway trains and crossover to the otherside and ride it end to end.
I learned how to balance pretty good.
That was about the time they started passing you regardless of your grade. No one got kept back.
So my parents didn't know I was not there because my report card said I was doing good.
Somewhere between the 7th grade and the 8th grade, the kids in my neighborhood I knew were spreading out.
New kids were moving in. You met new people. I was invited to a party on New Years Eve, it was a sleepover.
I couldn't have any of those because the apartment was so small. So I kind of felt special I got invited.
I was a very awkward 13 year old. I never hung around much with the kids I grew up with. Always felt different.
That night changed the course of my life. Which probably saved my life many times.
If I'd known there was going to be drinking, I probably wouldn't had gone. But I wanted to cool.
I still can't handle 1 beer today. If I have 2, I start getting mouthy and brazen. If I have 3 I'm down.
There was mixed drinks and champagne. Her mom went all out on us kids.
Drank too much.
New mom's weren't really excepted into the school system. Thought it gave a bad impression.
Said I could do my studies at home. I just dropped out.
Never seen a High school from the inside.
Got my GED when I was 22.
A couple years later I thought I'd get some education in Business Management. Thought it would help the company if I knew more how things worked. It was a 2 year degree Liberal Arts.
At the end of the first year work was picking up. Lots of overtime. I was given the choice to quit school or I would need to be replaced.
So I quit. I loved my job.
But in that one year I think I learned a lot. I knew I didn't like intro to computers. The teacher gave me a C- because I told him the internet was going to be a social disaster. No face to face, everything cold and unattached through a machine.
My Political Science teacher didn't like me because I didn't like Bill Clinton.
I aced Accounting I and II
Intro to Nutrician that was a fun class. Learning all about calories and vitamins. People brought in different foods.
I don't like tofu.
Right over my head. I had a hard time with the x's and y's and the formulas. I barely new how to short divide. I still have trouble with division. I usually multiply until I come close to the number.
So to make a long story short LOL LOL LOL

F.O.I.L came to mind when I was reading what I matched up with words. And thought:
First, Outer, Inner, Last.
Maybe somebody here knows what that means?
I just thought it was funny.

>> over tired<<



Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
No one is suffering Christian persecution at this time in the Western World.
Really? You live in Canada and know nothing about the persecution of Christians, pastors, and churches throughout Canada? Pastors were jailed for ensuring that they kept on doing what they were supposed to do.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I would say it is not just people put in prison or torture for faith. In this harsh modern western world regime there are many christians/messianics and nonchristians suffering lots of mean cruel wrongs. Eg look at the homeless people in NZ, Australia, USA, UK, Ireland, etc. Someone can be in a prison that is not the type of state prison meant.
Ideally yes the Church/Body is supposed to be like an alternative community where we all love one another and help each other and every part/member has a valuable niche role to play/contribute. Jesus commanded us to ove one another, bear one anothers burdens, "as you did to the least of these", do unto others as would have done to you, love your neighbour as yourself. Philadelphia means "brotherly love". But the church has been infiltrated/hijacked by Babylon/Romans or/and whoever else. (It is not just christians either, most people in the world are also cold, hard, selfish.) People simply don't understand or care unless it happens to them, and they don't care until things get bad enough (at present they are given just enough petty good to keep them happy).

I have been suffering hell for years/decades and in my own experience I have found that most Christians/Churches/Messianics simply don't understand or care/love/help. I have begged and pleaded for years but everyone just cut me off as "negative", they pass the parcel to "mental health" or other services. And God seems to punish me as if it is wrong to seek any human help and as if we have to have unwavering faith in him alone. Even other people never tell me about things they suffering or ask for help (if I don't already see it myself).
It was prophesied that the love of many would grow cold, there would be a falling away, etc, and that people would long to see the days of Jesus.
We can not make anyone love, or make our selves love. Only by being One with Yeshua the first love.
"Jesus has many mouths, but few hearts, bowels, guts/balls, brains, hands/feet."

Forgot what else I was going to say. See my blog on here.

"He/she who saves a soul saves a whole universe/world."
So sorry about your experience, I think many of us who have ‘ come out ‘ of the local church have had lack of support and understanding, when I left I was in the wilderness for many years. However it was there that I started to trust The Lord more than man. I know what you mean about the homeless, but where I live I do have to say the church does reach in and help them in many ways. Mental health is a difficult one as often as not people feel out of their depth. My sister in law has schizophrenia and I love her, come along side her but she is suffering so deeply and has been for 30 years ………..I think many are in a living hell x
Thank you for sharing xx
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Dear brother, my heart goes out to you. We shall pray for you this day.

We have been following the draconian lockdown of Australia for some time and it truly is horrible. But it's about the same in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is not the International City of the world it was up until a couple years ago. The communist chinese have done the same and worse to the Hong Kong people. Taking people away and they are never seen or heard from again. Protesters imprisoned. Kids murdered.

And America's government is in bed with the chinese, and the Prime Minister of Canada has been bringing Chinese troops into Canada to do winter training (Canada is supposed to be an ally of America, but is instead training our enemies), and the CIA have been bringing muslim terrorists into America for decades. And the Chinese bought 200 acres just south of Texas in Mexico where they have troops now. The people of America have not a clue what is in store for her. It's written in the bible, but they don't see it, yet.

Your story is NOT boring at all. The people on this site need to read your words, because they would never believe it otherwise.

And when I spoke of networking, I do in fact mean between countries, too.

Thank you for you kind words my friend...
You know, its Gods armour that shields me from the flaming arrows of the evil one...
Some arrows get through and penetrate me, mostly in the form of anger which Stan used to own when i was a prodigal...
But if it wasn't for the armour of God i would be acting from that anger and committing grave sins...
And so im grateful to him...

Very wise. We've been following this diligently over the past year or so, and knew that it was evil from the start.

I never could understand why Trump wanted a vaccine so quickly. I suppose there were political pressures, and other thinking, but in reality I was against it from the start. And it's turned out to be used to murder and harm people worldwide, and in the USA... ugh. I told some saints months ago, that I suspect that this "covid" and the experimental drug, might very well have been one of the 7 thunders John was told to NOT write about in Revelation ch. 10.

In the past few months, and especially a week ago, a US Lab examined the contents under a microscope of 2 of the 3 pharma companies and what the doctor saw (and took photos of) is horrifying. (I posted the videos in a couple other threads I created on here) Japan saw the same stuff, to some degree anyway, and stopped the drug on their people from the Moderna company. No, the people have been dumbed down and stupid for many decades and have not a clue what is being done to them.

And the evils of institutionalized "church" are just as horrible.

Yes i watched the video you posted and the follow up video as well... Frightening findings
I've listened to many such experts in depth over the last 18 months and come to the same conclusions as you have...

But tell me more about yourself... In particular your music that you composed...
How does one compose a symphony orchestra? Do u have to write the music for each instrument? Seems like a daunting task
If you could send me a link to a sample of your music that would be very much appreciated...

And finally back to Beethoven... Whats his best symphony... Or top 3 in your opinion...
The 6th is famous isn't it, the start of it is i think... Im listening to it now

Ive always wanted to go to the orchestra live in a good concert hall like the Sydney opera house...
That must be truly spectacular to experience... Ahh one day

Anyway, get back to me
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
Many Bible-believing members of the body of Christ have moved away from unfulfilling clergy dominated and edifice oriented fellowship to more worthwhile devotional interaction online.

Yet it is the physical assemblies ( churches ) tha collect resources, provide support for and help publicise the work of Christiancharities, organise local charity work and provide training and testing of young Christians with a desire to serve God.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
By yourself!

Strange how you reject the pattern of worship found through ou the bible, that of community.

I wonder why people do this and often talk of discipline, yet reject the discipline of the local church, saying they are not spiritual etc etc

May I suggest you reread Pauls letters and see how he had to cope with false teachers, and all manner of difficult issues involving people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
The false are known by their fruit. Discerning of spirits is a gift of the Spirit. And we trust Jesus.

Much love!

yes, so is loving behaviour towards 'christians' who do not behave as Christians should and supporting struggling Christians in unbiblical behaving churches by those mature enough to do so.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
I wonder why people do this and often talk of discipline, yet reject the discipline of the local church, saying they are not spiritual etc etc
Perhaps the issue is TRUST.... I don't believe churches are meant to be BIG...Bigger is never better... I live in a city of only 55,000 people... Where would you suggest I attend?? The Catholic church?? The Calvinist churches?? The pentecostal church?? Perhaps the United Church who has a gay married minister?? NONE of these denominations teach TRUTH.
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