I'm a non-Christian, where can I post?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
How do you know that?
I've never shared my life and experience with you.

I've made mistakes, but I've never deviated to the extreme that Edward is endorsing in this thread. You would probably be very surprised at what I call a mistake...like going back to a mainstream church in recent years. BIG mistake.

Some of your brethren make bigger mistakes than you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I do know that. I think(?) I'm humble enough to know I'm not above making life changing mistakes too. God has spared me that, thus far.

you look for who to blame when you’re angry and distressed. Sometimes you blame the wrong person.


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Feb 6, 2018
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The point being, astral projection is an extremely dangerous thing to indulge.
I'm hoping he will explain what the silver cord is.

Warning...a 4 minute read.

Astral ‘projection’...
Silver cord?

* A projection, tells you straight off, it is a mans guesswork, of his opinion what what he thinks will occur.

* IF you require him to “explain” what the “silver cord” is...
It immediately notifies you, he has established some “identifier phrases” to attach to “his projection”.

* Those things presented as having a Godly Connection, immediately become “suspect”, Because their is no WAY, to verify in Gods Word, “that God Himself taught” such “projections” and “identifier phrases”.

* It sounds like a “private” spin off of “astrology”.

*ASTROLOGY - is the study of, watching the movements and positions of celestial bodies (stars, etc.)...and privately “interpreting” what the movements and positions MEAN, in applying to influence on human affairs and this natural world.
(And conveniently....multiple persons can have multiple (guesswork, opinions), of what THEY think movements and positions mean...(for other people)....

*ASTRONOMY - is a natural science (study according to the minds of men)...who study the celestial body’s (star, etc.) and
Using math, physics, chemistry....DECIDE a conclusion of HOW they THINK the Celestial body’s Originated and Evolved...

* THEN there ARE: The Constellations.
Job 38, gives us the word Mazzaroth (from the Hebrew, Mazzarot, Mazouroth)...MEANING...Constellations, and reveals, they are seen during, Seasons.
* Stars are Gods handiwork’s. Basically historically announced seasons, (notice for preparing, planting, growing, harvesting, crops...and paralleled with Gods plan for mankind, of the same, preparing, planting, growing, harvesting! ), when men could observe certain constellations, and for directions during traveling, and for a mans constant reminder of Gods handiwork’s, and plan, regardless of where in the world any man was positioned.
* Some of the constellations are mentioned by Name in Scripture...some were “named” by ancient Greeks/Romans...(for their gods).
* Those mentioned in Scripture, reveal, more of a description of the star groupings, as in Orion, the significance of his SWORD...
Just Saying...each grouping, of what is modernly called the 12 Primary Constellations, (some by Greek names)....
Scripturally DO have significant Biblical parallels...
Power of a Lion, Power of a Bear, unblemished Virgin, Twins/Twos, Sword divides severs WITHOUT (God) from WITH God...etc.
* Considering....Ancient men, became introduced to Knowledge of God, bit by bit...being told, and then have “SOMETHING” they could SEE, to equate that new knowledge to.
See this thing...it’s a man.
See this thing...it’s a woman.
See this thing...it’s a husband, who does this and that.
See this thing....it’s a woman, who does this and that.
See this thing....it’s dry land...called earth.
Look up, that is the sky.
See the lights, those are stars.
Look at the stars, when you see this...till your land,
when you see this...plant.
*Ancient men were ALWAYS....LOOKING forward, to this, to that, expectations.
*Modern men....ARE IN the FORWARD. They can read the History (and say, oh whatever, ancient history, no matter), or put their thought IN THAT DAY, of a man NOT having experience the “FUTURE”...
* Modern teaching, is convoluted in umpteen different ways inasmuch as men have umpteen different opinions.
* Modern men do not (typically) look TO THE STARS for “seasonal” changes. They look on a calendar to “prepare” to plant. They look in Lowes’ to see IF seeds are on display yet.
The look on a map, or turn on GPS to tell them Directions (North/East, etc.)
* Modern man has, (by their own ideas and opinions MADE) Gods Handiwork’s of Stars;
~a money making scheme of...
Astrology, horoscopes, dictating “born under this sign means blah blah and a daily Projection”....
~And money making scheme of “billions spent on educational institutions” for teaching; Astronomy of mathematical equations, and chemistry makeup of HOW stars were MADE and EVOLVED.
~And Scriptural History...Obsolete, unnecessary, irrelevant, silenced, mean, hateful, unfair, intolerable, blah, blah. Gag.

Point being...there IS Gods teaching of His created and made and purposed Stars....which have nothing to do with...
Astrology or Astronomy.

God created Stars, they are His Handiwork’s, Period.
Believe it or not...
And be suspect of anyone trying to convince you otherwise.

Glory to God,


Edward Gordon

Active Member
Dec 13, 2021
Other Faith
United States
Forgive me if it's already been asked, I'm catching back up.

What is natural law?

Well, you should google it. But, in brief, it is the philosophy that people have an innate moral sense about things. Like, everyone knows it's wrong to steal, commit adultery, murder, be cruel to animals, disrespect parents, be druken or stoned, laziness, etc. You don't have to tell them these things are wrong. You don't need an artificial law. God already put that law in their minds.

But is that the Veridican definition?

Also, where did the name Veridican come from?

The word Veridican is a neologism I created in 1994. It means, one who follows that which is true. If you take the root word, veridical, it means that which is true. The suffix, -an, denotes a follower of something. So, combining the two, you get veridican. That raises a natural question, “What is true?”

Veridicans maintain that Jesus Christ is the Truth. As He said in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through me.” Therefore, Veridicans follow Jesus Christ.

But OBE's (out of body experiences) are a New Age concept that is made possible by the power of the demonic. It is tantamount to witchcraft/sorcery.

Most people who experience OBE's have no control. The experience occurs spontaneously and is neither good nor bad. It's just an experience of mind.

Trust me, you don't know me, then.
I've been down your path. There is a real 'Christianity' that doesn't toss out most of the Bible. In fact, it doesn't toss out any of it. It looks like the only thing you got right so far is, generally speaking, true 'Christianity' is not found in the religious organizations in existence at this time. And there's lots of reasons why that is so. That would be a long discussion. The problem is that realization has taken you down the wrong path.

Trust me, you have not been down my path(s). And Veridicanism is the only true religion. Jesus is the Truth. We follow ONLY Jesus Christ, so we have to be the true religion. It's not really a matter of debate. You, on the other had, are part of the World Church. You have elevated apostles and Popes (whether you know it or not) to the same station as the object of your faith, Jesus Christ. You follow men. They tell you what to believe. You think nothing out for yourself, and you are afraid to even try. You and your judgements. You and your self-righteousness. You aren't even curious. You are nothing more than opposition to me. That's your entire definition. You don't even have the guts to be accountable. You don't post your picture. You don't go by your real name. So, go back to church, listen to your pastor, agree and be accepted, and never presume you and I are in the same spiritual class. We are not.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I knew I had heard it somewhere--looks like you may have some competition!

fair dinkum

phrase of dinkum
  1. used to emphasize or seek confirmation of the genuineness or truth of something.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Well, you should google it. But, in brief, it is the philosophy that people have an innate moral sense about things. Like, everyone knows it's wrong to steal, commit adultery, murder, be cruel to animals, disrespect parents, be druken or stoned, laziness, etc. You don't have to tell them these things are wrong. You don't need an artificial law. God already put that law in their minds.
Like I say, when you're right, you're right.

14Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature what the law requires..." Romans 2:14

Which also includes unnatural sexual relations - Romans 1:26-27.

Now if you'd just lose the occult stuff and the undermining of the Bible...

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
We follow ONLY Jesus Christ, so we have to be the true religion. It's not really a matter of debate. You, on the other had, are part of the World Church. You have elevated apostles and Popes (whether you know it or not) to the same station as the object of your faith, Jesus Christ.
Don't get me started on the Pope and the Catholic church, lol. So we can discard that argument.
As for the apostles, they did not accept worship, and we only follow their example as they follow the example of Christ.

No apostle, no Pope, no man died for my sins. Jesus Christ alone is the object of my faith. Faith in his blood. This is all about faith in the blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sin. Nothing else. The true religion is about faith in the blood of Christ. Not faith in Veridicanism, or Catholicism, or any other religious construct.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You follow men. They tell you what to believe. You think nothing out for yourself, and you are afraid to even try. You and your judgements. You and your self-righteousness. You aren't even curious.
Oh my, lol. If you only would read my posts in this forum!
You've erred greatly in misjudging me this way.
I have repeatedly said in this forum that at this time in church history it's you, your Bible, and the Spirit of God working in your God given spirit of discernment, and your fellowship with likeminded believers. There is no central authority to look to and rely on at this time in church history. The leaven has worked it's way well into the dough.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You don't even have the guts to be accountable. You don't post your picture. You don't go by your real name.
I don't volunteer for persecution.
Unless you have an obvious need to, only a fool would post his personal information on the internet. The less people know about who you are on the internet the less likely a triggered monster will seek to hurt you (my wife is finding this out the hard way). And besides, based on your claims about Verdicanism, you of all people should know this isn't about ME or YOU. It's about Jesus. I'm not here for ME. I challenge you to go incognito and leave you out of it and just let what you think is the truth stand on it's own. Can you do that? If not, why not?


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Trust me, you have not been down my path(s). And Veridicanism is the only true religion. Jesus is the Truth. We follow ONLY Jesus Christ, so we have to be the true religion. It's not really a matter of debate. You, on the other had, are part of the World Church. You have elevated apostles and Popes (whether you know it or not) to the same station as the object of your faith, Jesus Christ. You follow men. They tell you what to believe. You think nothing out for yourself, and you are afraid to even try. You and your judgements. You and your self-righteousness. You aren't even curious. You are nothing more than opposition to me. That's your entire definition. You don't even have the guts to be accountable. You don't post your picture. You don't go by your real name. So, go back to church, listen to your pastor, agree and be accepted, and never presume you and I are in the same spiritual class. We are not.

Edward Gordon quoted statement expressly TO @Ferris Bueller ...

Declaration...from Gordon’s perspective;
Gordon invented the religion of Veridicanism.
Gordon declares Veridicanism must be the THE TRUE religion.
Gordon declares his “true religion” is not up for debate.

TO Ferris Bueller; (via Gordon)
YOU...are part of The World Church.
YOU...elevated apostles
YOU...elevated Popes
YOU...follow men
Men tell YOU...what to believe
YOU...think nothing for yourself
YOU...are afraid to think for yourself
YOU...and your judgements....(incomplete statement)
YOU...and YOUR self-righteousness...(incomplete statement)
YOU...aren’t even CURIOUS...

Review..Gordon post #1 quote;
I am a Veridican. I follow ONLY Jesus Christ, which means I am not a Christian when the word is used to mean the accepted forms of the Christian Church throughout the world. I have registered, this time, as a non-Christian or "other faith."
So, where am I allowed to post and discuss things? I'm not rude to people. I don't cause trouble. I just want to discuss theology in a rational way.

Ferris -
Are you Catholic?
How do you elevate the Pope? (How much can you bench press?)
What is “the” World Church?
Pretty sure Gordon is a “man” cautioning you to not follow “men”.
How did you decide to post what you think, when you can not think for yourself?
Who is thinking for you, to tell you you are afraid to think for yourself?
What is the “sentence” for “your judgements”?
Is ‘self-righteous” something you gained by yourself, without having the ability to think it?
And since you are NOT CURIOUS, shouldn’t you go delete the 150+ posts you have made about the one and only religion made up by a man, you are cautioned by the same man to not follow men?

Is this the spin off the the Twilight Zone?


Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
So, go back to church, listen to your pastor, agree and be accepted, and never presume you and I are in the same spiritual class. We are not.
This is funny because you got me all wrong. You have judged me wrongly. Big time! You made a sweeping judgment about me that is totally inaccurate. I don't have a church to go back to. It's me, my Bible, the Spirit of discernment and informal fellowship with likeminded believers at this time in church history. The only 'church' I will attend again is an open Bible study that incorporates group prayer and praise and worship. No church mortgages, no official denominations or labels, no hard and fast, determined theology that isn't open to examination. I'm done with organized religion.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Edward Gordon quoted statement expressly TO @Ferris Bueller ...

Declaration...from Gordon’s perspective;
Gordon invented the religion of Veridicanism.
Gordon declares Veridicanism must be the THE TRUE religion.
Gordon declares his “true religion” is not up for debate.

TO Ferris Bueller; (via Gordon)
YOU...are part of The World Church.
YOU...elevated apostles
YOU...elevated Popes
YOU...follow men
Men tell YOU...what to believe
YOU...think nothing for yourself
YOU...are afraid to think for yourself
YOU...and your judgements....(incomplete statement)
YOU...and YOUR self-righteousness...(incomplete statement)
YOU...aren’t even CURIOUS...

Review..Gordon post #1 quote;
I am a Veridican. I follow ONLY Jesus Christ, which means I am not a Christian when the word is used to mean the accepted forms of the Christian Church throughout the world. I have registered, this time, as a non-Christian or "other faith."
So, where am I allowed to post and discuss things? I'm not rude to people. I don't cause trouble. I just want to discuss theology in a rational way.

Ferris -
Are you Catholic?
How do you elevate the Pope? (How much can you bench press?)
What is “the” World Church?
Pretty sure Gordon is a “man” cautioning you to not follow “men”.
How did you decide to post what you think, when you can not think for yourself?
Who is thinking for you, to tell you you are afraid to think for yourself?
What is the “sentence” for “your judgements”?
Is ‘self-righteous” something you gained by yourself, without having the ability to think it?
And since you are NOT CURIOUS, shouldn’t you go delete the 150+ posts you have made about the one and only religion made up by a man, you are cautioned by the same man to not follow men?

Is this the spin off the the Twilight Zone?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the obvious. Thank you.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Astral ‘projection’...
Silver cord?
I haven't had time to see if he answered the question, but experienced occultists know the silver cord is the cord that attaches the spirit to the body. At death this cord is severed and the spirit is set free from the body.

"6Remember Him before the silver cord is snapped and the golden bowl is crushed, before the pitcher is shattered at the spring and the wheel is broken at the well,7before the dust returns to the ground from which it came and the spirit returns to God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 12:6-7

The danger of seeking and having an out of body experience is that you won't be able to come back to your body. Terrifying is how one occultist described the experience of not being able to get back into the body. Don't play around with trying to leave the body. It has no place in Christianity. It is a pagan practice. It's purpose is to meet with and learn from demonic powers. You don't have to leave yourself to go to and experience God. He comes to you via the Holy Spirit. You don't have to leave yourself to have the benefit of the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the obvious. Thank you.

[anonymous] Hi, I’m new here...a non-Christian who has made up my own religion of kinda, sorta, ALL about Christ..(God is busy)... (and BTW, “I am Christ!!! ) Don’t follow men, follow My religion which is the only true religion, and “ I am the high priest “ ..(so, to follow My religion, by default you are going to have believe all that I say, since I do all my own thinking, concluding, of what you will Have to believe...ie not up for debate!) So anyway, I would like to have a civil conversation about ‘theology’, not yours, mine, which means, not really a conversation, but rather, I do the thinking, talking, and you listen (without debate or objection), and then...Believe me like our 6 other members.
How’s that? /


Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You know what's interesting is that when one focuses only on the Gospels, one begins to see that Jesus treated his male and female disciples pretty equally. And that's long before any kind of women's rights. I think men and women are equal. I really do.
Yes, when you focus only on a part of inspired scripture that doesn't address the issue you will indeed not know about the natural order of authority. Putting the fact that Jesus wrote the scriptures aside for a moment, Jesus' canon of scripture is the law of Moses and the Prophets. And that is where the natural order of man over woman is established.

And so I'm back to this point. If you want to follow Jesus only, you HAVE to include the Law and the Prophets in your canon of scripture because that was Jesus' canon of scripture that he endorsed and defended. Matthew 5:17-18. And because Paul was so thoroughly brought up and trained in the Law that's where so much of his spiritual insight comes from. But many in the church can not see this because the church has been taught that the OT is irrelevant and so it is not read and studied like it should be for them to know that's where much of Paul's spiritual inspiration and counsel is based on and comes from.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
[anonymous] Hi, I’m new here...a non-Christian who has made up my own religion of kinda, sorta, ALL about Christ..(God is busy)... (and BTW, “I am Christ!!! ) Don’t follow men, follow My religion which is the only true religion, and “ I am the high priest “ ..(so, to follow My religion, by default you are going to have believe all that I say, since I do all my own thinking, concluding, of what you will Have to believe...ie not up for debate!) So anyway, I would like to have a civil conversation about ‘theology’, not yours, mine, which means, not really a conversation, but rather, I do the thinking, talking, and you listen (without debate or objection), and then...Believe me like our 6 other members.
How’s that? /

That pretty well sums it up.
He's just adding to the very system of religion he's condemning.

I challenge him to drop the new religion stuff and go incognito and let's just talk about the Bible and let the seeds of truth fall where they may and produce what it will. And wait for God to reward the worker in His field at the resurrection.
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