Once Saved, Always Saved?

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Feb 6, 2018
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Sorry.....you have a strange writing style that I find difficult to read and understand....and I tend to ignore lengthy posts ....could you condense this post and write in a manner more similar to the way people talk in real life....not trying to “ dis” you , but as it stands ( for me anyway) reading your posts are too difficult and time consuming.....

The highlight is you are teaching, CONVERTED and STILL sinning, which Scripture DOES NOT TEACH.
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Feb 6, 2018
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Perhaps.....I don’t really care.....What I care about is making sure that my sins are “ blotted out”—— and they are—— not only “ that” , they are “ Forgotten” ......They're as removed as far as “ the East from the West”..... why? Because I REST in Paul’s Gospel Of Pure Grace, Given to Him by Jesus....

IF you are converted.......your body is dead...or your conversion was a fraud.

Why are you STILL trying to blot out sins of a DEAD BODY?
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Ferris Bueller

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Sep 9, 2020
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I think that you are confusing Apples with Oranges ......Grace is Mercy in Action that forgives and forgets ALL of the sins of the Believer because of his Faith in the Gospel.....it is never “ puny”
What is “ puny” is us....Puny in the sense that we are ALL capable of “ stumbling” in these weak bodies of flesh....Believers are fully capable of falling into Error and giving into temptations

It’s like the warning Paul gave to his followers about being gentle and humble when somebody has to be corrected for his sins, like the guy that slept with his step- mother.....he was “ handed over to Satan” to be Chastised , but when he was restored and welcomed back into the fold,there was no reason for anybody to be cocky about it—-Paul warned them all about getting” haughty” about this man’s troubles.....Paul warned them—— “ YOU might be NEXT!

Any “ man” can be Puny and fall into sin,but not the Grace that always trumps that Sun when we take those sins BOLDLY to the “ Throne Of Grace”...... I’m there quite often....I don’t try to take advantage of it, but I’m sure glad it is there for us “ in our time of need”....
No, I get all that. Most of us Christians do. What I'm asking is why in your doctrine is God's grace powerful enough to keep the 'Christian' saved if they go back to no longer believing and trusting in Christ, but that same grace is too weak to keep them from going back to unbelief.
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New Member
May 14, 2022
I believe all who are truly saved will be forever saved. All who later fell away are not truly saved in the first place.
And if you believe you are always saved, and does your best to lead a holy life, even if you died not confessing all your sins, you will be saved.


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Feb 6, 2018
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No, I get all that. Most of us Christians do. What I'm asking is why in your doctrine is God's grace powerful enough to keep the 'Christian' saved if they go back to no longer believing and trusting in Christ, but that same grace is too weak to keep them from going back to unbelief.

Christian is a vague term, that applies to:
Believers...that can fall from faith.
Converted Believers....that can never fall from faith.

Believers....Believe and remain believing (enduring) until their body dies....or not.
If they are Believing when their body dies...they shall be saved then.
If they fell away, stopped Believing when their body dies...they shall not be saved then.
YES...THEY CAN continue to SIN.
YES....THEY CAN repeatedly ask God for Forgiveness, through their Intercessor JESUS, ie IN JESUS’ NAME.

Converted Believers....have Become forgiven, HAVE A DEAD BODY, (crucified with Christ) their body cleansed, covered, sanctified, justified....
Their soul restored. Ie saved.
Their spirit quickened. Born again of Gods Seed
AND Gods Spirit (Almighty POWER) KEEPS THEM from ever again sinning.

SAVED for ever....OSAS....IS always after the DEATH of the body.
Thus no the body does not come back and “change” it mind.
The man NEVER become “converted” by confessing with the thoughts of his mind in the first place....a man confesses by the thoughts of his heart....and once confessed...the heart is circumcised....a new heart given...and new seed given...and a new spirit born...

To become “UNSAVED”...the dead body would have to change its dead hearts thoughts, and it dead natural spirits thoughts...
And Scripture teaches no such thing.

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
If one does not control the flesh.
One will be lost.
Precious friend, we Really Need Not to go by made-up stuff, But,
All The (12 Dozen) Plain And Clear Scriptures For:

God's ETERNAL Assurance, And:

God's OPERATION On All His New-born babes In Christ!

Surely, standing Before God On Judgment Day, we are Not going
to DENY All These, or are we? Again, It Is Plain And Clear For All
the "faithful AND UNfaithful members" Of The ETERNAL Body Of Christ!:

1Co 3:14 If any [faithful?] man's work abide which he
hath built Thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

1Co 3:15 If any [UNfaithful?] man's work shall be burned, he
Shall Suffer Loss: but he himself Shall Be Saved; yet so as by fire."

How, then do we Reconcile "made-up stuff" With Christ's
Words To
Paul, our apostle Of Amazing GRACE?
GRACE And Peace...


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Precious friend, we Really Need Not to go by made-up stuff, But,
All The (12 Dozen) Plain And Clear Scriptures For:

God's ETERNAL Assurance, And:

God's OPERATION On All His New-born babes In Christ!

Surely, standing Before God On Judgment Day, we are Not going
to DENY All These, or are we? Again, It Is Plain And Clear For All
the "faithful AND UNfaithful members" Of The ETERNAL Body Of Christ!:

1Co 3:14 If any [faithful?] man's work abide which he
hath built Thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

1Co 3:15 If any [UNfaithful?] man's work shall be burned, he
Shall Suffer Loss: but he himself Shall Be Saved; yet so as by fire."

How, then do we Reconcile "made-up stuff" With Christ's
Words To
Paul, our apostle Of Amazing GRACE?
GRACE And Peace...


On judgement day, a forgiven man is not judged on his forgiven sins, or all the works he did that did not glorify God.

Saved man...Forgiven sins, unglorifying works are burned, forgotten.
Unsaved man...unforgiving sins, unglorifying works, are burned, forgotten.

A man saved man is judged on what DID Glorify God...
For example became saved, receives the Crown of Life.
An unsaved man...nothing forgiven, everything burned.

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
I believe all who are truly saved will be forever saved. All who later fell away are not truly saved in the first place.
And if you believe you are always saved, and does your best to lead a holy life, even if you died not confessing all your sins, you will be saved.
Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome to the Board. And Amen - good post!

Please Be Very RICHLY Encouraged, Enlightened, Exhorted, And Edified In
The LORD JESUS CHRIST, And In His Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided!

God's Simple Will!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
Give me a Yes or No answer Danthemailman,

In your gospel,
Can I have faith alone and reject the commandment to be baptized, Acts 10:47-48
And be saved by faith only and not obey Jesus' commandment, Mark 16:15-16?

i’ll answer this, yes. Baptism does not save. There will be millions of baptized people in hell. Baptism has nothing to do with being saved. Its good to get baptized, but not necessary.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
But you are an unbeliever, we are not. Born again people are not like you. We are increasing in our righteousness, while you, an unbeliever, are increasing in your unrighteousness:

"while evil men and imposters go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in the things you have learned and firmly believed, since you know from whom you have learned them." 2 Timothy 3:13-14

The favorite thing for unbelievers to do is make born again people out to be just as bad of sinners as they are (it's pretty much the sign you're dealing with an unbeliever). Which, if one is truly born again, is not true at all. Born again people are growing up into Christ. Unbelievers are shrinking down further and further into their sin.

im not an unbeliever. Im unsaved. Get it right.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States

On judgement day, a forgiven man is not judged on his forgiven sins, or all the works he did that did not glorify God.

Saved man...Forgiven sins, unglorifying works are burned, forgotten.
Unsaved man...unforgiving sins, unglorifying works, are burned, forgotten.

A man saved man is judged on what DID Glorify God...
For example became saved, receives the Crown of Life.
An unsaved man...nothing forgiven, everything burned.

this is just bad theology. Most of what you believe seems to be bad theology though. You say the forgiven are not judged for their sins. Wrong!! God is just and fair, and He will judge everyone equally. The only difference between the saved and unsaved, is the unsaved go to hell, while the saved go to Heaven. But every person will still answer for their sins at judgement.
In job 38:3, God told job to stand up and brace himself because God was going to question him and he would have to answer for his actions and thoughts.
Everyone assumes that because they are saved they’ll just get a quick escort past the judgement seat and you wont. Every single person on this board will stand before God and answer His questions, saved or not.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Where I am disagreeing with Lifelong sinner is, his belief that you cannot control yourself from committing sin.

This is false. The Bible teaches, You must control the sinful desires of the flesh.
One might think this is true--but it is not...and it would mean that history has taught us nothing from Israel's failure to keep the law. Moreover, that this is not the answer at all, but rather, as Paul said, "by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified." And returning to this way of thinking would mean returning to "bondage":

Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. 4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Galatians 4:3-5
The lessons of biblical history should bring us all to know better than to think that our attempts at self righteousness end in anything but failure, but that salvation only comes through our Savior, Jesus Christ and His righteous acts. In this way God has again put before us the choice of life or death. Why then do some of you choose death by self?
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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
im not an unbeliever. Im unsaved. Get it right....The only difference between the saved and unsaved, is the unsaved go to hell,
Baptism does not save. There will be millions of baptized people in hell. Baptism has nothing to do with being saved. Its good to get baptized, but not necessary.
Precious friend, Now THIS is "a first" = the UNsaved "preaching about good baptism."
Will wonders never Cease? Perchance Which of the following water traditions are "good"?:

1) believe AND be baptized {i.e. immersion to contact their Christ's blood}?

2) immersion with a symbolic interpretation?

3) immersion ONCE in the "name of Jesus?

4) immersion THRICE in the "name of the Triune Godhead?

5) immersion {whether once or thrice} for "membership" in their traditional assembly?

6) sprinkling water on babies inducting them into religion washing away their original sin?

7) sprinkling water on babies inducting them into some covenant?

8) sprinkling water on babies inducting them into their parent's custody that they promise to raise them right? {into Mass Confusion?}

9) sprinkling water on babies, admitting that their ritual is UNscriptural, but "we do it anyway, because it is OUR tradition!"?

10) pouring water onto babies or adults for Whatever traditional reason religion "can come up with"?

11) immersion of young and middle-aged women 'similar' to worldly/ungodly 'wet t-shirt' contests?

12) immersion Discriminates Against ALL "those who CANNOT 'obey' this ritual" ie: the hospitalized, the bedridden, the homebound, the invalids, the traumatized, etc.
13) Now, another water adherent claims there needs to be "speaking in tongues,"
saying "in the name of jesus" is Incorrect = it needs to be (greek) "ioesus"
or is it: "isos or Ii̱soús"?

Such MASSIVE Confusion, Correct? Is that one of the MAIN reasons that the
"believer wants to Remain UNsaved"???

1) "God Is NOT the author of {ALL of this} Confusion!" (1Co_14:33)
2) There Is Only ONE Good (Spiritual) Baptism that saves, Today, Under GRACE!

To Become a "saved" believer, Please review here: GRACE And Peace...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
'Unbeliever' in the Christian vernacular implies not just knowing something is true, but also placing one's trust in what they know to be true. You are an unbeliever.

oh so i should just say “im a believer and saved!!” Like everyone else despite me knowing thats not the truth??? I’d rather know now that im going to hell rather than finding out on judgement day. Just saying.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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this is just bad theology. Most of what you believe seems to be bad theology though. You say the forgiven are not judged for their sins. Wrong!!

OK...so the Forgiven are judge for their sins...
After the Judging...what is their “sentence”? (Consequence) ?

Everyone assumes that because they are saved they’ll just get a quick escort past the judgement seat and you wont.

No...I fully expect to my Works, to be Judged like scripture says.
And the consequence...
Works that glorified God shall be Rewarded.
Works that did not glorify God shall be Burned.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
oh so i should just say “im a believer and saved!!” Like everyone else despite me knowing thats not the truth??? I’d rather know now that im going to hell rather than finding out on judgement day. Just saying.

If you believe to the day you die, you shall be saved them.
Want a guaranteed trip to hell, STOP believing.
Want a guaranteed of Salvation, become converted and saved now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
OK...so the Forgiven are judge for their sins...
After the Judging...what is their “sentence”? (Consequence) ?

No...I fully expect to my Works, to be Judged like scripture says.
And the consequence...
Works that glorified God shall be Rewarded.
Works that did not glorify God shall be Burned.

those who are forgiven will get to enter in to Heaven. Those not forgiven will goto hell. The issue for those saved will be what rewards they receive in Heaven.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The highlight is you are teaching, CONVERTED and STILL sinning, which Scripture DOES NOT TEACH.

Please answer just ONE question for me....if Converted Christians do not Sin.......Why does the Bible say that God Chastises His Children....Chastisement is a Fact. Does punish his Children for “ not” sinning.....Don’t go off on any tangents ....just explain God’s Chastisement Plan for me and others....