America’s Choice: A Christian Nation or Part of the New World Order?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I never heard Trump propose any such idea... for the Christian Church.

That's some idea you got from Leftist liars.

Trump is PRO U.S. Constitution, which by the way, says nothing about a 'church vs. state' position. Instead, the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says that government will make no law 'establishing' religion, nor prohibiting the free expression thereof. That's called the 'establishment clause' of the 1st Amendment. It prevents... the idea of church and state joining together (like a Theocracy), and at the same time protecting... free expression of religion in the U.S.

Thus it sounds like you've been listening to a bunch of Leftist-Communist radicals who don't even understand what the U.S. Constitution is about. And you actually believe Trump doesn't know what the 1st Amendment says? Yeah, right, pull my other leg and it plays Jingle-bells.
I know what I said, and I understand the constitution and agree with your summation of the second amendment. Which is precisely why I said that in order for Trump to give the evangelical right political power (a promise repeated several times in his 2016 campaign speeches which I guess you must have missed) the constitution, out at least t second amendment, needed to be overridden. Prophecy declares it will be so.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I love you too Aunty Jane, but our country would be much worse without guns, if all law abiding citizens had guns there would be a lot less mass shootings, as we could drop the guy before he or she would have the opportunity to shoot anyone.

They will never get rid of our rights to bear arms, it’s our God given right.

Yes there was someone who was running our country the way it is suppose to be and that President, who technically is still President because they rigged the elections and stole his Presidency is President Donald J. Trump, the only President in a long time who genuinely cared about America and Americans, instead of selling our country out and us Americans out.

Much love to you sister forever and always.
What has been happening in Australia is that the people have been played for fools, the lowest common denominator is king ? or is held up as the standard set before everyone.

Back in the days gone by I had guns and most of my mates had guns and thought nothing of such at all. but nowadays the concept would have all the idiots claiming that one is a murderer or something, now we have such hysteria that such a person having a gun must go to Jail for life.

So on TV news flash, Joe blow was found to have a 22 rifle in his possession ! OHHHHH No ! Arrrrrrrahh a terrorist ! so one is convicted of such now, because one is in possession.
Found it in the back shed digging around after grand dad died many years ago. But he should of treated it as if it was a landmine that could go off at any tick of the clock, we are going to eradicate grand dads grave site as well, due to the seriousness of this predicament, that 22 could of been loaded !
Not to mention Could off has become reason of convicting one now.
You could of killed someone as you were over the speed limit by 1KM/H and we all know that every KM/H over is a Killer in fact, such is on TV ads for years and 1.62 KM/H = 1 MPH so you are lucky ! so you can do 0.62 KM/H more than us before you become a criminalised and have a mark against you regarding car insurance. so that's out right un justified Discrimination ! being aided and abetted being practiced.
The same totally un justified Discrimination with regards the possession of a 22. You are touted as guilty regardless because of Nazi like Laws. Not to mention were does all such Laws end. They never do, they make one Law and then add another 100 to such a Law. W Churchill pointed out such madness correctly.
But on the other hand we have a radical Islamic yobbo hear with a conviction list as long as 6ft let to go out and hold people hostage ! now an Australian could never of got away with such convictions, but old mate has a legal backing of the Islamic Mob ? so that's how old mate does not get convicted, he is backed by millions of $ ! and what do we see in the SMS Nothing to bee seen here ! we will not go down that track of Why did such a moron go lose on our streets ? No we do not have the rights to question such, or in depth go through such things ! we do not have the right ! Because if we did we could expose all of the lowlife bastards that are protected by the Satanist.

So it's the little things that they go ranting about claiming such is truly serious but the big things are shut up and not for public to be able to fully question and not to mention the small issues as well are not to be questioned. you get some Nazi comment from the top Cop spinning a line.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I know what I said, and I understand the constitution and agree with your summation of the second amendment. Which is precisely why I said that in order for Trump to give the evangelical right political power (a promise repeated several times in his 2016 campaign speeches which I guess you must have missed) the constitution, out at least t second amendment, needed to be overridden. Prophecy declares it will be so.

No, I don't think you have a clue about what you are saying.

My previous post was about the FIRST Amendment, not the second amendment.

The U.S. people's religious freedoms are protected by the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, NOT the 2nd Amendment which protects the people's RIGHT to bear arms.

And NO, Trump has NO AGENDA to destroy... the U.S. Constitution! You got that false idea from Leftist-Communists that hate Trump, because his political platform is for a STRONGER AMERICA per the U.S. Constitution. He is for GETTING BACK TO ACTUALLY FOLLOWING THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, not dumping it like you got from Leftist liars.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
My previous post was about the FIRST Amendment, not the second amendment.
Quite correct, sorry my apologies.

And NO, Trump has NO AGENDA to destroy... the U.S. Constitution!
I didn't say he had an agenda to destroy the first amendment. I said he had made a promise to evangelicals to give them power. I am saying that in the act of doing and fulfilling such a promise, the constitution will have to be overridden. Am I wrong or are you blindly wanting to defend your savior trump at all costs to truth, common sense and logic?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I said he had made a promise to evangelicals to give them power.
Exactly when was this stated and where is the actual quote? Why would Trump give "power" to any group, and how would he accomplish this? So if you do not have anything other than a wild accusation, you should withdraw that statement. No Christian sees Trump as a "savior" -- just as a person who had one objective and was hated for it -- "Make America Great Again". But then he sabotaged himself.

Unfortunately, the elites promoting the New World Order have used the COVID Scamdemic to consolidate their power and promote tyranny worldwide. So chances are Trump will not be able to reverse this evil.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The U.S. people's religious freedoms are protected by the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,
Well, you forget that the constitution is just an old piece of paper that could be screwed up and thrown away right? The only power it has lies in the willingness of 9 judges to uphold it and interpret it correctly. Did any of those 9 berate Trump for promising something that was unconstitutional? When all those pastors and mega church leaders climbed on the Trump bandwagon and hailed him as the savior of the American way, did anyone berate them for coveting political power and an alliance with an earthly king and risking spiritual adultery as per the harlot's daughters? You say I have no clue what I'm talking about... So I got a number wrong. But I'm correct about what I'm saying concerning the need for the SCOTUS to protect the rights freedom of the American people... And that in order to do so the people need to tell their pastors, their priests, and their church elders to stay the heck away from politics or else they will be led into apostasy. But in reality, there is only one option right now. First, pray that God gives you time to wake up. Second, okay for your leaders to see common sense. This, of they don't, come out of her, My people, is the final choice to make. Prophecy declares that American Protestantism will make a deal with the government and make a political church-state image to the tyranny of the dark ages and impose religious laws dictating worship according to the beast of Revelation 13, leading America into utter ruin. I'm sorry that so many genuine American Christians cannot recognize this beginning to take shape before there face and under their nose. And SCOTUS I fear will go along with it. Probably out of fear of those things happening on the earth at the time. They are human, and like most others, when disaster strikes, self preservation rules.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Exactly when was this stated and where is the actual quote? Why would Trump give "power" to any group, and how would he accomplish this? So if you do not have anything other than a wild accusation, you should withdraw that statement. No Christian sees Trump as a "savior" -- just as a person who had one objective and was hated for it -- "Make America Great Again". But then he sabotaged himself.

Unfortunately, the elites promoting the New World Order have used the COVID Scamdemic to consolidate their power and promote tyranny worldwide. So chances are Trump will not be able to reverse this evil.
I' surprised you have so quickly forgotten. I live 10,000 miles away, it was 7 years ago, and I still remember. And it wasn't difficult to find one source to corroborate what I heard in the actual speech itself...
Donald Trump: 'Christianity Will Have Power' If I'm President (

I may have heard it in another speech having similar ideas...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Christian nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity and that the government must act to keep it that way. The New World Order is an emerging world government that will eventually take over. What will America choose?

What will America choose?

Same as the Whole World;
Some turning a blind eye to a handful of Puppeteers,
Some turning a blind eye to the backstabbers vying to be a Puppet,
Some thinking they have gained status wrapped in a Puppets Web,
Some not noticing the Puppeteers, Puppets, Web.
Some ignoring the World Puppeteers, Puppets, Web;
...and without the World’s Advocacy, Permission, Record keeping;
...Freely, “individually” Choosing their own Supreme Governing ...Authority to dwell with and in them, that No man can undermine.

* And to note; WARNINGS.
Mankind is innovative, ambitious, alluring, exponentially technologically increasing in abilities and intents to aid and or to destroy.

* Death of a every natural born man is inevitable.
* Fear of Death is an instant captivating attention grabber.
* Oppress God, Promote Fear of Death, Claim fix; mans ideology.
* Exalt God, Promote Gods Gift of Life, Gods fix; Gods promise.

* Mans ideology, Gods every mans choice.
* Trust the created, Trust the every mans choice.

America is divided, as is the Whole World.
Good News. Believe it or not; He who SHALL “separate” the “divided”,
IS Himself Creator and Maker; Lord God Almighty.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Well, you forget that the constitution is just an old piece of paper that could be screwed up and thrown away right? The only power it has lies in the willingness of 9 judges to uphold it and interpret it correctly. Did any of those 9 berate Trump for promising something that was unconstitutional?

The US Constitution is a Document outlining LIMITS.
Presidents, Governors, Mayors, SCOTUS, Federal Courts, State Courts, are ALL Servants.

The POWER lies with the Individual Person.
Not particularly a newsflash, Individual Persons vie for Seated, Elected, Appointed Governing Power positions;
on merits, on principles, on standards, on good will, on deception.

An Individual Person can; jump on the bandwagon to BE the seated, BE a supporter of the seated, BE a burden of the seated, or IGNORE the seated.

Not a newsflash...
Supporters are favored for $$
Burdens are favored for Votes by any means
Either are willing to be a Subject to a Master

And some choose to Stay out of their Sandbox, Reject their endless Promises and Temptations of handouts, freebies, trinkets, scraps. Ignore their endless fear mongering, threats and Remember;
Exactly WHO is cowering, hiding behind locked doors, armed guards, fences, barriers, walls, in elaborate earthen bunkers.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Sticking your head in the sand will not help you to discern the truth. We could make a list a mile long to conclusively prove that steal, kill, and destroy is the Satanic agenda of the fake Democrats. They are not even honest even to relabel themselves Marxist/Communist/Fascists. No person can claim to be a Christian and support or ignore the evil deeds of the Democrats.
It's why Pelosi was rejected by her Bishop and not given Communion, so she went to Rome and got it anyway by the Pontifex Maximus himself.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Do you understand what propaganda is John? It’s what Hitler used to convince his supporters that he was the best one to govern their country. He had propaganda films made that portrayed his rulership as the most beneficial for the country...even presenting the treatment of the Jews as them being taken care of in the internment camps...children playing and everyone looking well fed and in no distress. That was very far from the truth, and the reason why the German people were fooled into believing him. We know what history tells us about the truth. Can people be deceived again?

Did Hitler not pull Germany out of one of the biggest depressions ever and become a Country to be respected and acknowledged?

I tend not to believe everything bad said about Hitler.

My father used to say too much Democracy is no good, because people will abuse it, and I tend to believe my Father on that.
Last edited:
Jul 7, 2022
Tin Can Bay, Queensland
Christian nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity and that the government must act to keep it that way. The New World Order is an emerging world government that will eventually take over. What will America choose?

America’s Choice: A Christian Nation or Part of the New World Order?
Well, in my opinion, long gone are the days when any nation, except the spiritual Israel nation that Jesus has built, can be called Christian or godly. Certainly, most of our laws are fashioned from Christian precepts, but I haven't seen any nation or its leaders prove themselves as being Christian. In fact, I would say that the opposite is true. To lay a claim that there are worldly Christian nations of course, would be a contradiction in terms, and also would make a mockery of Jesus' declaration that "many are called, but few are chosen". Sorry to be negative, but I think I am just stating facts.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Quite correct, sorry my apologies.

I didn't say he had an agenda to destroy the first amendment. I said he had made a promise to evangelicals to give them power. I am saying that in the act of doing and fulfilling such a promise, the constitution will have to be overridden. Am I wrong or are you blindly wanting to defend your savior trump at all costs to truth, common sense and logic?
It's more like America was founded upon biblical principles, and a liberal court took those principles and threw them in the trash

There isn't anything in the constitution that would protect killing the unborn (Abortion) or same sex marriage

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Did Hitler not pull Germany out of one of the biggest depressions ever and become a Country to be respected and acknowledged?

I tend not to believe everything bad said about Hitler.
Stating the good he did for his nation’s economy does not excuse the horror of the death camps.
My brothers died in those camps because Hitler swore to “exterminate this brood” (JW’s) We would not heil Hitler, support his military activities, or involve ourselves in any political agendas, unlike the Catholic church, which was hand in glove with the Nazi regime.
Because he could not control their loyalty, Hitler and his henchmen persecuted my brothers along with the Jews.....the major difference was that he saw the Jews as a people to exterminate like vermin, whereas he gave the Witnesses an opportunity to walk free if they signed a paper renouncing their faith. Interestingly, only a few did this, but rather than free them, they were taken out and shot. Quite a few of the SS guards, after the war, were so impressed with the courage and conviction of JW’s in the camps, that they sought them out and decided to study the Bible with them, and became part of the brotherhood that they had formerly persecuted.

My father used to say too much Democracy is no good, because people will abuse it, and I tend to believe my Father on that.
The saying “too much of a good thing is not good for anyone” is very true.....democracy is failing as we can clearly see. Some did very well under that system, but now the distance between the rich and the poor is wider than ever. The standard of living for the average person is under threat....and more and more people are living in deplorable conditions in once wealthy nations who now find themselves in massive debt. Homelessness has never been worse because nations spend so much on addressing foreign threats that they forgot about saving their own people.

Greed for profit means sacrificing every Bible principle. We see it in every human system.
What happened to the “Golden Rule”.....its hopelessly lost in this world....but it was always secondary to the first command for “love God with our whole heart, mind and strength”.....not too many do that. Their ‘hearts, minds and strength’ is divided, and God only gets a small portion of their devotion. It’s not enough. For Jehovah and his loyal son, it’s all or nothing. (Matthew 12:30)

Democracy is the second last system of human government to fail, as far as Bible prophesy is concerned. The very last is a single world entity...a ‘one world government’ that will try to take control of the whole world. It will be presented as the solution to man’s problems promising “peace and security”...but it will be a hollow promise in a disguised attempt at totalitarian control and it will see human rulership to an abrupt end. (Daniel 2:44)

All human ideas sound good on paper, but fall apart in practice. Communism for example sounds very good in theory, giving all equal opportunity and sharing all things in common....but it failed miserably when those who worked hard found themselves supporting those who did not, but who received the same benefits. Things only work when the giving outweighs the taking.....humans simply cannot accommodate that because of the sinfulness that is in them. Selfishness is the main reason why we are seeing the decline in our formerly good standard of living. The systems ruling the world are as odds with everything Jesus taught. Profit is more important than people. This is why they will be removed by God, so that his Kingdom, (for which Jesus taught us to pray) can take control of the world’s rulership and bring about God’s will on this earth. (Daniel 2:44, Matthew 6:9-10)

We have to be found being “no part of the world” or we will go down with it....having the “mark of the beast” means supporting its political ideals and agendas. It’s something that divides people’s loyalty, but “NO PART of the world”, (like it or not) means what Jesus said. (John 18:36: John 15:18-21) We cannot be found with a foot in both camps.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Stating the good he did for his nation’s economy does not excuse the horror of the death camps.
My brothers died in those camps because Hitler swore to “exterminate this brood” (JW’s) We would not heil Hitler, support his military activities, or involve ourselves in any political agendas, unlike the Catholic church, which was hand in glove with the Nazi regime.
Because he could not control their loyalty, Hitler and his henchmen persecuted my brothers along with the Jews.....the major difference was that he saw the Jews as a people to exterminate like vermin, whereas he gave the Witnesses an opportunity to walk free if they signed a paper renouncing their faith. Interestingly, only a few did this, but rather than free them, they were taken out and shot. Quite a few of the SS guards, after the war, were so impressed with the courage and conviction of JW’s in the camps, that they sought them out and decided to study the Bible with them, and became part of the brotherhood that they had formerly persecuted.

The saying “too much of a good thing is not good for anyone” is very true.....democracy is failing as we can clearly see. Some did very well under that system, but now the distance between the rich and the poor is wider than ever. The standard of living for the average person is under threat....and more and more people are living in deplorable conditions in once wealthy nations who now find themselves in massive debt. Homelessness has never been worse because nations spend so much on addressing foreign threats that they forgot about saving their own people.

Greed for profit means sacrificing every Bible principle. We see it in every human system.
What happened to the “Golden Rule”.....its hopelessly lost in this world....but it was always secondary to the first command for “love God with our whole heart, mind and strength”.....not too many do that. Their ‘hearts, minds and strength’ is divided, and God only gets a small portion of their devotion. It’s not enough. For Jehovah and his loyal son, it’s all or nothing. (Matthew 12:30)

Democracy is the second last system of human government to fail, as far as Bible prophesy is concerned. The very last is a single world entity...a ‘one world government’ that will try to take control of the whole world. It will be presented as the solution to man’s problems promising “peace and security”...but it will be a hollow promise in a disguised attempt at totalitarian control and it will see human rulership to an abrupt end. (Daniel 2:44)

All human ideas sound good on paper, but fall apart in practice. Communism for example sounds very good in theory, giving all equal opportunity and sharing all things in common....but it failed miserably when those who worked hard found themselves supporting those who did not, but who received the same benefits. Things only work when the giving outweighs the taking.....humans simply cannot accommodate that because of the sinfulness that is in them. Selfishness is the main reason why we are seeing the decline in our formerly good standard of living. The systems ruling the world are as odds with everything Jesus taught. Profit is more important than people. This is why they will be removed by God, so that his Kingdom, (for which Jesus taught us to pray) can take control of the world’s rulership and bring about God’s will on this earth. (Daniel 2:44, Matthew 6:9-10)

We have to be found being “no part of the world” or we will go down with it....having the “mark of the beast” means supporting its political ideals and agendas. It’s something that divides people’s loyalty, but “NO PART of the world”, (like it or not) means what Jesus said. (John 18:36: John 15:18-21) We cannot be found with a foot in both camps.
Perhaps that was also propaganda, Stalin and communism was the greater evil, just as we face it today with this commie regime in power.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Perhaps that was also propaganda, Stalin and communism was the greater evil, just as we face it today with this commie regime in power.
Commie is used in Australia, but the Lefties always scorn the word, Haha it's true ! they always do. not to mention bag one for saying such directly.

Old Hitler is treated as just a Joke to most people in Australia, they have no real regard to the reality's of him or anything truly in depth about WW2. But live in much ignorance because they get their education on such from TV shows movies etc, or some indoctrinated school system that was and is shallow not to mention sadly it was not an education at all. But such was never called out for their lack of regard for in depth study on such.
Points of reference that are lies is, that the Nazis were trying to kill all of the Jews ? well proof, lets try to prove that was in fact the case !
They some how could not kill all the ones in the camps at the end ?
Not to mention all the Jews who followed the Nazis running away from the Russians advancing that were invading the Nazi occupied lands.
So some how the spin such as we were peddled it does not all truly add up ?
Not that the powers that be could care or have any real regard for the truth, but just halfwit dipsticks who tell half baked story's and think no one will bother to question them.
So as a school kid ask the question, why did they not kill all of the Jews in the camps at the end ? No answer was given ? they do not know why ? come on ! no they are telling half truths and half baked lies, to paint the enemy in the worst light they can, because it's all about perceptions painted of others they want to portray them as. So the monster is bigger that reality ? but it's dead now so who cares !

Not to mention that such fools make stupid claims that the RCC was hand in glove with Nazi Germany, sound like a good story line to play out but it's total BS ignorance, worthy of some bed time story !

Then we have morons claiming democracy is a bad thing ? well a unhealthy Democracy is a issue point, just as half baked comprehension of Nazi History is not a healthy foundation issue, because all such unhealthy positions are created from This World that Jesus pointed out, was founded on Deceptions and Delusions.
So for my part I expose such things, only because they have no true foundations !

So why should I have to come out and may look like I maybe supporting the Nazis say ? well in fact I am not at all, but if one has a good understanding of a subject, well then we are better armed at dealing with the same type of symptoms of such a dieses ? Like with an engine say ! one who understands the in depth working of such is a master on the subject, but in the hands of ignorant fools they can destroy such easy in many ways. but if they listen to a master on the subject, they are for warned what not to do and this will save them a hell of a lot of grief !

It's best if we all understand any issue in depth, than allow hatred or ignorance dominate us, because such is not worthy of educated people but slobs and being slobs is sloppy workmanship, you want to build out off straw ? well when the big bad wolf she comes one will reap what you sowed.

So if I would not want history to repeat on any issue, I am not building on straw ! because I know and truly understand what the wolf she is.

The Socialist they build on Mans works in fact and not on Christ Jesus, Hitler was a Socialist, Communism is the same idolising Mans works and rejecting Christ.
I had a Commie claim they want just what Christians want ! so why did I not come on his side ? well I said that there is a great dived between us ! He is of the Devil and I am of Christ Jesus !
The Socialist will never advance past being a beast and a great problem for themselves ever. such as that can not evolve past the poor grub that they truly are, they are Slaves unto themselves ! poor Blighted ninnies.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You don’t use that term in Australia? It means communist.
Aussies are not generally flag waving, hand on the heart patriots like those seen in the US.
It used to be that many argued over politics in the old days but now most Australians view politics as somewhat of a joke. They already know that politicians are liars who will tell people anything to get themselves means a fat pension for life. Most is empty talk, promises waiting to be broken, and if voting wasn’t compulsory in my country, many people wouldn’t bother TBH.

We are somewhat bemused that Americans can’t see through it all the works so well on you guys....maybe its an Aussie trait not to be so trusting of those who have a terrible track record....? You know "fool me once...."?
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