Why do people desire for the end times to be for today? Serious Inquirey

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Why is it people, seemingly good people, desire for todays time to be the end of times or an admission into it?

Is the reason because of past trauma and their desire for other people to get theirs?

Is the reason because of simply they desire to see people get theirs when they are cast into the lake of fire?

Is the reason that they hate this world, and it is not liveable by their own standards they would like for Jesus to return and have a giant reset?

I dont understand, but people do like the thrill of it, but there is all conspiracies that come from it such as today there will be a NEW WORLD ORDER, that stuff doesn't make sense and seems like an old conspiracy tradition in the long run.

Why did the people in heavens Gate, assume when a comet would come by (or something of that nature), that was their ticket on to the heavenly or whatever it was that they believed?

I personally believe there is only one end time. That is not to say that America, or any other country can not go to war or human kind blow themselves up, but there was a great tribulation faced in Ad 70, and there is only one time it was to come around but people say matthew that wasn't that bad... losing your whole world you knew is pretty bad, but those people had been warned of it coming, and if they wanted to be saved from it they were to look and watch for the coming of the Messiah.

The one end time I believe in today, is the Day of Death. Why live in fear of what your governing forces are doing? Why live in fear at all when you have Almighty Yahava, with you in your daily critera through prayer, and study?

Don't you wanna have a life free of fear and free to love, or do you enjoy being in fear and not trusting Yahava, and his son has taken care of everything for you to live a life on this earth, and teach and do something with ones life, rather than focusing on --

OH NO THE END IS COMING; simply because living where you may doesn't mark up to standard of the way you may want it?

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
I look around me at my age. I do not like what we have evolve to. A country totally devided in their political beliefs and not likely to change because you have half the people who support this expletive transgender alterations to the children and teens and think it is wonderful. Not to mention those mothers who take their young children to drag shows... letting someonf them mingle among the freaks.

Make no mistake . That is what they are.

Then you have the pedophile in chief morphing us as fast as possible into an unaffordable life all for the sake of being "Green" because that will cool the sun....

And we are on the verge of a WWIII.

And now you have the congress holding hearing on the government hiding alleged UFOs and reverse engineering of them and the claims of parts from some dead something that was in those UFOs... and all this is going to come out to the public.

And what do you think that will do to the faith of some, if not most....

We are in trouble but Ill stop before this gets as long as War and Peace.

For me... too many changes not for the good and irreversible.

It is time, IMO, for the end to be here, and our wonderful eternity to begin.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
"Why is it people, seemingly good people, desire for todays time to be the end of times or an admission into it?"

Ask John. Regardless of when He comes, BILLIONS are going to plunge into Hell fire.

Revelation 22
20 He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming quickly." Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Why is it people, seemingly good people, desire for todays time to be the end of times or an admission into it?

Is the reason because of past trauma and their desire for other people to get theirs?

Is the reason because of simply they desire to see people get theirs when they are cast into the lake of fire?

Is the reason that they hate this world, and it is not liveable by their own standards they would like for Jesus to return and have a giant reset?

I dont understand, but people do like the thrill of it, but there is all conspiracies that come from it such as today there will be a NEW WORLD ORDER, that stuff doesn't make sense and seems like an old conspiracy tradition in the long run.

Why did the people in heavens Gate, assume when a comet would come by (or something of that nature), that was their ticket on to the heavenly or whatever it was that they believed?

I personally believe there is only one end time. That is not to say that America, or any other country can not go to war or human kind blow themselves up, but there was a great tribulation faced in Ad 70, and there is only one time it was to come around but people say matthew that wasn't that bad... losing your whole world you knew is pretty bad, but those people had been warned of it coming, and if they wanted to be saved from it they were to look and watch for the coming of the Messiah.

The one end time I believe in today, is the Day of Death. Why live in fear of what your governing forces are doing? Why live in fear at all when you have Almighty Yahava, with you in your daily critera through prayer, and study?

Don't you wanna have a life free of fear and free to love, or do you enjoy being in fear and not trusting Yahava, and his son has taken care of everything for you to live a life on this earth, and teach and do something with ones life, rather than focusing on --

OH NO THE END IS COMING; simply because living where you may doesn't mark up to standard of the way you may want it?

This is a great question Matthew. It's deeply rooted in what people "believe" to be associated with those 'end times' and the coming of the Christ. (Messiah). You can see even from the small handful of responses here, what people believe this will mean varies from person to person. There were many who at the time of Jesus were anticipating the soon coming of a messiah. Most of them missed, or dismissed the event. They misunderstood completely what this coming would bring.

It's no different today.

Here's an example of contemporary Jewish anticipation...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
Fort Collins, CO, USA
United States
Why is it people, seemingly good people, desire for todays time to be the end of times or an admission into it?

Is the reason because of past trauma and their desire for other people to get theirs?

Is the reason because of simply they desire to see people get theirs when they are cast into the lake of fire?

Is the reason that they hate this world, and it is not liveable by their own standards they would like for Jesus to return and have a giant reset?
Dear MatthewG,
The "ends of the ages" come upon an Elect believer when they are "converted".

1Cor 10:11 Now all these things happened to them as types, and have been written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages are come.

The literal "ends of the ages" occur at the end of the final age. It is at this time that Christ converts the bulk of mankind. This event is "typed" by the Feast of Ingathering (Tabernacles). After the last person of mankind enters the Kingdom of Heaven, the ages will come to an end because the purpose of God for this creation has been completed. His purpose is to create many new children (all mankind). What mankind is experiencing now is the way God gives birth to His offspring. This is the meaning of life that eludes most people.

The end-time prophesies of scripture teach the spiritual events which will occur "within" the Elect. Those spiritual events must happen to them before Christ will come to them and convert them. This is when the "ends of the ages" come upon them.

Consider what Luke and Matthew say about when salvation comes to the Elect:

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

These verses are teaching on the moment of an Elect believer's salvation. This occurs when Christ pours out the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Latter Rain) upon them. With that baptism, the believer's spiritual blindness is healed. As a result, Christ will "appear" to them. He will then gather them to dwell with Him in Heaven because they have become a child of God. The child of the devil dwells upon the earth but a child of God dwells in heaven (spiritually speaking).

Compare these verses to what the Apostles experienced on the Day of Pentecost when they were converted:

Acts 2:14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: 15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: 19 And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, BEFORE the great and notable Day of the Lord come: 21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

In all three scriptures, there are signs in the heavens (the mind of the believer) and the sun and the moon are darkened. The sun represents Satan and the moon represents the bondwoman. Together they produced the child of the devil (mankind). The light they give off is a false truth which keeps their child in bondage to sin.

When an Elect believer receives the Latter Rain, their spiritual blindness will be healed. With their new spiritual vision, the truth of Christ will open up to them. It is at this point the natural sun and moon will be darkened. This represents that the believer will no longer receive their false truth. They will then "see" the Abomination of Desolation which had occurred within them. The Man of Sin will also be revealed to them and they will find that they are this man of sin. This will cause the powers of heaven (the carnal mind) to be shaken. It is quite a momentous spiritual event in the life of an Elect believer.

After this occurs, the Day of the Lord will arrive. It will bring judgment to the Man of Sin and to the believer's worsen carnal nature. Both will be "taken" from within the believer and cast into the Lake of Fire for their destruction. After this judgment, the believer will be converted.

The verses below are teaching on this judgment:

Mat 24:40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken (Man of Sin), and the other left (child of God). 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken (worsened carnal nature/Great Harlot), and the other left (new spiritual nature of the Holy Spirit).

This teaching is related to the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. As in the verses above, both the wheat (child of God) and the tare (Man of Sin) are contained within one believer.

The wheat (child of God) is produced from the seed (Holy Spirit) which Christ plants within a person when He calls them out from the world. This planting of the seed is symbolized by the Early Rain. Later, after the seed has received the Latter Rain, it will be fully grown into wheat and will be ready for the time of the harvest (time when the ends of the ages come upon them). But before this happens, Satan will also plant his seed (the spirit of anti-Christ) within the same believer and it will grow into a Tare (Man of Sin). At the time of the harvest, the Tare will be "taken" (gathered) and burned (judged in the Lake of Fire) and the wheat will be harvested into the barn (Kingdom of Heaven).

The only prophesied event which will occur at the literal end of this present age is the bodily resurrections from the grave. All the other "end-time" events are fulfilled within the lifetime of each Elect believer.

This verse applies:

Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

Each Elect person (this generation) will not pass away until they have experienced "all these things". After they have experienced "all these things", the "ends of the ages" will come upon them and they will be converted and saved.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Oh okay Joe,

Love to you and carry on,


New Member
Jul 22, 2023
Londonderry NH
United States
Why is it people, seemingly good people, desire for todays time to be the end of times or an admission into it?

Is the reason because of past trauma and their desire for other people to get theirs?

Is the reason because of simply they desire to see people get theirs when they are cast into the lake of fire?

Is the reason that they hate this world, and it is not liveable by their own standards they would like for Jesus to return and have a giant reset?

I dont understand, but people do like the thrill of it, but there is all conspiracies that come from it such as today there will be a NEW WORLD ORDER, that stuff doesn't make sense and seems like an old conspiracy tradition in the long run.

Why did the people in heavens Gate, assume when a comet would come by (or something of that nature), that was their ticket on to the heavenly or whatever it was that they believed?

I personally believe there is only one end time. That is not to say that America, or any other country can not go to war or human kind blow themselves up, but there was a great tribulation faced in Ad 70, and there is only one time it was to come around but people say matthew that wasn't that bad... losing your whole world you knew is pretty bad, but those people had been warned of it coming, and if they wanted to be saved from it they were to look and watch for the coming of the Messiah.

The one end time I believe in today, is the Day of Death. Why live in fear of what your governing forces are doing? Why live in fear at all when you have Almighty Yahava, with you in your daily critera through prayer, and study?

Don't you wanna have a life free of fear and free to love, or do you enjoy being in fear and not trusting Yahava, and his son has taken care of everything for you to live a life on this earth, and teach and do something with ones life, rather than focusing on --

OH NO THE END IS COMING; simply because living where you may doesn't mark up to standard of the way you may want it?
I can only speak for myself. I'm a Pre-Tribulation believer who is delighted that we are about to be Raptured. I don't "Love" this fallen world that seems to hate it's Creator. Satan has had sway over this world long enough for me. I long for Jesus Christ to establish His Millennial Kingdom. I long for eternity after that. I want to be made immortal and perfect and be with Jesus in perfect fellowship. I long to shed my sin gene I inherited from Adam.

My question is why wouldn't people want Jesus to return? You'd rather be ruled by Trump or Biden instead of Jesus. What does it say about us when people say they like this fallen world just the way it is so please don't come in my lifetime. We've got plans you see, we want to watch our children grow up and be taught to hate You by liberal activist teachers who promote Satanic agendas. Really?

The Church is the BRIDE of Christ. The Rapture of the Church is modeled after ancient Galilean wedding traditions. The Church is not destined to go through the 70th week of Daniel. The Church is caught up to the clouds to meet Jesus, the Bridegroom. He takes His Bride, the Church, to the place He prepared for us.

John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

There is a documentary explaining how the customs of a 1st century Galilean Wedding, are prophetic parallels to Jesus Christ and His Bride, The Church, and the Rapture and Wedding Feast of the Lamb.


The Church goes to Heaven to be with Jesus and the Christ rejecting world spirals into The Great Tribulation.

I wish people understood that the Church Age could end Now! With no warning! I'm surprised We're still here! I never thought I get to see so much. Our days our truly numbered. Those who are awake and read the signs are looking up wondering just how many days might be left. I said Days... I think we could be down to days as opposed to years. I don't set dates. I do know that the Church and Holy Spirit are restraining evil and must be removed so the prophecies of the 70th Week of Daniel and the Great Tribulation can come to pass. The Church is in the way right now. When the Church is Raptured all hell begins to break loose on the earth. The Rapture of the Church is the Trigger of everything to follow. Expect a global census after the Rapture. Perfect opportunity to implement the mark of the beast system.

When God has had enough, He will tell His Son Jesus to "Go and retrieve Your Bride!" Jesus will stand up from the right hand of the Father and come to the clouds, a symbolic "Gate" of the earth. He will Shout, "Come Up Here!" and the dead in Christ shall rise, and a split second later, we who are alive will disappear in a flash of light and find ourselves gathered together on the clouds with Jesus. He will escort us to His Father's house in Heaven to the chambers He prepared for us. Our Wedding Chamber!

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth. While the Church is in Heaven for 7 years in the wedding chamber with Jesus, the earth will enter into the Great Tribulation under the rule of the Antichrist.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I can only speak for myself. I'm a Pre-Tribulation believer who is delighted that we are about to be Raptured. I don't "Love" this fallen world that seems to hate it's Creator. Satan has had sway over this world long enough for me. I long for Jesus Christ to establish His Millennial Kingdom. I long for eternity after that. I want to be made immortal and perfect and be with Jesus in perfect fellowship. I long to shed my sin gene I inherited from Adam.

My question is why wouldn't people want Jesus to return? You'd rather be ruled by Trump or Biden instead of Jesus. What does it say about us when people say they like this fallen world just the way it is so please don't come in my lifetime. We've got plans you see, we want to watch our children grow up and be taught to hate You by liberal activist teachers who promote Satanic agendas. Really?

The Church is the BRIDE of Christ. The Rapture of the Church is modeled after ancient Galilean wedding traditions. The Church is not destined to go through the 70th week of Daniel. The Church is caught up to the clouds to meet Jesus, the Bridegroom. He takes His Bride, the Church, to the place He prepared for us.

John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

There is a documentary explaining how the customs of a 1st century Galilean Wedding, are prophetic parallels to Jesus Christ and His Bride, The Church, and the Rapture and Wedding Feast of the Lamb.


The Church goes to Heaven to be with Jesus and the Christ rejecting world spirals into The Great Tribulation.

I wish people understood that the Church Age could end Now! With no warning! I'm surprised We're still here! I never thought I get to see so much. Our days our truly numbered. Those who are awake and read the signs are looking up wondering just how many days might be left. I said Days... I think we could be down to days as opposed to years. I don't set dates. I do know that the Church and Holy Spirit are restraining evil and must be removed so the prophecies of the 70th Week of Daniel and the Great Tribulation can come to pass. The Church is in the way right now. When the Church is Raptured all hell begins to break loose on the earth. The Rapture of the Church is the Trigger of everything to follow. Expect a global census after the Rapture. Perfect opportunity to implement the mark of the beast system.

When God has had enough, He will tell His Son Jesus to "Go and retrieve Your Bride!" Jesus will stand up from the right hand of the Father and come to the clouds, a symbolic "Gate" of the earth. He will Shout, "Come Up Here!" and the dead in Christ shall rise, and a split second later, we who are alive will disappear in a flash of light and find ourselves gathered together on the clouds with Jesus. He will escort us to His Father's house in Heaven to the chambers He prepared for us. Our Wedding Chamber!

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth. While the Church is in Heaven for 7 years in the wedding chamber with Jesus, the earth will enter into the Great Tribulation under the rule of the Antichrist.
Love to you brother and carry on,


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Why is it people, seemingly good people, desire for todays time to be the end of times or an admission into it?

Is the reason because of past trauma and their desire for other people to get theirs?

Is the reason because of simply they desire to see people get theirs when they are cast into the lake of fire?

Is the reason that they hate this world, and it is not liveable by their own standards they would like for Jesus to return and have a giant reset?

I dont understand, but people do like the thrill of it, but there is all conspiracies that come from it such as today there will be a NEW WORLD ORDER, that stuff doesn't make sense and seems like an old conspiracy tradition in the long run.

Why did the people in heavens Gate, assume when a comet would come by (or something of that nature), that was their ticket on to the heavenly or whatever it was that they believed?

I personally believe there is only one end time. That is not to say that America, or any other country can not go to war or human kind blow themselves up, but there was a great tribulation faced in Ad 70, and there is only one time it was to come around but people say matthew that wasn't that bad... losing your whole world you knew is pretty bad, but those people had been warned of it coming, and if they wanted to be saved from it they were to look and watch for the coming of the Messiah.

The one end time I believe in today, is the Day of Death. Why live in fear of what your governing forces are doing? Why live in fear at all when you have Almighty Yahava, with you in your daily critera through prayer, and study?

Don't you wanna have a life free of fear and free to love, or do you enjoy being in fear and not trusting Yahava, and his son has taken care of everything for you to live a life on this earth, and teach and do something with ones life, rather than focusing on --

OH NO THE END IS COMING; simply because living where you may doesn't mark up to standard of the way you may want it?
People who desire the end times are not truly Saved in fact, And that's why !
For if they were truly Saved they would be content in themselves to be with Christ Jesus and not seeking for him in fact, because once Saved always Saved ?
One can not be un Saved, once you are truly Saved ?
Not to mention that when the second coming does come, we who are truly Saved are Saved ? so the second coming is not going to Save us anymore than being Saved ? so we do not look forward to be Saved ! because we are !
But as them who survive the Hellfire they will have nothing to boast of ? because all such will be burnt up ! The Deceptions of this world will be all Exposed for all to see ! Burnt up ! From their on the only way is up ! one can not get any lower in fact.

So why would one look forward to the Hellfire ? It's not good at all ! Such a one wishes evil on others in fact ! That'a not Charity ! and that is not worthy of a Christian to wish evil on others at all, but too do your duty as a Christian in Christ Jesus only ? this is too work to help lead them to Christ Jesus, so that they may be Saved ! Once Saved one is not of this world, under the deceptions and delusions of this World, but brought out and into the Kingdom of God in fact !

Sure Christianity is loosing the battle big time nowadays, but one must have faith regardless and never do wrong ! for if you do go down that path of Sin ? then the wagers of Sin comes into play with you in fact and one becomes only worse.

Christians who are not truly Saved will be lead astray, this type are only religious in fact but not truly Saved ? So they seek to Sin and the wagers of Sin is on them ! now they may repent of such Sin ? for that is what a religious Christian should do ? repent of all Sin and in this way, one is strengthened in fact, if one is truly seriously repent of such Sins ?

But as for the truly Saved we Sin but it's not the same as the religious ? for we have a handle on Sin ! for we are not lost like the religious.
The Christian religious are of their religious denomination only and one who is truly Saved is of the Kingdom of God = in Christ Jesus, like the Saints.

Not to mention their is the OSAS Mob who are only religious ? they pick up on the religious side and have not the Holy Spirit truly, for they peddle a religious banter that is not worthy of Christ Jesus truly at all.
So when one says OSAS well i have come across a lot of dingbats like that. but the real OSAS is in Christ Jesus and not coming from just religious banter. I have such people getting push shove with me demanding their rubbish ! but i know they are outright slaves to their Sin and have no strength within them for they are possessed or to weak to abide in Christ so they seek religion.

Religion does not Save ! only Christ Jesus Saves ! for their is a great gulf between the two.

Religion be it Christian denominations or Jewish or Islamic etc Communism is a Religion and an atheist is religious, just because they don't believe only means they are coming from Zero and end with Zero makes no Hero. and just because on has faith in any religion be what it may ? Truth is always within anything even a lie can have some truth, that's the way that the serpent worked. so some truth is always worked in a lie to give it some form of regard ?

But with Christ Jesus it's all Light and no shadows or darkness.

When this world came against Jesus, we can see that he shone so bright and their darkness can not put out the Light, all their words and cunning do not prevail when the Light is shone upon them. for they tried everything cunning deception and delusions, with the whipping and hanging on a Cross ! for they love the darkness ! That's the problem, sewer Rats.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I was watching church today and it said after the resurrection is the lake of fire, and that the angels of God will help casting people into the lake. So that's not really the end times.

I don't really see the end yet. Some people do. I say let them. It is a way to trip on yourself really. To see the end too early. And usually you can't speak sense into them anyways.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Hey @dev553344 thank you for commenting have you ever heard of a “chik tract”? If you look it up youll see what I am talking about. People buy them and lay them around for others to find them almost like easter eggs. When i was young i found one and it showed an angel throwing a person in the lake of fire, after God judgement.

When i seen that as a young teenager i wasnt really sure what to think, it showed the person while Gods judgemnt was being cast watching a movie like at a car drice in, and showed all the dirty jokes and things done in secret or in public of being mean. I guess the guy died faithless and that was the judgement “lake of fire”.

Just wondered if you may have ever found one laying around one day in your life?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
This world is rapidly dying. Why not desire His return?
You know Reggie touched on a good portion; but there is a scripture that talks about Jeuss comibg not to condemn the world but to save it; but save it how is the question?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Luke 12
45 But if that servant says in his heart, 'My master is delaying his coming,' and begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and be drunk, 46 the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
You know Reggie touched on a good portion; but there is a scripture that talks about Jeuss comibg not to condemn the world but to save it; but save it how is the question?
Please quote the Scripture.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Hey @dev553344 thank you for commenting have you ever heard of a “chik tract”? If you look it up youll see what I am talking about. People buy them and lay them around for others to find them almost like easter eggs. When i was young i found one and it showed an angel throwing a person in the lake of fire, after God judgement.

When i seen that as a young teenager i wasnt really sure what to think, it showed the person while Gods judgemnt was being cast watching a movie like at a car drice in, and showed all the dirty jokes and things done in secret or in public of being mean. I guess the guy died faithless and that was the judgement “lake of fire”.

Just wondered if you may have ever found one laying around one day in your life?
Nope. I looked it up and saw a link to dungeons and dragons. Which I pretty much avoid. The other links were too morbid and I just didn't see any practical application. Probably something I would just ignore as if someone was trying to cast judgment on me. People are usually unworthy to do that. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
@Jack may you and everyone who commented grow and mature in their studies, some days i need milk and some days i need meat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Nope. I looked it up and saw a link to dungeons and dragons. Which I pretty much avoid. The other links were too morbid and I just didn't see any practical application. Probably something I would just ignore as if someone was trying to cast judgment on me. People are usually unworthy to do that. Cheers!
Thats weird i looked and found this its chick.com

These tracts are like little comic strips



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
@Jack may you and everyone who commented grow and mature in their studies, some days i need milk and some days i need meat.
But Universalism is Satanic and leading people to Hell fire, "forever and ever".