Strange teachings

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Aren't you a Christian too and belonging to a .tribe.?
Yes, but I avoid tribal-ISM, that's the problem. IMHO
My "tribe" is the Body of Christ. I'm not quick to count anyone out.

As long as we agree on the important unchangeable things - Jesus, crucified for our sin and raised from the dead.
The creeds a very helpful in this regard. Anything beyond that is optional.



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Mar 22, 2022
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There are many that come here disguised as angels of light but are the ministers of satan!
2Corinthians 11:14/15

Pray believers that the Spirit will discern them among you and engage not.1John 4:1

Just bc a person claims to know God does not make it truth. The devil quoted scripture to Jesus in his temptation as well. Luke 4

Paul made it plain........
Romans 16:17-18
17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause division and offenses CONTRARY to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
18 For they that are such serve NOT our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

If we claim " how can we know" then you are walking in the flesh and not the Spirit!
Gal.5: 16-26

1 John 2:3-6
And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is NOT in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
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The Living word never OFFENDS me, and neither have you. That's what I just said in your last post I AM TRYING TO NOT OFFEND YOU sister. You do keep CHALLENGING me though. I say that, because you just don't get past posting the same wrong rhetoric over and over. Along with the same scriptures you just posted...again...and again. WE don't agree because those scriptures don't even support what you're writing....IMO.
rhetoric to you...the word of God to me......can’t stop that...what ever God tells / leads me to will be said...

Do you actually believe that God speaks through us to each other?

Those scriptures support exactly what the word of God is saying.....imo...unless the word of God shows me/ speaks to my heart that it’s NOT his word.....

Spirit gives birth to spirit?...maybe you can explain what you believe it’s saying...through the Spirit?
The born again 'holy spirit'/'spirit' IN YOU, as an individual, should not be capitalized as you contiually do.
The Holy Spirit will always be as an individual is lower case.

Predictive text...LOL
Your body is not the body of the Holy Spirit of GOD. Your body is the body for the holy spirit of Christ in you.
My body is his temple...he resides in my spirit...when he birthed me in the Spirit....from above...

His Spirit gave birth to my Spirit....

Spirit gives birth to Spirit....oops that predictive text again...LOL
And WE are the body of Christ. WE, not you not me. Jesus is the head of that body of Christ and that whole 'many membered body' has the same spirit of Christ in it. All the way from its head (Jesus) to the butthole/ME. :p The one that is trying to get through to you.

Jesus is the vine we are his branches..

The body of Christ has many members..and “ I” am one of them.

The many members have the same Spirit of Christ that I have...the Holy Spirit...who birthed my spirit “ singular “ into else would I know I was Born Again?

God doesn’t need a Bible to birth us into Christ....we need to hear and receive his Spirit into ours...only God can do that act, which is done through the Holy Spirit.

Why do you say “ you” are trying to get through to me....? say this a lot, with respect.

It’s not “ you” as in singular, who can get through to’s the Holy Spirit ,he is the one who penetrates the heart/ spirit of his child.

Man’s word can’t penetrate my heart...and if the word he professes isn’t from most certainly won’t penetrate....

I’m not saying he won’t use you...he uses us all....the thing is, many of us get stuck you think it’s not meant to be?

God is in control is he not?

So why would I worry about anything?

I’m learning just like you and everyone else.

Your body and my body and everyone else who is born again is one BRICK in the Temple where the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD dwells.

One Brick in the temple makes no sense to me.

In the KJV "YE and YOU" is plural meaning WE or US. "THEE and THOU" is singular meaning YOU or ME.

KJV EPH 2:19 Now therefore YE/WE (pl) are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens (pl) with the saints (pl), and of the household (Sg) of God; WE are 'one single household'
20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Jesus is one stone in that one house
21 In whom all the building (sg) fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple (sg) in the Lord: their is one building/temple
22 In whom YE/US also are builded together for an habitation (sg) of God through the Spirit. WE are the ONE habitation/temple for the Spirit of God to live in!

1PE 2:5 and like living stones (pl) be yourselves built into a spiritual house,(sg) WE/US are building stones for the Spirit of God

You just don't seem to SEE that what you are posting below, isn't supported by what you are 'copy/pasting' concerning the LIVING WORD or these bible verses.
John 3:6
Audio Crossref Comment Greek
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.

New Living Translation
Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.

English Standard Version
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Berean Standard Bible
Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit
Above you are not the upper case Spirit in any of the above are the lower case spirit.

Of course I’m the lower case spirit....I’m not God he doesn’t hold it against me when the predictive text is posted and I don’t see it..

God knows everything about my heart/ Spirit....see predictive text again...left you can understand what I’m trying to say.....

SO I agree with everything you said, that you don't seem to really understand. Because you just said you aren't going to end up in the grave as a dead body. Really? Might check your cemetary for the stones with crosses, verses, testimonies....

My flesh body will go back into the ground.

My Spirit is in’s been birthed in the Spirit....therefore saved and set free from eternal damnation.

I became right before God...The evening I was birthed in the Spirit....that’s when I started my journey walking in the he gave me a new heart and Spirit within.....

Believe me I know where PRIDE leads. You are talking it right. Just a bit wrong in the walking of it right now if you're thinking of ME and not looking in the mirror.
Try not to take everything so very personally....I find you on the defence a lot of the time with quite a few members...

I recognise it in you as I am the same at times....then God reminds...the discussion is about him and not self as in us..hope this helps.

The flesh is full of hates being put in its place....the thing is...once we understand this through the’s so much easier to let go of it.

Do you understand what God says about the flesh?

Does it edify the body?..

The flesh sticks out like a sore thumb, would you agree?

Yep that's why so many CHRISTIANS are dead flesh in the grave....oh wait it's been happening a bit longer "DUST AND ASHES". Hmmm and what are "dust and ashes"? The only price for sin from the Garden of Eden to the CEMETARIES of today. Every Christian and unbeliever has 'Paid the price for sin'. "thou shalt surely die". Thank God for Jesus atoning sacrifice for ALL who did.

The dust is where we came from and where our flesh body will go back to the ground....a Born Again already with God on this earth in awaits its reunion back to him ,to see him in his full Glory.

I never say Christian ,it’s always Born Again...since the birthing...

Your words to me.......Please don't post so much. I hate posting more than fits on a laptop screen. But the more you write takes way much longer to try to correct. Just saying.

My words back to @Hillsage
I post what I believe the Holy Spirit prompts me to just flows out...’s not about “ YOU” correcting any Born Again....only the Spirit can do that.

Try and make everything about God and less about you....after all....that Living relationship with we grow and mature...should be less about us ....which is flesh talk.
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Mar 9, 2023
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@Hillsage’s imperative that we are Born Again...hope this gives you a better understanding.

Sorry Debp...I’m off topic....let me know if you would rather I delete...?...I will do so.

Brought from Death to Life​

Jesus was saying that every person without the outpoured Spirit from above is spiritually dead like the dry bones and cannot even see the Kingdom of God. In other words, a person without God’s Holy Spirit is purely “flesh” and has no spiritual eyes, ears or heart to see, hear and comprehend the message that Jesus came to bring. The Lord told Nicodemus unequivocally, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6). Only the Spirit of the living God can take dry bones, dead in trespasses and rebellion against God, and make them spiritually alive (Ephesians 2:1-5). The Spirit is like the wind that blows wherever he wishes (John 3:8), so we are absolutely dependent on the Holy Spirit to blow upon dead people to make them alive.

Absolute Importance of Being Born Again​

Scripture is very clear that the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit comes only through the hearing of the Gospel promises (Romans 10:17). Only in the Gospel does the Spirit move to open up a person’s eyes, ears and heart through the Father’s gift of faith (Ephesians 3:8-9). The result is what Paul terms “the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5 NASB). Overall, a person must be radically born again by the wind of the Holy Spirit and raised up from the dead in their inner person, like the dry bones in Ezekiel’s vision. Without this radical transformation lived out until death, no one can enter the eternal Kingdom of God.


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Apr 9, 2019
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Yes, but I avoid tribal-ISM, that's the problem. IMHO
My "tribe" is the Body of Christ. I'm not quick to count anyone out.
Me also. But if we meet with a fellowship to worship isn't that our 'tribe'?
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Mar 9, 2023
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The surest route to failure is to try to please everyone.
If you don't have enemies, you don't stand for anything.
And will probably fall for anything. (funny how that works)

Brother...I stand on the living word of God.

We must be Born seems to upset quite a few....well, I’m sorry....the Living word of God will be repeated ..that is my calling,my belief.....

I must spread his word.

We must be Born Again!!..LOL...
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The surest route to failure is to try to please everyone
I used to be a people pleaser.

God showed me I must be a God Pleaser.

Stand on His Living word.....the enemy hates it..he repeats his same telling me...all I do is repeat after repeat after repeat....hahaha.

We must. be Born Again......the Living ,truthful word of God...

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Me also. But if we meet with a fellowship to worship isn't that our 'tribe'?
Yes, of course.
Please understand that I'm not saying "tribes" are bad.
Tribalism is the problem. The view that anyone outside the tribe is an enemy.

And we could view the tribe we meet with in fellowship as a sub-tribe of the bigger tribe, the Body of Christ.
Sorry, I'm coining all sorts of terms to explain myself on a topic about strange teachings. - LOL

I should write a book.



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The worship leader at my church steps in on occasion to preach.
He gave a great sermon on this topic.
He said we should "live to please an audience of one."


God gives us all the tools we need to stand on his word.

Of course it took me a long time to understand this in Spirit and truth.

He’s true to his word,Brother.

I would shrink away at one time....oh how God has built me up in his Spirit.

Nothing about’s all about God!!

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Brother...I stand on the living word of God.

We must be Born seems to upset quite a few....well, I’m sorry....the Living word of God will be repeated ..that is my calling,my belief.....

I must spread his word.

We must be Born Again!!..LOL...
And don't forget to love your enemies.
It will blow their minds.

I met a young man at work.
Discussions about God and religion come up pretty quickly with me.
He informed me that he was a religious iconoclast. I nodded my head,
but really had no idea what that was.

I looked it up later. It basically meant that he was actively working against ALL forms of religion.
Which meant that he was a full-blown atheist. And essentially an enemy of Christianity, God, and Christ.
He had been in a church youth group and had left the church. My mission was clear.

First thing I told him was that his concerns about religion were well-founded.
He didn't expect to hear that from a Christian, From that day forward I poured myself into his life.
I'm old enough to be his father. He has a wife and two children.
I showed concern for what he was going through. I could empathize, having raised two sons myself.

I was suffering physically with this particular job. They had a physical therapist on site to help.
Weekly visits with PT were helping me to cope with my job. But my friend needed to get an appointment,
which can be difficult. So, I told him what time my appointment was, and that I would give up my
appointment to get him in. I said that I cared more about him than I did myself.
I said that without half-thinking and then realized what a witness that was to him.

Jesus taught us to love our enemies.
Imagine how differently this would have gone if I had been offended by this precious young man.


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States

God gives us all the tools we need to stand on his word.

Of course it took me a long time to understand this in Spirit and truth.

He’s true to his word,Brother.

I would shrink away at one time....oh how God has built me up in his Spirit.

Nothing about’s all about God!!
Just be careful not to come across like this...


We need to be approachable --- attractive --- not repelling.



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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
Just be careful not to come across like this...

View attachment 37046

We need to be approachable --- attractive --- not repelling.


I must stand on the word of God....we must be Born Again....sometimes it may come across as prickly!!

We can’t allow false prophets to say otherwise....

We are WARRIORS for Christ.....not shrinking violets as I once was..oh NO Sir...
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Just be careful not to come across like this...

View attachment 37046

We need to be approachable --- attractive --- not repelling.

I discovered that Jesus was an artist.
The woman at the well said he had nothing with which to draw.
He must have forgotten his pencils.

Made me wonder what it was he would draw.
Then I read that he drew large crowds.

I guess he was VERY attractive.



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Psalms 18:39 For You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.

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