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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
You are not coming across as sincere. In fact you seem to want to argue that you can still be saved and carry on living a sinful life. You do not sound genuinely repentant so if that's really the case then you are not saved. If you are saved you are supposed to be a new creation, washed clean but you seem as though you still prefer the filth of the world.

OK, so thank you for sitting over me as a judge and telling me I have yet to earn my salvation.

All the preachers I've listened to so far do not teach what you are saying. They claim it's faith alone plus nothing!

So, it is TRUE that "all who call upon the name of Jesus'.. by Faith, are eternally Justified by God through Faith.

OK it sounds like salvation is faith alone plus nothing!

And no, you can't keep doing what you're doing, as you are insulting God by your behavior

I'm hearing a lot of people say this would be earning salvation and would be insulting to God to try and be good so I can earn His love and grace.

You ignored my questions asking if you were truly sincere when you prayed for forgiveness.

I thought I answered that. Yes, I sincerely believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins and because of what He did all my sins are forgiven past present and future which is what all the big time preachers say including the pastor at the baptist church where I got saved.

The pastor who told you to pray the sinner's prayer should also talk to you about growing spiritually

He said there's nothing I can do and God does the work. And I should not try to do any work as this is something the Lord does.

but there should be a desire for leaving a sinful life.

Can you tell me what passages say it's sin to smoke weed and to have a girlfriend and having these things mean I'm not saved anymore and God has taken salvation away from me?

I'm hearing some stuff like this but nobody is showing passages from the bible to show what they are saying is true.

I don't accept that people are saved unless God tells me they are.

Does He send you and email? Maybe a text message on your phone?

Exactly how does God tell you if someone is saved or not?

The pastor told me God lets him know who is saved and he said I was saved and was going to Heaven!

Notice verse 10:
8For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10

So we are not saved unless we walk in good works?

We can't lose our salvation.... however, a born again child of God has a desire to grow spiritually. A sinful lifestyle will grieve the Holy Spirit within a born again Christian. Therefore, to walk with Jesus is a peaceful, contented life.

But, we cannot lose our salvation!

Sounds like none of the rest of this stuff matters if we cannot lose out salvation.

That's what is odd is people saying you cannot lose your salvation and then they say you have to quit all this other stuff in order to be saved and if you don't then you aren't saved

Which way is it???

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
OK, so this guy I work with that claims eternal security is not right and I'm not right for believing my pastor who told me eternal security is the gospel sent a link to the video below and wanted me to watch it.

This guy in the video is saying eternal security is not only not biblical but it was never taught by the early church and that eternal security was not believed by the original Christians.

Can you guys listen to this video and comment on whether this guy is right or not? He makes a goof case for eternal security to not be true so maybe somebody can address some of the claims he makes in the video.



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
OK, so thank you for sitting over me as a judge and telling me I have yet to earn my salvation.

Im not your judge.
Im just someone who knows what happens., and i explained it to you.

All the preachers I've listened to so far do not teach what you are saying. They claim it's faith alone plus nothing!

Salvation is Christ on the Cross.
A Real preacher, will understand this, and tell you the same.

I'm hearing a lot of people say this would be earning salvation and would be insulting to God to try and be good so I can earn His love and grace.

My Post to you, didnt mainly talk to you about Salvation.
It talked to you , regarding your discipleship and your lifestyle.

He said there's nothing I can do and God does the work. And I should not try to do any work as this is something the Lord does.

You dont present your life to God, to try to save yourself.
You present your life to God because you respect and appreciate and Love the Lord Jesus who died for your sin.

Jesus gave His life for us.
So, knowing this.....Is it too much to ask that we make a continuing effort to please God with our lives, our behavior?

Or should we say...>"God, you saved me, and now im going to live like a SINNER.""" "See Ya"..

Can you tell me what passages say it's sin to smoke weed and to have a girlfriend and having these things mean I'm not saved anymore and God has taken salvation away from me?

You can't lose your salvation.
However, anyone can comprehend that if you suck hot burning leaves (Smoke) into your lungs, you are harming them.
Lungs are not designed to deal with what cooks them on the inside...

Do you know what lung disease, actually is?.. that is caused by smoking?

The lungs are delicate & intricate and are amazingly designed by God to filter and receive AIR.. .only.
You Fill them with water and you die in about 4 mins..
You fill them with hot smoke or smoke, and you die in time..

Listen, when you put smoke into them, that is created by burning leaves, (Tobacco or Marijuana), ... this cooks the lungs from the inside out.
Even if you cool the smoke with a water filter device its the same... just slightly less.
And over time, this practice literally turns your LUNGS into burnt Toast., and they can't expand and contract any more,

= LUNG DISEASE that leads to HEART Disease that kills you.

so Toasted LUNGS.... are not able to take in much air, and you literally smother to death over time, because the damage that hot burning leaves pulled into the lungs has caused, is not reversible and only gets worse until you "can't breath" and you die like that..
They'll take you to the hospital and put you on a VENT, and the Vent can't push air into your lungs because they are BURNED LIKE TOAST and can't expand.

Game over.
You're DEAD.

So we are not saved unless we walk in good works?

We are saved by the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.
His SACRIFICE is our Forgiveness and Salvation.

But, we cannot lose our salvation!


Sounds like none of the rest of this stuff matters if we cannot lose out salvation.

Salvation is the beginning on EARTH... of our eternal Relationship with God.
And then how you behave having become God's Son, is not .... "let's party, im saved".

Just remember i told you all this.
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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
Im just someone who knows what happens., and i explained it to you.

You're like the ultimate authority on what happens?

Why then are so many people saying it's not possible to lose our salvation no matter how we live?

Salvation is Christ on the Cross.
A Real preacher, will understand this, and tell you the same.

Well they all teach Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins

It talked to you , regarding your discipleship and your lifestyle.

I thought our lifestyle can never cause us to lose our salvation?

What happened to that?

.Is it too much to ask that we make a continuing effort to please God with our lives, our behavior?

Whether we do or whether was don't we cannot ever lose out salvation right?

You can't lose your salvation.

Well there ya go then. What's all this other talk for then?

Game over.
You're DEAD.

But I won't be going to hell, right?

Salvation is the beginning on EARTH... of our eternal Relationship with God.
And then how you behave having become God's Son, is not .... "let's party, im saved".

Just remember i told you all this.

But why are you telling me all this stuff since you agree that I can't lose my salvation?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You're like the ultimate authority on what happens?

If you practice a guitar for 40 yrs, 5 hrs a day... you learn how to play really well. "Professional level".
If you practice God's word for a long time, God teaches you God's Knowledge. = "Spiritually Maturity".
Its becomes your Revelation. and You become something well beyond just "saved".
So, within Christianity, you will find Ministers who are called to be the deliverers of His Truth.
Sometimes you find one on a forum, or they find you.
That can be the best thing that has ever happened to you, other than being saved, as they can keep you from destruction.
They can bring you into advanced Revelation, in a month, in a week, that you could not find for yourself by reading the bible and sitting on a Church Pew, every Sunday, for 50 yrs.

Im that one.
Im that Teacher.

Why then are so many people saying it's not possible to lose our salvation no matter how we live?

Salvation : is Jesus on the Cross.
Its His atoning sacrifice for all our sin.

I thought our lifestyle can never cause us to lose our salvation?

God does not save you based on your lifestyle, so, lifestyle can't cause you to lose Salvation.

However, lifestyle can be an entrance for the Devil to bring to you, what you dont expect, didnt plan for, and can't deal with...

So, one of the reasons that we take a look at our behavior, and examine it as if GOD is watching you, is because God is watching you, right now, and always. @Dan Clarkston
He's watching a young man, a new Christian,... YOU....... like You would watch your child.

The DEVIL is now watching you also......as once you become a Son/Daughter of God, then the Devil becomes your arch enemy that is different than when he had you on your way to Hell.

He will bring to you..... destruction, because he exists to steal, kill and destroy you...... So... when you willingly live a lifestyle that is what He would have you to do, as you are doing..... then you open the door to consequences that are coming from HIM.

See, carnal living, brings EVIL consequences.
Choices bring consequence.
Every carnal Action, brings a negative spiritual reaction.

I dont want you to have or face that harm , and you can prevent it by just doing what you know is RIGHT, as you have that understanding in you now.
And when you choose to resist what is right, so that you can enjoy what is wrong... you will eventually get a reward from the Devil, that is going to hurt you, and you wont be able to stop it., because you brought it on yourself.

Listen, you design your future destiny, by the deeds you are doing right now.
Your choices.... build your future that you will face.

= This is a spiritual law.

"reaping what you have sown".

The cost of Freedom, is CONSEQUENCE.. @Dan Clarkston

In other words, you do the deed, you get the result,........ and that is coming.
So, you can prevent it... from being a harmful future.
Im showing you how.

Whether we do or whether was don't we cannot ever lose out salvation right?


Well there ya go then. What's all this other talk for then?

To try to prevent you from a shipwrecked life., as you are designing the waves, already.

But I won't be going to hell, right?

Not if your are truly Born again.

Jesus said... "you must be born again"..

But why are you telling me all this stuff since you agree that I can't lose my salvation?

Because your LIFE is at stake.
Your life matters, and how you live it, brings to you good or evil.

Just remember that i told you all this, that you've read.

And you too, Reader.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You're like the ultimate authority on what happens?

Why then are so many people saying it's not possible to lose our salvation no matter how we live?

Well they all teach Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins

I thought our lifestyle can never cause us to lose our salvation?

What happened to that?

Whether we do or whether was don't we cannot ever lose out salvation right?

Well there ya go then. What's all this other talk for then?

But I won't be going to hell, right?

But why are you telling me all this stuff since you agree that I can't lose my salvation?
So here's the bottom line.
Stop listening to what everybody else says, and read the bible yourself.
You seem to want to come here and just cause division... as usual.

You want to keep doing things the same way you been doing? Go ahead.
You believe you been going down the wrong path and need to make a change? Go ahead.

Someday you'll figure it out. But aint nobody gonna figure it out for you.

Powers back online. Bad storm last night. Winds were crazy. No power for 28 hours or I would of got back sooner.
Dad picked a fine time to be in the hospital. At least they have generator back up.
All is good now.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
New Zealand
So, there's this guy at work that is telling me he doesn't think I'm saved. I found out he was a Christian and we talk sometimes when we are on break. We get 3 breaks during the day for about 20 minutes so we're been talking about religious stuff.

His big problem seems to be my hot girlfriend spending the night at my house sometimes and yes we have sex and we also smoke weed sometimes which shouldn't be a big deal since Jesus got drunk on wine with those people I heard about. It's not like I'm a criminal and I don't treat others bad or anything.

This guy at work is telling me in order to be saved I'm supposed to quit doing what he says is sinful behavior but it's not what the pastor told me when I got saved. Now this guy is sending me all these bible verses by email and some of these are kinda scary and sounds like I might not be saved anymore. I can share some of the stuff he sent if anybody is wanting to comment about the claims he is making
OSAS objection.jpg

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
That can be the best thing that has ever happened to you, other than being saved, as they can keep you from destruction.

I thought we could never lose out salvation?

lifestyle can't cause you to lose Salvation.

OK, so that's the end of the story right?

If we can never lose out salvation that it's all good!

To try to prevent you from a shipwrecked life

You should worry about your own life. If I cannot lose my salvation then I'm good to go!

Because your LIFE is at stake.

Now you are saying I could lose my salvation???

You seem to want to come here and just cause division... as usual.

I don't see any division do you?

Who is divided? You folks say I can never lose my salvation so why are you worried about the rest of it?

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
OSAS objection.jpg

That doesn't sound like an eternal security message at all.

Are you saying these other guys are telling me wrong?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
As you can see, there is no consensus among Christians regarding the "Perseverance of the Saints" (a.k.a. "Eternal Security"), or even what "Justification by Faith" really means. So, take Ziggy's advice: Open up your Bible, pray about it, and work things out for yourself. You probably won't end up any more screwed-up than the rest of us.

And trust God to be patient with you and not kick you out on the streets.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I don't see any division do you?

Who is divided? You folks say I can never lose my salvation so why are you worried about the rest of it?
I never said that.

Heb 10:26
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:27
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

I don't believe that smoking or eating pork or even drinking alcohol is a sin.
I already showed you where Jesus said it's not what goes in your mouth but what comes out your heart.
Now if drinking causes you to hurt people whether physically or verbally, you aught not do it.
Because you will be judged for it.
If by smoking I physically or verbally abused people, then I would have to quit, because then it becomes a sin.

You see how that works? It's not what you do, but what you do with it that matters.
As far as living together, I been there.I lived with my 2nd husband for 6 years before we got married.
We got married because his folks didn't like us living in sin.
Not long after... about 10 years we got divorced. We got along a lot better without that manmade piece of paper telling us we had to.
I had asked God to sanctify us as married before we went to the JP, and our relationship was close.
After the JP, was like telling God, I need more than your word, I need man's approval. And it went down hill.
Now if your just shacking up for sex sake and don't intend on a lifelong relationship, like I did.. then your only in it because of lust.
And lust is a sin.
But if you love eachother and ask God to sanctify your relationship and consider you as married, that's between you, your girl, and God.
Otherwise it's for tax purposes like my first marriage which only also lasted for 16 years. It wasn't meant to be.

Look, I'm not your judge. I'm not telling you you can or can't be saved forever.
I'm saying, if you were saved, you wouldn't be questioning your salvation because you would believe and have faith that it is so.
Because your questioning and provoking others to answer how they believe shows me that you don't know within yourself if you are or not.

You got to get that straight with God first.


Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
I don't believe that smoking or eating pork or even drinking alcohol is a sin.

Weed isn't any worse than cigarettes and where I'm at it's legal.

Sounds like we all get to decide what sin is and what sin is not.

In other words, it's not sin if we don't believe it's sin.

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
So, take Ziggy's advice: Open up your Bible, pray about it, and work things out for yourself.

Well I can see that those who don't believe in eternal security are outcasts in the Christian community.

So why bother studying if I could possibly start believing that and everybody will hate me?

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
if you were saved, you wouldn't be questioning your salvation

I'm curious about all the things my coworker says because he has bible passages he says prove that eternal security is what he says is a doctrine of demons.

Everyone one here pretty much seems to be pro eternal security


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Weed isn't any worse than cigarettes and where I'm at it's legal.

Sounds like we all get to decide what sin is and what sin is not.

In other words, it's not sin if we don't believe it's sin.
The bible says that sin is the transgression of the law.
1Jo 3:4
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Is smoking a sin? Is not washing your hands sin? Is eating pork sin?

What is sin?

Now you ask some people and they will say we are not under the law but under grace.
Well, then that means you can go murder someone and you got nothing to worry about right?
Do you believe that you can murder someone and still be saved?
Probably not. So what law?

The law according to the world? The law according to the carnal/earthy mind?
Or the law according to the spirit?
And what law is that?
Love God and Love your neighbor.
Nothing in there about smoking or drinking for that matter.
But when they cross the line and become harmful to your neighbor... then your breaking the law. The Spiritual law.

You just starting out.. it may take about 40 years before you start understanding the difference between heaven and earth.
But if you keep at it, you'll figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I'm curious about all the things my coworker says because he has bible passages he says prove that eternal security is what he says is a doctrine of demons.

Everyone one here pretty much seems to be pro eternal security
Probably because everyone here pretty much has faith.
And faith is the key.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
There some people here that believe taking the jab will save you, and they have faith in God that gave us doctors and they know what the right thing to do is.
And they still here talking with us today.
Then you have some that don't believe in the jab. That trust in the immunity that God gave them.
And they still here talking with us today.

So what is the common denominator?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
Most people who come to know/believe in Jesus and are born again (thereby having the Holy Spirit indwelling them) desire to grow spiritually. They desire the peace and joy of fellowship with God, rather than what the devil offers them.

I've never heard anyone until now claim they can now feel free to sin and continue sinning with no concern about doing that. @Dan Clarkston

And yes, I do believe in eternal security.
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