Here is why, as an Adventist, I believe America is in Trouble.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
i can only go by what you said and what God says.

Well, Dave, that's not going to work.

I can't sum up the plan of redemption in any fewer words than God has (roughly 3/4 million in English).

If you zero in on one or two things I say then you'll be able to make your case quite easily, I'm sure.

But I still luv ya!

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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Well, Dave, that's not going to work.

I can't sum up the plan of redemption in any fewer words than God has (roughly 3/4 million in English).

If you zero in on one or two things I say then you'll be able to make your case quite easily, I'm sure.

But I still luv ya!

Of course we love each other AND that will never change (it better not!)

my Brother, thank you for your prayers the other day
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Well, Dave, that's not going to work.

I can't sum up the plan of redemption in any fewer words than God has (roughly 3/4 million in English).

If you zero in on one or two things I say then you'll be able to make your case quite easily, I'm sure.

But I still luv ya!

For you, Barney & David who are brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh,
but through love serve one another.
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Let us AVOID this last verse below................
But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
For you, Barney & David who are brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh,
but through love serve one another.
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Let us AVOID this last verse below................
But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!
AMEN, Brother

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Dave is right. I can't perfectly obey all the commandments. In fact, I can't even obey one of them, let alone all ten. At least, not by myself. But in Christ I can do all things. By faith in God's grace and power, He will change me. God is able and willing to do whatever it takes in order to make my life such as will bring Him glory and honour. I rest in Him, "for without Me ye can do nothing". This is not a presumptuous rest, by which I expect to be living in glory whilst retaining the old addictions, habits, and sins of my past. The promise is that should I repent and seek forgiveness, He will forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. I believe that this work which He began, He will finish.
It has been a process. I haven't always been as cooperative as I could be. I questioned a lot of stuff. Being led by the holy Spirit to observe the Sabbath was not an overnight decision. 40 years of Sunday observance want going to go easy. But one thing I had learned as a Pentecostal. Sola scriptura. The scriptures confirmed Sabbath keeping. For months I studied. Nowhere in the NT could I find any evidence that the ten commandments had changed. Nowhere in the NT could I find any evidence that Sunday was made sacred by either the apostles, or by Jesus Himself. The only evidence of such a change in history was gradual, and some time after the last of the apostles had gone. It wasn't an official change until the council of Laodicea in the 4th century or thereabouts. So keeping a Catholic tradition that was bequeathed to Protestantism by default, became a rather distasteful concept. Particularly when compared to all the promised blessings of keeping God's true Sabbath.
Becoming member of a church with a prophet grated on everything I had learnt as a Pentecostal and Catholic. But discovering the beauty of her writings and her constant and never faltering aim to lift up Jesus as the only Saviour and the Bible as the only foundation for faith and practice told me one thing. Their teachings and mission was worth investigating further. After 27 years I have not found cause to regret my decision to identify myself as a Seventh Day Adventist.
Of course, not everyone bothers to investigate as deep as I did; most a satisfied with but a superficial perusal of Adventist teachings and condemn them from a position of ignorance and prejudice. Truth has a habit of attracting that kind of attention.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Dave is right. I can't perfectly obey all the commandments. In fact, I can't even obey one of them, let alone all ten. At least, not by myself. But in Christ I can do all things. By faith in God's grace and power, He will change me. God is able and willing to do whatever it takes in order to make my life such as will bring Him glory and honour. I rest in Him, "for without Me ye can do nothing". This is not a presumptuous rest, by which I expect to be living in glory whilst retaining the old addictions, habits, and sins of my past. The promise is that should I repent and seek forgiveness, He will forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. I believe that this work which He began, He will finish.
It has been a process. I haven't always been as cooperative as I could be. I questioned a lot of stuff. Being led by the holy Spirit to observe the Sabbath was not an overnight decision. 40 years of Sunday observance want going to go easy. But one thing I had learned as a Pentecostal. Sola scriptura. The scriptures confirmed Sabbath keeping. For months I studied. Nowhere in the NT could I find any evidence that the ten commandments had changed. Nowhere in the NT could I find any evidence that Sunday was made sacred by either the apostles, or by Jesus Himself. The only evidence of such a change in history was gradual, and some time after the last of the apostles had gone. It wasn't an official change until the council of Laodicea in the 4th century or thereabouts. So keeping a Catholic tradition that was bequeathed to Protestantism by default, became a rather distasteful concept. Particularly when compared to all the promised blessings of keeping God's true Sabbath.
Becoming member of a church with a prophet grated on everything I had learnt as a Pentecostal and Catholic. But discovering the beauty of her writings and her constant and never faltering aim to lift up Jesus as the only Saviour and the Bible as the only foundation for faith and practice told me one thing. Their teachings and mission was worth investigating further. After 27 years I have not found cause to regret my decision to identify myself as a Seventh Day Adventist.
Of course, not everyone bothers to investigate as deep as I did; most a satisfied with but a superficial perusal of Adventist teachings and condemn them from a position of ignorance and prejudice. Truth has a habit of attracting that kind of attention.
@Brakelite says: "I can't perfectly obey all the commandments. In fact, I can't even obey one of them, let alone all ten. At least, not by myself. But in Christ I can do all things. By faith in God's grace and power, He will change me. God is able and willing to do whatever it takes in order to make my life such as will bring Him glory and honour. I rest in Him, "for without Me ye can do nothing". This is not a presumptuous rest, by which I expect to be living in glory whilst retaining the old addictions, habits, and sins of my past. The promise is that should I repent and seek forgiveness, He will forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. I believe that this work which He began, He will finish."


Christ BEGAN His Good Work in us and HE promises that HE will complete it to the End = on our behalf.
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

Therefore, my Hope is not in the commandments but in HIM thru Whom the Commandments Reside.

This does not mean i cast-off His commandments
, but that I rely on the Holy Spirit who writes God's Law on our hearts.

Hebrews 8:10-12
"For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”

Hebrews 12:1
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
If you watched the presentation BBJ, you now have the information. Time will tell how the cookie crumbles. You will either go along with the masses or have a very painful time revising your understanding you are now bidden to question while the waters are still relatively calm.

I won't be flowing the false doctrines of the SDA peoples since they are not biblical. disagree.gif

You on the other hand... gonna be shocked when the future gets here! agree.gif

The United States is the only nation in the world with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that distinctly protects the freedoms of minorities and individuals. One would think that of all people, American Christians would be at the forefront of those willing to defend it.

You think Christians should be defending the sexual perverts and those involved in / supporting killing innocent babies too?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
You think Christians should be defending the sexual perverts and those involved in / supporting killing innocent babies too?
But aren't those activities contrary to the will and law of God? I thought the American government strive to establish laws reflecting the moral standards as expressed in scripture. Am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
@Big Boy Johnson
I'm not American, in fact I have never set foot as much as a small toe on American soil. Not even Samoa.
But I know enough to understand that the constitution wasn't designed in order to uphold a democracy. You live in a republic, and the constitution was designed to support a Republican form of government, whereby minorities are protected from government overreach and bureaucratic and corporate prejudice, so long as those minorities stayed within the law. You do not live in a pure democracywherein the majority rules and lords itself over the less fortunate and the orphan, the widow, the homeless, etc etc.
Isn't the above the duty of Christians as reflected in your constitution? And scripture?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
So your info bout the mark is SOLELY from outside of the bible, from your own enemy! What else do they teach that you base your theology on? Mine is solely based on what the bible actually says. You might want to try that.

You are the one accepting what "the beast" is teaching you.

At least I stick with the bible and not what your version of the beast teaches. You teach what the beast has taught you which contradicts what the bible teaches on this matter. That's the richest of all.
Well, when it comes literally out of the 'horses mouth' as they say what can you do but agree..


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
But aren't those activities contrary to the will and law of God? I thought the American government strive to establish laws reflecting the moral standards as expressed in scripture. Am I wrong?
Well, the present establishment in power has brought in a standard which cannot be called 'moral' but it is fulfilling the prophecy of what would arise..

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
But aren't those activities contrary to the will and law of God? I thought the American government strive to establish laws reflecting the moral standards as expressed in scripture. Am I wrong?

You did notice that the "American government" is NOT actually striving to establish laws reflecting the moral standards as expressed in scripture.... so, it is wrong to think that.

The founding fathers meant well and did use some morality taught in scripture, but very few of them were actually Christians and the ones claiming to be were followers of reformed theology which is not biblical.

It was for the most part a decent form of government, but it will not stand once the population discards good morals and embraces lawlessness which is where we are at now.

Embracing lawlessness is what brings forth the one world government and the anti-christ.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
You do not live in a pure democracywherein the majority rules and lords itself over the less fortunate and the orphan, the widow, the homeless, etc etc.
Isn't the above the duty of Christians as reflected in your constitution? And scripture?

And some refused to be helped and desire to just have free stuff... God's Word teaches if one doesn't work they shouldn't eat! (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

So yes helping the less fortunate is biblical up to a point... until it turns in to supporting people living in evil as servants of satan like supporting abortion and sexual perversion would be.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Embracing lawlessness is what brings forth the one world government and the anti-christ.
Yet you argue fervently against the Commandments, specifically the fourth. This tells me you've swallowed the narrative of Big Brother even while thinking you are resisting him. It is known as double think or cognitive dissonance.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Well, when it comes literally out of the 'horses mouth' as they say what can you do but agree..

So it's ok to accept what comes out of the mouths of the enemy? Does that sound wise?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Thank you for the clarification as i was beginning to wonder about that = 'working for salvation"

Which is PERFECT for the conversation and subsequent discovery in the Holy Scriptures.

Have you reviewed Post #513 ?
Yes, I read it. Please allow me to address two of your points:

1. Jesus told us to be "perfect" - are not all His biddings enablings? Can we not do "all things" through His power? One inspired writer said the command that we be "perfect" means "perfect in our sphere just as God is "perfect in His sphere". I like that. It's the difference between a star kindergarten student and a star PhD student - both are "perfect" - not equally - but in their respective spheres.

The "perfection" to which Jesus refers is the FORSAKING OF PRESUMPTUOUS SIN - which is why the Just Man can fall seven times and rise again, but the Presumptuous Man who deliberately climbs down into it will go to hell.

2. As for, "Where did he establish the 4th commandment in the NC?" - When taken together, the Bible teaches that the NC is the same law that was written in stone now written on our heart. For as long as time and eternity shall last, it will always be wrong to break any of the Ten Commandments, including the Sabbath which Isaiah says will be kept for all eternity. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
So it's ok to accept what comes out of the mouths of the enemy? Does that sound wise?
The Catholic church lays claim to being the proud source of authority regarding the establishment of Sunday sacredness.
In the absence of any biblical authority to the contrary, I'm inclined to agree with her. Non-Catholics keep Sunday as a day of sacred religious observance and fellowship, not because the Bible commands it, not because any of the Apostles did it, nor because Jesus commanded it, but because of the tradition established by Rome. This claim by the Catholic church, unlike so many others she has made over the centuries, is actually supported by history. We are not simply taking her word for it. It is in fact the only viable alternative to a lack of scriptural evidence to any other.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
You did notice that the "American government" is NOT actually striving to establish laws reflecting the moral standards as expressed in scripture.... so, it is wrong to think that.
We are going off track here. We could senselessly argue all day and night over what laws are moral and what aren't. My original statement that American Christians ought to be standing in defense of the constitution still stands.
reformed theology which is not biblical.
So you are Catholic?
It was for the most part a decent form of government, but it will not stand once the population discards good morals and embraces lawlessness which is where we are at now.
Now that I can agree with. Which begs the question that QT intimated above. Why are you preaching against the laws of God? You can't state the law is invalid and complain about lawlessness in the same sentence.
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