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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Hi Mary...Of course I don't mind, but there are some things which become disputable matters, to which Paul instructs us not to partake, and I totally agree with that...OK, first you write that the Scripture is The Truth, and while I wholeheartedly agree that it contains truth, THE TRUTH, is a living spirit from God, which Jesus was full of, when He came, and He could have never told a lie, really. You can find in Revelations where it speaks of the 7 Spirits of God....Through what The Disciples wrote down we are told that God is Spirit, that His Word is spirit and Truth...So His Word is truth, and surely we cannot imagine that all God is and all He has to teach and guide us all in, can be contained in a mere physical book ? I mean, just think of how many billions of different individuals He has to deal with, all of us different.. Takes a more Presence approach than 'Hear, read this, and do that."
I am so sorry, I probably should have gone back over your last post, I didn't but this can't be too short anyway, sorry....2nd. You ask me :" How do I know?" That one is easy. He has proven it to me over and over and over again since 1985, when I first saw Him, and where He first answered a bunch of my questions, and all He said, has stood true to this day, and "yes", a lot can be found in the Bible, but the Bible can never replace Him in my life. It obviously isn't quite as easy ( at least in one way ) for someone who hasn't experienced His REAL presence or heard Him or seen Him, to keep having Him in their lives, as the real resurrected being that He really is. Most I have met have a hard time even imagining it, and I can fully relate.......I could not have believed nor imagined what happened to me that first night and then the second. After that it was around 6 years until I saw Him again.... I don't ever want to be misunderstood as someone who's trying to tell anyone else what to do, I simply do not mean anything that way.... All I can do is either share how He has helped me and hope it can help someone else, by sticking to ONLY those things I have heard Him say, or He has shown me in generous detail at times, and believe me NOT ONE thing of that can I take any credit for . The other way is to try and discuss things I have no direct understanding of, and I noticed right at the start, that that was a mistake in my case, as for me, I do prefer even waiting to be shown, told or guided, otherwise I can run around in circles a bit..........Didn't Jesus point out to the Pharisees that they too searches the Scriptures all the time because they thought that the Words therein themselves brought them life. Jesus told them otherwise, and Paul cements this when he explains to new believers that the written word brings death ( through the condemnation of the law) but The Living Word ( Jesus and The Holy spirit being One with the Father ) brings life and peace.....This has also been proven to me by Him, I sadly still at times get myself into a 'unlit' place in my mind, but truly what He said to me the first time I saw Him, that even if anyone was turned right away from Him, that all we have to do is say His name ( call Him ) and there He is right in front of us, whether we believe it or not..... That too He has proven to me many times is absolute truth, even if I have spent long times at times giving into what the world was dishing out at me.......Mary I do love what has been written and I read it often, but honestly, from the bottom of my heart...being with Him, having Him reside in my home daily, AND not forgetting to be aware of that, brings love, joy and peace in ways there are no human words even to describe . Her is MORE than worth it, and during those times it's like you're walking inside a bubble from Heaven which lifts you up and carries you around with ease, it's hard to describe actually, but I have met people who's experiences are the exact same ( about Him, not necessarily every other thing, as our lives are always different )and boy, when people like that get together and start praising The Lord and uttering thanksgiving, the entire room fills with this indescribable heaviness, but not a bad heavy..Sorry may not make sense but that's the only way I can describe it....I will stop now, so you have a chance to reply... Looking forward to it. Blessings always....Pia
Hi Pia, I love your understanding, but just wanted to caution you about using phrases like "the scripture contains truth" as this will bring attacks from those who use the Bible to control men, as well as from those who feel that they must zealously defend the scripture as God's word ( the bible had been under attack since it was written by those who will not live under the Authorities of God.)


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
Hi Pia, I love your understanding, but just wanted to caution you about using phrases like "the scripture contains truth" as this will bring attacks from those who use the Bible to control men, as well as from those who feel that they must zealously defend the scripture as God's word ( the bible had been under attack since it was written by those who will not live under the Authorities of God.)
Thank you Michael...I am well aware of that, it just saddens me, that our Father and Jesus, together with us and the Holy Spirit, has so very much to offer to those who believe, so they can become lights in the world to show The Love that He IS, to those who don't know it yet, or aren't quite sure about it. I leave those sorts of things firmly in Jesus' hands, and just get on with the few things I know for an absolute truth, IS from God. those people claim to use and follow The Bible , but ignore it when it says, that Jesus told them :" My Words are Spirit and Life, and FEW are those who find them.", so if His Word is Spirit and alive, then how can it be something closed in and boxed up in a book, and not free ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Thank you Michael...I am well aware of that, it just saddens me, that our Father and Jesus, together with us and the Holy Spirit, has so very much to offer to those who believe, so they can become lights in the world to show The Love that He IS, to those who don't know it yet, or aren't quite sure about it. I leave those sorts of things firmly in Jesus' hands, and just get on with the few things I know for an absolute truth, IS from God. those people claim to use and follow The Bible , but ignore it when it says, that Jesus told them :" My Words are Spirit and Life, and FEW are those who find them.", so if His Word is Spirit and alive, then how can it be something closed in and boxed up in a book, and not free ?
I think that a truly spiritual person (one who has received His Spirit), who has been thoroughly trained by Him in His written word, will understand those spiritual things that you present and simply recognize the truth wherever it is found. However, the carnal mind is incapable of receiving the things of the Spirit and unless God opens the eyes of their understanding, you will face serious opposition from the powers that have enslaved them. The Prince of the power of the air has great wrath for he knows that his time is short.
It's okay, I have a friend named John, who was strangled by his umbilical cord at birth. He is very simple, but a genuine believer and God uses him even in His ignorance and weakness. I thank God for such a brother as he's helped me to keep my feet on the ground. The man is living proof that God is exalted in our weakness. Keep the faith, stand strong in Him and know that the battle is the Lord's, and rejoice in spite of the times because He returns soon and very soon. Amen.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
I think that a truly spiritual person (one who has received His Spirit), who has been thoroughly trained by Him in His written word, will understand those spiritual things that you present and simply recognize the truth wherever it is found. However, the carnal mind is incapable of receiving the things of the Spirit and unless God opens the eyes of their understanding, you will face serious opposition from the powers that have enslaved them. The Prince of the power of the air has great wrath for he knows that his time is short.
It's okay, I have a friend named John, who was strangled by his umbilical cord at birth. He is very simple, but a genuine believer and God uses him even in His ignorance and weakness. I thank God for such a brother as he's helped me to keep my feet on the ground. The man is living proof that God is exalted in our weakness. Keep the faith, stand strong in Him and know that the battle is the Lord's, and rejoice in spite of the times because He returns soon and very soon. Amen.
You are truly amazing, rarely do I 'meet' a person like you. Of course The Lord can and will use your friend. He says that He will use the foolish and the base of the world, to confound those who are wise in their own eyes. Praise His Holy name and all that He did as well as His Holy Spirit forever more, without whom none of this would be possible. Thank you for your uplifting words. Be Blessed in Him........Pia


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
I think that a truly spiritual person (one who has received His Spirit), who has been thoroughly trained by Him in His written word, will understand those spiritual things that you present and simply recognize the truth wherever it is found. However, the carnal mind is incapable of receiving the things of the Spirit and unless God opens the eyes of their understanding, you will face serious opposition from the powers that have enslaved them. The Prince of the power of the air has great wrath for he knows that his time is short.
It's okay, I have a friend named John, who was strangled by his umbilical cord at birth. He is very simple, but a genuine believer and God uses him even in His ignorance and weakness. I thank God for such a brother as he's helped me to keep my feet on the ground. The man is living proof that God is exalted in our weakness. Keep the faith, stand strong in Him and know that the battle is the Lord's, and rejoice in spite of the times because He returns soon and very soon. Amen.
I meant to add, that you are obviously one who decided to come out into the deep.....Good for you and those you benefit.....:) Pia


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Would you like to know when you lies started

see that posts yes it all about your church, you r church filled with hypocrisy, denying God as you do deceiving teh people by speaking of His church but speaking really of you own, as I said before sinners cant enter into heaven and as you have stated your church is as bad as the rest, And no your church is not filled with Christians it is filled with "catholics" which is why it is called teh "catholic" church, and that is why teh JW church is filled with Jw's etc etc.
As it says

Mat 15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

but you cant helo shouting everyone down, You know God, He u=is that still small voice, He doent dengrate people, remember this, it is far better to fal upon the rock and be broken than to have teh rock fall upon you and be crushed, jusr remeber that man Saul, so proud, killing Christians, doing what he thought was right, pharisee of Pharisees he calimed, didnt Know Christ could see but was blind, like these men

Joh 9:39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.
Joh 9:40 And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also?
Joh 9:41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.

see no shouting you just cant help yourself.
Oh by the way my beliefs align perfectly with His,

Joh_14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Guess who I follow, why is it such a problem to you
Mat_24:10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

Luk_7:23 And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.
We are not offended by Him that is why we follow Him that is why we call ourselves "Christian" and why

Joh_10:26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.
Joh_10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
Hope one day you find Him than you wont get so angry and need to shout at everyone.
Yes, mjr - we're well aware of your many heresies and your patent rejection of His Church.
Rant on, my Scripturally-bankrupt friend . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
And by teh way, so are you, every post you write protests against the truth, and since your church is teh mother of them all, by definition she is mum of teh protestants.

Now if only you can stop yelling at everyone.
I'm not "yelling" at anybody.
"Ylling" in the written form requires the use of exclamations (!!!).

I'm just exposing lies and correcting you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
wadr that is because you are holding on to what you believe is absolute truth, when you cannot prove this even to yourself. Do you imagine that your truth will ever line up with everyone else's? It is an illusion BoL, and it's not my business, but you can only bring pain with this pov ok.
Most of what we debate is likely moot anyway, don't you think?
No - it has absolutely nothing to do with what I believe in.
The lies YOU guys are engaging in are easily-debunked because you have no evidence for them.

You are all making up myths about what the Church teaches and just a quick glance at the Catechism proves you wrong. Just stop lying already and maybe we can have a grown-up discussion . . .


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Just one thing that we need all to remember , and more so, as this worlds 'religious atmosphere' is changing so rapidly .
When our backs are against the wall...we will find that we will all pull together....and the 'big elephants'...that seem so important now...will mean nothing we draw strength from each other to stand firm during the things that are coming upon the earth.

39 "And Jesus said, `Forbid him not, for there is no one who shall do a mighty work in my name, and shall be able readily to speak evil of me:
40 For he who is not against us is for us. "

Just saying....



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
You treat me as one who went out to pray - but, no, I did not go out to pray, but did so in the way where I was confronted. But woe to you, for having followed in observance of what is true and what is not and what is hateful, you defend the hateful, and take up the name of the Father in vain.
Dear ScottA,

Jesus said when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others.

You posted a prayer on a PUBLIC forum

I am simply showing you how you are VIOLATING SCRIPTURE. I am doing this by QUOTING SCRIPTURE.

I am not defending anyone. I am TELLING YOU that what you did, according to Jesus, was WRONG



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Hi Mary...Of course I don't mind, but there are some things which become disputable matters, to which Paul instructs us not to partake, and I totally agree with that...OK, first you write that the Scripture is The Truth, and while I wholeheartedly agree that it contains truth, THE TRUTH, is a living spirit from God, which Jesus was full of, when He came, and He could have never told a lie, really. You can find in Revelations where it speaks of the 7 Spirits of God....Through what The Disciples wrote down we are told that God is Spirit, that His Word is spirit and Truth...So His Word is truth, and surely we cannot imagine that all God is and all He has to teach and guide us all in, can be contained in a mere physical book ? I mean, just think of how many billions of different individuals He has to deal with, all of us different.. Takes a more Presence approach than 'Hear, read this, and do that."
I am so sorry, I probably should have gone back over your last post, I didn't but this can't be too short anyway, sorry....2nd. You ask me :" How do I know?" That one is easy. He has proven it to me over and over and over again since 1985, when I first saw Him, and where He first answered a bunch of my questions, and all He said, has stood true to this day, and "yes", a lot can be found in the Bible, but the Bible can never replace Him in my life. It obviously isn't quite as easy ( at least in one way ) for someone who hasn't experienced His REAL presence or heard Him or seen Him, to keep having Him in their lives, as the real resurrected being that He really is. Most I have met have a hard time even imagining it, and I can fully relate.......I could not have believed nor imagined what happened to me that first night and then the second. After that it was around 6 years until I saw Him again.... I don't ever want to be misunderstood as someone who's trying to tell anyone else what to do, I simply do not mean anything that way.... All I can do is either share how He has helped me and hope it can help someone else, by sticking to ONLY those things I have heard Him say, or He has shown me in generous detail at times, and believe me NOT ONE thing of that can I take any credit for . The other way is to try and discuss things I have no direct understanding of, and I noticed right at the start, that that was a mistake in my case, as for me, I do prefer even waiting to be shown, told or guided, otherwise I can run around in circles a bit..........Didn't Jesus point out to the Pharisees that they too searches the Scriptures all the time because they thought that the Words therein themselves brought them life. Jesus told them otherwise, and Paul cements this when he explains to new believers that the written word brings death ( through the condemnation of the law) but The Living Word ( Jesus and The Holy spirit being One with the Father ) brings life and peace.....This has also been proven to me by Him, I sadly still at times get myself into a 'unlit' place in my mind, but truly what He said to me the first time I saw Him, that even if anyone was turned right away from Him, that all we have to do is say His name ( call Him ) and there He is right in front of us, whether we believe it or not..... That too He has proven to me many times is absolute truth, even if I have spent long times at times giving into what the world was dishing out at me.......Mary I do love what has been written and I read it often, but honestly, from the bottom of my heart...being with Him, having Him reside in my home daily, AND not forgetting to be aware of that, brings love, joy and peace in ways there are no human words even to describe . Her is MORE than worth it, and during those times it's like you're walking inside a bubble from Heaven which lifts you up and carries you around with ease, it's hard to describe actually, but I have met people who's experiences are the exact same ( about Him, not necessarily every other thing, as our lives are always different )and boy, when people like that get together and start praising The Lord and uttering thanksgiving, the entire room fills with this indescribable heaviness, but not a bad heavy..Sorry may not make sense but that's the only way I can describe it....I will stop now, so you have a chance to reply... Looking forward to it. Blessings always....Pia

I don't know where to start. So many words. Maybe to many words since it confused me.

You said that you cannot imagine that all God is and all He has to teach and guide us can be contained in a mere physical book. I say I don't know of ANYONE that has ever claimed that they can imagine all that God is and all that He has to teach us. The Catholic Church teaches what you believe; There is more to our faith, what we believe and what we practice than what is contained in Scripture. You agree with the teachings of the Catholic Church; the bible does not have all the answers. But scripture never said it has all the answers.

You also said just think of how many billions of different individuals He has to deal with, all of us different.Takes a more Presence approach than 'Hear, read this, and do that." I say it doesn't matter if He is dealing with 100 people or 100 billion people. It does not matter how different WE are, He is always the same. He is present in Scripture. You seem to be saying He needs to have a presence with each person to guide them or reveal The Truth? I'm confused.

You say that He has PROVEN to you over and over again since 1985 and that his how you know what The Truth is. So I ask you, what if 5 people came up to you and said that what you KNOW is wrong. They say to you that Jesus came to them in a dream also and that they experienced His REAL presence and heard Him and seen Him in that dream. However, what Jesus told those 5 people is completely OPPOSITE of what Jesus told you. How do I, Mary, decide who is telling The Truth? Only one of you can be telling The Truth, how do I decide?

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Dear ScottA,

Jesus said when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others.

You posted a prayer on a PUBLIC forum

I am simply showing you how you are VIOLATING SCRIPTURE. I am doing this by QUOTING SCRIPTURE.

I am not defending anyone. I am TELLING YOU that what you did, according to Jesus, was WRONG

No, not according to Jesus, but according to your misunderstanding. He too prayed before thousands. And now what you have done to me, you have also done to Him.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2014
United States
You posted a prayer on a PUBLIC forum.
I am simply showing you how you are VIOLATING SCRIPTURE. I am doing this by QUOTING SCRIPTURE.
I am not defending anyone. I am TELLING YOU that what you did, according to Jesus, was WRONG

This is the first time I've ever seen someone get rebuked for praying.

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