Once Saved....always Saved - Results of Questionnaire.

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Feb 6, 2018
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And MOST Protestants would disagree with you that our sanctification is complete.
Sanctification is a PROCESS - not a one-time event.

I doubt most Converted Christians would disagree with Scripture that they are sanctified.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Actually - this is a blatant LIE.
Scripture teaches the exact opposite is true . . .

2 Peter 2:20-22
For if they, having escaped the defilements of the world through the KNOWLEDGE (epignosis) of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, again become entangled and OVERCOME by them, their last condition is worse than their first.
For it would have been better for them not to have KNOWN the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment handed down to them.

Here, Peter illustrates that those who are BORN AGAIN and have had a full, experiential knowledge (epignosei) of Christ – CHRISTIANS– who can be OVERCOME by the defilements of the world fall back into darkness and LOSE their salvation by their own doing.

Knowledge does not save a man or birth him a new spirit.

It is about a mans commitment....duh!!!
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Feb 6, 2018
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Hey - it's not MY problem that YOU disagree with Scripture.

Your false accusations have zero affect on me.

The fact that you cannot come to terms with the linguistic implications of "Epignosis" is something you will have to take up with Christ - NOT with me. It ids the Word of GOD that says a born again person having "Epignosis" of Christ can fall away and be lost forever.

The fact that I freely chose to truthfully in my heart believe in the Lord and freely give my life To the Lord, and Trust He is Faithful ....
I know My Lord and My God and we are Forever Together....He teaches me....without all the psychobabble nonsense you are taught and rely on and parrot.

You do not comprehend Commitment To the Lord, since by your own admission someone else decided For you, and you spend the rest of your natural life SINNING and repeatedly asking for forgiveness and hope your Works will gain you a place in the Lords Kingdom.

You preach, the Lord doles out His awesome Gifts given at Conversion because a man heard and learned ABOUT HIM.....

And then you preach a CONVERTED MAN has the POWER to become UN CONVERTED!

What utterly ridiculous nonsense!


God is not a liar Nor dependent on a mans Power hoping he will remain Faithful.

You think a man GIVES his life To the Lord and the Lord is so UNKNOWING that He Converts a man That would EVER Reject Him?

You teach foolish carnal minded things, which turns the Truth into a lie.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

A short commentary on your unsaved author of this article…

=> ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED: That is the cry so often heard from many of the pulpits today. "I can do whatever I want, as long as I have accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. Why I could go out and mow down a crowd of people with a machine gun and if I were to die at that very moment, I would be saved." Many people believe this teaching today, but is it true? Once we have accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, can we go on living like the world...in open, rebellious sin and still be Saved?

The author has a skewed view of salvation. Once truly saved to God a saved person would never say I can do whatever I want. They have accepted, committed and received the seed for salvation. This author sounded like he is not saved. I do not believe in his words as he describes them. The author is describing unsaved individuals as he must be one of them. The author is ignorant of the term salvation as it applies to an individual’s life.

=> Most people who believe the above teaching "Once Saved Always Saved" will quote the following Bible verse as proof: "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 8:38-39].

=> Now this is a wonderful Bible promise that God has given us and it should inspire us all. But does it say once a person is born again, it is impossible for him to lose his way and be lost? In fact, is this verse talking about salvation or eternal life at all? NO!... this verse is clearly talking about God's unconditional love towards man, not unconditional Salvation. Salvation is conditional! You might also notice that the word "sin" was not included in the list of things which are unable to separate us from the love of God.

The author is being deceitful here. He presents a passage of scripture which he misrepresents. The passage is about true believers in Christ, about irreversible salvation and the love of God for his children. A true believer cannot ever be lost because of the new birth and the love of God for his children. The verse is about God’s love for his children and not for the heathen that rejects or denies him, as apparently the author is one.

=> If we continue in sin, after we have asked Jesus to be our personal Savior, are we really in a saved relationship, are we converted? "For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins." [Hebrews 10:26].

The author again blatantly misrepresents the scripture passage. The verse is about an unsaved person that has gained knowledge of God’s truth (heard the gospel at least) who never had any intention and thus was never moved by God and then accepted the gift of salvation, in short. The verse ends with the understanding and inference that Christ died only once for this type of sinner and now there is nothing else that will save this blasphemer who denies the act and blood of Jesus Christ.

• "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame." [Hebrews 6:4-6].

The author brings up a passage of scripture as the touchstone for conditional salvationists, as he is one member. Like many non-believers in irreversible salvation, the author suggests that a reborn person can fall away from God. He is mistaken. A truly reborn person cannot fall away from God.

This falling away from God where repentance is impossible to bring them back to God must be an extreme act of open defiance, ridicule and even blasphemy against the blood of Christ.

This type of person is a cunning imposter, he has spent some time studying, and knowing the gospel, using the power of God in their lives, even using the gifts of God and then discontinues his belief in God, through his own lack of faith, a faith that is not given by God for salvation. This person tried to use his own power and energy to continue in the ways of God and fails. This is an unsaved prideful person that boldly defies God in the end. This person never had the spirit of God within his heart. This person was never in the position to make any commitment to receive the free gift of salvation on God’s terms and based on his will. This is an EXTREME example of a very defiant imposter and usually a false leader of a congregation of both the saved and unsaved. Beware of these men or women!!


The above verses show beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can lose our salvation. It is there in black and white. All of God's promises in the Bible are conditional. If we are going to spend eternity with Jesus, we must be born again, meek, love him, pure in heart, converted, baptized, born of the water and the spirit, do the will of our Father, do His commandments, be an overcomer, be obedient, endureth temptation, etc. There are no shortcuts to heaven... If there were, Jesus would not have had to come to this earth, and die for us. We can trace all of the misery and suffering in the world today back to one person's disobedience in the Garden of Eden. If God were to take one unrepentant sinner to heaven with Him, sin would rise up again.

The author boastfully, irresponsibly and deceitfully presents a broad-brushed summary of nonsense as he says. “The above verses (not listed here) (MOST HAVE COMPLETELY NOTHING TO DO WITH SALVATION AT ALL) show beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can lose our salvation. “ If anyone believes in this author they will surely reap his evil words and teachings in their lives. He insinuates that those that believe in irreversible salvation look for a short-cut to heaven. He is a loud mouth that does not know what he’s talking about. No reborn person suggests that there is any ‘short-cut’ to heaven. They do not think in these terms at all. This author evidently does not believe in the gift of grace given by God to those he chose for salvation.

The author uses the words ‘born again,’ ‘converted’ and ‘overcomer’ as different terms. He degraded these three terms by using them in a sentence as different attributes amongst other attributes of the same, reborn, converted person or overcomer. He must be confused.

In his last statement above, the author implies that a reborn person is no different from a non-reborn person and is still a sinner as a heathen, and must continually repent of all his sins to get to heaven. What a shame he writes in utter ignorance. Does he think that a sin unrealized by a person, that is not repented of, bars a saved person from Heaven? God forbid not!

I’ll stop here, the author continues to write in the same ignorance of spiritual things…if anyone wants me to continue to comment more on this author’s words, then let me know.

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
1 John 3:9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.

A true believer will not make the practice of living in willful sin. I believe those who hold the position that they can lose their salvation desire very much to be in control. Also, it gives them a reason to boast which results in pride. No one in Heaven can ever say, "I helped myself get here"
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Feb 6, 2018
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I did not ask you anything.
I made a statement.

Correction; You made a false statement.

Reiterating; Since you believe RECEIVING a Conversion from the Lord ONCE is not sufficient to be FOREVER.....

Question; How many times have you been Saved?
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Jan 11, 2018
North America
There has been many posts on this forum outlining why OSAS is a wrong doctrine.
I'm not wasting my time posting more of them.


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Feb 6, 2018
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There has been many posts on this forum outlining why OSAS is a wrong doctrine.
I'm not wasting my time posting more of them.

There are many comments which lack understanding.

But can you answer?
How many times have you been saved?
Thank you.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Deflections are expected, when one is adamantly against receiving Salvation ONCE as being sufficient, but then can NOT truthfully comment on their OWN supposed experience of REPEATEDLY receiving Salvation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
I doubt most Converted Christians would disagree with Scripture that they are sanctified.
I guarantee you that most Christians know that their sanctification is a process.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Knowledge does not save a man or birth him a new spirit.
It is about a mans commitment....duh!!!
Who said anything about mere "knowledge"??
As I have educated you on MANY threads now - "Epignosis" is to be born again.

It is a FULL and EXPERIENTIAL knowledge - much like marital relations are a full and experiential knowledge of the spouse. That's why it is called the "consummation" of a marriage. Epignosis is what happens to a person AFTER coming to Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Your false accusations have zero affect on me.
The fact that I freely chose to truthfully in my heart believe in the Lord and freely give my life To the Lord, and Trust He is Faithful ....
I know My Lord and My God and we are Forever Together....He teaches me....without all the psychobabble nonsense you are taught and rely on and parrot.
You do not comprehend Commitment To the Lord, since by your own admission someone else decided For you, and you spend the rest of your natural life SINNING and repeatedly asking for forgiveness and hope your Works will gain you a place in the Lords Kingdom.
You preach, the Lord doles out His awesome Gifts given at Conversion because a man heard and learned ABOUT HIM.....
And then you preach a CONVERTED MAN has the POWER to become UN CONVERTED!
What utterly ridiculous nonsense!
God is not a liar Nor dependent on a mans Power hoping he will remain Faithful.
You think a man GIVES his life To the Lord and the Lord is so UNKNOWING that He Converts a man That would EVER Reject Him?
You teach foolish carnal minded things, which turns the Truth into a lie.
And in ALL of this verbose blather - not ONE shred of it refutes the fact that the Word of GOD that says a born again person having "Epignosis" of Christ can fall away and be lost forever (Matt. 5:13, Matt. 7:21, Rom. 11:22, Heb. 10:26-27, 2 Peter 2:20-22, 2 Peter 3:17, Rev. 3:5, Rev. 22:19)



Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
Who said anything about mere "knowledge"??
As I have educated you on MANY threads now - "Epignosis" is to be born again.

It is a FULL and EXPERIENTIAL knowledge - much like marital relations are a full and experiential knowledge of the spouse. That's why it is called the "consummation" of a marriage. Epignosis is what happens to a person AFTER coming to Christ.

1 John 2:19 - They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
1 John 2:19 - They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
And this is speaking to ONE specific instance.
This is not a general rule.

Epignosis is REAL. It's FULL and EXPERIENTIAL.
Oida or gnosis can be superficial . . .


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
And this is speaking to ONE specific instance.
This is not a general rule.

Epignosis is REAL. It's FULL and EXPERIENTIAL.
Oida or gnosis can be superficial . . .

Jude 24,25 -To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Jude 24,25 -To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen
Soooooo, are you one of those people (like Taken) who claims that they don't sin?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
Soooooo, are you one of those people (like Taken) who claims that they don't sin?

I'm human, of course I sin. The difference is those who are truly born again do make a practice of living in willful sin. You sin as well as every human on the earth. Jesus is our Advocate making intercession for us. When I do sin I feel convicted, I feel the Holy Spirit bringing it to my attention to address it and confess it.