Do you pray in tongues?

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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Sorry, but Corinthians doesn't apply to us today, at least not anything that would tell us what belongs to us Gentiles now or will belong to us in the future.

You, like most all Saints, have very little understanding of the New Testament, because of your utter refusal to obey 2Tim 2:15, and rightly divide (correctly cut, correctly dissect) God's word. If you did rightly divide, all of this stuff pertaining to Israel that you now think applies to you would be eliminated from your doctrine. Also, according to that verse, you would be approved unto God and would have no need to feel ashamed. Rightly dividing the Word of Truth is the #1 secret to understanding scripture.

There are many minor things in the Bible that should be rightly divided, but the main thing, separating that which belongs to Israel from that which belongs to us Gentiles, is by far the main thing, and that would take care of most, if not all, of the minor things. Strong's says that rightly dividing means, "make a straight cut". To me, that implies that only one single cut is necessary. The only place in scripture that one single cut would result in 100% Israel on one side of the cut and 100% Gentile on the other side, is Acts 28:28.

I'm not saying that everything in those 59 all-Israel books should be eliminated. God forbid! All scripture is God-breathed and all is FOR us. What doesn't apply to us directly is what must be removed from our doctrine. This includes our calling, the hope of our calling, our rules and directions, and anything given to Israel that is not specifically given to us Gentiles, also, as spelled out in Paul's 7 post-Acts epistles. If it's not in Eph, Col, etc., it's not for us.

You set yourself above most saints I see. As far as jew and gentile;
1 Corinthians 12:13 KJVS
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Denominations REFUSE to drink.

You can lead a denominationalist to the Holy Spirit but you can't make him drink. Church doctrine told him he was not thirsty.

Have you not read?

Galatians 3:28 KJVS
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

The Bible tells me that the ignorant will stay ignorant. Members of the church of the skinny cows.

Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. They have no spiritual knowledge beyond their church tradition.

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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
You set ourself above most saints I see. As far as jew and gentile;
1 Corinthians 12:13 KJVS
For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Denominations REFUSE to drink.

You can lead a denominationalist to the Holy Spirit but you can't make him drink. Church doctrine told him he was not thirsty.

Have you not read?

Galatians 3:28 KJVS
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

The Bible tells me that the ignorant will stay ignorant. Members of the church of the skinny cows.

Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. They have no spiritual knowledge beyond their church tradition.

Wooohoooo....good response! Totally agree with you brother!!!!


Active Member
May 18, 2016
United States
Wooohoooo....good response! Totally agree with you brother!!!!
The Gentiles were only in the Jewish Acts church for one purpose, to provoke Israel to jealousy, so they might repent and accept Christ, so that Christ would return and Israel's earthly Kingdom would start. Israel's Gifts were also given for the sole purpose of converting Israel, who required a sign. When Israel didn't respond, they were finally set aside, along with everything belonging to them, like the rapture, the gifts, the Acts church, the Corinthian epistles, in Ac 28:28. Everything in Acts is now gone, whether you who worship your fake gifts, believe it or not. The only

Make sure you keep attacking the messenger. Do find an exorcist soon, for your own sakes. Of course, continue to base your Bible beliefs on your feelings instead of truth. And do continue to not obey the Bible and not rightly divide, so that you will never be approved unto God and will always need to feel ashamed - 2Tim 2:15.

Sometimes I think that the charismatics are even more anti-Bible than the Catholics.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
The Gentiles were only in the Acts church for one purpose, to provoke Israel to jealousy, so they might repent and accept Christ, so that Christ would return and Israel's earthly Kingdom would start. Israel's Gifts were also given for the sole purpose of converting Israel, who required a sign. When Israel didn't respond, they were finally set aside, along with everything belonging to them, like the rapture, the gifts, the Acts church, the Corinthian epistles, in Ac 28:28. Everything in Acts is now gone, whether you who worship your fake gifts, believe it or not. The only

Make sure you keep attacking the messenger. Do find an exorcist soon, for your own sakes. Of course, continue to base your Bible beliefs on your feelings instead of truth. And do continue to not obey the Bible and not rightly divide, so that you will never be approved unto God and will always need to feel ashamed - 2Tim 2:15.

Sometimes I think that the charismatics are even more anti-Bible than the Catholics.
That is your belief and interpretation...hold on to it if you want but it isn't my belief and I hold to what I believe and what the scripture says about it....and the Holy Spirit is what convicts me of my worship and prayer not you can preach it till the end of days and it won't accomplish anything.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
The Gentiles were only in the Jewish Acts church for one purpose, to provoke Israel to jealousy, so they might repent and accept Christ, so that Christ would return and Israel's earthly Kingdom would start. Israel's Gifts were also given for the sole purpose of converting Israel, who required a sign. When Israel didn't respond, they were finally set aside, along with everything belonging to them, like the rapture, the gifts, the Acts church, the Corinthian epistles, in Ac 28:28. Everything in Acts is now gone, whether you who worship your fake gifts, believe it or not. The only
False teaching.....sorry you do not understand the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives today....and if you deny His Power then are you denying Him...and show me 1 scripture where it says that it is gone....where it is no longer available to us today....
2 Timothy 3:5-7King James Version (KJV) 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
That is your belief and interpretation...hold on to it if you want but it isn't my belief and I hold to what I believe and what the scripture says about it....and the Holy Spirit is what convicts me of my worship and prayer not you can preach it till the end of days and it won't accomplish anything.
You hold to your denominational doctrines right? Tell me that Jesus told you these scriptures were ceased, done away with, not for today.

Tell me that God the Father told you. Tell me that the Holy Spirit told you.

Can you do this? Do you hear from God? Did Jesus not say that His sheep know His voice? If He were not going to speak there would be no need to know His voice.

When did Jesus tell you that this word regarding the baptism of the Holy Spirit and gifts such as speaking in tongues and others were not for now? What were His words?

Surely you know. Or was it your teacher or doctor of divinity, or tradition of the denomination to which you are a signed member.

Tell me friend. What does Jesus say to you? How exactly did He explain that His gifts were indeed recalled. That the scripture

Romans 11:29 KJVS
For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Had been revoked? WHAT WERE HIS WORDS? Surely surely you wouldn't accept the words of a mere man that God has put a time limit upon His Holy gifts.

What has Jesus the christ said to you regarding this? Why would He tell you one thing and tens, hundreds of thousands that His word as written, was still true?

Who do we believe? God and His word or you and your MAN MADE DENOMINATION? How is it you follow man's teachings and not God's? What does God say to you?

Those such as you hold to the creation more than the creator. The creation of denominations that honor themselves and tradition more than the savior.

Shall I be shushed by a false teacher spouting that God has gone back on his word? God forbid.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
The Gentiles were only in the Jewish Acts church for one purpose, to provoke Israel to jealousy, so they might repent and accept Christ, so that Christ would return and Israel's earthly Kingdom would start. Israel's Gifts were also given for the sole purpose of converting Israel, who required a sign. When Israel didn't respond, they were finally set aside, along with everything belonging to them, like the rapture, the gifts, the Acts church, the Corinthian epistles, in Ac 28:28. Everything in Acts is now gone, whether you who worship your fake gifts, believe it or not. The only

Make sure you keep attacking the messenger. Do find an exorcist soon, for your own sakes. Of course, continue to base your Bible beliefs on your feelings instead of truth. And do continue to not obey the Bible and not rightly divide, so that you will never be approved unto God and will always need to feel ashamed - 2Tim 2:15.

Sometimes I think that the charismatics are even more anti-Bible than the Catholics.
You continue to falsely teach God holds Jews And Ethnic Israel upon a pedestal of preferential treatment?

God is no respector of persons, you need to read and understand the presented scripture.

Romans 2:11KJV
For there is no respect of persons with God.

James 2:9KJV
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

Acts 10:33-35KJV
33 Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.
34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
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Active Member
May 18, 2016
United States
There are 2 churches involved -
1- The church in Acts, which was all-Israel, since all saved Gentile Saints were grafted into Israel.
You continue to falsely teach God holds Jews And Ethnic Israel upon a pedestal of preferential treatment?

God is no respector of persons, you need to read and understand the presented scripture.

Romans 2:11KJV
For there is no respect of persons with God.

James 2:9KJV
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

Acts 10:33-35KJV
33 Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.
34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

Why do you keep quoting from books that no longer apply directly to anyone living today? If you want any response, start quoting from Paul's last 7 books, the only books that tell us Gentiles what apply to us today. Some examples of differences:

1- The calling for the Acts church was, at best, to the New Jerusalem (see Gal and Heb), which is not Heaven. It comes down out of Heaven and docks on the New Earth.

The calling for the post-Acts Church is heaven, itself. No one in the other 59 books ever had a calling of heaven
Phil 3:20-21 (NIV)
20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,
21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Eph 2:6
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

2- The Acts church was 100% Israel, since all of the saved Gentiles were grafted into Israel. This church will be the Bride at the Lamb's marriage

The post-Acts church is 100% Gentile and there is nothing in this church that is the same as the Acts church. Since this Church is the actual Body of Christ, Where Christ is the Head, it will be the Bridegroom at the marriage of the Lamb

3- The only reference to the gifts in the post-Acts books is in 1Tim 4:14 -"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." This is probably the gift of knowledge, which everyone in the church had and was about the only gift that didn't require an action and could be retained when the other gifts stopped. The context is knowledge - see vs 13.

BTW - how many of you have the gift of knowledge? From your posts, I would guess that none of you have it, even though everyone had it during Acts.

Also, in the post-Acts books, there are 3 occasions where Paul obviously would have healed someone, if he still had the gift of healing - 1Tim 5:23 (Timothy), Phil 2:25-30 (Epaphroditus - almost died), 2Tim 4:20 (Trophimus). At the very end of Acts, in Acts 28, Paul was not harmed when bitten by a poisonous snake, vs 3-6, and he did a lot of healing, vs 5-9. After Acts, there is zero evidence of any of the Gifts.

Words like signs, wonders, tongues, and healing do nor appear in Paul's post-Acts epistles

The ONLY thing I can think of that the Acts church and the post-Acts churches share is Paul's gospel in 1Cor 15:1-4.

When things are different, things are not the same. This is especially true when EVERYTHING is different.

The biggest difference is in the 2 Callings - one in the New Jerusalem and the other in Heaven. For anyone thinking with their brains, instead of their feelings, that should be absolute proof that what I'm saying is true.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Why do you keep quoting from books that no longer apply directly to anyone living today?
The Book of Romans And James Do Not Apply To Anyone Living Today?

Your Statement And Belief Is Heretical In My Opinion, And Is Against Historical Christian Orthodoxy, I'll Bow Out Of Further Discussion With You In This Thread.

2 Timothy 3:16-17KJV
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
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Active Member
May 18, 2016
United States
The Book of Romans And James Do Not Apply Today?

That Is Heretical In My Opinion, I'll Bow Out Of Further Discussion With You In This Thread.

There is much in James and Romans FOR our education, but there is nothing in either book (or the Gospels or any of the other 59 books) that tells us Gentiles, today, what blessings we have received from God, what belongs to us, where we will spend eternity, where we will be resurrected to and approximately when, and what our rules and directions are concerning those things. In other words, what exactly applies to us Gentiles today? It says in Paul's last 7 books that everything in those books, since the world began, was a mystery, a secret hid in God, never divulged to any human ever, until Paul learned it in one of the many special revelations he, alone, received directly from Jesus Christ.

Besides the Catholic church, the greatest heretics in Christendom are those who teach people to think they have the Gifts of the Spirit. Put a little magic in their lives, keep the pews full, and buy a mansion. Why is it that the charismatic preachers are often millionaires? This is not the believer's fault and, from attending large charismatic churches, plus prayer meetings, plus during-the-week meetings, for about 2 years, everyone I met at those churches truly believed in this stuff. I saw 100s of attempted healings, tongue speakings, attempted prophesying, and not once did I see or hear of any practice of gifts that was the same as those in the Acts period. And, things that are different are never the same. The most obvious fake was tongues. I won't even go into the "slain in the Spirit" idiocy or the totally non-scriptural 2nd blessing.
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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
There is much in James and Romans FOR our education, but there is nothing in either book (or the Gospels or any of the other 59 books) that tells us Gentiles, today, what blessings we have received from God, what belongs to us, where we will spend eternity, where we will be resurrected to and approximately when, and what our rules and directions are concerning those things. In other words, what exactly applies to us Gentiles today? It says in Paul's last 7 books that everything in those books, since the world began, was a mystery, a secret hid in God, never divulged to any human ever, until Paul learned it in one of the many special revelations he, alone, received directly from Jesus Christ.

Besides the Catholic church, the greatest heretics in Christendom are those who teach people to think they have the Gifts of the Spirit. Put a little magic in their lives, keep the pews full, and buy a mansion. Why is it that the charismatic preachers are often millionaires? This is not the believer's fault and, from attending large charismatic churches, plus prayer meetings, plus during-the-week meetings, for about 2 years, everyone I met at those churches truly believed in this stuff. I saw 100s of attempted healings, tongue speakings, attempted prophesying, and not once did I see or hear of any practice of gifts that was the same as those in the Acts period. And, things that are different are never the same. The most obvious fake was tongues. I won't even go into the "slain in the Spirit" idiocy or the totally non-scriptural 2nd blessing.

What is your denomination? Domination I should say. You take the genuine and throw it aside because you see falsity in everything. What sins do you convict of?