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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Predestine = to determine / ordain.
We've discussed this Jane, with the fallen nature of man, the will is enslaved thus not "free". Man has a free agency, you can make choices and think on your own but man only does what is in his nature and naturally that is to rebel against God and is blind to sin.

Irresistible grace does not mean forced, it means it is too attractive to pass up. Once convicted by the Holy Spirit the person sees their sins and feels convicted. This is not forced. The person joyfully repents. I explained this to you earlier in the thread. (Post #142) And ironically you want others to answer your questions but failed to answer mine when we were discussing this topic ealier
I was asking Naomi25 about her/his beleifs. I enjoy asking diverse people about their beliefs. Not because I agree with them, but simply to better understand/love those that believe them.

You and I have discussed your beliefs and yes you communicated the. Frankly... I'm going to bite my tongue here, hence why I was short earlier. Suffice it to say I find only horror in the beliefs you describe. Still, I know that you will adamantly defend this belief- a belief which to me is 100% monstrous. It's a no-win point of conversation.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
I was asking Naomi25 about her/his beleifs.

You and I have discussed your beliefs, and frankly... I'm going to bite my tongue here, hence why I was short earlier. Suffice it to say I find only horror in the beliefs you describe.

Where one finds horror, another finds great peace in worshipping the Great I Am


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
I went and added more to my earlier comment, if you want to check that out.

Again, this is a no-win conversation.

We never know the seeds one will plant in a conversation. I'm glad we can talk about these hard topics and they should not be avoided. I do enjoy it and while I know tones can be short at times I don't see it as anything personal. We are humans, we all get passionate. We all have different backgrounds and experiences. No worries.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
We never know the seeds one will plant in a conversation. I'm glad we can talk about these hard topics and they should not be avoided. I do enjoy it and while I know tones can be short at times I don't see it as anything personal. We are humans, we all get passionate. We all have different backgrounds and experiences. No worries.
@LC627, you don't want to hear my thoughts on your beliefs. You WILL get deeply offended on a personal level and no enjoy a second of it. And frankly, I don't want to hear your defense of (what from my perspective) are very very wrong beliefs.
Hence let's just move on. I'm glad you're cool with that.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
@LC627, you don't want to hear my thoughts on your beliefs. You WILL get deeply offended on a personal level and no enjoy a second of it. And frankly, I don't want to hear your defense of (what from my perspective) are very very wrong beliefs.
Hence let's just move on. I'm glad you're cool with that.

If this subject triggers you then maybe you should not post on these type of threads...Everyone here is simply discussing and has been respectful. If someone is deeply offended than it is most likely due to a emotional root, not a theological one. But as you stated, moving on.


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I was asking Naomi25 about her/his beleifs. I enjoy asking diverse people about their beliefs. Not because I agree with them, but simply to better understand/love those that believe them.

You and I have discussed your beliefs and yes you communicated the. Frankly... I'm going to bite my tongue here, hence why I was short earlier. Suffice it to say I find only horror in the beliefs you describe. Still, I know that you will adamantly defend this belief- a belief which to me is 100% monstrous. It's a no-win point of conversation.
Yes, it is just kicking a dead horse, and my findings in this doctrine mirror yours.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Honestly...this post kind of feels running around in circles. (I intend no offense by that, and apologize if it causes such offense)
I asked a simple " Does a person have the ability to say 'no thank you'?"
The answer was (to my understanding- possibly flawed) essentially that God manipulatively riggs everything and hence negates human responsibility. So I asked that to clarify.
This response, again it seems a long run-around-y response that doesn't really directly answer my very simple questions.

I do get what you're saying, but the reason I'm not giving a straight "yes/no" answer, is that it just ins't a "yes/no" question. It's like trying to get someone to explain the Trinity in 3 words. It's easy to say "God is love", and he is, indeed, but really think about there anything about the God we worship, or the gospel we preach that is able to be summed up in a few words or answered in a "yes/no" response? Even when trying to tell someone the gospel we need to take at least a paragraph to explain how we are dead in our sins, how God is holy and cannot abide by sin, but how he has made a way because he loves us, and then explain what that way is. Understanding...really understanding these things is important, and often they deserve more than a "yes/no" answer.

So...that's sort of where I land. But I totally understand if you disagree and don't want to discuss it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Honestly...this post kind of feels running around in circles. (I intend no offense by that, and apologize if it causes such offense)
I asked a simple " Does a person have the ability to say 'no thank you'?"
The answer was (to my understanding- possibly flawed) essentially that God manipulatively riggs everything and hence negates human responsibility. So I asked that to clarify.
This response, again it seems a long run-around-y response that doesn't really directly answer my very simple questions.
I will answer your simple question with a simple "yes". A person always has the ability to say, 'no thank you' to God and to the good things of God. It gets complicated for people because they often or even usually don't know what such an answer really means. People like too well many of the things of this world and want to ride the fence [lukewarmness] whenever they can for as long as they can. Many of them run out of time while they are still trying to play this game with God. But still God is merciful. He recognizes our 'wishy washiness' better than we do and thus He gives people repeated opportunities to change their answer. Many of them do, but how many chances will He give each of us?

When a person really begins to understand what the wrong answer [wrong to God] really means he moves closer to the point where God will provide no more chances. Only God knows when a person is living effectively on his last chance. Remember that God who never changes finally did this with Israel. That is a type of shadow of the individuals choices today:

"Because all those men which have seen my glory, and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice;
Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it:" Numb 14:22-23

People in their foolishness who know about the Holy Ghost and the power of the Holy Ghost will still presume and say that they don't have to worry about missing God anymore. They have already repented sincerely and salvation is locked never to be lost no matter what they do. It might be nice to be correct that way, but what God is looking for is someone who loves Him without ever even looking seriously at what the world has to offer. If a person can do that then he is in no danger of losing out with God.

This last is what the Holy Ghost makes possible, but it can only really happen if we surrender and continue to surrender to God because we really love Him. When we tell ourselves we cannot lose our salvation because we at one point in time really repented, we are lying to ourselves. God expects us and requires us to fight the battles that are before us even though we must be absolutely dependent on Him to win those battles.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
From being involved for about 2.5 years in a Reformed Baptist church in which my pastor was/is a 5 pointer. For the 6 or so weeks of listening to his sermons, I decided to make an appointment with him, just to introduce myself and give him a little background from whence I came (I love that phrase :) ) During our visit, he told me he was a Calvinist. I knew what a Calvinist was, from a former church and my own reading...library then, lol.
So, as I had not known previously that he had those beliefs, and his sermons did not include any Calvinistic "teachings"...I decided to continue attending for over 2 years. (shocking even myself!, lol) after much prayer. After awhile, I did start noticing undertones creeping in here and there, subtle, but obvious to me! As of almost 6 weeks ago, I am at a different and Awesome local body, I have been there before but was way too far for me so I stopped going there and watched online. They now have a campus like, 10 minutes from me! I fit like a glove there and know several people as well. Never fit in at the other although there are several brothers and sisters there that I miss and are still in touch with. I left on very good terms with the pastor and will continue to support them in what way I can.
I will share a short, simple article in which my beliefs on the subject of Calvinism are firmly cemented. So, that said, I hope this thread can be maturely, humbly, and respectfully discussed. Replies are all welcome I just ask that if things get nasty-PLEASE take it to P.M.?
Any Calvinists out there just remember, I love you ♥
Arguments against Calvinism and Predestination
was wondering whether you'd actually read Calvin himself, Nancy?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
United States
I agree about the wishy-washyness... we see it all the time ,even with professing Christians. However, the main problem here is this: Did Christ save man or simply make man saveable? If God came to save all men, and all men are not saved, then what happened?

~ God doesn't want to interfere with our free will

My question is what is your definition of free will? Let me put it to you this way. A bird with a broken wing is free to fly. No one is holding that bird down, or making it stay somewhere it doesnt want to. However, even though it is perfectly free to fly, it still cannot. Why? Because of its own natural ailment. This is mans 'free' will; broken by sin to the point where man cannot choose God. Our wills are not free; they are broken. Man has free agency, which means that God graciously allows him to operate in His world, but his will is another story.

~ "But that means God controls us! How is that fair?!?"
1.) we, as broken humans, can't even understand fair. Not really. We understand what we feel is fair, which again disproves free will. A 'free' will that can be and often is swayed by outside stimulants is not free; it is wishy-washy.
2.) How is it not fair. No, God does not force you to sin; he doesnt need to force you to do something you want to do anyways! And yes, He does allow us to operate in His world. But even if He did control us, by way of who He is, and simply by creation, He would be perfectly just in controlling even our very thought and wills. We belong to Him anyways!

~ But God doesn't want puppets!

And He doesn't get puppets. We sometimes forget that God is not just a giant human sitting on a giant throne. He literally thinks in another plain of existence. Try to hold a single thought without somehow tying it to time or space. Impossible. But for God, this is how he always has and will think; outside of time and space. To us, God allowing us to make choices and yet still control everything seems like a contradiction. THIS IS GOD!! Did pharaoh harden his heart, or did God? We say both, not because it is logically the correct answer, but because we understand that often times, God's ways are so above our own that we must accept there are somethings about God or that God does that we will never fully understand. Man's free agency and God's Soverignty are just one of the many mysteries of God. But, no mystery does not mean untruth. Yes, we are free to make choices and do things; and yes God is soverign. This is one of the many great mysteries of God that we must accept to truly understand who He is. Just beause you don't understand the mystery doen't mean you can claim it doesn't exsist, just because you think
"God would never!...."
HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? Are you God? No? Well then, I don't think that you are really qualified to claim to know what God would and wouldn't do.

~ Then, how can we even know the truth.
The Word of God. Period.

~ But there are verses about man chooooooooooooooooosing
this is where we must allow scripture to interpret scripture. Both are mentioned in the Bible, so both must be true. However, looking further than just the surface, we can see that many if not most of these are either God or someone else talking to Isreal or believers, whom God has already called unto salvation!!! So, with many of these so-called 'choose God' verses, we can see they are really saying 'God has choosen you, now make wise decisions!'

I hope this post will serve to help others better understand the wonderful system of theology that was documented during the reformation


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I agree about the wishy-washyness... we see it all the time ,even with professing Christians. However, the main problem here is this: Did Christ save man or simply make man saveable? If God came to save all men, and all men are not saved, then what happened?

~ God doesn't want to interfere with our free will

My question is what is your definition of free will? Let me put it to you this way. A bird with a broken wing is free to fly. No one is holding that bird down, or making it stay somewhere it doesnt want to. However, even though it is perfectly free to fly, it still cannot. Why? Because of its own natural ailment. This is mans 'free' will; broken by sin to the point where man cannot choose God. Our wills are not free; they are broken. Man has free agency, which means that God graciously allows him to operate in His world, but his will is another story.

~ "But that means God controls us! How is that fair?!?"
1.) we, as broken humans, can't even understand fair. Not really. We understand what we feel is fair, which again disproves free will. A 'free' will that can be and often is swayed by outside stimulants is not free; it is wishy-washy.
2.) How is it not fair. No, God does not force you to sin; he doesnt need to force you to do something you want to do anyways! And yes, He does allow us to operate in His world. But even if He did control us, by way of who He is, and simply by creation, He would be perfectly just in controlling even our very thought and wills. We belong to Him anyways!

~ But God doesn't want puppets!

And He doesn't get puppets. We sometimes forget that God is not just a giant human sitting on a giant throne. He literally thinks in another plain of existence. Try to hold a single thought without somehow tying it to time or space. Impossible. But for God, this is how he always has and will think; outside of time and space. To us, God allowing us to make choices and yet still control everything seems like a contradiction. THIS IS GOD!! Did pharaoh harden his heart, or did God? We say both, not because it is logically the correct answer, but because we understand that often times, God's ways are so above our own that we must accept there are somethings about God or that God does that we will never fully understand. Man's free agency and God's Soverignty are just one of the many mysteries of God. But, no mystery does not mean untruth. Yes, we are free to make choices and do things; and yes God is soverign. This is one of the many great mysteries of God that we must accept to truly understand who He is. Just beause you don't understand the mystery doen't mean you can claim it doesn't exsist, just because you think
"God would never!...."
HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? Are you God? No? Well then, I don't think that you are really qualified to claim to know what God would and wouldn't do.

~ Then, how can we even know the truth.
The Word of God. Period.

~ But there are verses about man chooooooooooooooooosing
this is where we must allow scripture to interpret scripture. Both are mentioned in the Bible, so both must be true. However, looking further than just the surface, we can see that many if not most of these are either God or someone else talking to Isreal or believers, whom God has already called unto salvation!!! So, with many of these so-called 'choose God' verses, we can see they are really saying 'God has choosen you, now make wise decisions!'

I hope this post will serve to help others better understand the wonderful system of theology that was documented during the reformation

EXCELLENT...well said!! :)

I have kind of believed that free will is as if we are a horses in a huge beautiful , free to eat, drink, free to run, sleep , mate, enjoy his young... free within the realm where he is placed.
He is even free to over eat, over sleep,to never exercise...he is free and also safe in the place that his Master placed him.

We have freewill within the sphere of God encircling love.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I have heard that in some places in Australia (unlike elsewhere) the cattle do not need fences. They are free to roam. (free will)

That is due to the fact that there is no water to sustain life beyond the well that gives them water. So they stay near the source of life in order to stay alive. If they stray too far from the well they will perish in the desert.

So it is with us in the Spirit. We stay as close as we can or want (free will) to our Source of Life. Jesus Christ. If we stray we will become thirsty. If we stray too far the life within us will wither...even to the point of death.

But it seems we know this we repent of the ways that take us too far from Christ.

The race is to not only stay in close proximity but to enter IN. That's where the analogy kind of breaks down! ;)
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
was wondering whether you'd actually read Calvin himself, Nancy?
I have read about him. I only use the term as "Calvinism" to distinguish the TULIP doctrine associated with his name, from Armenian beliefs. Maybe "reformed" theology would be a better term?
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I have heard that in some places in Australia (unlike elsewhere) the cattle do not need fences. They are free to roam. (free will)

That is due to the fact that there is no water to sustain life beyond the well that gives them water. So they stay near the source of life in order to stay alive. If they stray too far from the well they will perish in the desert.

So it is with us in the Spirit. We stay as close as we can or want (free will) to our Source of Life. Jesus Christ. If we stray we will become thirsty. If we stray too far the life within us will wither...even to the point of death.

But it seems we know this we repent of the ways that take us too far from Christ.

The race is to not only stay in close proximity but to enter IN. That's where the analogy kind of breaks down! ;)
Great analogy!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I have read about him. I only use the term as "Calvinism" to distinguish the TULIP doctrine associated with his name, from Armenian beliefs. Maybe "reformed" theology would be a better term?
Yes, there is no difference between Reformed Theology and Calvinism, or Calvinism and TULIP. You will find it all clearly defined in the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), which was later slightly modified by the London Baptists in their 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. (Baptists were not traditionally Reformed, and the Reformers hated the Baptists and Anabaptists, so this is an anomaly).

Even though they have Scripture references for their teachings, they do not necessarily reflect Bible truth, e.g. God has decreed some for salvation and others for damnation.

BTW Armenians come from Armenia (hated by the Turks). Arminians follow Jacobus Arminius (hated by the Calvinists).
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I have read about him. I only use the term as "Calvinism" to distinguish the TULIP doctrine associated with his name, from Armenian beliefs. Maybe "reformed" theology would be a better term?
I find getting accurate information from reading what others have said about an author unsatisfactory.
To know what any author has written you've got to read what they've written themselves, anything else in my opinion starts to qualify as BS. Opinions formed from coments of others on authors fills the available space in ones head with a poor foundation.

Consider the many opinions people have of the scriptures. If you were unfamiliar with them yourself it would do your head in.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
I find getting accurate information from reading what others have said about an author unsatisfactory.
To know what any author has written you've got to read what they've written themselves, anything else in my opinion starts to qualify as BS. Opinions formed from coments of others on authors fills the available space in ones head with a poor foundation.

Consider the many opinions people have of the scriptures. If you were unfamiliar with them yourself it would do your head in.

People kept telling me how bad Calvin was, so I bought his book and have been going through it. What I saw was a lot different than what I heard from others. I wanted to study his writings for myself and not what some person told me about him.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Yes, there is no difference between Reformed Theology and Calvinism, or Calvinism and TULIP. You will find it all clearly defined in the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), which was later slightly modified by the London Baptists in their 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. (Baptists were not traditionally Reformed, and the Reformers hated the Baptists and Anabaptists, so this is an anomaly).

Even though they have Scripture references for their teachings, they do not necessarily reflect Bible truth, e.g. God has decreed some for salvation and others for damnation.

BTW Armenians come from Armenia (hated by the Turks). Arminians follow Jacobus Arminius (hated by the Calvinists).
I find getting accurate information from reading what others have said about an author unsatisfactory.
To know what any author has written you've got to read what they've written themselves, anything else in my opinion starts to qualify as BS. Opinions formed from coments of others on authors fills the available space in ones head with a poor foundation.

Consider the many opinions people have of the scriptures. If you were unfamiliar with them yourself it would do your head in.
As I said, I was not speaking OF the man himself, only referring to the name Calvin as he is most closely associated with, well Calvinism! And, aslo as I said...maybe I should just call it "reformed theology". The TULIP doctrine has never sat well with me and, it was in the early 1990's when I became, let's say 'acquainted' with it. I do not remember much of what I read of Calvin himself but, I looked very much onto the doctrine itself...not the man. I am also aware that Augustine also held some or all of the same views and that makes not at all a bit of difference to me. :)
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I am also aware that Augustine also held some or all of the same views and that makes not at all a bit of difference to me.
Actually we must blame Augustine for this nonsense. He had many good things to say, but he also misinterpreted Scripture. In the end every Christian has a duty and obligation to carefully examine the doctrines of men in the light of Scripture. Sadly, dyed-in-the-wool Calvinists refuse to do so, and distort the plain meaning of many verses and passages, so that they can hang on to this False Gospel.

Why preach the Gospel if the outcome has already been predetermined by God? That is the position of Hyper-Calvinists, who are at least consistent with their beliefs.
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