I'm concerned that Trump is illuminati

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
That's interesting that you feel it's not for decades. I was thinking it was much sooner because of all that is going on. Is there some reason why you feel this way?

It has to do with what scripture actually prophesies in comparison with where we are now. QuietThinker mentioned what paradigm you view things through, and his and mine are different. He sees the beast of Revelation as a type of global amalgamation of the church and state. I see it as the emergence of the Islamic Caliphate, a group of Islamic nations that will eventually morph into the single largest empire in history, larger than even the Roman Empire was, and we are not there yet. This is just one of several things that tell me we still have quite a long ways to go, but it would be a lot of work to explain it all.
I'm hoping it's much sooner because of how things have gotten. Just in my lifetime there has been such a massive change. I honestly don't know how much longer we as a country can go on. Maybe you live in an area not as much affected, but I don't see how we can carry all the populations of South America on welfare and now India. One of my children told me that doctors are leaving the hospital where they work because they said we can't keep giving free health care out to the world. So I'm seeing and hearing these things and am wondering how long things can go on this way.

America is going to go down, yes. As sad as it is to say, this is really our last horrah before the descent into darkness begins. I really don't want to tell you how bad it is going to get, since you are already pretty effected by things already.
For all of Trump's tough talk, he's not securing the border.

I think he's more focused on the economy and may see good immigrants as helping it. I do know he's opposed to the Caravan and is calling it a threat to national security.
Have you been following reports of the caravan? They found middle easterners in the group. All it would take is one of them getting to a nuclear reactor and it's the end. We passed a nuclear reactor near us and I had the eeriest feeling - it just showed me how easy it would be for someone to gain access to it.

When it comes to nuclear devastation, keep in mind that our God has control over all such events. Nothing will happen without His approval, and I don't really see that happening.
In the parable of the ten bridesmaids I take that as God wanting us to stay alert because the end can come at any time.

That's not quite how they interpreted it. Several passages speak of there being numerous events that would need to happen first (2 Thessalonians 2:1-9; Matthew 24:1-32).
But right now I feel an urgency to tell my family of this - I texted them last night that Nostradamus predicted WW 3 in 2018

:) Ok, see this is WHY I believe the Lord gave us signs to watch for first. You need to be careful about believing anyone and anything that says the end is here. Nostradamus was so incredibly vague that people can interpret him as prophesying virtually anything if they put a little effort in. You can do as you wish, but I'm advising you again that it appears you're going off the deep end a little bit here, and you might wanna ease up on that gas peddle just a touch, LoL.
Of course that old struggle I have rises up: what are we to do versus what we leave to God is on my mind. But for right now I feel an urgency to share this. I printed some articles out and gave it to the one pastor of our bible study. The other one was completely not ready to hear. But I'm going to give our church pastor a copy of it.

Just be understanding. He probably knows you better than any of us, and the Lord may have put him in your life to watch over your soul, knowing you could get a little too caught up in things like this. Like I said, maybe he doesn't have eyes to see all of it yet, but talk with him and try to listen if he tells what I'm saying. The fruit of the Spirit is peace, and it sounds like that is being taken from you, which is something you shouldn't allow the enemy to do.

I'll let Brakelite and QuietThinker discuss things with you. Just try to keep in mind what I said.

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
There is plenty we could look at and discuss with regards the stuff that is going on in the world. We could look at all the detail and various things the occultists and globalists are doing to we are blue in the face, but what we end up doing is losing sight of the big picture. We study so intently the leaves, we lose sight of the forest.
@Soverign Grace can I make a suggestion so that you don't become so overwhelmed with information which could lead in a very real way to depression and despair, and losing sight of God himself.

I understand what you're saying.

Lay aside for the time being all you have recently discovered in the world, and go back to the Bible. The book of Revelation and Daniel are like hand and glove, neither can be understood properly without the other. Start with Daniel. Daniel 2 gives the skeleton of all prophetic revelation that follows. Study Daniel chapters 7 and 8. They cover the same ground as chapter 2, but with more detail. All this will take time and foc us, but once understood, then you can fit what you have discovered more recently into the prophetic picture, and all will then make much more sense, God will be at the centre of everything, and you won't have lost hope our perspective.

I was reading bits of Daniel and Revelations last night. I'm eager to learn and share because God has opened my eyes to this. It was shocking when I spoke with the two pastors at bible study that neither knew about it, with one even acting like I said I believed little men from Mars were populating the earth. So it's rich for me to share with others who know what I'm talking about. My husband won't even look into it. I told a friend and she brushed me off. So it's good to find others who have been given this light.

That said, you will need help. And there are many different ways Daniel had been taught. Hermeneutics play an important role in understanding prophecy. I said previously that the pagan church/state system which is developing is the thing to watch. It is that system that is the Antichrist. Not the individual who heads it. It is the system that Daniel and revelation exposes, and once you understand what the system is and can identify them the key players within that system, everything else Falls into place. And by the way, the system has disguised itself well, even to the point of infiltrating Bible colleges and universities and changed the way the church today looks at p rophe cy. All the reformers knew who the Antichrist was. The church today is still looking to the future for some imaginary individual to come charging upon the scene with guns blazing destroying everything that is Christian and godly. If that is what you are looking for, you are already deceived by the Antichrist itself.

That's interesting - so you're saying the -system- is the Antichrist. It's infiltrated bible colleges - that's shocking, although I did read about Rick Warren. I'm already suspect of him because of a dealing someone in my family had with someone who attends his church. A light bulb just went on in my mind - that makes sense now of why that Pastor looked at me like I had two heads - he was probably taught error in seminary.

I've heard of the reformers but are they representative of the one that nailed all the points the church had wrong onto the church door? Did you study on your own Brakelite or did you find a good teacher?

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I don't know what news they feed you over there in the US but here in OZ the coverage of Trump is abysmal as it is in European news and African news. One cant help but conclude the guy is a loser.
US politics aside, its a matter of gleaning and reading between the lines of whatever news coverage I'm exposed to. Nothing hinges on one or two articles. Its the general movement of events that paint the picture although Bookends did post very informative videos of global Church happenings. The coverage of these in the media oddly enough wasn't given much press considering the importance of the matter.
As i've said before, paradigm is helpful otherwise one can be staring the obvious in the face and not see it.

Regarding bomb threats.... frankly, im not surprised at any of that given the violence and sickly slop people feed on.
I read that the news is owned by the globalists so we have to search out truth for ourselves. I now read Breitbart and other alternative news sources. Even FOX news is suspect to me since it's owned by Rupert Murdoch who is allegedly illuminati. That's why since my eyes were opened all I see is a poisoned atmosphere everywhere I look. I even saw that the IRS building and Washington are satanically designed. I sense things and think my gift is discernment. When we went on a school trip to Washington a number of years back I had the worst feelings in Washington. We're all given discernment and can usually pick up evil, especially by looking into someone's eyes as the eyes are the window of the soul. Although some people are clever deceivers and I have been deceived a few times by wolves in sheeps clothing.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
If money and popularity are the factors that determines the value of a man as you have implied in your post, you have adopted the values of the world.

Some days ago Sovereign Grace said she threw her grandfather's masonic bible into the trash. Your comment in response to that was, 'it was probably worth a lot of money'....... Again, it is the money factor that you highlight in Obama's reign.

My comment to you is Reggie, you have unwittingly revealed how you establish value and importance.
This is diametrically opposed to what scripture considers the priority.
It wasn't me who threw the masonic bible in the trash - it was heart and soul.

Obama gives me a bad feeling. I knew what he was.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
It has to do with what scripture actually prophesies in comparison with where we are now. QuietThinker mentioned what paradigm you view things through, and his and mine are different. He sees the beast of Revelation as a type of global amalgamation of the church and state. I see it as the emergence of the Islamic Caliphate, a group of Islamic nations that will eventually morph into the single largest empire in history, larger than even the Roman Empire was, and we are not there yet. This is just one of several things that tell me we still have quite a long ways to go, but it would be a lot of work to explain it all.

Islam is frightening due to the sheer number of children they populate an area with. They're goal is to take over. In our state they tried to build a mosque in a neighborhood and residents fought it. Unbelievably the residents got letters from the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT demanding to know all their social media accounts, email addresses, and other pertinent information. It showed me how evil has permeated our government.

America is going to go down, yes. As sad as it is to say, this is really our last horrah before the descent into darkness begins. I really don't want to tell you how bad it is going to get, since you are already pretty effected by things already.

Yes we've had it pretty bad already. Those who don't live on the coast don't know how much America is changing and how many of these foreigners are on welfare. It's like a creeping vine that will take over and strangle the entire garden.

I think he's more focused on the economy and may see good immigrants as helping it. I do know he's opposed to the Caravan and is calling it a threat to national security.

I see it as a threat. I talked with a pastor who had to sit on a jury for an MS-13 murder who said that it was horrible.

When it comes to nuclear devastation, keep in mind that our God has control over all such events. Nothing will happen without His approval, and I don't really see that happening.

I don't know. If you had lived through some of the physical pain I have then maybe you would see that God doesn't protect us from things. I know He has a purpose in it, but I think it's a natural reaction from someone who has known cutting pain to be wary of pain. Due to the opioid epidemic our illustrious government has been denying patients pain relief. I had MY FLESH CUT OPEN WITH A SURGICAL KNIFE and post surgery was only given a few Norco. I went out of my head with pain. I almost ended my life - I won't describe how but the only thing that kept me from doing it was I didn't want my daughter to find me - the only means I had to do it wouldn't have been pretty. Our government has gotten evil. I belong to a chronic pain group and Americans have committed suicide from pain denial - one woman in the group's husband killed himself. Many vets have ended their lives. My husband flew out and he was going to go buy me something on the street because I was out of my head. I'm shocked no one in the apartment complex called the police thinking that someone was being murdered. That was a rude awakening to see a) our government has grown into a police state b) God didn't shield me from it. Let me tell you with pain that bad it is emblazoned on your brain. I don't want to ever see my family suffer like that.

That's not quite how they interpreted it. Several passages speak of there being numerous events that would need to happen first (2 Thessalonians 2:1-9; Matthew 24:1-32).

:) Ok, see this is WHY I believe the Lord gave us signs to watch for first. You need to be careful about believing anyone and anything that says the end is here. Nostradamus was so incredibly vague that people can interpret him as prophesying virtually anything if they put a little effort in. You can do as you wish, but I'm advising you again that it appears you're going off the deep end a little bit here, and you might wanna ease up on that gas peddle just a touch, LoL.

Just be understanding. He probably knows you better than any of us, and the Lord may have put him in your life to watch over your soul, knowing you could get a little too caught up in things like this. Like I said, maybe he doesn't have eyes to see all of it yet, but talk with him and try to listen if he tells what I'm saying. The fruit of the Spirit is peace, and it sounds like that is being taken from you, which is something you shouldn't allow the enemy to do.

I'll let Brakelite and QuietThinker discuss things with you. Just try to keep in mind what I said.

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
It has to do with what scripture actually prophesies in comparison with where we are now. QuietThinker mentioned what paradigm you view things through, and his and mine are different. He sees the beast of Revelation as a type of global amalgamation of the church and state. I see it as the emergence of the Islamic Caliphate, a group of Islamic nations that will eventually morph into the single largest empire in history, larger than even the Roman Empire was, and we are not there yet. This is just one of several things that tell me we still have quite a long ways to go, but it would be a lot of work to explain it all.

America is going to go down, yes. As sad as it is to say, this is really our last horrah before the descent into darkness begins. I really don't want to tell you how bad it is going to get, since you are already pretty effected by things already.

I think he's more focused on the economy and may see good immigrants as helping it. I do know he's opposed to the Caravan and is calling it a threat to national security.

When it comes to nuclear devastation, keep in mind that our God has control over all such events. Nothing will happen without His approval, and I don't really see that happening.

That's not quite how they interpreted it. Several passages speak of there being numerous events that would need to happen first (2 Thessalonians 2:1-9; Matthew 24:1-32).

:) Ok, see this is WHY I believe the Lord gave us signs to watch for first. You need to be careful about believing anyone and anything that says the end is here. Nostradamus was so incredibly vague that people can interpret him as prophesying virtually anything if they put a little effort in. You can do as you wish, but I'm advising you again that it appears you're going off the deep end a little bit here, and you might wanna ease up on that gas peddle just a touch, LoL.

Just be understanding. He probably knows you better than any of us, and the Lord may have put him in your life to watch over your soul, knowing you could get a little too caught up in things like this. Like I said, maybe he doesn't have eyes to see all of it yet, but talk with him and try to listen if he tells what I'm saying. The fruit of the Spirit is peace, and it sounds like that is being taken from you, which is something you shouldn't allow the enemy to do.

I'll let Brakelite and QuietThinker discuss things with you. Just try to keep in mind what I said.

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him
I definitely will keep it all in mind. I did read that about Nostradamus and the vagueness of his prophecies - and of course he isn't in the bible. I guess it's more of me seeing so many things changing that I think it must be close. It could also be that I've experienced my own personal Armageddons and I usually feel things deeper than others and I want God to end it already. I began a prison ministry and it hurts to learn of their stories. I also know that it's all corrupt: the people who should be in jail aren't. The private prison complex sends lobbyists to Washington to lobby for harsher sentences. That makes me sick.

I do recall that it is not good to have much zeal without much knowledge. I am like Jacob - I wrestle with God. But people like me who don't have peace about the way things are, are the ones who start ministries to right wrongs - like Centurion and others. So I don't know. I'm sifting it all through what I know and what I know of God.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Well I must be doing a lot right because I've had hardship on top of hardship. I have been blessed too - I've had friends stab me in the back because they were jealous, and try to put hardship in my life, and it worked. I know betrayal as in "Alexandar the Coppersmith did me much harm" and "Mine own familiar friend in whom I have trusted has lifted his heel against me" - you would be shocked at the level of depravity that even Christians have gone due to jealously. After going through the worst betrayals one could imagine, I was injured and live in daily physical torment - I have known the despair that Paul has talked about. And I have wrestled with God like Jacob. So I'm a Christian who has been in the trenches not on the mountaintops. I argue with God every day. I don't understand Him but I still seek Him because I've lived through turning my back on God and that didn't work either. But I at times despair of life still.
Take courage SG, it is not as if God abandons his children, neither is it that we can outwit the enemy with our inventions. I think of Joseph and Elijah and David or Daniel in their distress. God can shut the mouth of lions, he can part the seas and turn slaves into princes, yes, he can and will raise the dead. We can submit to him all our concerns, we can ask for needed strength and his peace. He says, I will never leave you or forsake you. His word is trustworthy always.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Hi again. I went through a time 20 years or so ago when all I looked at was the 'signs' of the second coming. Illuminati... Globalism... Conspirators and conspiracies in every branch of government... And in every church... Government sponsored exercises to depopulate the earth through vaccines, chemtrails, drugs in food and water, etc etc etc. But none of my constant "watching" was either edifying or particularly informative. Certainly there were no answers... Except for revolution.
I have since changed track. Now my focus is on Christ. When I talk to others, Christ is the centre of everything. If what I discuss here online and Christ is not included, is not worth talking about. So we can discuss the Bilderberg folk... The Freemasons... The UN globalists and their various nefarious agendas... The CFR..."banksters"... Occults... Satanism... Until we despair and begin to believe God has lost all semblance of control and abdicated His throne and given it to His arch enemy. What we need to become familiar with is the real connection between all these so called signs, who really is in control, the real (not perceived) connections to prophecy and how these things play out and affect God's people according to scripture. Never forget to put everything you see in the world in perspective. God has not abdicated God throne in favour of the UN. Or the devil in control of it.
Focus on Jesus. And ask Him to show you how to connect the dots. Remember the Hegelian dialectic? Thesis versus antithesis equals.... Conservative versus liberal equals... Left versus right equals... Democrat versus Republican equals... Ask God to lead you to a full understanding of who, what, can be identified as the coming synthesis that will appear on the scene to cure all our ills and placate all our fears. He is the one to watch. Not what the media serves up as taste tests and red herrings... No, who is waiting in the wings in plain sight ready for the entire world to welcome him with open arms and thank him for his loving service to mankind. " Please give us your mark. We surrender all sovereignty to you kind sir. Only you can heal our woes and solve our problems. Only you can serve as our intermediary between us and God. We have no King but Caesar".


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I'm not so sure Trump getting elected was an accident. I saw photos of him throwing the devil's hand and illuminati signs, and he admitted to being a Mason.

What is the "devils" handshake?
What is an "illuminati" sign?
What is a "Mason" ?

He could be legitimate

Once Trump was sworn in, He became a lawful and legitimate President of the US.

but I saw that all he ever did was TALK about border security.

He has hundreds of meetings that you do not see or hear.

However do you have a concern about him often talking about the historical and continuous ongoing border security?

72,000 Americans died last year from drugs flooding in from Mexico. Approximately 54,000 have died already since he's been President.

Uh huh, and "part" of the why he continuously TALKS about it ... TO the American People.

Where is the border security?

THIN, Hands-tied.

He has every power to secure the border.

No, he doesn't. He was not given DICTATORIAL Power.

He doesn't need congress - he's lying about that.

The Congress is the Peoples' representatives, not the President!

Trump appleals to the PEOPLE....talk, talk, talk. Apparently YOU have heard Him.

YOU are the People. The Congress represents YOU. Are YOU tired of the Congress NOT ACTING on solutions to FIX the historical OUT OF CONTROL Border Problem?
Have YOU, the People, demanded YOUR Congress Rep, REPRESENT YOUR Concerns in the Manner YOU want to BE Represented?

I'm just questioning everything.

I'm wondering what YOU have done about your questions.

People sometimes come as wolves in sheeps clothing.

Well we do historically KNOW... If the People DO NOT TELL their Reps what THEY the People want.....the Reps WILL DO WHATEVER will get them elected in the next election.

Glory to God,
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
You are overcoming, have overcome the "being tossed to and fro..." You kept searching ♥ so many give up so quickly because they are IMHO not truly seeking with all their hearts...diligently! And yes, we CAN be mislead again if we are not in prayer about discernment before reading anything God. Yes Satan IS very shrewd-and he knows his time is sort so...working overtime. And boy does he EVER "throw all manner of blocks in our paths"!! ♥
Have you noticed Nancy, that the evil one throws blocks in our paths when we begin to grow? As I came out of a spiritual slumber, a falling away, I was led into the study of Revelations. Then I got attacked in a specific way. I'm seeing that part of his box of tricks is keeping us held down in deception.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I'm not surprised by that, but I doubt the news coverage anywhere in the world is as aggressively anti-Trump as it is here in the United States. The controlled media here absolutely DESPISE the man, hate him with a vengeance, and express it every single minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year. Their hatred of him is so over-the-top that I can interpret as nothing other than a guaranteed sign that he is an enemy of the globalists and the globalist agenda, and very serious threat to it. They worshipped Obama like he was a god and could do no wrong (and I wish I was exaggerating there but I am not. It was sickening), and would have done the same with Hillary since both are NWO elitists. So it's been refreshing having a genuine statesman in the Presidency for once in my lifetime, even if the whole world still makes him out to be a "loser."

I thought that too Hidden, but when we deal with the enemy we know he is the quintessential deceiver. You may be 100% right but wouldn't it also serve the deceptions of the globalists if they deceived even the elect by promulgating negative press against Trump since they own the news? The professor who spoke in the video that Brakelite posted said that their plans were "brilliant" but "sick." Satan is not stupid. He'll deceive at every point, and double-deceive us. I don't say this lightly because I viewed Trump as our last best hope to save America and I'm still somewhat reserving judgment but walking circumspectly. But I noticed that all he ever did was TALK about border security, he never ACTED. We're told in Scripture By their FRUITS ye shall know them, not by their TALK. Our area is overrun with drugs and foreigners. I was the receptionist at the manufacturing plant when it closed because of all the jobs being sent out of the country. I saw the men who had worked there were LIVID. They screamed at me and I was only there temporarily. I didn't say anything back because I understood it. The city turned into a wasteland of drugs. This is being repeated all over the country.

Trump didn't build the border wall or stop the last caravan even though he's empowered to do so. He keeps acting (deceiving) that he doesn't have the authority to secure our nation, that the Democrats are stopping him. It's a lie. I read too many individuals knowledgeable about the law who said that he does have the power. That's when I started looking a little closer at Mr. Trump and what I found concerned me. Try searching: Trump is illuminati or Trump throwing illuminati hand signs. You'll see for yourself why I now have a concern about him.

I know, but every once in a while someone comes along who publishes substantive inside information (usually at the risk of losing their life). I guess I'm just done wading through nine miles of BS only to find the few yards of insight worth keeping. I don't really have the time for it these days as I'm much more involved in the work of God.

People have lost their lives exposing that stuff?

Thanks for the response though.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
What is the "devils" handshake?
What is an "illuminati" sign?
What is a "Mason" ?

Body Language Experts Say Trump Often Flashes “Triangle of Satan” Hand Gesture

Are G20 leaders in the ILLUMINATI? 'Satanic hand signals' at crunch summit explained

Top Ten Illuminati Signs | Illuminati Rex

From what i understand a Mason - Freemason - is a witch. Is Donald Trump a Freemason? Uncovering the Trump-Freemason Connection

I'm unsure of this one, let me know if anyone has an opinion? Read the comments under the video:

Freemasonry Exposed!

Once Trump was sworn in, He became a lawful and legitimate President of the US.

I meant he may be legitimately trying to make America great or he could be trying to further Agenda 21.

He has hundreds of meetings that you do not see or hear.

However do you have a concern about him often talking about the historical and continuous ongoing border security?

Uh huh, and "part" of the why he continuously TALKS about it ... TO the American People.

THIN, Hands-tied.

No, he doesn't. He was not given DICTATORIAL Power.

The Congress is the Peoples' representatives, not the President!

Trump appleals to the PEOPLE....talk, talk, talk. Apparently YOU have heard Him.

YOU are the People. The Congress represents YOU. Are YOU tired of the Congress NOT ACTING on solutions to FIX the historical OUT OF CONTROL Border Problem?
Have YOU, the People, demanded YOUR Congress Rep, REPRESENT YOUR Concerns in the Manner YOU want to BE Represented?

That is the way it's SUPPOSED to work. It's an illusion. The blinders came off and I saw that it's all an illusion that we're free. We're in a modern-day police state rivaling Nazi Germany. I could tell you some things but it's better if you research it yourself. Police are now for the most part unaccountable. Our representatives do whatever they want. Watch a few of these videos and tell me if you think we're in a free society. Most people are unaware this stuff goes on because the news is controlled propaganda.

Declare War on Police Brutality - Filming Cops

I'm wondering what YOU have done about your questions.

I have written to President Trump and our legislators repeatedly. It has not done any good. A lot of people have to do it. I tried to urge other believers but they sometimes worry me. A friend told me that they don't have to do anything because God is in control. That type of thinking is alarming. They didn't sit back and wait for God to pay their bills - they went out and worked. Christians sometimes excuse their inaction by claiming that God is going to do it. But what she doesn't realize is that OTHER believers are out trying to do something about it, and she's just riding the wave of the actions of other believers.

I have shared my struggle in knowing when it's time to act and time to rest and let God act. I still have not arrived at a conclusion. I have prayed about it but I'm undecided. That's part of the reason why I like bouncing off of other believers - what do YOU think?

Well we do historically KNOW... If the People DO NOT TELL their Reps what THEY the People want.....the Reps WILL DO WHATEVER will get them elected in the next election.

Well mine have heard from me - repeatedly. I worked with our local legislators office in changing some of the law and I'm just getting into that end of activism.

I'll give you an example: we once lived in an area where a couple nearby were wild - dealing drugs. Everyone was afraid of them and only one person I'll call Joe stood up to them. Because no one else stood up to them, the wild couple tormented Joe and his family putting them at risk because they were crazy. Police didn't do a lot. If the other neighbors had been honest and told the truth, that they were afraid of the wild couple who was putting everyone in the area and their children at risk, then they would have succeeded in keeping their area nice. But all the cowardly neighbors acted like they were friends with the wild couple and didn't have a problem with them dealing drugs in the neighborhood, and having unsavory people in the area to buy drugs near their children. They were content to let Joe do their fighting for them, and they stayed safely off to the side, getting the benefits of Joe's actions, without any of the risks.

I've seen things like the above play out over and over with people. Human nature dictates that the cowardly want others to fight their battles for them while they remain in their safe spot of playing both sides of the fence.

So the wild couple forced Joe and his family out. When they moved there was no one to fight the wild people but eventually they lost their house. This is something I see on a much wider scale than that microcosm. All the cowardly or lazy sit back and let others do the fighting for them, while they get the benefits without any of the headaches.

So I wish more people would get involved because there are a few people carrying the entire nation and I don't think that's what God wants. We are His hands and feet in this world.

Glory to God,
Last edited:

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
What is the "devils" handshake?
What is an "illuminati" sign?
What is a "Mason" ?

Once Trump was sworn in, He became a lawful and legitimate President of the US.

He has hundreds of meetings that you do not see or hear.

However do you have a concern about him often talking about the historical and continuous ongoing border security?

Uh huh, and "part" of the why he continuously TALKS about it ... TO the American People.

THIN, Hands-tied.

No, he doesn't. He was not given DICTATORIAL Power.

Yes he does have the power. US attorneys and others have repeatedly said he does have the power. You are buying into his lie if you agree that his hands are tied. That's why I began doubting him and was led into finding he's likely a freemason. Look it up - you'll find what I did - he has the power.

The Congress is the Peoples' representatives, not the President!

Trump appleals to the PEOPLE....talk, talk, talk. Apparently YOU have heard Him.

YOU are the People. The Congress represents YOU. Are YOU tired of the Congress NOT ACTING on solutions to FIX the historical OUT OF CONTROL Border Problem?
Have YOU, the People, demanded YOUR Congress Rep, REPRESENT YOUR Concerns in the Manner YOU want to BE Represented?

I'm wondering what YOU have done about your questions.

Well we do historically KNOW... If the People DO NOT TELL their Reps what THEY the People want.....the Reps WILL DO WHATEVER will get them elected in the next election.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
@Soverign Grace
You still haven't 'got' how to respond so that the readers can follow you.
About five of the above posts are unreadable because you quote someone, but then everything that you write gets hidden behind the quote.
Have you not notice that about five of your responses are not visable to the readers.

What you are obviously doing is Cutting off the last [/QUOTE] and writing your response before it...thus everything you write shows up as in quotes.
Like this below, that I quoted from you response to Nancy.

Have you noticed Nancy, that the evil one throws blocks in our paths when we begin to grow? As I came out of a spiritual slumber, a falling away, I was led into the study of Revelations. Then I got attacked in a specific way. I'm seeing that part of his box of tricks is keeping us held down in deception.

Now IF I answered in front of the second word saying "quote..."
Then my response would not show up as a response but as a quote.

Maybe this is hard for you to understand...just saying..two of your posts to Hidden in Him was hidden indeed :) we could not tell what he wrote or what you wrote.
And you have done it with other too.

Just saying...don't waste you responses ..make sure that we can actually read them. :)
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Apr 30, 2018
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Have you noticed Nancy, that the evil one throws blocks in our paths when we begin to grow? As I came out of a spiritual slumber, a falling away, I was led into the study of Revelations. Then I got attacked in a specific way. I'm seeing that part of his box of tricks is keeping us held down in deception.
Oh yes indeed I do notice that. Satan comes in fast and hard to derail, to stunt us, to make us doubt all kinds of things. God's Word is our defense every time :)
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Feb 6, 2018
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Soverign Grace ~

Your post however formatted did not allow your text to be revealed in a reply.

Devils "handshake"... ?
I see people shaking hands all kinds of ways.

Trumps "hands" that you pictured and highlighted....

Do you know what his hands are doing?
It's called steepling when the fingers of each hand are extended and the tips of opposite finders are touching.

It is a sign of confidence, particularly when the person hold their hands in such a position, their shoulders are leaned forward.....view the photos you provided.

Some people clasp their hands in their lap, (when seated), some people wring their hands, some people cup their hands and rest them on their lap, some people cross their wrists and independently fiddle with their own fingers and nails, some people cross their arms, some people lean, slouch, or lean forward, some people fiddle with their hair, or ears, or clothes, or constantly touch their face, some people point their fingers at themselves or others, some people (standing) do the same things, or stand with their hands to their sides.....

People have their comfort level in how they sit, stand, position their limbs, hands, feet....when they are confident, nervous, unsure, pondering, IOW, receiving information (listening) or giving information (speaking).

To zone in and declare......devil association...is what conspiracists do.

Masons is simply shortened from Freemasonry.
It began as a group of FREE men who were "masons", otherwise, "construction workers, builders, of stone works", who also used mathematical equations for measurements.

They formed a "brotherhood" with other men who did the same. IOW, their "brotherhood" did not include "children, women, slaves, housewives, bakers, etc."
So, yes their "club" was exclusive. And what they talked about was secretive.
And one of their "requirements" for joining is the prospective member BELIEVE in a higher power.

So, do I care what Freemasons do...have?
Handshakes, gestures, jewelry, meetings, aprons, candles, ceremonies, clothing, dinners, etc.......?

No, no more than I care what the local ladies gossip club, or church choir club, or an auto union brothers, or motorcycle brothers are doing, or wearing, or gestures and handshakes they are "secretly" doing out in the open.

ILLUMINATE....originally in simplicity means to be "informed" and "understand" what one is informed of.

In essence it is to be "enlightened".
(And BTW Scripture is FULL of knowledge for how God desires a man to be enlightened to His Kowledge and His Understanding).

The Illuminate, were historically against a forced "belief", particularly a religious belief. And typically a group of men with high intellect.

My own dad was a believer in thee Lord God, a Builder with Stone and Metals, an IQ last measured at the mid 160's, a photographic memory, his expertise in linear levels of Calculus and music, and a Free man, and a member of a lodge in brotherhood of Freemasons.

And no he didn't Brew up witches spells and sneak around plotting against other people. LOL

MANY People LOVE to "JOIN" groups, associations, clubs........
And the people who are not "members" LOVE to criticize, and gossip, especially IF it is a group who keeps their business private.

Where there is a GROUP, there is room for another on the outside to make a CAREER out of GUESSING and pretending it is FACTS.

As far as TRUMP....
I believe he is somewhat enlightened in Gods Word and believes it, while not fully understanding it, and seeks guidance.

I believe his very enlightened in Business sense, and good at it.

I believe he is an avid listener to those that are effected by his responsibility as President.

I believe he provides for his own, and tiredlessly works on issues that have been plaguing the US government for eons, despite his adversaries and backstabbing.

I believe without shame he is in awe of Gods creation of beautiful women.

Personally, I am happy to see a person sitting in the People's (oval) Office, that is not a self absorbed politician who projects themselves as entitled pseudo royalty.

Glory to God,

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
If money and popularity are the factors that determines the value of a man as you have implied in your post, you have adopted the values of the world.

Some days ago Sovereign Grace said she threw her grandfather's masonic bible into the trash. Your comment in response to that was, 'it was probably worth a lot of money'....... Again, it is the money factor that you highlight in Obama's reign.

My comment to you is Reggie, you have unwittingly revealed how you establish value and importance.
This is diametrically opposed to what scripture considers the priority.
Fact is, If it was one of the 1st editions it is worth big money and the others are sort after and not only that value it's also of a educational value for someone who may want to look into such things, so just tossing things away is not my bag. I do not toss things away.
I was making a comment on that it was of value, I did not ask for it now did I.
Anyone who dismiss the value in something are just being foolish.
Do you keep an eye on your change to make sure you are not being diddled, if you ran your own business would you be astute in all dealings. well I have had to be, I had a hell of a time making a go of it when I first started off from 1973 and screwed over no end and kicked around like a dog, so I thought hang on I am sick of being everyone's nigger, I better get my act together and try to and that's try the best that I could get out of that predicament, it was a hell hole ! the same is so with Christianity, you get on and abide in it or you are on the path to destruction. you have to do things the correct way, because if you do not you will only reap what you sow.
It's all about value and values that are important.
I am not a foolish I see value has worth.
Printing money like Obama did was a criminal act, what that did was lower it's value and a way for him to save face in the eyes of ignorant fools and his 3rd rate way of controlling of selling out the economy, it's on par to like a sinking ship, he try's to save face but fact is the ship is still sinking.
But the fools are still blighted to the reality.

The priority first and foremost is the Holy spirit and the Bible points out about money, one dude remember hid his, claiming that his Lord was like and handed it all back, and Jesus says about the Coins and who's coins they are, now he did not reject this but pointed out the difference.
Now Jesus and others were sold out to coins but that was mans works.

If the west never had values we would of never of dragged our Nations forward and up to the quality we achieved, if it was not for this, we would be just like all the 3rd world living in squaller somewhat like backward bunch of monkeys with no hope.
The casting of pearls to swine, remember that one.

A Nation like the USA in debt ? like it is, that is not possible at all if it was run astutely, but if such was undermined by the works of Satan leading the people astray yes that sure could happen I am sure. and I believe that is the case of why the USA is in this position.

I don't live under a rock and I am no hermit, as for money one has to value the reality's of all around you, I am not an abo I have to work for my living you know, no one has given me anything easy. as for popularity what's that got to do with me and I do not lookup to popular people at all, as that comes under idolatry to me. I may admire there work however. I have never tried to get an autograph off anyone.

The Value of a person ? well I do not look up to any because of there wealth but I may see value in who and what they truly achieved by there ability, but not if it was done undermining others.
I have even friends that I do not admire or think of highly but they are friends of value to me for sure and take them as they are.

The world is the world and I am in the world but I am not part of it's delusional nonsense, I am not against the world it's self say but have the key and that key is Jesus Christ who came into the world but is not of this world. we can have his world, that's the Kingdom of God and that's where I am at. but the world as a whole has not made it to that point yet.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I was concerned that having it in my house would create a door for the enemy to enter through.
I can understand that.
But the enemy is all around us 24/7 as well.
I was talking to an aunty and she came out and said there is no evil in this house, I was like what ? such crouches at ones door the Bible says, so I am not fooled into thinking such does not exist everywhere. if one does believe that such does not exist in some places you have to be joking, the Church can have such a priest who is possessed, so one should not blindly follow one, if I said that there are child molester priest around she would flat deny that in horror, no way he is a man of God Father x is a Saint and this is how it is, so if ones child came saying such things they would reject such totally.
When it came out that the RCC had such Priest she was totally devastated. she and another aunty have always went to Church everyday.
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Feb 6, 2018
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Reggie Belafonte ~

Thanks for sharing your story and perspective. God Be with you and yours.

God Bless,