Last days are here today! Are you ready to meet Jesus in the clouds??

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The "2nd time" he appears will not be in a "2 Stage" process, a Coming only to the clouds, and then finally, a coming to earth. There is a single "2nd Coming" in which Christ descends *from heaven,* which infers a coming to the earth. The 1st Coming was Jesus' earthly ministry.

Disagree with your understanding.

It's not a "process"... it is a seven year "Separation Event" that shall apply to Earthly men and angels.
* The Word of God, was in Heaven...(in Gods mouth)
* The Word of God, came forth out from God, was sent to earth in a body prepared of God, in the likeness of a man....and mankind was told to call him...Jesus, the Son of God.
* Jesus had particular things to Accomplish.
* Jesus finished All He was sent to Accomplish.
* Jesus had witnesses (Earthly and Heavenly) to Observe Him leaving Earth.
* Two of the (Earthly) witnesses Last saw Jesus, (now known as THE CHRIST) rising up, last Seen ascending into the Clouds.
* Two (Heavenly) witnesses are presumed testifying of Jesus reentering Heaven, Returning to God, as foretold.
* Jesus shall descend from Heaven, (this Time, as the Son of man, and Christ WITH Power, to the Clouds...(as the two Earthly witnesses could not SEE Jesus IN the Clouds, neither will people ON Earth SEE Him.
* while IN The Clouds, Jesus the Christ (with Power and Authority), shall Call HIS CHURCH UP TO HIM.
* Both Jesus AND His Church Have Experienced:
Gods death sentence required of all men.
* Both Jesus AND His Church Have Experienced:
Wrath, humiliation, injustice, hate, BECAUSE: they Stood in Alleigence and Faithfulness To God.
* Both Jesus AND His Church...are NOT Appointed to be subject To Being ON Earth: (during Gods planned Great Tribulation, such as the world has never seen.)
1) The Lambs Wrath, toward those on Earth who rejected Him.
2) Gods Wrath, toward those on Earth who rejected Him.
3) Gods CUP of Indignation upon all on Earth, who hated those Standing with the Lord God
(Gods Vengence).
4) Battles in the air between Good and evil spirits)

Those saved IN Christ shall be "Lifted UP", above the face of the Earth, (as Noah was Saved from Gods Wrath upon the Face of the Earth, during the flood)
People at Large ON Earth will be caught in the turmoil, as was in Noah's day.

Gen 7
[18] And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.

Matt 24:
[37] But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matt 24:
[30] And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes B] of the earth mourn, [/B] and they shall see the Son of man coming in theclouds of heaven with power and great glory.

1 Thes 4;
[16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
[17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Men ON Earth, Shall not SEE Jesus until He is descending from the Clouds.

Are you going to be IN the air with Jesus, above the face of the Earth...or be on the Earth, "MOURNING," when the sun and moon give no light, and the Son with Power is seen descending from the Clouds ?

Glory to God,
Last edited:

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Disagree with your understanding.

It's not a "process"... it is a seven year "Separation Event" that shall apply to Earthly men and angels.
* The Word of God, was in Heaven...(in Gods mouth)
* The Word of God, came forth out from God, was sent to earth in a body prepared of God, in the likeness of a man....and mankind was told to call him...Jesus, the Son of God.
* Jesus had particular things to Accomplish.
* Jesus finished All He was sent to Accomplish.
* Jesus had witnesses (Earthly and Heavenly) to Observe Him leaving Earth.
* Two of the (Earthly) witnesses Last saw Jesus, (now known as THE CHRIST) rising up, last Seen ascending into the Clouds.
* Two (Heavenly) witnesses are presumed testifying of Jesus reentering Heaven, Returning to God, as foretold.
* Jesus shall descend from Heaven, (this Time, as the Son of man, and Christ WITH Powe, to the Clouds...(as the two Earthly witnesses could not SEE Jesus IN the Clouds, neither will people ON Earth SEE Him.
* while IN The Clouds, Jesus the Christ (with Power and Authority), shall Call HIS CHURCH UP TO HIM.
* Both Jesus AND His Church Have Experienced:
Gods death sentence required of all men.
* Both Jesus AND His Church Have Experienced:
Wrath, humiliation, injustice, hate, BECAUSE: they Stood in Alleigence and Faithfulness To God.
* Both Jesus AND His Church...are NOT Appointed to be subject To Being ON Earth: (during Gods planned Great Tribulation, such as the world has never seen.)
1) The Lambs Wrath, toward those on Earth who rejected Him.
2) Gods Wrath, toward those on Earth who rejected Him.
3) Gods CUP of Indignation upon all on Earth, who hated those Standing with the Lord God
(Gods Vengence).
4) Battles in the air between Good and evil spirits)

Those saved IN Christ shall be "Lifted UP", above the face of the Earth, (as Noah was Saved from Gods Wrath upon the Face of the Earth, during the flood)
People at Large ON Earth will be caught in the turmoil, as was in Noah's day.

Gen 7
[18] And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.

Matt 24:
[37] But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matt 24:
[30] And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes B] of the earth mourn, [/B] and they shall see the Son of man coming in theclouds of heaven with power and great glory.

1 Thes 4;
[16] For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
[17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Men ON Earth, Shall not SEE Jesus until He is descending from the Clouds.

Are you going to be IN the air with Jesus, above the face of the Earth...or be on the Earth, "MOURNING," when the sun and moon give no light, and the Son with Power is seen descending from the Clouds ?

Glory to God,
Thanks for your viewpoint "Taken." I don't agree, but I always appreciate it when someone takes the time to think through the issues, and to provide a solid rebuttal!

So here is the basis of our disagreement. Though everything you say does make sense, from your perspective, it uses Scriptures without any real explicit theology to support it. It is based on assumption rather than explicit statements in Scripture denying that the Church can be on the earth during this "time of wrath."

Indeed the Scriptures cannot do this and be consistent since the "time of wrath" you refer to originates from Daniel 7, where the Antichrist actually oppresses God's people. Then, they *have to* be on the earth during this "time of wrath," right?

The book of Revelation says the same thing, and is obviously also based on the book of Daniel, ch. 7. The saints are persecuted by the Beast and the False Prophet. They cannot be portrayed as off the earth and in the clouds!

So much of what you say makes rational sense, but is not based on explicit Scriptural teaching. You are "reading into" the circumstances and details of these things, when there is another way to interpret them that is consistent with the Church being on the earth during this "time of wrath."

In my view, Christ returns with the clouds and *descends from heaven.* It is illogical, from my perspective, to say Jesus "descends from heaven to the clouds." If he is going to "descend from heaven" he must not stop in the clouds, but must *come to earth!*

Anyway, that seems to be the problem I have with your theological system. It is not based on explicit teaching. And it would've been so simple for the Holy Spirit to have inspired Paul to put it plainly: "the Church will not be around in the time of Antichrist's reign."

But on the contrary, the Spirit inspired John to write that the saints will, in fact, be here during that time. They will be persecuted by the Beast, and God will praise them for their endurance. This is a far cry from their having "missed the Rapture!" Take care...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Thanks for your viewpoint "Taken." I don't agree, but I always appreciate it when someone takes the time to think through the issues, and to provide a solid rebuttal!

So here is the basis of our disagreement. Though everything you say does make sense, from your perspective, it uses Scriptures without any real explicit theology to support it. It is based on assumption rather than explicit statements in Scripture denying that the Church can be on the earth during this "time of wrath."

Indeed the Scriptures cannot do this and be consistent since the "time of wrath" you refer to originates from Daniel 7, where the Antichrist actually oppresses God's people. Then, they *have to* be on the earth during this "time of wrath," right?

The book of Revelation says the same thing, and is obviously also based on the book of Daniel, ch. 7. The saints are persecuted by the Beast and the False Prophet. They cannot be portrayed as off the earth and in the clouds!

So much of what you say makes rational sense, but is not based on explicit Scriptural teaching. You are "reading into" the circumstances and details of these things, when there is another way to interpret them that is consistent with the Church being on the earth during this "time of wrath."

In my view, Christ returns with the clouds and *descends from heaven.* It is illogical, from my perspective, to say Jesus "descends from heaven to the clouds." If he is going to "descend from heaven" he must not stop in the clouds, but must *come to earth!*

Anyway, that seems to be the problem I have with your theological system. It is not based on explicit teaching. And it would've been so simple for the Holy Spirit to have inspired Paul to put it plainly: the Church will not be around in the time of Antichrist's reign. But on the contrary, the Spirit inspired John to write that the saints will, in fact, be here during that time. They will be persecuted by the Beast, and God will praise them for their endurance. This is a far cry from their having "missed the Rapture!" Take care...
What scripture do you have that states Satan and the false prophet persecute the saints, and proof they were saints at the beginning of the 3.5 years Satan is given?

Since Paul never said anything, are you not just making it all up?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Those not looking for Jesus are left behind on rapture day. Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and """unto them that look for him""" shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Those not looking for Jesus are left behind on rapture day. Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and """unto them that look for him""" shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
ok, but prolly not, ok? I mean imo at least get ready for your prognostications and divinings to maybe not work out quite as literally as you imagine, just in case?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Thanks for your viewpoint "Taken." I don't agree, but I always appreciate it when someone takes the time to think through the issues, and to provide a solid rebuttal!


So here is the basis of our disagreement. Though everything you say does make sense, from your perspective, it uses Scriptures without any real explicit theology to support it.

My perspective IS from Scripture.
Correct my understanding IS NOT, from men's minds of Study, Understanding and Theological theories and conclusions.

Scripture is Clear: Those Converted IN Christ have a 24-7 doorway to Asking God His Understanding about any of His Words given us.

It is based on assumption rather than explicit statements in Scripture denying that the Church can be on the earth during this "time of wrath."

No it is NOT assumption.
Jesus came to Reveal things that Had been kept Secret from ancient men.
A man CAN be "MADE" Whole / holy...(body, soul, spirit) Before his Physical Bodily death.

Indeed the Scriptures cannot do this and be consistent since the "time of wrath" you refer to originates from Daniel 7, where the Antichrist actually oppresses God's people. Then, they *have to* be on the earth during this "time of wrath," right?

Numerous OT Scriptures Foretell Future Events that shall come to pass.
Daniel foretold, and that lends to our expectation.
The NT gives mor Knowledge, and God gives the Understanding of the Knowledge, according TO God, NOT men.

There IS a huge difference Between:
Christ's Church; MADE Whole
(Believing in God AND Jesus the Christ Messiah).
The Tribes of Israel: and of those WHO maintained generationally their Belief in God....but NOT Jesus the Christ messiah.

The first...the Tribes...believe in God...all they knew.
The last..."some" Gentile's...heard of Jesus, believe in Jesus the Christ, believe also in God, commit their belief...and By the power of God, who is Christ, their Soul is Saved.

The first becomes the Last...the Last become the First resurrected WHOLE "BODILY, soul and spirit. <---> "Christ's" Church....NOT Gods Elect Tribes of Israel.

The book of Revelation says the same thing, and is obviously also based on the book of Daniel, ch. 7. The saints are persecuted by the Beast and the False Prophet. They cannot be portrayed as off the earth and in the clouds!

Yes. "Saints"...Living People...Believing in God.
It begins with "the Lambs Wrath". Because those saints (believing in God), REJECTED Jesus.

They have been Subjected to Gods Wrath "repeatedly"...for while Believing In Him...they repeatedly failed to TRUST Him, and instead did things their own way...

Wrath mentioned over 150 times in the OT.
Not a big secret God punishes those who claim to believe, but Fail to trust Him.
(Yep God gets mad, but every man is forewarned of positive AND negative consequences).

So much of what you say makes rational sense, but is not based on explicit Scriptural teaching.

Not true.

You are "reading into" the circumstances and details of these things,

No. Exclusively for 8 months daily, I studied Revelations and correlating other Scriptures...and ASKED the Master Source Himself (Christ Jesus, who IS Wisdom) for His Understanding...which I Trust.

when there is another way to interpret them that is consistent with the Church being on the earth during this "time of wrath."

As many men that exist, there are that many Minds who can have that many Different "interpretations"... private interpretations, irrelevant to me.
Remember...the Carnal Mind is Against God.
Remember if a man seeks Understanding of Spiritual Things of God; the Quickening Spirit, (Christ the Lord Jesus), the Power of God, (Christ), the Wisdom of God (Christ), has the Authority to give to a man what he seeks.

In my view, Christ returns with the clouds and *descends from heaven.* It is illogical, from my perspective, to say Jesus "descends from heaven to the clouds." If he is going to "descend from heaven" he must not stop in the clouds, but must *come to earth!*

And that is the basis for our disagreement.
LOGIC...IS precisely what a Carnal Mind is equipped to do. Have two or more possibilities, and Pick one that Makes the most Logical sense...
Again..the Carnal Mind is Against God (rom 8:7)
Jesus was Explicit ... He "IS" the TRUTH.
If you Elect to choose to Believe (in your Heart) JESUS IS the Truth...why consult with your ever changing, wishy washy Carnal Mind...or Others...about which Spiritual things of God makes Sense?

Anyway, that seems to be the problem I have with your theological system. It is not based on explicit teaching.

The knowledge IS in Scripture.
The Understanding of the Knowledge comes from God.
Ever wonder why Satan can Know the Knowledge of Scriptures, or men can read the knowledge of Scriptures...but never "understand"?
Again Understanding comes from God. It's a gift to those who are IN Christ who seek His Understanding.

And it would've been so simple for the Holy Spirit to have inspired Paul to put it plainly: "the Church will not be around in the time of Antichrist's reign."

You are purposimg God have given men Underdtanding, Before committed Belief.
What then? men choose God based on What?
Belief, Faith without Seeing...or ohhh, I understand, so NOW, I'll believe?

God has prepared MORE Wrath (foretold another 50+ times in the NT)...unlike the world has ever seen. It begins fairly Mind and Increases.
It is NOT for Christ's Church, already MADE Whole...and WITH CHRIST.
* it is predominately for the Tribes of Israel.
It is TO THEM...Gods Two Servants are Sent to preach In Jerusalem for 3.5 years. It is To the Tribes of Israel, 144,000 of Gods Servants are sent to the hills, (where the Jews begin running to) preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ that their Soul may be saved, their spirit Quickened...Before they are killed Bodily by the anti-Christ, refusing his mark of allegiance to him. <--- that's the end time saints ON earth...during the G-Tribulation.
Two witnesses
144,000 Servants, 12,000 of each tribe.

Israel who believes in God, coming into belief in Jesus. <---they will be killed Bodily, by armies of the anti-Christ.
Their soul and spirit raised up to Heaven, to praise and Worship God.
Their bodies rotting.
They wait, until a new earth, before their bodies are raise up in Glory.

But on the contrary, the Spirit inspired John to write that the saints will, in fact, be here during that time. They will be persecuted by the Beast, and God will praise them for their endurance. This is a far cry from their having "missed the Rapture!" Take care...

Applicability is KEY.
There are many saints, IN Heaven, their body dead.
ON Earth, their body Living, their Body dead.
And many God is sending Servants, to teach them the Truth about Jesus, so the Can Be Saved...
And many saints shall COME (not already be here) but Come With Jesus when He claims His "Land", and sets up His Kingdom on Earth.

It will NOT include "This of the Tribes of Israel" who were preached to, and accepted Jesus during the G-Tribulation...their place Is:

Rev 7:
[13] And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
[14] And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
[15] Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.

Christ's Church is not in the Great Tribulation...but are With Christ, above the face of the earth...waiting until it is Time for Christ Jesus to Sit on the Throne of David, and Serve Christ Jesus On Earth, with a remnant of Mortal Israel, for 1,000 years.

You gain the knowledge, going step by step IN Order, of what Does and does apply to...
OT men who did or did not believe in God
NT (Israel ) men that followed God but not Jesus.
NT (Israel) men that abandoned God, and followed Gentile's.
Gentile's that followed False gods and continued...or Chose to follow Christ.
Every person...and angel shall be accountable for their own choices.

If you mix who's who, your knowledge will become confounded.
If you are relying on Logic, it's guesswork.

If you are IN Christ there is no Wrath of God, or Wrath of the Lamb appointed to you.

1 Thes 5
[9] For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who is"us"? Those IN Christ.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
when what happens?

how would the whole world see whatever it is then?
When what God promised would happen, happens. Because when it happens you will understand how it happens. No one will be in the dark on that day. Unless you read those verses again, and figure it out now.

"And heaven departed away, as a scroll, when it is rolled, and every mountain and isle were moved out of their places."

If you do not live near islands and mountains, I guess you may not see them move around, and you won't be able to hide in the mountains either unless you are where they end up. I would assume all this moving around may be rather loud, unless God’s suspends the sound of all this re-arrangement.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States

My perspective IS from Scripture.
Correct my understanding IS NOT, from men's minds of Study, Understanding and Theological theories and conclusions.

Scripture is Clear: Those Converted IN Christ have a 24-7 doorway to Asking God His Understanding about any of His Words given us.

No it is NOT assumption.
Jesus came to Reveal things that Had been kept Secret from ancient men.
A man CAN be "MADE" Whole / holy...(body, soul, spirit) Before his Physical Bodily death.

Numerous OT Scriptures Foretell Future Events that shall come to pass.
Daniel foretold, and that lends to our expectation.
The NT gives mor Knowledge, and God gives the Understanding of the Knowledge, according TO God, NOT men.

There IS a huge difference Between:
Christ's Church; MADE Whole
(Believing in God AND Jesus the Christ Messiah).
The Tribes of Israel: and of those WHO maintained generationally their Belief in God....but NOT Jesus the Christ messiah.

The first...the Tribes...believe in God...all they knew.
The last..."some" Gentile's...heard of Jesus, believe in Jesus the Christ, believe also in God, commit their belief...and By the power of God, who is Christ, their Soul is Saved.

The first becomes the Last...the Last become the First resurrected WHOLE "BODILY, soul and spirit. <---> "Christ's" Church....NOT Gods Elect Tribes of Israel.

Yes. "Saints"...Living People...Believing in God.
It begins with "the Lambs Wrath". Because those saints (believing in God), REJECTED Jesus.

They have been Subjected to Gods Wrath "repeatedly"...for while Believing In Him...they repeatedly failed to TRUST Him, and instead did things their own way...

Wrath mentioned over 150 times in the OT.
Not a big secret God punishes those who claim to believe, but Fail to trust Him.
(Yep God gets mad, but every man is forewarned of positive AND negative consequences).

Not true.

No. Exclusively for 8 months daily, I studied Revelations and correlating other Scriptures...and ASKED the Master Source Himself (Christ Jesus, who IS Wisdom) for His Understanding...which I Trust.

As many men that exist, there are that many Minds who can have that many Different "interpretations"... private interpretations, irrelevant to me.
Remember...the Carnal Mind is Against God.
Remember if a man seeks Understanding of Spiritual Things of God; the Quickening Spirit, (Christ the Lord Jesus), the Power of God, (Christ), the Wisdom of God (Christ), has the Authority to give to a man what he seeks.

And that is the basis for our disagreement.
LOGIC...IS precisely what a Carnal Mind is equipped to do. Have two or more possibilities, and Pick one that Makes the most Logical sense...
Again..the Carnal Mind is Against God (rom 8:7)
Jesus was Explicit ... He "IS" the TRUTH.
If you Elect to choose to Believe (in your Heart) JESUS IS the Truth...why consult with your ever changing, wishy washy Carnal Mind...or Others...about which Spiritual things of God makes Sense?

The knowledge IS in Scripture.
The Understanding of the Knowledge comes from God.
Ever wonder why Satan can Know the Knowledge of Scriptures, or men can read the knowledge of Scriptures...but never "understand"?
Again Understanding comes from God. It's a gift to those who are IN Christ who seek His Understanding.

You are purposimg God have given men Underdtanding, Before committed Belief.
What then? men choose God based on What?
Belief, Faith without Seeing...or ohhh, I understand, so NOW, I'll believe?

God has prepared MORE Wrath (foretold another 50+ times in the NT)...unlike the world has ever seen. It begins fairly Mind and Increases.
It is NOT for Christ's Church, already MADE Whole...and WITH CHRIST.
* it is predominately for the Tribes of Israel.
It is TO THEM...Gods Two Servants are Sent to preach In Jerusalem for 3.5 years. It is To the Tribes of Israel, 144,000 of Gods Servants are sent to the hills, (where the Jews begin running to) preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ that their Soul may be saved, their spirit Quickened...Before they are killed Bodily by the anti-Christ, refusing his mark of allegiance to him. <--- that's the end time saints ON earth...during the G-Tribulation.
Two witnesses
144,000 Servants, 12,000 of each tribe.

Israel who believes in God, coming into belief in Jesus. <---they will be killed Bodily, by armies of the anti-Christ.
Their soul and spirit raised up to Heaven, to praise and Worship God.
Their bodies rotting.
They wait, until a new earth, before their bodies are raise up in Glory.

Applicability is KEY.
There are many saints, IN Heaven, their body dead.
ON Earth, their body Living, their Body dead.
And many God is sending Servants, to teach them the Truth about Jesus, so the Can Be Saved...
And many saints shall COME (not already be here) but Come With Jesus when He claims His "Land", and sets up His Kingdom on Earth.

It will NOT include "This of the Tribes of Israel" who were preached to, and accepted Jesus during the G-Tribulation...their place Is:

Rev 7:
[13] And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
[14] And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
[15] Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.

Christ's Church is not in the Great Tribulation...but are With Christ, above the face of the earth...waiting until it is Time for Christ Jesus to Sit on the Throne of David, and Serve Christ Jesus On Earth, with a remnant of Mortal Israel, for 1,000 years.

You gain the knowledge, going step by step IN Order, of what Does and does apply to...
OT men who did or did not believe in God
NT (Israel ) men that followed God but not Jesus.
NT (Israel) men that abandoned God, and followed Gentile's.
Gentile's that followed False gods and continued...or Chose to follow Christ.
Every person...and angel shall be accountable for their own choices.

If you mix who's who, your knowledge will become confounded.
If you are relying on Logic, it's guesswork.

If you are IN Christ there is no Wrath of God, or Wrath of the Lamb appointed to you.

1 Thes 5
[9] For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who is"us"? Those IN Christ.

Glory to God,
Sorry, brother, but I have to go with *explicit biblical doctrine*--not someone's version of Spirit-inspired belief. Belief without doctrine is "wishful thinking." And that's dangerous. Maybe we'll talk later about it. But for now, your mind seems made up? Take care, "Taken."
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Those not looking for Jesus are left behind on rapture day. Hebrews 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and """unto them that look for him""" shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
Like someone else said, you added "on Rapture day," which you presuppose to be a Pretrib Rapture. That is *not* said, and you are therefore *adding* to the Scriptures what does not belong there.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Like someone else said, you added "on Rapture day," which you presuppose to be a Pretrib Rapture. That is *not* said, and you are therefore *adding* to the Scriptures what does not belong there.

You make a general charge...but yet point out NOT a single particular thing to which you quote me then disagree.

Nor have you declare a specific belief about One thing, and offered a Verifying Scripture.

If it is Pre-Trib rapture you disagree with...
Say so, and Why....and What Scripture notifies your per your Belief?

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
When what God promised would happen, happens. Because when it happens you will understand how it happens. No one will be in the dark on that day. Unless you read those verses again, and figure it out now.

"And heaven departed away, as a scroll, when it is rolled, and every mountain and isle were moved out of their places."

If you do not live near islands and mountains, I guess you may not see them move around, and you won't be able to hide in the mountains either unless you are where they end up. I would assume all this moving around may be rather loud, unless God’s suspends the sound of all this re-arrangement.

Don' you have a TV and see events worldwide in real time?? Think!1