A Prophetic Word

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
This reminds me of a young woman I saw one sunday morning come into church. She had a true physical beauty and knew how to show her sexual availability and attractiveness. She managed to elicit a response out of the males present, and she left.

For her it was a statement that the church was just a denial of the sexuality of the human condition and the men in the church were no better than the people outside. What she was unaware of, natural beauty will always illicit this response, but its the choice of the people whether love and responsibility come to assert boundaries, love and respect which bring life and community to the groups who honour Gods ways. The price paid today for sexual exploitation and sin is low with medicine and wealth to cushion the blows, but the reality of lack of friendships, people living alone, fear of being open and honest, depression and identity crisis are the dominating features of the western culture. If you betray people, go from relationship to relationship, you are still there at the end, whereas in generations passed you would probably be dead.

The church is as full of these wounded empty people as is society, and until they learn how to be honest open and loving, they will stay in this odd isolated position. It is easy to deny the grieving within and retreat to a fantasy world of conflicts in books, visions, conspiracies, drugs, work, hobbies, families, even church activities. Often the true nature of our condition comes out when we have to stop and pause because of illness. We begin to see who is our master driving us on into impossible situations.

The enemy is merely a distraction, the true calling is to just walk the next step on the way, the way of the Kingdom and eternity.
My wife tells me how hard she works and how tired she is. But there is no one but herself pushing her on and setting the goals.
She will say she has so little time, except it is herself who gives herself so little time. Offer some relaxation and options and they will all be dismissed. So deep is our addiction, we often lose sight we have built our own tread mill and made ourselves the slave driver.
An odd world when we could chose a balance, yet we are so scared to even stop and ask the question. God bless you

Ok... I'm not sure I would equate the vision with that myself, but we each see different things based on our experience. To me, the vision speaks very graphically to what new see happening today in both churches and especially on the forums. Almost every day we see Christians willfully giving themselves over to being used by the enemy to slander and verbally abuse one another in the name supposedly "serving the Lord Jesus Christ." It was given to him in the mid-eighties, and things have progressed to where we see the vision being fulfilled with increasing intensity now.

I personally think that just like the word in the OP, these sins must be addressed or Christians are going to continue giving themselves to them. As Paul warned in Ephesians and elsewhere, these sins quench the Holy Spirit, so they are especially destructive and need to be corrected if the church is ever to become anything more than a defeated foe who is forever at the mercy of the Devil's deceptions and strategies.

God bless, and thanks for the reply.

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
1 Corinthians 14:29 KJV
[29] Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
Bobby Joe post this scripture earlier in this thread, so how can one individual alleging prophetic utterance even be considered, or am I improperly interpreting this scripture?

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
Greetings, Follow Him!

I was reminded of another vision when I read the OP, so tell me what you think of this one. It is much longer than this, but the first few subchapters will give you a good idea of what it is about. Tell me what you think, and God bless!

The Evil Army
I saw a demonic army so large that it stretched as far as I could see. It was separated into divisions, with each carrying a different banner. The foremost and most powerful divisions were Pride, Self righteousness, Respectability, Selfish Ambition, and Unrighteous Judgment, but the largest of all was Jealousy. The leader of this vast army was the Accuser of the Brethren himself. I knew that there were many more evil divisions beyond my scope of vision, but these were the vanguard of this terrible horde from hell that was now being released against the church.

The weapons carried by this horde had names on them: the swords were named Intimidation; the spears were named Treachery; and their arrows were named Accusations, Gossip, Slander and Faultfinding. Scouts and smaller companies of demons with such names as Rejection, Bitterness, Impatience, Un-forgiveness and Lust were sent in advance of this army to prepare for the main attack. I knew in my heart that the church had never faced anything like this before.

The main assignment of this army was to cause division. It was sent to attack every level of relationship-churches with each other, congregations with their pastors, husbands and wives, children and parents, and even children with each other. The scouts were sent to locate the openings in churches, families or individuals that rejection, bitterness, lust, etc., could exploit and make a larger breech for the divisions that were coming.

The most shocking part of this vision was that this horde was not riding on horses, but on Christians! Most of them were well-dressed, respectable, and had the appearance of being refined and educated. These were Christians who had opened themselves to the powers of darkness to such a degree that the enemy could use them and they would think that they were being used by God. The Accuser knows that a house divided cannot stand, and this army represented his ultimate attempt to bring such complete division to the church that she would completely fall from grace.

The Prisoners
Trailing behind these first divisions was a vast multitude of other Christians who were prisoners of this army. They were all wounded, and were guarded by little demons of Fear. There seemed to be more prisoners than there were demons in the army. Surprisingly, these prisoners still had their swords and shields, but they did not use them. It was shocking to see that so many could be kept captive by so few of these little demons of Fear. These could have easily been destroyed or driven off if the prisoners had just used their weapons.

Above the prisoners the sky was black with vultures named Depression. These would land on the shoulders of a prisoner and vomit on him. The vomit was Condemnation. When the vomit hit a prisoner he would stand up and march a little straighter for a while, and then slump over, even weaker than before. Again, I wondered why the prisoners did not simply kill these vultures with their swords, which they could have easily done.

Occasionally a weak prisoner would stumble and fall. As soon as he or she hit the ground, the other prisoners would begin stabbing them with their swords, scorning them as they did so. They would then call for the vultures to begin devouring the fallen one even before they were dead.

As I watched, I realized that these prisoners thought that the vomit of condemnation was truth from God. Then I understood that these prisoners actually thought they were marching in the army of God! This is why they did not kill the little demons of fear, or the vultures-they thought these were messengers from God! The darkness from the cloud of vultures made it so hard for these prisoners to see that they naively accepted everything that happened to them as being from the Lord.

The only food provided for these prisoners was the vomit from the vultures. Those who refused to eat it simple weakened until they fell. Those who did eat it were strengthened, but with the strength of the evil one. They would then begin to vomit on the others. When one began to do this a demon that was waiting for a ride would be given this one and he or she would be promoted to the front divisions.

Even worse than the vomit from the vultures was a repulsive slime that these demons were urinating and defecating upon the Christians they rode. This slime was the pride, selfish ambition, etc., that was the nature of the division they were a part of. However, this slime made the Christians feel so much better than the condemnation that they easily believed that the demons were messengers of God, and they actually thought this slime was the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Then the voice of the Lord came to me saying, "This is the beginning of the enemy's last day army. This is Satan's ultimate deception, and his ultimate power of destruction is released when he uses Christians to attack other Christians. Throughout the ages he has used this army, but never has he been able to capture so many to be used for his evil purposes. Do not fear. I have an army too. You must now stand and fight, because there is no longer any place to hide from this war. You must fight for My Kingdom, for truth, and for those who have been deceived."

I had been so repulsed and outraged by the evil army that I had wanted to die rather than live in such a world. However, this word from the Lord was so encouraging that I immediately began yelling to the Christian prisoners that they were being deceived, thinking that they would listen to me. When I did this, it seemed that the whole army turned to look at me, but I kept yelling. I thought that the Christians were going to wake up and realize what was happening to them, but instead many of them started reaching for their arrows to shoot at me. The others just hesitated as if they did not know what to make of me. I knew then that I had done this prematurely, and that it had been a very foolish mistake.

The Battle Begins
Then I turned and saw the army of the Lord standing behind me. There were thousands of soldiers, but we were still greatly outnumbered. Only a small number were fully dressed in their armor so that most were only partially protected. A large number were already wounded. Most of those who had all of their armor still had very small shields which I knew would not protect them from the onslaught that was coming. The majority of these soldiers were women and children.

Behind this army there was a trailing mob similar to the prisoners who followed the evil army, but very different in nature. These seemed to be very happy people, and were playing games, singing songs, feasting and roaming about from one little camp to the next. It reminded me of the atmosphere at Woodstock. I tried to raise my voice above the clamor to warn them that it was not the time for this, that the battle was about to begin, but only as few could even hear my voice. Those who did gave me the "peace sign" and said they did not believe in war, and that the Lord would not let anything bad happen to them. I tried to explain that the Lord had given us armor for a reason, but they just retorted that they had come to a place of peace and joy where nothing would happen to them. I began praying earnestly for the Lord to increase the faith (shields) of those with the armor, to help us protect those who were not ready for the battle.

A messenger came up to me, gave me a trumpet and told me to blow it quickly. I did, and those who had on at least some of their armor immediately responded, snapping to attention. More armor was brought to them, which they put on quickly. I noticed that those who had wounds did not put armor over their wounds, but before I could say anything about these enemy arrows began raining down on us. Everyone who did not have on all of his or her armor was wounded. Those who had not covered their wounds were struck again in the same place.

Those who were hit by arrows of slander immediately began to slander those who were not wounded. Those who were hit with gossip began to gossip, and soon a major division had been created within our camp. Then vultures swooped down to pick up the wounded to deliver them into the camp of prisoners. The wounded still had swords and could have smitten the vultures easily, but they didn't. They were actually carried off willingly because they were so angry at the rest of us.

The scene among those in the camp behind our army was even worse. There seemed to be total chaos. Thousands lay on the ground wounded and groaning. Many of those who were not wounded just sat in a stupor of unbelief. The wounded and those who sat in unbelief were being quickly carried away by the vultures. Some were trying to help the wounded, and keep the vultures off of them, but the wounded were so angry they would threaten and drive away those who were trying to help them.

Many who were not wounded were simply running as fast as they could from the scene of battle. This first encounter with the enemy was so devastating that I was tempted to join them in their flight...
1 Corinthians 14:31 KJV
[31] For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
I fail to see any comfort in any of this.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
1 Corinthians 14:31 KJV
[31] For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
I fail to see any comfort in any of this.

That's because you haven't read the rest of it.

Here is from where I stopped. There is much more after this as well.

God bless.

Then, very quickly, some of these began reappearing with full suits of armor on, and large shields. The mirth of the party had changed into an awesome resolve. They began to take the places of those who had fallen, and even began forming new ranks to protect the rear and flanks. These brought great courage, and everyone resolved to stand and fight until death. Immediately three great angels named Faith, Hope, and Love came and stood behind us, and everyone's shield began to grow.

The High Way
We had swords named the Word of God, and arrows that were named for biblical truths. We wanted to shoot back, but did not know how to without hitting the Christians that were ridden by the demons. Then it occurred to us that if these Christians were hit with the truth they would wake up and fight off their oppressors. I fired off a few arrows. Almost all of them hit Christians. However, when the arrow of truth went into them, they did not wake up, or fall down wounded-they became enraged, and the demon riding on them grew much larger. This shocked everyone, and we began to feel that this may be an impossible battle to win, but with Faith, Hope and Love we were very confident that we could at least hold our own ground. Another angel named Wisdom then appeared and directed us to fight from the mountain behind us.

On the mountain there were ledges at different levels for as high as you could see. At each higher level the ledges became narrower, and harder to stand on. Each level was named after a biblical truth. The lower levels were named after foundational truths such as "Salvation," "Sanctification," "Prayer," "Faith," etc., and the higher levels were named after more advanced biblical truths. The higher we climbed, the larger both our shields and our swords grew, and fewer of the enemy arrows could reach that position.

A Tragic Mistake
Some who had stayed on the lower levels began picking up the enemy arrows and shooting them back. This was a tragic mistake. The demons easily dodged the arrows and let them hit the Christians. When a Christian was hit by one of the arrows of Accusation or Slander, a demon of Bitterness or Rage would fly in and perch on that arrow. He would then begin to urinate and defecate his poison upon that Christian. When a Christian had two or three of these demons added to the Pride or Self righteousness he already had, he began to change into the contorted image of the demons themselves.

We could see this happening from the higher levels, but those on the lower levels who were using the enemy's arrows could not see it. Half of us decided to keep climbing, while the other half descended back to the lower levels to explain to those still on them what was happening. Everyone was then warned to keep climbing and not stop, except for a few who stationed themselves on each level to keep the other soldiers moving higher.

When we reached the level called "The Unity of the Brethren," none of the enemy's arrows could reach us. Many in our camp decided that was as far as they needed to climb. I understood this because with each new level the footing was more precarious. However, I also felt much stronger and more skillful with my weapons the higher I went, so I continued climbing.

Soon my skills were good enough to shoot and hit the demons without hitting the Christians. I felt that if I kept going higher I could shoot far enough to hit the leaders of the evil horde who stayed behind their army. I was sorry that so many had stopped on the lower levels, where they were safe but could not hit the enemy. Even so, the strength and character that grew in those who kept climbing made them great champions, each of which I knew would destroy many of the enemy.

At each level there were arrows of Truth scattered about which I knew were left from those who had fallen from that position. All of the arrows were named after the Truth of that level. Some were reluctant to pick up these arrows, but I knew we needed all that we could to destroy the great horde below. I picked one up, shot it, and so easily hit a demon that the others started picking them up and shooting them. We began to decimate several of the enemy divisions. Because of this, the entire evil army focused its attention on us. For a time it seemed the more we achieved the more we were opposed. Though our task seemed endless, it had become exhilarating.

The Word Is Our Anchor
Our swords grew as we reached each level. I almost left mine behind because I did not seem to need it at the higher levels. I finally decided that it had been given to me for purpose, so I had better keep it. I drove it into the ground and tied myself to it while I shot at the enemy. The voice of the Lord then came to me, saying: "You have used the wisdom that will enable you to keep climbing. Many have fallen because they did not use their sword properly to anchor themselves." No one else seemed to hear this voice, but many saw what I had done and did the same thing.

I wondered why the Lord had not spoken to me before I had made this decision. I then had a sense of knowing that He had already spoken this to me somehow. Then I perceived that my whole life had been training for this hour. I was prepared to the degree that I had listened to the Lord and obeyed Him throughout my life. I also knew that for some reason the wisdom and understanding I now had could not be added to or taken away from while in this battle. I became profoundly thankful for every trial I had experienced in my life, and sorry for not appreciating them more at the time.

Soon we were hitting the demons with almost perfect accuracy. Rage rose from the enemy army like fire and brimstone. I knew that the Christians trapped in that army were now feeling the brunt of that rage. Unable to hit us they were now shooting at each other. With his arrows now ineffective against us, the enemy sent the vultures to attack. Those who had not used their swords as anchors were able to strike down many of the vultures, but they too were being knocked from the ledges where they were standing. Some of these landed on a lower level, but some fell all the way to the bottom and were picked up and carried off by the vultures.

A New Weapon
The arrows of Truth would rarely penetrate the vultures, but they hurt them enough to drive them back. Every time they were driven back some of us would climb to the next level. When we reached the level called "Galatians Two Twenty," we were above the altitude that the vultures could fly. At this level the sky above almost blinded us with its brightness and beauty. I felt peace like I had never felt it before.

Previously much of my fighting spirit had really been motivated out of as much hatred and disgust for the enemy as it had been for the sake of the kingdom, truth, and love for the prisoners. But it was on this level that I caught up to Faith, Hope, and Love, which before I had only been following at a distance. On this level I was almost overpowered by their glory. When I caught up to them they turned to me, and began repairing and shining my armor. Soon it was completely transformed and exuded the glory that was in them. When they touched my sword, great bolts of brilliant lightning began flashing from it. Love then said, "Those who reach this level are entrusted with the powers of the age to come, but I must teach you how to use them."

The "Galatians Two Twenty" level was so wide that there was no longer any danger of falling. There were also unlimited arrows with the name Hope written on them. We shot some of them down at the vultures, and these arrows killed them easily. About half who had reached this level kept shooting while the others began carrying these arrows down to those still on the lower levels.

The vultures kept coming in waves upon the levels below, but with each one there would be fewer than before. From "Galatians Two Twenty" we could hit any enemy in the army except the leaders themselves, who were still out of range. We decided not to use the arrows of Truth until we had destroyed all of the vultures, because the cloud of depression they created made the truth less effective. This took a very long time, but we never got tired.

Faith, Hope and Love, who had grown like our weapons with each level, were now so large that I knew people far beyond the battle area could see them. Their glory even radiated into the camp of prisoners who were still under a great cloud of vultures. The exhilaration continued to grow in all of us. I felt that being in this army, in this battle, had to be one of the greatest adventures of all time....
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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2018
United States
A Vision of Donald Trump

Two months ago I had an encounter with Jesus regarding Donald Trump's Presidential season, but the Lord was specific with me in not releasing this till after Donald Trump was elected.

So today I am releasing this encounter. My heart in releasing this encounter is to encourage you to continue to pray for Trump and your nation. Whether you see today as a day of victory or mourning, we, as God's People across the world, must continue to follow the instruction given to us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2: "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

For those of you who are feeling sad, discouraged, confused or fearful I want to encourage you to keep holding onto JESUS! Keep holding onto God. He is good and His heart for the USA is to see her destiny manifested, and healing and restoration come to the land. HE has GOOD PLANS!!!

I want to encourage you with what I felt the Lord say recently:

"My people in the USA, you need to unite, stand and pray more than ever in this brand new day."

In these next few months. you may see great turbulence, uprising and shaking, but continue to stand and pray as there is revival and awakening being ushered in by His Spirit in this brand new day.

In many ways in the next few months, the enemy is going to attempt to divide even more, but the Lord is calling His People to stand together and be vigilant in prayer. Don't lay down your swords now, keep them up high for the breakthrough and the healing of the nation to manifest in power! I had a dream a few days ago where I saw Joel 2:25 written over the nation of the USA in red letters. This is a day of restoration and recompense for the USA!

"I will make Donald Trump like King David, a man after My own heart!!"

The Throne Room Encounter

In this encounter I could see the throne with such clarity, I could feel the atmosphere of the throne room, such peace, hope and expectation of things greater than we could imagine. A hope and peace that defies the natural and the natural mind. There was so much love!!!

As I was standing before the throne, Jesus was standing in front of me. We were looking at each other and I was standing on a long red carpet. Jesus was smiling at me, then He looked past me to the doors behind me which was the entrance to the throne room and He said, "It is time to come in."

I then heard footsteps, someone walking down the red carpet behind me, they walked past me and up to Jesus. I stood there watching as this person stood before the Lord. Jesus bent down and picked up a crown and placed it on this person's head and then placed a royal purple robe over them and Jesus said, "It is time for you to become a King on the earth."

I started weeping so deeply feeling the strategy of Heaven and God's deep heart for this one and the nation. Jesus kept looking at them right in the eyes and He smiled and said, "During your Presidential season I will make you like King David, a man after My own heart."

He then placed His hand on this person's shoulder and said, "I will use you to UNIFY."

The person I saw was Donald Trump!

More than ever right now, I believe we need to be praying for Donald Trump to have deeper encounters with Jesus. I believe we are to pray and agree with the plans God has for him and this nation and that the Spirit of God will make him a man after God's own heart. That he would be crowned with wisdom and heavenly strategy in this season as he leads the nation and a great healing and awakening is ushered in. It's time for victory and triumph in the USA!

Hope is found in Jesus alone, not a man. It isn't about Trump, it's about Jesus and His Kingdom! Has God anointed Trump? Yes I believe He has!

What God has planned is so much bigger than we could imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Now is a time to continue to trust Him even if there are times we don't understand. He is GOOD! Life, breakthrough, resurrection power, restoration and recompense will come as the Church unites in love, unity, honor of one another, mercy and prayer for one cause...to see Jesus glorified and His Kingdom extended in the destiny He has for the USA!

As an Australian who loves and honors you and your nation... I'm with you!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
I had to come back, and realized in the interim that maybe I should make my full position clear. I do think the things I've read and heard from her are somewhat generic, yes, and I likely could not stay in an environment like that for long if that was all I was ever hearing. I don't think I could stomach living off of that sort of "prophecy" forever. But that's just it. I think most Christians don't have to. Taken together with more specific words of prophecy provided through stronger dreams and visions, for instance, the things spoken in the OP are just complimentary to stronger things being said. If they don't disagree with what the Lord is saying, either in scripture or prophetically, they just don't bother me all that much. In fact, they can be celebrated because they bring remembrance of things I know the Spirit has already spoken.

I guess that's why I mentioned being a little too uptight. I see at least some value in what was spoken, while at the same time I don't hear anything resembling destructive heresy either.
Well then read your Bible, and give credit where's it's due. I don't need an intermediary to hear things that I've known for decades from the truly inspired Word of God, the Bible.
I will not proclaim her as a prophet of any sort, or even dare assert that she's endowed with the omniscient Spirit of God.
She has not given anyone grounds to even take her seriously, when all that she has done was regurgitate ancient prophecy.
You're being frivolous and complacent HIH. Just because she recited God's Word, does not mean that she's not incompetent, deluded, or up to no good.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
You're being frivolous and complacent HIH. Just because she's recited God's Word, does not mean that she's not up to no good.

LoL. You are assuming she is, though she is not contradicting the word, based on things like how "prideful" she looks and how "famous" she is becoming. :) I think you're too up tight, but we can agree to disagree. No big deal to me.

God bless, and time to move on. I have bigger fish to fry.

P.S. The closer you get to God, the more you will find yourself looking for the good in others, not the bad.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
A Vision of Donald Trump

Two months ago I had an encounter with Jesus regarding Donald Trump's Presidential season, but the Lord was specific with me in not releasing this till after Donald Trump was elected.

I'm assuming that by "elected" you actually meant nominated, yes?
Just a heads up if you want to correct it.

Well, time will tell. It is possible, although the part about him bringing unity will take a faith I can't muster at the current time. But I have received no definitive words on who the council of Heaven has determined will be the next president yet, so we shall see.

I certainly hope the part about him bringing unity comes to pass if he is indeed elected.

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
That's because you haven't read the rest of it.

Here is from where I stopped. There is much more after this as well.

God bless.

Then, very quickly, some of these began reappearing with full suits of armor on, and large shields. The mirth of the party had changed into an awesome resolve. They began to take the places of those who had fallen, and even began forming new ranks to protect the rear and flanks. These brought great courage, and everyone resolved to stand and fight until death. Immediately three great angels named Faith, Hope, and Love came and stood behind us, and everyone's shield began to grow.

The High Way
We had swords named the Word of God, and arrows that were named for biblical truths. We wanted to shoot back, but did not know how to without hitting the Christians that were ridden by the demons. Then it occurred to us that if these Christians were hit with the truth they would wake up and fight off their oppressors. I fired off a few arrows. Almost all of them hit Christians. However, when the arrow of truth went into them, they did not wake up, or fall down wounded-they became enraged, and the demon riding on them grew much larger. This shocked everyone, and we began to feel that this may be an impossible battle to win, but with Faith, Hope and Love we were very confident that we could at least hold our own ground. Another angel named Wisdom then appeared and directed us to fight from the mountain behind us.

On the mountain there were ledges at different levels for as high as you could see. At each higher level the ledges became narrower, and harder to stand on. Each level was named after a biblical truth. The lower levels were named after foundational truths such as "Salvation," "Sanctification," "Prayer," "Faith," etc., and the higher levels were named after more advanced biblical truths. The higher we climbed, the larger both our shields and our swords grew, and fewer of the enemy arrows could reach that position.

A Tragic Mistake
Some who had stayed on the lower levels began picking up the enemy arrows and shooting them back. This was a tragic mistake. The demons easily dodged the arrows and let them hit the Christians. When a Christian was hit by one of the arrows of Accusation or Slander, a demon of Bitterness or Rage would fly in and perch on that arrow. He would then begin to urinate and defecate his poison upon that Christian. When a Christian had two or three of these demons added to the Pride or Self righteousness he already had, he began to change into the contorted image of the demons themselves.

We could see this happening from the higher levels, but those on the lower levels who were using the enemy's arrows could not see it. Half of us decided to keep climbing, while the other half descended back to the lower levels to explain to those still on them what was happening. Everyone was then warned to keep climbing and not stop, except for a few who stationed themselves on each level to keep the other soldiers moving higher.

When we reached the level called "The Unity of the Brethren," none of the enemy's arrows could reach us. Many in our camp decided that was as far as they needed to climb. I understood this because with each new level the footing was more precarious. However, I also felt much stronger and more skillful with my weapons the higher I went, so I continued climbing.

Soon my skills were good enough to shoot and hit the demons without hitting the Christians. I felt that if I kept going higher I could shoot far enough to hit the leaders of the evil horde who stayed behind their army. I was sorry that so many had stopped on the lower levels, where they were safe but could not hit the enemy. Even so, the strength and character that grew in those who kept climbing made them great champions, each of which I knew would destroy many of the enemy.

At each level there were arrows of Truth scattered about which I knew were left from those who had fallen from that position. All of the arrows were named after the Truth of that level. Some were reluctant to pick up these arrows, but I knew we needed all that we could to destroy the great horde below. I picked one up, shot it, and so easily hit a demon that the others started picking them up and shooting them. We began to decimate several of the enemy divisions. Because of this, the entire evil army focused its attention on us. For a time it seemed the more we achieved the more we were opposed. Though our task seemed endless, it had become exhilarating.

The Word Is Our Anchor
Our swords grew as we reached each level. I almost left mine behind because I did not seem to need it at the higher levels. I finally decided that it had been given to me for purpose, so I had better keep it. I drove it into the ground and tied myself to it while I shot at the enemy. The voice of the Lord then came to me, saying: "You have used the wisdom that will enable you to keep climbing. Many have fallen because they did not use their sword properly to anchor themselves." No one else seemed to hear this voice, but many saw what I had done and did the same thing.

I wondered why the Lord had not spoken to me before I had made this decision. I then had a sense of knowing that He had already spoken this to me somehow. Then I perceived that my whole life had been training for this hour. I was prepared to the degree that I had listened to the Lord and obeyed Him throughout my life. I also knew that for some reason the wisdom and understanding I now had could not be added to or taken away from while in this battle. I became profoundly thankful for every trial I had experienced in my life, and sorry for not appreciating them more at the time.

Soon we were hitting the demons with almost perfect accuracy. Rage rose from the enemy army like fire and brimstone. I knew that the Christians trapped in that army were now feeling the brunt of that rage. Unable to hit us they were now shooting at each other. With his arrows now ineffective against us, the enemy sent the vultures to attack. Those who had not used their swords as anchors were able to strike down many of the vultures, but they too were being knocked from the ledges where they were standing. Some of these landed on a lower level, but some fell all the way to the bottom and were picked up and carried off by the vultures.

A New Weapon
The arrows of Truth would rarely penetrate the vultures, but they hurt them enough to drive them back. Every time they were driven back some of us would climb to the next level. When we reached the level called "Galatians Two Twenty," we were above the altitude that the vultures could fly. At this level the sky above almost blinded us with its brightness and beauty. I felt peace like I had never felt it before.

Previously much of my fighting spirit had really been motivated out of as much hatred and disgust for the enemy as it had been for the sake of the kingdom, truth, and love for the prisoners. But it was on this level that I caught up to Faith, Hope, and Love, which before I had only been following at a distance. On this level I was almost overpowered by their glory. When I caught up to them they turned to me, and began repairing and shining my armor. Soon it was completely transformed and exuded the glory that was in them. When they touched my sword, great bolts of brilliant lightning began flashing from it. Love then said, "Those who reach this level are entrusted with the powers of the age to come, but I must teach you how to use them."

The "Galatians Two Twenty" level was so wide that there was no longer any danger of falling. There were also unlimited arrows with the name Hope written on them. We shot some of them down at the vultures, and these arrows killed them easily. About half who had reached this level kept shooting while the others began carrying these arrows down to those still on the lower levels.

The vultures kept coming in waves upon the levels below, but with each one there would be fewer than before. From "Galatians Two Twenty" we could hit any enemy in the army except the leaders themselves, who were still out of range. We decided not to use the arrows of Truth until we had destroyed all of the vultures, because the cloud of depression they created made the truth less effective. This took a very long time, but we never got tired.

Faith, Hope and Love, who had grown like our weapons with each level, were now so large that I knew people far beyond the battle area could see them. Their glory even radiated into the camp of prisoners who were still under a great cloud of vultures. The exhilaration continued to grow in all of us. I felt that being in this army, in this battle, had to be one of the greatest adventures of all time....
Sorry, still no comfort.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
1 Corinthians 14:31 KJV
[31] For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
I fail to see any comfort in any of this.
I find it somewhat disturbing. If God was inspiring people to prophesy, wouldn't He inspire them one by one? Why does Paul tell them this? It seems to me some people were jumping up when they shouldn't have been, claiming to be prophets.
1 Corinthians 14:29 KJV
[29] Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
Bobby Joe post this scripture earlier in this thread, so how can one individual alleging prophetic utterance even be considered, or am I improperly interpreting this scripture?
I think in an ideal situation, one prophet could speak and the others could know he was right. What it suggest to me is that false prophets had to be voted down. Someone jumped up, said something wrong, and the other prophets said, "We don't think so." I guess after a while a false prophet might be too embarrassed to speak? It doesn't seem like an ideal solution to me. Verse 30 is somewhat disturbing too.

30 If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.

How could God be inspiring both of them? It looks to me as if Paul wanted the "good prophets" to interrupt someone they thought was a false prophet to make him sit down and be quiet; but couldn't it work the other way around where a false prophet interrupted a "good prophet"?

The situation is similar with speaking in tongues. Some people either thought they were being inspired by God when they weren't or they were just faking it. Why would Paul have to tell them not to all speak at the same time unless people were doing that? Could God have been inspiring them all? I don't think so. Was God inspiring the people who spoke in tongues in public without an interpreter? I don't think so.

I guess early Christianity could be as confused as we are today. Reading the letters of Paul suggests to me that he put people in charge of churches who often didn't know what they doing and who couldn't get answers from God -- so Paul had to keep writing to them. I wonder if he knew what he was doing when he appointed people. "There is nothing new under the sun."
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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2018
United States
I'm assuming that by "elected" you actually meant nominated, yes?
Just a heads up if you want to correct it.

Well, time will tell. It is possible, although the part about him bringing unity will take a faith I can't muster at the current time. But I have received no definitive words on who the council of Heaven has determined will be the next president yet, so we shall see.

I certainly hope the part about him bringing unity comes to pass if he is indeed elected.

As an Australian who loves and honors you and your nation... I'm with you!

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
I find it somewhat disturbing. If God was inspiring people to prophesy, wouldn't He inspire them one by one? Why does Paul tell them this? It seems to me some people were jumping up when they shouldn't have been, claiming to be prophets.

I think in an ideal situation, one prophet could speak and the others could know he was right. What it suggest to me is that false prophets had to be voted down. Someone jumped up, said something wrong, and the other prophets said, "We don't think so." I guess after a while a false prophet might be too embarrassed to speak? It doesn't seem like an ideal solution to me. Verse 30 is somewhat disturbing too.

30 If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.

How could God be inspiring both of them? It looks to me as if Paul wanted the "good prophets" to interrupt someone they thought was a false prophet to make him sit down and be quiet; but couldn't it work the other way around where a false prophet interrupted a "good prophet"?

The situation is similar with speaking in tongues. Some people either thought they were being inspired by God when they weren't or they were just faking it. Why would Paul have to tell them not to all speak at the same time unless people were doing that? Could God have been inspiring them all? I don't think so. Was God inspiring the people who spoke in tongues in public without an interpreter? I don't think so.

I guess early Christianity could be as confused as we are today. Reading the letters of Paul suggests to me that he put people in charge of churches who often didn't know what they doing and who couldn't get answers from God -- so Paul had to keep writing to them. I wonder if he knew what he was doing when he appointed people. "There is nothing new under the sun."
I believe the whole problem lies in defining what it is to prophesy.
I personally believe it only means to speak the word of God to men, to the revelation of Christ.
I don’t believe it has anything to do with predicting future events, otherwise what was being discussed in the churches at the time would have been recorded, but that just isn’t the case.

our comfort is that Jesus has overcome the world.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
It seems to me that before you accuse someone of "error", you should PROBABLY be free from "error" yourself. So when you cite "real Biblical Prophets", I presume you are proficient in that subject. And being proficient I would expect that you can answer a few SIMPLE questions regarding Bible Prophecy to validate your self professed veracity:

In Dan. 2 the commentators assign a 4a/4b for the sequence of world empires, but verse 45 depicts the sequence 4,3,5,2,1 = FIVE. And where these same commentators assert that the Chapter 7 sequence is a repeat of Chapter 2, -- we know that FIVE FOUR. So exactly by Name -- Who/What nation(s) is the FIFTH Empire comprised of; exactly by Name -- Who/What nation(s) comprise the Ten Toes; and exactly by Name -- Who/What nation(s) comprise the Four Beasts?​

These are all elementary question which are readily apparent in Modern History as dictated by the Angel in 12:4 & 9, so it should fresh in your recollection and obvious to anyone with even cursory proficiency.

Bobby Jo

A real "Biblical Prophet" would be those who have never once had a prophecy fail. The Prophets of God in the Bible are legit, there are no modern day prophets just as there are not modern day apostles.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
Hello again, LC627. What does that stand for anyway?

I read through the thread again, and no one labeled raising questions about something as being "slander." Not in the least. I am not at all against raising questions about things. The use of the word slander was made by both Heart2Soul and I in reference to what the message in the OP was talking about: Words that cut other believers up, and bring them harm, as scripture itself also attests.

Nor is this something anyone has condoned in this thread. Why are you making the claim here that I have simply accepted what was said without questioning it or using discernment? This actually is getting into the realm of slander now. How do you justify this argument, and say it is not a false accusation that I believe every person on the planet who simply says, "I have a word from the Lord for you"?

Ok, I'm going to have to be honest with you here. This is about the worst position I have seen presented on this forum maybe ever, and that's saying a lot. You think that because a verse is originally spoken in the context of some historical event in Israel's history that it can never be applied to modern times? You might as well say that no Christian can apply any Bible verse to any situation ever, since after all it was all written 2,000 years ago, so to do so would be to take the scriptures "out of context."

Your final statements appear to be direct insults, which takes me back to your first statement. As stated, when I used the word "slander" it was not in reference to your posts. But your post above does seem to be employing it, on several occasions in fact, all while insinuating that no Christian should apply scripture to the 21st century, and somewhat insultingly.

Why do you do these things? Have I said something to offend you other than disagreeing with your positions? I have to believe you know that's not how believers should treat one another in Christ. I also have to believe you don't actually believe no scripture can be applied to today. My only conclusion is that you are dead set against the idea that the Holy Spirit can speak to believers through people in such a way today, and as a result you are letting reason get away from you a little.

Context is important, does it mean that verses cannot apply today where we can get understanding from them? No, not at all. But, we must understand context in which the words were spoken. Why is that a bad thing for you? 2 Sam. 12:8 says that God gave David his masters houses and wives to him. Would it be wrong for me to take that verse and apply it to myself now? I could easily justify having multiple wives, and in this text it's God Himself who gave the wives to David!

Getting application and learning from the examples of the O.T. is not the issue. I spend most of my time reading from the O.T. With that, we simply cannot throw out context. Would you agree? Apparently you are misunderstanding where I am coming from.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I believe the whole problem lies in defining what it is to prophesy.
I personally believe it only means to speak the word of God to men, to the revelation of Christ.
I don’t believe it has anything to do with predicting future events, otherwise what was being discussed in the churches at the time would have been recorded, but that just isn’t the case.

our comfort is that Jesus has overcome the world.
You should talk to some Christians who actually operate in this gift of the Spirit and find out what it’s about.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
A real "Biblical Prophet" would be those who have never once had a prophecy fail. The Prophets of God in the Bible are legit, there are no modern day prophets just as there are not modern day apostles.
Spoken like a true cessationist. You guys have no idea what you’re missing. I pray that you will find out. :)

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
A real "Biblical Prophet" would be those who have never once had a prophecy fail. ...

Jesus quoted Daniel, but Daniel certainly "failed" in Chapter 7 where he called the Third Beast a LEOPARD, when it's actually a "TIGER".

So are Prophets really "WRONG", or do we misunderstand what they assert?

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
United States
Spoken like a true cessationist. You guys have no idea what you’re missing. I pray that you will find out. :)

I didn't always support the Cessationism viewpoint. I actually come from the opposite background. So, no, I'm not missing anything.