The rabbit hole called Christian nationalism.....

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
Our job is to come to the point we HATE our old nature, and therein lies the rub. Most want to stay in their old nature and still think they can please God by their political leanings. It simply is a lie. God offers us brand new natures that CAN love, that CAN obey,

Oh, since we can't please God with our political leanings than who did you vote for? I bet you won't answer that question?

We ought to OBEY the Holy Spirit. Not satans servants who are now in office.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I hope that you are as honest as you put yourself forth to be. In the scripture in the OT it is written that every man is a liar. In the NT the same words are cited. I do believe each one of us, including you and including me, is a liar... if he ever speaks openly what he believes but it turns out, according to God, to be wrong. The measure of this is by God Himself, not by you, nor by me, nor by the majority of labeled Christians, nor by the majority of members on this forum, nor by a majority of the forum moderators.

You stand then on your integrity as Job said that he did. Job did not see himself as clearly as he needed to...

I won't stand on my own integrity which you certainly have questioned, but rather on what I believe which I believe is from God. I likely miss the mark of the high calling at times, but I ask God each day to help me humble myself and to be led toward the Light which He is. Are these only empty words to you from someone you have at least inferred or implied was dishonest and not striving to walk as Jesus walked?

Do you use then the same kind of evidence against me that you accuse the Democrats of using against Trump? Good for the goose, but not for the gander?

Good words but they do not fit the walk you got going on.
Again, if you answered the questions honestly, why do you stand with the left?
And the riddle?...all things in the answer. We are liars, sinners, not a righteous one among us! Yet of all the things God created He loves us much so that His Son was willing to go through the death to make us righteous and perfect before His Father.
Now why do you stand with the left...that sole purpose is to convert this country to communism?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Good words but they do not fit the walk you got going on.
Again, if you answered the questions honestly, why do you stand with the left?
And the riddle?...all things in the answer. We are liars, sinners, not a righteous one among us! Yet of all the things God created He loves us much so that His Son was will to go through the death to make us righteous and perfect before His Father.
Now why do you stand with the left...that sole purpose is to convert this country to communism?
Why you continue to ask the same question? I already answered all of your questions including that one. If you don't like my answers I cannot help that. Now let go of it and move on.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
My answers lines up with the way that God is directing me. As it is written, Jesus said, "salvation is of the Jews", but no place in the scripture is it written that 'salvation is of the Americans and their way'.

Why would you insist that I do things in the ways that you have chosen to do them? You are not the Head of the Body of Christ nor are you my head.

You may be a spokesman for some here and in other places, but not for me and not for everyone here. Do not presume that those not traveling your route must necessarily be with those you perceive to be your worst enemy.

"And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us.
But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.
For he that is not against us is on our part." Mark 9:38-40

"For the body is not one member, but many.
If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?
But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
And if they were all one member, where were the body?
But now are they many members, yet but one body.
And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you." I Cor. 12:14-21

Again... America is not equal to the Body of Christ and you are not the Head of the Body of Christ. Go your way as you believe that you must, but do not condemn others who choose Jesus before America without your trimmings!

Common sense would be good.
I cannot insist on you to do anything. I can stand against your attack on the threads you do not agree with and this whole whining to mods to get your just rude. It would never occur to me to do that sort of thing!
Free speech...your opinion...that is fine....your right...but when you decide to rule this forum and trample on the rights of others that is when we will go nose to nose! I will not be whining to the mods.
So you do not like America...the American way? You feel the American way is anti-Christian?
You prefer communism? Communism is in line with Christ and the scriptures?
You have been directed by God to be anti-American?

Don't try using scriptures as a camouflage? Because I see right through you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Why you continue to ask the same question? I already answered all of your questions including that one. If you don't like my answers I cannot help that. Now let go of it and move on.

You did not answer the question, So let me put it this way, why do you stand against the Left and attack the right?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
If you have followed the last month's postings on the political section, you would have read calls for civil war, for execution of Democratic leaders, for labeling any who disagree with the Republican stance as demons, for insurrection as the appropriate response... and these from children of God. And you think it is not a problem?

The cause is not Christian nationalism. The cause is that as a whole, the church is still walking in their old nature, and Christian nationalism is simply one of the results. When we awake to who we are, we will be amazed how the results are changed.



There is no connection between the church walking in their own nature and Christian nationalism.
Our founding national fathers were nationalists. It is not a new thing. To say it's a new thing is absurd.
You talk like youre the only one who has the answers, like you're the only one enlightened. That is a trait of a cult leader.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Oh, since we can't please God with our political leanings than who did you vote for? I bet you won't answer that question?

We ought to OBEY the Holy Spirit. Not satans servants in office.
Oh, since we can't please God with our political leanings than who did you vote for? I bet you won't answer that question?

We ought to OBEY the Holy Spirit. Not satans servants in office.
Do you realize that when Paul shared the following verse...

"I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,"

1 Timothy 2:1-3

.... that Nero was the emperor? The same Nero who had Christians fed to wild beasts, the same Nero who burned saints alive for torches in his courtyards? Was Paul missing the boat here, or is it part of God's sacred Word? And the response of the saints? Worship and trust God, and pray for those who despitefully treated them. Did Paul make an exception for Nero, and secretly try to overthrow his wicked rule. If so, it was a very good secret! ☺️

Before Paul was saved, as Saul, he hunted down saints, imprisoning them and overseeing their killings. He held the cloaks of those who stones Stephen. And were this to happen today, would he not be on a Christian hit list..... excuse me, let me say that more nicely.... executed.... for sins far greater than those of the liberals?

Do we not see? That is a rhetorical question. No, we do not see..... yet.

Calls for civil war will bring untold suffering on millions. Food? Good luck. Gas? Ha! Money in the bank? It will take a wheelbarrow full of it to buy a loaf of bread. Society is like a tightly wound spring, and once the built-up tension is released, we will witness just a bit of what hell will be like.

So, to those so bold and boastful as to what needs to be done, be careful what you wish for. You will get it back in spades. We cannot fix the world. We are way beyond that. We must put our efforts into seeing we are found in Him in peace, drawing near to God and seeking Him to keep us in the days to come from the evil that is about to be unleashed.

Our call is to save those we see as bound by the devil, not to execute them. May God open our eyes to the truth of our calling on this earth.



Billy Evmur

Active Member
Dec 30, 2020
United Kingdom
I do not think the church has been in such dire straits since the inquisition. The shallowness, the defense of willfull sin, the lack of victory, the contentment with thinking we have need of nothing, and the total unburdened hearts for the lost all point to the fact that despite the words out of our mouths, our hearts are far from Him. We have a name that we live, but deadness is everywhere. And no easier fact backing up this hard-to-hear rebuke is than in the political mess called 'Christian Nationalism'.

These here on the forum who post endless conspiracy theories and hate driven agendas say that in this recent election, there was "obvious" fraud like it was a documented well-known fact. Yet, no one has ever presented any to any of the courts or judges, whether they be Republican or Democrat. Trump was forced to try to threaten the lieutenant gov in Ga., telling him to just 'find the votes'. This after three recounts. oh, and the man Trump tried to butter up, then beg, then threaten when those two did not work is a Republican! He must be part of the deep state, right?

It is simply craziness. Why can some here not see that?? If Biden had done that, these 'patriots' would have had a conniption fit. Their version of the facts is filtered through a totally biased viewpoint and yet, none of them can even see it, let alone admit it. Anything not coming from the extreme alt-right is a lie, or so they believe. And if Republicans disagree with them, they are labeled the enemy as well. Even Pence was a traitor after supporting Trump 100% up to that point. (shaking head). Myoptic vision is in truth, blindness.

I pray we all understand. Christian nationalism is not of God, despite what many believe. It is simply a different form of spiritual carnality. The answer is neither Democrats or Republicans. It is JESUS.

Do we not see the whole world, including the U.S., is spiraling out of control, all by God's hand. This is not our home. It is time Christians woke up to who we are are and who we are not, and fought the real battle we are called to.... giving all diligence to walking in the Spirit, where we do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, but rather bring forth fruit out of a meek and humble spirit.

Do you think I speak these words because I am a 'Demoncrat'? LOL. Ha! You would be very wrong. Satan cares not which side of this political mess we choose. Each side is carnal, yet some act like Trump and all 'patriot' Republicans are above reproach, which is, knowing what we know about the man and his total lack of a moral compass, is simply mind boggling. Talk about straining at gnats and swallowing camels.

How far will some have to proceed down the rabbit hole before you finally have no choice but to admit it has all been orchestrated, not by the deep state, but by spiritual principalities and powers, thoroughly amused by how easily God's people can be misled when they are not anchored in Christ, walking as sojourners, seeking to be harmless in a world getting closer and closer to mayhem like we cannot yet even imagine.

I pray you wake up before it is too late. There is but one hope for us all. We best stop looking at tempting sideshows and realize where the real battle lies.



All this began [imho] a long, long time ago. When the church in America sought the Supreme Court over the issue of evolution, the USSC is an arm of government. Did not the church rather have enquired of God and besought Him?

What has happened in Europe as well as America is that the church has rejected what God has been doing during the last century.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
There is no connection between the church walking in their own nature and Christian nationalism.
Our founding national fathers were nationalists. It is not a new thing. To say it's a new thing is absurd.
You talk like youre the only one who has the answers, like you're the only one enlightened. That is a trait of a cult leader.
I am just sharing the message God has given me to share. God has comforted me with the understanding that the truth He has asked me to share will not come back to me void of results, although truth be told, at times it feels that way, lol. He has assured me that some will hear now, some will hear later, some will never hear.

However, none of this is in my control. I cannot make any truly listen or comprehend the glorious magnitude of the truth of possessing.... and being possessed by brand new natures, natures that can abide in Christ, and actually be kept from fulfilling the lusts of the flesh.

However, I suspect in the coming days, as the shakings make life itself untenable, God will convince many to awake from their religious slumber and arrive at the point they hate their old nature. For only then can they put it off by an act of reckoning faith. Only then can they clothe themselves with their new nature that not only wants to cease from sin and self-love, but also discover the power to see it happen in their lives.

As to your cult leader thing, lol, I could care less about getting followers of me. I do however long for followers of Him, loving not their lives unto the death.

blessings to you,



Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Common sense would be good.
I cannot insist on you to do anything. I can stand against your attack on the threads you do not agree with and this whole whining to mods to get your just rude. It would never occur to me to do that sort of thing!
Free speech...your opinion...that is fine....your right...but when you decide to rule this forum and trample on the rights of others that is when we will go nose to nose! I will not be whining to the mods.
So you do not like America...the American way? You feel the American way is anti-Christian?
You prefer communism? Communism is in line with Christ and the scriptures?
You have been directed by God to be anti-American?
Don't try using scriptures as a camouflage? Because I see right through you.
Your anger will consume you if you do not flee it. There is a way, but you must want it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Oh, since we can't please God with our political leanings than who did you vote for? I bet you won't answer that question?

We ought to OBEY the Holy Spirit. Not satans servants who are now in office.
You OUGHT to read the Bible.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Israel right from the beginning was Nationalist in fact and no one outside of them was worthy of God.
Israel right from the beginning forbid all other gods (Idols) because such was a curse, a Pox on Gods society and that was the whole problem of why such a community failed, because they had that type of pox within, that was the creation of a curse on them, so such had always dragged them down and they then turned from God, backsliding into failure every time.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Israel right from the beginning was Nationalist in fact and no one outside of them was worthy of God.
Israel right from the beginning forbid all other gods (Idols) because such was a curse, a Pox on Gods society and that was the whole problem of why such a community failed, because they had that type of pox within, that was the creation of a curse on them, so such had always dragged them down and they then turned from God, backsliding into failure every time.
Nationalism is safe within the charge of a Theocracy. It is tempered by its Sovereign.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
And will you speak up against those calling for civil war and executions of political adversaries seen as evil? If not, your resolve s simply hatred dressed in "proper" clothing.

If you listen to the testimonials of those that have escaped communist countries and dictators like in Venezuela, they will tell you that by any means necessary do not allow your country to become communist, because it is a horror and in order to get your freedoms back, your children will have to shed blood.

So...if it comes to civil war...I will be among them.
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