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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
What happens when a couple of guys are playing chess and they both pray in earnest to win? People are always attributing some worldly positive outcome to God "answering their prayers", but are curiously silent on those times the prayers weren't answered.
I have a folded scrap of paper folded like a tent card that sits in front of my computer keyboard.
Which reads:

--- Turn it over to God. ---

I think this is the correct approach to prayer.
God has solutions to problems that we couldn't dream of.
Remember the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea?
Moses turned the situation over to God.

Philippians 4:6 NIV
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.



Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I'm familiar with that POV.
Do you discount gender dysphoria?
Even Christians struggle with same sex attraction.
Why did God make them that way?

There is a devil and demons out there wreaking havoc and seeking to destroy lives and souls. We as believers are mandated by the Lord to fight them, not join them. You seem to conflate the truth of someone's condition with how we are to treat those who are struggling with these kinds of issues, when they are two separate things. We should not be treating people as pariahs because of their mannerisms and orientation. But if someone has cancer you don't tell them it's ok, they are not really ill, don't worry about it.....when what you and they need to do is look into the medical textbook (bible) to diagnose the truth of their condition and begin treatment and to fight against the illness in order to try and save them from it. It's called fighting the good FIGHT of faith and the word of the Lord is the sword of the Spirit that is our spiritual weapon. Jesus used it in His time of temptation.

We are all called to DENY self and take up our cross. Believers who are born again and know the Lord have the Holy Spirit to help us....no believer is alone and powerless and without weapons in the battle. And these same biblical principles apply to everyone regardless of the kinds of sins they may be prone to.....God doesn't discriminate. Fear of the Lord is our best friend when we are being tempted, regardless of the kind of temptation. We need to know that we dont' get to have our cake and eat it too. And the bible says in the context of self-examination that if we would judge ourselves we will not be judged with the world.

If you have any of God's love for the people you are ministering to you need to teach them the truth. It's the truth that will set them free. Expect those who are not sincere with the Lord to fall away....and that is up to them and on them. Jesus didn't go around pandering and bending over backwards to save huge numbers of people and gain many followers......on the contrary, He often said things that weeded out those who weren't really on board with Him in sincerity, and essentially sought to save only those who were foreknown by God and appointed to eternal life. As an obedient Son, He wasn't trying to usurp and play God and carry the whole world on His shoulders, only those who the Father GAVE Him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I have a folded scrap of paper folded like a tent card that sits in front of my computer keyboard.
Which reads:

--- Turn it over to God. ---

I think this is the correct approach to prayer.
God has solutions to problems that we couldn't dream of.
Remember the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea?
Moses turned the situation over to God.

Philippians 4:6 NIV
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


Many folks don't cultivate a constant realization that the primary function of prayer is to bring us voluntarily into conformity to His will.


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
There was nothing in the pamphlet about me not being allowed to pray for help finding a car. I do need one.
I think that is legitimate.
If you need transportation, I believe God cares about that.

Would you like me to pray for a car for you? (a prayer post)
If so, let's be specific and see what happens.



Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2024
United States
I have a folded scrap of paper folded like a tent card that sits in front of my computer keyboard.
Which reads:

--- Turn it over to God. ---

I think this is the correct approach to prayer.
God has solutions to problems that we couldn't dream of.
Remember the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea?
Moses turned the situation over to God.

Philippians 4:6 NIV
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Your scrap of paper is wonderfully correct!
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Homosexuality has many shades of grey. It is shortsighted to tar everyone with the same brush.

Dysfunction runs through humanity in all forms. People born with deformed limbs or co-joined, even being sexually mixed like hermaphrodites are all forms of physical dysfunction in the human make up.
There is also emotional dysfunction and psychological dysfunction which we would call mental illness.

I don't think it's a good idea to be in a hurry to make a judgement on any dysfunction. Downs syndrome people of Fetal alcohol children are in a condition no fault of their own. Do we judge them negatively? I hope not.

God loves all his children, particularly sick ones (sinners)....because that's what being a sinner is; it's being dysfunctional.
Fantastic post!

We are ALL broken and in need of God to repair or sustain us.
All will be restored when we meet him face-to-face.



Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
What is the source of "mental illness"?

That's an interesting comparative. Cleft palates.

I'm imagining two teenagers looking at themselves in the mirror.
One with a cleft palate, and the other with gender dysphoria.
Both asking God why he made them that like that.
Seems like a legitimate question either way.


It isn't generally given to us to know why specifically.....other than that we live in a lost and fallen world in which the devil wreaks havoc......only that we would try to help HEAL (and not deny) the condition. Speaking the TRUTH in love is part of that.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Fantastic post!

We are ALL broken and in need of God to repair or sustain us.
All will be restored when we meet him face-to-face.

Right. We will not all be healed of everything in this life.......but in the meantime we are to wait patiently on the Lord and keep carrying our cross and following Him and GO AND SIN NO MORE.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Thanks. You actually made my point by totally missing it. I was not speaking about salvation at the moment of death. I pray, but not for God to help me get rid of the flu. I pray in the manner and focus that was instructed by Jesus. People should pray for their faith to be bolstered, that God's will be done, foregiveness, etc. Not for personal, earthly intervention. I agree with your points on those in the throe of death being saved through faith. That has nothing to do with my point. If God intervened to remove someone's cancer, we would also see my old Army buddies growing back their legs. Also, I don't need any opinions about foxholes. I could write a book about the mental gymnastics in a foxhole. Thanks for your insights
I wonder how much of your POV on prayer is a result of your Catholic upbringing.
If you had been raised Protestant, what effect do you think that might have on your POV?


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
It isn't generally given to us to know why specifically.....other than that we live in a lost and fallen world in which the devil wreaks havoc......only that we would try to help HEAL (and not deny) the condition. Speaking the TRUTH in love is part of that.
That's good. Thanks.

I'm so happy this morning to see believers actually discussing these issues. :Happy:

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2024
United States
I wonder how much of your POV on prayer is a result of your Catholic upbringing.
If you had been raised Protestant, what effect do you think that might have on your POV?

I consciously shedded all of the old unscriptural catechism from my mind years ago. Catholics also pray for earthly interventions. I don't. My position on prayer comes from my KJV bible. It's also just commom sense and logic. Why would God cure a faithful person's cancer, yet not grow back some other faithful person's arm or leg? People never grow back arms or legs. You can't say it's impossible for God to do it. He wouldn't do one and not the other. God doesn't currently interfere with worldly happenings. He could if He wanted to, but no visible signs of this happening except in people's minds.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Just don't be late for church. People will notice and talk.

They actually talk more when I make it. - LOL

My wife and I are taking turns attending now.
One of us needs to stay home with our son who has MS.
If he falls, someone may need to help him get up.
He will be relocating to a care facility soon. Until then...

So... last week was my turn to go to church.
I try to behave myself when my wife is present with me.
(It's a challenge) - LOL

Last week she wasn't there to rein me in. (bad idea)
This week one of here friends was discussing my behavior with her.


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I consciously shedded all of the old unscriptural catechism from my mind years ago. Catholics also pray for earthly interventions. I don't. My position on prayer comes from my KJV bible. It's also just commom sense and logic. Why would God cure a faithful person's cancer, yet not grow back some other faithful person's arm or leg? People never grow back arms or legs. You can't say it's impossible for God to do it. He wouldn't do one and not the other. God doesn't currently interfere with worldly happenings. He could if He wanted to, but no visible signs of this happening except in people's minds.
God doesn't heal 100% of the people we don't pray for.

If God healed 1% of the people we prayed, would it be worth it?

Here's a personal testimony. I have no idea about the results on this one. But...
If there was no healing, then it was much to do about nothing.

Vision like an eagle

I recall it was a Sunday evening service at church. We had a local guest speaker I was familiar with.
After the sermon/teaching he was praying for people at the front of the church, the altar area.
I had gone down to help. Sometimes people go down when they are overwhelmed by the Spirit.
I was there as a catcher. I stood behind those being prayed for to make sure they had
a soft landing if they went down, Worship music was playing in the background.

Everyone had been prayed for, but I remained at the front worshiping God and enjoying his presence.
The song with a lyric "on eagles wings" was playing and so I stretched out my arms and swayed like and eagle in flight.
Just then the minister stepped forward and put a hand on my forehead declaring out loud, "Vision like an eagle!"
It startled me, I didn't anticipate it. But I received what he prophesied over me with a nod and a "Yes."

Nothing unusual happened in that moment. So I went me way thinking it was for another time. Indeed.

In the following weeks I began to have a recurring picture in my mind;s eye.
I recognized it as a familiar street in a neighboring city. I had no idea what it meant.
But it happened several times. And then stopped.

Several weeks later I was in the downtown area of my town on my bicycle.
I finished my business and was turning around to go home when I remember the area in the vision,
Since I wasn't far away, I thought I should ride over there and see if there was something there for me.

I rode up one side of the street looking at all the store fronts and anyone that might be there.
For some reason I was completely oblivious to what was happening right across the street. - LOL

I rode as far as I thought I needed to and decided to cross the street in the middle of the block
and go back on the other side. It was then that I notice a woman examining the back of her car as if it was damaged.
I also noticed that she looked rather sickly. A very pale complexion. Hmm... ???

I crossed the street and went past her. At that Moment God spoke to me loudly. "Go talk to that woman."
At that moment I also noticed the squad car at the scene of an accident that I had overlooked earlier.
As I turned my bike around, I asked God what I should say to her. My question was met with silence.
So typical for these encounters. - LOL

The woman was walking toward me so I stopped my bike. I needed to talk to her. What should I say?
As she neared I spoke up. "It looks like there was an accident here." She affirmed my comment and said she had been
hit by a car coming home from a doctor's appointment. At this point I was face to face with the woman.

She did look VERY sickly. I noticed that her hair was either falling out or growing back, not sure which.
And there were bumps on her head that looked like cancerous growths. So I asked here if she had cancer.

She conceded that she did indeed have cancer. I asked if I could pray for her. She agreed to let me do that.
I dismounted my bike and asked if I could lay a hand on her shoulder. Yes. I stumbled through an awkward prayer.
But I felt God's presence surrounding us. When I finished, she made the sign of the cross on her chest.
I assumed she was Catholic. I bid her well and left for home on my bicycle.

Tears streamed down my face as I considered what had just happened.
The logistics of this divine appointment blew my mind.
