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  1. G

    I said, "Father! You be the One to define yourself!" and God started to relate to me! Praise God!

    Hi there, So there has been a bug bear in my mind, for some time: how do you define God? What about God do you share with the world? The answer to those questions is a bit of a trick, because even though there are many answers (from many people, actually), the truth is God can define Himself...
  2. G

    The Spirit renews the Spirit, how is this possible? (reading scripture?)

    Hi there, So there is a simple concept that you can bring in to play, in your walk with the Lord: the Spirit renews the Spirit, by reading scripture. This is renewal, not revival. Revival comes when we have imparted scripture to others in a sufficient way. The point is, we should be reading the...
  3. G

    We need to be on the front foot, the Devil wants to snare the nations, by provoking their world (angry?)

    Hi there, So I have been watching the Lord, looking to the Heavens and resisting the Devil (as best I can), and I have begun to perceive a pattern in the Devil's attacks. The Devil has made the nations of the world his focus, and wishes to bring them into a snare (that they are not for God)...
  4. G

    The point is, we know that if we are hot or cold, we are not false, because false at best can only be lukewarm (perceiving?)

    Hi there, So yes, there is a simple calculation you can make on the basis of the choice the Lord gives the Lukewarm Church (Revelation 2). It goes like this: 1) Are you hot or cold? If yes, then you know you have a greater definition than the Lukewarm Church If no, then the question is 2)...
  5. G

    You've got to pray for my Nation, the Devil wants to destroy it and the watchmen sleep! (Lord returning?)

    Hi there, So I just wanted to put a word out there, for people to pray for Australia. The Devil wants to destroy this nation, but the Lord won't stand for it. We need to agree with Him, stand and pray, until we reach "touchdown" and God can claim the victory. We are a very young nation...
  6. G

    We are given this body ("this tent") temporarily, let your light shine through it while you've got it! (bright?)

    Hi there, So I just had a revelation of the importance of the body, while on Earth. As Peter says it is a "tent" (2 Peter 1:14) that we must put off in due time. But why are we given it, for the short time that we are? The point is that we are able to shine a little light, before we enter into...
  7. G

    The Devil is trying to choke my faith; the Devil says "you're not allowed to believe, unless you have from the start" (its making me mad!)

    Hi there, So I have been through the whole back sliding thing and come to the conclusion that I both need a second wind and greater grace from God - and this is where the Devil hits me: the Devil says "no, you have become backsliding, there is no more hope for you" and "no God does not want to...
  8. G

    Please pray for people who are unequally yoked - your faith comes easy and lightly, but theirs is like a sea of doubt (testing?)

    Hi there, So I will be blunt, I have been unequally yoked. It was a fleeting thing, but I have had dysfunction ever since. It occurred to me that their might be other people like me, struggling with being unequally yoked. I think it would be a good thing, for the Church to pray - since the...
  9. G

    The details of Revelation, are still being revealed in the upper levels of Heaven - on Earth we can only look to the Heavens with trepidation (lost?)

    Hi there, So there are many things revealed in Heaven and Jesus promised that this generation would by no means pass away, until all the things He spoke of had come to pass. The difficulty is that all of the things mentioned in Revelation about the world, are still being revealed in the upper...
  10. L.A.M.B.

    A Tree ( a study of growing in him)

    There is much in scripture to mark the growth of a believer in God. Let's compare it to the growth of a tree. The word talks about the roots, the soil, the water that supplies our nutrients and the fruit that is born. Nature's creation reflects the thoughts of God, the love, the beauty and even...
  11. G

    To be in agreement with the Holy Spirit, you need to pray that your memories be ready and your obedience available (charged?)

    Hi there, So there is a little verse, where Jesus says the Holy Spirit will come to bring all things to remembrance and instruct you in all things. What does this mean? It means that to be ready for the Holy Spirit, we need to be praying for our memories and obedience. If our memories are...
  12. L.A.M.B.

    "Almost thou persuadest me..... become a Christian". When Paul stood before Agrippa to testify of the charges brought against him of insurrection because he preached the freedom of the gospel. Agrippa made this statement ALMOST.....thou persuadest me..... Acts 26 Let's look at what persuasion is. To persuade is to...
  13. G

    Jesus is waiting, to praise the Father; be a reason for Jesus, to praise the Father (songful?)

    Hi there! So I have been working at being closer to Jesus and He suddenly revealed to me, what the Joy of Heaven, is to Him. The Joy of Heaven to the Lord, is that He is able to give praise to the Father. Praise He was denied in this life, is now available to Him (to give to the Father). When...
  14. L.A.M.B.

    Jude1; Contending for the faith:

    Contend: 1. struggle to surmount (a difficulty or danger). 2. assert something as a position in an argument. The word contend means to agonize. Agony of spirit and love for the Gospel should be in the heart of every believer. Contending means to fight while standing on the very thing being...
  15. G

    Iniquity robs the child, but the Lord is able to command a lesser resurrection (in need of someone coming down to your level?)

    Hi there, So there is a great passage in the Gospels, where Jesus heals a little girl (Mark 5:41). What is remarkable, is that Jesus doesn't say "no, resurrection is for adults", rather He condescends to her and says to her "Talitha cumi" (that is, "I say to you, arise"). The point is, He does...
  16. G

    Please pray for Australia (even a short prayer?)

    Hi there, So we have Australia, right? And we all like to think of ourselves as "mates", we don't like someone sticking their head up above the rest, we work hard professionally with the time we have left. But we are under foreign rule! All our decisions are made, as if being dispossessed is...
  17. G

    Is making Christianity in your own image, a sin? (theologically?)

    Hi there, So there is a mystery, right? That the Church is Christ's Bride and we are His Body? How then should we define our Christianity? The truth is we should do it, according to God's Gospel. But there is a lot in God's Gospel, because it includes the Bible (and the Bible includes a lot)...
  18. G

    How much of your faith, is what has already been established? (adding?)

    Hi there, This is just a simple thought, that we don't need to reinvent the wheel theologically. Something like the separation of Church and State, does not need to come and go - at different times for different reasons: the separation is final, because the separation is functional. Other...
  19. G

    The Holy Spirit, will provide a way out (selah)

    Hi there! So good news: the Holy Spirit will provide a way out. The anti-Christ's putting to death, will come to an end - he will no longer have that power. God will do a new thing: He will create a song, dance and festival of the faith. Good times will reign. I hope this has been of some...
  20. L.A.M.B.

    Conspiracy or fact ?

    Conspiracy; noun a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful, or to deceive. Conspiracies are sometimes real. The Watergate break-in is a good example of a political conspiracy that actually happened. But thanks to the social-media algorithms that push users toward ever-more-...