The Spirit renews the Spirit, how is this possible? (reading scripture?)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Hi there,

So there is a simple concept that you can bring in to play, in your walk with the Lord: the Spirit renews the Spirit, by reading scripture. This is renewal, not revival. Revival comes when we have imparted scripture to others in a sufficient way. The point is, we should be reading the scripture that the Holy Spirit is reading. How do we know? We ask!

If then we have asked, and have received scripture to be renewed by, we also have the hope of revival that we should be praying for. This is the two-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit. In doing this, we not only fulfil scripture and do the will of God, we effect the power of the Holy Spirit, in the world. Thus the world is limited, because we keep this practice, until it is revealed in the world.

This is important, because in overcoming the world, the Lord also limited Himself. The Lord said "be of good cheer, in the world you will have tribulation, but I have overcome the world" (from memory, the gospels). By limiting ourselves to scripture and prayer, we well up with spiritual strength, with which we can come against the Devil, in the world. A soldier before he is going to strike with the sword, if he is able, will try to get as good a grip on his sword as he can. This is the power of the Holy Spirit. If the power of the Holy Spirit charges us, we know when we strike it will be effectual.

We do not need to reinvent the wheel, if anything we need to spend more time with the old wheel (the scripture). This is to develop nous and focus on the expression of the Word. It will consume our mind, our soul and our being, like water over flowing from our heart. Indeed it makes sense for us, to thank the Holy Spirit for the renewal we are able to share with Him, and that others share in it by revival. Now the world's hearts are hard, it will never be immediate - but I think being grateful and understanding, have a greater place with the Holy Spirit than we think!

I hope this has been of some encouragement.

God bless.