1st Week Of March! Mid-Tribulation or Trump Is The New President?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
North Pole
United States
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Either way Trump is taking over! He "never loses,""the chosen one,""doesn't need forgiveness." He will be the new civilian president, while the illegitimate government of Biden and Harris is taken down. Military troops are surrounding Washington on all sides. OR Trump will be in Israel! 1st week of March makes 3.5 years into the Great Tribulation quite possibly! Get Prayed up! Be ready and be SKEPTICAL! Don't trust anyone but Jesus Christ and all you should know by now how to discern evil from truth!? Your Bible and prayer of course. Don't trust me either, I'm only human! God Bless You All!

1.21.21: Our PLANS are NOT God's PLANS! The END won't be for everyone! PRAY!


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
North Pole
United States

Ya never know! I'm not a Trump or Biden Fan by the way! I'm a Jesus FREAK! I guess the best you can do is make jokes and laugh? Just like those in Noahs day? I now understand why you have so few likes. :rolleyes: God Bless You!


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
Ya never know! I'm not a Trump or Biden Fan by the way! I'm a Jesus FREAK! I guess the best you can do is make jokes and laugh? Just like those in Noahs day? I now understand why you have so few likes. :rolleyes: God Bless You!

:rolleyes:...You think I care two poop stains about getting a gold star, and getting some "likes"? As legendary boxer Floyd Mayweather once said: "It doesn't matter if the world loves me, as long as God loves me." If that crap gets people all hot and bothered, then maybe they need to get over themselves, and do a posture assessment on that ego.


:) Whatever happens by march or a year from now makes no difference to me or my people, not a shred. We will rejoice at this countries demise regardless.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
North Pole
United States
:rolleyes:...You think I care two poop stains about getting a gold star, and getting some "likes"? As legendary boxer Floyd Mayweather once said: "It doesn't matter if the world loves me, as long as God loves me." If that crap gets people all hot and bothered, then maybe they need to get over themselves, and do a posture assessment on that ego.


:) Whatever happens by march or a year from now makes no difference to me or my people, not a shred. We will rejoice at this countries demise regardless.

Evidently you are very curious or you wouldn't be trolling this post! :rolleyes: God Bless You!


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
United States
Well we know the GT hasn't begun because christian martyrdom on a mass global scale hasn't begun yet. It is an error to consider the GT part of the 70th week time frame because the bible never says it is, only man does. The GT should begin around the 4th seal and end w/ the just prior to the 7th seal rapture both well before the mid point of the 70th week. While the word "midst" from Daniel can mean the exact middle, it can also mean any point between day 2 and day 2519. The 1260 days does not have to be either the first or the last half even though it makes a pretty mathematical picture, the bible never confirms if an event is occurring in a first or second half time frame. Remember, according to Dan. 9:24 for that to be fulfilled, everything has to happen by the end of the 70th week, including Armageddon and anything else one might think needs to happen "before" the millennium begins.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
North Pole
United States
Well we know the GT hasn't begun because christian martyrdom on a mass global scale hasn't begun yet. It is an error to consider the GT part of the 70th week time frame because the bible never says it is, only man does. The GT should begin around the 4th seal and end w/ the just prior to the 7th seal rapture both well before the mid point of the 70th week. While the word "midst" from Daniel can mean the exact middle, it can also mean any point between day 2 and day 2519. The 1260 days does not have to be either the first or the last half even though it makes a pretty mathematical picture, the bible never confirms if an event is occurring in a first or second half time frame. Remember, according to Dan. 9:24 for that to be fulfilled, everything has to happen by the end of the 70th week, including Armageddon and anything else one might think needs to happen "before" the millennium begins.


Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
1st week of March makes 3.5 years into the Great Tribulation quite possibly!
Curious, did you get that date from adding 1260 days to 9-23-17, when the Rev.12 sign was seen? I think that was a sign but not a beginning. I think the beginning was Oct/Nov. 2019, when the first case of Covid-19 appeared. ??
The idea that Trump will be president was a story floating around on several sites, like truth11.com and by a few so-called prophets. They were telling us the Military has been in charge, Biden is illegitimate and signing blank EO's, that many criminals in Congress, who colluded with Foreign countries to steal the election will be arrested; and that they were supposed to do this prior to 1-20-21, but a threat surfaced (a dirty bomb) that would kill thousands if we interfered. So things were delayed and in essence, unless they found this dirty bomb, the country would remain hostage to this regime. This sounds like a elaborately fabricated story (a good movie script) put out to keep the Right Wingers from gathering forces of any kind, and detouring us from revolt and revolution. If we suspected the Military was going to take over, we wouldn't act, we'd wait and see. And we haven't acted, nor have we seen any evidence of such a correction or judgment, but only a diabolical New World Order taking shape, controlled by the Antichrist. Then by postponing this takeover date til March or maybe mid-April, the wind would be taken out of our sails by then, we'd be diffused of anger, void of any motivation to retaliate and take this country back. It's like counter intelligence, reverse psychology. You tell them what they want to hear and string them along for months as they hold onto hope, retribution, justice. You have to question, why would they need 25k troops and a barbed wired fence around the Capital building and White House? Remember the Devil is the father of lies, very clever, able to deceive us even, or at least throw us off track.
You just don't know what to believe anymore - so much corruption and lawlessness!

Come Lord Jesus.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
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Either way Trump is taking over! He "never loses,""the chosen one,""doesn't need forgiveness." He will be the new civilian president, while the illegitimate government of Biden and Harris is taken down. Military troops are surrounding Washington on all sides. OR Trump will be in Israel! 1st week of March makes 3.5 years into the Great Tribulation quite possibly! Get Prayed up! Be ready and be SKEPTICAL! Don't trust anyone but Jesus Christ and all you should know by now how to discern evil from truth!? Your Bible and prayer of course. Don't trust me either, I'm only human! God Bless You All!

1.21.21: Our PLANS are NOT God's PLANS! The END won't be for everyone! PRAY!

NOT!!!!! We are not even close to teh beginning of teh 7 year tribulation or the 70th week of Daniel. Many things still need to take place for that to happen! Don't look at teh Bible for America. The end times are about God preparing Israel. America will be just another chump gentile nation serving the antichrist!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
North Pole
United States
NOT!!!!! We are not even close to teh beginning of teh 7 year tribulation or the 70th week of Daniel. Many things still need to take place for that to happen! Don't look at teh Bible for America. The end times are about God preparing Israel. America will be just another chump gentile nation serving the antichrist!

I guess we can only wait and see. Not overly concerned with it, as I feel I'm above Politics and I know Jesus is in control whether I understand or not.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I guess we can only wait and see. Not overly concerned with it, as I feel I'm above Politics and I know Jesus is in control whether I understand or not.

I need not wait and see. I can say with 100% confidence that according to SCripture, we are at a minimum of 3 1/2 years away from the onset of the 70th week of Daniel or the 7 year tribulation that precedes Jesus physical return to earth.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
View attachment 12919
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Either way Trump is taking over! He "never loses,""the chosen one,""doesn't need forgiveness." He will be the new civilian president, while the illegitimate government of Biden and Harris is taken down. Military troops are surrounding Washington on all sides. OR Trump will be in Israel! 1st week of March makes 3.5 years into the Great Tribulation quite possibly! Get Prayed up! Be ready and be SKEPTICAL! Don't trust anyone but Jesus Christ and all you should know by now how to discern evil from truth!? Your Bible and prayer of course. Don't trust me either, I'm only human! God Bless You All!

1.21.21: Our PLANS are NOT God's PLANS! The END won't be for everyone! PRAY!

trump bout to go to jail, so I guess him being president is out, Biden won period!, get over it ! As for the trib ,do understand that there are two, and neither has started yet, although tribulation has always been in the world

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Just to help you out the tribulation starts when satan arrives on this earth and it will be by peace that he destroys ,the great trib starts at the return of Christ

Question why do feel trump is the chosen one ?

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I need not wait and see. I can say with 100% confidence that according to SCripture, we are at a minimum of 3 1/2 years away from the onset of the 70th week of Daniel or the 7 year tribulation that precedes Jesus physical return to earth.
Jesus does not come again as a physical man.
Jesus is the only begotten Son, there is only one Jesus Christ and he said he will never leave us and he never did.
Christ Jesus is with us= Emmanuel.
One can come to Know him, it's called born again of the Holy Spirit.
At the end of times all will be born again after all the delusions of this world are burnt up.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
trump bout to go to jail, so I guess him being president is out, Biden won period!, get over it ! As for the trib ,do understand that there are two, and neither has started yet, although tribulation has always been in the world

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Just to help you out the tribulation starts when satan arrives on this earth and it will be by peace that he destroys ,the great trib starts at the return of Christ

Question why do feel trump is the chosen one ?
Satan is here as always leading astray.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The State claiming to be called Israel is the work of Satan, no one could be so stupid to makes such a claim, even the most devout educated Jews do not make such a stupid claim in fact. but they hope that it will become Israel however.

The creation of the so called State is all the work of Rothschild's and he has boasted this openly in fact, the creation of the so called Zionist are all the work of Rothschild's as well, the creation of WW2 was all planed by Rothschild's, Lord Rothschild had W Churchill on a leash and to kick off the USA into the war, Rothschild's and his little world Banker stooges set up the situation to happen with Pearl Harbour, if you bother to look into this you will find out that the President of the USA a dog Freemason set it all up to play out like it did and he sacked the Grand admiral because he refused to obey the low life dog President order to leave Pearl Harbour to be sitting ducks, it's a fact ! all them poor people were used as Pawns to be sacrificed like that.
Not to mention the 6 million Jews were sacrificed as well in such a cunning plan that was planed years in advance to be played out, even nowadays as a great lie. Rothschild plan was to create a so called Zionist Mob, because the majority of German Jews were not that depraved or un educated rejected all this BS claiming to be Zionist, as they could see straight through it all, that it was not Biblical Zion at all what so ever. if you bother to look into it all you can see for a fact that around 90% of the Jews in Germany flat out rejected the so called Zionist totally.
Then Hitler and his monkeys banned the Jewish newspapers printing and only let the Zionist print newspapers in the hope that they in time could turn the Jews around, but the majority still did not swallow it, so we ended up with a group of so called Zionist Jews who were doing Rothschild's Zionist buddy's bidding as if he were a god on earth, they were killing the Jews they were in with the Nazis, hell I even knew a family friend who was selling out some of the Jews and is branded as a hero for saving others, only for big money I may add for a fact, that's why he did it and after the war his mum and dad disowned him for such. he was trying to make a living and put his neck on the line as well to save them people for good money, but he was also selling others to score brownie points with the Nazi's, well it was war time and I understand such is chaos and he tried to survive and live it up the best that he could, because peoples lives were not worth 2 cents as I was informed. he lived it up having sex and partying on hard in the war days and beyond. he would shit me off with his sexual depravity dribble around me and he always implying in a way that I was not sexually prowess yet, but it was more to do with a man in his 80's should not be setting a bad example to me. but he was very well educated and knew much more about anything and everything that anyone I have ever met by far on any subject
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Satan put Job through the wringer.

Job remained Job. The church will remain the church. The house of Jacob will remain the house of Jacob, even after Satan gets done with both the church and Israel.

Satan only has the book of Revelation to go by. Satan already knows an outcome even if no one knows how it will play out.
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