A God of Hate

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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
What sin specifically? The only "sin" mentioned is that they were not followers of Yahweh. Do you think that anyone who refuses to worship Yahweh should be slaughtered?


The Messiah

So how will God treat such people on the day of judgment?

Such people… ALL people shall be treated Equally, (according to the EVIDENCE), Same as ANY Pronouncement of JUST Judgement and JUST Sentence.

If belief in Jesus is required to earn eternal life then God has literally set up billions and billions of people to fail in the single most important choice they could possibly make in their lives.

There is no “IF” question Regarding Belief “IN” the Lord Gods Almighty…
Every individual (of their OWN accord) either heartfully believes, or he doesn’t.
ONLY the “individual” himself AND God KNOWS “that” ANSWER.

A God who slaughters people simply because they don't believe in him, and who condemns billions to the everlasting fires of hell and damnation just because they don't believe in Jesus is a tyrant. Such a God is not deserving of anyone's worship.

It is rather amusing for You to Judge, A God you Claim to NOT Believe “IN”. It is akin to you saying, you do not Believe WIND exists, but are happy that a WIND (you can not see, hear, taste, smell) FEELS pleasant on a hot day, and DAMN that WIND, (you can not see, hear, taste, smell, feel) kills a Tree, (you enjoyed, but neither created or made) or destroys a building you have made, or kills a Life you have neither created or made.

Have YOU ever killed a tree, an animal, a plant, a man, YOU neither Created or Made?

AND? Does that make YOU, by your own Judgement…worthy of eternal Damnation?

I believe that people should be judged on the basis of their actions and deeds,

THEY ARE….all day long, BY God Himself, “and” by men.

not on their personal beliefs.

All day long…God Judges men ON their Beliefs….and so also DOES Every man.

You Judge other mens DEEDS, BEHAVIORS…with your LIKES, your Dislikes, your Agreeing, your Disagreeing.

Your Judgements MAY or MAY NOT, have a consequence, which is wholly dependent upon Your authority OVER that which you Judge, to like, dislike, agree or disagree with.

If you do not LIKE, or Agree with another mans, behavior, YOU have options to reason with him, argue with him, or tape his mouth, bind his body, or beat him, or kill him, or walk away ie. Causing a Separation of You from him.

You seem, Conflicted that God (the Creator) has Options to DO the very same things, THAT YOU (the Creat-ed) Has.

No one is stopping YOU from DOING any Behavior or Deed YOU Choose. Not men, Not God.

It IS EXPRESSLY, by, through, of the Lord God Almighty Himself, that YOU were “created and made”….with the Liberty of Freewill…TO Choose TO Believe and DO, whatever Behavior and Deed, YOU Decide, regardless of WHAT God or ANY Man….would “PEFER” that YOU choose to believe and do.

Human manKIND….gives you notice of “consequences” of Behavior, Deeds YOU may Freely Choose to do.

Not a big Secret….The Lord God Almighty ALSO reveals to manKIND, a notice of “consequences” of Behavior, Deeds YOU may Freely Choose to do.

While you have Freely Decided….TO reject belief IN God, Complain about His Consequence FOR Rejecting Him, Attack a God you do not believe IN, with descriptive name calling…

The fact IS; SINCE you have “by your own word openly confessed dis-Belief In God”…He Has Already Revealed, by His OWN WORD, the Consequence, for Rejecting Him, IS; He SHALL REJECT YOU.

You should BE “ecstatic”…. God IS JUST. You Reject God…He will NOT FORCE YOU, to LIVE forever, WITH Him. Not Now, Not Ever.

God IS MERCYFUL. As you live and Breath Now, freely choosing to REJECT God, You have no physical ill effect. You continue to enjoy the beauty of Gods creations, the provisions of God creations, manKINDS creations …. And one day YOU WILL NOT.
You WILL NOT continue with YOUR LIFE.
Your bodily life (BLOOD) shall die.
Your souls life (Gods BREATH) shall depart your body.
Your natural spirit (truth in your heart) shall die and Never be born of Gods Seed, Gods Truth, Gods Spirit.
Body, soul, spirit of you SHALL CEASE living.

So, your LACK of knowledge and understanding, complaining and whining about “the pretense” of LIVING FOREVER, “in hell and torture”….IS FALSE.

The JUST and MERCY of God, DOES NOT “FOREVER” keep human Men ALIVE, who have FREELY Chosen to NOT BE WITH God forever.

Maybe you should BE THANKING (the God you do not Believe in,) FOR ENDING your existence, (ALL LIFE within you) and being Forced to Be with Him Forever!
Because…Body’s without LIFE, souls without LIFE, spirits without LIFE….know nothing, feel nothing!

And similarly I refuse to worship a god who behaves as Yahweh has behaved because his actions are those of a tyrant!

You freely neither are required to Believe in God, Worship God, or Be gifted with Forever Life or Forever Live With Him or Forever Live at all.

Stop whining and complaining about what you do not Believe, or Shall not Have. You shall be JUSTLY and MERCIFULLY given EXACTLY what you WANT and Have Chosen.
Non-Existence and not a single thought of God or men to Have a single remembrance, good, bad, indifferent, of You.

Glory to God,

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
That is a very good and thoughtful question! I mean, really!

You are a thinker!

In line with Romans 6:7, where it tells us that our death ‘frees’ us from sin, and Romans 6:23 which says that “the wages sin pays is death (notice, not torment or anything else)…. in light of those Scriptures, where would the judgement come in, right?

The judgement comes in from how people act, after their resurrection!

After they are resurrected back to life…when they are taught what God requires of us: to love each other, to be kind, and considerate of others…. how will they respond? Will they be willing to change their former behaviors, violent or selfish they may have been?

That is the judgement! How they will act, after they are brought back to life.

Because Romans 6 tells us they paid for their past sins, when they died. Their death was the payment. The wages of sin.

Now, if after learning & given enough time to change, they don’t really accept God’s ways, then they will be judged unworthy… They will suffer eternal destruction, cast into the figurative Lake of Fire, aka, Gehenna.

Any more questions, I’ll be glad to try and answer.

You take care, my cousin.
Thanks. You make some very interesting points, well worth discussing. Like this one.
Because Romans 6 tells us they paid for their past sins, when they died. Their death was the payment. The wages of sin.
Right, Jesus paid the death penalty for our sin (singular) but we need to pay the death penalty for our sins. (plural)

And this really calls the hell doctrine into question. How could ECT be a just consequence?
I ask on occasion, if you were slated to be put in hell for all eternity with no hope of escape,
but were given the option to be crucified like Christ instead, which would you choose?

Not to lessen that horror of the cross, but it seems it would be preferable to ECT. (eternal conscious torment)

Your view of hell is a bit different. How would you answer the question?


St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
A note to the Trolls. God is coming to get you.

Proverbs 26:2 NIV
Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow,
an undeserved curse does not come to rest.

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Active Member
Jun 22, 2021
United States
Hey, hope I can answer your questions satisfactorily…
…Jesus paid the death penalty for our sin (singular) but we need to pay the death penalty for our sins. (plural)
Keep in mind, Paul called Jesus “the last Adam” at 1 Corinthians 15.
Why? Because as descendants of Adam, we inherited imperfection (which is a feature of / results in being sinful). This condition leads to death. (Romans 5:12) And one purpose of Jesus’ sacrifice of His perfect human life, is to undo that imperfection that we inherited, providing an opportunity for every one who’s in Sheol / Hades / Hell to come back to life. (Yes, Hell; see Ecclesiastes 9:10, “in Sheol, to which you are going”(ESV) / “in the grave, wither thou goest”(KJV) / “in hell, whither thou art hastening”(Douay-Rheims) ).
Please see other renderings of this verse…
This passage is written to everyone reading it: “you”/“thou”.
How could ECT be a just consequence?
You’re right, it couldn’t. It makes God into a fiend! God has endured much defamation. You can see why such teachings have to go!
I ask on occasion, if you were slated to be put in hell for all eternity with no hope of escape,
but were given the option to be crucified like Christ instead, which would you choose?
“For all eternity”? Hell / Hades / Sheol ‘gives up those dead in it… and death and Hell were thrown into the Lake of Fire’ (Revelation 20:13,14)

Notice, death is also thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Can you literally burn death? No. But the death that humans experience, inherited from Adam & which results from our sinful / imperfect condition, is promised to be “swallowed up”, become “no more.” — Isaiah 25:8; Rev.21:3,4.

So this fire is symbolic. Any thing or person thrown into it, will simply be “no more,” forever. Hell too, will be gone forever.
Your view of hell is a bit different.
Yes, quite.
But this view I’ve been taught, is in complete harmony with God’s qualities.

Do you know that Jacob said, after he thought that Joseph was dead, that he was going “down to Hell / Sheol / Hades” when he died? — Genesis 42:38,
But he said: My son shall not go down with you: his brother is dead, and he is left alone: if any mischief befall him in the land to which you go, you will bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to hell.

Job prayed to God that he wanted to go to Hell / Sheol / Hades to get out of his suffering. - Job 14:13,
Who will grant me this, that thou mayest protect me in hell, and hide me till thy wrath pass, and appoint me a time when thou wilt remember me?” (Douay-Rhiems)

Psalm 16:10, which Peter quoted in Acts 2, said Jesus would be in Hell / Sheol / Hades, but not left in there.

Hell is simply the state or condition we’re in when we die due to sin / imperfection. From which all will experience a resurrection.

Adam (& Eve) were created as God’s children. Luke 3:38 calls Adam a “son of God”. God doesn’t create His children to die.
But, just like some of Jehovah God’s heavenly children (angels) sinned & turned away from God, so did A&E, resulting in death & other disastrous effects to us.

But God has set things in motion, to redeem those of mankind who want His Son’s (Jesus’) rulership over them on earth(Matt.6:9,10; Isa.11:9), an appointed time when He & Jesus, whom He’s given “all authority” (Matt.28:18), will step in. (Rev 11:18) Restoration at last! - Ephesians 1:10

At that time, no more death from inherited sin; no more Hell.

Sorry it took me awhile to respond; I’m not on here every day.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Keep in mind, Paul called Jesus “the last Adam” at 1 Corinthians 15.
Thanks for participating in this discussion. This is good. And interesting to hear your views.
I'm glad you brought up 1 Corinthians 15 and “the last Adam”. See verses 18-19 below.

This tells us that the Fall and salvation hangs on the acts of the two Adams.
It is even stated twice for emphasis.

Romans 5:18-19 NIV
Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people,
so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.
19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners,
so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

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