All the fulness of Deity dwells in Him Bodily !

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Feb 6, 2018
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I single Paul out as one of the most misrepresented of the apostles - but for good reason - I am looking for the real Jesus - canonical non canonical - historical - what ever I can find to understand better .. but as importantly ... what can be defended. Since Paul tells us nothing about the life of Jesus .. that is not the best place to start .. and I will leave it at that.

I can not say how any Church Represents Paul, or much care.

Acts 9
[16] For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake.

I believe Paul did things according to Jesus' desire for Paul to accomplish, and Paul did Suffer For Doing as Jesus desired.

but back to prophecy and inspired ! and from the most famous Sermon of the Divine one .. who are the "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" ?

Mark 12:
[38] And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in Long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces,
[39] And the chief seats in the synagogues,

Matt 24:
[24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

The teachers of the Law and the Pharisee's .. once again .. who are the wolves ? and look at what these wolves did to the Church...
It was these wolves that brought us Trinity doctrine as well lest we forget.

I have no issue with the "word" TRINITY.
I understand it is simply 3 in One Unity.

John 10:
[30] I and my Father are one.

I do not Subscribe to Doctrines of men Churches Devise as their supplements to Scripture.

I believe Jesus' Doctrines IN Scripture are Sufficient.

This is a doctrine of men - a doctrine of Greek Philosophy - but this does not make the Trinity wrong. What it does do is make it a doctrine of Men - not inspired..

bad men .. who then killed other Christians for hundreds of years because although they all believed God is one - That Son was Subordinate to the Father could not be tolerated.

I did not support men murdering Christians.
I do not support men murdering Christians.
Yet it is not a Secret, men have, and will murder Christians for being Christians, and the Christians will to give their life For keeping their Belief IN Jesus Will rise UP in everlasting Life With Jesus.

• The Fathers mission is to Remain In His Kingdom, unseen.
• The Sons mission is to be seen, and Oversee an Earthly Kingdom Honorably exalting the Father among AND with Earthly men.
• The Foretold knowledge IS A Son becomes a Father, at the Time, the WHOLE House (Heavenly Kingdom & Earthly Kingdom) Are Prepared of ONE Household.

Do you think it is different today ? .. that Satan is going to show up sporting red horns and a tail ? - that he was not able to corrupt - the holy book ? - but only to a point perhaps .. as The OT tells us that Satan only acts according to God's will in Job ... and this also a Father and Subordinate son relationship.

So if Satan messed with the book .. and certainly he has messed with the Dogma - "how will you recognize them" ?? Matt 7

The 1000 years of horror was not good fruit ... but have things changed ? They are still the Bad fruit - as per the Prophecy of Jesus.

Satan has been present ON Earth, since during the Establishment of OF a Habitat for mankind.
Once mankind was Created: Satan has been seeking the weak and poor IN SPIRIT to cunningly deceive.
That has not Changed in 6,000 + years.

• What DID change, was an Offering provided For mankind, To Receive Gods Assured SEAL upon Them, BEFORE their physical death, THAT Prohibits Satan from "making" any claim OF a person, who Has Accepted Gods Offering.

You can call "Jesus Jesus" all you like -

Of course. Jesus has no language barrier.

What is Truth - Matt 7:12 .. is the answer .. to the question - "What is the will of the Father" but hearing is not enough .. one must now go out and do unto others as you would have done to you ...

The Truth inanutshell is Simple.
• The Son will claim they WHO are His.
• The Father will claim they WHO are His.
• The Kingdom of The Father (Heaven) and The Kingdom of The Son (Earth) will Become ONE House of ONE ajoined Family (Faithful ISRAEL & Gentiles) and ONE God King of the ONE Kingdom.

Establishing a True Relationship Between ONE man and ONE Lord God IS Enough ... For that ONE man to BE MADE a "citizen" of The Lord Gods Kingdom.

For "this Rule Sums up the Law and the Prophets" and now hearing this .. you need to go out and do it - follow this rule ... as this is how you will be judged. this is how one builds foundation on rock.

• Good Works this life Carnal Lifetime...
• Reveals ...WHO has established their Resume' as a Worthy Servant, to be positioned with a Honored Leadership Position, IN A Spiritual Kingdom.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
I told you my beliefs. The Bible. Many things the Bible is silent on. Speculate all you like. I'll believe in God of the Bible who said this is the terminal generation. Do you even have a Bible? Why do you profess to be Christian?

Of course I have a bible - and have read the book. You on the other hand seem to have missed a few chapters - but this is of no moment.

One thing the Bible is not silent on is the Global Flood - The problem is that the evidence proves this event did not happen - and not all humans were killed round 2200 BC.

If God did plant this evidence - as that would turn God into an author of idiocy - this leaves only Satan.

Do you think Satan is trying to trick humans - to get them to not believe in the one true God.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Of course I have a bible - and have read the book. You on the other hand seem to have missed a few chapters - but this is of no moment.

One thing the Bible is not silent on is the Global Flood - The problem is that the evidence proves this event did not happen - and not all humans were killed round 2200 BC.

If God did plant this evidence - as that would turn God into an author of idiocy - this leaves only Satan.

Do you think Satan is trying to trick humans - to get them to not believe in the one true God.
you live in the world of fantasy, not facts.

why are there fossils on the highest mountain ranges in the world ?

ah duh gee george let me think about that one, uh ummm ............


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
I can not say how any Church Represents Paul, or much care.

I have no issue with the "word" TRINITY.
I understand it is simply 3 in One Unity.

Many of your responses made no sense - what does any of the above have to do with the real Jesus ? - and if you want to believe in man made dogma over scripture .. you are welcome to your beliefs.

I did not support men murdering Christians.
I do not support men murdering Christians.
Yet it is not a Secret, men have, and will murder Christians for being Christians, and the Christians will to give their life For keeping their Belief IN Jesus Will rise UP in everlasting Life With Jesus.

No one said you did ? - no idea why you are saying this - What does this have to do with evil man made dogma which resulted in Christian killing Christian

• The Fathers mission is to Remain In His Kingdom, unseen.
• The Sons mission is to be seen, and Oversee an Earthly Kingdom Honorably exalting the Father among AND with Earthly men.
• The Foretold knowledge IS A Son becomes a Father, at the Time, the WHOLE House (Heavenly Kingdom & Earthly Kingdom) Are Prepared of ONE Household.
No idea why you are saying this - or how you came of this knowledge .. Did God sit down for tea and tell you his mission - cause the stuff you are saying is not from Scripture.

Satan has been present ON Earth, since during the Establishment of OF a Habitat for mankind.
Once mankind was Created: Satan has been seeking the weak and poor IN SPIRIT to cunningly deceive.
That has not Changed in 6,000 + years.

OK .. so it was Satan who planted the archaeological evidence with proves the Bible wrong about the great Flood - that answers one question.. thanks for that.

Jesus said it is the poor in spirit that inherit the Kingdom of Heaven .. is this why Satan is so focused on the poor in Spirit ?

Of course. Jesus has no language barrier.

No one said he did ? What does this have to do with "The will of the Father" and the wolves and the people of faith who do not make it through the pearly gates.

Your response was an exercise in avoidance ?

The Truth inanutshell is Simple.
• The Son will claim they WHO are His.
• The Father will claim they WHO are His.
• The Kingdom of The Father (Heaven) and The Kingdom of The Son (Earth) will Become ONE House of ONE ajoined Family (Faithful ISRAEL & Gentiles) and ONE God King of the ONE Kingdom.

Establishing a True Relationship Between ONE man and ONE Lord God IS Enough ... For that ONE man to BE MADE a "citizen" of The Lord Gods Kingdom.

Again you failed to address the issue - which is how to get through the gates .. The post was not asking or addressing what your Truth is .. it was about that Jesus said the Truth was.

You seem confused about the topic

• Good Works this life Carnal Lifetime...
• Reveals ...WHO has established their Resume' as a Worthy Servant, to be positioned with a Honored Leadership Position, IN A Spiritual Kingdom

OK .. so works are part of the salvation formulation - and "Faith alone" is not enough to get one through the gates.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
you live in the world of fantasy, not facts.

why are there fossils on the highest mountain ranges in the world ?

ah duh gee george let me think about that one, uh ummm ............

Once again you are projecting - Me Scientist - you Not Scientist ..

There are ways in which fossils can make it to the top of mountains but ...this is rare - and is certainly not proof of a global flood around 2200 BC

You should be able to dig in your back yard and find the flood layer .. but it is not there. You should find fossils on the top of most every mountain .. and we don't.

No need to worry about what isn't there however - all we need to do is look at what is there to prove the flood story false. The story states that all land creatures were killed.

If True - all the civilizations around 2200 BC should come to an abrupt halt - and a big flood layer would be found. This is not what we find however. What we find is continuous civilization throughout the world ... China, Australia, Africa, South America, Europe .. and of course the cradle of civilization.

These civilizations were not wiped out by a flood .. They continued though the time period of the flood.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Once again you are projecting - Me Scientist - you Not Scientist ..

There are ways in which fossils can make it to the top of mountains but ...this is rare - and is certainly not proof of a global flood around 2200 BC

You should be able to dig in your back yard and find the flood layer .. but it is not there. You should find fossils on the top of most every mountain .. and we don't.

No need to worry about what isn't there however - all we need to do is look at what is there to prove the flood story false. The story states that all land creatures were killed.

If True - all the civilizations around 2200 BC should come to an abrupt halt - and a big flood layer would be found. This is not what we find however. What we find is continuous civilization throughout the world ... China, Australia, Africa, South America, Europe .. and of course the cradle of civilization.

These civilizations were not wiped out by a flood .. They continued though the time period of the flood.
and your dating is flawed..............

Mt St Helens proved it !

Canyon layers formed EXACTLY like the Grand Canyon and petrified wood formed instantaneously, not over years and millenniums etc.........

your science is a joke just like darwins...........

no wonder you throw out the most of the bible when it contradicts your man made ideas.



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
and your dating is flawed..............

Mt St Helens proved it !


What dating is flawed - what are you referring to.. and how does St Helens prove this dating is flawed. You say things that makes no sense - and give no support for claim. We are not talking millions of years ago - where dating is more complicated - we are talking 4000 years ago - where the dating is very accurate - and so not related to your St -Helens claim - and so your claim is false.

We know the names of the kings .. when they ruled - and how long they ruled for. Dating for things that happened roughly 4000 years ago can be verified via various methods arriving at the same result - Dendochronology goes back further than 4000 years... carbon dating is very accurate .. but - we also have the historic and archaeological record - which is not reliant on dating.

OHHH ... I am sorry Luke .. the Global Flood never happened.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
bla bla bla bla substance just fake ideas.

Carbon dating was proven false by Mt St Helens do your homework. You are out of your league with Scripture and now Science. You have no objectivity, just brainwashing.

On May 18, 1980, a tremendous landslide on the northern side of Mount St. Helens in Washington state uncapped a violent volcanic eruption, completely altering the surrounding landscape. It is the most studied volcano in history and has reshaped thinking regarding catastrophic earth processes. The Institute for Creation Research has studied the volcano over the past three decades, conducting research that has provided a suite of informative lessons with broad-ranging implications.1

For example, the rapid outflow from the volcano caused massive amounts of sediment to fill in the entire valley adjacent to the mountain. And a 1982 dam breach of the snow-melt lake that had formed in the mountain's crater caused a catastrophic flood that tore a gash through those fresh deposits from two years earlier. To this day, the resulting steep-sided canyon walls can be seen,2 showing that horizontal sediment layers hundreds of feet thick were formed within hours during the eruption. This sparks the question: what other layered sedimentary rocks in earth's crust were formed rapidly?

The mountain also provided a clear reason to distrust the reliability of radiometric dating. A new rock cap atop the mountain that formed after the 1980 eruption should have shown it to be on the order of tens of years. But standard analysis gave the totally incorrect date of 350,000 years.3 What other rocks have been dated incorrectly by following those standard dating protocols?

And in a strange but profound way, Mount St. Helens offered a significant new interpretation of coal deposits. Many logs were transported by the blast to nearby Spirit Lake. As they jostled and shifted in the water, the bark rubbed off and sank to the bottom of the lake to form a sheet of waterlogged bark. Elsewhere, extensive masses of coalified deposits are also made of tree bark.4 Could the tree bark-rich coal beds have been formed by a catastrophe even more massively destructive than Mount St. Helens?

The equipment and techniques used to track and predict volcanic eruptions have improved dramatically since 1980, thanks in part to lessons learned while tracking post-eruption tremors near to Mount St. Helens. During the 1990s, the volcano produced some solid chunks of magma material, even though it had been thought that magma was entirely liquid.5

Experts at the time of the 1980 eruption predicted that the area would take perhaps hundreds of years to rebound. Yet after only 20 years, biologists noted the speedy recovery of plants and animals on what had been a vast moonscape.6 Today, the 30-year-old blast zone is a lushly treed forest. Creation science models based on the records of Genesis expected to see this happen, since Genesis discloses that God created creatures for the very purpose of “filling” the earth,7 and since after the Flood the creatures aboard the Ark were able to quickly adapt to the new environments produced by the cataclysm.

Because of the Mount St. Helens eruption, scientists know that sedimentary rock layers can form in only hours, rather than requiring millions of years. It also showed that radiometric dating is not necessarily accurate and that God gave animals and plants the ability to rapidly re-colonize barren land. And the improved seismic prediction techniques that Mount St. Helens facilitated have also increased scientific understanding of earth's geologic activities.30 Years Later, the Lessons from Mount St. Helens

he who has ears to hear let him hear !

hope this helps !!!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Now back to your regular scheduled programming. Enough of your derailing of threads.

I'll check in later out fishing with my brother and son for the day.

Colossians 2:9


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
The Guilty are Separated From the Holy.

Separated on the basis of what ? Matt 25 - Sheep and Goats parable

• The Bible is full of Knowledge.
...It is not designed to "make sense to a man's Logical thinking Mind". <-- The Mystery
...I would rather say the Scriptures are designed to Tell Truths... and man "in his hearts thoughts," has the Simple Option to Believe Without Seeing- or Not.

A Heart, being Filled with Faith, is thus choose the Option OF BELIEF WITHOUT SEEING. :)

God is not the author of Chaos and idiocy - and belief based on nothing is nothing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
bla bla bla bla substance just fake ideas.

Carbon dating was proven false by Mt St Helens do your homework. You are out of your league with Scripture and now Science. You have no objectivity, just brainwashing.

1) Carbon dating was not proven false by Mt. St Helens .. that is not even the dating method that was disputed - you don't know what you are talking about.

2) Regardless - what part of dendochronology - archaeologogy - and History did you not understand ? You clearly have no idea of how how dating is established and are just throwing mud at the wall hoping something sticks.

There was no Global flood that killed all land creatures around 2200 BC - and the historical and archaeological evidence proves it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
The Trinity is no <doctrine> in Scripture; it is the reality of Scripture.

I realize there is no trinity doctrine in scripture - that is why Bible dictionary's state that there is no such doctrine in scripture.

Perhaps the Trinity doctrine is your reality - but it is not the reality of Jesus.. and he stated so in no uncertain terms :)

The Trinity is a man made doctrine .... one created by particularly evil men - who then used this doctrine to kill Christians.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
bla bla bla bla substance just fake ideas.

Carbon dating was proven false by Mt St Helens do your homework. You are out of your league with Scripture and now Science. You have no objectivity, just brainwashing.

On May 18, 1980, a tremendous landslide on the northern side of Mount St. Helens in Washington state uncapped a violent volcanic eruption, completely altering the surrounding landscape. It is the most studied volcano in history and has reshaped thinking regarding catastrophic earth processes. The Institute for Creation Research has studied the volcano over the past three decades, conducting research that has provided a suite of informative lessons with broad-ranging implications.1

For example, the rapid outflow from the volcano caused massive amounts of sediment to fill in the entire valley adjacent to the mountain. And a 1982 dam breach of the snow-melt lake that had formed in the mountain's crater caused a catastrophic flood that tore a gash through those fresh deposits from two years earlier. To this day, the resulting steep-sided canyon walls can be seen,2 showing that horizontal sediment layers hundreds of feet thick were formed within hours during the eruption. This sparks the question: what other layered sedimentary rocks in earth's crust were formed rapidly?

The mountain also provided a clear reason to distrust the reliability of radiometric dating. A new rock cap atop the mountain that formed after the 1980 eruption should have shown it to be on the order of tens of years. But standard analysis gave the totally incorrect date of 350,000 years.3 What other rocks have been dated incorrectly by following those standard dating protocols?


You did not understand the article you read. They are not talking about carbon dating in this article.

Regardless - you do not need carbon dating to prove the global flood story false - what part of archaeology and History are you having trouble understanding - and why are you still talking about carbon dating ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
And Jesus IS GOD! Get it? He was always good. Are you denying that Jesus is God too?
No, he was made God after he was resurrected. It is then he claimed to have all power.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
See how God brings out the truth! You're in the same sinking boat as JW's and SDA's!

John 5:21 (NKJV)
21 For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will.
Here is how the Father did it through the son...

10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Jesus, while on earth, said only God is good.

I agree with him.

Don't you?

1-there is NONE righteous no not one !

was Jesus Righteous ?

2-all have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory.

did Jesus sin ?

3-none Good but God

was Jesus good ?

oops there goes the house built upon sand............................


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
One verse destroys your heresies, Mighty God, Everlasting Father! Oh and Wonderful, not evil as you say!

"a Child is born"
"a Son"
"Mighty God"

Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV)
6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

This is the first time you will see this....

6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given;(present tense)

And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.(future tense after the resurrection and Col 2:9 effect on his body).


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
1-there is NONE righteous no not one !

was Jesus Righteous ?

2-all have sinned and fallen short of Gods glory.

did Jesus sin ?

3-none Good but God

was Jesus good ?

oops there goes the house built upon sand............................
You just debunked Jesus...

And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.
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