Can't remember the original title

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
If God isn't real, then why are all the hostlie hateful ungodly people trying so hard to remove him?
Wouldn't it be more practical to just ignore something you don't believe in?
Why try so hard to eliminate something that you don't believe exists?
What a waste of time... in my opinion.
Just sayin..
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
If God isn't real, then why are all the hostlie hateful ungodly people trying so hard to remove him?
Wouldn't it be more practical to just ignore something you don't believe in?
Why try so hard to eliminate something that you don't believe exists?
What a waste of time... in my opinion.
Just sayin..
You see Ziggy we like to say that we all must respect the rights of other people's beliefs. But sadly humanities history with their beliefs has not proven that to be true. People form beliefs because they don't know something. So rather than remain in the fear of the unknown, they take their best guess at the situation at hand That's fine if they accept that those ideas are only beliefs. But when people accept beliefs to be the quintessential truth of reality, of the here and beyond, then we've all got big trouble.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
If God isn't real, then why are all the hostlie hateful ungodly people trying so hard to remove him?
Wouldn't it be more practical to just ignore something you don't believe in?
Why try so hard to eliminate something that you don't believe exists?
This is a terribly naïve position in all honesty

You should know from history that that it is not the ungodly unbelievers that are hostile and violent. It's the Christians and other followers of mainstream religions. We're currently all being forcibly reconditioned to accept gender wokeism and associated topics. This happens when more and more people start falling for ideologies. It spills out into society and changes other people's lives. Religion I no different. It governs much of our society and country and it absolutely should not do so. Look at the Middle East and the religious fanatics and zealots and extremists. Do you think they are a minority? There are entire countries out there being ruled by despots and dictators using these religions as their underpinning basis. Fail to conform an believe and you'll likely be severely beaten or have your head chopped off. This is what happens when personal beliefs morph into mainstream religious control systems. Humanity must rid itself of them to progress and set people free.

The true answer to your question is that people aren't trying to remove god. They're trying to snap people out of the spells they have been entranced and trapped by via religious indoctrination. Religions are lying. If there is "something" out there, something or some things that designed humans and other life, then it sure isn't the concept of god peddled by the churches. We have to have more honesty with ourselves than that and exercise critical thinking. We can still search spiritually but we need to do so without the cruel shackles and blinkers of Christian dogma and lies and those of other mainstream religions.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Isn't that exactly what Jesus came to do regarding the religious system that was in place at the time?

If you read in the book of Ezekiel chapter 8. The religion that was controlling the Israel nation had lost all faith in God. They were worshipping the sun, doing all kinds of things in the dark. They were saying one thing and doing the total opposite.
These people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me. Hypocrites.
The Jews and the Romans tried to exterminate Christ. First bodily and then any that followed him. That was Sauls' mission before he was converted and saw the truth. Then he became as much of a target as all the rest who believed in Jesus.
Jesus never said build me a temple. He said He IS the temple.
But we got religions in this world that are no different than the one in Ezekiel chapter 8.
Doesn't mean my belief isn't truth. It just shows that not all follow it truthfully.

A lot of things are going to come crashing down soon. Societies are going to fall. The economic system and corporations and ideologies.
They are all going to fall. And the only thing that will remain will be the truth.
And so we have to ask ourselves, what is the truth?
And I believe the answer is Love.
A love so strong your willing to die for it. Give up your old ways of thinking to follow the good way.
To love others and care for others the same as you care for yourself.
The golden rule.
When all has been disolved, and it will be. We see it happening in front of our eyes. All the institutions we put our faith in is crumbling.
When all these things are gone, all we will have is each other and how we treat each other.
And if our objective is hate, then no one will survive.

Wokeism hates itself. It mutilates itself. It lives in a state of confusion. It can't last. Because there is no love in it. And it not only hates itself but anything and anyone that is opposed to it.
Religion as an institution is greedy and prideful, controlling and hateful if you don't agree with everything it teaches. It won't survive.
Anything and everything man has created for himself will fall.
The only thing that will remain is Love.
And God is Love. And Love never dies.
It gets beaten and whipped and tormented but it never fails.

I understand where you two are coming from.
But I would like to ask you both a couple questions...
What is the alternative? Where do you seek comfort when things go badly? Where do you seek friendship when the world has deserted you?
What is your hope for this life and the possibility of the one to come?
If you don't have an anchor where does your ship sail?

My hope and my faith reside in the promises of a better life than the one I began with. Where love and peace rule.
I may not see it in the world around me, but I have these promises inside me.
I get stressed but not overwhelmed. There is always a calmness , a peace, in the center of any storm life throws at me.
I have no hate in me. I may not like things people do. I may not agree with them. But I don't attack things I don't like with anger and vitriol.

You can't blame God for what man does. We bring calamity on our own heads.
But even when we get beaten down by our own devices, love is still there to pick up the pieces and forgive.

1Jo 4:8
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1Jo 4:16
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

Different people believe a lot of different things about what the bible says to them.
This is what I hear when the bible speaks to me.

Jesus is the very love of God fashioned in the form of a man, that walked among us to give us an example of how we should love one another.
This is the truth I believe in and I'm sticking to it.

What is your truth?



Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
We're currently all being forcibly reconditioned to accept gender wokeism and associated topics. This happens when more and more people start falling for ideologies.
AS IF there is an option to "falling for ideologies."

You fool! This is why there is no freedom FROM religion; there is only freedom OF religion. Man requires a world view, a paradigm or system to organize his observations and ideas. There is no escape from the constraints of the human condition.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
It's strictly a belief problem itself. There's an argument being debated around the world about how non-believers have also committed great atrocities, so it is unfair to hold the opinion that religion is solely responsible for evil. Like I said, it's a belief problem. Those non-believer dictators acted on the basis of their personal beliefs. Who'd know that woud be the driving force for their insanity. Okay this is going to hit home for American's, but do you think that all those mass shootings are caused by individuals who are fuelled by a personal belief as well?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Snopes... really? LOL
Have to love those fact checkers.
I dropped a 2 hour documentary. I found it interesting. Trey Smith has one also.
Better to believe unbelieving soros funded fact checkers though, who get paid to discredit anything having to do with God or the Bible.
I stand corrected. Shorter vids are available




Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
No TV and no beer make homer go something something.

"Go crazy?"

Don't mind if I do!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Reading is good but reading isn’t enough. Jesus calls upon those who will to believe him.
I must point out theologically that there is nothing of my own doing that can save me. Even my own act of believing can not save me, only God himself can do that. So if you believe what you believe saves you, then your in serious doctrinal error.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
I must point out theologically that there is nothing of my own doing that can save me. Even my own act of believing can not save me, only God himself can do that.
So if you believe what you believe saves you, then you’re in serious doctrinal error.

I believe Jesus.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Then you miss the mark.

It is those who don’t believe Jesus who are missing the mark.

Having read the New Testament hundreds of times, you know this. You don’t believe what you’ve read.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
I sware when this dog and pony show is finished I will take what's left of this planet, grind it into space dust then make you all eat it.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Other Faith
United Kingdom
I understand where you two are coming from.
But I would like to ask you both a couple questions...
What is the alternative? Where do you seek comfort when things go badly? Where do you seek friendship when the world has deserted you?
What is your hope for this life and the possibility of the one to come?
If you don't have an anchor where does your ship sail?
I don't rely on false mythology to get me through the days as some do. I face reality, I understand the reality we have been born into. I don't need comfy slippers and comfort blankets of religious indoctrination to try and keep reality swept under the carpet. The life we have is all wrong, not as designed because groups of humans have long since established control and learned how to keep humanity in slavery, even to the extent that those humans don't even realise they are enslaved.

As for what happens after our bodies expire, we will get recycled for nature wastes nothing and as the Law Of Conservation of Energy tells us, energy can neither be created nor destroyed so we will go on and on, just in different forms. It's not supposed to be like this though. Humans are supposed to live very long lives if not eternally but our life food has been removed from us by those nefarious groups. This is the reality.

As I have said to you, you are still clinging desperately to the Matrix, to the comfy mythology you've been spoonfed since childhood. You're not ready to accept reality yet. Your bicycle still needs those stabilisers. This is going to result in you having a very hard time with the lawlessness that is coming. You're unlikely to survive it because unless you accept reality you're not going to prepare for that future. Your myths and comfort blankets aren't going to protect you. I started prepping about 10 years ago. I learned a whole load of skills that I will need for the future. How to grow veg, how to preserve foods for months and years. How to ferment vegetables. How to turn dirty water into potable clean water. How to create and make yeast. Make bread. I could go on.

This is freedom and peace of mind. Knowing what to do, having practiced it so that it is normal life before the tribulations even begin, that removes fear.

When the electric supply goes off, when the water supply is compromised, when the supermarkets run dry, when you can't buy any medications, that's when the hoodwinked Sheeple and religious indoctrinated are going to quickly struggle and perish. Their indoctrination means they will go quietly into the night without so much as a fight. They are clueless, duped, weak and vulnerable.
I will be able to help many, save some. I have the skills. I have made the preparations.

But in the end we are all doomed simply because the life food we need has ben taken from us.

Jesus had it.

He gave it to his disciples

Sadly he didn't give it to humanity in general, kept it for himself and his cronies. What a pity.

So we are all born into a prison as a result. No way out.

It is what it is. At least I see it for what it is and can no longer be duped by religious dogma and mythology.