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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Actually - that is a big fat LIE.
"ALL you have ever written" is in the Bible??
You have posted lie after lie about the Catholic Church that are NOT in the Bible.

And I don't know if one single church - Catholic OR Protestant that is "filled" with evil, godless people.
Jesus himself warned of bad people would arise from His Church (Matt. 7:15-20).

YOU need to start telling the truth for a change.
You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the butt.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
I just realized that at least some of my responses have been tied to the wrong posts, while other responses were tied to nothing but appear as simple entries. At least some of the confusion here is being created by the site and some really poor coding.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
I prefer to participate in less convoluted mechanisms of communication, but for the benefit of all who are being made to stumble by being goaded by the resident tare, here is an address for the Vatican where you can express your concern for the soul of a misguided appologist:
Pope Francis PP, 00120 Via del Pelligrino, Citta del Vaticano.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I felt that I answered your question...= NEITHER!!!
Unless one of the groups heard from the Holy Spirit HOW to pray..then, and then only, God will answer.
Dear ByGrace,

I'm confused. In my church people have stood up and testified that they have been praying to God for various lengths (1 month, 6 months, 6 years, 25 years) for a specific blessing from God. You have probably seen this yourself in your church. Healing of a loved one. Conversion (from atheism to Christianity) of a loved one. A spouse would end their substance or physical abuse. They were all good Christians and God has answered other prayers from them before. So it can't be the WAY they are praying or HOW they or praying since God has answered previous prayers. It can't be because they are not a righteous person or a good person who doesn't know HOW to pray since God has answered their past prayers. They say or have said the same prayer over and over and over again for 25 years. Suddenly, 25 years later, their prayer is answered.

So I am confused how after 25 years of saying the same prayer over and over and over again from a good, righteous God fearing Christian who's previous prayers have been answered that God finally answered that specific prayer. Did the Holy Spirit decide to grant their prayer out of pity?

Confused Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Hi there
I remember the struggle I went through to openly pray in a meeting. It was a challenge for me..then when I matured I saw the power in prayer.
Not just the " closet type" but the power of "two and three being agreed"
Personally I believe that the demons hate to hear us pray with authority...
Proverbs 18:21 tells us that-
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue.." . and the devil knows that. Therefore I always pray aloud , both privately and openly.
I agree with you that if we are speaking to God in prayer, that happens to have nothing to do with the collective group...that should be in private.
Yet, that said...I "talk" to the Lord all the time, even when shopping..I do it under my breath... I don't stand in the Mall with my arms raised praying my private prayer to God , just to be seen. I think I would get carted off! :D

I just don't see it as a hard and fast rule as you seem to do.
The Pharisee were a religious lot, they thrived on how pious there were , but they had no genuine heart toward God, they wanted to command respect of the people ..they put "weights" on the people..and had loads of rules and laws..which did not bring the people closer to God, but the opposite .

"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in." Matt 23:13 They actually put people off from genuine heartfelt worship to God.

Yes, can can hear you saying ..what the heck is she talking about! ha!

"To me"...Jesus was telling the people not to pray with the wrong motivation or intent, like the Pharisees, which was "to be seen of men." ie, Don't just "act" spiritual, but live it from the heart.
The same as the story we read in Luke 18.
"Two men went up to the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee, and the other a tax-gatherer; the Pharisee having stood by himself, thus prayed: God, I thank Thee that I am not as the rest of men, rapacious, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this tax-gatherer; I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all things -- as many as I possess.
`And the tax-gatherer, having stood afar off, would not even the eyes lift up to the heaven, but was smiting on his breast, saying, God be propitious to me -- the sinner!"

Two types of public prayer..two very different hearts and motivations.
I believe it was heart and motivation that Jesus was addressing in your scripture. But, I'm not trying to convince you..just saying what 'I' believe. :)

I'm not talking about praying with your fellow Christians in a meeting at church or with your friends in your house. That is not public. I am talking about what Jesus said: For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others.

Standing IN the synagogue (a public place, in the middle of the building or court yard) and on the street corner (public place) is forbidden according to Jesus. It DOE NOT MATTER your motivation. That part of scripture says NOTHING about motivation. I don't feel comfortable adding words to scripture. He called them HYPOCRITES. It doesn't matter what YOU believe. It is a matter of what Jesus meant and what THE TRUTH of scripture is.

Luke 18 that you quoted has NOTHING to do with public prayer. It does not ONCE mention public prayer or being SEEN BY OTHERS. It just says they went to pray; that's it. You seem to be comfortable adding words to scripture. I don't.

Furthermore, your "two or three" scenario is not in context. It does NOT have to do with prayer; it has to do with Church doctrine. If you read verse 15-18 you will see that Jesus is saying that if your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault or why he is wrong. If he listens to you it is all good and you have won him over; he is in compliance with church teaching. But if he does not listen to you, take one or two others from the church along with you so that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to the 2 or 3 of you who have tried to correct him, tell it to the church. If he refuses to listen to the church (which consist of even MORE people like the elders or bishops), let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. And whatever THE CHURCH says to be true to this heathen or tax collector will be bound on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN.

God does have some "hard and fast" rules. They are hard to follow.

Love Mary


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
By posting a lie - you became partially responsible for the perpetuation of this lie.
You need to do some fact-checking before you post this kind of rubbish.

Of course, nothing about posting a link is untruthful. Of course, nothing about the link is untruthful. Of course, you need not answer my question........

Wow. You really are a piece of work. You are hell-bent on accusing people - reason be damned. All you need in order to start spewing accusations, like a machine gun, is getting offended. Ego is the part of us that is offended. Overthrowing the Old Man is the only way to see past opinion in others and truly love the person

Unfortunately, it would seem that the ends justify the means in your world and, like your father, the great acussor, you've embraced your work.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Of course, nothing about posting a link is untruthful. Of course, nothing about the link is untruthful. Of course, you need not answer my question........

Wow. You Really are piece of work. You are hell-bent on accusing people - reason be damned. All you need to start spewing accusations like a machine gun, is feeling offended. Indeed, ends justify the means in your world and like your father, the great acussor, you've embraced your work.
Hmmmmm, YOU post a lie - then turn your anger towards me for showing what you posted was, in fact, lie.

The very TITLE of the link and the article is a lie:
"Jews Are Saved Even Without Believing in Christ, Vatican Claims"

The "Vatican" claims NO such thing.
And you call ME a piece of work . . .:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
I prefer to participate in less convoluted mechanisms of communication, but for the benefit of all who are being made to stumble by being goaded by the resident tare, here is an address for the Vatican where you can express your concern for the soul of a misguided appologist:
Pope Francis PP, 00120 Via del Pelligrino, Citta del Vaticano.
Just refer to me as the resident "Anti-Catholic Whopper-Buster".

Anyway - you're just ranting because I and the other educated Catholics around here don't let you guys get away with this garbage anymore.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Hmmmmm, YOU post a lie - then turn your anger towards me for showing what you posted was, in fact, lie.

The very TITLE of the link and the article is a lie:
"Jews Are Saved Even Without Believing in Christ, Vatican Claims"

The "Vatican" claims NO such thing.
And you call ME a piece of work . . .:rolleyes:

So you disagree with the title? That's it? I am ready for a gut-wrenching argument from you at the Judgment as soon as you disagree with the Judge.

Keep on denying your accusation - I never said that the Pope made any claim related to the article.

You claim to be Roman Catholic, but, instead, you witness mockery and accusation... The Pope certainly does not do this, but I know of someone else who does....hmm
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I know - but he's doing my job for me.

He digs himself deeper and deeper every time he responds.
Exposing lies is why I'm here.

Hmm...sad misunderstanding of the great commission, but at least you are accurately describing the purpose for your venom
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
This is a false premise.

Jesus may not have been disgusted by people who had different opinions - but he didn't tolerate liars.
The videos that Job has posted are not only an exercise in stupidity - they are filled with easily-debunked lies.

Do you honestly believe that God approves of lies??
Maybe, you're not as "educated" a Catholic as you claim to be . . .

Peter lied 3 times. Jesus loved him
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
As I pointed out before this is about unity, we are to be united because the same Jesus lives in those who are born again Christians, Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, we are to be united to set a shining example for the world, we are to be united to spread the love, spread the care, spread the good of Jesus, spread the fire, spread the power, spread the Holy Spirit, whether if you're an electrician, nurse, evangelist, missionary or prayer warrior, or more than one, whether you go out into the Church pew, go out in the field, go out and evangelize, go on a missionary trip or pray in the quiet. The main thing is, if you are born again believer, it don't matter who you are, Jesus lives in ya, and you are a member of the body of Christ, we cannot go saying to other members, you don't belong, we are supposed to be in unity, we are supposed to be united.

I agree. Unity is important.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2017
AZ, Quartzsite
United States
I don't believe that open Prayer is wrong, Praying with a loud voice to be heard and seen to bring attention to ones self would be as Jesus described. we are also told to pray for the sick and to lay hands on them, what would you do if you were at the seine of and auto wreck, and felt compelled to Pray for even a stranger, let alone a loved one. Prayer is only Prayer if it is from the Heart, just like repentance, it is only good if you rely mean it. we are instructed to enter our closet to pray and God will reward us openly, But true Prayer I believe is Heard as well. This is my first post on this thread and there seems to be a great Distain for the Catholics, I know for a fact that GOD and JESUS reject LIERS , and I would also think that they BOTH would hold the same for those that have Distain [Hatred] for others of different Denominations! I know the History of the Evolution of the Church, But to hold others in contempt, is not in line with the LOVE THY NEIBOR as thyself. remove the beam from your own eye, then when you can see clearly help to remove the dust from your brothers eye. Can any one give me a count, of how many people from every Denomination will enter the Kingdom??? Truth will be received by those who want the Truth no matter what the Cost!!! even if it means cleaning out their own house! ALSO when are we going to LET GOD DECIDE who will be saved, King David, will He be there, God was able to forgive Him, long before Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
(John 11:41-43)

Jesus didn't mind praying in public.

Oh my dear Stranger. You are a stranger to scripture. Lets read this passage in CONTEXT and be honest about what is happening in this passage.

Jesus DID NOT pray in this passage. He thanked his father for HEARING him. That means he had already prayed and NO WHERE in that passage does it say that he prayed publically to raise Lazarus from the dead. He simply just ORDERED Lazarus to come out. Thanking someone for something is not a prayer. Jesus further said "I said this on account of the people standing around". What was THIS that he SAID? It wasn't a prayer. THIS is what he SAID to Martha, Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God. Jesus simply TOLD them that their belief would reveal the glory of God. He didn't even say that their PRAYERS allowed them to see the glory of God.

Do you think Jesus is a hypocrite?

Curious Mary


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States

What happens during Mass when your Priest prays publically? Is he a hypocrite?

There seems to be a difference between pompous public prayer and sincere prayer, don't ya think?

Just as curious as Mary, Aspen


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
God will listen to both. How He answers is none of your business.
Hi Kepha,

I agree. It is none of my business. I'm just using logic and scripture.

If a Baptist preacher prays over the communion bread for it to become the body and blood of Christ will his prayer be answered? I thought only Catholic priest could do that?

Confused Mary


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
If you know God as you claim you do than you would not be asking that question, If you want to have a disagreement with Jesus go right ahead, you wont be the first. It is by there fruit they are known, and so far none of yours I have seeing is good.
How do you know if the Spirit has not led Pia and I to this day?

Do you know the will of the Spirit?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States

What happens during Mass when your Priest prays publically? Is he a hypocrite?

There seems to be a difference between pompous public prayer and sincere prayer, don't ya think?

Just as curious as Mary, Aspen

Hi Aspen,

I am not Catholic, however, many of my beliefs/doctrines lean to the Catholic/Eastern Orthodox beliefs. There are many of us Protestants that agree with much of Catholic teaching because much of it is backed up by Christian history. So there is no such thing as MY PRIEST. ;)

A Church is open to the public but it is still a private place. If it was POMPOUS prayer in the church then yes, they would be a hypocrite. The priest, during Mass, is not praying pompously.

Pompous defined: having or exhibiting self-importance



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Sorry sweetie, you can't bait me a second time, I'm just not that sort of fish !
My dear, dear Pia

If you can't simply say YES, it matters what you believe or NO it doesn't matter what you believe then you need to study scripture a little bit more because the answer is in scripture.

Take your time and get back with me.

Love, Mary