Christian Meditation and Interfaith Dialog

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I agree with you, dear brother, that Christians don't need circles, but we still need some squares here and there, don't we? Would you agree with me, dear brother?

Does the Bible say that we don't need breathing, amigo?

Is breathing unnatural, un-Christian, evil and satanic, perhaps?

Jesus had never been breathing ?

Did God not blow His breath into Adam to give him life?

Is concentrating on one's breathing a sin?
Breathing is no more a sin than sex between a man and a wife is sin . but just as sex outside of marriage is sin
so too is applying breathing techniques into prayer , as though somehow this breathing gives us aide , increases
our ability , etc . THIS is new age dude . Its just new age has so well crept into christianity
that folks cannot recognize it as new age and rather just believe the wolves that preach and teach it
under guise its of true christian origins . WHEN it aint .
Repeat , we dont need to focus on breathing , or be holding beads or etc WHEN praying to GOD .
The gentiles and their gods so called pratice such things thinking they too will be heard
as they pray to stones , rocks , to a god and gods they think IS GOD . Thinking they too will be heard
for their many words . Sadly this junk has crept huge into christanity under the guise
it came of Christanity and or of GOD . Folks holding onto beads as though somehow holding them beads
gives aide to their prayers . NOPE its just an object , just a dumb object .
The simplicity of prayer is real simple . GOD already KNOWS what we have need of and HE Knows far better
than do we what we have need of . THUS its simple really . IF any does have a request
if any does make prayer to GOD . JUST SIMPLY PRAY TO HIM in JESUS NAME . no need for special techniques .
Just pray in JESUS name .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Thank God I do not depend on man to solve my problems nor lead me in faith !

Romans 3:4

“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”
Many have no idea what that even means dear sister , rather they say LET OUR SCHOLARS , LEADERS , etc be true
as they make certain biblical doctrines of GOD of no effect . In essence calling GOD the liar .
to them its let men be true but GOD a liar . Beware them , for though they can speak certain truths
IF and when biblical TRUTH gets in the way of their own ideals , they quickly twist and or omit it .
BUT , LAMBS DONT . we gonna stay glued to the bible for our learning as the SPIRIT teaches and guides the lambs .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Not to impugn your work.
It's just a part of whom I am.

If I need anything, spiritual, or otherwise, I go to the word of God and the household of faith for prayer.

Over the 47 years of believing in God, I have found he knows all, knows what's best in our lives and knows too how to supply our needs. If I cannot receive what I seek immediately, then I simply wait for him to move on what's out of my hands.

I and my family have been in times of desperate need where the only avenue I did have was trusting in God. Times of want, sickness, even the very essentials of living, avenues seemingly offered by man were closed off to us due to our poor economic conditions.

Habakkuk 2:4, NKJV
“Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith”

Galatians 3:
11: “Now it is clear that no one is justified before God by the law, because the righteous will live by faith.”

2 Cor. 5:6-8). Walking by faith, not sight means fixing our eyes on what is eternal:

The pittance of our money may proclaim " we trust in God" but I truly do just that !
yep . stick to the bible sister , stay in prayer and wait upon the LORD . many are fast to run
to men and their motiviational or so called spiritual books and methods .
Lambs gonna simply LET GOD be true and any man who speaks contrary to HIS WORDS a liar .
Test and continue to test all men , all who do speak , even if a donkey speaks or an angel
or a vision cometh , we must always test the message against the written word of GOD . Stand firm to the end dear sister .
This roller coaster ride is racing the world right to the day of armegeddon , unto the day of perdition of all the ungodly
who rejected the love of the truth and clung to a lie and had pleasure in unrighteousness .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Gordon, I did NOT say your work did not contain the word of God.

As you can see this poster is in the mood to sewer stir.
I think i might use this dear sister . i seen the words sewer and stir and a thought popped into my head .
A thought which will remind us about something .
Many , oh many run and run quickly to the grass which appears greener to them .
They have fled the green pure pasture of the word and words of GOD , of CHRIST , of the SPIRIT which
also worked through the apostels .
THEY have seen what to them appears as better , greener grass .
Yet have no idea what lies under that green grass . The grass on the other side might appear greener
as do the words of men to them . BUT watch out for the septic tank below that has busted a leak
and is making the grass appear greener . The grass might seem greener on the other side
but its being fed by the busted septic tank below . Septic , aka sewer , aka DUNG FED GRASS . that grass KILLS .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
many have gone to drink , to drink of the cisterns of men .
But have no idea from whence those waters sprang .
It is like a man who went to large hill . He had been told that many waters lie beneath the ground of that great hill .
He dug and he dug and soon found a great and huge cistern . upon which he opened it
and found much water . He then brings in men and together they pull the water out .
a constant supply of water feeds this cistern .
He cries aloud i have found fresh water and this water can supply all our needs .
Soon he is giving out the water to any and to all who come his way . He charges a fee for his water
and many happily sell what they have to attain the water this man giveth from under the great hill .
Along comes a man and a few travelers .
These notice a rather odd smell coming from the water .
They ask the man , DEAR sir from whence do you draw this water which you sell unto the people .
The man says alas , by wisdom above i have found his hill and within a great cistern full of water .
The few say to that man , sir do you mind if we take a look at this cistern .
to which he says , YE MAY LOOK .
Suddenly the few jump back at utter dismay and say , Dear sir , did you not notice a particular smell
when you opened the cistern . To which the man says , I DID , IT SMELLETH OF ROSES and PERFUME .
To which the few then said , it smells like dung .
The man then replys , WHY THIS IS THE BEST WATER around .
The few then reply , dear sir can you not read . Go to and behold the writings on this great cistern which you have dug up
and whose waters you do feed the people . The few then depart and do all to warn the peoples to neither pay
nor drink of these waters . But the leaders who sell it and the masses who sit under them just mocked .
What did the writing on the cistern say . and what was the odor coming from it
YET many churches drink OF THEM WATERS and not rather the pure waters of the pure WORD and words OF THE LORD in the bible
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
I think i might use this dear sister . i seen the words sewer and stir and a thought popped into my head .
A thought which will remind us about something .
Many , oh many run and run quickly to the grass which appears greener to them .
They have fled the green pure pasture of the word and words of GOD , of CHRIST , of the SPIRIT which
also worked through the apostels .
THEY have seen what to them appears as better , greener grass .
Yet have no idea what lies under that green grass . The grass on the other side might appear greener
as do the words of men to them . BUT watch out for the septic tank below that has busted a leak
and is making the grass appear greener . The grass might seem greener on the other side
but its being fed by the busted septic tank below . Septic , aka sewer , aka DUNG FED GRASS . that grass KILLS .
What lies beneath has much to do with where we have been in the world and even in religion. I did this article to help unite believers around the gospel message and its ability to "still" transform our lives. It remains necessary in this day and age because the Church needs a common thread to put our hope back in Jesus alone. Cessationist and Continuationist Get a Lesson in Deliverance | Awakening? Start Here | Before It's News

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
What lies beneath has much to do with where we have been in the world and even in religion. I did this article to help unite believers around the gospel message and its ability to "still" transform our lives. It remains necessary in this day and age because the Church needs a common thread to put our hope back in Jesus alone. Cessationist and Continuationist Get a Lesson in Deliverance | Awakening? Start Here | Before It's News
I have no idea what you posted . nor was this about you or anyone .
But i do like that you did say ITS TIME to put our HOPE back in JESUS ALONE .
so , do allow this flea , this wee wee tiny thing a few words .
HOW COME THIS GENERATION of CHRISTENDOM , though it claims it puts it hopes in JESUS ALONE
is rather selling an idea of it dont matter what religoin you are or what you follow
you dont even need to beleive or confess JESUS , just love thy nieghbor and all is well .
CAUSE , that SURE AS HECK FIRE aint putting the HOPE IN JESUS , but rather in a false love that saves NONE .
so is trying to make JESUS into the minstir of certain rainbows and sins . NONE OF THAT IS PUTTING ANY HOPE
IN JESUS CHRIST . rather it produces a false hope in another jesus , THAT ONE CANT SAVE EITHER .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
What lies beneath has much to do with where we have been in the world and even in religion. I did this article to help unite believers around the gospel message and its ability to "still" transform our lives. It remains necessary in this day and age because the Church needs a common thread to put our hope back in Jesus alone. Cessationist and Continuationist Get a Lesson in Deliverance | Awakening? Start Here | Before It's News
and what is this gospel message you are trying to do all to unite the believers under .
The reason i ask is because i am seeing another gosple at work , WHICH SURE AS HECK AINT THE TRUE GOSPEL OF GOD EITHER .
and it too is uniting the believers to be as one .
explain to me what YOU BELIEVE IS THE GOSPEL and what it entails . THIS way things can be cleared up real fast and no assumptoins
can be made .
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
and what is this gospel message you are trying to do all to unite the believers under .
The reason i ask is because i am seeing another gosple at work , WHICH SURE AS HECK AINT THE TRUE GOSPEL OF GOD EITHER .
and it too is uniting the believers to be as one .
explain to me what YOU BELIEVE IS THE GOSPEL and what it entails . THIS way things can be cleared up real fast and no assumptoins
can be made .
Did you read the article? There is no mistake what I teach and how it represents the Gospel message in a living and active way.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
Are you a Teacher of the Gospels, Gordon?

If yes, how many students do you have?

No, I did not read your article,
because I do not read motivational writings,
except the Word of God.
I'm a teacher not a collector of students. The goal is for all believers to come up into the fullness of Christ Ephesians 4:13. But that is not why you ask. You hate being rejected by women and become predatory in a passive aggressive manner.

Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection was, and still is, an essential key to bringing about proper change to our lives. In fact it remains the way in which we can return to that sweet spot with God. For this reason a remarkable way of transformation is waiting for us all.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
Can you tell me what the Gospel is?
The good news is redemption that comes through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus; with the goal of offering us salvation and a way to the Father. Though saved and made a new Creation in Christ the gospel also provided us away to be changed when we revert back to an old way of thinking and acting.

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
I'm a teacher, not a collector of students.
This means that nobody reads your inspirational stories. :disrelieved:

And this is the reason why you desperately keep posting links to your inspirational stories, while asking people : Did you read my article? Did you read my article? :disrelieved:

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
The good news is redemption that comes through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus; with the goal of offering us salvation and a way to the Father. Though saved and made a new Creation in Christ the gospel also provided us away to be changed when we revert back to an old way of thinking and acting.

Gordon, Christian mystical Non-Duality means that we, as sinners, have never been separated from God, because the kingdom of God has always been deep within us (Luke 17:20–21). We have been children of God all along, and forever after, and God will never disown us, despite naturally being, like a loving mother, compassionately angry with us whenever we happen to harm ourselves with our sins, and threatening us with eternal Hell to sober us up. Because, being spiritually immature, we all, in essence, live lives of the prodigal son (or daughter) from the Biblical parable, God being a stern, but loving and forgiving Father, has been kindly allowing us to keep reincarnating for as long as we need in order to purify our mind by spiritually growing in our unconditional Love for all living creatures, including all the Buddhists, because Christ urged us to love even our enemies. For in God’s Heaven, there is only Divine Love and perfect harmony, all revelling in the Non-Dual divine Glory of God’s Holy Light.

Be still, and know that I am God. — Psalms 46:10

When our mind calmly meditates, we abide in stillness, in the silent presence of the occult Holy Light of the Omnipresent mind of God, and in the Holy Peace of God, which surpasses our conceptual thinking and understanding (Philippians 4:7), and thus we become more and more Enlightened by allowing our mind to gently and humbly bask in the glory of God’s all-pervading mystical Holy Light of His divine radiant luminous consciousness that is also hidden deep within our own mind being our True Self and our birth-right to have eternal life in God’s Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. We all are children of God’s Holy Light, including all the Buddhists, because the kingdom of God is within us all.

All of the above will be revealed also to you directly by God himself in your simple Christian meditation, Gordon.



Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
Gordon, Christian mystical Non-Duality means that we, as sinners, have never been separated from God, because the kingdom of God has always been deep within us (Luke 17:20–21). We have been children of God all along, and forever after, and God will never disown us, despite naturally being, like a loving mother, compassionately angry with us whenever we happen to harm ourselves with our sins, and threatening us with eternal Hell to sober us up. Because, being spiritually immature, we all, in essence, live lives of the prodigal son (or daughter) from the Biblical parable, God being a stern, but loving and forgiving Father, has been kindly allowing us to keep reincarnating for as long as we need in order to purify our mind by spiritually growing in our unconditional Love for all living creatures, including all the Buddhists, because Christ urged us to love even our enemies. For in God’s Heaven, there is only Divine Love and perfect harmony, all revelling in the Non-Dual divine Glory of God’s Holy Light.

Be still, and know that I am God. — Psalms 46:10

When our mind calmly meditates, we abide in stillness, in the silent presence of the occult Holy Light of the Omnipresent mind of God, and in the Holy Peace of God, which surpasses our conceptual thinking and understanding (Philippians 4:7), and thus we become more and more Enlightened by allowing our mind to gently and humbly bask in the glory of God’s all-pervading mystical Holy Light of His divine radiant luminous consciousness that is also hidden deep within our own mind being our True Self and our birth-right to have eternal life in God’s Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. We all are children of God’s Holy Light, including all the Buddhists, because the kingdom of God is within us all.

All of the above will be revealed also to you directly by God himself in your simple Christian meditation, Gordon.

View attachment 39584
We've been through this for the last two days. You have my answer and my warnings. Good luck with that.

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
We've been through this for the last two days. You have my answer and my warnings. Good luck with that.
But we have not been nearly enough yet
through your inspirational stories, Gordon, have we? :)

Which of your books you recommend for us to read first,
so we can ask you questions in order for you to teach us, Gordon? :)

And we haven't been through all your articles yet. :)