Does How We Present The Gospel Matter?

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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I think this is the foundational issue of several of the most recent threads. I say yes, it matters very much how the gospel is presented! Clubbing someone over the head with the truth is just as damaging as clubbing a person over the head with a lie. Here is another case where Christians sometimes resort to the ends justifying the means - it doesn't matter how the truth is presented, just that it is presented.



New Member
Oct 30, 2010
I think this is the foundational issue of several of the most recent threads. I say yes, it matters very much how the gospel is presented! Clubbing someone over the head with the truth is just as damaging as clubbing a person over the head with a lie. Here is another case where Christians sometimes resort to the ends justifying the means - it doesn't matter how the truth is presented, just that it is presented.


How can one present the Gospel , it was presented 2000 years ago and it was pretty clear , no ?



“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I am talking about witnessing


New Member
Oct 30, 2010
I don't think its possible to " club someone over the head " with a message of love , sound logic and salvation .

Jesus used parables for many reasons and he also live by example , perhaps we can use the examples given to us by our savour when we try to reach others ?

We must also except that some simply do not want to hear . or learn about God's word , as unbelievably sad as that may sound we still must conduct ourselves in a just manner with love and respect . The word of God is for everyone but its also for those that want to except it .

IMHO one of the best things we can do is to live by example with our actions , not strong condemning words . We must also be harder on ourselves when we look at our actions as to not give people the wrong impression of what it means to be Christian .

What will happen to all of us if the words we speak cause people to run from the word of God ? That in and of its self may be a good indication that we might be using the wrong approach .

You have raised a great topic , how one should spread the word of God , and I look forward to seeing others response to the question that you have put forth .


New Member
Oct 19, 2010
I don't think its possible to " club someone over the head " with a message of love , sound logic and salvation .

Jesus used parables for many reasons and he also live by example , perhaps we can use the examples given to us by our savour when we try to reach others ?

We must also except that some simply do not want to hear . or learn about God's word , as unbelievably sad as that may sound we still must conduct ourselves in a just manner with love and respect . The word of God is for everyone but its also for those that want to except it .

IMHO one of the best things we can do is to live by example with our actions , not strong condemning words . We must also be harder on ourselves when we look at our actions as to not give people the wrong impression of what it means to be Christian .

What will happen to all of us if the words we speak cause people to run from the word of God ? That in and of its self may be a good indication that we might be using the wrong approach .

You have raised a great topic , how one should spread the word of God , and I look forward to seeing others response to the question that you have put forth .

John the Baptist was pretty point blank. Jesus used the word repent a lot. Peter used the word repent as well. None of them was too politically correct. They saw a lot of people brought in.

John the Baptist was pretty point blank. Jesus used the word repent a lot. Peter used the word repent as well. None of them was too politically correct. They saw a lot of people brought in.

One other thought. If they have not accepted Jesus and the message turns them off, where are they going hell #2?

The reason so many people are in the mess they are in today is because the chruch for so long was scared to tell them the truth. Also there are too many today that would rather see a lot them go to hell than to see some of them offended.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
As far as witnessing goes, I believe much of it has to do with what God wants to do in a specific person's life at a specific time.

The key to witnessing is praying beforehand that God has the people He wishes us to witness to cross our path that day.

We should also pray for wisdon and assistance from the Holy Spirit so that we witness to the person the way that God wants them witnessed to.

Does this mean you shouldn't speak to random people if a window of opportunity appears to be there? Of course not.

God often uses one person to plant a seed and another to do the harvest.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
John the Baptist was pretty point blank. Jesus used the word repent a lot. Peter used the word repent as well. None of them was too politically correct. They saw a lot of people brought in.

Indeed! He was talking to a rough crowd He did a nice job of considering his audience. What does repent mean to you?

One other thought. If they have not accepted Jesus and the message turns them off, where are they going hell #2?

Hell is very real. It is a condition of an unredeemed (lacks God's justification and sanctification) heart and mind. The people who refuse to stop misusing God's creation and plan for their lives (ignore Jesus) are in danger of Hell. Does this mean that we are called to scary them to death? Why not just tell them that they are compromising their lives - life can be so much better when they allow God to justify and sanctify their hearts and mind - they are in fact, slaves to their sins, when they no longer have to be. God wants us to be fully human - the way He created us to be - we no longer have to act like animals. People need to know that hedonism is a compromise / consumerism is a compromise / dualism - our crappy way of dealing out justice is a compromise - life and eternal life are supposed to be so much better!!!

The reason so many people are in the mess they are in today is because the chruch for so long was scared to tell them the truth. Also there are too many today that would rather see a lot them go to hell than to see some of them offended.

This is just plain wrong. Scaring people doesn't work anymore. People are no longer superstitious - which was one of the reasons scare tactics worked so well for 1900 years. The fact is, people nowadays just don't scare easily. They have also become much more sophisticated - TV / movies / education / church has to present a more sophisticated message or people simply tune out. We need to consider our audience - just like John the Baptist did - and before you think it - I am not talking about changing the message.

I have never backed away from the truth of Hell or the importance of repentance - all I am saying is that Modernism is Dead - we are now facing a Postmodern audience with different mindsets. People who care about doctrine are much more educated about the Bible - and people who do not care cannot even tell you the most basic facts about God or Christianity. It is a different world than the disciples faced or even, CS Lewis, for that matter.....

We need to give people real examples of God working in our lives and we simply have to promote our saving relationship with Jesus through real relationships with the people we are witnessing to. Another important point to recognize is that the youth of today are craving roles because postmodernism has stripped away traditional roles - kids are having a hard time discovering who they are, as a consequence - and they end up settling for personas on Facebook. A great way to reach this generation might be to connect them with good, godly role models, who are committed to mentoring them.

I am totally serious about witnessing effectively and I am not going to settle with scare tactics or anonymous pamphlets - they are simply antiquated



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
There was this lady in China who witnssed to the drugaddicts. On of them who came to Christ saw a friend of His on the street so he proceedd to preach the bible to him. After a while he went back to this lady and told her what he did, and said his friend wouldnt lisen. So she rebuked him and said, you foolish man, ahy did you not feed him first then he may have listened to you. But not christans, they love to declare there interpretation of scripture to the lost yet never letting God in orshowing them the love of Christ, then getting angry when people wont listen, Why should they??

In His Love


New Member
Oct 19, 2010
John the Baptist was pretty point blank. Jesus used the word repent a lot. Peter used the word repent as well. None of them was too politically correct. They saw a lot of people brought in.

Indeed! He was talking to a rough crowd He did a nice job of considering his audience. What does repent mean to you?

One other thought. If they have not accepted Jesus and the message turns them off, where are they going hell #2?

Hell is very real. It is a condition of an unredeemed (lacks God's justification and sanctification) heart and mind. The people who refuse to stop misusing God's creation and plan for their lives (ignore Jesus) are in danger of Hell. Does this mean that we are called to scary them to death? Why not just tell them that they are compromising their lives - life can be so much better when they allow God to justify and sanctify their hearts and mind - they are in fact, slaves to their sins, when they no longer have to be. God wants us to be fully human - the way He created us to be - we no longer have to act like animals. People need to know that hedonism is a compromise / consumerism is a compromise / dualism - our crappy way of dealing out justice is a compromise - life and eternal life are supposed to be so much better!!!

The reason so many people are in the mess they are in today is because the chruch for so long was scared to tell them the truth. Also there are too many today that would rather see a lot them go to hell than to see some of them offended.

This is just plain wrong. Scaring people doesn't work anymore. People are no longer superstitious - which was one of the reasons scare tactics worked so well for 1900 years. The fact is, people nowadays just don't scare easily. They have also become much more sophisticated - TV / movies / education / church has to present a more sophisticated message or people simply tune out. We need to consider our audience - just like John the Baptist did - and before you think it - I am not talking about changing the message.

I have never backed away from the truth of Hell or the importance of repentance - all I am saying is that Modernism is Dead - we are now facing a Postmodern audience with different mindsets. People who care about doctrine are much more educated about the Bible - and people who do not care cannot even tell you the most basic facts about God or Christianity. It is a different world than the disciples faced or even, CS Lewis, for that matter.....

We need to give people real examples of God working in our lives and we simply have to promote our saving relationship with Jesus through real relationships with the people we are witnessing to. Another important point to recognize is that the youth of today are craving roles because postmodernism has stripped away traditional roles - kids are having a hard time discovering who they are, as a consequence - and they end up settling for personas on Facebook. A great way to reach this generation might be to connect them with good, godly role models, who are committed to mentoring them.

I am totally serious about witnessing effectively and I am not going to settle with scare tactics or anonymous pamphlets - they are simply antiquated


So telling them the truth that there is a saviour and that he died for them is all well and good but to tell them what he saved them from is unthinkable.

A person can't be saved unless they see a need for salvation. Repentance has to take place. That is the reason we see so few changed lives is because there is no respect for God and no realization of wrong or repentance for wrongs. Sorry but you can sugar coat the truth only so much and then it is not the truth any more. That is the reason you have homosexuals trying to preach and calling themselves pastors and congregations accepting it. Like I said above where you told me people were not superstitious anymore. Is that all you think hell and the punishment for breaking God's laws is, is superstition?

There are consequences to sin, always have been and always be. Those consequences are in this age and in the age to come....


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
So telling them the truth that there is a Saviour and that he died for them is all well and good but to tell them what he saved them from is unthinkable.

It is not unthinkable - it is simply not effective. Modernists were more impressed by Truth - the harder the better. Post-modernists are most impressed by authenticity. The biggest complaint of Post-modernists is not "I stay away from church because they no longer teach Biblical truth!", but rather, "I stay away from church because it is filled with hypocrites who judge my behavior without looking at their own!" So, are we going to go out and witness Hellfire and Brimstone to these people? I guess you could, but is it going to be the most effective way to communicate the gospel to this generation? Pride tells us that we can deliver the gospel any which way we please as long as it is true! But, it is not the way Paul witnessed - he even incorporated the UNKNOWN GOD into his message to the Greeks - he spoke the people's language.

A person can't be saved unless they see a need for salvation.

Well, I already mentioned several reasons why turning our heart and mind over to the justification and sanctification of Christ improves our lives on Earth and into eternity. Relying on sharing the benefits of our own personal relationship with Christ, within the context of an authentic relationship with the person we are witnessing to is more effective than telling people they are going to Hell if they don't start believing the truth!!

Repentance has to take place.

So, what is repentance? I guess you could tell a person that everything they are doing is the equivalent of filthy rags before God and that they are making God more angry everyday they choose to stubbornly deny His sacrifice on the cross by remaining in their own excrement instead of repenting of their sinful ways. Or you can give a definition of repentance they can understand - sin is a compromise - you could be enjoying the relationship you are longing for with a spouse God has chosen for you or you can continue to compromise and deny yourself a committed relationship. Christ died on the cross so you can choose to no longer accept compromise in your life - repenting means to look past compromise for your happiness. You no longer have to be a prisoner of your sin, which is the misuse of God's creation and His will for your life. I can guarantee the first method will communicate arrogance to the nonbeliever - the second method will communicate authenticity.

That is the reason we see so few changed lives is because there is no respect for God and no realization of wrong or repentance for wrongs.

Adam and Eve believed that they could go outside of God's plan for their lives by taking on the extra duty of determining the difference between Good and Evil. Unfortunately, we were created to love God and one another, not determine the difference between Good and something we never needed to understand - evil. So in the wake of their prideful, disobedient decision we are left with primitive, ineffective method of judging good and evil - dualism, which is only marginally useful in hindsight. Determining right and wrong is not what Christ came to preach - the Pharisees were obsessed with awkwardly judging right and wrong in the people - Christ preached love - we are called to truly love one another and God, as we were originally created to do. If everyone stopped compromising (sinning) and lived the Kingdom in their hearts and mind through genuine love and forgiveness, evil would no longer exist. Of course, we will have to wait until heaven for this to happen, because Christ is still completing His justifying and sanctifying work in our hearts, but it sure is exciting to think about and to share with others!! The reason some people do not change their lives is not because they haven't felt wretched enough, or create their own version of a weak God, or revel in their sins; it is because they haven't realized that they no longer have to live that way any longer - this is the Good News.

Sorry but you can sugar coat the truth only so much and then it is not the truth any more.

What does this statement even mean? It sounds like you are claiming that the Good News is too Good to be true. It is my claim that it is too Good not to be true.

That is the reason you have homosexuals trying to preach and calling themselves pastors and congregations accepting it.

People are broken - we are all compromised, but we are also liberated. All we can do is continue to look past the compromise in our own lives (repent), love God and others unconditionally, and practice our sanctification by using our capacity to see other's personal sins, not to judge, but to develop perspective taking skills, empathy, deeper expressions of love, and forgiveness.

Like I said above where you told me people were not superstitious anymore. Is that all you think hell and the punishment for breaking God's laws is, is superstition?

Certainly not! As I have said many times before, Hell is very real. It is the place people with unredeemed hearts and minds with congregate. The motto of the damned will be: "I am in charge!" and "I was cheated out of my salvation!" As Lewis said, "Hell is a place of isolation and radical individualism, where the only quality people have in common with each other is hatred for God, themselves and others" This is why it is so important for Christians to witness to unbelievers in a language they can understand, stressing a real quality of a true relationship with God, which they happen to be craving the most - authenticity.

There are consequences to sin, always have been and always be. Those consequences are in this age and in the age to come....

Agreed. But the consequences are a natural outgrowth of an unredeemed heart and mind, which start right here on Earth and extend into eternity. You can choose to preach a vengeful God holding back His righteous indignation to a deserving, and willfully depraved creation, but it will not ring true in the lives of people in our post-modern society. They will look at you as a hypocrite and walk away feeling right.

I am simply telling it like it is.....
