try again
@Ritajanice , and dont dodge this again...., as Members are watching you, just as they are watching me try to help you.
Lets say you have never trusted in Christ, and are not born again, and you have not been on a Calvinist Forum, before.
You are just a woman... an unbeliever.
So, outside your home, on the Street, im preaching... in the middle of November, at 9am.
And you come outside...,. curious.
I say to the small crowd that has gathered....."All have sinned, there is none righteous,.. no not one> and then i Preach....."""Jesus has died for our sin, and He is risen from the dead". "All who will believe In Jesus, shall be saved"..
And the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart, and your are caused to understand that what i have told you, is the TRUTH..
So, at that point, you have come '"to the Knowledge of the TRUTH">.. as the HS has enlightened you to understand that what i am preaching is TRUE...,,,
Just like it is right now..... Reader.
So, will you believe by faith.. and trust in Christ
????.......or will you do what some do that Jesus defined as..."You REFUSE to come to me... so that you may have eternal life".
A.) You get to choose.