Giving others freedom to think and believe differently

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Active Member
Mar 4, 2021
United Kingdom
No matter how strongly we believe in Christianity, or in our special version of it, we should never coerce or intimidate others for holding a different view.
I value freedom. I live in a democracy. Freedom to have our own thoughts, no matter how immature or strange they may seem to others. That's sacred in my view.
Freedom might be more important than faith in Jesus Christ. Well, surely Jesus wants us to come to him freely. Not with handcuffs on forced to follow him.
I happen to believe in Jesus as the son of God. I came to Him freely. I wasn't forced.
But that freedom I had was very important.
So we are called to evangalise. Personally I try to say less and act more. Be a witness.
I never say to someone " you should believe in Jesus Christ"
Or "Jesus is the TRUTH!! You had better believe it"!! In a threatening tone.
That's a turn off.
What if someone on here suddenly lost their faith and became atheist. Would you lecture them?
Give them space. Give them freedom to go on their own journey. And have their own thoughts.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
How can one truly believe if one does not have faith ?

The worse thing is for one to claim to believe but does not have faith in Jesus Christ.

In the 70's a mates dad got new people move in next door property so he did the right thing and invited them to his Church, well he wish he never did of did that, this woman became a shocker a Hitler type of moron running about ranting and raving goody two shoes with no Grace, it was relentless ! her poor hubby was a hen pecked husk. given 2 years he was just a shell a zombie and her boy was a little Hitler that was younger than my mate and stomping about trying to get him into trouble 24/7 he even tried to get me into trouble once with my mates mum and dad. claimed I chipped his windscreen on the dirt road, we all viewed the damage it was a bit of dust once he touched it, it was gone. how much you want for the windscreen wormy I said.
Wormy did not believe in Jesus Christ at all but demanded things, much like Biden does using Christianity as a flag waving it about to his will.

Another mate up the road pushes his religion on everyone 24/7 he knows best, you should be doing X,Y and Z street preaching with him and his lot and if you have any thoughts other than what they claim you are wrong :rolleyes:.
I say to him that Religion never Saved anyone. Only Jesus Christ Saves.
Religious grandstanding is not worthy of Christ Jesus at all, as such truly lacks Grace.
One who lacks Christian Charity lacks Grace.
One should never live in fear of another men who love to stand over you with malice, one should only fear God, that's the start of a relation ship that's on the correct path with God.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
No matter how strongly we believe in Christianity, or in our special version of it, we should never coerce or intimidate others for holding a different view.
I value freedom. I live in a democracy. Freedom to have our own thoughts, no matter how immature or strange they may seem to others. That's sacred in my view.
Freedom might be more important than faith in Jesus Christ. Well, surely Jesus wants us to come to him freely. Not with handcuffs on forced to follow him.
I happen to believe in Jesus as the son of God. I came to Him freely. I wasn't forced.
But that freedom I had was very important.
So we are called to evangalise. Personally I try to say less and act more. Be a witness.
I never say to someone " you should believe in Jesus Christ"
Or "Jesus is the TRUTH!! You had better believe it"!! In a threatening tone.
That's a turn off.
What if someone on here suddenly lost their faith and became atheist. Would you lecture them?
Give them space. Give them freedom to go on their own journey. And have their own thoughts.
I get your point, don't proselytize. You can't force people to believe but a slap in the face may neede at times whether they feel insulted and their feelings get hurt. Isn't that what Paul did? He stepped on toes, balsphemed their gods, rebuked them, exposed their false beliefs and wickedness and was beaten and his life threatened for it. He didn't evangelize in a passive calm and gentle manor - I think it was more like fire.
Okay, I'm not saying He wasn't tactful and of course being filled with the Spirit, God knew exactly how to deal with each situation, each person. Some need gentleness and are turned off if you get too abrupt. Each person requires special attentiom that only the Holy Spirit is aware of.

My 88 year-old mom is dying. She has her freedom to believe in her smorgasbord of beliefs: reincarnation, astrology, the Universal Energy Force of which her energy will disperse into any day now. But all that is mixed in with Biblical principles that she was taught when she was a little girl in the Orphanage by the mean Nuns who slapped her. I always used to tell her - they didn't slap you enough - she'd laugh. I chipped away at these beliefs for 30 years with fire but not like Paul. Paul just brushed the dirt off his sandals after awhile and moved on. No? I was stuck with this enigma. She also suspects that if there is a heaven, that she is more deserving because her kindness towards people through the years has earned her way. Oh I forgot to mention, she is narcistic. Having been a beautiful model and singer long ago along with her happy go lucky spirit, thoughtfulness, ( kids actually envied me wanting a Mom like her), she is just was stuck in that idolatry. I guess I am supposed to respect her freedom and allow her energy to disperse into the All Nothingness?
Hopefully God will yank her out of her bondage and into the light. But of course, that would be by force in a way. But who else can lift her veil of blindness? If hundreds of scriptures and prayers over 30 years hasn't done it, she will be free to go and disperse her energy.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2021
United Kingdom
One should never live in fear of another men who love to stand over you with malice, one should only fear God, that's the start of a relation ship that's on the correct path with God
Yes that's something I aspire to. But I seem to have the people pleaser gene in me like my Mum.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
No matter how strongly we believe in Christianity, or in our special version of it, we should never coerce or intimidate others for holding a different view.
I value freedom. I live in a democracy. Freedom to have our own thoughts, no matter how immature or strange they may seem to others. That's sacred in my view.
Freedom might be more important than faith in Jesus Christ. Well, surely Jesus wants us to come to him freely. Not with handcuffs on forced to follow him.
I happen to believe in Jesus as the son of God. I came to Him freely. I wasn't forced.
But that freedom I had was very important.
So we are called to evangalise. Personally I try to say less and act more. Be a witness.
I never say to someone " you should believe in Jesus Christ"
Or "Jesus is the TRUTH!! You had better believe it"!! In a threatening tone.
That's a turn off.
What if someone on here suddenly lost their faith and became atheist. Would you lecture them?
Give them space. Give them freedom to go on their own journey. And have their own thoughts.

you mean i cant tell people they are going to hell if they do not believe the exact same way i do? wheres the fun in that.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2021
United Kingdom
you mean i cant tell people they are going to hell if they do not believe the exact same way i do? wheres the fun in that.
Tell them there's a half way house called Purgatory. Where they can work off their sins with hard labour. That gives them more hope. That God is not so dismissive after all.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Tell them there's a half way house called Purgatory. Where they can work off their sins with hard labour. That gives them more hope. That God is not so dismissive after all.

That's a lie though as the Bible doesn't say that. Although I agree with you that nobody should be forced to come to Jesus you shouldn't lie to them either just so they won't be hurt by the truth. The truth hurts sometimes but sometimes it's better to show them tough love and be truthful with them so they don't find out the hard way later on.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2021
United Kingdom
That's a lie though as the Bible doesn't say that.
It's rude to accuse people of telling lies. Didn't you know that? Hope you aren't rude like this all the time. That would be very disappointing.
My Bible includes Purgatory. The Catholic Bible. But I don't want to derail this thread. You will have support in your assertion. That's why you said it. Because you know many people will back you up on here. I would be surprised if they supported your disrespectful style of communication though.

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
That's a lie though as the Bible doesn't say that

Hi April,
Have you considered 1Cor 3: 12-15

If anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw,

the work of each will come to light, for the Day will disclose it. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire (itself) will test the quality of each one's work.

If the work stands that someone built upon the foundation, that person will receive a wage.

But if someone's work is burned up, that one will suffer loss; the person will be saved, but only as through fire.

One is only truly free, when they are submitted to Christ and to one another...

Peace be with you!

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I get your point, don't proselytize. You can't force people to believe but a slap in the face may neede at times whether they feel insulted and their feelings get hurt. Isn't that what Paul did? He stepped on toes, balsphemed their gods, rebuked them, exposed their false beliefs and wickedness and was beaten and his life threatened for it. He didn't evangelize in a passive calm and gentle manor - I think it was more like fire.
Okay, I'm not saying He wasn't tactful and of course being filled with the Spirit, God knew exactly how to deal with each situation, each person. Some need gentleness and are turned off if you get too abrupt. Each person requires special attentiom that only the Holy Spirit is aware of.

My 88 year-old mom is dying. She has her freedom to believe in her smorgasbord of beliefs: reincarnation, astrology, the Universal Energy Force of which her energy will disperse into any day now. But all that is mixed in with Biblical principles that she was taught when she was a little girl in the Orphanage by the mean Nuns who slapped her. I always used to tell her - they didn't slap you enough - she'd laugh. I chipped away at these beliefs for 30 years with fire but not like Paul. Paul just brushed the dirt off his sandals after awhile and moved on. No? I was stuck with this enigma. She also suspects that if there is a heaven, that she is more deserving because her kindness towards people through the years has earned her way. Oh I forgot to mention, she is narcistic. Having been a beautiful model and singer long ago along with her happy go lucky spirit, thoughtfulness, ( kids actually envied me wanting a Mom like her), she is just was stuck in that idolatry. I guess I am supposed to respect her freedom and allow her energy to disperse into the All Nothingness?
Hopefully God will yank her out of her bondage and into the light. But of course, that would be by force in a way. But who else can lift her veil of blindness? If hundreds of scriptures and prayers over 30 years hasn't done it, she will be free to go and disperse her energy.
Where do you think that she got such idea from ?

My mum was reading my Stars to me one day in front of my Aunty, I though what the hell are you trying to do, make out that I follow such nonsense, I told her to stop 5 times but she insisted to go on. she knows my position on such is that such is of Satan, I have informed her that Hitler was guided by such dribble as well, so I detest such insanity being peddled.

I asked my mum to wright of her life story, because such is all over the place as to who it is that she is talking about aunty X,Y,Z or uncle X,Y,Z or grand dad X,Y,Z etc as to on what side is she talking about ? I do not know 100% sure and I have had a gut full now, she thinks that we know them as she does, I give up.
But she gave me one of my life story ? I tossed it in the bin, what the hell do I need such a thing, as I know of all the story's before I was 4yo and I would know best what was going on from then on than anyone would.

I can't believe the ignorance of some people, my dad is dead and some clown who hardly knew him is talking as an authority on the subject to me as if I never knew of him. I even worked with my dad mainly from 1971 to 1990. boy do they love to paint a delusional fantasy.

Every dead person is elevated to sainthood to fools, oh don't talk facts about such as that's taboo, what simple minded dolts, that's Pagan rubbish ! you see such dribble openly displayed with pagans all the time and such rubbish is swallowed within the church's.
Christianity is not about living a lie or playing the goody two shoes at all, like Pagans claim that it is all about.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
is it okay to think different than someone at risk of it possibly causing someone's harm?


Active Member
Mar 4, 2021
United Kingdom
I'm getting some responses on purgatory here that show people don't respect different views on it. I respect non Catholics view that Purgatory doesn't exist. It's not in their Bible.
I can understand why they have that belief.
But I don't take it personally . We just have different views. There is no need to express disgust as if to imply a different view is inferior or false. Stay respectful. This is what the topic of this thread is about. We don't need to humiliate , demonise or ridicule anothers view. Stay objective. We are all children of God.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
I'm getting some responses on purgatory here that show people don't respect different views on it. I respect non Catholics view that Purgatory doesn't exist. It's not in their Bible.
I can understand why they have that belief.
But I don't take it personally . We just have different views. There is no need to express disgust as if to imply a different view is inferior or false. Stay respectful. This is what the topic of this thread is about. We don't need to humiliate , demonise or ridicule anothers view. Stay objective. We are all children of God.
thank you. my apologies. i didnt realize this thread was meant for somethign specific. :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I am a firm believer of our freedom of Religion....And I could have just as easily have died in the military, and if I had, I would have died for the Calvinists right to preach that God is Satan. Which is ironic because freedom of religion does not apply to Calvinists because they are forced to believe in Christianity....right?? LOL

On the whole, I am very tolerant of the beliefs of others, I am multi-denominational....many churches and I have a blast. But there is an evil that walks among us, playing the odds. Satan is a schemer....can he snare some with a religion that has its people loving God, but at the very core it is the worst of blasphemy. So does Satan get those souls...a trophy on his shelf?! Can he laugh and point to his trophies and say to his demons, They loved God, but they are mine now!" Who knows?

I sometimes wish that the eternal fire of torment was not eternal for everyone.
Of course the Jehovah's Witnesses write off hell so....that will be a shock for them! Would standing in a wall of fire for 6 months or a year teach someone something? I think so. But that is not the way it is. A homosexual couple gets married because they were told by some rogue Christian sect that it is ok, and they sign a contract to sin for the rest of their lives....are they going to have the breath to discuss this error while they are screaming in a wall of fire!? Wonder what happens to the preacher that married them?

There is a lot at stake good Christians, should we pat them on the back and hand them a bottle of barbecue sauce? Most of the time when I am addressing these people I am not writing to them or posting the the posters for them...they are firmly in the grip of Satan and will not consider the truth. And the people on this forum that are not taken by Satan, they already know... So I am writing to warn the guests on the forum and the new Christians so that Satan has less of chance of taking them too.

I am a straight shooter and I do not mince words and I am sure at times I come across pretty stern. But if I save one soul from an eternity of hellish screaming in agony....job well done....and no apologies.