Help to make unbelievers believe in the supernatural

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New Member
Mar 22, 2014
Maybe this is a little bit off topic but I didn´t find any better place to post it in.

When I witness for people who don´t even believe in anything that is supernatural, I have been thinking that it would be a great startingpoint if these could at least start believeing in something supernatural.
Does anyone here know about some book that can have that effect on those? The more intelligent and extensive, the better...

Of course, any book with a lot of (preferrably documented) healing miracles can have that effect, but chances are that they all are being dismissed as results of the placebo effect by unbelievers. Therefore writings about many different kinds of miracles, supernatural events, even from non-christian settings would probably be more credible, to the unbeliever.

Any suggestion is apreciated!


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hi Breadandsalt!
Welcome to CyB

There are many books I could suggest but I doubt that this is going to convince unbelievers unless they know the people involved personally. Trying to convince a bunch of guys that there is a supernatural realm is difficult unless they have experienced it themselves. Especially when their primary source of understanding is based on their intellectual prowess.

If that is the angle you are working on, you are best to keep on the same intellectual level, using the word of God as your basis.

Blessings to you!


Active Member
Sep 25, 2012
United States
Angelina said:
There are many books I could suggest but I doubt that this is going to convince unbelievers
I'd agree, if a person can't or won't believe the miracles described in the bible, its highly unlikely that they would believe in supernatural events described in other books. They already don't believe, so reading about various accounts from different sources wouldn't be considered proof to them. They would simply regard it as fantacy or fairytales. "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (John 20;29). We are called by faith, there's no tangible evidence to convince a nonbeliever of God's existance, except creation itself. "Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is" (Hebrews 11;6). So I personally wouldn't try to prove God via miracles. jmo


New Member
Mar 22, 2014
Angelina said:
Hi Breadandsalt!
Welcome to CyB

There are many books I could suggest but I doubt that this is going to convince unbelievers unless they know the people involved personally. Trying to convince a bunch of guys that there is a supernatural realm is difficult unless they have experienced it themselves. Especially when their primary source of understanding is based on their intellectual prowess.

If that is the angle you are working on, you are best to keep on the same intellectual level, using the word of God as your basis.

Blessings to you!
Thank you Angelina! I agree that it could be hard unless they have experienced it themselves! But if they got to read about (or know about in any way) all miraculous things that happen all over the world even today, chances are that they would become more interested. (If it was about some person that in some way resemble them or tey can feel some kind of connection to, that could also help.) It would not prove anything but could open a door to a "maybe..." at least to those who say that they really would like to believe, and wished they had a faith, but just cannot. Unfortunately not many miracles end up in the newspaper...

Which books do you have in mind?

Then, as you said, most of them would of course need to see or experience something supernatural for themselves or somebody close to them to start believing. But with an interest in all these claimed miracles by credible persons, for example if they read hundreds of detailed testimonies with clearly unexpected things (in different areas as healing, finances, guidance etcetera) happening to persons with namnes, number, picture etcetera they could at least get an interest in all this. At least if there is any bit of a seeker in them. And that could maybe give them the motivation to get in touch with some christian...and who knows, just a tiny word of knowledge to them could tip them off the edge to become believers ;-)

Dan57 said:
I'd agree, if a person can't or won't believe the miracles described in the bible, its highly unlikely that they would believe in supernatural events described in other books. They already don't believe, so reading about various accounts from different sources wouldn't be considered proof to them. They would simply regard it as fantacy or fairytales. "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (John 20;29). We are called by faith, there's no tangible evidence to convince a nonbeliever of God's existance, except creation itself. "Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is" (Hebrews 11;6). So I personally wouldn't try to prove God via miracles. jmo
Say somebody just became a christian and then went to some healing service and was healed from some disability he had had for 15 years. Or if his company that was facing bankrupcy suddenly was saved by a cheque from an unknown person with the exact sum that was needed to avoid bankrupcy. Dont you think his unbeieving wife would start thinking at least a little bit about it? I really do. Although I also think there are unbelievere that may be very "stubborn" and probably dont want to see some things, or at least require a lot of huge miracles happening to them before even start considering that there could be a non-natural explanation for it. My two cents :)


New Member
Aug 5, 2014
South Africa
Try a book called "Miracles" by C. S Lewis ... he was one of the most intelligent Christians that I have ever come across, you will not
go wrong with this book.


Active Member
Mar 31, 2015
Las Vegas, NV
Breadandsalt said:
Maybe this is a little bit off topic but I didn´t find any better place to post it in.

When I witness for people who don´t even believe in anything that is supernatural, I have been thinking that it would be a great startingpoint if these could at least start believeing in something supernatural.
Does anyone here know about some book that can have that effect on those? The more intelligent and extensive, the better...

Of course, any book with a lot of (preferrably documented) healing miracles can have that effect, but chances are that they all are being dismissed as results of the placebo effect by unbelievers. Therefore writings about many different kinds of miracles, supernatural events, even from non-christian settings would probably be more credible, to the unbeliever.

Any suggestion is apreciated!
No problem.

First, study the scriptures.

Then, fast and pray until you have attained the humility to be used by God to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and preach with such anointing that, as with John Wesley's preaching, people are slain in the spirit while you are preaching.

If you pray for someone to be healed of a serious illness and God heals them, they will believe.

YOu won't find a "how to" book but read Luke/Acts about ten times and read about Smith Wigglesworth and John Wesley and Saint Seraphim of Sarov and Bishop John Maximovitch and you'll see a pattern of extensive prayer.

If you don't pray in tongues, ask the Holy Spirit for that gift. When He gives it to you, pray in tongues A LOT.

That's my two kopecks.

Fr. jim


New Member
May 26, 2013
Chrisitianity is for at least some of its followers much more than blind faith but a vital relationship with a living God which at times can involve manifestations of the supernatural. Naturalism, materialism and a denial of the supernatural underpin Western thought. Arguments about the existence of God can go on ad infinitum. Understanding comes though revelation and a personal experience of God' power and reality. Pray that God manifest his reality to this person.

I would also like to recommend 4 books. Acts Today, Signs and Wonders of the Holy Spirit by Ralph Harris provides many verified accounts of healings, Xenoglossolalia, divine provision and other supernatural occurrences. Azusa Street: [SIZE=13.3333330154419px]They Told Me their Stories by Tommy Welchel includes many accounts of miracles and healings which ocurred at Azusa Street based on interviews with people who were actually there and [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333330154419px]directly involved. Also God's Generals by Roberts Liardon includes the biographies of Smith Wigglesworth, Maria Woodworth-Etter, John G. Lake, William Branham, Katheryn Kuhlman and several others. Only Believe by Don Stewart includes many accounts of supernatural occurrences in various Christian ministries. These books should be readily available on [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333330154419px], Christian Book Distributors or the like at least in the US and Canada and hopefully elsewhere as well[/SIZE]

Some reading this thread will immediatly dismiss these books as fabrication, illusion, misatribution of supernatural causes to natural events. However I invite you to read them. Any Christians following this thread may find them edifying.

jane paul

New Member
Jun 11, 2015
I offer not a book, but an experience. I attended a Church long ago in Vegas where the miracles occurred. I had no idea how hard it would be to find another Church filled with the supernatural miracles that I experienced there weekly. The presence of the Shakinah Glory always there and the healing miracles. The prophetic realm opened up with visions to almost everyone there. It was a small Church that reminded me of the Azusa Street one after I read the book many years later. I lost that Church long ago in a move and have searched and searched and gotten close to nothing like it again.......until now. The miracles started back up at Brownsville Assembly in Pensacola Florida about a month ago. I have been privy to watching 3 miracles personally occur already with my family and friends. The Lord is moving again at Brownsville. I would suggest just taking them there. Blind eyes now see as well as crutches and things left behind at the altar no longer needed. There is prophecy...tongues and interpretation there. And I have seen angels and wonderful visions. Why not live the book instead!
"Just sayin*"


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