In regard to what Jesus said to Peter, it appears that the Apostle John's presumption is in error.

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The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
In the 3rd century BC (two-hundred years after the sage-editing) the prophet, Hosea, mentions the Father of NOTHING — the only mention still remaining in Old Testament Scripture. Actually, two mentions in the same sentence. The first time as “O Death.” The second time as “O Grave.” This is also the only verse within the entire Old Testament where a prophet uses the Word “RANSOM” in the exact same way as Jesus uses the Word “RANSOM” — against Death:

Hosea 13:14 (KJV) “I will RANSOM them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O Death, I will be thy plagues; O Grave, I will be thy destruction.”

O Death (aka: O Grave) — the Most-Empty of David’s “O Silent Ones” — is the Father of NOTHING. The sages did have a valid point. Such Scriptural Truth left plain for ALL to see would significantly rock basic Judeo-Christian theology to the very core of its foundation. Two of these Almighty Beings of Darkness are mightier than Satan, himself.

Equally notable, each of these Beings of Darkness has a Counterpart of Light. (Okay... clue) I will mention one Counterpart of Light found in the Book of Ezekiel. The prophet Ezekiel refers to Her as “O Breath.” (Ezekiel 37:9)

I feel you out there. (Not you, Victory. Our other friends.) Try not to be too rash (and unaware) waiving your hand at me in disbelief and utter scoff. No, I am not a lunatic, raving. There is plenty of confirming Scriptural proof for what I am plainly revealing to you... even in the New Testament. In the original Greek, Peter refers to the Subjects at hand (David’s “O Silent Ones”) as “the Glorious Ones.” (2 Peter 2:10) As does Jude. (Verse 8) Both writers chastise mere mortal men who would dare cast aspersions upon these “Glorious Beings” despite Their Dark (as in Darkness) nature.

In the King James Version of 2 Peter 2:10, They are referenced as “dignities” (other contemporary bible versions copy that lingo). In the NIV as “celestial beings.” The Living Bible was the first English translation of which I am aware that (true to the Greek) refers to David’s “O Silent Ones” as “the Glorious Ones.” Or, as referenced in an old Living Bible footnote “the Glories of the unseen world.” The Living Bible also refers to Them in 2 Peter as “evil Mighty Ones” (in Divine Capitalization).

2 Peter 2:10-11 (The Living Bible) “…those who are proud and willful, daring even to scoff at the Glorious Ones without so much as trembling, although the angels in Heaven who stand in the very presence of the Lord, and are far greater in power and strength than these false teachers, never speak out disrespectfully against these evil Mighty Ones.”

The original Greek simply reads “...against Them” (capitalization added). The publishers of the Living Bible paraphrase “Them” to read “evil Mighty Ones.” These publishers do so in an attempt to impress upon the reader that “They” are definitely not on the side of the Living God of Light. That is correct. “They” are exactly on the opposite side. However, by using the word “Evil” as a Scriptural translation, the publishers do so in ignorance and approach the same pitfall of which Peter and Jude warn. Granted, this is common, innocent human ignorance. Judging things in terms of “Good” and “Evil” is what we humans tend to do.

“Mighty Ones of Darkness” would be appropriate language.

“O Silent Ones” are respectful lyrics.

As is “the malignant” (the true adjective David uses to describe Them) as opposed to “the wicked” or “the perverted” as Psalm 58:3 (in many translations) is Agenda-Bent to read.

Suffice to say, the New International Version (the most popularly read Bible in our time) reads nowhere near to the original Hebrew.

Once again, here is the NIV translation of Psalm 58:3...

“Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies.”

Compare that concoction to the original Hebrew:

“From the bowels of NOTHING, malignant and lost from the womb, speaking falsehood.”

The figurative use of the Hebrew Word mê·rā·ḥem, which begins the English translation above, is actually quite poetic: “From the depths of Sheol” — Sheol, being the place of the dead where Solomon tells us there is NOTHING. “No work, no planning, no knowledge, no wisdom.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Being a superb songwriter, David likes using mê·rā·ḥem here for its double lyrical meaning. David’s secondary gist is, normally, the primary use — “From out of the belly.” Put together lyrically: “From the bowels of NOTHING.” There is a lot more going on in this particular line of David’s psalm than the weak inference “From birth.”

“From the bowels of NOTHING” is the PERFECT English translation. Working PERFECTLY with the proper Subjects of the verse — the “O Silent Ones.”

Perhaps it is time to wean the Church pilots off Mother Church (like weaning kittens lined up at the teats). The stakes are much higher than fabled Hollywood-Notions of *Good* versus *Evil* blindly taught to the blind in seminary school.

Do you desire wisdom?

If so, put aside ALL your indoctrination of “Good” versus “Evil.” These are manmade judgments. Concocted. Imagined. Focus on the Big Picture. First... consider the magnitude of Light versus Darkness. Clues? One gains true wisdom ONLY with the Living God as your teacher. One can best start by contemplating what John said at the beginning of his Gospel, “The Darkness did not comprehend the Light” (John 1:5). Then... talk to the Living God. And, carefully consider what DID actually happen in Genesis when God separated the Light from the Darkness.

Too deep? I agree. Back to business. Here is a much simpler fact (regarding Psalms 58:3) exposing the falsehood of Original Sin. Never in recorded human history has there ever been one report of a newborn infant-human — fresh from the womb — crying out a lie. Clues! Clues! Hold out your plastic pumpkins. (We’re giving them out like Halloween candy.) More so, you could travel the world over and be hard-pressed to find any one-year-old capable of committing a sin of any kind. Much less, a bold-faced lie.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Keep your pumpkins out (or your bags held open). Here is another little treat. If a little child, newborn to one-year-old, is automatically born a Slave of Sin, there is no way Jesus would have specifically picked up a little child, telling us, “Unless you become like a little child, you can never get the Kingdom of Heaven.”

The key word is “little.” Ironically, a LITTLE child is Jesus’ BIG clue for us.

Psalm 51 is yet another song of David that our Neanderthal-Thinking Church fathers (and pilots) erroneously use for bolstering the idea of Original Sin:

Psalm 51:5 (KJV) “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

I wish David were here to speak for himself. Having such a PERFECT heart, he would probably curse himself for singing these lyrics without context instead of cursing the “theological geniuses” who have so terribly misconstrued them. Folks, these are songs. That is what a psalm is. You can say whatever you would like in a song. It is called poetic license.

Certainly, we have ALL heard the expression, “He’s a natural born...” whatever. “That boy’s a natural born jack of ALL trades.” The press reported of Peggy Fleming, “She’s a natural born skater.” Perhaps you have even seen the movie, Natural Born Killers. The expression is not new. It is age-old.

As soldiers, David and his men consistently referred to their enemies as “Natural born monsters,” “Natural born trash,” “Natural born devils,” Natural born evildoers.” On and on, goes the list.

This devilment helps you become a “good” soldier.


By putting aside the truthful GOOD sense that this is a brother human standing before you.

Why would you want to do that?

So you can diligently thrust a sword into his stomach, rip it upward through his entrails into his heart and then roar at him, face to face, as you watch the Life drain out of his eyes.

Dehumanizing your enemy is a vital part of killing and training to kill. It is essential for war, slavery and ALL sorts of human atrocities. WE’RE the good guys and THEY’RE the bad guys. Not just before the battle and during the battle; but, most especially, after the battle, so we can keep this insanity marching on. For, when the onslaught of killing is finished and you see first hand, the aftermath, it is just too obvious that the dead “bad” guys and the dead “good” guys each have the same stomachs and entrails and hearts and eyes. And, plenty of the same colored blood.

So... something has to be spun to separate “us” from “them.” These dehumanizing phrases often get shortened to just “monsters,” “trash,” “devils,” “evildoers,” “kikes,” “krauts,” “japs,” “gooks,” “slopes,” “zips,” “Ali Baba,” “Mams,” “Fams” ... the list goes on and on.

With this lovely lesson in mind, we can put Psalm 51:5 in context. David is cursing himself for ALL the dreadful words that ever proceeded from his mouth toward his enemies. ALL part of a conversation between David and God.

The very sentence used to promote the concept of Original Sin — “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me,” is David’s personal response to what God sings in the previous psalm (Psalm 50). God sings to David of “giving your mouth to evil” by framing the boldface lie that your fellow man is any different than you. For, whenever you dehumanize your brother by calling him “monster,” “trash,” “devil,” or “kike,” you slander “your own mother’s son.” And, just whom is your own mother’s son?

You. Yourself.

Psalm 50:19-20 (KJV) “Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thy tongue frameth deceit. Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother; thou slanderest thine own mother’s son.”

David is famous for taking oaths against himself whenever he is convinced he has sinned. I can promise you, Jesus had David in mind when he warned us, “It’s best not to take any oaths.” No doubt, the Living God’s Words (Psalm 50) hit close-to-home as David reflected upon his soldier-days and ALL the times he “speakest against thy brother” as natural-born monsters and natural-born trash.

In reply (Psalm 51), David curses himself by “slandering his own mother’s son”:

Psalm 51:5 (KJV) “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

The Church mutates this personal dialogue between God and David into Original Sin doctrine: We have ALL been “shaped in iniquity” as have ALL our mothers before us. Therefore, we are ALL born into “Original Sin.”

This would be laughable were the effect not so tragic. Folks, this is a song. This is poetic license. The Church has taken innocent song-lyrics and turned them into absolute blasphemy.

Come on! cries the Church pilots. Absolute blasphemy?

Absolutely. David is speaking personally about himself and, entirely, in a figurative sense. It is an abomination for the Church to continue to purport such about the whole of humanity in a literal sense. As in, “We (ALL humans) are shaped in inequity.” The God’s-honest Truth? We are shaped in the very image of the Living God.

Another vital fact is... Jesus. Remember him? There is not one sentence Jesus ever spoke that the Church can use, twist (nor mistranslate) to support Original Sin doctrine. That within itself is good enough for me.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
The only other Old Testament Bible verses apologetic proponents (@Bible Highlighter is no exception) of “We are born with Original Sin” can produce to prop up this lopsided house are:

Proverbs 22:15 (KJV) “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child.”

...and what the Living God said to Noah after the floodwaters subsided:

Genesis 8:21 (KJV) “...the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth.”

The Old Testament reference to one’s “heart” means the exact same thing as one’s “conscience.”

Imagine that. “The imagination of MAN’S heart” — OUR ALTERED IMAGINATION FILTERED THROUGH OUR CONSCIENCE is what is Evil. Not MAN, HIMSELF. For, GOD, HIMSELF, created MAN in His Own Image.

So... what does that tell us about Evil, itself?

Evil is imagined within our conscience, so says the Lord, God.

This one Scriptural fact changes everything we think we know about Evil. Evil is a false and deceiving invention of MAN inspired by NOTHING. Certainly, not inspired by anything around us. Everything around us IN CREATION (including ourselves) was “very Good.” To destroy EVERYTHING, the Dying God of Darkness added two things and two things alone into Creation. One, His only begotten son (the devil). And, two, a tree with “Evil” in its name and in its fruit.

Yet, even so, we had no knowledge of what “Evil” meant. Until we bit into it and gained one simple understanding of it. IT… is the opposite of “Good.” More than enough for us to begin our inquisitive search for IT.

Intangible — Evil is imagined; and then made Real, by us bringing IT into Creation.

As far as inventions go, “Evil” is no different from MAN’S worthwhile inventions inspired by EVERYTHING. The wheel, the car, the airplane, the space shuttle, indoor plumbing, etcetera. We imagine this round thing that can roll; and, then... what? We created the wheel. We brought it into tangible Reality. Do you truly understand? Evil works the exact same way. Evil, and its progressive spinoff “sin,” is whatever we imagine it to be. Nothing more than a concoction of conscience... turned tangibly Real.

We made it tangibly Real.

The Good News? Evil is not part of what we naturally are. We sin because our original way of thinking has been dramatically altered.

The proponents of Original Sin claim: We sin because it is in our nature to do so.

The supporters of Original Sin dogma will do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) to keep this profane doctrine alive. Including the absurdity of attaching this nonsense to infants and babes in the womb.

Jonathan Edwards, in his classic work, The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended, published in 1758 (still quoted by Original Sin proponents today) misrepresents the etymology pertaining to the phrase, “from his youth” found in the God-to-Noah verse cited above. (Genesis 8:21)

On this, Edwards writes, “The word translated, ‘youth,’ signifies the whole of the former part of the age of man, which commences from the beginning of life. The word in its derivation, has reference to the birth or beginning of existence ... so that the word here translated, ‘youth,’ comprehends not only what we in English most commonly call the time of youth, but also childhood and infancy.”

As in English, there is a specific word in Hebrew for “infant” or “infancy.”

To be innocently mistaken or duped into this nonsense is one thing; however, for a scholar of Edwards’ caliber to include infancy as part of the Genesis 8:21 English translation (“from his youth”) along with Edwards’ allusion to conception (“from the beginning of Life”) is beyond error. It is a boldfaced lie on Edwards’ part. There is no English translation of Genesis 8:21 that agrees with Edwards. Out of the fifty most recognized English Bible translations, I found six varying translations for the phrase: “from childhood,” “from his childhood,” “from childhood on,” “from his youth,” “from youth onward” and “from the time they are young.”

“Youth,” “childhood” and “young.” As opposed to newborns, babes and embryonic Life.

The Hebrew word for “from his youth” at Genesis 8:21 is: עֻרָ֑יו
Transliteration: min-nə-‘u-rāw
Translation into English: “from his youth,” “from his youths,” “from his childhoods,” “from youth/early life.” (Not “from the beginning of Life” nor “from earliest Life.”)

The Hebrew word for “from earliest Life” or “from infancy” is: מֵֽעֹלֵל֙
Transliteration: mê-‘ō-lêl
Translation into English: “infants,” “little ones,” “babes.” In Scripture, specifically used at 1 Samuel 15:3 and Isaiah 65:20.

Why is it so important for us to know that newborns, infants and little ones (one-year-olds) are in an entirely different class (ALL by themselves) compared to older children, adolescents and adults? Why is this the essential key for truly understanding and, ultimately, truly accepting Jesus’ Concept?

Because, we are not born with the symptom known as “sin.” Neither are we born with the disease. We contract the disease, like a viral infection. The uniqueness of this viral infection is the way in which we give Life to the disease. Mentally.

The disease starts entirely in our heads, specifically, in one’s imagination. Yet, it is always stimulated by outside input. “The propensity to sin” is not DNA encoded into our flesh & blood, nor into our souls. Therefore, the problem is certainly not in our true nature. The disease is a mental virus, a thousand times more contagious than the Omicron variant of Covid-19.

Dr. Michael Youssef’s “World Gone Mad” went mad a long, long time ago.

The God’s-honest Truth is the exact opposite of “Original Sin.” We are not born with a sin-problem that leads to evil. We contract a very specific evil mental problem that leads to sin.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
A little child does not have this very specific evil mental problem... yet. One is born into this world on God’s Factory Setting, PERFECTLY sinless.

Truly (or as Jesus would say, “Verily, verily”) if we were born in sin, then, what Jesus proposes as the solution to this very specific, evil mental problem — for a grown adult to be “born again” — would be redundant and totally useless. Completely ineffective. Carefully notice, Jesus does not say, “born in a brand-new special way” or “born correctly this time” or “born right” as opposed to being born “wrong.” Jesus chooses his Words very carefully. And, he always keeps it simple. “Born again.”

Follow the Jesus-Logic.

If people are born Evil, what use would it be for us to be born again? Jesus’ point? We are not born Evil. We are born “Very Good.” We are born PERFECTLY sinless.

We have been hacked.

Say your computer gets hacked by an Evil virus. Does that mean your computer is Evil? No, it simply means your computer missed the warning. The error is human: We are stupid. The answer is Divine: Terminate the virus and restart your Factory Setting.

The very real Power of Darkness is seen in the fact that the simple cure is sitting on the table, right in front of us. And, there, the cure has sat for the last two thousand years. Obviously, what truly helps the O Silent Ones is anything that keeps us blind to the disease and stupid to the cure. Diagnosis: We have a very specific, evil mental problem that leads to sin. Good News: There is a cure. ALL you have to do is take it.

Jesus said: “Take my body, and eat it.”

Truly swallow this pill. It gives your brain a psychological RESTART coupled up with eternal ANTI-MALWARE and VIRUS PROTECTION.

It is beyond amazing (into the excessive depths of Diabolical) that the Church would invent “Original Sin” — a fairytale that keeps everyone blind to our very Real and evil mental problem. Verily, verily, we are blinded to the disease with fairytales, despite the fact that the disease, itself, is clearly named in the Scriptures.

This openly named virus is a very specific knowledge that inadvertently becomes engrained into our minds. It is ALL consuming. So much so, as adults, it is difficult for us to imagine it not being completely engrained in our minds. This knowledge was NOT in the minds of Adam and Eve before they became Diabolically-Induced into... doing... what? What did Adam and Eve do?

They changed their minds.

This Scripturally named knowledge is also NOT in the minds of ALL little ones — newborns to one-year-olds. Think about those two clues. Adam and Eve, before metanoeo (before their change-of-mind) and ALL little ones. Two unique and isolated test groups. Can you guess what very specific knowledge is lacking in the minds of both?

The Knowledge of Good & Evil.

Cause and effect. Our metanoeo — our change in thinking from the way we originally thought to the viral way we think now — is the direct result of us gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil.

How should one classify a universal plague that turns everyone it contacts mentally ill?

Tracing the pandemic to its origin, the calamity can best be classified as a foodborne disease. Earliest reports indicate that the human race contracted this deadly virus from a piece of fruit. No accident. We chose it. The tree we plucked it from was clearly marked.

The Knowledge of Good & Evil is a mental disease, courtesy of the Dying God of Darkness. It is fatal malignant brain cancer. It eats Truth and releases falsehood. It inspires evil simply by presenting to us the possibility that both *Good* AND *Evil* “exist.” Psychologically, it overpowers and replaces our Factory Setting (IT’S-ALL-GOOD).

These are imperative Truths for us to know about our thinking disease. To know the God’s-honest Truth is what Jesus promises will set us FREE — FREE-Indeed. Knowing these Truths is Good News. Do you know why? Since humanity has the ability bring forth evil, here, into Creation, we also have the equal ability to send it AWAY.

Thus, our lesson on “conscience.” Remember, Victory? It is vital for us to review these Truths about CONSCIENCE. Adam and Eve ate of the fruit that opened their minds to The Knowledge of Good & Evil. Thus, Adam and Eve’s minds became so polluted. The Diabolical result? Out of their imaginations they grew a conscience. A conscience takes control of one’s imagination. The conscience (or “the heart” — as the Old Testament writers refer to it) OWNS the imagination. Out of the imagination of the conscience (or “heart”)... comes evil.

What evil in and of itself could possibly come from growing a conscience?


We judge EVERYTHING in terms of Good & Evil. That is what... having a conscience... is. Judging EVERYTHING (including one’s own self) in terms of Good & Evil.

Having a conscience is NOT part of our Factory Setting. Meaning, the Living God of Light never gave us a conscience. Inspired by NOTHING, IT is of our own invention. We invented a Thought-Master. It is very tricky. According to the prophet, Jeremiah, IT is the most deceitful thing, and, yet, we do whatever IT says. IT dictates how we think.

What Jesus came to set right is the very foundation of HOW we think. Most especially, what we think about ourselves, individually and as a entire species.

A mindset is based upon KNOWLEDGE — the core of our everyday thinking. To escape the bonds of a false mindset, it is imperative for us to know the Truth. Cause and effect.

So... let’s put the Truth together. Add it up. One, The Knowledge of Good & Evil leads us directly into... Two. Growing a conscience. Which leads us directly into... Three. Judging. Which… ultimately… leads us into... self-destruction. Death. Keep in mind, ALL of this was Parentally-Forbidden to us from the get-go.

Learn these Truths. For, they are exactly why Jesus counsels us to “Judge not.”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
The Holy Spirit has the PERFECT foundational question for us. By answering this question honestly, we gain many Truths about our species — humanity:

“Did the growing of a conscious reveal anything GOOD about Adam and Eve?”

Practically everything. Upon gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil, what Evil & Sinful transgressions did Adam and Eve realize in their consciences about themselves?

Adam was not afraid and ashamed of ALL the lies he had ever told Eve. Likewise, Eve was not afraid and ashamed of ALL the lies she had ever told Adam.

With good reason. They had never lied to each other.

Prior to gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil, they had no need nor motivation to lie.

Can you imagine? Never killed anyone. Certainty never stole anything, for everything already belonged to them. Newborns come from this same unpolluted Place of Life. (Precisely why little children naturally assume that everything belongs to them.) Never a word spoken back and forth in hatred. No sins whatsoever. Grown adults, yet Adam and Eve were PERFECTLY blind to the entire concept of “sin.”

As a grown adult, try to imagine it. You instantly gain The Knowledge of Good & Evil and the only guilt your conscience presents (before you and God Almighty) — the only “shameful” deed you become fearful you have committed before the eyes of God... is...

...public nudity.

That is an amazingly sinless and guiltless Life Adam and Eve led up to the point of gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil — Knowledge which immediately progresses into judging.

Think. What is judging? Humans determining what we think is “Good” and what we think is “Evil.”

ALL of humanity was PERFECT in every sense of the Word (ALL two of us) before we started judging what we think is “right” and what we think is “wrong.” ALL these Biblical facts point to the exact same inescapable Truth.

There is no natural “evil-nature” within us.

On the contrary, it is remarkable how naturally GOOD and totally sinless we truly are with no conscience, guilt and fear based upon what we think is “Good” and what we think is “Evil.” Finally... the Truth. These are amazing Truths for us to know and understand. Only the Holy Spirit of the Living God of Light speaking through a Living true acceptor can make these Truths known to the world. We could have easily learned ALL these basic Truths two-thousand years ago — as early as the later part of the first century. Under PERFECT-Grace, the Holy Spirit leads us (naturally) into ALL Living Truth. Sadly, the very Lives of these basic Truths were cut short. Instant fatalities. They went down with the plane at Romans 6:16.

Although these Truths are part of the Good News, it is difficult for any Mature-Christian to de-cheese and embrace them. The true light these Truths shed upon the falsehood of “Original Sin” is too Real. Too bright. The true light these Truths shed upon our greatest Christian hero and brother, Paul, is too Real. Too bright. Cries Paul of Tarsus:

Romans 7:18 (Original Greek) “I know that there dwells nothing good in my flesh.”

Contrary to what the misguided Church teaches, we are ALL God’s children — we are ALL brothers and sisters. Whether we recognize our Father... or not. Allow the Words of the Holy Spirit, the GOOD Comforter, to put a cold cloth on the despair of our universal “condition”:

“Chill. Calm down. Cool out. Let it go. Think not of yourself nor even the worst person imaginable to you in such a harsh way of Darkness. For, you can trace every evil or sin associated with any one of you back to that person gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil as his Master. Without Master Knowledge of Good & Evil, you simply cannot help but remain absolutely sinless.”

Adam and Eve are Scriptural proof. Both of them Lived PERFECTLY sinless Lives before gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil and, consequentially, a conscience.

Here is Wisdom — this is the God’s-honest Truth — spoken directly out of the mouth of the Holy Spirit (so, listen up):

“The allure of sin diminishes equally with the power you give to sin. You give it no power, it has no allure.”

Try your best to imagine one-step beyond that. (We imagined our way into this mess, perhaps our first step in stepping out of it is by imagining our way out.) Imagine if you had never even heard of the concept of sin — never heard of the concept of right & wrong. Imagine Living in a world where there is no such thing as sin. No such concept as sin. No such word as sin. The entire idea of such a thing is simply not part of Reality; but, rather, that which has always remained... in Never-Never Land.

It should not take much of an imagination to consider such a Reality. That is our original Reality. That is our Factory Setting. Adam and Eve enjoyed this Reality continuously, until they gained The Knowledge of Good & Evil. You and I enjoyed it, too. You probably do not remember, but you did (you were so little). You have witnessed the transition in your grandchildren, Victory. Our little ones enjoy this exact same Reality... continuously... until the moment little he or little she gains... what?

The Knowledge of Good & Evil.

That is the absolute God’s-honest Truth.

We. Me. You. Humankind. It is ALL about what-you-think. Our world is exactly what we make of it. You ARE what you think.

The power we gain from this Truth is absolutely limitless (see also, dreadful and wondrous). For, in using our God-Given access to the Boundless Bigness, we ARE whatever we imagine ourselves to be. Solomon, without a doubt, the first psychologist, shared this wisdom with us ages ago, long before anyone added a PsyD and/or a PhD to his name and considered dabbling into what the human mind is or what the human mind can possibly do (or undo).

Proverbs 23:7 (KJV) “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
What the Holy Spirit reveals next is, indeed, Good News. So GOOD, it is actually how the Good News works:

“Any person Living in the Place of Life (an entirely sinless mental Reality) IS entirely sinless.”

Just like those Pharisees who, as Jesus states, had truly achieved having NO SIN. How is that possible? Because, they saw themselves as having NO SIN. Only by applying the self-righteousness method. Jesus proved just how fleeting the self-righteousness method IS. It is no permanent solution at ALL. For, Master Self-Righteousness can always sell IT’S slave right back into the clutches of Master Sin.

Yet, not so with the Jesus Concept: Truly accepting the Jesus Concept. Living in THAT Place of Life IS eternal.

Keep in mind, the allure of sin diminishes equally with the power we knowledgably give to sin. Therefore, if any person truly accepts, 100%, with no ifs, ands or buts that — “ALL of my sin has been taken AWAY” — not only does sin, ultimately, have no allure to that person whatsoever; immediately, to that person, sin actually is not. Instantly (in the mindset of the true acceptor) “sin” simply does not exist anymore.

That’s it. Pure and simple. Behold the pure, unbridled power of truly accepting what’s been done for us on the cross. It truly works... when applied in its pure form, that is. “Pure,” meaning, 100%, with no “ifs,” “ands” or “buts.”

The cure is a psychological slam-dunk. It is impossible to sin without first having the consequential knowledge of sin. The true acceptor’s only consequential knowledge of sin is quite simple. “Past, present and future, ALL of my sin has been taken AWAY.” Under this change of mind, sin has no power whatsoever. And, ultimately, no allure.

Why did Almighty God see Adam and Eve as “very GOOD”? Because Adam and Eve WERE very GOOD. They were PERFECTLY righteous. It should be Saint Adam and Saint Eve, thank you, please, Church.

On the contrary, the Church judges Adam and Eve as absolute sinners.

The first sinners.

According to the Church, Adam’s disregarding the Living God’s command and warning (not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge) was the first sin. The impertinent Church insists on calling it “Original Sin.”

thee faith would ask: “Who are you to dare call the Church “impertinent?”

I am a human being, walking and talking as a true acceptor, speaking the absolute God’s-honest Truth. The Church was not one of the pertinent parties directly involved. That is the Truth, the whole Truth and not any other thing but the Truth.

Doesn’t it seem funny (funny strange not funny ha-ha) that disregarding God’s warning and command was not identified as a sin by any of the pertinent parties directly involved?

God did not consider it a sin.

Adam and Eve did not consider it a sin.

The author of Genesis did not consider it a sin.

The word “sin” does not even appear in the first three chapters of Genesis. And, yet, our Church and, consequentially, our “belief” system (or is it the other way around?) teaches that Adam specifically committed “a sin” by carelessly disregarding the Living God’s GOOD council.

Every good Christian is supposed to “believe” this GUILTY-AS-CHARGED sign, tagged upon Adam’s left ear. After ALL, the Church’s judicial bench (I like to refer to IT as “Judge Fleming,” from the Al Pacino movie, “And, Justice for ALL”) has sent this decree directly down to us. As good Christians we are running around about our business, calling Adam “a sinner.” The first sinner. Never stopping to think. Wait a second. No one has ever properly found Adam guilty of anything.

So... how about a fair trial?

Perhaps the Church would prefer we not put Adam on trial.

Yeah, you had best just hold off! cries Judge Fleming. Besides, you have no authority to hold such a proceeding!

Really? What makes Judge Fleming’s collective conscience (constructed by The Knowledge of Good & Evil) so trustworthy and special? Judge Fleming considers Paul the trusty authority. However, Paul is also the slave of Master Knowledge of Good & Evil. Consequentially (same as the Church he fathered) Paul has a hard time distinguishing Light from Darkness. Paul admits (in hindsight) the devil can appear as an angel of Light; therefore, Paul’s advice for his students is to “Test everything.” Paul’s reversal (Romans 6:16) does not pass the test, proving contradictory and destructive to what’s been done for us on the cross. And, so... what gives the Church and its father, Paul, the right to judge Adam “guilty” for ALL these years? Kangaroo-Style yet?

Nothing special. Anyone can play Kangaroo Court.

ALL rise. Kangaroo Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Harry S. Sanctimonious presiding. Come forward if you have business before this Court.

Tune in, ladies and gentlemen. (About time, somebody gave Adam a fair trial.)

Calling the case of the People of the State of Decency versus the defendant, Adam.

Come. Play along, Victory. Be one of Adam’s twelve jurors.

The Lord God gave Adam a specific command and warning: “Thou shall not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die.”

The question before the jury is plain and simple: Was Adam’s careless disregard of God’s command and warning... a sin?

A sin of which you can rightfully convict Adam?

Beyond a reasonable doubt?

Before making the boo-boo of finding a PERFECTLY innocent man GUILTY, clearly understand, when Adam bit into that fruit, he had NO Knowledge of Good & Evil.


It was only AFTER taking the bite that Adam became aware of the concept of Good & Evil.

See the dilemma?

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
A person has to know the difference between right and wrong at the time of the offense... in order to be guilty of anything.

That is not Kangaroo-Courtroom-Gobbledygook. That is Reality under God’s blue Heaven. It is an Absolute. Jesus affirms this Absolute:

John 9:41 (Original Greek) “If you were blind, you would have no sin.”

Adam neglected his Father’s warning and/or forgot his father’s command. If you must call it something, call it ignorant carelessness or just plain innocent stupidity. However, be assured of this. You are promoting an absolute falsehood if you insist upon calling it “a sin” against Adam. I can cite the Church’s response better than the Church-Taught:

Juror number 2, @ScottA, pipes in from his afterglow: If Adam and Eve did not know they had done wrong in disobeying God by eating the fruit, then why did God punish them by throwing them out of the Garden?

He didn’t.

Read your Bible as opposed to your pastor (or your Church-Taught Bible-Mentor) reading it to you. I am not being flippant. Try reading Genesis with a clear head, opened eyes and opened ears. You may be turning the pages and looking at the words; but, be warned and aware of the Church in your ear, defining the meaning for you.

After gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil and growing a conscience, the only thing Adam and Eve felt guilty and ashamed about (actually, “afraid” of God seeing) was their nakedness. (Genesis 3:10) Period.

Go back to Genesis and read it. Adam and Eve had no fear, no shame, no guilt — whatsoever — that they had “disobeyed” God.

Wow. Isn’t THAT an amazing Truth? Here is another one.

God put Adam out of the Garden not as a punishment; but, specifically, so that now (with Adam having chosen to eat from the Tree of Knowledge) he could not put forth his hand and also eat from the other tree in the center of the garden — The Tree of Life — which the Living God of Light had equally placed in the center of the garden. (Genesis 3:22-23)

After the Serpent beguiled Adam and Eve into choosing from which Tree to eat (of the two trees bearing fruit in the center of the garden) the Serpent is the only one the Lord specifically cursed and punished. Every curse awaiting Adam and Eve (including death itself) was the direct cause and effect of them eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. There is a big difference between cause and effect... and “punishment.”

God reveals the cause and effect directly to Adam at Genesis 3:17. Cause? Adam mindlessly harkened to his wife; and, together, they ate of the fruit; instead of Adam mindfully remembering God’s warning — never to eat of it. Effect? Cursed is the ground for ALL our sakes. Adam, in sorrow, shall EAT The Knowledge of Good & Evil ALL the days of his Life; as shall the rest of humanity EAT of it. In sorrow. (Until the ground is blessed once again, with Wheat, planted by the Son of Man.)

Juror number 3, @thee faith, a well-taught Catholic might observe: You make an excellent case for Adam not yet knowing the difference between right and wrong when he bit into the fruit. However, by the same logic, you certainly must find Eve guilty. Her eyes were open to Good & Evil when she gave Adam the fruit to eat.

The wording in Genesis literally reads that both Adam and Eve’s eyes became open to The Knowledge of Good & Evil at precisely the same time:

Genesis 3:6-7 (KJV) “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of both of them were opened.”

Adam could have stopped the whole thing from happening had he mindfully considered God’s warning. Regardless — either way (Eve eating one second before Adam, or both Adam and Eve eating exactly together) — the Church and those taught by the Church find Eve legally guilty of corrupting Adam. Simply because Eve gave the fruit to Adam.

Let’s ask the Church an important legal question. What was Eve’s motive?

Church-Taught answer: A sinful heart.

Really? Perhaps we should leave the judging of hearts to God. God knows the human heart (the human conscience) better than we can ever know it ourselves. Especially the most mystifying of human hearts. That, being, the heart of a woman.

Although Eve now has a conscience (immediately upon gaining The Knowledge that both Good & Evil exist) she has no accumulated track record of judging Evil — judging what she “believes” is Evil. Therefore, thus far, Eve’s conscience is cleaner than any saint’s.

Upon being asked what she has done, she honestly replies, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” Notice Eve does not say that the serpent... deceived... her. Eve has not the first clue (nor any understanding) of deception. Look up the meaning of the word “beguile.” It means to charm or to enchant. The idea of Eve being “deceived” is a judgment that comes from us; from our collective conscience; from our perspective and retrospect; through our theological assessment. Not from Eve.

Eve understands the idea of “deception” as much as a two-year-old understands the idea of “deception.” Zero.

Keep in mind, the only “evil” of which Eve is aware (within the depths of her own newly established conscience) is the “evil” of having been seen with her husband “naked.” As to the “evil” of Adam and Eve “being disobedient to God”? Truth be told, this specific perception of “evil” is written nowhere in Genesis. It is a judgment made by generations following and passed on to future generations (ours included).

The Church-Taught Conscience (Religion) is a collective-conscience fed by countless generations of humanity brutally infected by the multiplying effect of The Knowledge of Good & Evil. Certainly, Judeo/Christian-humans are no exception. The Knowledge of Good & Evil multiplies itself. Madder and madder we get as the years go on.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
The point? Church-Taught theologians demonize Eve’s motive in “giving-the-fruit-to-Adam” based upon their own gist of “right” and “wrong,” never once considering the transparency of Eve. The same mistake Church-Taught theologians make across the board. They see Eve as having a conscience identical to their own conscience — the same collective-conscience the Church-Taught theologian uses to judge everyone.

Would you care to hear what the Holy Spirit whispers, concerning Eve’s motive in “giving-the-fruit-to-Adam”? (Pardon the rhetorical question. This is my thread. We will ALL hear it regardless.)

“Eve’s motive was love.”

Love is quite a redeeming quality. A quality we do naturally inherit as part of our Factory Setting. For “God loved us first.” There is no ill will, wanton disobedience nor wickedness on Eve’s part in giving Adam the fruit to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Eve had not one conniving nor hateful reason to do so. However, she did have a natural reason to do so.


Preposterous! Unbelievable! Tilt! Out-of-order! (ALL denominations of the Christian Church pipe up in unison.)

Calm down people and carefully consider the facts. Eve is simply demonstrating the most basic and natural expression of love. Sharing. We share what we are convinced is “good” with the ones we love.

What exactly does Eve KNOW the moment she gives Adam the fruit to eat?

Dismiss what you think YOU know. Try to gain some empathy for what EVE knows.

Keep the facts in mind. Adam and Eve’s eyes were opened to the concept of “Good & Evil” ALL of a New York second ago. That certainly does not mean they automatically know what the collective-conscience of the distant Church has accumulated and judged to be “evil.” Adam and Eve know none of it. They only know the mere idea that “Evil” exists. Thus, their change of mind — their search for bad/wrong/Evil — begins NOW. Now their eyes are open and searching for “Evil.” Now (after eating the fruit) Adam and Eve begin to discern what they judge to be “wrong.”

And, thus far, the only “wrong” they have discerned and adjudicated out of the depths of their imaginations... is... being caught-in-the-act of nakedness. Their first judgment — the dead giveaway that they have each, instantly, grown a conscience. Not that they decree nakedness in and of itself as being “wrong.” Rather, this unique moment has presented a predicament. Father-God “catching” them “in-the-act” of “nakedness.”

Adam and Eve are an intimate couple. Have some empathy. Look at Adam and Eve’s rush to self-judgment from their perspective — from the sense of a nuptial-nature. In their search for bad/wrong/Evil (a posse, led by Sheriff/Master Knowledge of Good & Evil) what... exactly... is Adam and Eve’s first judgment?

It is “wrong” for anyone besides ourselves to see the two of us together... naked.

Quite an amazing moment.

Not at ALL unlike a twenty-one-year-old husband, whose parents are out of town. He invites his nineteen-year-old wife to get naked with him in his parents’ living room. Two seconds after they disrobe, Mom and Dad walk through the front door. Had these two youngsters no conscience fed by The Knowledge of Good & Evil, it would be, “Hi, Mom and Dad! What brings you two home so early?”

Imagine the unique circumstances of Adam and Eve thrown into the living room scene. Thirty seconds prior to “nakedness” (for the first time in their young lives) somehow the two newlyweds have grown a conscience. A mental courtroom for discerning “right” and “wrong” expands across the entirety of their minds. A new prime directive is written across the judicial bench (THERE IS BOTH GOOD & EVIL). Which effectively erases and replaces the old status quo (IT’S-ALL-GOOD). Even with no prior experience of “what is right” and “what is wrong,” is it plausible to presume that when Mom and Dad come through the front door, the couple’s first reaction might just be to hide behind the couch?

If you agree that it is plausible (not to mention probable), then you now have some Real empathy for Eve.

Keep in mind, ALL this happens in less than a minute. In retrospect, thirty seconds prior to eating the fruit and being “caught in-the-act” of “nakedness,” Eve is Diabolically beguiled by the Serpent’s counsel. Utterly duped into thinking that this lovely-looking (brain-cancer) is *Good,* Eve takes two pieces of IT from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. One for herself and one for her husband. The two of them eat IT.

Prior to eating IT (same as her husband) Eve had no knowledge whatsoever of “evil.” No knowledge whatsoever of “wrong.” Make an honest judgment, juror. Beyond ALL reasonable doubt. Can you attach “sinfulness” to Eve’s actions here?

Yes! quakes both Catholic and Protestant representatives at the jury table. It was an outright act of disobedience to God’s command! How can “Love” justify outright disobedience to God? Or be of any importance at ALL in this matter?

See? Total indifference to what is going on in EVE’S head.

Having absolutely no sense of the concept of “right” and “wrong,” how can Eve think it “wrong” to proceed against God’s warning? She cannot. How can the Church judge Eve by its own accumulated sense of “right” and “wrong”? Easy as pie. Judge Fleming decrees: This is an outright act of disobedience!

First, Judge Fleming needs to go back to Eden and define “disobedience” for Eve. Even if his honor could time-travel back to Eden, I defy the Judge to explain to Eve (a person with no understanding of “right” and “wrong”) the convoluted concept of “an outright act of disobedience.” One must first gain the idea of “Good & Evil”… only to begin accumulating the Kindergarten concept of “right” and “wrong.” Then... one may proceed to the Grade School Study of “Doing What You Are Told.” Proceeding, next, through the tortuous quest of gaining a Masters Degree in every advanced and manipulative notion of “Obedience.” Finally, it’s off to Law School for ascertaining “Outright Acts of Disobedience.”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
“Get it, Neo?” (*Movie reference* Says Morpheus exposing The Matrix.) The simple, horrifying Truth. Only, ours is a Diabolical Matrix. The “program” is still running... full-blast. The Knowledge of Good & Evil is progressive and destructive. IT IS our EVIL mental disease.

Our Heavenly Father wanted none of this for us. Everything we do is consumed by it. Even us, sitting here, judging Eve. First, let us search for Evil. What should we judge? What IS this wayward wife’s iniquitous motive in sharing the fruit with her bright-eyed, innocent husband? What IS this woman’s Evil plot?

One among our jury takes an educated guess. Selfishness?

I have to say... no. As an informed juror, sitting here, deliberating with the rest of you — ALL of us wanting to go home early — I am sorry to have to be the holdout. I do not find Adam nor his wife, Eve that complicated. There simply is no there there.

There is no “Evil” motive on Eve’s part in giving Adam the fruit. Doing “Evil” is impossible for her. Up unto this point, her entire Life experience consists of Living in a world that is ALL-GOOD. She has been tricked into seeing it as “Good” to eat the fruit and; therefore, “Good” to share it with Adam. What’s Good for the goose is Good for the gander. I find no Evil on Eve’s part in her sharing the fruit with her husband. God put them together. Whatever lay in store for them, lay in store for them together.

If she IS being “selfish” about anything, that would be Adam. Her loving desire is to be with Adam and to share EVERYTHING with him. Is it not PERFECTLY natural for Eve to cling to the precious gift the Lord God has given to her? The Love of her Life? Even in the aftermath, the Living God decrees it Right-in-His-Sight for her to cling to him.

Again, the Church-Taught asks, “What is the importance of LOVE in this matter?”

Jesus would denounce the Church-Taught as outright hypocrites. For shame. This matter is ALL about love. Attention, Juror Number 5 (Protestant Church). Did you forget what institution you are so desperately trying to keep “intact” in our day and age? Attention, Juror Number 4 (Catholic Church) did you also forget? You consider it “a Sacrament.” I suppose, in our day and age, it IS something we seem to remember only when it best suits us. Hello? Do you have any idea what institution? What sacrament?

“Marriage.” Adam and Eve’s beautiful, God-Given “for better-or-for worse” relationship.

The two of them could have never continued onward as an intimate couple with Adam retaining his innocence while Eve alone possessed The Knowledge of Good & Evil.

“Marital” love. Togetherness. No matter what, they are joined in “marital manifest destiny.” Whichever Tree (in the center of the garden) they chose to eat from — in Life or in Suicide — they are “in-it” together. Cause and effect. For richer or for poorer, honey. In sickness and in health. May I add, especially bonded when a couple contracts the same mental-sickness. (Want to see some solid-togetherness? Go watch the daily routine of a husband and wife who are both heroin addicts. Again, cause and effect.)

The Church would have us “believe” that the Lord God multiplied the pain of childbirth as a “punishment” for Eve (and for ALL of womankind). The facts? The Lord God is gracious and merciful with Eve (and consequentially with ALL womankind).

Do you really believe that “men ruling over women” and “the intense pain of childbirth” were God’s punishments to Eve and womankind? The Lord God refers to the intense “sorrow” accompanying childbirth as a “Great Multiplication.” We can hardly interpret that to mean punishment. For, in the same Breath, God “greatly Multiplied” female sexual desire. For, a woman’s desire shall be to the Love of her Life; in this case, her husband. I am not making this stuff up. Read it for yourself:

Genesis 3:16 (KJV) “Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband. And he shall rule over thee.”

Is that “the godly” I hear harrumphing out there? God tells both the godly and the ungodly:

“My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not My ways.”

The Church-Taught are fully convinced that, “And, he shall rule over thee” is a Divine-Decree and further punishment.

(Buzzer Sound!) Wrong. It is neither. It is a sad forecast from a broken-hearted Father. Cause and effect. Open your eyes. Slavery, in any way shape or form, is EVIL. One person ruling over another person is no creation of the Living God. It is the creation of MAN inspired by Darkness. Our polluted and quite perverted notion of control and ruling power being a *Good* thing, is one of the most EVIL effects of the cause. The Knowledge of Good & Evil — our disease. “One person ruling over another person” is a variant of the disease ALL within itself.

The person in charge is a frightful disease
And that is the reason I do what I please.

Open your eyes, Church. FREEDOM is a God-Given allowance. A gift. FREEDOM is GOOD. And, every GOOD gift is a gift from the Living God of Light.

Funny. As if the Church could discern what the Living God “allows.” The Church knows not the difference between “gift” and “punishment.” The modern evidence before us shows that God allowed the feminist movement ultimately to de-multiply the “he-shall-rule-over-thee” multiplying-effect of us eating The Knowledge of Good & Evil (certainly de-multiplied in what we call “the FREE World”). Epidurals de-multiply the Living God’s “sorrow-during-childbirth” multiplier (FREE World again). The increase in female sexual desire is the only “multiplying-effect” (of the Living God) still in great force upon FREE-womankind.

Don’t sweat-it if you don’t get-it, Victory. Again, we ARE getting way ahead of ourselves. First, one does have to understand what the Word “FREE” means. We have yet to get into the details (as we are now doing with “Original Sin”) with RANSOM, AWAY, PERFECT, FREEDOM and ALL. Like I said, Victory, you have picked a great place for us to start.

Same with Adam and the Love of his Life. The Church-Taught contend that Adam passes-the-buck, so to speak — passing the “blame” of “wrongdoing” on to Eve:

Genesis 3:12 (KJV) “And the man said, ‘The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me. She gave me of the Tree. And I did eat.’”

This is not passing-the-buck. This is Adam simply stating the God’s-honest Truth.

Difficult for us to understand, sitting around the jury table, here in 2022 AD. Put yourself in Adam’s shoes and try to understand. Even after eating the fruit, Adam had not yet been critically compromised by The Knowledge of Good & Evil — not anywhere near to the degree that we have, here in twenty-first century AD.

Perhaps it is important for us to know: The Knowledge of Good & Evil multiplies exponentially about every ten years of human existence. Do the math. Where does that put us compared to Adam? We are nearly 100% complexly problematical in our thinking. Directly due to over two-hundred-thousand generations of accumulated slavery under the unbreakable whips and chains of Master Knowledge of Good & Evil.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Adam did not see Eve as “some convenient person to pass-the-buck.” Adam did not see Eve as “someone to blame.” Adam did not see Eve as “someone who had tempted him to do wrong.” It would be impossible for Adam to think of Eve in such ways — such ways as we think.

Before and even after gaining The Knowledge that both Good & Evil exists, Adam and Eve think as grown adults in every respect. Same as us. With one colossal exception. They have no experience whatsoever with discerning “Good” from “Evil” or judging “right” from “wrong.” They hid from God — having only begun their wayward journey of judging something “wrong” about themselves. Totally uneducated and uninstructed at this point, they have the discerning capacity of a set of two-year-olds who have just had their little hands slapped for the first time. Not because they took something off the coffee table that didn’t belong to them. No. Because they ran into the living room, naked, in front of mixed company.

And, please, understand the most important Truth at play in the mix of ALL this. It is their newly-formed conscience that has slapped their hands. Not their Father.

Can we even imagine how terribly convoluted and nonsensical the thought of “passing-the-buck” would be from Adam’s perspective?

I can get out of being in trouble with God by blaming Eve for ALL of this. Yeah, THAT’S the ticket! Eve is the PERFECT mark to snitch-out to God as the evildoer! I’ll tell God that EVE tempted me to do wrong!

Such a scheme would be impossible for Adam. At this point, in his newfound “education,” Adam (same as Eve) has the exact same accumulated knowledge of “right” & “wrong” as that of a two-year-old. Try explaining these seven monstrously problematic concepts (contained within the statement directly above) to a two-year-old. One, “being in trouble with God.” Two, “blaming.” Three, “the PERFECT mark.” Four, “snitch-out.” Five, “evildoer.” Six, “tempted.” And, seven, “to do wrong.”

Adam reveals the Truth. He sees Eve as: “The woman whom Thou gave to be with me.”

Such a statement is PERFECTLY transparent. This is exactly how Adam sees Eve. As... THE WOMAN GOD HAD GIVEN TO BE WITH HIM. Even knowing God’s warning, Adam was entirely unsuspecting.

Now, there’s a problematic concept... if there ever was one. “Unsuspecting.”

Keep in mind, prior to eating the fruit, Adam Lives in a world that is ALL-GOOD. From Adam’s pure, undaunted perspective, anything coming to Adam from THE WOMAN GOD HAD GIVEN TO BE WITH HIM is just as GOOD as GOD Himself giving it to Adam. The same scenario applies to Adam’s “punishment.”

Our deluded “belief” system (mostly deluded by Master Knowledge of Good & Evil) purports that God punished Adam with sorrow, a Life of fingers worked to the bone for a lousy meal, banishment from the garden and, last but certainly not least... death.

Such a contention, for lack of a better word, is idiotic.

Consider a parable, illustrating just how idiotic. Suppose God had warned Adam never to antagonize a certain bull that roamed the garden. One day, Adam slapped the bull hard in the face, and the angered bull gored Adam to death. Using the same logic, our “belief” system must contend: The bull killing Adam was God’s punishment against Adam (for disobeying God) by angering the bull. Reduced to theological doctrine: “God will punish you with the horns for messing with the bull.” When, in Reality, the absolute God’s-honest Truth is simple cause and effect. You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

“No!” insists juror #2, ScottA. In my mind, Adam was rightfully warned by God and rightfully punished by God.

Sounds to me like ScottA is suffering from swimmer’s-ear. Hey, Scott! Is that the Church you hear in your ear? If so, you had best shake out your head. For, the Scriptures do not say that God... “punished”... Adam. Rather, it is the conclusion of those taught by the Church that God punished Adam.

Are the Church-Taught infallible when it comes to assessing “God’s punishment”?

Hardly. “Cro-Magnon man, baying at the moon” could do as well. Before Benjamin Franklin discovered that lightening is electricity, those taught by the Church “believed” and taught that lightening was God’s punishment. (LOL) That is a fact.

God’s “wrath” toward Adam expressed in the form of “punishment” would depend entirely on what was going on in ADAM’S mind at the time of the purported offense. Not by what is going on in Scott’s mind nor in the collective-mind of the Church. It is nothing more than a contrived judgment in the collective Church-Taught mind that God punished Adam. ScottA and Judge Fleming cannot help themselves. “Judgment” is the classic symptom of our mental disease. We are exhaustively infected.

ALL of our individually and/or collectively contrived judgments are based upon what each one of us relatively conceives to be “Good” and what each one of us relatively conceives to be “Evil.” Moreover, we modify our individual conception of what is “Good” and what is “Evil” by collective influence. Example: Many juries start out with six “Guilty” and six “Not-Guilty” votes.

To help us clearly assess Adam’s state of mind, the Holy Spirit can offer us endless parables. Here is a good one. Saying the Living God punished Adam with death is as false and idiotic as saying that the four-year-old was punished to death by his parents with the UPS truck. For, a UPS truck did run over the four-year-old child. Yet, it ALL could have been prevented had the child simply heeded his parents’ warning. And, what exactly was his parents’ warning, time and time again? That a truck would kill the boy if he ran out into the street without first looking both ways. “Everywhere in our great big yard you may FREELY run without first looking. But, into the street, you shall not run without first looking both ways; for, in the day thereof you run out into the street without first looking both ways, you will be hit by a truck and surely die.”

By ALL truthfulness in the eye of our Heavenly Father, Adam’s carelessness is far more justifiable than the carelessness of the four-year-old. Most four-year-olds have already had their minds (if not their backsides) opened to their first lessons of “right” & “wrong.” Not to mention the association of swift pain with “disobedience.”

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
So, again, it is only by us considering a LITTLE child can the Holy Spirit give us our PERFECT and (for the brevity of this post) final parable on the subject. Randomly place open jars of baby food across your kitchen floor — every possible flavor. Then, allow the Dark “nothing” side of you (the side of you PERFECTLY detached from you) to put a frosted covered red cupcake filled with highly toxic rat poison in the middle of your kitchen. Equally, in the middle of your kitchen (right next to the poisonous red cupcake) put a frosted covered blue cupcake which contains a pill from the future guaranteed to make your child Live forever. Next, tell your two-year-old child, mostly crawling along, but occasionally attempting his first steps, “Of everything in the kitchen you may FREELY eat, but of the red cupcake in the middle of the floor, you shall not eat of it: for, in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.”

What should you do when Harvey (the congenial rabbit) convinces your two-year old to eat the red cupcake?

Rush him to the Emergency Room?

Or, as a just and rightful punishment, let the poison kill him because he has proven himself a worthless sinner?

Truly, whichever of the two directions you decide to proceed has nothing to do with the actions of your two-year-old.

So... which will it be? The Emergency Room? Or a little hole in the ground? Either way, you, as the adult in charge of the kitchen, have a lot to answer for.

In the Eden scenario, God just so happens to be the One in charge.

Want to play juror in the next matter before the court? The State of Eden versus the Defendant... GOD? If you would really like to proceed with this trial, you had best know ALL the facts. Care to glimpse a quick peek at the Big Picture going on in the center of the Garden of Eden? I’ve already revealed this to ScottA (with NO response from him whatsoever). I’ll be happy to reveal it again. Redundant, huh? A double-revealing. (lol) Perhaps it was not SEEN the first time I revealed it.

Had we chosen to eat from the Tree of Life rather than from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, to this day, there would be angels of Light guarding a complete circle around the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil... so that not one of us could reach forth our hand and ever eat from it. Automobiles would have come much sooner. Space travel and time travel, too; for, unencumbered by the notion of Good & Evil, The Knowledge of Heaven & Earth is what exponentially flourishes. Death would be nonexistent. Better yet, to this day, the Living God of Light and His Hosts would be a daily Reality in our physical presence. And, we would ALL, forever, be Living on an Earth-based universe known to ALL as “the Kingdom of Heaven.”

That is not supposition nor “belief” in fairy tales. That is the Truth. The True-to-Life Reality is ALL around us. Plainer than what any geologist can see in the rocks. The evidence is mentally tattooed upon us. We are Living-Proof that our greatest grandparents truly did eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. No fairy tale.

The Living God never forbade Adam to eat from the Tree of Life. On the contrary, the Lord God clearly told Adam he could FREELY eat of any tree in the garden... with the warned-exception of ever eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil.

That is a crucial fact. When the Lord God put Adam and Eve into the Garden of Eden, the fruit of the Tree of Life was not off-limits.

Think about the importance of what that one Truth actually means.

The Tree of Life must have been just as enticing to Adam and Eve as was the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, if not more.

Its fruit?

Lovely in appearance.


Placed equally in the center of the garden.

Above ALL, one taste gives eternal Life.

Yet, Adam and Eve never touched it.

Why do you suppose?

The answer lay between the lines of Genesis. Adam and Eve presumed the fruit from BOTH trees in the center of the garden was “the no-no” — the indefinable “no-no” (what we would define as, “off-limits”). Eve reveals this fact by how she answers the serpent.

Genesis 3:3 (KJV) “But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst (in the center) of the garden, God hath said, ‘Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.’”

Eve’s statement applies to ALL the fruit in the center of the garden — the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil and the fruit from the Tree of Life.

Her statement has to apply to the fruit from both trees.


Because there is no fruit of “the tree” (singular) in the center of the garden. God placed BOTH trees — the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil and the Tree of Life — equally in the center of the garden. (Genesis 2:9)

We can dismiss putting the motives of GOD on trial. Ludicrous audacity. We barely have enough sense to question our own motives. Why did we choose Death — the “Stay-AWAY-From-Tree” (clearly forbidden) — over eternal Life, which we could have FREELY possessed, instantly; yet, we presumed to be “another Stay-AWAY-From-Tree” (aka: “also forbidden”)?

For the same reason we have killed our trip to the Emergency Room (aka: What’s-Been-Done-For-Us-On-the-Cross).

We keep choosing Death.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
The smarter we think we become, the more Death seems to outsmart us.

“Stupid is as stupid does.” Our knowledge of Good & Evil has completely altered the basis of how we perceive ourselves and the universe around us. It morphed our foundation. It bent our imaginations, whispering, “Dismiss your God-given PERFECTION. Look deep, deep into your heart... and find Evil within yourself.” This is the fatal monkey wrench in our thinking. Causing us, first, to imagine Evil. Then... Evil within ourselves.

And, then... what next? We changed the world around us. As if by rote. We changed Creation. The cold Reality. Our grimmest reaping. We acted upon our imagination. We actually and physically brought evil into this world.


We have chosen to be kidnapped. And, we continue at this. Quite agreeable kidnap victims, we are. Locked AWAY in a hole for so long. Senseless. We willingly accept it. We have completely forgotten our home. We have forgotten our Factory Setting.

Bah! Forget such infantile naivety. Welcome Death!

We continue to do so. We continue — into our deaths — as the patsy of NOTHING.

We make the world think the ambulance ride is exclusive to members of a country club. (Thanks, Church) Then, we let the air out of the ambulance tires so no one can be taken to Emergency. Then, to insure the certainty of death — our certainty of death — we blow up the ambulance with a pipe bomb.

Not only have we destroyed our emergency transport (thanks to ALL the ifs, ands and buts) moreover, there is no viable cure waiting for us at the end of the ambulance ride. We have psychologically destroyed the psychological cure. Even worse, we insure, religiously, that the cure stays psychologically destroyed. Need I speak plainly? We have made certain that what’s been done for us on the cross remains killed, wrapped up and buried in the ground.

I beg of you. Open your eyes. We are still stabbing at it. Pounding more spikes into the ground after it. Shoveling on top of it even more dirt. More ifs. More ands. More buts. More difficulties. More falsehood: I don’t care if it doesn’t fit (Original Sin) let’s force this bent and rotten beam into our foundation.

Why do we keep choosing Death?

For the same reason we praise having a conscience. For the same reason we encourage our brothers and sisters to know shame.

Ignorance. Stupidity. Carelessness.

Our “belief” system would have us “believe”: Shame is a Good thing.


Growing a conscience is a Good thing.


Church-Taught Christians teach, “We are convicted of our sin by the Holy Spirit.”

That is tantamount to calling the Holy Spirit our Accuser.

The same Church teaches, “God is too Holy to look upon sin.”

Sounds to me like the biggest “fall of man” is the Church. If the Living God is too Holy to look upon sin, how is it that the Living God shows us our sin? Waste no time trying to manufacture a theological answer. Instead, we should consider the much more important question. How is it that the Church has no idea which Team the Principle Players are on? Team Light or Team Darkness?

Hello, Church. The Desolate One is our Accuser. Part of Team-Darkness.

The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. Part of Team-Light.

We are the idiots in the middle who (under the destructive guidance of Master Knowledge of Good & Evil) are doing ALL the judging.

Go ahead. Assimilate ALL of the Church-Taught knowledge available to humankind. Become the most thoroughly equipped Christian in the universe... and you will still be ill equipped to discern. To judge.

As humans, we ALL have a limited perspective. A limited perspective coupled up with The Knowledge of Good & Evil is a dangerous combination. Suffice to say, we are terribly ill-equipped to judge what is truly GOOD and what is truly EVIL. Duh. We keep choosing Death. That should tell us something. Are we idiots?

Yes, apparently so.

The Little Old Lady Who Lives in a Box might declare: Read your Bible! The Bible teaches us what is Good and what is Evil. It is by God’s Word we are able to discern. Our eyes ARE wide open! We are Bible-Wise and, therefore, well-equipped to discern!

Okay then, Box Lady. Be a sound, Bible-Wise, well-equipped, discerning, adult/elder, juryperson and answer me this. Are “shame” and “having a conscience” Good things?


Do you really think so?


Bible-Wise? Let the facts from the Book of Genesis discern the Truth of this for us.

Fact: We gained “a conscience” and “shame” directly by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil.

Fact: This was Parentally-Forbidden to us. Our Heavenly Father (Team-Light) warned us not to eat of it — not to open the door to conscience and shame.

Fact: It was the serpent, the Desolate One (Team-Darkness) who convinced us to eat the forbidden fruit — opening the door to conscience and shame.

Are you hearing ALL this, Box Lady? ALL the way down there? At the bottom of the ditch... into which blind Judge Fleming has led you? Hello? Box Lady? Do you understand? Or is it ALL garbled, like... “Blah, blah, blah”?

How about if we try Tarzan-English?

According to Heavenly Father: NOT HAVE conscience and shame... GOOD.

HAVE conscience and shame... BAD.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
Everything was fine and dandy with being naked in front of God, until Adam and Eve imagined that there was something “wrong” with being naked before God. What was it that our Heavenly Father asked them?

Genesis 3:11 (KJV) “Who told thee that thou was ‘naked’?”

Whom do the Church-Taught say... “told”... Adam and Eve that they were “naked”?

The Holy Spirit?

(Buzzer sound!) “Wrong.” (Hopefully, Victory, you did not answer that way.) For, now that you know better, it would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit for you to say such a silly thing. True blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is ongoing and cannot be sent AWAY; however, it can be Backed-AWAY-From. Church-Taught Box-People, I suggest you immediately back-AWAY from this nonsense — accusing the Holy Spirit of convicting Adam and Eve of any such “wrongness” about themselves.

It is “the imagination of the heart” that condemns you (not the beating one with valves) — your CONSCIENCE. It is your conscience (run by your true Master — Master Knowledge of Good & Evil) that convicts you of sin:

1 John 3:19-21 (Original Greek) “That if our heart should condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows ALL things.”

The God’s honest Truth? There is no worse level of blasphemy against the Living God than to say, “The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin.” And, yet, this is exactly what those taught by the Church teach.

This teaching is profane and beyond error.

Why would the Church openly teach blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

In ALL fairness, it is not culpable blasphemy against the Holy Spirit unless you KNOW that it is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and you continue onward with it. The Church pilots simply do not know the Truth. Without knowing the Truth, such teaching is what Jesus refers to, merely, as “idle words.” Here we go again. Many a Church pilot (especially students of Paul) would have us “believe” that Jesus’ statement about “idle words” is directed at those who might tell an off-color joke at the water cooler, or directed at someone who may use the F-word.


Jesus’ statement is specifically directed at anyone running his or her mouth while claiming to represent the Living God of Light. Preacher — you had best keep your mouth shut about God and the Kingdom of God... unless you KNOW what you are saying is the Truth. Jesus is talking about preachers being held accountable for every idle word spoken about God and the Kingdom of God. Jesus is talking about the decimation of lies. Jesus is talking about ignorantly repeating religious falsehoods — falsehoods studiously learned and blindly accepted — to the detriment of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 12:22-37)

The Holy Spirit does not convict us of sin. The Knowledge of Good & Evil inspires our imagination to create a conscience within us... to convict us of sin:

John 8:9 (KJV) “And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one...”

I know that you remember this question and the Truthful answer, Victory. I’ll include this again for anyone who missed it the first time. From the moment of realization (accepting “the Reality” that both Good & Evil exists) how much time do you suppose it takes for a human being to grow a conscience? It happens instantaneously.

Within the mental framework of our Factory Setting, we have the phenomenal ability to leap beyond our Factory Setting into the Boundless Bigness — what we call “our imagination.” The place of dreams, fantasy, creativity and invention.

Most people assume that a human being is born with a conscience (same as being born with fingers and toes). The God’s-honest Truth? Having a conscience is foreign to what we naturally are. IT is nonhuman. At best, IT is extra-human. To put IT in human terms, a conscience is the mutation of both courtroom and judge amalgamated into one entity. Each one of us creates our own Courtroom of Conscience out of our imagination — an imagination shanghaied and kidnapped by The Knowledge of Good & Evil. Within IT, we judge what we “believe” to be Good and what we “believe” to be Evil. Our “judgeship” is certainly not given to us by our Creator. IT is self-appointed.

Growing a conscience was and remains expressly forbidden to us by our Creator. And, with GOOD reason. Father knows best. Our Creator set our Factory Setting to “GOOD” (as He did with ALL of Creation). To continually do GOOD in a world in which EVERYTHING is already ALL GOOD is the natural order of things.

And, yet, human beings are responsible for bringing evil into this world.

Before we could do that, we had to imagine what “Evil” is.

One of these days (hopefully soon) we will come to the conclusion that “being made in His Image” is more than enough for us in the “being like God” department. Gaining the Knowledge of Good & Evil makes us “like God” only in that we know... simply... that Good & Evil exists. Period. As to the ongoing discernment of what actually is GOOD and what actually is EVIL, well... that is exactly what is determined by the “evidence” (both considered and imagined) within the shadowy depths of our Diabolically inspired invention: The Courtroom of Conscience.

Is our conscience really a Diabolically inspired invention of human imagination?

What do YOU think? (That’s a trick-question.) Before you consult your conscience, keep in mind, growing one is the direct result of the human mind gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil. You cannot have one without the other. Some Bible translations even refer to The Tree of Knowledge as The Tree of Conscience.

Without The Knowledge of Good & Evil, there is no reason for the human imagination to erect the Courtroom of Conscience out of the Boundless Bigness. EVERYTHING is ALL GOOD. However, upon gaining The Knowledge of Good... and Evil... our entire way of thinking about EVERYTHING changes to: divide and conquer. As in, let us don our robes as “judges” of what is Good and what is Evil and... proceed... to divide Good from Evil... throughout this world. Throughout Creation.

But, what is “Evil”? At the beginning of our quest, where could we find evil within the Living God’s Creation?

We had no idea. For, EVERYTHING in God’s Creation was ALL GOOD.

So, then (with the help of Master Knowledge of Good & Evil) let us become damned and determined to imagine what it is. In putting our imaginations to work at the task of dividing Good & Evil (the bad joke is) we are the ones who were conquered. We became the active field slaves of Master Knowledge of Good & Evil. And, ever since? What do we produce in great abundance o’er here on de plantation?

We have become the workers of every Evil upon this earth.

The idea ITSELF (Good & Evil) is more powerful and more overwhelming to us than anything else in the entire universe. IT is the cause of our decline. IT is the stumbling block in the way of our advancement. We pursue IT endlessly to our loss, thus far, barely scratching the surface of The Knowledge of Heaven & Earth. IT dictates how we think. IT decides our actions. IT being ALL that we imagine to be “Good” and ALL that we imagine to be “Evil,” IT dictates ALL of what we do. Some of us even imagining little angels and little devils on our shoulders, whispering into our ear.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
So stealthy is IT within the overall presence of ongoing human existence, it took us many generations to even pinpoint this thing (we call “conscience”) as something that speaks to us from our minds. Our ancestors “believed” IT spoke to us from our heart.

In the King James Version of the Bible, the word “conscience” first appears in the New Testament. That is historically accurate. Meaning, the word “conscience” is entirely absent from the vocabulary of the authors of the Old Testament Hebrew texts. Although these ancient generations had no specific word for “conscience” still, they wrote plenty about IT. Referring to conscience (this internal GPS-voice of human judgment) as one’s “heart.” Not the beating one with valves. Rather, the idea of thinking in one’s heart. “Speaking in mine heart.” (Genesis 24:45) “The breastplate of judgment upon his heart.” (Genesis 28:29) This is not Biblical-Theory. This is Biblical-Fact.

Moses is the first inspired author to accurately copyright the Truth about the human conscience. That this “voice-of-the-heart” is not given to us by the Living God; rather, IT is imagined within us. The Living God reveals this Truth to Noah. Our imagination is the creator of conscience. Again, Moses, the author of Genesis, PERFECTLY nails it:

Genesis 6:5 (KJV) “…the imagination of the thoughts of his heart.”

Jeremiah also confirms that this “voice of the heart” is imagined within us. See 3:17, 7:24, 9:14, 11:8, 13:10, 16:12, 18:12, 23:17 (ALL Jeremiah, KJV verses).

Perhaps the worst deception of conscience is IT’S own self-promotion; inasmuch, our conscience likes to convince us that having a conscience is a “Good” thing. Nothing could be further from the Truth. There came a day when, save for Noah, the adult human collective-conscience had become universally loud and entirely EVIL.

It is quite common to hear it said of a serial killer in his posthumous bio-documentary: This is a man who had no conscience. When, in Reality, a serial killer is a prime example of a man HAVING a conscience — a conscience that goes into super-drive, speaking loud volumes above ALL reason. Consider Jeremiah’s illustrious warning:

Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV) “The heart (our conscience) is deceitful above ALL things, and desperately wicked.”

@Bible Highlighter actually cites Jeremiah 17:9 as one of his pet verses that supposedly “proves” Original Sin. Our disease is deceptive enough on IT’S own. It only gets worse when one gets sucked into the falsehoods of Religion. It becomes brainwashing. And, God only knows how long it will take for some of us to get deprogrammed.

What is the worst contributing factor we bring to the “imaginary bench”?

As human beings, we have a limited perspective. Coupled up with our limited perspective, judging EVERYTHING in terms of Good & Evil (in our imagined Courtroom of Conscience) IS our fatal mental disease. IT is worse than cancer. Much worse. IT is what leads directly to “Shame,” “Guilt” and “Death.” The growing of a conscience via The Knowledge of Good & Evil is more foreign and fatal to a person’s natural GOODNESS than the growing of a brain tumor.

We are doomed. Oh — if only there could be a cure for this psychological calamity.

Well, there is. The Jesus-Concept. Psychologically, to truly accept the absolute Reality of what’s been done for us on the cross is the PERFECT cure for our mental illness. If a person truly accepts (100% with no ifs, ands or buts) that ALL of his or her wrong, bad, sin, evil, etcetera has been taken AWAY, such a person is rendered totally sinless (past, present and future). Such a person IS PERFECT and ALL-GOOD; for, that person truly accepts that he is. We ARE what we think.

The importance of ALL this is not that what the Church teaches is blind, blasphemous, twisted, idiotic and, legally, by its own mouth, “sinful.” The importance of ALL these Truths is in knowing the Truth.

Why is it so important to know the Truth?

Because the Truth shall set you FREE (some guy in-the-know once said). Evil coming into this world was never an “Original Sin” problem. Rather, it was and continues to be a Knowledge of Good & Evil problem. Not metaphysical. Not supernatural. Not even theological. Totally psychological. That is the God’s-honest Truth. Send me your cards and letters and correct me if I am wrong: Both “Knowledge” and “The Way We Think” fall under the category of PSYCHOLOGICAL.

We have evil in this world because of our Change-in-Thinking problem. As Jesus would say of Adam and Eve, “They changed their way of thinking.” Once again, the Greek Word is metanoeo.

As the sheriff would say, “What we have here is a Change-In-Thinking problem.” We chose gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil OVER our Factory Setting. We chose Death OVER Life. Our own ignorant choice. Our own stupid choice. Our own careless choice. ALL we can say for ourselves is it was not an “Evil” or “Sinful” choice; for, before that first bite, we did not even know what the word, “Evil” meant. And, so... we certainly did not know what the word “Sin” meant.

Our disease is progressive. “Sin” is yet another progression of IT (our imagined Courtroom of Conscience). We suffer from a series of ITS. First we gained IT (The Knowledge of Good & Evil) which immediately led to IT (The Courtroom of Conscience) which, ultimately, led us into the invention of yet another IT (sin).

Ladies and gentlemen (and any others), submitted for your examination... the progression of IT.

Progression. Not to be confused with progress. For, it would be contemptible to call IT “progress.”

Even after gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil, Adam and Eve had no understanding of what our human imagination would bring forth next. Our most prolific IT — SIN.

The God’s-honest Truth? Adam and Eve had no conception of sin whatsoever. However, it only took humanity one generation (under the heavy chains and harsh whips of Master Knowledge of Good & Evil) to imagine IT... and invent IT.

I am speaking of Cain & Able.

Which, Victory, if we were to cover that next, it would be the summation of the psychology (our change in thinking) that has brought us to where we are at right now. The invention of SIN.

There are a thousand directions we can go. It’s ALL up to you, Victory.

Peace and love,

The Third One


Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
I’ve been on this forum for I believe about 4 years, and I have to say, I believe your perspective of scripture is most likely the most perverted I’ve seen.
  • Love
Reactions: L.A.M.B.

The Third One

Oct 1, 2022
St Louis
United States
But, yet, for some reason, you are unable to address anything specific. Always love these one-liners from the Gallery. I know Jesus does, but he also maintains compassion while considering the source. It's difficult for any religiously taught person to read the Truth when the Truth is so completely not Faith-Agreeable with the "faith."

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
@The Third One

First, I would change your username. I was curious as to the meaning behind your user name and so I googled it, and it brings up a really bad thing (of which I am sure was not your intention when picking your username). Nevertheless, if I was in your shoes, I would seek out another username.

Second, my life is more busy than it was before. So my response time is not like before. Plus, I am already in discussion with others on another topic, and I will have to get back to you on the verses you mention in rebuttal (When I have the time - Lord willing).

So if the Lord still calls me to give you a reply when I have the time, I will do so (According to His counsel and timing).

Peace and blessings be unto you in the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Don’t take my word for it. Let Jesus tell you ALL about it:

John 15:22-24 (KJV) “If I had not come and spoken unto them (the Pharisees) THEY HAD NOT HAD SIN: but now they have no cloak for their sin. He that hateth me hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, THEY HAD NOT HAD SIN: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.”

Truth out of the mouth of Jesus: These Pharisees “HAD NOT HAD SIN.”

Truth out of the mouth of Jesus: Then Jesus came into their midst, CAUSING them to sin. Specifically, causing them to hate the Living God.

I’m struggling here. First, over and over again, and maybe I misunderstood…it is the knowledge of doing wrong that destroys us? Where if we have no knowledge or acknowledgment of right and wrong …then we truly have no sin? Because what we don’t see or don’t acknowledge as wrong…then by having no knowledge of a difference in love or harm…is truly to have no sin? Do I have that correct? My question then is what about the disorder…diagnosed as such by men yes; maybe you would say it isn’t a disorder? But having no conscience at all. Like truly; there being any difference between harm or good has totally left the building. For example stone-cold faced with no emotion whatsoever; while families harmed by a persons (or groups’) actions cry for something…some acknowledge of “you murdered my child” “you chopped them up, buried them and went about with your life as if nothing ever happened” “how can you sit there and stare me in the face with that cold look as if it was nothing?” I’m not sure how you can say (if you do) that they are Free by simply not seeing any wrong or harm done? You may say “oh they see it.” But do they? Being fully persuaded in the mind “no foul done” totally and completely unacknowledged no foul or harm done.

You love your son, yea. What if someone harmed him and took him from you. Then sat there in front of you as seeing no harm done, by choosing not to see it or what was suffered from their action…are you suggesting that is freedom by simply not acknowledging it? Or by being blind to it? That “murder” could relate to Jesus Christ and the Pharisees. Are they guiltless simply by not seeing or acknowledging the question asked of Christ “why do you go about to kill Me?”

A few questions about the passage you quoted.
John 15:21-22 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me. [22] If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

“Because they know not him that sent me.”
Seems to be a dilemma they are in before Jesus Christ comes to speak to them. I take that as while they had no acknowledgment of sin, walking around deceived while saying they see, they also knew not Him that sent Christ.

Did God send Christ to cause them to sin?
Did God send Christ to those who knew no sin …that they might then sin? I don’t think so…but to show them (manifest) the heart. If God had not sent Christ to speak to them …would they (any) have died in their sins? How could that be if by simply not seeing sin or by simply by not acknowledging sin…sin is not there? then why did God send Christ and instead saved Himself the anguish of the the crucifixion by just simply letting everyone (all of humanity) die in never having to acknowledge or see any sin. Seems a sure way to go to the grave by just being dumbfounded and blind to have that excuse … “what harm ? What foul? I don’t see any harm or foul done?”

Were they (the Pharisees) doing anything differently when “they had no sin” before God sent Christ to speak to them? to me no because their “having no sin” by not acknowledging it…was their perspective (Imo). It doesn’t mean sin wasn’t there by “they had no sin” but that is the perspective of the Pharisees “I have sinned Not!”

…they just simply choose to ignore it was there. Having “Buried it” deep. Going about pointing fingers while saying “I have sinned not.” That is what He said to them, did He not? In “they had no sin” (Or that is my opinion). “They had no sin” but the BS hit the fan. (Sorry but that gets the point across for me; how we can tell ourselves and deceive ourselves of a lot of BS but that doesn’t make it so. “They had no sin” then Christ comes and says He just snatched away their cloke of fleshly proclamations as “have no sin” …what is manifest? Is it the goodness of their hearts? Why “woe”??

Like a serial killer can sit emotionless for no sorrow “why do you go about to seek to kill Me” …empty eyed with a dumbfounded “I have done nothing to no one.” To me that is what Christ is telling them that they are hypocrites NOT they had no sin but until He comes to speak to them …they choose instead their cover of lies in pretense but within are indeed malicious (not Christ causing them to be malicious or causing them to sin) but Instead His coming to speak to them that what is within be made manifest. Is that causing them to sin; where before Christ they had not sinned …or bring it out into the Light?

“If I had not come and spoke unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.”

They are without excuse?

I just don’t get it. Sounds like I was indeed way better off before God ever come to declare Christ because before then… things I did that caused so much destruction and pain to come to pass; I would have been way better off continuing as I was before completely truly oblivious to any wrong or harm done but instead moving blissfully right along …before Christ. I can pinpoint…not as child but a time (not that long ago) in my life where there was no concept that Vickie might be headed in a poor direction …people could have suggested “woe” and I would have said “what woe? I’m getting what I want.”
Last edited:

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
So stealthy is IT within the overall presence of ongoing human existence, it took us many generations to even pinpoint this thing (we call “conscience”) as something that speaks to us from our minds. Our ancestors “believed” IT spoke to us from our heart.

In the King James Version of the Bible, the word “conscience” first appears in the New Testament. That is historically accurate. Meaning, the word “conscience” is entirely absent from the vocabulary of the authors of the Old Testament Hebrew texts. Although these ancient generations had no specific word for “conscience” still, they wrote plenty about IT. Referring to conscience (this internal GPS-voice of human judgment) as one’s “heart.” Not the beating one with valves. Rather, the idea of thinking in one’s heart. “Speaking in mine heart.” (Genesis 24:45) “The breastplate of judgment upon his heart.” (Genesis 28:29) This is not Biblical-Theory. This is Biblical-Fact.

Moses is the first inspired author to accurately copyright the Truth about the human conscience. That this “voice-of-the-heart” is not given to us by the Living God; rather, IT is imagined within us. The Living God reveals this Truth to Noah. Our imagination is the creator of conscience. Again, Moses, the author of Genesis, PERFECTLY nails it:

Genesis 6:5 (KJV) “…the imagination of the thoughts of his heart.”

Jeremiah also confirms that this “voice of the heart” is imagined within us. See 3:17, 7:24, 9:14, 11:8, 13:10, 16:12, 18:12, 23:17 (ALL Jeremiah, KJV verses).

Perhaps the worst deception of conscience is IT’S own self-promotion; inasmuch, our conscience likes to convince us that having a conscience is a “Good” thing. Nothing could be further from the Truth. There came a day when, save for Noah, the adult human collective-conscience had become universally loud and entirely EVIL.

It is quite common to hear it said of a serial killer in his posthumous bio-documentary: This is a man who had no conscience. When, in Reality, a serial killer is a prime example of a man HAVING a conscience — a conscience that goes into super-drive, speaking loud volumes above ALL reason. Consider Jeremiah’s illustrious warning:

Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV) “The heart (our conscience) is deceitful above ALL things, and desperately wicked.”

@Bible Highlighter actually cites Jeremiah 17:9 as one of his pet verses that supposedly “proves” Original Sin. Our disease is deceptive enough on IT’S own. It only gets worse when one gets sucked into the falsehoods of Religion. It becomes brainwashing. And, God only knows how long it will take for some of us to get deprogrammed.

What is the worst contributing factor we bring to the “imaginary bench”?

As human beings, we have a limited perspective. Coupled up with our limited perspective, judging EVERYTHING in terms of Good & Evil (in our imagined Courtroom of Conscience) IS our fatal mental disease. IT is worse than cancer. Much worse. IT is what leads directly to “Shame,” “Guilt” and “Death.” The growing of a conscience via The Knowledge of Good & Evil is more foreign and fatal to a person’s natural GOODNESS than the growing of a brain tumor.

We are doomed. Oh — if only there could be a cure for this psychological calamity.

Well, there is. The Jesus-Concept. Psychologically, to truly accept the absolute Reality of what’s been done for us on the cross is the PERFECT cure for our mental illness. If a person truly accepts (100% with no ifs, ands or buts) that ALL of his or her wrong, bad, sin, evil, etcetera has been taken AWAY, such a person is rendered totally sinless (past, present and future). Such a person IS PERFECT and ALL-GOOD; for, that person truly accepts that he is. We ARE what we think.

The importance of ALL this is not that what the Church teaches is blind, blasphemous, twisted, idiotic and, legally, by its own mouth, “sinful.” The importance of ALL these Truths is in knowing the Truth.

Why is it so important to know the Truth?

Because the Truth shall set you FREE (some guy in-the-know once said). Evil coming into this world was never an “Original Sin” problem. Rather, it was and continues to be a Knowledge of Good & Evil problem. Not metaphysical. Not supernatural. Not even theological. Totally psychological. That is the God’s-honest Truth. Send me your cards and letters and correct me if I am wrong: Both “Knowledge” and “The Way We Think” fall under the category of PSYCHOLOGICAL.

We have evil in this world because of our Change-in-Thinking problem. As Jesus would say of Adam and Eve, “They changed their way of thinking.” Once again, the Greek Word is metanoeo.

As the sheriff would say, “What we have here is a Change-In-Thinking problem.” We chose gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil OVER our Factory Setting. We chose Death OVER Life. Our own ignorant choice. Our own stupid choice. Our own careless choice. ALL we can say for ourselves is it was not an “Evil” or “Sinful” choice; for, before that first bite, we did not even know what the word, “Evil” meant. And, so... we certainly did not know what the word “Sin” meant.

Our disease is progressive. “Sin” is yet another progression of IT (our imagined Courtroom of Conscience). We suffer from a series of ITS. First we gained IT (The Knowledge of Good & Evil) which immediately led to IT (The Courtroom of Conscience) which, ultimately, led us into the invention of yet another IT (sin).

Ladies and gentlemen (and any others), submitted for your examination... the progression of IT.

Progression. Not to be confused with progress. For, it would be contemptible to call IT “progress.”

Even after gaining The Knowledge of Good & Evil, Adam and Eve had no understanding of what our human imagination would bring forth next. Our most prolific IT — SIN.

The God’s-honest Truth? Adam and Eve had no conception of sin whatsoever. However, it only took humanity one generation (under the heavy chains and harsh whips of Master Knowledge of Good & Evil) to imagine IT... and invent IT.
Do you believe righteousness is imputed without works?

Romans 4:20-22
“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised,he was able also to perform.
And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.”

Romans 4:5-6
”But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,”

What was imputed to Abraham for righteousness?
His belief in God’s promise. So righteousness can be imputed to a person.
Read Romans 4:20-22. That’s what it says.

Now, can sin be imputed to a person?
Well, Scripture talks about how sin is not imputed when there is no Law (i.e. the 613 Laws of Moses).

Romans 5:13
“(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.”

But was there sin even before the Law of Moses?

So how was sin reckoned? Think the opposite of how we receive righteousness imputed to us when we receive Jesus Christ. The opposite of Jesus is Adam and he passed down sin upon us. For if Adam had not sinned and he ate of the correct tree, do you think mankind would have still sinned? Only God knows, but the point or idea here is that Adam clearly brought in death by his transgression and that directly affected his descendants. Even the ground was cursed by what Adam did. Men started to no longer live hundreds of years like in the beginning, but sin had tainted the creation (including man).

When a baby is born into this world, they are justified freely by God’s grace by Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Jesus asked if there was another way to the Father in the garden. For if God wanted to save us an alternative way, He would have easily just taken lives of those who knew would be faithful to Him while they were yet babies. Meaning, God could save men while they were still in innocence. Think. A good tree brings forth good fruit, and a bad tree brings forth bad fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit. So if we were truly innocent and pure as babies, then why do we bring forth bad fruit? According to your belief this is a contradiction of the words of Lord.

The heart is desperately wicked. If you go off your own thinking without a change in your heart from the LORD Jesus, you will die. Men on their own without God will die. Man left to himself and his ways will lead to death. When you look around you in the world, you don’t see innocence and goodness by men but you see sin. If man started off innocent and pure, then at least a few of them would remain that way and not fall into sin. The heart is our own thinking that ignores one’s conscience.

If believers are innocent then why do they have to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God? (See: 2 Corinthians 7:1).

A conscience is not the whole heart (or seat of all of your mind and emotions).

A conscience is that part of a person that God gives to a man that tells him right from wrong.

A conscience can be seared.

1 Timothy 4:2
“Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”

Both the MIND and the conscience can be defiled.

Titus 1:15
“Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.”
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
With ScottA, it is ALL gloom, doom and the end of the world. ScottA’s gospel is: “Jesus came to bring a SWORD, not PEACE!” Scott says, “We must be born again of the spirit of God to be free of the world and its evils.”

Pure Religion talking.
You were corrected by Christ, and will be again--for being born again of the spirit of God, which He brought, is the good news. Whom you now speak against--that is, against the Holy Spirit.

You are not for, but against.
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