Is Jesus the End of the Law?

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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

A sinner man only knows the law condemns him.

Neither the law nor the word of Christ saves anyone, until they receive Him to do His law and word righteously.

Unrighteous sinners and transgressors saved by grace, That is what the world rightly scoffs at, and gives occasion to blaspheme the cross and blood of the Lamb.

Proper use of the law is to teach what is written, and not the commandments and traditions of men.

Doing away with and 'rising above' the law, is for sinners who want nothing to do with the law of Christ.

His law is not ended in Him, but only seeking to do His law without His Spirit, comes to an end in Him.

Those transgressing His law have nothing to do with Him at all.

Spiritualized sinners think they have risen above all that law doing stuff.

Faith in Jesus is declaring we cannot possibly do His law without Him and His grace.

Delusion is thinking we don't need to do His law, because we are now with Him by grace.

Transgressors of Jesus' law are not walking with Jesus. Period.

If the ‘ Transgressors Of Jesus’ Law” are not “ Walking with Jesus”, who are “YOU” walking with? You Transgress God’s
Laws every hour Of every day....
Do you REALLY “ Love God with ALL of you heart, and ALL of your Soul and ALL of your mind?” Yeah, I thought not......You can’t even keep the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT Commandment, can you?
It seems that you are just like me....better do what I did and go out and get yourself some Grace! Maybe someday you will understand that the Best way to “ keep the Law” is to Understand That you don’t have to....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Thanks be to God that through His grace, that upon our confession of sin and repentance of such behaviour, and turning away from it, He is able to forgive us and wash us clean.

Sure “ sounds” good, doesn't it? Unfortunately , it ain’t the a matter of fact it is a “ False and Perverted” one.......

This Confused and Poorly Taught man is essentially saying we have to EARN a Grace That is by its very definition is something that is NOT EARNED .....

“HIS” way of Salvation ( getting our sins forgiven) is to confess our sins, Repent Of bad behavior and then stop doing it ( or maybe he means to “ TRY” to stop doing it) and once we have “measured up” and made ourselves “ worthy” of Grace, THEN we can receive it......
It’s like God is saying , If you can “ MERIT” my “ UNMERITED FAVOR” , then , and only then, I will give it to you......HOGWASH!

The TRUE GOSPEL .....the One that is in the Bible....the One that Paul preached in 1 Cor 15:1-4 ...... the One that will “ WASH YOU CLEAN” and actually SAVE you if you simply BELIEVE it is this—— “ BELIEVE that Jesus Died for your Sins and rise from the Dead” and you will be Saved.....

Paul warned that if anybody came preaching a different Gospel than his , even if it was an Angel from Heaven that preached it —— let that man be “ ACCURSED”.....

Confession,Repentance,” Turning over a New Leaf by trying ( and failing) to abandon sinning.......There is Nothing Wrong with any of these things , per se—— they just don’t Save....Only ONE THING Saves —— RESTING in Paul’s Gospel Of Grace , Given to him by Jesus Personally.....It’s the One that God will Judge you by....The Gospel That Saves is NOT what man does for God, By confessing, repenting, etc......The TRUE GOSPEL is what GOD has done for Lost, Sinful men....
Jesus accomplished EVERYTHING necessary for Salvation at the Cross....all that is left for a man to do is to “ cash- in” into what has Already been Accomplished by Jesus.....How does one “cash- in?”........REST in the Gospel Of Grace......once again it’s 1Cor15:1-4...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I am talking about Salvation....I am referring to those that believe that even though the Shed Blood Of Jesus might be “ESSENTIAL” for Salvation, it is just not “ ADEQUATE” for that Salvation —— We must ADD to the Gospel Of Grace....we must do “ our part” —-go to church, pay tithes, do the Sacraments, Repent Of all of our sins before we die, completely avoid “ willful sins”, get water - baptized, obey the Ten Commandments, live by the Sermon on the name it .....the thinking behind it is all the same—- Jesus needs a “ Co- Savior” and that guy would be me!

Sorry, but when it comes to Salvation ( and some of those things I mentioned are good things to do!), the Old Hymn nailed it many years ago—- it really “IS” * NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD*......That is the Gospel ......ADD to it at your own risk...Galatians calls it “ Falling From Grace” .....
All those things you say people add to salvation... Church going, paying tithes etc etc etc... Good works even, like visiting folk in prison, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, Jesus said if we didn't do those things, we would be lost. Those things are a part of sanctification and are the fruit of our relationship with Jesus, and I think you would agree with that yes?
But surely you wouldn't suggest that sanctification is merely an optional extra to the Salvation process? Even Jesus said that if we didn't bear fruit, we would be lost. The branches without fruit are burnt up. Corrupt trees don't beat fruit and are therefore hewn down. But, even those good works are accomplished by our own efforts. Jesus also said, without me ye can do nothing. We become the person who by nature loves and serves others through beholding and becoming changed. By the Spirit of God in us. But those fruit, which come by faith through the grace of God, are essential to salvation. And it is not a works based salvation. It is still grace, and always will be.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Theoretically, I could sin all that I want to and “ still” make it to sins have been paid for at the Cross—- how about yours?

That's a keeper for the record book.

It's why the world blasphemes the grace and blood of the Lamb of God.

Perhaps you fail to understand this because God’s Grace has not been extended to you.....that’s a Scary thought.....

I reject it, and believing you can sin all you want with the devil as an enemy against God, and still be a born son of God worthy to walk with Jesus in white, is not scary, but just pathetic.

The worst hypocrisy of unrighteous christian sinners is thinking their sinning doesn't stink as much as other sinners, because their sinning is sprinkled with grace.

I do what I “WANT” .....and because I REST in The Gospel Of Grace ( 1Cor15:1-4 ) , God has changed and continues to change my “ WANTS”......


I.e. progressive humanism taught for doctrine of Christ: doing more good and less evil, but never righteous and holy altogether.

Because I am a “ New Creation”, the very thought of Sin is sickening to me.....The Sins that I used to live for, now give me the same pleasure as sticking my hand in a fire.....

The old I-really-hate-sinning-now-when-I-sin card.

That fire your feel is searing of your conscience, which you teach for grace of Christ.

God chastises me for my Sins here in my Earthly existence....and in the same way that I chastise “ my” children, God does it for my own good...

God's chastisement to sinners is being separated from them while sinning.

The morning after getting drunk is natural life.

These days, when I sin, I do the same thing with it that God does —- .

The hallmark of OSAS hypocrisy: When you sin. Never If.

When you sin, you do the same thing with it the devil does, Sinning against God.

Please tell me....what has God done with all of “ your” Sins ?

All my past sinning is forgiven. If I sin again against Him, I am not being His son, nor walking with the Son.

When you sin against Him, you are not being His son, nor are you walking with the Son.

The difference between me and you is, I don't teach walking hand in hand with the devil and the Son.

You think as the unsaved World thinks.....”.

The world doesn't preach against sinning with the devil while walking with God.

That's your doctrine.

knowing I can Sin and never be damned makes me want to Sin less....Christianity is crazy like that....

Gag a goat.

Unrighteous sinful christianity is not just crazy like that, but is seriously deluded like the Scripture says:

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The biggest lie of all is that sinners don't enjoy their unrighteousness while sinning with the devil.

"I really, really hate this getting drunk. Give me another, please, thanks."

"What's the matter dude? Sorry babe, but I really really hate this fornicating with you."

The only thing unrighteous hypocrites hate about their sinning is the same for all sinners: the morning after.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Theoretically, I could sin all that I want to and “ still” make it to sins have been paid for at the Cross—- how about yours?

That's a keeper for the record book.

It's why the world blasphemes the grace and blood of the Lamb of God.

The Gospel That Saves If merely Believed (1Cor15:1-4 ) says that Jesus died for our appears to me that you don't Believe that Gospel....If Jesus Died for my sins, what sin would be left that could ever damn me? Do you think that Jesus just died for “ past” sins and therefore it is up to “US” now to “ make ourselves Worthy” when it comes to being Saved?

Colossians 2:13.....” Having forgiven us *ALL* of our Trespasses”...... the Greek Word That is translated “ ALL” is thoroughly means anything you could ever possibly think of....

If Jesus did not die for ALL of our sins, we are without hope.....Jesus said , “ You must be PERFECT — even as your Father in Heaven is Perfect” if you want to make it to Heaven....the only way to obtain this Perfection that is Demanded is to have it “ IMPUTED” to you.....That is accomplished by Resting in the Gospel....

Trying to obtain “ perfection” in a Body Of Flesh is the Ultimate “ Fool’s Game”.....If Anybody can attain “Perfection” in their earthly Lifetime, Jesus died a horrific Death on the Cross for no reason...

You did not answer my original question.....I believe that Jesus died for my Sins as “ He took ALL of the ordinances that condemned me and nailed it to the Cross “......God says That He will “Remember my sins NO MORE!”.......... so tell me, what did God do with YOUR sins ?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I reject it, and believing you can sin all you want with the devil as an enemy against God, and still be a born son of God worthy to walk with Jesus in white, is not scary, but just pathetic.

Please go borrow somebody’s “ Thinking Cap”because it is obvious that you don’t have one of your own....In the final analysis , everybody will do what they “ WANT”........This is what you fail to understand about Christianity and I hope that there are many Newbies in the audience out there that does not suffer from a Limited Intelligence and will understand what I am explaining.....

If a person Repents by “ changing his mind” about who Jesus was —— going from an “ UNBELIEVER” in the Gospel , to an actual “ BELIEVER” in the Gospel , God will put His Holy Spirit in that man or woman and He will “ TRANSFORM” them from the inside out ( that “Inside of the Cup” that you may have heard about) .....That person will Find Himself Having His “ WANTS” changed.....

I go out each night and get just as drunk as I “ want” to , and I also go out and fornicate as much as I “ want” to.........unfortunately , it does not add up to all that much these days—- I just don’t “ Want” to do the things that I used to Live for.....why, it’s almost as if I’ve been “ Born Again!” ....Understand?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I do what I “WANT” .....and because I REST in The Gospel Of Grace ( 1Cor15:1-4 ) , God has changed and continues to change my “ WANTS”......

I.e. progressive humanism taught for doctrine of Christ: doing more good and less evil, but never righteous and holy altogether.

Your own personal “ Righteousness” and “ Holiness” is a stench in God’s nostrils ...on the Day we stand before God I will be professing the very Righteousness of my Savior, Jesus Christ, because I put my TOTAL TRUST in His Blood Sacrifice “ FOR” Me , while you will be “ Boasting” about your own pathetic holiness, etc...... Good luck with that......

As I and others will be receiving our Heavenly rewards for the good things we did in our Earthly bodies without even trying as we allowed God to work “His” Good “Through” us , you will still be Boasting about how Holy you were after you got Saved...You convinced yourself that you “ HAD” to be because Jesus only died for your past sins and then it was all up to you.....let’s see how your delusions of “ righteousness and holiness” melt away when you stand before a Perfect and Holy God—- the Real Thing! As a “Religionist” , All you could ever do was to “ Ape” the Behaviors Of The True never understood the SOURCE Of Those behaviors.... a shame that....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The hallmark of OSAS hypocrisy: When you sin. Never If.

When you sin, you do the same thing with it the devil does, Sinning against God.

“If we say we have no Sin, we call God a Liar”.....

All sin is “ Sinning Against God” and your Silly statement makes no sense....the devil can “tempt” me into Sin —- what I DO about it is a completely different I said, I do the same thing with it that God does——- I nail it to the Cross and forget about it....that does not infer that “ I” or “ anybody else” can Sin and “ GET AWAY” with it......Salvation- Wise , That Sin is forgiven and forgotten, but here in my earthy existence , I have to accept that God may choose to Chastise me , so that the-next time I consider giving into temptation, I just might decide to think twice.....

Why does God talk about “ chastising “ His Errant Children If they are all perfect like you are? I suppose God spends His time punishing people that like you , would never deserve it, being above sin and all.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The difference between me and you is, I don't teach walking hand in hand with the devil and the Son.

Nah, the REAL difference between you and I is that I “ kNOW” That I am a Sinner and I am honest enough to admit it.....I am like Paul in the sense that I know that I MUST have Grace and Tons Of it—- Like Paul, I ” DO NOT * HOLD BACK* the Grace of God and when I sin I go BOLDLY to God's “ Throne of Grace” to receive the Cleansing that I need ...

Of course, since you realized that Jesus only died for your “ past” sins, it has become VITAL that you don’t Sin anymore .......,If you don’t Sin anymore who needs any Grace, much less a Throne for it—- even though Paul needed it —— congratulations —— you are a better man than Paul Ever was...

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
That's your doctrine

Just for the Record, here is my “ Doctrine”.....ALL of it .....when it comes to GETTING SAVED and STAYING SAVED , 2 things and 2 things “ONLY” get that job done —— #1.The Shed Blood Of Jesus. #2. Your Faith in #1.....

You got a problem with my Doctrine ?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Unrighteous sinful christianity is not just crazy like that, but is seriously deluded like the Scripture says:

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

As always, those that try to “ take me down” have to resort to taking Scripture out of Context in order to try to do so...... Read the entire Chapter Of 2 Thessalonians, chapter two....Paul is talking about End Times and the “ Delusion” That God will instill in those that reject Jesus and worship the Antichrist .....nice careful when you debate somebody that knows and actually understands the Bible better than you brag— just fact.


BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The biggest lie of all is that sinners don't enjoy their unrighteousness while sinning with the

Who is making that claim? Even the Bible states that “ there is Pleasure in Sin”........A Temptation That does not involve “ pleasure” on some level is not really much of a Temptation, is it? Of course, the Bible goes on to say that the “ pleasure” derived from sin only lasts “ for a season”.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The only thing unrighteous hypocrites hate about their sinning is the same for all sinners: the morning after.

I spent many, many years doing things that would make your self- righteous Head Spin ! Booze, women, drugs, Whore Houses, strip clubs—- these were all of the things that I lived for.....I spent countless nights sinning to my little heart’s content, and then some.....woke up the next morning thousands of times and the only thing I ever cared about was the “ wait” until I could go out and do it all over again! Remorse or Guilt or Regret? Lol—- you gotta be kidding!

These days, since getting Saved and having the Holy Spirit in me , I don’t have to worry about that “next day”—- There will never be a “ Night Before” .....I wouldn’t do any of those things now if you put a gun to my head....I am a “ New Creature” with a “ New Heart” Who still does as he “ WANTS”’s just that my “ WANTS” have been changed to line- up with * GOD’S* WANTS ....

I never even made much of an “ effort” to Change....It was a “By-Product” Of RESTING in the FINISHED WORK of the CROSS! You really oughta give it a shot—— The only Drawback for YOU is that you have to start Trusting God as opposed to trusting in yourself and your “ holiness”’s only for those that were Given Humble and Contrite hearts by the Holy Spirit.....You Don’t appear to be a man with a Contrite Heart—- it cant co-exist with a Proud Spirit and somebody that is Self- Righteous and found “ perfection” in a Flesh Body after he supposedly got “ saved”.....
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Jul 7, 2022
Tin Can Bay, Queensland
The “Law Of Christ” is Singular....NOT Plural......

The Law Of Christ is this——- “ Carry Each Other’s Burdens” ....Gal 6:2.....

For those just “ DYING” to have some Commandments , here’s you a couple ....They are the ONLY Commandments that Jesus left us with, this side of the Cross—- Command #1 “ BELIEVE” ......Command #2 “LOVE”.......

I hate to disappoint all the Moses “ wanna- bes” out there “ , but those are the only “ laws” that we have now......

Christians are not under the Law —- The Law is “ UNDER THEM!” —- Engraved in their HEARTS!

Hebrews 8:13—-“The Law is OBSOLETE and ready to Vanish”
Romans 7:4—“Christians are DEAD to the Law”
Gal3:16,19— “ The Law was temporary from Moses to Christ”
Hebrews 7:18—“The Law is weak and useless and makes Nothing Perfect”
Gal3:10— “The Law is a CURSE for all of those that Fail to keep it PERFECTLY!”

You guys need to STOP promoting Sin! “ The Law was Given so that Sin might INCREASE” ( Rom5:20 )....“When The Law Is preached it creates a Hardening Veil” ( 2Cor3:14)......The Law makes you Sinful beyond measure!)

“ Going back to the Law after embracing Faith is Stupid!” ( gal3:1)

Please don’t be “ Stupid”......

"Christian are not under the law" They are not under the Mosaic law, and specifically of its system of offerings and sacrifices that were instituted to appease God, but they are under God's moral laws. They still prevail. Anyone suggesting anything else is contending with what Jesus taught, and what the apostles reiterated.

Faith without works of righteousness, or to put that another way, faith plus unrepentant lawless behaviour, is a dead faith. Anyone living that kind of lifestyle will be counted with the goats.
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
so tell me, what did God do with YOUR sins ?
All my past sins are forgiven.

Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.

Apparently, if you are living righteously and holily in Christ, then you have some mistakes in how to teach it, because in fact your doctrine, as stated, is opening a wide door to the opposite.

So, let's just establish a baseline:

Blessed are they that keep judgment, and he that doeth righteousness at all times.

Are you doing righteousness at all times today?

I am.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

Are you doing His righteousness, even as He is righteous today?

I am.

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Are you committing sin of the devil today?

I am not.

Now, I have answered with yes/no. If you do otherwise, or don't answer at all, then I'll move on from engaging with you personally. I have learned not to personally deal with people who are not honest and serious about themselves, but rather play theological gymnastics with scripture-lingo to avoid doing so.

However, if you do answer honestly those questions, then I'd be glad to continue with you in the spirit of helping you to better teach what you are living in Christ Jesus.

And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.

Because if you are not an unrighteous christian sinner justifying yourself by grace, then you are doing yourself and the doctrine of Christ a mistaken disservice.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
All my past sins are forgiven.

Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.

Apparently, if you are living righteously and holily in Christ, then you have some mistakes in how to teach it, because in fact your doctrine, as stated, is opening a wide door to the opposite.

So, let's just establish a baseline:

Blessed are they that keep judgment, and he that doeth righteousness at all times.

Are you doing righteousness at all times today?

I am.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

Are you doing His righteousness, even as He is righteous today?

I am.

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Are you committing sin of the devil today?

I am not.

Now, I have answered with yes/no. If you do otherwise, or don't answer at all, then I'll move on from engaging with you personally. I have learned not to personally deal with people who are not honest and serious about themselves, but rather play theological gymnastics with scripture-lingo to avoid doing so.

However, if you do answer honestly those questions, then I'd be glad to continue with you in the spirit of helping you to better teach what you are living in Christ Jesus.

And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.

Because if you are not an unrighteous christian sinner justifying yourself by grace, then you are doing yourself and the doctrine of Christ a mistaken disservice.

People who promote this “real Christians don’t sin” idea should think twice because if they’re right, then they aren’t saved and neither is anyone else. This is the case , because all Christians sin. In Romans 7:18-19Paul admitted that he couldn’t stop sinning. Are they saying he isn’t saved?

The Holy Spirit is our “ Helper” who advises us on behavior that’s pleasing to God, but as long as we’re here on Earth we’ll have a sin nature that makes it impossible for us to completely stop sinning.

When Jesus went to the cross He took all the sins of our life with Him, past present and future. Because of this God sees us not as we are but as we will be when He’s perfected us. This is why Paul could say that according to God it wasn’t “he” who was sinning but the Old Sin Nature that was still living in Him. (Romans 7:20)........

All Believers will find “ True” Perfection “ over there”, when we make it to Heaven and exchange these “ corrupt” Flesh bodies with Incorruptible Bodies That are identical to Jesus......

Until that day arrives, we are covered by Grace....we need to thank Him for that Grace when we sin, being fully aware that just because we are totally forgiven for all of our sins as far as our Salvation goes, nobody will ever “ get away” with Sinning—- we won’t be damned for Sinning , but if we get out of line — especially for trying to abuse Gods Grace, God will Chastise any and all of His Errant Children —— even to the point of “ taking them Home” many years before they were supposed to leave the earth....God will Forgive abundantly, but He will NOT be mocked....


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

No. The end of the law for righteousness is Jesus.

Jesus is not the ending of the law of God, nor the righteousness of His law.

Neither God nor His law are dead.
The word "end" here means "purpose". The NT says, "You have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord". Cleary, "end" means "purpose".
The great Protestant Reformer Martin Luther said "The law sends me to Christ". The purpose of the law is twofold:

1) The law condemns us as sinners and therefore need Christ's blood to save us, without which we're lost.
2) The law can't be kept by the sinner, therefore we need Christ to make us saints, afterwhich we can keep it by His indwelling grace.
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
The word "end" here means "purpose". The NT says, "You have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord". Cleary, "end" means "purpose".
The great Protestant Reformer Martin Luther said "The law sends me to Christ". The purpose of the law is twofold:

1) The law condemns us as sinners and therefore need Christ's blood to save us, without which we're lost.
2) The law can't be kept by the sinner, therefore we need Christ to make us saints, afterwhich we can keep it by His indwelling grace.
True, The law is not written for the righteous, who need not be reminded that murder, adultery, drunkenness, thefts, blasphemies, railing cursings, lust after strange flesh, not good nor of God.

The law simply let's any man know, whether believer or not, that they have gotten away from God, and are now serving the devil.

There is however a third purpose why the law written on paper is good: to let the righteous know what is not law of Christ, but is only commandments of men.

The sheep of Jesus must learn the difference between being guilt-tripped by false teachers, rather than being convicted by the Spirit.