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Apr 24, 2022
United States
"Someone's gotta teach them not to hate."

It's true? well to quote you: "Prove it" He specifically talks about 4 -8 year old's being forced to read about sexual fantasies. Start there.

with young people who actually are trans...Not gender non-conforming kids who never identified as trans.

but that is probably just a nitpicking detail

What does God think about false witness?
The chanting was just’We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children “ over and over. The other part you added was from the gay choir’s song, not what the marchers were chanting


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Mar 9, 2023
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All I know is you’re sticking up for LGBTQ and enabling them to live in their sin.. and judging those who call it for what it is. A sin
I can understand/where he is coming from, I did the same thing, I guess I can only put it down to my emotions, clouding the word of God....

Personally, I believe, for me anyway, you can read God’s word, but, his “ Living “ word and the Bible is God’s Living word..must penetrate the heart/ spirit....in other words God speaks to your heart....took him a while to show me i was looking at this gay act from my emotions......

He got the message across....if some want to stay in self denial or being led by their emotions and not by the Spirit , then we need to leave them to God....

We all know what God’s word says about homosexuality.......they go against God’s word, then they will suffer the consequences....

Would a Born Again “ knowingly “ go against the word of God?.

Would a Born Again who has been “ birthed in the Spirit “ ..be gay or lesbian?....only God knows.


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Mar 9, 2023
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GOT summary.


When examining what the Bible says about homosexuality, it is important to distinguish between homosexual behavior and homosexual inclinations or attractions. It is the difference between active sin and the passive condition of being tempted. Homosexual behavior is sinful, but the Bible never says it is a sin to be tempted. Simply stated, a struggle with temptation may lead to sin, but the struggle itself is not a sin.

Romans 1:26–27 teaches that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God. When people continue in sin and unbelief, God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God. One of the fruits of rebellion against God is homosexuality. First Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that those who practice homosexuality, and therefore transgress God’s created order, are not saved.

A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as some people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That does not excuse the person’s choosing to sin by giving in to sinful desires. Just because a person is born with a greater susceptibility to fits of rage doesn’t make it right for him to give in to those desires and explode at every provocation. The same is true with a susceptibility to homosexuality.

No matter our proclivities or attractions, we cannot continue to define ourselves by the very sins that crucified Jesus—and at the same time assume we are right with God. Paul lists many of the sins that the Corinthians once practiced (homosexuality is on the list). But in 1 Corinthians 6:11, he reminds them, “That is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (emphasis added). In other words, some of the Corinthians, before they were saved, lived homosexual lifestyles; but no sin is too great for the cleansing power of Jesus. Once cleansed, we are no longer defined by sin.

The problem with homosexual attraction is that it is an attraction that God has deemed sinful, and any desire for something sinful ultimately has its roots in sin. The pervasive nature of sin causes us to see the world and our own actions through a warped perspective. Our thoughts, desires, and dispositions are all affected. So, homosexual attraction does not always result in active, willful sin—there may not be a conscious choice to sin—but it springs from the sinful nature. Same-sex attraction is always, on some basic level, an expression of the fallen nature.

As sinful human beings living in a sinful world (Romans 3:23), we are beset with weaknesses, temptations, and inducements to sin. Our world is filled with lures and entrapments, including the enticement to practice homosexuality.

The temptation to engage in homosexual behavior is real to many. Those who struggle with homosexual attraction often report suffering through years of wishing things were different. People may not always be able to control how or what they feel, but they can control what they do with those feelings (1 Peter 1:5–8). We all have the responsibility to resist temptation (Ephesians 6:13). We must all be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). We must all “walk by the Spirit” so as not to “gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).

Finally, the Bible does not describe homosexuality as a “greater” sin than any other. All sin is offensive to God. Without Christ, we are lost, whatever type of sin has entangled us. According to the Bible, God’s forgiveness is available to the homosexual just as it is to the adulterer, idol worshiper, murderer, and thief. God promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 4:13).


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
The chanting was just’We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children “ over and over. The other part you added was from the gay choir’s song, not what the marchers were chanting

I have a hi-def copy of the clip. I went looking for it because I wanted to make sure I wasn't being buffaloed by extremists. Some amateur lip-reading reveals different marchers actually chanting different things, but the only two I could make out were the one most often quoted and something about not going shopping.

I think it's important to be as careful and accurate as possible in these matters so as to avoid any due accusations of prejudice. The undue ones are, of course, unavoidable.

I usually avoid this topic altogether because of the partisan political distortions that result on all sides but I guess there is a time for everything under Heaven.
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Mar 9, 2023
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like the lies form the video in the OP for example.
Or the false claim that it is a disease something you catch or are susceptible to.
According only to you?

Personally, I look upon gays as a perverted mind set...it comes from somewhere, there are things that go on behind closed doors, some disgusting things that involve innocent children...children’s minds can be perverted by those who supposedly Love them, where in fact they are sexual “ PREDATORS “...fact!!....God’s watching though!!....that’s 100% for sure......pray that they come to repentance....through God’s Grace and Mercy.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
There is no love in this post, just hate.
God loved Jacob yet hated Esau. ( Mal. 1:3)
Do you think the Flood that killed millions was an act of love?

Let's see what God thinks about homosexuality ...
He created two distinct genders, male and female, to have a loving relationship and to procreate. "Be fruitful and multiply", He said. That was His plan for mankind. Any deviation from that plan is a distortion/ perversion. He even created women partially from man, so they could be one, knowing eachother physically and spiritually.
In Genesis 19:1–11, The angels struck the gays surrounding Lot"s home in Sodom with blindness, then destroyed both cities. >Was that an act of love? NOPE.
Words God uses to describe these sinners:
Shameful, with unnatural lusts (Romans 1:26–27)
Depraved mind (Rom. 1:28)
Who deserves death, (Rom. 1:32)
Detestable ( Lev. 18:22)
Abomination ( Lev. 20:13)
Will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven ( 1 Cor. 6:9)
Of course, once God let's you go to your own demise, then the evil is unrestrained.
"They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy." Rom. 1:29-31
All sinners will be judged and destroyed unless they have been saved, born again from above. Is that an act of love towards them? Ridding the world of evil would be a loving act for believers, but I doubt if they will feel lived at the time.
So your disagreement is with God, take it up with Him
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
God loved Jacob yet hated Esau. ( Mal. 1:3)
Do you think tue Flood tha killed millions was an act of love?

Let's see what God thinks about homosexuality
He created two distinct genders, male and female, to have a loving relationship and to procreate. "Be fruitful and multiply", He said. That was His plan for mankind. Any deviation from that plan is a distortion/ perversion. He even created women partially from man, so they could be one, knowing eachother physically and spiritually.
You realize you are saying Eve was a transgender clone of Adam.
In Genesis 19:1–11, The angels struck the gays surrounding Lot"s home in Sodom with blindness, then destroyed both cities.
Words God uses to describe these sinners: >Was that an act of love? Nope.
'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” Ezekiel 16:49

So your disagreement is with God, take it up with Him
My beef is with those trying to justify hate


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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
You realize you are saying Eve was a transgender clone of Adam.
God’s word says it much better....what you say here Imo is perverted .

Genesis 2:22-24​

King James Version​

22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I can understand/where he is coming from, I did the same thing, I guess I can only put it down to my emotions, clouding the word of God....

Personally, I believe, for me anyway, you can read God’s word, but, his “ Living “ word and the Bible is God’s Living word..must penetrate the heart/ spirit....in other words God speaks to your heart....took him a while to show me i was looking at this gay act from my emotions......

He got the message across....if some want to stay in self denial or being led by their emotions and not by the Spirit , then we need to leave them to God....

We all know what God’s word says about homosexuality.......they go against God’s word, then they will suffer the consequences....

Would a Born Again “ knowingly “ go against the word of God?.

Would a Born Again who has been “ birthed in the Spirit “ ..be gay or lesbian?....only God knows.
Hey sis,

They can do whatever they want. I am not judging them. What I am doing is standing up for truth. I will not calla He a She now matter how are he tries to tell me he is a woman.
I want these “men” out of our girls bathrooms, out of our girls sports. And I want them to try to push their lifestyle down my throat. When I do not push mine down theirs.
And I want this thought and practice of giving KIDS these hormones to stop puberty (these are basically castration hormones, they can permanently damage these kids and make them steril) and stop the mutilation of our kids. And these politicians who are trying to take the rights away from parents to have these surgeries done
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Are there any hermapodites mentioned in any geneaologies in the bible?

I heard about one... but I can't remember where it was at. Somewhere in genesis, I have also heard about eunuchs, who aren't even able to have sex. They don't have the stuff to do it with.
A eunic is still a male. I am nto positive, but I think they just removed their sperm makers.

Hermaphrodites. We know they still are biologically make or female. Which they may have both organs, they can only either father kids or have kids, they can not do both (at least from what I have heard. I could be wrong)


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I think it escapes the notice of many that God is capable of a kind of hate that is almost entirely elusive to human beings.

God never hates without simultaneous love.

The flood that killed countless sinners also kept sin from bringing the race to extinction.

The fire that consumes will one day rid the universe of both sin and sinners once and for all.

We see words like hate and love and good and evil as being two opposite ends of a limited spectrum.

But hate and evil are anomalies that are relatively small compared to the love and goodness that pervades God's expanse of creation.

God is able to hate and/or love to an infinite degree. But hate will not be needed after the culmination of good and evil at the end of time as we now know it.

And we humans don't do hate very well at all.



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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
Hey sis,

They can do whatever they want. I am not judging them. What I am doing is standing up for truth. I will not calla He a She now matter how are he tries to tell me he is a woman.
I want these “men” out of our girls bathrooms, out of our girls sports. And I want them to try to push their lifestyle down my throat. When I do not push mine down theirs.
And I want this thought and practice of giving KIDS these hormones to stop puberty (these are basically castration hormones, they can permanently damage these kids and make them steril) and stop the mutilation of our kids. And these politicians who are trying to take the rights away from parents to have these surgeries done
100% agree Brother...I’ve been watching on YouTube, sexual predators grooming young girls and boys and you know a lot of it starts with their own family, at home, even the Father was going to join in on the sex act...if that’s not enough to twist and distort children’s minds, with their own family encouraging this sex act......it’s heartbreaking watching that.....luckily the sexual predator got busted and jailed, but, just think how much of that goes on behind closed doors........it’s hard not to judge....

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
You realize you are saying Eve was a transgender clone of Adam.
N where in his post did he say this. You are now resorting to false testimony
'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” Ezekiel 16:49
Oh boy, Now your trying to hide the truth as about these two cities

Gen 19: Now before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. 5 And they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them carnally.

6 So Lot went out to them through the doorway, shut the door behind him, 7 and said, “Please, my brethren, do not do so wickedly! 8 See now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men, since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof.”

9 And they said, “Stand back!” Then they said, “This one came in to [a]stay here, and he keeps acting as a judge; now we will deal worse with you than with them.” So they pressed hard against the man Lot, and came near to break down the door. 10 But the men reached out their hands and pulled Lot into the house with them, and shut the door. 11 And they struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they became weary trying to find the door.

12. Then the men said to Lot, “Have you anyone else here? Son-in-law, your sons, your daughters, and whomever you have in the city—take them out of this place! 13 For we will destroy this place, because the outcry against them has grown great before the face of the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy it.”
My beef is with those trying to justify hate
Who is justifying hate?
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
100% agree Brother...I’ve been watching on YouTube, sexual predators grooming young girls and boys and you know a lot of it starts with their own family, at home, even the Father was going to join in on the sex act...if that’s not enough to twist and distort children’s minds, with their own family encouraging this sex act......it’s heartbreaking watching that.....luckily the sexual predator got busted and jailed, but, just think how much of that goes on behind closed doors........it’s hard not to judge....
We are not as bad as the two great cities of Gen 19 yet. But if we do not stop it. We will get their soon.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I thought you were ignoring me.

I knew you would want to say that but I didn't think you actually would. I do confess I thought it would at least be more maturely expressed, somehow.

The last time I witnessed someone issue a challenging statement beginning with the words "I thought you..." people were still buying B&W TVs for their living rooms.

My ignore list is for my benefit—not your amusement. Intermittent breaks from your contributions are handy and welcome, especially since I have an active thread to monitor. Not everyone is here to vex and annoy.

Big fonts and bright colors...nice. But you forgot to put it in all caps. That would have really showed me.

I admit that the big fonts are excessive, but I was on mobile and couldn't tell that they were so big.

Just wanted to make sure it was easily understood by all.

(I'm sorry you were compelled to assume the worst.)

But since you didn't try to twist it, I guess it worked well enough.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Why people so upset at people for having their sex changed when God made fish to do the same thing ?

Fish do not exhibit the image of God.

Can people have freedom of Choice or must they submit to da Church and what they say?

For now, they certainly can, but God will not hold His anger forever and Christians are bidden to warn others to flee from His wrath to the degree and extent to which they also have freedom of choice.

Can transexual, Homosexual, people have a heart for God - even though their flesh and their proclivities may not die right away ?

Who is denying people any such benefit?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
You there are a lot of pastors and preachers out there, that either end up having sex with children or they are queer themselves, or they have sexual orgies and wife swaps....

Who are we to judge is my question...

It's their business behind close doors but the point I always share is if you ever see or hear someone messing with a child it is your duty to protect them and report the case to the law....

Grown men, and women ... they do what they want behind close doors

You are entitled to your qualifications of the definition of sin/warning/condemnation but you should not allow yourself to become overwrought if you can't get others to conform to your views.

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