So, do you understand what this means? I doubt it, like most others you simple see Jesus' words and you not being a Jew from 2000 years ago, you have got the inside information they hade, Paul understood, which is why he called it the Last Trump, it all ties together.
Davy and David in NJ are like talking to walls, they know it all but can't even understand the timing of the rapture, which makes them both untrustworthy on anything Eschatology, I have wiped the dust off my feet. Let them live in their on delusions.
So, what does Matt. 24:36 mean? Well, in the parable of the fig tree Jesus told us that we can indeed know "The Season" by looking at all of the signs. Likewise, we can know the Season of the Rapture, just not the exact day nor hour. Which means we can know the year and the Season (Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) without knowing the exact Day nor Hour, do you see now how this can be warped into meaning something it doesn't really mean? People can put a spin on this that, hey Jesus told us we CAN NOT KNOW when he is returning, when Jesus really said only this, you can't know the exact day nor hour of my return, only the Father knows the (ONLY) Exact Day & Hour. He did not say we couldn't know the year and as the fig tree parable tells us, we can know The Season.
So, why did Jesus say we can't know the exact day nor hour? What does it really mean? Well, it is Jesus showing us through the Feast of Trumps how he is going to end the Church Age (Harvest) via the Feast of Trumps, thus the Last Trump reference by Paul.
Jesus fulfilled the three Spring Feasts via his life & death
1.) Passover (Jesus fulfilled this via his death and blood which covers our sins, of course)
2.) Unleavened Bread (Jesus was without sin, thus he was unleavened from this world and its sin nature)
3.) First-fruits (Jesus was the first-fruits of the Grave)
Summer Harvest Feast
4.) Feast of Weeks/Church Age/the Summer Harvest of souls ( This Feast was always on the calendar all alone, just like the 2000 some odd year church age is. It is the Time of the Gentiles [calling]. Jesus is fulfilling this Harvesting of Souls, he is our High Priest in heaven as we speak, and we are his body. We are harvesting souls for God/Jesus. Well, in Israel what always ended the Harvest every year? The New Year officially ended the harvest (VERY IMPORTANT). Thus since Israel were on God time (Lunar moon cycle) they could never know the EXACT Day nor Hour that the New Moon would come in and thus they also could not know exact day nor hour that the New Year would come in. BUT.......they knew within a two day period every year. just not the EXACT DAY nor the EXACT HOUR !! So, we can and should know THE SEASON, just like Israel knew the Season of the New Moon an d thus New Year within a couple of days. So, the Israeli leaders sent up two witnesses to spy out when the new moon (New Year) came in, and when they saw it they sent back word to the Israeli leaders, then they started sounding the Shofar or Trumpets, in 9 sets of 11 or 99 times, then on the "LAST TRUMP" (100th trump) it blew Longer & Louder than the other 99, and that Last Trump officially ended the Summer Harvest. Likewise, as Paul says, the Last Trump (Jesus calling his bride home in Rev. 4:1) officially ends the Church Age (Summer Harvest) and thus Jesus is NOW FULFILLING the Summer Harvest AND he will fulfill the Feast of Trumps by calling his bride home to the Marriage in Heaven, that is what is meant by we can not know the EXACT Day nor Hour, Satan has twisted it to say we can not have a clue, when Jesus told us we can and should have a clue by looking at al of THE SIGNS, the Fig Tree Parable says when you see ALL THESE SIGNS, Likewise.... which is referring to the 10-12 signs he gave us in Matt. 24:4-31, in which the last sign is the Sun and Moon going dark etc. etc. So, what is THAT SIGN? Well , Rev. 8 shows it to be an Asteroid Impact. Well, can we see Asteroids heading our way? EUREKA !! Jesus told us to look to the skies fir a reason. In Luke 21 he says men will see and fear what is coming, the waves (Tsunami) roaring etc. We can see an Asteroid named Apophis heading our way now, LOOK AROUND, is it time? One Billion Abortion murders, the transsexual agenda being forced down young kids throats, homosexual marriage approved almost worldwide, hate against Christians at an all time high. Technology and knowledge at an all time high where people can be tacked, and their every thought can be known by the US Gov. spying on us. So, is Apophis going to hit? Yes, we can and should know THE SEASON we are in !! The Feast of Trumps and the LAST TRUMP are just Jesus calling the Church home. Thus Jesus will fulfill the Feast of Trumps.)
Fall Feasts Jesus is yet to fulfill
5.) Feast of Trumps ( SEE ABOVE, Jesus fulfills this when he calls the Church home Pre Trib)
6.) Feast of Atonement ( Who needs to ATONE or Repent according to Dan. 9:24-27 before the 70th week can be fulfilled? Israel, and they do so in Zech. 13:8-9, just before the DOTL is seen on verse later in Zechariah 14:1-2. Thus Jesus fulfills this Feast via his blood atonement)
7.) Feast of Tabernacles (the word TABERNACLE means two DWELL with God, and who rules from Jerusalem for 1000 years? Jesus who is God !! This Jesus fulfills all 7 Feasts. Amen)
The 7 Feasts were called Holy Convocations (Dress Rehearsals) and thus Israel were practicing the whole history of the world and didn't even understand what they were doing over 3000 years ago.
Not knowing the Day nor Hour is simply Jesus telling us that just like Israel were on God time via a Lunar Moon, likewise, God will decide when He sends Jesus, but we can and should (OBVIOUSLY) know THE SEASON. The Season is at hand. Apophis is going to hit on April 13, 2029, that will be the Day of the Lord, thus by subtracting 3.5 years we can understand that the Pre Trib Rapture will happen in the FALL of 2025.
Now, does that mean we can know the EXACT day or hour? No, only God the Father knows that EXACT MOMENT, we are not on a Lunar moon, but that is what God is telling us, I ALONE decide the time, but you can know THE SEASON.