Melbourne has fallen

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Let me try to explain what I mean. I was worried about Cristo Rey. I don't want him to get so depressed he thinks about suicide. That's a tragedy -- let's not repeat it.

The world has good and evil in it. Even in the worst of situations, you will find glimmers of hope and humanity somewhere; and in the best of situations, you'll find problems lurking tucked away since nothing in this world is perfect. We are apt to get depressed if all we see and think about are the bad things. On the other hand, people who refuse to see evil lurking are apt to take unwise risks and wind up in calamities.

Think about Israel in the wilderness. Okay, so they were living in tents. They had their problems, to be sure. But they also had things to be grateful for which they didn't see. They caused themselves a big problem, a lot bigger than living in tents and having to eat manna every day.

And in the end, it isn't what good we receive from others that counts, since people can be rich and still miserable. It's the good we do others. Remember Zacchaeus? He was miserable because he was short and people probably made fun of him; so he tried to get even by taking advantage of them financially. It didn't make him happy. What made him happy was when Jesus asked a favor from him! Imagine that, asking a stingy man to give you dinner -- but Jesus did it -- and Zacchaeus found it made him happy. Then he started giving stuff away!

In the end, obeying the Golden Rule is what makes us happy. At first glance, you might think it's about being non-selfish and perhaps about making yourself miserable -- but it makes person who obeys it happy.

Cristo Rei has probably heard the prayer of St. Francis. I love this prayer.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born to Eternal Life

We can't control what other people do. Relax, give up trying that. We can control what we do. Let's do that. I am convinced St. Francis' prayer has a key to happiness in it. So what if the world falls apart around us? Do we need to come apart just because it does? Why give the world that much power over you?

Psalm 91:5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Its all good guys. I took no offense. I knew he was sincere and concerned.

Im on these threads too much i know. Never see me in spiritual threads much... I know...
I appreciate the concern mate.. And often need to remind myself or be remined... Step back...
Where is God now. Where is the evil one now...

Its all been taken out of context... If i have no offence to it then no one else should as it was addressed to me... LoL...:p
Carry on

And don't mind my silly humour... with the memes... Sometime i just have to laugh at something, even myself.... My serious posts are fairly serious and my silly ones are silly. U can generally tell where i am in a post
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Imagine Donald Trump was in this position... Imagine Donald Trump had been passing in bills unopposed... Extending his powers another month every month... It would be the biggest scandal in the world. And so it should be...
This moment will be seen as the biggest scandal in Victorias history... The only state...
And our PM who is supposed to be conservative sit by idle... Not impressed
The media don't report these facts. Instead they've cheered on Dan all the way. Only recently have left wing media sources finally began to ask questions... As no questions are being asked in parliament after Dan dissolved it.
I have a feeling the days of some politicians in Australia are numbered. Did they forget there are elections?

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
@Giuliano and @APAK and @historyb and @Enoch111

Take a look at post 24 where i explain the unique political position the sate of Victoria finds itself in...
Do u guys know if any American states have had such powers? Im interested
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I have a feeling the days of some politicians in Australia are numbered. Did they forget there are elections?

So it made sense my post 24. Ye... Any states in Americas the same???
Any state of emergency powers???


I know this is probably going to sound weird, but I will say in anyway. I notice another thread from Josho from July about revival coming to Australia, also heard other prophecies about other places. Well usually when a prophecy is given it is usually because ‘ it will be difficult to see ‘ within the context of what is going on. Well, what if this is about trusting , despite of what you see and hear , despite any upper hand you may see the enemy having right now.............
Just a thought as I was reminded of the other thread earlier, and while I was reading this one.
So sorry it’s so difficult at the moment xx


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
@Giuliano and @APAK and @historyb

Take a look at post 24 where i explain the unique political position the sate of Victoria finds itself in...
Do u guys know if any American states have had such powers? Im interested
I think some probably do have emergency laws that would allow extreme measures, but most Governors would be afraid to abuse those laws. They would use the most severe measures only if the emergency was really, really serious and they knew voters knew it. Remember Solomon said pride goes before a fall -- and when politicians get too big for their britches, they're ready to take the fall. Just hang in there, wait and see what happens.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I know this is probably going to sound weird, but I will say in anyway. I notice another thread from Josho from July about revival coming to Australia, also heard other prophecies about other places. Well usually when a prophecy is given it is usually because ‘ it will be difficult to see ‘ within the context of what is going on. Well, what if this is about trusting , despite of what you see and hear , despite any upper hand you may see the enemy having right now.............
Just a thought as I was reminded of the other thread earlier, and while I was reading this one.
So sorry it’s so difficult at the moment xx

Trusting... Daniel Andrews... Ah sorry... I was actually going to flag u but didn't want to bomb your spiritual being with politics
I just presented how Dan has these political powers. There is so much info that it has to be given across in bit size chunks to digest...
Otherwise i try and cram 6 months worth into one day it will just be too much to gather. So sleep now 4 me. Twrw i will list the restrictions we have now...Then how Dan messed up and coverede up and killed all these people... These lives are on his watch and im making the case... Post 24 is article 1

Ye well the thing is that i can understand why a young person would want change from this capitalist system.
I give my reason in a thread i made called "the case for change"... I flagged him on it cos i was keen to get his opinion but he dodged it.
I think his still working so he probably missed it. So im interested in his response here
I wonder weather he is a proponent for change, i would hold it against him

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I think some probably do have emergency laws that would allow extreme measures, but most Governors would be afraid to abuse those laws. They would use the most severe measures only if the emergency was really, really serious and they knew voters knew it. Remember Solomon said pride goes before a fall -- and when politicians get too big for their britches, they're ready to take the fall. Just hang in there, wait and see what happens.

The shocking thing is that im only just uncovering this myself... Im not working due to covid so i have plenty of time to try a be aware of whats happening... But almost 6 months have gone and only now have i put the puzzle together, as he announced another 4 weeks... Everyone is being deceived here... Everyone...

Now... September 13 is when our lock downs are meant to end. Its also the expiration on his 6 month state of emergency...
With state of destruction powers he is reportedly planning to change that law and abolish the 6 month restriction for his state of emergency...
His words suggest that no one is going anywhere until there are no more cases... Im not afraid to say that im from the working class side of town, all my family and friends are around here, and the untold suffering out in these ghettos is heart breaking...

Wait till i introduce more of what happened here over the coming days... Its too much to reveal all at once...

With suicide i know where ur coming from. I just think that u are blunt, like us Aussies a bit. Sometime we are too blunt, triggers get triggered, u know... Not mine but its kool... But suicide interests me a lot... I had a suicide plan before i came back to God... I basically tore up that plan when i made a covenant with God... That i would never attempt my life how dire the situation. Dire. Thats a good description.
Hopelessness, panic despair, defeated the list goes on but i think their the final feelings when someone is really contemplating ...
Ive have a loved one walk off a building just recently which im still morning. And iv been keeping annual counts of our suicide here for a few years now...

75% of suicides are men. But 75% of failed attempts are by women. There are about 22 failed attempt for every successful one here. It was 33 when i was contemplating... Think about that, its profound. 8 people die a day from suicide here, 8 families in mourning... And there were 172 failed attempts as well today... 172 families in despair... Imagine you have given up, your a looser, a failure. Uv failed at everything in life and just want to sleep. But u fail, your attempt leave u quadriplegic. Its enough to go insane. Seriously insane...
Thats why my plan was solid, it was going to work... In America the figures are too much for me.
But 14 times the population is already a freighting thought... Suicide... It doesn't get spoken about for my liking... Stigma

If u ever find yourself trying to convince someone from not doing it then use this approach...
Get them to understand the devastation which he would be leaving to their family...
My first thought process was driven by despair. It was about why should i even try...
Then my second was niot about me, it was about them... I could i leve my parents to bury me... No way, never. I ripped up my plan and promised never to attempt while they were alive. God then replaced that plan as well... loL...

Anyway its late here... I need to pray and sleep...

Godspeed and God Bless
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Guys, it's quite okay to think that maybe our governments aren't acting entirely in our best interests. It doesn't make you a conspiracy theorist. And you would not be alone. It just means you are willing to think beyond the mainstream media feeding trough that pompously identifies itself as journalism. Read the following for example. This is a British doctor, highly qualified, and one not in the back pocket of the pharmaceutical industry. I think though his observations could apply to almost anywhere... New Zealand, Australia, the US.

Sorry, link didn't with work.... Try this copy instead...
Forbidden Truths
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Trusting... Daniel Andrews... Ah sorry... I was actually going to flag u but didn't want to bomb your spiritual being with politics
I just presented how Dan has these political powers. There is so much info that it has to be given across in bit size chunks to digest...
Otherwise i try and cram 6 months worth into one day it will just be too much to gather. So sleep now 4 me. Twrw i will list the restrictions we have now...Then how Dan messed up and coverede up and killed all these people... These lives are on his watch and im making the case... Post 24 is article 1

Ye well the thing is that i can understand why a young person would want change from this capitalist system.
I give my reason in a thread i made called "the case for change"... I flagged him on it cos i was keen to get his opinion but he dodged it.
I think his still working so he probably missed it. So im interested in his response here
I wonder weather he is a proponent for change, i would hold it against him
It’s okay, I was just looking at another prospective , it was laid on my heart so I thought I would share it. xx


Guys, it's quite okay to think that maybe our governments aren't acting entirely in our best interests. It doesn't make you a conspiracy theorist. And you would not be alone. It just means you are willing to think beyond the mainstream media feeding trough that pompously identifies itself as journalism. Read the following for example. This is a British doctor, highly qualified, and one not in the back pocket of the pharmaceutical industry. I think though his observations could apply to almost anywhere... New Zealand, Australia, the US.

Sorry, link didn't with work.... Try this copy instead...
Forbidden Truths
I had not heard of him , some of the articles on his website are interesting. I was looking at his history, did you know he was a transvestite ( apparently since 1989 ) Not really relevant, but just found it right at the end of his information, almost like an add on, along with the fact that he is also vegan !
Going to read some of his articles as the titles sound interesting.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Backlit @Josho @historyb @Giuliano @Reggie Belafonte

In a state of emergency (SoE) the authorities can do whatever is necessary in the name of covid.
The premier gains the power to pass new laws, unopposed by the opposition.
The premier can call up to 1 month of SoE at a time for a period no longer than 6 months
The deceptive mainstream didn't explain any of this to the public. Everyone thinks we're running under a normal democracy still

On March 13 Victoria became the only state to adopt a SoE. While every other state was passing their new covid laws through the senate like a democracy does, Daniel Andrews was passing his own laws, unopposed. That resulted in the most authoritarian lockdowns in Australia...

The biggest deception was changing the goal posts. The lockdowns didn't effect our hospitals at all. But they kept the screws down and hardly no one questioned it. Ever since we've had invisible goal posts. Dan never told us what their strategy is and he never gave us any metrics

After the wave the nation started to ease restriction but not the dictator. He kept the screws down the hardest...
two, three, four times Daniel Andrews extended his SoE, after the first wave and two months of flat... The opposition leader was up in arms, he wants to oppose it, he want parliament to commence, he wants democracy. But not Dan, he loves being a dictator, calling the shots with no conservatives to deal with

Second wave starts in Victoria all due to Dans incompetence in hotel quarantine and contract tracing which i will cover later. Extends his SoE in July. Then on August 2 Daniel Andrews declares a "state of destruction" now he has the power to not only pass new laws but change existing legislation... On August 15 Dan extends his SoE for the 6th time. His 6 month reign as dictator general is due to end September 13 along with the stage 4 lockdowns...

But Dan is working with the solicitor general to enact his new found powers and change the legislation to allow him to continue calling SoE beyond 6 months...

Now... Without any goal posts still, no one knows anything. As long as there is one case in this state, Dan will be able to hold onto his socialist position of power...

Vic Premier moves to extend state of emergency capabilities indefinitely | Sky News Australia
COVID-19 state of emergency extended another month - Surf Coast Times
Opposition leader calls for Daniel Andrews to 'step down'
Liberal Nationals call for return of Parliament to explain coronavirus second wave failures - Michael O'Brien MP

Hehehe next post im going to list our lockdown restrictions... The video in here is like a teaser trailer...
Category: <span> </span> | Herald Sun



Victorians think we are operating as normal, a democracy, all the other Australian states...
While in fact Victoria has been under tyranny for almost 6 months... ????:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
And the thing is that most Victorians either don't know this and/or are excusing it.
Did u Victorians here Know this? Even the Aussies, did u guys know?

Are there any states in the USA like this? I wouldn't know... I know there is no federal SoE

Short answer No not as one entire State....longer answer...they are preparing to do the same in many blue/democrat States.......Victoria is a test bed as Australia and NZ are both as a whole for this introduction of NWO draconian measures by this global cartel in the main...they usually test things out first in these two countries ,,even Canada before they attempt it over here.....we have sporadic/spotty draconian areas in various counties within the States doing the exact same thing as in Victoria... part of this same evil push by this cartel they are also testing out 'no change' policies/exact cash only ...under the lie there is a coin shortage....they eventually want to eliminate cash altogether....on cards and eventually personal chip ids..

This multinational globalist cartel made up of royalty, the rich, sex fiends, satanists, bankers high tech giants, religious leaders and many other 'essential' businesses want to change the culture and remove or make 'legitimate' government ineffective..permanently....they want to run everything....they think their time is now or never....

Bless you



Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I had not heard of him , some of the articles on his website are interesting. I was looking at his history, did you know he was a transvestite ( apparently since 1989 ) Not really relevant, but just found it right at the end of his information, almost like an add on, along with the fact that he is also vegan !
Going to read some of his articles as the titles sound interesting.
He is not Christian. He is not commenting or observing society from a biblical worldview. He is a secular medical professional with a long list of accomplishments and highly respected. I would take more notice of him than many Christian commentaries trying to suggest the virus is one of the final plagues or the virus itself being a fulfillment of prophecy. It isn't. The government reaction to it I believe has the potential to directly lead into the tyranny we expect in these last days... In fact more than just potential. That's what makes his viewpoint all the more interesting... He's seeing what I see from a totally different perspective and worldview.

PS. If he's vegan he'll probably outlive all of us.
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2 Chr. 34:19

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Chester ish
United Kingdom
He is not Christian. He is not commenting or observing society from a biblical worldview. He is a secular medical professional with a long list of accomplishments and highly respected. I would take more notice of him than many Christian commentaries trying to suggest the virus is one of the final plagues or the virus itself being a fulfillment of prophecy. It isn't. The government reaction to it I believe has the potential to directly lead into the tyranny we expect in these last days... In fact more than just potential. That's what makes his viewpoint all the more interesting... He's seeing what I see from a totally different perspective and worldview.

PS. If he's vegan he'll probably outlive all of us.
Why would a Christian listen to a non-Christian?

2 Chr. 34:19

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Chester ish
United Kingdom
Seriously, you think that non Christians have nothing relevant to say?
Isn’t that a bit shallow !
Perhaps, but that’s where I’ve ended up I’m afraid. I learned the hard way “Be ye not deceived”


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Im not thinking about suicide but i am a bit depressed after seeing that the city i was born and raised in is dead...
I didn't expect to get this torn up but i must of really loved that town i guess, cos i feel like im mourning a loved one
Ye it might come back but im not holding by breath cos i feel like this fear is the new norm now, they own this city and its people now...

Meanwhile the devastation that is occurring in the poorer side of town is going unnoticed. Its us who is suffering, we're making the sacrifice for this bs, my family and friends. Not these people on their mountain of gold waving their fist at us to stay home from the other side of the land...

I'm sorry to hear all of this. Yes, it must be like grieving a loved one as , you have much history there. And's always the poorer parts of towns :mad:. As a matter of fact, the area I live in now is being built up for the younger well to do people. There are presently many low income and dis advantage folks in this area and, they call it home as they have been here since kids. It is a very sad thing to live through and we know that "God will make ALL things to the good for those called according to His purpose"
Bless you brother!
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