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So can a Christian refer to there officials as a scum bag?A politician
Lol yesSo can a Christian refer to there officials as a scum bag?
Hey! Say what you want about me, but leave the snowflakes alone.Oops looks like i've upset you mate, I think you've just outed yourself as a wimpy liberal lefty snowflake, they're the only ones who seem to lurv Biden..:)
View attachment 24802
Hey! Say what you want about me, but leave the snowflakes alone.
I like whoever you likeIf you like Biden you're a snowflake in my book.
Hey do you like Trump?
Belief is the easy way we've learnt to ignore our fears of the unknown. Our species must let go of believing itself if we have any chance to survive beyond this tiny little planetary system.Instead of asking, "what do I believe?", ask, "what do I want to believe?"
Belief is the easy way we've learnt to ignore our fears of the unknown. Our species must let go of believing itself if we have any chance to survive beyond this tiny little planetary system.
As Osho said "I don't believe in believing"Does this mean you want to believe that you have no beliefs?
As Osho said "I don't believe in believing"
But I digress. You haven't offered me any evidence that the human brain is equipped to believe. It is equipped for imagination and fantasizing, but unlike beliefs they don't impose anything objective on the emotional side of our brains.