new version of OSAS?

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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I guess the problem is people who believe in Osas can't understand how salvation being lost can ONLY mean salvation is not a free gift. That's not even remotely true. Salvation is conditional on you continuing to believe in the free gift.

Not true.....I can prove it Scripturally ....details later....( meanwhile, get a head start—- read the Dismal story of Solomon)....Lol....


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
Sheffield, Yorkshire, home of Robin Hood.
United Kingdom
The problem is, we DON'T have carte blanche to do what we want. The body of flesh is always trying to get it's own way. What we want is righteousness and goodness and love. Isn't that true?

But the flesh wants what it wants, and so we have to sort out what's flesh and what is spirit, the new me.

You speak in terms of the permissibility for our contrary will to defy God. But what I see in the Bible, and it sure makes sense when I look at myself, is that my will has been restored to godliness, while my flesh hasn't. And from the time spent living in flesh, living the flesh life, the flesh mind sounds like my mind, because it used to be me, before I was reborn. And even now it sounds like me, except the thought of the mind of the flesh are not like my thoughts.

My thoughts are, I trust God, I know He loves me, I know He is here with me right now as I'm typing, taking an active role in my life. I'm not alone, I am loved by my Creator. He's promised to always be with me and I believe that.

My thoughts are meditations on His Word, and prayer, conversation with my Creator, rejoicing with thankfulness in my heart for my life and my day, like that.

Thoughts of the flesh mind are, how will I manage, what's going to happen, I don't want to do that again, how can I stop, I have to do something, get something, I need something so bad! This will never end, This is horrible, all wrong, I hate this, I can't stand this, I have to have that, like that. Of course there is so much we can add!

And we are to sort that out, recognizing which are spiritual and which are fleshy, and not let the fleshy thoughts captivate our minds and so lead us into sin.

He will remain in perfect peace, who's mind is anchored on the LORD. If I set my mind on Him, then I'm in the flow with His mind, the mind of Christ. I've found I don't need to take such an active role in my own life as I'm actively setting my mind on God. Simple things, like reminding myself He's here with me in His love for me. I'm His project, I'm being made to show God's glory and grace as He forms my eternal life.

I so look forward to when we do have the carte blanche to do what we want. What we, the children of God, want, more than anything! To be pleasing in the presence of God.

Much love!
I repeat, we do not have carte blanch to habitually do whatever we please. That is the road to licentiousness and Hell. We need to live a life that is pleasing to God, and to follow Him all the days of our life. The Spirit filled person will naturally shun evil without thinking about it. Just do not beat yourself over the head, because the Lord will forgive us our trespasses as Jesus taught in the Lord's Prayer.

You said it in your opening sentence. "We DON'T have carte blanch to do whatever we want."

The message given out by OSAS is a subtle perversion of the truth that causes confusion. The spin doctoring is easily seen.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Not true....that might sound good to one with “ itching ears” but the test forc knowing whether or not you are a Christian or not —— whether or not you are “ in the Faith” —-is this.....Do you BELIEVE that Jesus is the Thief on the Cross......that’s all that “ HE” had going for him.....Do you Believe that Jesus was The Son Of God ? The apostle John said that if you simply Believed THAT—— You are in Christ and Christ is in you.....that works for me....I’m sorry that YOU demand MORE! You confuse Salvation with Sanctification ....Salvation was a gift....Fruit should follow.....I believe it “ will” follow, Given Enough time.....90% of the “ Fruit” is the internal “ cleaning of the inside of the cup” thst you and other self- Righteous “ fruit inspectors cant “ see”.....

You can’t see the “ Joy” that God put in my heart .....nor can you see the peace, the patience, the generosity, etc that are the “ real” fruits of the Spirit....I’d be VERY slow to judge things that I can even see, and EXTRA careful to judge somebody that you don’t even spend time with....I got these Fruits....I’ve said before that one of my biggest “ problems” out here in Real Life is that everybody I meet wants to be my best friend and I don’t have the time to spend with all the people that want to be with me.....

I ain’t no fool.....these people don’t really like “me”’s the Christ that they see “ in” me that attracts brag.....just fact .Its a shame that I am forced to don a “ War Bonnet” most of the time that I am in here...that’s simply because I have something in common with God—— I HATE Leaven ! That was the thing that broke Paul’s heart as he lost many of the churches that he started ( “ ALL of those in Asia- Minor have deserted me) It ain’t gonna happen here as long as I have one finger to type with....SOMEBODY has to view “ Falling from Grace” ( Those That ADD to the Gospel Of Grace) as something that is NOT acceptable.....that would be me.....don’t expect “ apologies” from me....don’t ask me to be “ sweet”..... Paul’s clear verdict on Legalists was this —- “ Cast out the Bondwoman and her son” ( symbols of Legalists) ......I’m on his side......sometimes I try to provide a little “ heat” to drive Religionists “ out of the kitchen” . I think God approves....Osul never said to be “ sweet” to these types.....he didn’t say to debate them or try to persuade them of anything.....ya know...Paul never even said to Pray for them....a wise man would take a lesson from that...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
Sheffield, Yorkshire, home of Robin Hood.
United Kingdom
Not true....that might sound good to one with “ itching ears” but the test forc knowing whether or not you are a Christian or not —— whether or not you are “ in the Faith” —-is this.....Do you BELIEVE that Jesus is the Thief on the Cross......that’s all that “ HE” had going for him.....Do you Believe that Jesus was The Son Of God ? The apostle John said that if you simply Believed THAT—— You are in Christ and Christ is in you.....that works for me....I’m sorry that YOU demand MORE! You confuse Salvation with Sanctification ....Salvation was a gift....Fruit should follow.....I believe it “ will” follow, Given Enough time.....90% of the “ Fruit” is the internal “ cleaning of the inside of the cup” thst you and other self- Righteous “ fruit inspectors cant “ see”.....

You can’t see the “ Joy” that God put in my heart .....nor can you see the peace, the patience, the generosity, etc that are the “ real” fruits of the Spirit....I’d be VERY slow to judge things that I can even see, and EXTRA careful to judge somebody that you don’t even spend time with....I got these Fruits....I’ve said before that one of my biggest “ problems” out here in Real Life is that everybody I meet wants to be my best friend and I don’t have the time to spend with all the people that want to be with me.....

I ain’t no fool.....these people don’t really like “me”’s the Christ that they see “ in” me that attracts brag.....just fact .Its a shame that I am forced to don a “ War Bonnet” most of the time that I am in here...that’s simply because I have something in common with God—— I HATE Leaven ! That was the thing that broke Paul’s heart as he lost many of the churches that he started ( “ ALL of those in Asia- Minor have deserted me) It ain’t gonna happen here as long as I have one finger to type with....SOMEBODY has to view “ Falling from Grace” ( Those That ADD to the Gospel Of Grace) as something that is NOT acceptable.....that would be me.....don’t expect “ apologies” from me....don’t ask me to be “ sweet”..... Paul’s clear verdict on Legalists was this —- “ Cast out the Bondwoman and her son” ( symbols of Legalists) ......I’m on his side......sometimes I try to provide a little “ heat” to drive Religionists “ out of the kitchen” . I think God approves....Osul never said to be “ sweet” to these types.....he didn’t say to debate them or try to persuade them of anything.....ya know...Paul never even said to Pray for them....a wise man would take a lesson from that...
The devil believes and trembles.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I believe that salvation is conditional on continued faith in God and I have the joy of the Lord. And as far as being pleasant to be around, I'm mature enough in the Lord to know that you'll have to ask people who are around me to get that answer, lol. But I think I'm reflecting a lot of the characteristics of the Lord in my life. More than last year at this time, and the year before that, and the year before.......

You may “ think” you have that “ JOY”...... I think that perhaps you have talked yourself into believing that because as a self ordained “ Fruit inspector” you know that that is supposed to be evident in the life of a Christian....

Here is the are still “ on the hook” for your must constantly work to keep your Performance in line to be “ good enough” to merit Heaven.....that “ performance” is the constant refraining from a sin done on purpose—- your Terrifying Fear Of a “ Willful Sin” all because of an ignorant and confused “ take” on Hebrews 10.....

Yep....when you Trample on the Blood by refusing to acknowledge its Power, your reward is to be “ on the hook”—- I maintain that that Condition is incompatible with TRUE Joy.....I’ve seen both sides....I’ve lived where you that I REST in the Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing , instead of remain on the hook like you still do....I know you don’t know the TRUE Joy of the need to Repent ( the irony in that is amazing )

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The devil believes and trembles.

I believe too....
I believe you don’t understand the context of that verse....

The demons “ Believe” in One God....whoopee...
God is looking for takes ZERO faith to believe in something that you have seen....the demons have seen all of this....they used to live with that “ One God ” Before they fell.....

“ text without context is error”..... “ try to be Approved by God, One that need not be ashamed , Rightly handling the Word Of God ”

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
OH Ferris.... You beckon me to keep talking... LOL
What I believe is that God has promised to finish within me what HE has begun... which is a GOOD WORK. I don't focus on me... It's all HIM... HE sees everything...knows everything...has a perfect time for everything... and while on earth... we are all works in progress... People do not understand the supernatural event that takes place at the time of conversion... when the sinner becomes a Child of God... by adding what you are stating this thing... a believer must "keep" believing... you are tainting the ATONEMENT... you are ADDING to it.

I am not able to do that... it is mocking what CHRIST has done... That is how I see it... God is the one who will finish me... IT is HIS promise.
What I give to HIM is my gratitude... praise... thanksgiving ... devotion... love... None of that is based on ME... but on my AWE of HIM.

All that stuff that everybody else is working so hard for ? God will “ give” all of that to you when you “ let go and let God”........ that takes Faith ....
Those that lack it can't understand it......

Everybody cries, “ be like Jesus”...... nothing wrong with that, of course. Jesus Literally hung his body on a Promise Of God—— until you have done “ that”—- which is take your total trust in your Salvation and put it ENTIRELY in Jesus’ are just playing games with trying to be like Him....Jesus was Jesus because of His Faith.....concentrate on THAT instead of concentrating on “ do do this and don’t do that” me, the former will take care of the latter...that’s what the Legalists don’t “ GET” .....among other

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Surely, you agree with me that the believer must continue to believe, right? That used to be so foundational and beyond debate in the Christian faith, but somewhere around in the '90s it got popular to think grace meant you don't even have to continue to believe in Christ to be saved when he comes back.

If you “ DO” have to persevere..... guess who would be “behind” that perseverance ? If you say, “ The One that PROMISED to Save us “ TO THE UTTERMOST” and or if you say , “ the One that PROMISED to “ Finish the Work That HE started”...... go to the head of the class.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
Sheffield, Yorkshire, home of Robin Hood.
United Kingdom
I believe too....
I believe you don’t understand the context of that verse....

The demons “ Believe” in One God....whoopee...
God is looking for takes ZERO faith to believe in something that you have seen....the demons have seen all of this....they used to live with that “ One God ” Before they fell.....

“ text without context is error”..... “ try to be Approved by God, One that need not be ashamed , Rightly handling the Word Of God ”
Talk about spin doctoring. Is not believing in God having faith, even to the point of fearing Him.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I repeat, we do not have carte blanch to habitually do whatever we please. That is the road to licentiousness and Hell. We need to live a life that is pleasing to God, and to follow Him all the days of our life. The Spirit filled person will naturally shun evil without thinking about it. Just do not beat yourself over the head, because the Lord will forgive us our trespasses as Jesus taught in the Lord's Prayer.

You said it in your opening sentence. "We DON'T have carte blanch to do whatever we want."

The message given out by OSAS is a subtle perversion of the truth that causes confusion. The spin doctoring is easily seen.
I think it has been said before

Whoever sins has never seen or known God

Whoever is born of God does not sin because he has been born of God

To say a true believer that is changed to a new creature with the promise of God himself he will complete what he started, can fall back into sin is confusing. Is God that weak?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You said it in your opening sentence. "We DON'T have carte blanch to do whatever we want."

The message given out by OSAS is a subtle perversion of the truth that causes confusion. The spin doctoring is easily seen.
My point is . . . we have new "wants". You say, we cannot do what we want, but I don't want sin, and I imagine you don't either. Paul wrote that it's no longer I, but sin that lives in me. That nothing good live in me, that is, in my flesh.

The new man does not want sin.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You may “ think” you have that “ JOY”...... I think that perhaps you have talked yourself into believing that because as a self ordained “ Fruit inspector” you know that that is supposed to be evident in the life of a Christian....

Here is the are still “ on the hook” for your must constantly work to keep your Performance in line to be “ good enough” to merit Heaven.....that “ performance” is the constant refraining from a sin done on purpose—- your Terrifying Fear Of a “ Willful Sin” all because of an ignorant and confused “ take” on Hebrews 10.....

Yep....when you Trample on the Blood by refusing to acknowledge its Power, your reward is to be “ on the hook”—- I maintain that that Condition is incompatible with TRUE Joy.....I’ve seen both sides....I’ve lived where you that I REST in the Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing , instead of remain on the hook like you still do....I know you don’t know the TRUE Joy of the need to Repent ( the irony in that is amazing )
This all assumes sincerity of course.

Much love!
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
My point is . . . we have new "wants". You say, we cannot do what we want, but I don't want sin, and I imagine you don't either. Paul wrote that it's no longer I, but sin that lives in me. That nothing good live in me, that is, in my flesh.

The new man does not want sin.

Much love!

we are new creatures.

Sin becomes like poison to us. Its not like we were in our old selves before salvation. Where we loved sin and it tasted good


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
We need to live a life that is pleasing to God, and to follow Him all the days of our life.
Is it our 'pleasingness' that makes us accepted by God, or Jesus'? I believe the only reason we have anything at all with God is because of Jesus' righteous obedience in offering His body in death. And that this act done by Him, there is nothing absolutely nothing I can ever do that will add to that.

I cannot supercede or transcend the work of Christ on the cross.

Much love!
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
You can benefit or not, up to you. Perhaps others may benefit as well.

I don't find it to be a waste of time to reveal error.

Much love!

I’d like to see him and his false gospel leave here for good.....but we must not take for granted his value as a “ Springboard” to get the Truth Of The Gospel Of Grace out there for Newbies....They also encounter Accursed Gospels out there in their Real Lives and we can provide Biblical Ammo to counter the Hog Wash that they encounter in their churches and out on the street......
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