New World Order

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Sounds scary! Is your faith fear-based?

Faith is the space created by suspending your negative opinion/fear-based opinion long enough to learn something new and to love in the face of fear. The mark of the beast is the description of unredeemed humanity - people who are still enslaved by fear and reacting to it by focusing on themselves - sin is self preservation. The answer is of course, is to love others through the power of the Holy Spirit and the love and sacrifice of Christ.

Unredeemed people are not going to escape the mark of the beast though indoctrination, dogma, doctrine, or witnessing by passing out tracks. They are going to learn to have faith in the love of God by seeing it in us and then exercising enough faith to love in the face of fear.

Eternal life is the perfection of love of God and neighbor. Death is self preservation, fueled by fear, which is the mark of the beast.
Why does that sound scary? John in Revelation says those who find out the identity of Antichrist and avoid the Mark are "blessed" and in his epistle he has nothing but praise for those who "overcome the Antichrist". My only fear is that there will be many many deceived people who will follow an unBiblical Christ of their own design and end up taking the Mark.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The Bible tells us (for those who claim the name of Christ and still believe in the Bible) that the time is coming that the only denominations will be those who have accepted the mark of the beast and are worshiping according to the government dictates. They are the daughters of the Mother, Babylon the Great. Because they have left the truth, they have become harlots in the same character as their mother from whom they originally came. This will leave only a small minority, a united movement who resist the majority traditions and pressures of the NWO, If they were at any stage a denomination, it has long been annulled by government decree due to their practicing their religion according to the Bible, and the Bible only. Teaching the true gospel, they will be accused of hate speech, hated of all nations for Christ’s sake, and be considered the execration of society. Accused of being the cause of God’s judgments falling upon the earth, they will in the end be sentenced to death. This is they who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.(Revel. 12:17; 14:12)
They are the only ones patiently waiting for Christ’s coming. And the only ones to be translated when He appears in glory. The majority have long given up hope of the second coming; the Bible is no longer seen as relevant to modern society, its history shrouded even now in doubt and skepticism; and doctrine no longer viewed as necessary to salvation, because today there are as many roads that lead to heaven as there are that lead to Rome.
The minority believers are united in the cause for truth, in the preaching of truth in the power of the Holy Spirit, in the living of truth by their living faith in the grace of God. One with Jesus and the Father, empowered by the Spirit of God, they love one another and their chief priority in life is to see as many people as possible come out of Babylon into a saving relationship with Christ.
They have a Truth they know is not to be compromised, and with courage and selfless love for lost souls, they repudiate everything not in harmony with that Truth.
Soon “let us be united” will be the rallying cry of the majority. And unite they will, but under a banner of error and deception.
Beware of false calls to unity. Have a look at Matthew 24:4-9. Note that up to the first part of verse 7, the world is in utter disarray. Wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom. This has been the state of this world since Cain slew Abel. Conflict has been the one constant thread that is woven throughout human history. But note that in verse 9 there is a major shift. We see the nations of the world united for the very first time…united against the church! But let us pause a little and also consider Revelation 13:3…all the world wondered after the beast…. 8: and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship.…14: and deceiveth them that dwell upon the earth…The whole world is going to be deceived into false worship. This will not be Islam. Babylon the Great is a symbol of the Roman Catholic Church. The world will be deceived into worshiping according to Roman tradition; they will believe they are worshiping according to the truth, for they are deceived. Thus the final great conflict of the ages is not between atheism and theism but will be between two brothers, one worshiping according to truth and revelation, the other according to tradition and occultist and demonic new age philosophy. An end time repeat of Cain and Abel. What evils and wickedness that permeated religious intolerance during the 1ooo odd years of papal dominion in Europe during the dark ages will be repeated on a global scale with as much ardor, fanaticism, and violence as the worst of the inquisitions of the past.

Our allegiances in those days will not about denominations but about truth and obedience to the commandments of God as opposed to the commandments of men.

The coming separation of Christianity under the aegis of the false prophet is the separation we ought to be more concerned about. For then there will be only two sides. How do you know you wont be deceived along with the rest of the world? How do you know you aren’t already deceived and ripe picking for the coming NWO? What is it about your beliefs and faith that makes you different from the vast majority of Christianity who will take the side of the Antichrist and worship the beast and his image?
The Roman Catholic Church is dead on it's feet now and has not been the true RCC for years, it's changed it's spots to that of dribble of the lowest denominator that only a atheist could swallow, as is the same with all Churches, Islam will win over and that is what most Roman Catholics say who have been in the RCC from the 1940's that I know and that is coming from Priest as well, the RCC has changed so much. if I were to go back in Dr Who's time machine and brought my Grand dad back from before he died in 1955 to 2018 I am sure he would not recognise it at all for the RCC he knew.

NWO is just totally Satanic dictatorship that will enslave all man, it will be Political Correct with the worst of capitalism and Communism in control of it all and the moss rats will get to power and freely kill like they have been up to this day, like in Africa and no one says boo about it and all is just sweep under the carpet like Band Aid was, with Bob giving the money over to the communist Moslems to kill the Christian negroes etc, yes and he got away with it no worry's and the media were at pains to have to show the truth, but it went forgotten by most, just like all the other crap that goes on even today.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
God promised through the prophet Jeremiah that He would. (Jer. 30:3) No repentance is required here. Just God's statement that He will do it.

Please allow me to quote from Jeremiah as well:

29:10 For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.
29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
29:12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
29:14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.

As previously stated, there's not a single instance were Israel was gathered back to the land after being scattered for disobedience without them first calling, seeking, praying, and repenting.


Please allow me to quote from Jeremiah as well:

29:10 For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.
29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
29:12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
29:14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.

As previously stated, there's not a single instance were Israel was gathered back to the land after being scattered for disobedience without them first calling, seeking, praying, and repenting.
Daniel's prayer in Daniel 9 a good example. Despite being fully aware of the prophecy of the 70 weeks, and knowing that God does not renege on his promises, Daniel well knew that God's promises are conditional on repentance.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
It has amazed me just how many Christians seem blind to the world happenings around them. I am sure it is because they expect to be zapped off the earth and "saved" from any terror, control, nastiness.
But, what if?
What if it doesn't happen ?
What if it doesn't happen when you thought it would happen.

Are you spiritually and emotionally prepared?
They have OPENLY told us that the One World Order is coming. Even the wording is always the same.
The world of dictatorship and laws...
We are losing our freedoms fast...has anyone noticed?

what do you imagine the new world order will do? and what sort of freedoms will you loose and loosing?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Please allow me to quote from Jeremiah as well:

29:10 For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.
29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
29:12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
29:14 And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.

As previously stated, there's not a single instance were Israel was gathered back to the land after being scattered for disobedience without them first calling, seeking, praying, and repenting.

Good verses all. They speak to the 70 year Babylonian Captivity. (Jer. 30) addresses the 'time of Jacobs trouble' which is the Tribulation period. "Alas for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it." (30:7)

Thus not just Judah is brought back but Judah and Israel. (30:3) And when they return they will be at peace and rest. (30:10) From the time Judah returned from the 70 year captivity to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Israel was always at war and conflict.

This is the time Ezekiel speaks of when Gog and Magog attacks Israel. (Ez. 38:11) "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,"

Yes, you keep saying that.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Good video. But what a pity so many Christians just blow it off as "fear mongering" many many gullible Christians who do not "have a clue what is really going on."
As for the man in the street, most are brainwashed along with most Christians.
It not as if we "dwell on these things"....but we are well informed and aware of what is coming down the pipeline ...

I am convinced that as in the video that is their Plan...has been for many decades....but we praise God , He has a Plan...and it is "Plan A". :)

Praise the Lord!!
You know, a funny thing. Back in the early 90's, when I played church :oops: I was very into the end times. All the things I could get my hands on to read about eschatology-did not have a computer then) it hit me then that the Pope will be that false prophet or even Antichrist himself. I had come to that conclusion on only 2 observations 1-the droves of people of ALL faiths who seem to worship him, and the colors mentioned in Rev. They are the colors that the CC clergy wears. I was and still have a problem talking to Catholics about this as, I do not believe they will 'hear' it...and it would be a cat fight over truth! Lol...just some musings :) Also, John, never mentions the capitol "A" antichrist again, at all in Rev. just the false prophet. Hmmm I just thought of a thread...might get the catholics in a twist though...hmmm should I or shouldn't I....


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You know, a funny thing. Back in the early 90's, when I played church :oops: I was very into the end times. All the things I could get my hands on to read about eschatology-did not have a computer then) it hit me then that the Pope will be that false prophet or even Antichrist himself. I had come to that conclusion on only 2 observations 1-the droves of people of ALL faiths who seem to worship him, and the colors mentioned in Rev. They are the colors that the CC clergy wears. I was and still have a problem talking to Catholics about this as, I do not believe they will 'hear' it...and it would be a cat fight over truth! Lol...just some musings :) Also, John, never mentions the capitol "A" antichrist again, at all in Rev. just the false prophet. Hmmm I just thought of a thread...might get the catholics in a twist though...hmmm should I or shouldn't I....
Did you include in your study of end times that which was taught exclusively by Protestants from the time of Luther until about a little over 100 years ago? We're talking a time span of over 300 years where every Protestant pulpit in the world preached the same thing...until things started changing so that now totally different ideas are prevalent.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Good verses all. They speak to the 70 year Babylonian Captivity. (Jer. 30) addresses the 'time of Jacobs trouble' which is the Tribulation period. "Alas for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it." (30:7)

Thus not just Judah is brought back but Judah and Israel. (30:3) And when they return they will be at peace and rest. (30:10) From the time Judah returned from the 70 year captivity to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Israel was always at war and conflict.

This is the time Ezekiel speaks of when Gog and Magog attacks Israel. (Ez. 38:11) "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,"

Yes, you keep saying that.

I'm just trying to emphasize the point that there has never been a single instance in all of Scripture where God's people were gathered after being scattered without them having first repented of whatever brought God's judgment upon them.

God says "I am the Lord, I change not", so since to this day Jesus is despised by those people who occupy the Promised Land (descendants of the 8th century pagan Khazars, though they are falling all over themselves to debunk the evidence - DNA and otherwise), our God couldn't have had anything to do with the events of 1949...but Jesuitical/Secret Society/Political intrigue is written all over it...which has a monumental impact the way we should interpret who is "Israel" in prophecy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
I'm just trying to emphasize the point that there has never been a single instance in all of Scripture where God's people were gathered after being scattered without them having first repented of whatever brought God's judgment upon them.

God says "I am the Lord, I change not", so since to this day Jesus is despised by those people who occupy the Promised Land (descendants of the 8th century pagan Khazars, though they are falling all over themselves to debunk the evidence - DNA and otherwise), our God couldn't have had anything to do with the events of 1949...but Jesuitical/Secret Society/Political intrigue is written all over it...which has a monumental impact the way we should interpret who is "Israel" in prophecy.

Yes the Jews in Israel despise Jesus Christ. But, no, that does not, and should not affect the way one interprets prophecy. You believe what the Bible says though the outward situation looks totally against what the Bible says.

I believe this is part of the problem today of why there is so much 'spiritualizing' of prophecy concerning Israel. Because Israel up until 1948 didn't exist. So all the Christians are seeing things in the Bible promised to Israel, but there is no more Israel. So they spiritualize the text and make it apply to the Church.

Yes, I know what you are trying to emphasize and I disagree with you. It doesn't matter to God if they repent or not if He wants them back in the land. As I have said before, He wanted them back in the land in 1948. But they are still in unbelief. But He will judge them in the land. They are not going to go willingly. So He sends a Hitler and a Stalin to make life miserable for the Jews. And when the war is over the boats are full to get back to Israel.

Israel will definitely repent one day. But it will be during the Tribulation period. And God will fulfill all His promises to Israel. He has never completely abandoned them, and never will. Israel has some very difficult days ahead. But so do the Gentile powers who come against Israel.

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
So they spiritualize the text and make it apply to the Church.
This trend began a very long time ago (probably with the Early Church Fathers), but has continued in the Catholic Church and most Protestant Denominations. It is called Replacement Theology, and is completely false. God has an eternal plan for the Church in the New Jerusalem, and also an eternal plan for redeemed and restored Israel on earth.

As to the New World Order (one world government and one world religion), it is essentially a Satanic plan to prepare the world for the reign of the Antichrist for 3 1/2 years. The NWO is not a *conspiracy theory* but a true conspiracy to bring the whole world under the rule of Satan. One hatched by the Devil and his angels. And which involves many wealthy renegade Jews (including George Soros and others) of the Synagogue of Satan. But it will only last for 3 1/2 years, since God will be sovereign throughout that time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Yes the Jews in Israel despise Jesus Christ. But, no, that does not, and should not affect the way one interprets prophecy. You believe what the Bible says though the outward situation looks totally against what the Bible says.
Yes, but what does the Bible say? It says Abraham's descendants belong to Christ - the Christians.
I believe this is part of the problem today of why there is so much 'spiritualizing' of prophecy concerning Israel. Because Israel up until 1948 didn't exist.
It still doesn't exist. Have you ever compared the ancient and modern borders of Israel? The popular claim that "Israel has been restored" is nothing short of presumptuous subjectivity.
So they spiritualize the text and make it apply to the Church.
Well, what else is one to do since Israel is no more? Isaiah 13 says "Babylon shall never be rebuilt", so no one has a problem understanding that "the church that is in Babylon" and "Babylon the great is fallen..." are symbolic terms that don't refer to literal Babylon.
It doesn't matter to God if they repent or not if He wants them back in the land.
What does matter is that God both plainly lays out His terms and conditions for "gathering" of His people and then strictly enforces them in Scripture from cover to cover. The burden in on those who believe God was behind 1948 to show where God has ever said or acted otherwise, which simply cannot be shown.
Israel has some very difficult days ahead. But so do the Gentile powers who come against Israel.
No doubt you base this on "bless them that bless you/curse them that curse you", but it is important to note that God made that promise to ABRAHAM - not Israel. If it is insisted that "Israel are the descendants of Abraham", then I simply point to Paul's clear definition of who Abraham's descendants are: those who belong to Christ, which are the Christians of the church Christ built.

Stranger, thanks for sharing your thoughts and I think we can both agree that time will most certainly tell.


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
My grandmother spend the last 15 to 20 years of her life (she died at 95) reading newsletters and pamplets and books on the New World Order and every other conspiracy under the sun - she was a Christian and thought it was her Christian duty to warn everyone that the antichrist was coming and the world was going down the drain.

I remember a phone call I received from her at 2:00 AM (we often talked late at night) and i answered the phone sort of asleep and I heard a whispering voice say ‘its in the garage!’ I said, ‘grandma is that you? What’s in the garage?’ she said, ‘well, I can’t tell you, they’re listening!’ I said, ‘well, can you tell me in code?’ She whispered slowly, ‘ok, let me think......the F-O-O-D is in the garage!’ Her clever code was related to her 30 year teaching career - she taught first grade. Apparently, she had invested in a huge amount of freezed dried food for the Y2K crisis.

Her last twenty years were wasted on negative speculation. Her witness of loving others was dampened by her obsession; her desperate desire for security through secret knowledge. The Messenger, The Barnes Review, The Spotlight.....all these publications typed up in basements across America and charging money for speculation. were prime source material.

Christians are called to forgo will unfold as God chooses......our response is to commit ourselves to loving others through service, no matter the storm - we are called to love through it.

End time speculation is divination using Christian jargon.

As far as political oppression in real time, not the future, we should speak out against tyranny and oppression of groups of people and all other evils, but our response is to resist by loving everyone through service.

Awe-some post! Time for Christians of all stripes to stop looking at/reading men inspired "opinion" and put our eye's back on our first Love. Feed on The Word of God...saturate ourselves in it....anything extra biblical is not inspired by God...only His word. Nothing wrong to look at lexicons, biblical dictionary's like Vines or Strongs and others, and even commentary sometimes can help to clarify certain verses. I found myself way into eschatology in the 90' the detriment of the True I had blinders on, lol.
"Christians are called to forgo will unfold as God chooses......our response is to commit ourselves to loving others through service, no matter the storm - we are called to love through it." <---Faith in action! Some folks like to stay in the storm and grumble rather than allowing His Grace to get us through it. And, terms like "fret not" "fear not" be not afraid" < The N.T. is littered with them! So, I choose to NOT fear as-"Perfect Love cast's out fear" again, great post. ♥


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
When Pope Benedict warned about “the Dictatorship of Relativism,” he meant it. Literally.

This was hammered home not long ago when I was speaking to a group of students about the issue of same sex marriage. I prefaced the discussion with a description of relativism saying that this non-philosophy was now the mainstream, default setting in our society. “The way you can tell that relativism is mainstream,” I said, “is that there is no such thing as rational debate. In the absence of objective truth, there can be no debate, for a debate is dependent on the assumption that there is something to debate. A debate can only take place if there is such a thing as truth to be debated, and without that basic assumption, one person’s opinion on a matter must be as valid as the next person’s. In the absence of objective truth, the only way to make a decision is utilitarianism or sentimentality.”

So I posed a question to three of the students: “Jane, if you have an opinion, and Jerry, you have an opinion, and Jade, you have an opinion, and your opinions differ, and the only thing you agree on is that there is no such thing as truth, and the three of you completely disagree… who will prevail?”

Jane shrugged. Jade said, “Whoever is the loudest.” Jerry said, “Whoever is the strongest.” All three correctly assessed the situation. In the face of relativism the response of the society in general reflects the three answers.
First, there is indifference.
Second, there is emotional anger.
Third, there is force. Co-incidentally, the conversation took place the same evening that the city of Baltimore was erupting into absurd and horrifying violence, and that urban violence is a reflection of the inner state of mind and heart of a society without objective truth. In Baltimore that evening those who were indifferent stood by in horror as the loudest prevailed, soon to be outgunned by those who were strongest.

The cause of this indifference, rage, and ultimate violence is the lack of any objective truth; but lest we become too intellectual in our analysis we should make it clear that by “objective truth,” we do not simply mean verbal propositions that we believe to be factual. By “objective truth” we mean more than a philosophical treatise, a theological creed, or a political constitution. Instead, by “objective truth” we mean a cohesive and integrated system of thought which makes sense of every aspect of reality. This cohesive system of thought even makes room for that which is unpredictable and inexplicable by allowing for certain uncertainties. Finally, this “objective truth” is not only a statement of truth propositions and a cohesive system of analysis and integration, but it is also a model for life, a code of behavior, a chart for relationships, and a blueprint for community co-existence. In other words, for this truth to be true it must wear working clothes. It does so not only to prove its practicality, but also to prove its durability. The truth must work and keep working. It must be alive and active and real.

This cohesive, integrated system of thought which we regard to be true is what has been destroyed by the poison of relativism, and the result of relativism can only be dictatorship. The strong must prevail. Nietzsche was right in a way he did not foresee. Nihilism will produce the übermensch not because it should, but because it must. It must because there is no other alternative to the nihilism of relativism than the triumph of the superman. If all is relative who wins the argument? The strongest.

The most terrifying aspect to this truth is that the indifferent will cry out for the domination of the superman. Most dictatorships are welcomed for what they offer. In the lack of objective truth and objective morality what the strongman says is true and what the strongman does is good. Suddenly out of the quicksand of relativism salvation comes. A light shines in the darkness. If the dictator cannot bring meaning out of the mindlessness, at least he can bring order out of the chaos. If he cannot bring beauty out of the beastliness, at least he can promise security in the midst of terror. If he cannot bring morality out of the morass at least he can impose law on the lawless.

This is why, in the end times, “the abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place.” The antichrist will stand there and he will be worshipped and adored for he will save his people from their relativism. He will promise to deliver them from their self created hell while still allowing them all their decadent pleasures. He will be someone at last to believe in and serve and they will fall at his feet like a million gibbering gollums, longing to be his devotees, his debauchees, his supplicating victims, and his willing slaves.

Relativism and the anti-Christ
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Yes, but what does the Bible say? It says Abraham's descendants belong to Christ - the Christians.
It still doesn't exist. Have you ever compared the ancient and modern borders of Israel? The popular claim that "Israel has been restored" is nothing short of presumptuous subjectivity.

Well, what else is one to do since Israel is no more? Isaiah 13 says "Babylon shall never be rebuilt", so no one has a problem understanding that "the church that is in Babylon" and "Babylon the great is fallen..." are symbolic terms that don't refer to literal Babylon.
What does matter is that God both plainly lays out His terms and conditions for "gathering" of His people and then strictly enforces them in Scripture from cover to cover. The burden in on those who believe God was behind 1948 to show where God has ever said or acted otherwise, which simply cannot be shown.
No doubt you base this on "bless them that bless you/curse them that curse you", but it is important to note that God made that promise to ABRAHAM - not Israel. If it is insisted that "Israel are the descendants of Abraham", then I simply point to Paul's clear definition of who Abraham's descendants are: those who belong to Christ, which are the Christians of the church Christ built.

Stranger, thanks for sharing your thoughts and I think we can both agree that time will most certainly tell.

Just because the Church comes under the Abrahamic Covenant does not mean God is finished with Israel.

Israel does exist, she just exists in unbelief.

Though Israel did not exist as a nation, there are an abundance of Scriptures indicating that God will never leave Israel and will bring her back from her captivity, which hasn't happened yet. Even though she is in the land, she is in it in unbelief and under the heel of the Gentiles. It will only be the times of the Gentiles are over, that she will brought to the place of repentance and be established again a the Nation of God. So, despite the outward appearance we should believe the Scripture.

(Gen. 12:1-3) are important verses concerning Israel of course. But there are a multitude of verses throughout the Old Testament where God assures Israel that He will never leave her fully. That she will be brought back from her captivity. That He will establish her again as the Nation of God.



Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Just because the Church comes under the Abrahamic Covenant does not mean God is finished with Israel.

Israel does exist, she just exists in unbelief.

Though Israel did not exist as a nation, there are an abundance of Scriptures indicating that God will never leave Israel and will bring her back from her captivity, which hasn't happened yet. Even though she is in the land, she is in it in unbelief and under the heel of the Gentiles. It will only be the times of the Gentiles are over, that she will brought to the place of repentance and be established again a the Nation of God. So, despite the outward appearance we should believe the Scripture.

(Gen. 12:1-3) are important verses concerning Israel of course. But there are a multitude of verses throughout the Old Testament where God assures Israel that He will never leave her fully. That she will be brought back from her captivity. That He will establish her again as the Nation of God.

Stranger, How do you see Matthew 23:38 'Look, your house is left unto you desolate'
In its context it says to me that Israels time as a chosen nation has reached its end point. The rejection of all of Gods promises, promises which culminated in Jesus, ensured their removal from their privileged position as a nation as foretold.
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