New World Order

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
The NWO is not entirely of an unknown character. Prophecy is clear that in the final days the entire planet will be under the control, for a short time, of a union of church and state. Religion and/or worship will be enforced by the legislative power of the state, and enforced. One more thing. The people of the world will welcome this with open arms, because they are deceived into believing that God is in it, and their problems therefore solved. One can easily deduce from the aforementioned that this coming NWO will NOT be Islam. None will be so deceived into believing Islam will solve the world problems that are now exponentially increasing in magnitude, frequency, and intensity.
Whatever form the NWO will take, and however it will be implemented, it will need to be popular, AND have the moral mandate to bring peace and security to mankind. Only one power possesses this in the eyes of enough people to begin a popular movement to crown this institution as ruler on earth as a vicar of Christ.

I liked your post...but I disagree at the end bit...I believe it will be the World Bankers myself.

Rev 6:
15 "And the 'kings' of the earth, and the 'great' men, and the 'rich men', and the 'chief captains', and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.."
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Just because most are not believers in God, the State of Israel still exists. It has always been true that not all who are in Israel are Israel. That doesn't mean God does not acknowledge the State of Israel.

As to your history of unbelieving Jews, who cares? That doesn't change anything God will do with Israel.

You do know where the Name Israel first was used in the Bible don't you and what it meant, nothing has changed, Israel is Israel regardless of the Land, the servants of God are just that regardless of the Land.
When Jesus came the whole world is his in fact so the ranting about some crappy dust blown garbage dump means nothing.
I am not going back there, I will keep well away from anything to do with it, it's the work of Satan what is going on there, they are acting like Nazis kicking out them sand niggers like they have done, the Jews should of payed them out to leave, but like typical kikes they rip off everyone they can.
No I don't like people who do wrong by others and I don't give a cracker who they are.

As for God and Israel Jesus has given his people all they need from 2000 years ago, the message is the same now as it always will be, don't you get that.

When Jesus comes back what do you think he will do, reject what he said 2000 years ago, no he kicked the Jews out of the Land because ? do you understand why ? if you do then why would an unrepentant kike come back, is that a work of God ? no ! it's a work of man ! Satanist !
Oh look the kike is back the unrepentant Talmudic Satanic kike is back to kick off WW3, billons are going to be enslaved and die under it's Satanic madness, that will make all of what Hitler and the Communist killed look like a nothing, and who ever is serving that Satanic whore will go to Hell.

You can not serve two masters !

I tell people I will have nothing to do with the Jews or the Land and they say you are a Jew you must this and that, I don't have to do anything but serve Jesus Christ, the Jews were finished 2000 years ago. Satan has brought this so called Zionist Jew crap up and that's a fact.
Why do we need the so called Jew back again, such a thing is Satanic, it's totally Anti-Christ and anyone who peddles it is working for Satan, it's a rejection of Jesus Christ in Fact.
What more do you need but Jesus Christ and to be truly born Again ? their you have it, once truly Born Again you need nothing more because there is nothing more than that, because when you are you are Israel.

I don't need anything more, I am Born Again ! I got the message ! I am not looking for anything because I have everything I need.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2017
Eau Claire
United States
Where is that quoted in Scripture so I can look it up.
If he knows Scripture, then why did he let Jesus die on the cross?

satan was happy and elated when Jesus was crucified and died, as he thought he had won...and he became hysterically angry when Jesus rose again.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Even under Joshua's or David's rule Israel has never obtained the borders God gave to them.
A simple case of "God's perfect will vs. God's acceptable will". Is it His fault that we limit His blessings because of our disobedience? Israel's borders eventually conformed to His acceptable will, which today are absolutely nothing in comparison.
And the Jews returned after WW2 at the time when God wanted them to.
I'll remind you that there's not a single instance in Scripture where God gathered the scattered people without them first repenting. To this day, Israel has never repented for rejecting Jesus, therefore God had nothing to do with 1949 - Please read "Pike's 3 Wars" concerning the contents of a letter written in 1871 (on display in a British Museum for a time before it was taken away and later denied) by Freemason Pike to Illuminati leader Mazzini, where was detailed formation of a "super rite" in which they would foment 3 World Wars with planned outcomes, one of which was to "establish a Zionist state in Israel". Does God need or operate through Luciferian secret societies to accomplish His will?
The term 'Israel of God' means what it says.
Paul would not pronounce "peace" on Literal Israel and then turn around and pronounce " the uttermost" on the same.

No, the "peace" pronounced in Galatians 6 was for "those who walk according to this rule (of the new birth in Christ)" - which could never be confused with those of "Literal Israel" who rejected the new birth - it was pronounced on "Spiritual Israel" aka "the Israel of God" aka "the church"., while "wrath" was for "Literal Israel" which was guilty of "forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles, that they might be saved".
They are part of the Church, but they are the remnant of Israel, whose faith carries on through the time that the nation has been set aside.
Why do many Christians say "amen" when they hear "there is neither Jew nor Greek" but go on to deny "we are all one in Christ Jesus" by insisting that there are "remnant Israel Christians" and "Gentile Christians"?
Gal. 3:29 says we become Abraham's seed and thus heirs to the promises. It doesn't say we become Israel.
"Israel" and "Abraham's seed" aren't the same thing? Now that's incredible.
So, 'literal and local' is how you interpret the Old Testament? And 'spiritual and world wide' is how you interpret the New Testament. No wonder you are so confused.
I assure you I'm not the one who's confused. However, claiming that "Abraham's seed" is not "Israel" is about as confusing as all get out.


I liked your post...but I disagree at the end bit...I believe it will be the World Bankers myself.

Rev 6:
15 "And the 'kings' of the earth, and the 'great' men, and the 'rich men', and the 'chief captains', and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.."
Helen, while all corporate heads will be involved, including bankers, such an undertaking as global rule takes more than financial control. That they have such control is obvious, having the power to shut people out of buying and selling, but when the world is in chaos it is going to take more than money to solve the problems, and the people are going to want spiritual reassurances. Satan knows this, and he also knows that he cannot set up any meaningful opposition to Christ without it being of a religious nature. And he specialises in counterfeits.
There is a binding force behind all the rulers of the world...levels of cooperation and brotherhood among politicians of all nations, business folk from all walks of life, religious leaders of all stripes, that comes under organisational groups such as the several secret societies such as Freemasons and Skull and Bones. These have close links to such as Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus, along with UN groups such as the Bilderbergers. Yeah, I know it all sounds terribly conspiratorial cloaked in dark theories and mysteries, but think about it. Taking over the world needs to be conspiratorial and secret. That some leaders in recent times have been bold enough to speak openly of it is merely to counter the many charges of treason being levelled at these they counter by making it all appear innocent and necessary...not at all the menace so many for so long have made it out to be.
But Revelation 13 through to 18 screams menace. It demands a particular brand of worship to an entity in direct opposition to the true God, by people obeying commandments of men as opposed to commandments of God. That it is Luciferian there can be no doubt...but it will not be presented to the world as Luciferian. Revelation 13,14 is not only about worship, it also about deception. Satan will never be able to enter the church and say 'worship me' and get away with it. Not even in the most liberal of environments. So he needs to use deception. A counterfeit of what the people are already doing. And you don't get counterfeit $99 notes. So it won't be won't be any corporate market won't be Luciferianism...t won't be will be all of the above, and more, in the form of a counterfeit system that the people will welcome but fail to recognise. A religious system. A counterfeit Christian religious system, that the world will believe is being set up by God to counter disaster, strife, and war. Peace and safety. His millennial kingdom at last. Yay for the Antichrist.


To even begin to understand what is going on in international politics, and particularly in Trumps version of diplomacy and foreign affairs strategy, one must take into consideration Hegelian dialectic that has been the underpinning strategy in international and local political and social strategy for centuries, with the sole purpose of leading the world to a desired outcome.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
As for the counterfeit religion, like Pope Frances is peddling, well he is in bed with Islam and the Jews full on, I believe Satan will take on what ever need be done, look at most of the Jews they do not follow the true teachings at all, it's a nonsense type of so called Jewish load of crap and as for the point I made with Islam I believe that type of crap will be the power towards the end, so as in the beginning the works of Satan will be just as it is now leading all astray looking a desirable nice type of thing, that atheist and any ignorant will swallow but it will turn 180 deg when it has all the power it needs and become like a Islam type of killing all who it wants to for any reason it wants and it will change peoples outlook just like a trend.
Just look back 20 years ago or 10 and see just how trendy most people are, it's all fine to be totally full on queer as your hearts content now and now they push this crap on us to accept this now and it will not be long that bestiality and child molesters will have free for all, and the same game play is used by putting anyone down if you question such degenerates, that the trend has been now turned around 180 deg that it is now claimed that it's a sin to question the poor little darlings, but in fact give it another 10 years and the powers that be will turn 180 deg again and they will have enough Media and TV ammunition to wipe out the queers without a peep being said, I am sure of it. I know the game plays of atheist.
We are set to loose our freedoms that were set solid for a new Satanic type of so called freedom that has no real foundations at all. that's what Socialist work towards, we have seen it all in the history of the Nazis and the Communist, it's always the same madness of total control, but this time they are doing it the fabian way, it's a war ! and the problem is the majority are not awake to the total cunning of it all.

We may of won the war in WW2 but we are loosing the battle.
We now have little twerps coming out claiming that WW2 was for the freedom of queers etc, no it was not at all, in fact it was against Socialism and dictatorship and the government having to much power over us. the government is suppose to work for us not the other way around.

Oh well when one knows full well all the bag of tricks that got Hitler and the communist into power, then you may know how simple it is to end up with what is coming on us now.

Most people are that ignorant that they think that the people of Germany were the problem in WW2 it was not the people at all, it was the cunning of the system and the brainwashing and the game play.
Nations have fallen for BS before and we are set for a disaster because we have an uneducated ignorant people that have there head in the sand. they say to me, oh no you don't understand, this is true Communism, they just got it wrong before. oh I understand all right and the problem is they are brainwashed dolts who can't see the depth or reality's because they have never had to use there own brain, they all have others tell them what to do. you ever had to work for yourself out in the real world I say to them and the answer is always no with a socialist lazy stupid good for nothing great useless twat. they say we are a rich country don't you know, how pathetic they have no idea.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
A simple case of "God's perfect will vs. God's acceptable will". Is it His fault that we limit His blessings because of our disobedience? Israel's borders eventually conformed to His acceptable will, which today are absolutely nothing in comparison.
I'll remind you that there's not a single instance in Scripture where God gathered the scattered people without them first repenting. To this day, Israel has never repented for rejecting Jesus, therefore God had nothing to do with 1949 - Please read "Pike's 3 Wars" concerning the contents of a letter written in 1871 (on display in a British Museum for a time before it was taken away and later denied) by Freemason Pike to Illuminati leader Mazzini, where was detailed formation of a "super rite" in which they would foment 3 World Wars with planned outcomes, one of which was to "establish a Zionist state in Israel". Does God need or operate through Luciferian secret societies to accomplish His will?
Paul would not pronounce "peace" on Literal Israel and then turn around and pronounce " the uttermost" on the same.

No, the "peace" pronounced in Galatians 6 was for "those who walk according to this rule (of the new birth in Christ)" - which could never be confused with those of "Literal Israel" who rejected the new birth - it was pronounced on "Spiritual Israel" aka "the Israel of God" aka "the church"., while "wrath" was for "Literal Israel" which was guilty of "forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles, that they might be saved".
Why do many Christians say "amen" when they hear "there is neither Jew nor Greek" but go on to deny "we are all one in Christ Jesus" by insisting that there are "remnant Israel Christians" and "Gentile Christians"?
"Israel" and "Abraham's seed" aren't the same thing? Now that's incredible.
I assure you I'm not the one who's confused. However, claiming that "Abraham's seed" is not "Israel" is about as confusing as all get out.

You were the one claiming the borders God gave Israel have to be established for Israel to be the people of God. Was Israel under Joshua and David
Israel or not?

Does God need the unbelieving nations to agree with Him as He moves them? Are the history of the Gentile nations and God's purpose form them under his control? It doesn't matter to me what 'Pike' believes. Does it matter to you?

Concerning (Gal. 6:16), two types of people are listed. "And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God." Not two descriptions of the same people.

Concerning the remnant you do not address the Scriptures I gave in support of the Remnant. In fact you didn't hardly address any Scriptures I gave to support what I said. (Rom. 11:4-5), (Is.50:1), (Hos. 2:2), (Ex. 4:22), (Hos. 11:1), (Hos, 7-10), (Jer. 31:33-35), (Gal. 3:29)

So you need to go back and do a little homework.



Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
You do know where the Name Israel first was used in the Bible don't you and what it meant, nothing has changed, Israel is Israel regardless of the Land, the servants of God are just that regardless of the Land.
When Jesus came the whole world is his in fact so the ranting about some crappy dust blown garbage dump means nothing.
I am not going back there, I will keep well away from anything to do with it, it's the work of Satan what is going on there, they are acting like Nazis kicking out them sand niggers like they have done, the Jews should of payed them out to leave, but like typical kikes they rip off everyone they can.
No I don't like people who do wrong by others and I don't give a cracker who they are.

As for God and Israel Jesus has given his people all they need from 2000 years ago, the message is the same now as it always will be, don't you get that.

When Jesus comes back what do you think he will do, reject what he said 2000 years ago, no he kicked the Jews out of the Land because ? do you understand why ? if you do then why would an unrepentant kike come back, is that a work of God ? no ! it's a work of man ! Satanist !
Oh look the kike is back the unrepentant Talmudic Satanic kike is back to kick off WW3, billons are going to be enslaved and die under it's Satanic madness, that will make all of what Hitler and the Communist killed look like a nothing, and who ever is serving that Satanic whore will go to Hell.

You can not serve two masters !

I tell people I will have nothing to do with the Jews or the Land and they say you are a Jew you must this and that, I don't have to do anything but serve Jesus Christ, the Jews were finished 2000 years ago. Satan has brought this so called Zionist Jew crap up and that's a fact.
Why do we need the so called Jew back again, such a thing is Satanic, it's totally Anti-Christ and anyone who peddles it is working for Satan, it's a rejection of Jesus Christ in Fact.
What more do you need but Jesus Christ and to be truly born Again ? their you have it, once truly Born Again you need nothing more because there is nothing more than that, because when you are you are Israel.

I don't need anything more, I am Born Again ! I got the message ! I am not looking for anything because I have everything I need.

Nice speech. But empty of any substance.

You say I cannot serve two masters. That's deep. That doesn't prove anything you have to say. You say you are born-again. That doesn't prove anything you have to say.

You say you are not looking for anything and have everything. Well, if you have all you want then you can't go any further.



Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I liked your post...but I disagree at the end bit...I believe it will be the World Bankers myself.

Rev 6:
15 "And the 'kings' of the earth, and the 'great' men, and the 'rich men', and the 'chief captains', and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.."
Isn't it ironic and just like Satan to counterfeit God's Word about the outpouring of His Spirit in the last days and that the Holy Spirit will move upon the earth and they will come to the same belief being of one mind and one accord, unified together in faith of calling upon the name of Jesus and be saved. New World Order=one government for all...….Unity of Faith= one savior for all.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Helen, while all corporate heads will be involved, including bankers, such an undertaking as global rule takes more than financial control. That they have such control is obvious, having the power to shut people out of buying and selling, but when the world is in chaos it is going to take more than money to solve the problems, and the people are going to want spiritual reassurances. Satan knows this, and he also knows that he cannot set up any meaningful opposition to Christ without it being of a religious nature. And he specialises in counterfeits.
There is a binding force behind all the rulers of the world...levels of cooperation and brotherhood among politicians of all nations, business folk from all walks of life, religious leaders of all stripes, that comes under organisational groups such as the several secret societies such as Freemasons and Skull and Bones. These have close links to such as Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus, along with UN groups such as the Bilderbergers. Yeah, I know it all sounds terribly conspiratorial cloaked in dark theories and mysteries, but think about it. Taking over the world needs to be conspiratorial and secret. That some leaders in recent times have been bold enough to speak openly of it is merely to counter the many charges of treason being levelled at these they counter by making it all appear innocent and necessary...not at all the menace so many for so long have made it out to be.
But Revelation 13 through to 18 screams menace. It demands a particular brand of worship to an entity in direct opposition to the true God, by people obeying commandments of men as opposed to commandments of God. That it is Luciferian there can be no doubt...but it will not be presented to the world as Luciferian. Revelation 13,14 is not only about worship, it also about deception. Satan will never be able to enter the church and say 'worship me' and get away with it. Not even in the most liberal of environments. So he needs to use deception. A counterfeit of what the people are already doing. And you don't get counterfeit $99 notes. So it won't be won't be any corporate market won't be Luciferianism...t won't be will be all of the above, and more, in the form of a counterfeit system that the people will welcome but fail to recognise. A religious system. A counterfeit Christian religious system, that the world will believe is being set up by God to counter disaster, strife, and war. Peace and safety. His millennial kingdom at last. Yay for the Antichrist.

Thank you...and I agree.
I think that on this, we agree. :)
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
satan was happy and elated when Jesus was crucified and died, as he thought he had won...and he became hysterically angry when Jesus rose again.
spirits cannot have emotions i don't think, wadr. They are personified in Scripture for purposes of illustration, but the prevailing pov that one might sit down to tea with Michael (or satan) and have a convo or something is really just deception imo. Spirits are not people, nor are they persons.

"But the person without the Spirit"
"The person with the Spirit"

etc. People manifest spirits iow

spirits can't have opinions, make decisions, change their minds, none of that
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Agree 100% @bbyrd009

I was going to answer but as she is so volatile I let it go.
Glad you did tough. :)

1 Cor "Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."

This, as far as I the only verse that is used for that opinion.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2017
Eau Claire
United States
Volatile...? Still laughing. Nice try.

Which side are you REALLY rootin' for? And I am not talking about the staged uni-party worldly politics.