New World Order

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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
You know, we have a current world order - it was set up by the US to favor the US after WWII. Trump is currently trying to dismantle this ‘order’ because he ignorantly believes we, the country who architected it is getting a bad deal.

So here are my questions for Christians:

1. Why do you think this ‘new world order’ is going to be any worse than the current world order; espesially since Satan is behind all of it anyway?

2. Do you recognize the economic and millitary advantage of the US, during this point in history and why do you support a president who seems to be trying to dismantle our current position in the world?

3. Do you welcome the destruction of the US, the environment, and the rise of dictators in the new world order? Somebody used a great word I have never heard of on the board to describe Christian fatalism - i call it, Christian Zionism - what i mean by it is the Christian practice of attempting to destroy Western Civilization, believing it will usher in the return of Christ. In is a horrifying idea to me and most certainly antichrist. I tend to believe it is rampant in white supremacy circles as well, with one caveat - they want to white people to be the captain of the ahip as it circles the drain.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
You know, we have a current world order - it was set up by the US to favor the US after WWII. Trump is currently trying to dismantle this ‘order’ because he ignorantly believes we, the country who architected it is getting a bad deal.

So here are my questions for Christians:

1. Why do you think this ‘new world order’ is going to be any worse than the current world order; espesially since Satan is behind all of it anyway?

2. Do you recognize the economic and millitary advantage of the US, during this point in history and why do you support a president who seems to be trying to dismantle our current position in the world?

3. Do you welcome the destruction of the US, the environment, and the rise of dictators in the new world order? Somebody used a great word I have never heard of on the board to describe Christian fatalism - i call it, Christian Zionism - what i mean by it is the Christian practice of attempting to destroy Western Civilization, believing it will usher in the return of Christ. In is a horrifying idea to me and most certainly antichrist. I tend to believe it is rampant in white supremacy circles as well, with one caveat - they want to white people to be the captain of the ahip as it circles the drain.

If white Christians had been left alone to be captain of the ship then it wouldn't be circling the drain. The civil-riots movement of the 60's is part of the downfall of the country. All the minority immigrants want to be where the white man is, to get what he has. But then like a pet coon they crap on everything and it all goes to hell.


Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
So here are my questions for Christians:

1. Why do you think this ‘new world order’ is going to be any worse than the current world order; espesially since Satan is behind all of it anyway?

It will persecute Christians in the same manner that the Nazis persecuted those who forsook the covenant.

2. Do you recognize the economic and millitary advantage of the US, during this point in history and why do you support a president who seems to be trying to dismantle our current position in the world?

Europe and the U.N in unison with some Americans have been working to dismantle it for years. To our shame, a Canadian, Maurice Strong was instrumental in foisting the 'global warming' scare on the world to help weaken American power...

Europe no longer wants to be ridden... and Trump recognizes that it is a power play for Russian support that will determine who's in control.

3. Do you welcome the destruction of the US, the environment, and the rise of dictators in the new world order?

The hour of America's judgement has been set. Unless she , and especially her leaders, repent and turn back to Christ and His church, she will be utterly destroyed (Jer 50 and 51)

You know, we have a current world order - it was set up by the US to favor the US after WWII. Trump is currently trying to dismantle this ‘order’ because he ignorantly believes we, the country who architected it is getting a bad deal..

The 'deal' is over... Europe no longer wants it... and sadly the current Canadian govt is part of that unholy alliance.... wishing it could remain as it was for the last 70 years wont make it so... prepare yourself brother... its gonna get ugly...

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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
spirits cannot have emotions i don't think, wadr. They are personified in Scripture for purposes of illustration, but the prevailing pov that one might sit down to tea with Michael (or satan) and have a convo or something is really just deception imo. Spirits are not people, nor are they persons.

"But the person without the Spirit"
"The person with the Spirit"

etc. People manifest spirits iow

spirits can't have opinions, make decisions, change their minds, none of that
I am sorry but I have to disagree with you....when Jesus cast the demons out of the lunatic He asked them what their name was....they replied Legion for we are many....then they begged Him not to cast them into the Jesus cast them into the herd of swine. They can speak, they can evoke emotions...(spirit of fear, anger, depression), they are cunning, divisive and follow the commands of satan. When they are cast out of a person they later return and if the house from which they came is empty they bring their buddies and bring 7 worse demons with them. They know Jesus has all power and authority over them and at the Name of Jesus they have to flee. They can put thoughts in your head....they are able to recognize weaknesses and use them against us.


Jul 26, 2018
United States
I am sorry but I have to disagree with you....when Jesus cast the demons out of the lunatic He asked them what their name was....they replied Legion for we are many....then they begged Him not to cast them into the Jesus cast them into the herd of swine. They can speak, they can evoke emotions...(spirit of fear, anger, depression), they are cunning, divisive and follow the commands of satan. When they are cast out of a person they later return and if the house from which they came is empty they bring their buddies and bring 7 worse demons with them. They know Jesus has all power and authority over them and at the Name of Jesus they have to flee. They can put thoughts in your head....they are able to recognize weaknesses and use them against us. animals can be possessed by demons. I knew it!


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States animals can be possessed by demons. I knew it!
yes, I never put any thought to it but yes they can and scriptures use animals for symbolic prophesy....example in Revelation....The Dragon is mentioned, the snake in Genesis, the wolf dressed in sheeps clothing (satan)…..the eagle is very symbolic of a Christians place with which God places them....on and on and on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You were the one claiming the borders God gave Israel have to be established for Israel to be the people of God.
Yes, but I clarified that Israel's ancient borders may not have reflected God's perfect will for them (I'd like to confirm that proposition for myself), but most certainly reflected His acceptable will and thus established them in His sight, which alone matters. Israel's modern borders do not begin to approach either of these two wills, and claiming "the ancient nation of Israel has been reborn" is just presumption - as much so as some Iraqi claiming Saddam Hussein's palace restoration efforts represent "the rebirth of ancient Babylon".
Does God need the unbelieving nations to agree with Him as He moves them?
No, but there's nothing to confirm that He did move them either. Ultimately, since there are formidable challenges to every point you claim as "evidence" for "Israel's rebirth", the entire debate can be reduced to and settled by answering a single question, which I presented at the bottom.
Concerning (Gal. 6:16), two types of people are listed. Not two descriptions of the same people.
Yes, the two groups are the Galatians to whom the letter is written, and the church-at-large aka "the Israel of God".

We can be certain of this for it makes no sense for Paul to simultaneously pronounce both "peace and mercy" but then " the uttermost" and "unworthiness of eternal life" upon the same Israel...unless Paul was suffered from some form of Bi-Polar disorder.
Concerning the didn't hardly address any Scriptures I gave to support what I said.
I've said in previous posts that your verses were either fulfilled at the return from captivity or are yet fulfilled promises to world-wide "Israel of God" of our day - the church.
So you need to go back and do a little homework.
Homework is not necessary, only an answer to this simple question:

Can you name one single instance in all of Scripture where God deviated from His well established, repeated, non-negotiable terms and conditions for gathering Israel back to the land after they'd been scattered for disobedience - that they must first repent? The answer that is clear for all to see is simply "no".

Stranger, I really appreciate your civility and Christlike character throughout our discussion - much appreciated.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Nice speech. But empty of any substance.

You say I cannot serve two masters. That's deep. That doesn't prove anything you have to say. You say you are born-again. That doesn't prove anything you have to say.

You say you are not looking for anything and have everything. Well, if you have all you want then you can't go any further.

Your comment is Typical of a person who does not understand the difference between born again of the Holy Spirit.
I have everything that the Holy Spirit gives, I don't have to seek, because I am found, I am in the Kingdom of God, so I don't need the BS that Satanist peddle or the water baptised who still are deluded by works of Satan.

I am not fooled by this new age BS that morons claim that the Zionist Jews are something to be idolise and I am not following some load of total BS that peddles that fools want to support Satanic nonsense promoting the end of times, yes I know such peoples works I have talked to many of them and they are supporting all the depravity going on in the world and I know that they think and hope to bring about WW3 they have worked to bastardise everything, but for one thing that they have to hold on to and that is that they will be raptured up and taken out of the world, such is a Satanic con job, so the little Satanic bastards will not have to go through the flames, that they have caused here on earth, truth is that they will go through the hell they caused on earth, because they will reap what they have sowed and that's Biblical. they are the ones who say lord lord but they do not know the Lord Jesus or serve him.
All Socialist are under the delusions of Satan it's a mans works and if they claim to be Christians they are the ones who want the kingdom but don't want God in it, oh idols for sure but not God.

Any person who idolised the Jews is a Anti-Christ and that's a fact that sticks out like dogs balls and the fact remains is that Jesus said one will know such by there works.

Serving two masters is as simple as it comes, you just can't do it, you have to be one or the other.

The Kingdom of God is right here, it's within your ? and that the Pharisees may of known it but ?

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
You know, we have a current world order - it was set up by the US to favor the US after WWII. Trump is currently trying to dismantle this ‘order’ because he ignorantly believes we, the country who architected it is getting a bad deal.

So here are my questions for Christians:

1. Why do you think this ‘new world order’ is going to be any worse than the current world order; espesially since Satan is behind all of it anyway?

2. Do you recognize the economic and millitary advantage of the US, during this point in history and why do you support a president who seems to be trying to dismantle our current position in the world?

3. Do you welcome the destruction of the US, the environment, and the rise of dictators in the new world order? Somebody used a great word I have never heard of on the board to describe Christian fatalism - i call it, Christian Zionism - what i mean by it is the Christian practice of attempting to destroy Western Civilization, believing it will usher in the return of Christ. In is a horrifying idea to me and most certainly antichrist. I tend to believe it is rampant in white supremacy circles as well, with one caveat - they want to white people to be the captain of the ahip as it circles the drain.
The NWO is bigger than the USA for a start and it is not serving the USA at all, some very very wealthy people and the ones who think that they will benefit through it.
Such people will sell out the USA or any Nation that they live in at the drop of a hat and that's how such people are, money means everything to them and power over people, I have seen people like that and know them well.
The USA is being sucked dry by such leaches for years, this type of Satanic mob works to do this trick all the time, sitting back laughing at just how stupid the masses are and the works of there media can fool them so easy.
The USA is bankrupt you fool ! it's been run into the ground by Satanist, the USA was getting not only getting a bad deal it was being destroyed body and soul by the Satanist morons, who are Communist, looking after China as if it was there god, well sure there is good investment in china, but as to what cost to the USA, China is set to dominate the world and what about the people of the USA when the bubble burst hey, fools you have been undermined and when you are starving you will wonder why, Satan has come in great wrath for you.

1 Satan's power will increase in the new order under the power of Socialism to become Communism.

2 The only ones trying to dismantle are the Socialist, what is the USA to do if it crashes hey. the current position is that the USA is on life support, many Nations are worried about it's currency they have been threating to drop the US Dollar because it's foundation has been undermined, it's true value is BS and it's all the work of Satan.

3 I don't know about white supremacy circles as we don't have such here, but I know that very wealthy people do not give a toss about anyone but themselves be it they be black or white, sure they are like sharks but they also know how to lead all others down the drain and use Socialist game play as a tool, they are masters at the game.
It's all a matter of 2 steps forward and one step back to get what they want and playing the socialist for the fools that they are. when it comes to socialist you have never seen a more gullible people who will swallow anything.
The blacks always had slaves in Africa and treated there own people like shit, just as any other race did, to blame white man is just a childish moronic cop out, that has been dreamt up by Satanist playing the game, all of the cunning that was done was by lawyers and Government people hidden in the back grounds trying to lead others astray for there own gains, banks and investing mobs kicking people out of there homes be it blacks and all. your KKK were run by such as real estate property estate developers and banks using stupid white morons as tools.
This white man did this and white man did that is a total con job, one has to look a little deeper that that BS.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Wow....what a load of bs....sorry Reggie my hip boots are not high enough to to address your last post
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Wow....what a load of bs....sorry Reggie my hip boots are not high enough to to address your last post
I would think that are one of them that hates Fr John Corapi and Humanae Vitae of Pope Paul 6.

Do you know that the world has only one problem and that is Sin, if you address that you have hope, if you don't then you have no hope.

White man indeed, did this or that, what a joke ! that just goes to show how foolish people are.

Just who do you think who were the power behind the KKK, just some dumb bunch of schmucks.

Blacks were given land and had black slaves as well and treated them like the worst of the whites did, do you know that.

It's Socialist brainwashing dribble and the far right real wealthy people who are the cause of the real problems, just a holes who have been undermining the USA leading it astray for years with a $ 21 Trillion in debt.
Yes when ever you talk to a socialist they mainly can't count past there fingers and toes, so it means nothing to them, when or if the USA defaults on it's loan, just see what happens, it will be hell on earth great depression time and millions will starve to death and we know who to point the finger on, all the leaches and Vampires.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Yes, but I clarified that Israel's ancient borders may not have reflected God's perfect will for them (I'd like to confirm that proposition for myself), but most certainly reflected His acceptable will and thus established them in His sight, which alone matters. Israel's modern borders do not begin to approach either of these two wills, and claiming "the ancient nation of Israel has been reborn" is just presumption - as much so as some Iraqi claiming Saddam Hussein's palace restoration efforts represent "the rebirth of ancient Babylon".
No, but there's nothing to confirm that He did move them either. Ultimately, since there are formidable challenges to every point you claim as "evidence" for "Israel's rebirth", the entire debate can be reduced to and settled by answering a single question, which I presented at the bottom.
Yes, the two groups are the Galatians to whom the letter is written, and the church-at-large aka "the Israel of God".

We can be certain of this for it makes no sense for Paul to simultaneously pronounce both "peace and mercy" but then " the uttermost" and "unworthiness of eternal life" upon the same Israel...unless Paul was suffered from some form of Bi-Polar disorder.
I've said in previous posts that your verses were either fulfilled at the return from captivity or are yet fulfilled promises to world-wide "Israel of God" of our day - the church.
Homework is not necessary, only an answer to this simple question:

Can you name one single instance in all of Scripture where God deviated from His well established, repeated, non-negotiable terms and conditions for gathering Israel back to the land after they'd been scattered for disobedience - that they must first repent? The answer that is clear for all to see is simply "no".

Stranger, I really appreciate your civility and Christlike character throughout our discussion - much appreciated.

Your explanation of God's perfect will and acceptable will concerning the borders is as ridiculous as your constant rant of 'has God in Scripture ever regathered Israel back to the land after being scattered for disobedience'. God gave the borders of the nation Israel. They have never been realized as yet. But they will be. That is His will, and that will be.

Concerning the 'Israel of God' in (Gal. 6:16), you need to give the verses that your are addressing when discussing things. It is easy to say something and not give the reference. For example, you say, concerning Israel, Paul said, 'wrath to the uttermost' and unworthiness of eternal life'. But you give no reference where you obtained this. 'Wrath to the uttermost' is found in (1 Thess 2:16). And yes the wrath of God is upon Israel for their killing of Jesus Christ. You say also, concerning the Jews, that Paul said, 'unworthiness of eternal life'. This is found in (Acts 13:46) after Paul and Barnabas preached the Gospel certain Jews opposed them. But, certain Jews also encouraged them. (Acts 13:43). Just like when you ignore the Scriptures I give and don't address them, it appears you have something to hide, so also, when you give off the cuff quotes but do not give the address, it has the appearance that you are hiding something. And of course we both know you wouldn't do that.

I never said the nation of Israel has been spiritually reborn. I have said that the Jews being brought back to Israel in 1948 and being established as a nation, was of God. Israel as a nation will not experience spiritual new birth until God is finished with her judgement during the Tribulation period. Before a spiritual rebirth could take place, the Jews had to be back in the land. The New Covenant must be fulfilled with the house of Israel. (Jer. 31:31-34) "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel,..."

And, as I showed before, which you also just brush away as having been fulfilled in the return of the remnant from Babylon, that Israel will never cease from being a nation before God. No matter what her sins have been. (Jer. 31:35-37). "....Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD."

Thus, your constant rant, centered on no example of God bringing the Jews back to the land without their repentance, must be viewed alongside the promises that God will never forsake the nation of Israel, irregardless of her sin and rebellion. And His promises to her will be fulfilled. In other words, your rant does not remove God's promises. Your rant, does not make the Church, Israel. If you want to continue to say Israel is not yet repentant so all the promise of God are null and void, you are mistaken.

And note that God has promised to bring the Jews back to the land irregardless of their cooperation. (Jer. 16:14-16) "Therefore, behold the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers. Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks."

As for the nations being controlled by God also, see (Is. 10:5-7) "O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger,....I will send him against an hypocritical nation...Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so;...." And also note that when God divided the people into various nations, He did so in accordance with the number of the people of Israel. (Deut. 32:8) "When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel." So, you see, the movement of the nations will always be in accordance to what God is doing with Israel, whether she is under judgement or blessing. Even though the nations recognize it or not.

I am always on my best behaviour.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Your comment is Typical of a person who does not understand the difference between born again of the Holy Spirit.
I have everything that the Holy Spirit gives, I don't have to seek, because I am found, I am in the Kingdom of God, so I don't need the BS that Satanist peddle or the water baptised who still are deluded by works of Satan.

I am not fooled by this new age BS that morons claim that the Zionist Jews are something to be idolise and I am not following some load of total BS that peddles that fools want to support Satanic nonsense promoting the end of times, yes I know such peoples works I have talked to many of them and they are supporting all the depravity going on in the world and I know that they think and hope to bring about WW3 they have worked to bastardise everything, but for one thing that they have to hold on to and that is that they will be raptured up and taken out of the world, such is a Satanic con job, so the little Satanic bastards will not have to go through the flames, that they have caused here on earth, truth is that they will go through the hell they caused on earth, because they will reap what they have sowed and that's Biblical. they are the ones who say lord lord but they do not know the Lord Jesus or serve him.
All Socialist are under the delusions of Satan it's a mans works and if they claim to be Christians they are the ones who want the kingdom but don't want God in it, oh idols for sure but not God.

Any person who idolised the Jews is a Anti-Christ and that's a fact that sticks out like dogs balls and the fact remains is that Jesus said one will know such by there works.

Serving two masters is as simple as it comes, you just can't do it, you have to be one or the other.

The Kingdom of God is right here, it's within your ? and that the Pharisees may of known it but ?

Understanding eschatology, end time events, is not 'new age'. It is Bible study. Something you apparently don't care for. And recognizing that God will establish Israel as a chosen nation of His, as the light of all the nations, is not serving two masters.

You end with statements with question marks. Perhaps if you did a little study, you could fill in that blank.


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Understanding eschatology, end time events, is not 'new age'. It is Bible study. Something you apparently don't care for. And recognizing that God will establish Israel as a chosen nation of His, as the light of all the nations, is not serving two masters.

You end with statements with question marks. Perhaps if you did a little study, you could fill in that blank.

Oh is do study the Bible I can assure you of that.
The thing is Stranger that you are only a follower of things only taught to you and you can not fathom much by yourself, I see this type a lot.

God has established his chosen, they are not a Nation but a people and they are what's called Born Again of the Holy Spirit, they are Israel and that means the Servants of God.
There is only one thing one has to do in this world and that is to serve Jesus Christ only first and foremost in your life and reject stupid childish Idol worship like so called Jews that in fact are not truly Jews at all.

Jesus is the only light of the world and that's a fact, so called Zionist Talmud Jews will never cut it at all, but will be just like the Nazis killing billons of people for there Satanic Socialist BS of mans works. oh they want the kingdom but they sure don't want Jesus Christ in it and that's a fact that a 5yo could work out.

The question marks are there for you to work out, you should know them as any true Christian will know what is meant, because it's a Biblical passage you know.