Possible antichrist candidate: Emmanuel Macron of France

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Interesting... I haven't settled in on any single view of Revelation, but think it is safe to recognize different world systems from Nero on as fulfillment of the totalitarianism it depicts. The Papacy being a biggie. But even America saw the mark of the beast recently when Obama made it impossible to buy and sell in the case of the Christian wedding caterers, unless they received the mark. That being compliance with wicked laws instead of God's laws. All who favored the wicked laws received the mark.
The whole statute of Daniel is called mystery Babylon and shown to continue into revelations.

The 10 toes are part of that system and are the Roman Empire. They will come back together and as I showed with the map clearly the EU fits.

I do not disagree Catholicism plays a role, but as a priest for the AC, not the AC.

Remember, pagan Roman religion became Catholicism. It practiced Emperor worship with the Emperor being a god. The pontificas Maximus is very powerful and is the title of the Pope. Catholicism will revert to Roman pagan Emperor worship.
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Dec 24, 2006
Strong's Greek Lexicon Search Results

Result of search for "anti":
anti an-tee' a primary particle; opposite, i.e. instead or because of (rarely in addition to):--for, in the room of. Often used in composition to denote contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence, etc.

satan is and will be the instead of Christ when he comes to earth

II Thessalonians 2:4 "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Strong's Greek Lexicon Search Results

Result of search for "anti":
anti an-tee' a primary particle; opposite, i.e. instead or because of (rarely in addition to):--for, in the room of. Often used in composition to denote contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence, etc.

satan is and will be the instead of Christ when he comes to earth

II Thessalonians 2:4 "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
Good verse there...


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Rust Belt
United States
anti - father = the devil
anti - son = the man of sin (aka: the antichrist)
anti - spirit = the false prophet (possibly pope francis). Of interest, he's the 266th pope.
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Oct 15, 2018
United States
The KJV New Testament Greek Lexicon
Strong's Number:
500 Browse Lexicon
Original Word
Word Origin
ajntivcristoß from (473) and (5547)
Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
Antichristos 9:493,1322
Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
an-tee'-khris-tos Noun Masculine
  1. the adversary of the Messiah
  1. Anti

    a prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of; -- used in composition in many English words.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
I've heard Joel Richardson make a case for this, and he does it well. He's a good researcher, thorough...At the very least his case should warrent people to stop and consider the bible texts, I think. Every which way we turn we have people telling us Gog is Russia...etc, etc. But they state this as unimpeachable fact, whereas, is it? Where are their assumptions coming from? Or has it just been said for so long "everyone" accepts it as fact?

I stopped reading Joel Richardson's book years ago, because he does not see the beasts as spiritual entities, but rather as earthly kingdoms.

I do agree with his choice of the Islamic "nations of worshippers" being linked with the fourth beast of Daniel 7:1-12 but I do not hold to his view that they are the fourth beast.

Sadly, he puts down many who would suggest that his scholarship's understanding of the end times is a little misguided.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
I stopped reading Joel Richardson's book years ago, because he does not see the beasts as spiritual entities, but rather as earthly kingdoms.

I do agree with his choice of the Islamic "nations of worshippers" being linked with the fourth beast of Daniel 7:1-12 but I do not hold to his view that they are the fourth beast.

Sadly, he puts down many who would suggest that his scholarship's understanding of the end times is a little misguided.

I haven’t taken the time to dig into any of his work to form an opinion whether he’s right or not in regards to his “Islamic” slant on things. I find it interesting because Islam is clearly a massive influence on earth, one I suspect Satan draws much satisfaction in.
So...there might be something there, but again, I just haven’t had the time.

As for the beasts being Kingdoms...in Daniel, the beasts described there are almost universally agreed to be describing Kingdoms. Why should they be different in Revelation? It’s the same genre...
Just a thought...


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
I haven’t taken the time to dig into any of his work to form an opinion whether he’s right or not in regards to his “Islamic” slant on things. I find it interesting because Islam is clearly a massive influence on earth, one I suspect Satan draws much satisfaction in.
So...there might be something there, but again, I just haven’t had the time.

As for the beasts being Kingdoms...in Daniel, the beasts described there are almost universally agreed to be describing Kingdoms. Why should they be different in Revelation? It’s the same genre...
Just a thought...

Both the beast and the statue of Daniel and the beast in Revelation are the same kingdoms and Kings.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
I haven’t taken the time to dig into any of his work to form an opinion whether he’s right or not in regards to his “Islamic” slant on things. I find it interesting because Islam is clearly a massive influence on earth, one I suspect Satan draws much satisfaction in.

So...there might be something there, but again, I just haven’t had the time.

As for the beasts being Kingdoms...in Daniel, the beasts described there are almost universally agreed to be describing Kingdoms. Why should they be different in Revelation? It’s the same genre...

Just a thought...

Naomi25, I am not disagreeing with the concept that the wicked fallen heavenly hosts which are called beasts in Dan. 7:1-12, have dominion over their respective kingdoms, but the influence of the respective beasts over various people groupings is manifested in the earthly empires that rise up and operate within the respective beastly primary characteristics.

The beasts being wicked fallen heavenly hosts, i.e. angels, have a life span far greater than mankind and so we see the earthly manifestations ebbing and flowing over time, rising up and then disappearing over time to be replaced by another people grouping at another time. This can be seen in the rise and fall of many nations and empires over the past 3,000 or so years.

In Isa. 24:21-22 we have the wicked heavenly hosts being judged at the same time in heaven as the kings and their armies are being judged here on the face of the earth, before being imprisoned in a pit together. In Rev. 17:8 we are told that the beast rises out of the Pit, be that it is described as the bottomless pit, but it is the same pit that the judged hosts and people are imprisoned in in the Isaiah passage referenced above. Also, we are told that the little horn beast arises up out of the ground, i.e. a pit, in Rev. 13.

There is a need to differentiate between the human manifestations of the demonic empires associated with the respective beasts and the fact that the respective beasts are wicked fallen demonic heavenly hosts, i.e. angels, who exercise their dominions over people here on the earth.

Without understanding this link between the beasts and the people groups who chose to inhabit their respective dominions we miss the connects that are recorded in the scriptures and ignore the Beasts themselves as being relevant. The beasts of the bible cannot be simplified to this extent where they become hidden and therefore lost behind the facade of the in your face earthly empires that mimic the characteristics of the respective beasts.

This requires a very different contextual understanding of the prophetic scriptures with respect to the beasts and their respective influences over time.



Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Emmanuel Macron may well be the antichrist.

Assigning the coming Antichrist to some man which cannot work the supernatural miracles and signs God's Word warns us about is just like a dogs chasing their tails. Our Lord Jesus and His Apostles even gave us more info about the coming Antichrist to know where... he will appear on earth. It is Jerusalem.

In 2 Thessalonians 2, Apostle Paul shows the coming Antichrist for the end of this world will work lying wonders and miracles, showing himself that he is God, and will exalt himself over all that is called God, or that is worshipped.

Do you realize that means he will set himself up on earth as... God? and over ALL religions on earth?

The true appearance of the coming Antichrist will only be a mystery to those who do not study God's Word enough to know what signs are a part of his appearance and working. And our Lord Jesus forewarned that he will work great signs and wonders so deceiving that if possible, it would deceive even His very elect (Matt.24; Mark 13).


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Naomi25, I am not disagreeing with the concept that the wicked fallen heavenly hosts which are called beasts in Dan. 7:1-12, have dominion over their respective kingdoms, but the influence of the respective beasts over various people groupings is manifested in the earthly empires that rise up and operate within the respective beastly primary characteristics.

The beasts being wicked fallen heavenly hosts, i.e. angels, have a life span far greater than mankind and so we see the earthly manifestations ebbing and flowing over time, rising up and then disappearing over time to be replaced by another people grouping at another time. This can be seen in the rise and fall of many nations and empires over the past 3,000 or so years.

In Isa. 24:21-22 we have the wicked heavenly hosts being judged at the same time in heaven as the kings and their armies are being judged here on the face of the earth, before being imprisoned in a pit together. In Rev. 17:8 we are told that the beast rises out of the Pit, be that it is described as the bottomless pit, but it is the same pit that the judged hosts and people are imprisoned in in the Isaiah passage referenced above. Also, we are told that the little horn beast arises up out of the ground, i.e. a pit, in Rev. 13.

There is a need to differentiate between the human manifestations of the demonic empires associated with the respective beasts and the fact that the respective beasts are wicked fallen demonic heavenly hosts, i.e. angels, who exercise their dominions over people here on the earth.

Without understanding this link between the beasts and the people groups who chose to inhabit their respective dominions we miss the connects that are recorded in the scriptures and ignore the Beasts themselves as being relevant. The beasts of the bible cannot be simplified to this extent where they become hidden and therefore lost behind the facade of the in your face earthly empires that mimic the characteristics of the respective beasts.

This requires a very different contextual understanding of the prophetic scriptures with respect to the beasts and their respective influences over time.


This is both a very interesting and very complex subject. In one regard I agree with you...especially when talking about the first beast, or what most recognise as the Antichrist. There is most certainly a spiritual reality behind the sense of Antichrist, with John telling us that these people have always been and always will be. Coming again and again, urged on by the hate of the demonic, there will always be people who oppose, in different ways, Christ. Sometimes it’s just men doing wicked things, sometimes it’s powerful men who control governments and kingdoms.
It may even be reasonable to look at these other “beasts” in history, the descriptions of these kingdoms and how they opposed God and the people of God and see the spirit of Antichrist in them.
But that brings me to my next point. Even with that opposing spirit there, often we see that it is God who uses those “wicked” nations to do his will. They, even in their wickedness, only do what God allows. We see this in Revelation as Demons and plagues come forth...at the express permission of God. And the “Kingdoms” in Daniel that corresponds to the beasts...they all led to the point in time that birthed, then crucified the Messiah. Which was Gods plan.
So...yes, I think you are right, there is always a spiritual element behind the real, but still, the real is there also, because God uses the real to bring about his plans. So, in my mind, both need to be taken into account.
In Daniel, the visions seemed to be marked...delineated by earthly kingdoms. And that is how we were to confirm the truth of it. But yes, the reason prophecy is often givien in images and symbols is because they do an amazing job of highlighting the fact that there is a massive spiritual truth behind it as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Both the beast and the statue of Daniel and the beast in Revelation are the same kingdoms and Kings.
Maybe, maybe not.
Doesn’t the beasts in Daniel list the Kingdom leading up to the Roman Empire, which was in Christ’s time. And, as a futurist, don’t you see Revelation as still in the future?
I’m not a futurist, so I read Revelation as spanning the time period in between Christ’s first and second coming...which is still more or less after the Roman Empire fell.
So, I’m a little unsure how those to are the same. But, I fully admit I haven’t done much reading on this yet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Maybe, maybe not.
Doesn’t the beasts in Daniel list the Kingdom leading up to the Roman Empire, which was in Christ’s time. And, as a futurist, don’t you see Revelation as still in the future?
I’m not a futurist, so I read Revelation as spanning the time period in between Christ’s first and second coming...which is still more or less after the Roman Empire fell.
So, I’m a little unsure how those to are the same. But, I fully admit I haven’t done much reading on this yet.

27 bc-476 ad

The first beast is the head of the statue, Babylon.

The second beast is the arms and chest of the statute, Medo Persia.

The third beast is Greece.

The fourth beast is the hips, legs and feet.

The hips undivided Roman. The legs the East and West what divided into. The toes the 10 it further divided.

Toes are what will unite into the restored Roman Empire, currently known as the EU.

Revelation is from the rapture to the second coming plus a short time into the MK.

The 70th week of Daniel overlaid onto revelation match on the revealing of the AC, his peace treaty, mid trib and his end at the second coming at the end of the trib.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
27 bc-476 ad

The first beast is the head of the statue, Babylon.

The second beast is the arms and chest of the statute, Medo Persia.

The third beast is Greece.

The fourth beast is the hips, legs and feet.

The hips undivided Roman. The legs the East and West what divided into. The toes the 10 it further divided.

Toes are what will unite into the restored Roman Empire, currently known as the EU.

Revelation is from the rapture to the second coming plus a short time into the MK.

The 70th week of Daniel overlaid onto revelation match on the revealing of the AC, his peace treaty, mid trib and his end at the second coming at the end of the trib.

Mmmm. See, I’m with you on the various beasts and Kingdoms leading up to Rome. But that’s where we part, I’m afraid.
Revelation most certainly draws its imagery from the OT, which means Daniel as well. But when you start saying that Revelation is only for the last generation, the one that goes through the Tribulation, you make the entire book irrelevant to the rest of the Church. And there’s nothing in scripture that gives us the idea that all of scripture isn’t for us...for all of us...from those who received Johns original letters, to us now and everyone in between.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Mmmm. See, I’m with you on the various beasts and Kingdoms leading up to Rome. But that’s where we part, I’m afraid.
Revelation most certainly draws its imagery from the OT, which means Daniel as well. But when you start saying that Revelation is only for the last generation, the one that goes through the Tribulation, you make the entire book irrelevant to the rest of the Church. And there’s nothing in scripture that gives us the idea that all of scripture isn’t for us...for all of us...from those who received Johns original letters, to us now and everyone in between.

The Bible is written for all Jews and Gentiles, not just believing Israel and the church.

I believe it's fully relevant to the church. It tells us of God's plan and tells us not to be complacent and get busy.

How you can say it's not for us I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
The Bible is written for all Jews and Gentiles, not just believing Israel and the church.

I believe it's fully relevant to the church. It tells us of God's plan and tells us not to be complacent and get busy.

How you can say it's not for us I don't know.

I’m not saying it’s not for us, I’m saying that’s fundamentally what Dispensationalists do.
If you teach that the book is only about the last 7 years, which you also say is relevant to Israel primarily, then what possible benefit does the church of today get from reading it, other than some sort of thrill from knowing what will happen when we are gone?
And even that interest would most likely be limited to the generation of the end. What possible interest could the Church of Johns day have had with a book which, according to Dispensationalists interpretation, could not be fulfilled for over a thousand years?
No...the letter itself makes us understand that Revelation is written to those people. John did not seal up those words until the time of our end, 2000 years later (if indeed we are close). No, he sent it out as Christ instructed, to those Churches, to be read and understood and to give encouragement to those struggling.
And if we read in context, we can see that Revelation remains relevant to every Church generation after that, leading to a terminal generation when Christ will come in final consumation. And like those 7 Churches, we are to draw encouragement and perseverance from that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Mmmm. See, I’m with you on the various beasts and Kingdoms leading up to Rome. But that’s where we part, I’m afraid.
Revelation most certainly draws its imagery from the OT, which means Daniel as well. But when you start saying that Revelation is only for the last generation, the one that goes through the Tribulation, you make the entire book irrelevant to the rest of the Church. And there’s nothing in scripture that gives us the idea that all of scripture isn’t for us...for all of us...from those who received Johns original letters, to us now and everyone in between.
I do like the Dispensational phrase 'All Scripture is for us; all Scripture is not about us'. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
="Naomi25, post: 491902, member: 7237"]I’m not saying it’s not for us, I’m saying that’s fundamentally what Dispensationalists do.
If you teach that the book is only about the last 7 years, which you also say is relevant to Israel primarily, then what possible benefit does the church of today get from reading it, other than some sort of thrill from knowing what will happen when we are gone?

Your first sentence made no sense of all.

And is not the last seven years, there's at least 1000 years after.

It helps us to understand what is going into day around this summer were not completely in the dark.

It sure isn't about history. Nothing set in the book of revelation other than the condition of the seven churches, has happened yet.

And even that interest would most likely be limited to the generation of the end. What possible interest could the Church of Johns day have had with a book which, according to Dispensationalists interpretation, could not be fulfilled for over a thousand years?
Because in John's day it told them about their problems and how fast things were sliding downhill. Before one of them of the impact what they were doing and have won their descendants. It gave them a peek into their futures after death.

No...the letter itself makes us understand that Revelation is written to those people. John did not seal up those words until the time of our end, 2000 years later (if indeed we are close). No, he sent it out as Christ instructed, to those Churches, to be read and understood and to give encourgement to those struggling.
And if we read in context, we can see that Revelation remains relevant to every Church generation after that, leading to a terminal generation when Christ will come in final consumation. And like those 7 Churches, we are to draw encouragement and perseverance from that.

John wrote revelation to that generation and every generation to come until the MK.

I have never said anything different.

None of it after the letters and seven church has happened yet.

And no, this world does not and at the second coming. It ends up 1000 years later after the MK.

Satan is not cast into the pit until the second coming when it is 100% clear he will be there for 1000 years and then will be released to make a war on Jerusalem again and that is when the world will.

You're so busy trying to fight against the rapture and dispensationalism that your arguments make no sense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
I do like the Dispensational phrase 'All Scripture is for us; all Scripture is not about us'. :)

That’s interesting, because in a way, it seems Dispensationalists make it just that. They insist that Revelation, the Olivet Discourse and the other prominent end time passages are speaking to this very generation...to them!
They dismiss what the disciples would have gotten from Jesus in Matt 24, they dismiss what Churches in the first century would have gotten from John in Revelation and they completely dismiss the generations either side of themselves when they zero in on their “assured assumption” that we are the terminal generation.
So, in reality, it seems to me that Dispensationalists actually think that scripture is about them. That Jesus wasn’t speaking to those face to face with him at all, but those 2000 years in the future.
And honestly, they base this on not much more than signs Christ promised will be with us all throughout the inter-advental period. Oh, and a seriously flawed grammatical interpretation of “generation”.
So..yes, I agree with you in principle that scripture is for us, rather than about us. But I’m not sure I can say that’s a “Dispensational” philosophy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Your first sentence made no sense of all.
What’s not to understand? You asked me how “I could say Revelation was not for ‘us’”. And I replied that I wasn’t saying that at all. I had never said that. I was saying that that’s what Dispensationals are saying. And then I went on to explain why and how I think that’s what they are doing. Could I be wrong? Possibly, but I think I made sense.

And is not the last seven years, there's at least 1000 years after.

Hmm. Rev 20 mentions the Millennium, sure. But, putting aside the debate on whether or not that timeframe is literal, or whether it’s future...any of that...let’s say it’s exactly as you say it is: something that occurs after Christ’s second coming, but before eternity is ushered in. That’s still pretty much all the info Revelation gives on it. In fact, Rev gives more detail on the new heavens and new earth than it does this “Millennium”. We know Satan will be bound from deceiving the nations, with the express intent to gather them for war against Saints, and that He will be defeated when “fire comes down from heaven”.
We also know that those who take part of the first resurrection will reign will Christ. However...this is a trait given that will also be present in eternity, one wonders if there is a distinction (Matt 25:27).
My point being, it’s all well and good to try and distract those criticising Dispensational teaching by adding the Millennium into the mix, but the Millennium is also “pushed off into the future” according to you. In many ways, it may as well be eternity itself, for those souls in the first century reading Revelation. It doesn’t change the fact that by saying all of Revelation is future, you discount those people from drawing what they clearly did from the book. You are dismissing the historical weight of it, as well as the context!

It helps us to understand what is going into day around this summer were not completely in the dark.
I’m sorry, now it’s my turn to not understand you.

It sure isn't about history. Nothing set in the book of revelation other than the condition of the seven churches, has happened yet.

Well...see...I’m not entirely sure you can back that claim up. Firstly, many, many of the scenes and events happen in heaven. Have you been given a peak into heaven lately? Know what they’re up to?
Secondly, if we look at things like the 4 horseman...the things they represent have been galloping over the earth for some time now. Surely you’ve read of Warlords, Dictators, wars, famines, diseases...you name it. Just because we live in a blessed Country does not mean the majority of the world is not suffering.
When we consider the highly symbolic nature of Revelation, then yes, we can say many things have happened. By all means, not all. Because of space limitations, and ‘cause I’m on holidays and trying to bang this out on my phone, I won’t go into it, but Revelation outright informs us at the beginning that we are to take it in symbols and images. Do try and takes those things literally is to read the book in a manner neither John nor Christ intended.

Because in John's day it told them about their problems and how fast things were sliding downhill. Before one of them of the impact what they were doing and have won their descendants. It gave them a peek into their futures after death.

John wrote revelation to that generation and every generation to come until the MK.

I have never said anything different.

None of it after the letters and seven church has happened yet.

How can you say that John wrote are Revelation to that generation and to every generation after it, if the events are only for those at the end?
And I ask this because of WHAT the book is written FOR. It is written, specifically, for a Christian audience who is undergoing severe persecution for their faith. It is written, specifically, to SHOW...in images, since these things cannot be put into words, what was happening in heaven, around the throne of God, to show that in everything, God is triumphing and his purposes are prevailing. That his people, though perishing, are reigning with Christ in fine linen, singing joyfully amongst the angels. It shows a battle, between the spiritual forces of good and evil that has already been won.
These are the great themes of Revelation, and they are pertinent for every suffering generation, because this is a battle that takes place every generation. The war will wage until the end. Yes, Revelation describes the end, but it also describes The interim and the beginning.
When Dispensationalist claim that from the letters onward it only speaks of that last generation, you may as well have had John write to those churches (and all the ones after)...’never mind, chin up...or not, God will probably come through in the end. But that’s not now, so carry on.’
No! Even as we struggle there are forces behind us triumphing! And I know Dispensationalist agree with this, I just don’t know why they can’t see Revelation as saying this!

And no, this world does not and at the second coming. It ends up 1000 years later after the MK.

Satan is not cast into the pit until the second coming when it is 100% clear he will be there for 1000 years and then will be released to make a war on Jerusalem again and that is when the world will.

You're so busy trying to fight against the rapture and dispensationalism that your arguments make no sense.

2 Peter 3:10 would sort of disagree with you. Peter tells us that when that day comes, when Christ returns, the heavens and earth will pass away with a roar and be burned up.

Well, I suppose it’s subjective. Because it’s not the Rapture or even “Dispensationalists” that I object to, its the gap-filled logic that fills their doctrine. I know many Dispensationalists, my Grandparents were, and man, they’re all just GOOD people. But they’re all just so locked onto this doctrine and idea, that it’s like they can’t see these holes. They don’t even want to discuss them, and they certainly haven’t been able to answer them. They seem to think repeating their punchlines over and over should do the trick, but they’re fundamentally missing the problem: what they say doesn’t fit with scripture. It’s not there in context, it’s not there grammatically and it’s not there historically and in genre typology.