Roe V. Wade

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
Again you need to check this. That is not what the Levitical law was. Try again.
[Leviticus 20:10 NASB95] 10 'If [there is] a man who commits adultery with another man's wife, one who commits adultery with his friend's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

… Abortion seems pointless with the biological father and mother dead before the baby is born.
Just sayin’ … :confused:


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Your statement that >90% of abortions are due to convenience not life threatening situations is complete fiction. What is the source of this falsity?
If I provide a reliable source, will you change your mind on the evil of abortion?

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Yes they can certainly violate the law, but that will be deemed murder (which should have been the case all along). Abortion has been promoted as a birth-control option, but that does not change the fact that the fetus is a human being according to the Bible.
I agree that abortion, when it is used as birth control is murder. There is no real excuse for the average woman to become pregnant, (we all know what causes it) but we also know that the loose lifestyles of unbelievers results in unwanted pregnancies. Alcohol is often the main ingredient resulting in unprotected sex. No Christian could condone that or should ever be a victim of it by choice.

But there are medical situations where the life of the mother is threatened by the continuation of the pregnancy. A termination to save the mother is sometimes justified...especially if she has other children to care for. Of course this is her choice as she has to weigh up the options of continuing, verses not continuing with the pregnancy. For a Christian that should be done prayerfully. If the lack of action results in the loss of two lives, is that God’s will?

I am not a believer in legislating to force people to comply with the religious views of others. We have free will and believers have God’s laws to guide and direct them. We have no right to force others to comply with what we believe....for example, if you lived in a Muslim country for whatever reason, would you be happy to comply with Sharia law if you were a Christian? If you do not share Muslim beliefs, that would be a problem for you. There would only be two choices.....leave the country, or face the consequences of breaking the law of that land.

Atheists are becoming more and more prevalent as we see a godless world moving towards the final showdown. If we cannot legislate the cause of unwanted pregnancies, then what is the point of dealing with the consequences? That is like shutting the gate way after the horse has bolted. Desperate people do desperate things.....desperate women always have.

We can let God do what he must to bring lawbreakers to justice. This is a problem that has no man-made solutions because it is the result of one of the greatest breaches God’s law....a failure to honour the sanctity of human life....and a complete disregard for the appropriate use of human reproductivity. It was to be exercised only within the confines of scriptural marriage. So unless you can address the cause, which God will do, any attempt to circumvent man’s immoral ways will meet with no success. You cannot legislate man’s has to come as a choice from their own heart.

Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
I agree that abortion, when it is used as birth control is murder. There is no real excuse for the average woman to become pregnant, (we all know what causes it) but we also know that the loose lifestyles of unbelievers results in unwanted pregnancies. Alcohol is often the main ingredient resulting in unprotected sex. No Christian could condone that or should ever be a victim of it by choice.

But there are medical situations where the life of the mother is threatened by the continuation of the pregnancy. A termination to save the mother is sometimes justified...especially if she has other children to care for. Of course this is her choice as she has to weigh up the options of continuing, verses not continuing with the pregnancy. For a Christian that should be done prayerfully. If the lack of action results in the loss of two lives, is that God’s will?

I am not a believer in legislating to force people to comply with the religious views of others. We have free will and believers have God’s laws to guide and direct them. We have no right to force others to comply with what we believe....for example, if you lived in a Muslim country for whatever reason, would you be happy to comply with Sharia law if you were a Christian? If you do not share Muslim beliefs, that would be a problem for you. There would only be two choices.....leave the country, or face the consequences of breaking the law of that land.

Atheists are becoming more and more prevalent as we see a godless world moving towards the final showdown. If we cannot legislate the cause of unwanted pregnancies, then what is the point of dealing with the consequences? That is like shutting the gate way after the horse has bolted. Desperate people do desperate things.....desperate women always have.

We can let God do what he must to bring lawbreakers to justice. This is a problem that has no man-made solutions because it is the result of one of the greatest breaches God’s law....a failure to honour the sanctity of human life....and a complete disregard for the appropriate use of human reproductivity. It was to be exercised only within the confines of scriptural marriage. So unless you can address the cause, which God will do, any attempt to circumvent man’s immoral ways will meet with no success. You cannot legislate man’s has to come as a choice from their own heart.

Apart from your opening sentence, a well balanced assessment. You are talking about murder. What does the term “murder” mean? The legal definition of ‘murder’ is:

“the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another:”

The first problem is the ‘unlawful’ taking of life. What laws, Biblical and civil, are violated, forbidding abortion!

- Biblical law - specific reference
- Civil Law - specific statute

The second challenge would relate to killing another human being. A fetus is not yet a living breathing “human being”; just a work in progress with the potential of creating a ‘human’ being.

If I buy a new car, I expect a fully completed operating vehicle. It would be somewhat less than satisfactory having the dealer merely dump a set of tires in my laneway, a work in progress, but not yet an automobile.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I agree that abortion, when it is used as birth control is murder. There is no real excuse for the average woman to become pregnant, (we all know what causes it) but we also know that the loose lifestyles of unbelievers results in unwanted pregnancies. Alcohol is often the main ingredient resulting in unprotected sex. No Christian could condone that or should ever be a victim of it by choice.

But there are medical situations where the life of the mother is threatened by the continuation of the pregnancy. A termination to save the mother is sometimes justified...especially if she has other children to care for. Of course this is her choice as she has to weigh up the options of continuing, verses not continuing with the pregnancy. For a Christian that should be done prayerfully. If the lack of action results in the loss of two lives, is that God’s will?

I am not a believer in legislating to force people to comply with the religious views of others. We have free will and believers have God’s laws to guide and direct them. We have no right to force others to comply with what we believe....for example, if you lived in a Muslim country for whatever reason, would you be happy to comply with Sharia law if you were a Christian? If you do not share Muslim beliefs, that would be a problem for you. There would only be two choices.....leave the country, or face the consequences of breaking the law of that land.

Atheists are becoming more and more prevalent as we see a godless world moving towards the final showdown. If we cannot legislate the cause of unwanted pregnancies, then what is the point of dealing with the consequences? That is like shutting the gate way after the horse has bolted. Desperate people do desperate things.....desperate women always have.

We can let God do what he must to bring lawbreakers to justice. This is a problem that has no man-made solutions because it is the result of one of the greatest breaches God’s law....a failure to honour the sanctity of human life....and a complete disregard for the appropriate use of human reproductivity. It was to be exercised only within the confines of scriptural marriage. So unless you can address the cause, which God will do, any attempt to circumvent man’s immoral ways will meet with no success. You cannot legislate man’s has to come as a choice from their own heart.
I don’t share my views on this subject much , but I can say you have expressed my exact prospective through your words. Xx
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
You may disagree with me, but I'll defend your right to disagree with me. I think I'm a libertarian.
When Christ returns and rules, He will tell everyone what to do.
Until that happens, we must get along with each other. I'll run my life the way I see fit, and the next person is to do the same.
I can't force someone to believe what I believe, but, if I try, I can get along with them. If they do the same, we'll get somewhere.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You are talking about murder. What does the term “murder” mean? The legal definition of ‘murder’ is:

“the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another:”

The first problem is the ‘unlawful’ taking of life. What laws, Biblical and civil, are violated, forbidding abortion!
I guess that argument is dependent upon God's definition of when life begins.
What does the Bible tell us about that?
Exodus 21:22-23...
Now if people struggle with each other and strike a pregnant woman so that she gives birth prematurely, but there is no injury, the guilty person shall certainly be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. 23 But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life".(NASB)

Seems as if the fetus in the womb is counted as a "life" to God. Note that God's law did not say that this applied only after a certain number of weeks of the pregnancy had elapsed. If the woman had conceived and was pregnant, action that resulted in killing the developing child in her womb—that which would in time under normal circumstances live as a separate human being—would be murder, resulting in the perpetrator forfeiting his own life.

The second challenge would relate to killing another human being. A fetus is not yet a living breathing “human being”; just a work in progress with the potential of creating a ‘human’ being.
Since the DNA is all there at conception, the future of that human being is already color, eye color, hair color, height, weight, personality traits, mental capacity, talents, etc....all established at conception.

If I buy a new car, I expect a fully completed operating vehicle. It would be somewhat less than satisfactory having the dealer merely dump a set of tires in my laneway, a work in progress, but not yet an automobile.
Everything necessary for the completion of the developing fetus in utero, is hardly something to compare with set of tyres made for a vehicle out of non-living matter.....and which is not a product of God's creation.
I believe you have this all wrong.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Not really.

Knowing the whole of scripture “kill” is understood as not to murder.

If you murder someone you have killed them! LOL!!!

Splitting hairs are we?

Humans use the term “splitting hairs” as an indication of insignificance, and presuming “general” words are acceptable presumptions, when specific words are correct.

God IS Against Murder.
God IS NOT Against Killing.

Not all people know the difference.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Humans use the term “splitting hairs” as an indication of insignificance, and presuming “general” words are acceptable presumptions, when specific words are correct.

God IS Against Murder.
God IS NOT Against Killing.

Not all people know the difference.

Oh brother…
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I have to disagree Aunty Jane, those caught performing illegal abortions will go to jail or die from infections most likely afterwards.

The morning after pill gave young ladies and women reason to run amok and have sex irresponsibly because they know all they have to do is pop a pill and kill Jehovah’s creation, some States even allow a woman to have an abortion a few months into her pregnancy, that’s plain evil.

If we have to allow people to make their own decisions, you think now it’s bad? Wait till they are allowed to make their own decisions, they’ll also want to legalize euthanasia, bestiality, marriage to your pet, the Bible was passed down from Jehovah for a reason, so that we have laws to abide by and not live and act like animals, you give people a choice in doing what they want, you’re looking at Armageddon and the destruction of mankind as we know it and God intended us to be.

Remembering, the People at Large were given Liberty BY GOD, and the Founders of the USA, Kept the Liberty BY God prominent, that the People rule themselves, and Servants would be elected to PROTECT, the People’s Right to Rule themselves.

It was authority of the individual States, to devise their own Laws, according to the People at Large of “such individual States”, to elect Servants in the same manner, for the same purpose.

Any State, devising Abortion Choices, is simply the People at Large of that State, Wanting that Option.
The circumstances, regarding an Abortion are far and wide.
The MORALITY of Abortions has been Twisted and Turned into a sickening Blaze’ matter, of a promoting a solution to promiscuity, Including teaching minor children it IS their option, and secretly arranging such procedures without the parents or guardians knowledge, requiring Health Professionals who take an oath to save lives, in some cases, to forcibly participant in a scheme they Spiritually disagree with.

...The Fact is, Moral choices STILL remain with the Individual, regardless of what a LAW, immoral on its Face, says a person CAN do.

I have a Larger disagreement, WITH TWO things.
1) Teachers, Babysitters, Etc, “anyone” in authority OVER a MINOR child teaching, directing, encouraging, secretly...immoral acts, in-depth inappropriate age discussions, beyond the scope, of WHAT the parent/guardian AGREED for their child to be taught.
2) Forcing any healthcare worker TO participate ... by any means in acts that worker finds immoral.

...I do not Carte Blanch’ favor abortions.
...A person has NEVER required a mans LAW, to decide, to dictate,
A persons OWN Choices of Morality or immorality.

The US Constitution was Designed FOR a MORAL People.
Not suspicious, OF the IGNORING, OF the Writing and Passing of Laws UNDERMINING,( under “color of law”) the US Constitution BY Unscrupulous ‘power sitters”.
And the SAD part, is is the people at Large for years Continued to keep those persons seated....and NOW cheating is so rampant and fine tuned with technology...abortions, drugs, weather changes, the endless nonsense of who thinks what, wears what, divorces who... “sold to the public 24-7 as news”....hangs low on the scale; when the people at large having ANY measure of liberty is in the crosshairs of Tyrants, and but a few recognize ALL the power-sitters are in on the scheme.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
You can try to force the world to live by Gods laws but it won’t work.
This is not about enforcing God's laws but man's laws. Murder has always been a heinous crime in every society, and the murder of babies is even more heinous. Murder generally called for the death penalty, and so it should be for abortionists.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
This is not about enforcing God's laws but man's laws. Murder has always been a heinous crime in every society, and the murder of babies is even more heinous. Murder generally called for the death penalty, and so it should be for abortionists.

Thou shalt not murder is not mans law. It’s Gods law…
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Thou shalt not murder is not mans law. It’s Gods law…
Even societies which do not have the Bible regard murder as a heinous crime. But this is more than murder.

Thursday LIVE: America Awakens to the Satanic Ritual Nature of Abortion as Leftists Openly Celebrate the Murder of Children as a Sacrament


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Even societies which do not have the Bible regard murder as a heinous crime. But this is more than murder.

14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You may disagree with me, but I'll defend your right to disagree with me. I think I'm a libertarian.
When Christ returns and rules, He will tell everyone what to do.
Until that happens, we must get along with each other. I'll run my life the way I see fit, and the next person is to do the same.
I can't force someone to believe what I believe, but, if I try, I can get along with them. If they do the same, we'll get somewhere.
Just a quick reminder . When paul went around
to the jewish synagogues and to the gentiles , Well praise GOD He didnt have that mindset or who would have heard , and who would have
believed .
Truth is we must point the peoples to Christ and if we are hated and persecuted for it , REJOICE IN THE LORD
and forgive those who do persecute you . But get CHRIST to the peoples .
Truman , you are loved my friend . But its of dire , dire , dire upmost improtance we point who we can to the LORD while we can .
Cause on the day of the LORD , ITS GONNA be too late .
Its true the way peter ,paul , james , the apostels evangelized did win souls , IT ALSO cause MASSIVE DIVISION .
THEY were not trying to find common ground , they were not trying to just have unity
they was winning souls and it comes with a price too . Truman i just wanted to encourage you with that .
WE must return to the original pattern set before us in that bible . Let us learn it well
may it be deeply engrained within our hearts and on our minds . IT is the only pattern that works .
We are being bombarded and have been bombarded with a false way for unity and just finding common ground .
THEY infiltrated our churches YEARS back and transformed them from within with best selling new age books
called christain , with men who feigned themselves as true and yet LED the churches right down HILL .
WE must make our last and final stand NOW my friend . Cause WHEN that door is shut , EITHER ONE IS INSIDE WITH CHRIST
or they wailing on the outside . And that DOOR wont open a SECOND TIME .
WE must win souls and we must build the church up with original sound doctrine and fast too my friend . Cause a delusion
is growing massive and its end will be perdition to all who believed a lie .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Agreed brother, death penalty for abortionists, they are the worst killers of all for they kill God’s innocent.
Its big time evil all right . And GOD will judge them on the last day .
This is why we must win souls to CHRIST now . For if they come to Christ and do repent they shall be saved .
That is our goal my friend . And we must also warn against that which is wicked and make sure none follow
those wicked examples .
There is something else i noticed . Their is a big time hardening of hearts going on right now .
I Seen murder and glazed wild eyes . This lady was provoking that crowd with murder and massive hate in her eyes .
I could hear it in her voice . THEY ARE DONE with folks like us my friend . ELIZABETH warren was raging big time
Saying WE ARE DONE WITH YOU EXTREMIST . I Tried to tell us times will get worse .
We gonna see persecution my friend . We gonna SEE IT RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA as well as the rest of the western world and the world .
ITS all headed to that final climatic hour . Lambs are growing in wisdom
but i notice those who are not lambs are growing only in reprobation and in great anger against those who wont conform .
ITS ON A HEAD ON COLLISON . THE beast SYSTEM IS RIPE , the Minds have and are being prepared to come against the true lambs .
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