Satans high ranking demons ?

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New Member
Apr 7, 2011
I was watching a James Bond movie last night and I got this feeling like there was something spiritual being pumped into me and it wasn't good.

It's been on my mind lately that satan must have some kind of ranking system as he can't be every where at once because he is not God. Here is a couple of interesting links about satans higher ranking servants.

Link #1 This site basically breaks down the the army of darkness into 7 separate principalities. An interesting concept to me was the idea of hexing popular music to maximize it's occultic effect on teens and young people. I think the writer of this article is on to something as you can just feel the negative energy sometimes when you listen to a non christian station.

Link # 2 This writer finishes up with an idea of a christian division that is focuses on vexing christian people in there daily lives.

I don't know if I fully believe this as I obviously don't engage in summoning or occultic activities. Maybe someone with some spiritual warfare experience could chime in. Wether these names and concepts are in anyway accurate and what we can do to wipe this army off the face of the planet.

May God bless protect and inspire you all as you read this, amen.


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Interesting topic. It's one of those ones where you do wonder just how much 'understanding the enemy' is necessary, and what is the line that divides this understanding from getting into something we should just avoid.

The bible doesn't really give us a great deal of information about either Satan or his demons. We know that they are evil, that they are liars that seek our death, that they will do anything and everything to oppose God. We are also told that Christ has completely defeated them, and through Jesus we don't need to fear them.

But as far as a possibly hierarchy, or us wiping them from the planet...I don't think it's something we can know, or do. Only Jesus' return in glory and judgement will see Satan and his minions cast into the lake of fire. Until that time I believe Satan will always be at work in the part he will always be given the chance through sinful people who deny God and His power. And for the intimate knowledge of Satan's ranks...I can't help but feel that anyone who delves deep enough to know this has gone far beyond the boundaries of what a Christian should.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Interesting topic. It's one of those ones where you do wonder just how much 'understanding the enemy' is necessary, and what is the line that divides this understanding from getting into something we should just avoid.

The bible doesn't really give us a great deal of information about either Satan or his demons. We know that they are evil, that they are liars that seek our death, that they will do anything and everything to oppose God. We are also told that Christ has completely defeated them, and through Jesus we don't need to fear them.

But as far as a possibly hierarchy, or us wiping them from the planet...I don't think it's something we can know, or do. Only Jesus' return in glory and judgement will see Satan and his minions cast into the lake of fire. Until that time I believe Satan will always be at work in the part he will always be given the chance through sinful people who deny God and His power. And for the intimate knowledge of Satan's ranks...I can't help but feel that anyone who delves deep enough to know this has gone far beyond the boundaries of what a Christian should.

I totally agree


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Read "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis. it is a very interesting insight as to how Lewis understood the enemy and the hierarchy of evil, which he called the "lowerarchy.."

The devil can't be everywhere though, so he does have a lot of servants, some supernatural and some human and probably some animal as well. At one time Wolves and Lions were thought to be demonic.

Remember the dreams I told you about? I'm sure they must count as spiritual warfare of a kind.


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Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
We know of New Testament and Old Testament stories that involve demons. The most obvious example being Legion. This is another one of those marks that I think really distinguishes Christianity from the rest in that the Bible doesn't spend a whole lot of time dwelling on Satan, his demons, or hell and it's hierarchy. Instead, the same terms are used and the only real description of Satan comes in Ezekiel 23 and Isaiah 14. Demons are almost never talked about and we are limited only to their actions.

I just always keep in mind this verse whenever there is that feeling that more is going on than meets the eye. A lot of people don't like to talk about this, and pop culture has called it things like postive energy and negative energy. We have this verse that applies to anything Satan can send our way, speaking of the devil:

Luke 10:19 NIV
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

I'll echo the sentiments that, frankly speaking, we deal with these things by ordering them out and not worrying about name, rank, and serial number. We know what happens to them, it's pretty much shouted in Revelation. They're done, but God handles that.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
This is why it's so important to be careful of our walk with Christ to keep the Faith, remain in prayer and in His Word.

If The Holy Spirit is with you, those under Satanic influence can feel it. The greatest influence Satan exhibits today is through popular media and education. Anyone look at the quality of recommended reading on the NY Times Bestseller lists? Last time I looked there was about 75% murder-horror type works. It's about the same at the video stores.


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Dec 31, 2010
United States
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.-1 John 4:4


New Member
Mar 21, 2010
The book of Enoch lists 5 major demons "who lead men astray"


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
The book of Enoch (Ethiopic version) is scary. There's two versions, the Ethiopic versiion is the authentic version (as much as can be verified that is). The other version is a Gnostic version.

The book of Enoch confirms that the giants were a hybrid race of men of great stature. Can't recall the guy online that has a program I think called 'From The Hip', but he did a line upon line reading and discussion of the Ethiopic version. As he went along, he showed how Enoch compares with other Scripture in The Bible, as there are many direct parallels.
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New Member
Apr 14, 2010
I often think that those fallen angels could be the ancient Gods and Godesses of say Greece, Egypt, Babylon etc and their children, the Nephilim could be people like Hercules, Perseus and Achiles. In Northern Europe this was a different story, with the Norse Gods like Odin, Thor and Tywr being long dead warriors who through the devil's influence had been deified over several centuries until whole mythologies grew up around them.

Alos, what about Lillith? Are there any Christians who believe in Lillith? If so would they consider lIllith to be subordinate to the devil or an evil entity in opposition to God in her own right? Lillith is worth consideration because she is mentioned in Isiah.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
^^^ Nervously eating popcorn

Kasadya - "he who revealed to the children of the people (the various) flagellations of all evil - (the flagellation) of the souls and the demons, the smashing of the embryo in the womb so that it may be curshed, the flagellation of the soul, snake bites, sunstrokes, the son of the serpent, whose name is Taba'ta"

This one here describes what I see on a regular basis, I used to think some of these people I meet have mental defficiences, they repeat things I say with a W at the beginning in a bizarre tone of voice. And they do not respond well to the Lords prayer I must of said for about four hours in a row in my head last Sunday. I felt like something was attacking me the second I stopped....


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I was watching a James Bond movie last night and I got this feeling like there was something spiritual being pumped into me and it wasn't good.

It's been on my mind lately that satan must have some kind of ranking system as he can't be every where at once because he is not God. Here is a couple of interesting links about satans higher ranking servants.

Link #1 This site basically breaks down the the army of darkness into 7 separate principalities. An interesting concept to me was the idea of hexing popular music to maximize it's occultic effect on teens and young people. I think the writer of this article is on to something as you can just feel the negative energy sometimes when you listen to a non christian station.

Link # 2 This writer finishes up with an idea of a christian division that is focuses on vexing christian people in there daily lives.

I don't know if I fully believe this as I obviously don't engage in summoning or occultic activities. Maybe someone with some spiritual warfare experience could chime in. Wether these names and concepts are in anyway accurate and what we can do to wipe this army off the face of the planet.

May God bless protect and inspire you all as you read this, amen.

I researched the author of the blog (link #1) you provided and her second favorite book is written by Herbert W. Armstrong. As you may know, he started the Worldwide Church of God. which spawned many different cults. His ideas fell outside of orthodox Christianity. All I am saying is that the author of the blog may not be the best source of information on theological issues.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
I was watching a James Bond movie last night and I got this feeling like there was something spiritual being pumped into me and it wasn't good.

It's been on my mind lately that satan must have some kind of ranking system as he can't be every where at once because he is not God. Here is a couple of interesting links about satans higher ranking servants.

Link #1 This site basically breaks down the the army of darkness into 7 separate principalities. An interesting concept to me was the idea of hexing popular music to maximize it's occultic effect on teens and young people. I think the writer of this article is on to something as you can just feel the negative energy sometimes when you listen to a non christian station.

Link # 2 This writer finishes up with an idea of a christian division that is focuses on vexing christian people in there daily lives.

I don't know if I fully believe this as I obviously don't engage in summoning or occultic activities. Maybe someone with some spiritual warfare experience could chime in. Wether these names and concepts are in anyway accurate and what we can do to wipe this army off the face of the planet.

May God bless protect and inspire you all as you read this, amen.

It's an interesting topic, and as Rach said, we aren't given too much information about their hierarchy, but we are given some. Have a look at Eph 6:12.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I'm not a huge fan of using Strong's to interpret the Bible (I think it's over-relied upon) but it can he helpful at times. The first--principalities-- is (in the Strong's greek) arche. The meaning of arche is "chief, corner, first, magistrate, etc.) He lists them as plural so it's not Satan himself. These however would be his "Captains" if you will.

next, we have powers. "Exousia"... The meaining is privilege, force, freedom, delegated influence. It seems to me that if something was delegated to them, they are clearly inferior on a hierarchy. They have freedom within their own influence.

Rulers of darkness of this world is broken down into several words, but rulers is Kosmocotoras (a ruler). darkness is "obsurity" and world is "world" but specifically of a particular time period. The spiritual wickness is "non carnal depravity" and high places is "sky".

Do with that what you will.... Thought it might be of interest to those following this thread. Interestingly and more importantly, the following verses tell us of certain weapons of warfare we have to fight them. Good reading!



New Member
Apr 7, 2011
I often think that those fallen angels could be the ancient Gods and Godesses of say Greece, Egypt, Babylon etc and their children, the Nephilim could be people like Hercules, Perseus and Achiles. In Northern Europe this was a different story, with the Norse Gods like Odin, Thor and Tywr being long dead warriors who through the devil's influence had been deified over several centuries until whole mythologies grew up around them.

Alos, what about Lillith? Are there any Christians who believe in Lillith? If so would they consider lIllith to be subordinate to the devil or an evil entity in opposition to God in her own right? Lillith is worth consideration because she is mentioned in Isiah.

Can you tell me more about this lilltith ? I was nearly seduced by woman the other day, today I tried to say Hi to her and she was talking to herself and did not respond to me.

I researched the author of the blog (link #1) you provided and her second favorite book is written by Herbert W. Armstrong. As you may know, he started the Worldwide Church of God. which spawned many different cults. His ideas fell outside of orthodox Christianity. All I am saying is that the author of the blog may not be the best source of information on theological issues.

The COG is pretty confusing to me ... but I have seen these ideas on other websites.

It's an interesting topic, and as Rach said, we aren't given too much information about their hierarchy, but we are given some. Have a look at Eph 6:12.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I'm not a huge fan of using Strong's to interpret the Bible (I think it's over-relied upon) but it can he helpful at times. The first--principalities-- is (in the Strong's greek) arche. The meaning of arche is "chief, corner, first, magistrate, etc.) He lists them as plural so it's not Satan himself. These however would be his "Captains" if you will.

next, we have powers. "Exousia"... The meaining is privilege, force, freedom, delegated influence. It seems to me that if something was delegated to them, they are clearly inferior on a hierarchy. They have freedom within their own influence.

Rulers of darkness of this world is broken down into several words, but rulers is Kosmocotoras (a ruler). darkness is "obsurity" and world is "world" but specifically of a particular time period. The spiritual wickness is "non carnal depravity" and high places is "sky".

Do with that what you will.... Thought it might be of interest to those following this thread. Interestingly and more importantly, the following verses tell us of certain weapons of warfare we have to fight them. Good reading!

Definitely will be reading more into Ephesians as of right now !


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Definitely will be reading more into Ephesians as of right now !

Hey Comm Arnold....if you really feel the need to know more, just based on the feeling you may be under attack, then the best book I've ever read on the topic of Spiritual warfare is this one:
"3 Crucial Questions about Spiritual Warfare" by Clinton E Arnold.
Information is important, but just make sure it's all info coming from God, and not 'inside info'! As a Christian you have power of these unseen don't freak too much! Just remember, you have the All Mighty God standing behind your back, giving those evil forces that know...'try it at your own peril'...that kind of look! You just have to remember that whenever you feel worried.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Hey Comm Arnold....if you really feel the need to know more, just based on the feeling you may be under attack, then the best book I've ever read on the topic of Spiritual warfare is this one:
"3 Crucial Questions about Spiritual Warfare" by Clinton E Arnold.
Information is important, but just make sure it's all info coming from God, and not 'inside info'! As a Christian you have power of these unseen don't freak too much! Just remember, you have the All Mighty God standing behind your back, giving those evil forces that know...'try it at your own peril'...that kind of look! You just have to remember that whenever you feel worried.

Thanks a lot Rach I appreciate the support just discussing it with you nice people has helped me counter attack in the face of these things and I do feel that victory is inevitable. I will definitely give that book a look. I saw a couple of other books at the christian book store today one called keeping the pigs out and one called something about surefire verses to defeat demons.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
I was reading up on Lillith a few years ago and i found that she was mentioned in Isaiah, thoug I'm not sure exactly where but I will have a look.

For now I'll give you some basic information about her.

First off she's a powerful symbol for new age feminism.

The name coems from Lillitu, a Babylonian night demon.

She appaers a lot in ancient and medieval Jewish writings, including the Kabalah and the book of Nod.

The ancient Jews and many Oerthodox Jews today believe that she steals children and causes men to have nochternal emissions which she then uses to bread demon children. You may have heard of these children, they are called succubi. A succubus is a female demon that seduces men. Hwere as an incubus is a male demon that tries to strangle people in their sleep. I may have been attacked by these, remember the dream I had about a hand around my throat and a grinning rotten face looking right at me?

She was also according to some Hebrew Legends,t he first wife of Adam and was thrown out of the guarden of Eden for trying to dominate Adam, which is why God created Eve. Legend say's that when her and Adam had a huge argument she uttered the sacred name of God and flew out of the guarden to a cave near the Red sea, where she met up with a fallen angel called Samael )who may or may not be satan) and there she learned black magic and became a vampire, though she could still appear beautiful to men as she did in the book of Nod when she seduced Jahared. With Samael she produced thousands of demon children a day.

Adam complained to God who sent three angels out to find Lillith and when they found her they demanded that she come back to Adam to which she refused and they told her that for every day she made Adam wait they would kill 3000 of her children and still she refused and told the angels that one day she would have her revenge on Adam and his offspring and that she would take human children when they were less than 8 days old unless they had then names of the three angels about them. Many Orthodox Jewish babies actually go to sleep with a medallian near them with those angel's names written on it in order to keep LIllith away. And as you can imagine she really hated Eve, so that when Adam and Eve fell from grace Lillith preyed heavily on them and their children and even seduced both Adama dn Cain.

In the Book of Nod, Cain and Lillith found their own civilisation and Lillith is a possible candidate for the mysterious Cain's wife/


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
"Lilith" is one of my favorite books by George MacDonald - C.S. Lewis called MacDonald his master because he provided the foundation for his Narnia series.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Lillith is mentioned in the Lion, the Whitch and the Wardrobe. The White Witch; Jadis was supposed to be decended from her.